The Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Preview Dataset

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The Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Preview Dataset

Brian Dolhansky, Russ Howes, Ben Pflaum, Nicole Baram, Cristian Canton Ferrer
AI Red Team, Facebook AI

Abstract A number of datasets featuring manipulated facial

arXiv:1910.08854v2 [cs.CV] 23 Oct 2019

footage have been recently published with the purpose of

In this paper, we introduce a preview of the Deep- training and evaluating facial manipulation detection and
fakes Detection Challenge (DFDC) dataset consisting of classification. These include the Celeb-DF [4], UADFV
5K videos featuring two facial modification algorithms. A [5], DeepFake-TIMIT [6], VTD dataset [7], FaceForensics
data collection campaign has been carried out where par- [8] and its successor FaceForensics++ [9]. Table 1 summa-
ticipating actors have entered into an agreement to the use rized the specs of the most relevant datasets in the deepfake
and manipulation of their likenesses in our creation of the space. The DFDC dataset aims to improve upon this work
dataset. Diversity in several axes (gender, skin-tone, age, via: data diversity, agreement from persons depicted in the
etc.) has been considered and actors recorded videos with dataset, size of dataset, and metrics, among others.
arbitrary backgrounds thus bringing visual variability. Fi- The Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) was an-
nally, a set of specific metrics to evaluate the performance nounced in September 2019 [10] as a joint effort between
have been defined and two existing models for detecting industry, academia, and civil society organizations to invig-
deepfakes have been tested to provide a reference perfor- orate the research related to the detection of facial manipu-
mance baseline. The DFDC dataset preview can be down- lation. An integral part of the challenge is a dataset consist-
loaded at: ing of a large quantity of videos containing human faces,
with accompanying labels describing whether they were generated using facial manipulation techniques. All videos
in the dataset are created by entering into agreements from
paid actors, and the dataset will be made freely available to
1. Introduction the community for the development, testing, and analysis of
techniques for detecting videos with manipulated faces. De-
Detection of manipulated visual content is a research velopers interested to participate in this challenge will have
focus of intense interest in academia and industry, and a to request access and agree with the terms of service of the
pressing topic of conversation in broader society. One type DFDC.
of manipulated visual content, high-quality videos contain- As part of the development process for the DFDC
ing facial manipulations (colloquially referred to as ’deep- dataset, we introduce in this paper a preview dataset con-
fakes’), has become particularly salient over the last two sisting of around 5000 videos (original and manipulated).
years. While there are benign and even humorous applica- We describe the properties of the starter dataset and share
tions of deepfake videos, when created with malicious in- relevant benchmark results using existing deepfake detec-
tent they have the potential to intimidate and harass indi- tion methods.
viduals [1], or propagate disinformation that can adversely
impact elections or financial systems [2, 3]. 2. Dataset Construction
The umbrella term ’deepfakes’ refers to a wide variety
of methods for face swapping and manipulation, including In order to gather the necessary footage to build the
methods that use state-of-the-art techniques from computer DFDC dataset, a data collection campaign has been devised
vision and deep learning, as well as other, simpler meth- where actors were crowdsourced ensuring a variability in
ods. The proliferation of ways to generate deepfakes has in gender, skin tone and age. Each participant submitted a
turn yielded research to accurately detect videos with facial set of videos where they answered a set of pre-specified
manipulations. Many of these detection models are based questions. The videos include varied lighting conditions
on modern machine learning techniques, and are improved and head poses, and participants were able to record their
with the use of large quantities of robust training data rep- videos with any background they desired, which yielded
resenting multiple generation methods. visually diverse backgrounds. One key differentiating fac-

Figure 1. Some example face swaps from the dataset.

tor from other existing datasets is that is that actors have the dataset); with the intention of representing the real ad-
agreed to participate in the creation of the dataset which versarial space of facial manipulation, no further details of
uses and modifies their likeness. The rough approxima- the employed methods are disclosed to the participants. A
tion of the general distribution of gender and race across number of state-of-the-art methods will be applied to gener-
this preview dataset is 74% female and 26% male; and 68% ate these videos, exploring the whole gamut of manipulation
Caucasian, 20% African-American, 9% east-Asian, and 3% techniques available to generate such tamperings.
south-Asian. As we continue our crowdsourced data cap- A number of face swaps were computed across subjects
ture campaign, we will keep working on improving the di- with similar appearances, where each appearance was in-
versity towards the publication of the final DFDC dataset. ferred from facial attributes (skin tone, facial hair, glasses,
No publicly available data or data from social media sites etc.). After a given pairwise model was trained on two iden-
was used to create this dataset. tities, we swapped each identity onto the other’s videos.
For this first version of the DFDC dataset, a small set of Hereafter, we refer to the identity in the base video as the
66 individuals where chosen from the pool of crowdsourced “target” identity, and the identity of the face swapped onto
actors, and split into a training and a testing set. This was the video as the “swapped” identity. In this preview DFDC
done to avoid cross-set face swaps. Two methods were se- dataset, all base and target videos are provided as part of the
lected to generate face swaps (noted as methods A and B in training corpus.

Dataset Total videos Source Participants Consent
Celeb-DF [4] 1 : 0.51 1203 YouTube N
FaceForensics [8] 1 : 1.00 2008 YouTube N
FaceForensics++ [9] 1 : 0.25 5000 YouTube N
DeepFakeDetection [11]
1 : 0.12 3363 Actors Y
(part of FaceForensics++)
DFDC Preview Dataset 1 : 0.28 5214 Actors Y

Table 1. Specs of the most relevant deepfake datasets in the literature.

The initial algorithm in the dataset used to produce this tory. Swapped video filenames contain two IDs - the first is
dataset (method A) does not produce sharp or believable the swapped ID, and the second is the target ID. The final
face swaps if the subject’s face is too close to the camera, so identifiers in the video refer to which target video the swap
selfie videos or other close-up recordings resulted in easy- was produced from, and the clip within the target video that
to-spot fakes. Therefore, we initially filtered all videos by was used. Finally, the dataset can be downloaded at:
their average face size ratio, which measures the ratio of
the maximum dimension of the face bounding boxes from
a sampled set of frames to the minimum dimension of the
video. All swaps were performed on videos where this mea- 3. Evaluation metrics
sure was less than 0.25; in order to enrich the original train-
ing set, we included all original videos of the identities in All relevant datasets addressing the task of Deepfake de-
this dataset where this measure was less than 0.3 (regard- tection (see Table 1) produce metrics that are strongly in-
less of whether or not the video appeared in a swap). We fluenced by the distribution of positive and negative exam-
additionally provide a second method (method B) that gen- ples present in the test set. As a result, it is difficult to
erally produces lower-quality swaps, but is similar to other quantitatively measure how any of the methods evaluated
off-the-shelf face swap algorithms. on those datasets would perform when facing the real pro-
duction traffic that any social media company would ingest.
After some rough filtering, for each original or swapped This is particularly relevant when evaluating the impact of
video, we removed the first five seconds of the video as sub- false positives (FP) and their associated actions hence the
jects were often seen setting up their cameras during this need to capture this effect into the evaluation metrics for
time. From the remaining length of the video, we extracted this competition.
multiple 15 second clips - generally three clips per video if Current prevalence of deepfakes (compared to unaltered
the length was over 50 seconds. All of the clips that com- videos) in organic traffic is much lower than that corre-
prised the training set were left at their original resolution sponding to the ratios for the datasets in Table 1. If we as-
and quality, so deriving appropriate augmentations of the sume that the ratio between deepfake and unaltered videos
training set is left as an exercise to the researcher. However, is 1 : x in organic traffic and 1 : y in a deepfakes dataset,
for each target video in the test set, we randomly selected it is likely that x  y. Although it is not practical to con-
two clips out of three and applied augmentations that ap- struct a dataset that mimics the statistics of organic traffic,
proximate actual degradations seen in real-life video distri- it is critical to define metrics that capture these differences.
butions. Specifically, these augmentations were (1) reduce We can define a weighted precision for a deepfakes dataset
the FPS of the video to 15; (2) reduce the resolution of the as a very rough approximation of the precision that would
video to 1/4 of its original size; and (3) reduce the overall be computed by evaluating on a dataset representative of or-
encoding quality. In this dataset, no video was subjected to ganic traffic. Assuming the ratios of unaltered to tampered
more than one augmentation. The third remaining test clip videos differ between a test dataset and organic traffic by a
did not undergo any augmentation. After adding these orig- factor of α = x/y, we define weighted precision wP and
inal video clips and their augmentations, we end up with (standard) recall R as
a total of 4,464 unique training clips and 780 unique test
clips. TP TP
wP = , R= , (1)
TP + αFP TP + FN
All information regarding the swapped and target iden-
tities for each video, along with the train or test set assign- where TP, FP, and FN signify true positives, false positives,
ment and any augmentations applied to a video are listed in and false negatives. Although a realistic value of the preva-
the file dataset.json, located in the dataset root direc- lence of deepfake videos may lead to a large x = 107

Method Precision Recall log-WP olds must be tuned in tandem - for good performance, a low
TamperNet 0.833 0.033 -3.044 per-frame threshold will probably result in a high frames-
XceptionNet (Face) 0.930 0.084 -2.140 per-video threshold, and vice-versa. To normalize for video
XceptionNet (Full) 0.784 0.268 -3.352 length, we only evaluated the frames-per-video threshold
over frames that contained a detectable face. During cross-
Table 2. Video-level test metrics when optimizing for log(wP). validation on the train set, we found the optimal frame- and
video-thresholds that maximized the log-WP over each fold,
Method R=0.1 R=0.5 R=0.9 while still maintaining the desired level of recall. We then
TamperNet -2.796 -3.864 -4.041 used these thresholds tuned on the training set to compute
XceptionNet (Face) -1.999 -3.012 -4.081 the metrics in Table 3.
XceptionNet (Full) -3.293 -3.835 -4.081
5. Closing remarks
Table 3. Video-level log(wP) for various recall values
This document introduces a preview of the DFDC
dataset that will be released later in the year with the inten-
(α = 4 · 107 ), because this preview dataset has few true tion to encourage researchers getting familiar with the data,
negatives, any false positives will lead to large variations in provide early results and compare those with the proposed
the wP metric, so we report wP values with α = 100 (note baselines.
that this constant is subject to change for the final dataset).
Since false positives are heavily weighted, wP is typically References
small, so we report log(wP) in our results; a value of 0 is the [1] L. Floridi, “Artificial intelligence, deepfakes and a future of
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also be considered, as it is important to detect as many items election: How the social media industry should
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three levels of recall: 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9. The weighted pre- tech-disinfo-and-2020-election 1
cision for each recall level can give a rough approximation [4] Y. Li, X. Yang, P. Sun, H. Qi, and S. Lyu, “Celeb-DF: A new
of the cost of labeling videos if one wished to detect half, dataset for deepfake forensics,” 2019. 1, 3
most, or nearly-all deepfakes in some real distribution of [5] S. L. Xin Yang, Yuezun Li, “Exposing deep fakes using in-
videos. consistent head poses.” 1
[6] S. M. Pavel Korshunov, “Deepfakes: a new threat to face
4. Baseline recognition? assessment and detection.” 1
[7] G. S. Omar Ismael Al-Sanjary, Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed,
To derive an initial baseline, we measured the perfor- “Development of a video tampering dataset for forensic
mance of three simple detection models. The first model investigation,” Forensic Science International Volume 266
was a frame-based model which we denote as TamperNet. 565:572, 2016. 1
TamperNet is a small DNN (6 convolutional layers plus a 1 [8] A. Rössler, D. Cozzolino, L. Verdoliva, C. Riess, J. Thies,
fully connected layer) trained to detect low-level image ma- and M. Nießner, “FaceForensics: A large-scale video dataset
nipulations, such as cut-and-pasted objects or the addition for forgery detection in human faces,” arXiv, 2018. 1, 3
of digital text to an image, and although it was not trained [9] ——, “FaceForensics++: Learning to detect manipulated fa-
only on deepfake images, it performs well in identifying cial images,” in ICCV, 2019. 1, 3, 4
digitally-altered images in general (including face swaps). [10] M. Schroepfer. (2019) Creating a data set and a challenge
The other two models are the XceptionNet face detection for deepfakes, Facebook AI blog. [Online]. Available: https:
and full-image models, trained on the FaceForensics data // 1
set [9], and evaluated as implemented in [12]. For these [11] N. Dufour and A. Gully. (2019) Contributing data
models, one frame was sampled per second of video. to Deepfake detection research, Google AI blog.
When using frame-based models for detection, there are [Online]. Available:
two thresholds to tune - the per-frame detection threshold contributing-data-to-deepfake-detection.html 3
and a threshold that specifies how many frames must ex- [12] (2019) FaceForensics ondyari/faceforensics GitHub. [On-
ceed the per-frame threshold in order to identify a video line]. Available:
as fake (or the frames-per-video threshold). These thresh- tree/master/classification 4

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