Errores Hitachi

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KEMS (S) Pte. Ltd.

- Hitachi H-Series PLC Error Code Page 1 of 4

Hitachi H-Series PLC Error Code

11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 2A | 31 | 33 | 34 | 41 | 43
44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 71 | 72 | 88

Error Error Contents CPU Explanation/Possible Cause Action Taken

Code Status
The system ROM data Check the hardware mounting error in
System ROM error 1
required by the management the CPU or on the basic base, and turn
11 (checked during power Stop
microcomputer cannot be the power supply on. If the error recurs,
read. (Sum check error) replace the problem hardware.
The system RAM data
System RAM error 1
required by the management
12 (checked during power Stop
microcomputer cannot be
read. (Sum check error)
An undefined operation code
was detected during
Microcomputer error execution of management
13 Stop
(always checked) microcomputer system
program. (Undefined
instruction detect error)
Change the setting pins of memory
Memory cassette type Error of memory cassette
cassette and turn the power supply on.
14 error (checked during Stop internal setup (RAM48H
If the error recurs, replace the memory
power on) only)
No response from the remote
System bus timeout Fix the modules and turn the power
(host station) module, link
15 error (checked during Stop supply on. If the error recurs, replace
module, or communication
bus access) the problem module or CPU module.
module such as COMM
System ROM error 2 Turn the power supply on again. If the
The sequencer system ROM
21 (checked during power Stop error recurs, replace the problem CPU
data cannot be read.
on) or memory cassette.
Sequencer error Sum check error of sequence
22 Stop
(always checked) processor (SP) system ROM
An instruction code that
Undefined instruction
23 Stop cannot be read by the CPU is
(always checked)
included in the program.
A request by the sequence
SP bus error (checked Check the CPU mounting and turn the
processor (SP) was not
24 during external I/O Stop power supply on. If the error recurs,
responded by an external
access) check the connection between modules.
PI/O module.
Memory cassette error The memory cassette is not Mount the memory cassette correctly
25 Stop
(always checked) mounted correctly. and turn the power supply on again.
High-speed calculation
Correct data cannot be read
memory error (checked Turn the power supply on again. If the
from or written into the high-
26 during power on, when Stop error recurs, replace the problem CPU
speed calculation memory of
set to RUN, or during or memory cassette.
H-2000 CPU.
Data memory error
Correct data cannot be read Turn the power supply on. If the error
(checked during power
27 Stop from or written into the data recurs, replace the problem CPU or
on or when All Clear
memory. memory cassette.
issued from peripheral)
No response by the PI/O Check the hardware mounting in the
PI/O bus error (checked
module (There is an error CPU and on the basic base, and turn
28 during external I/O Stop
between microprocessor and the power supply on again. If the error
PI/O.) recurs, replace the problem PI/O or
Sequencer bus timeout No response by PI/O CPU module.
29 Stop
error (always checked) module.
System RAM error 2
Read/write check error of SP
2A (checked during power Stop
system RAM data.
on) 16/12/2009
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- For ROM memory

User memory error The correct program is not
(checked during power stored in the user memory or - For ROM memoryStore the correct
on, when changed from the ROM is not mounted program in memory, or mount the
STOP to RUN, during correctly. (Sum error) ROM correctly and rerun the program.
31 Stop
RUN (RAM only), or - For RAM memory - For RAM memory
when parameter The user memory contents Store the valid program in memory and
changed or All Clear are unreliable or valid data rerun the program.
issued) cannot be written or read.
(Sum error).
User memory size error The user program size Check the user memory size and the
(checked when specified by the parameter is program size set from the peripheral
33 Stop
changed from STOP to greater than the actual user device. Correct the parameter and rerun
RUN) memory size. the program.
There is a syntax error in the
Syntax or assemble
user program (ladder). (The
error (checked when Check and correct the user program
34 Stop detailed error information is
changed from STOP to (ladder) and rerun it.
set in the WRF001 special
internal output.)
The I/O assignment
information set by the - Correct the parameter setup or mount
parameter does not match the the I/O module correctly, and rerun the
Stop actual I/O modules (except program.
I/O information inquiry
41 (Opera for remote I/O). (The - Review the IOC unit number setup,
error (always checked)
-tion) mismatching unit and slot check the module mounting and cable
numbers are set in the connection, and turn the power supply
WRF002 special internal on again.
(1) A mismatching was
detected during remote I/O
assignment check.
(2) A communication error
Reset the module by following the
has occurred between remote
information of error code (ERR LED)
host station and CPU.
Stop of the problem remote module, and
Remote error (always (3) Data transmission to the
43 (Opera rerun the program. (For the remote
checked) remote substation was
-tion) module error processing, see the
stopped due to a hardware or
Communication Function Module
communication error in the
remote host station. (The
error information is set in the
WRF080 to WRF0DF
special internal output.)
Cycle time over error The ordinary scan time has Calcularate the user program scan time,
(ordinary scan) exceeded the contention correct the program or change the
44 (Opera
(checked during check time that was set by contention check time, and rerun the
terminating processing) the parameter. program.
Cycle time over error The periodic scan time has
Stop Calcurate the execution time of
(periodic scan) exceeded the minimum time
45 (Opera periodic interrupt program, review and
(checked during of periodic level used in the
-tion) correct the program, and rerun it.
periodic processing) program.
Contention error
Stop An interrupt due to the same
(interrupt scan) Increase the time duration between
46 (Opera cause has occurred again
(checked during interrupt inputs and rerun the program.
-tion) during interrupt scan.
Excessive No. of I/O
assigned points The number of I/O points set
Correct the I/O assignment to reduce
(checked during power Stop by the parameter has
the parameter setup below the
47 on, when changed from (Opera exceeded the maximum
maximum number of I/O points of each
STOP to RUN, during -tion) number of points (4,096) of
CPU, and rerun the program.
RUN, or when the CPU.
parameter changed)
- Isolate the module having a blown
- A fuse blowed in an output
fuse by checking the special internal
module. (The error module
input, and replace the fuse.
unit or slot number is set in
Replace the error module.
I/O module error Opera- the special internal output 16/12/2009
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(always checked) tion WRF005.)

An error has occurred in the
advanced function module or
communication module.
I/O transmission error
(checked during
execution of TRNS, An error has occurred during
Opera- Turn on the advanced function module
52 RECV, QTRNS, or data transfer to or from the
tion again to recover the error.
QRECV advanced advanced function module.
function PI/O transfer
An interrupt has received
Compare the specified I/O assignment
Illegal PI/O interrupt Opera- from an unassigned slot for a
53 and actual I/O mounting, and correct
(checked during RUN) tion module having the interrupt
the assignment.
A hardware error has
occurred in the
Communication communication function Correct the error by checking the error
54 function module error module. (The error module code of the communication function
(always checked) slot number is set in the module.
WRF004 special internal
Transfer error of
An error has occurred during
data transfer to or from the
function module
communication function Correct the error by checking the error
(checked during Opera-
55 module. (The error module code of the communication function
peripheral command tion
slot number is set in the module.
issued via
WRF004 special internal
function module)
Check and correct the adovanced
Opera- Adovanced function module
56 System bus error function module program, or replace
tion error.
the module.
The communication function
Assignment over of
Opera- modules assigned by the Correct the assignment error of
57 communication
tion parameter has exceeded the communication function modules.
function modules
The assignment information
of communication function
Inquiry error of module set by the parameter
Change the parameter setup or mount
communication Opera- does not match the actual
58 the correct communication function
function module tion module. (The mismatching
(always checked) slot number is set in the
WRF003 special internal
Correct the error by checking the error
Link module error Opera- Link module hardware error code of the problem link module. (See
(always checked) tion or link parameter error the communication function module
manual for details.)
A parity error was detected (1) Check the connector cables.
during communication with (2) Change the data bit structure of the
a peripheral (or host host computer to meet the CPU
computer). specifications.
Port transfer (parity)
Opera- (1) The cables are connected
61 error (checked during
tion incorrectly.
(2) The host computer and
CPU do not match in their
data bit structure or baud
A framing error or overrun (1) Check the connector cables.
was detected during (2) Change the data bit structure or
communication with a baud rate of the host computer to meet
62 the CPU specifications.
peripheral (or host
Port transfer error computer).
(framing/overrun) Opera- (1) The cables are connected 16/12/2009
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(checked during tion incorrectly.

transfer) (2) The host computer and
CPU do not match in their
data bit structure or baud
A timeout has occurred (1) Check the connector cables.
during communication with (2) Check the protocol specifications
a peripheral (or host and correct the host computer
Port transfer error computer). protocols.
63 (timeout) (checked (1) The cables are connected
during transfer) incorrectly.
(2) The host computer and
CPU do not match in their
A protocol error has (1) Check the connector cables.
occurred during (2) Check the protocol specifications
communication with a and correct the host computer
Port transfer error peripheral (or host protocols.
(protocol error) Opera- computer).
(checked during tion (1) The cables are connected
transfer) incorrectly.
(2) The host computer and
CPU do not match in their
Correct data cannot be (1) Check the connector cables.
received during (2) Check the host computer BCC
communication with a calculation to meet the CPU
peripheral (or host specifications.
Port transfer error
Opera- computer).
65 (BCC error) (checked
tion (1) The cables are connected
during transfer)
(2) The host computer BCC
calculation does not match
the CPU specifications.
(1) The battery voltage of (1) Replace the battery.
memory cassette has (2) Plug the lead connectors.
Battery error (always Opera- dropped below the limit.
checked) tion (2) The battery lead
connectors are not plugged
(The CPU is kept in the Check the power supply.
Instantaneous power
Opera- RUN mode and does not
72 failure (always
tion stop and displays the history
of power failure.)
Microcomputer Turn the power supply on again.
88 Stop Watchdog timer error
contention error
Problem in power The CPU power voltage has Check the power supply.
supply dropped below the limit.

* If two or more errors occur simultaneously, an error code having the least number of the high-order digit
(except "00") is displayed. If an erroneous message (other than error code) is displayed or if no message is
displayed, check the cable connection between the CPU and basic unit.

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