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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 12



Let’s find out how much you already know about this module.

A. Multiple Choice: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. What feature of Microsoft® Word allows you to efficiently create documents that have the same general
content but may have different recipients or purpose?
a . mail merge
b . p r i n t m e rg e
c . s e nd me rge
d . v i e w m e rg e
2. Which of the following is not a component of the mail merge?
a . a dd re ss
b . file name
c. form document
d. data file
3. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?
a. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print
b. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print
c. Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview
d. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print
4. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?
a. file tab
b. mailings tab
c. references tab
d. home tab
5. What tells Microsoft° Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file to the main
a . d at a so urce
b . place holder
c. insertion line
d . insertion tag
6. What types of document cannot create using mail merge?
a. envelopes
b. letters
c. posters
d. labels
7. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?
a. preview resul ts
b . address block
c. i n s e rt m e rge fi el d
d . greeting line
8. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document?
a. address block
b . data file
c. contact list
d . directory

9. W h a t e s s e n t i a l c o m p o n e n t o f m a i l m e rg e i s re q u i re d f ro m u s e rs w he n
generating labels?
a. data file
b . place holder
c . fo rm do cume nt
d . merge field
1 0 . What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation?
a. .bmp
b . .jpg
d . .png
11. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in line with the text,
treating the image just like how a text is treated?
a . i n line wit h text
b . through
c. square
d . tight
12. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures?
a. .bmp
b. .jpg

AJ Echavez
Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 13

d . .tiff
13. Under what ribbon group does "Insert Smart Art" fall?
a. Apps
b . media
c. illustrations
d . pages
14. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft® Office application pops up to allow you to
enter and manage the parameters of your chart?
a. Access
b . Note
c. Excel
d . Word
15. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like organizational
charts and flow charts on your document?
a. Chart
b . screenshot
c . pictures
d . s mart art
B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before each number.
_____1. A program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to
analyze statistical data
a. Microsoft® Excel
b. Microsoft° Publisher
c . M i c ro s o f t ° Wo rd
d . M i c ro so f t ° O ne N o te
_____2. A number format that puts a dollar symbol before each value by default
a. Percent
b . comma
c . accounting
d . date/time
_____3. A function that adds a range of cells
a. ADD
b. S U M
c. P L U S
_____4. This is the tab in the Format Cells dialog box where you can change the orientation of a text.
a. Alignment
b . file
c . orientation
d . view
_____5. A function that gets the average of a range of cells
b. M E A N
c. SUM
_____6. Which among the following is not part of the syntax for AVERAGEIF
a. Average
b. range
c. logical test
d. c ri te ri a
______7. A function used to count the number of cells that contains something in them if the criteria are met
______8. A function used to add a certain range of cells if a condition is met
______9. The shortcut key for the Format Cells dialog box
a. Ctrl + F
b . Ctrl + 1
c. S h i f t + F
d . Alt + 1
_______10. A syntax in the AVERAGEIF function tha t includes the value or label that determines if the cell is
part of the range to be averaged
a. Range
b. Criteria
c. Average Range
C. L o g i c a l T e s t TRUE or FALSE: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F.
______1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
______2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 14

______3. Most of the contents of your report through your PowerPoint Presentation and not from the speaker
______4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
______5. To embed an object, go to the Insert tab and under the Text Group, click Object.
______6. There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file.
______7. Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart Art.
______8. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
______9. Use bullets to simplify your message.
______10. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the
audience's attention.

Mail Merge and Label Generation Mail Merge

One of the important reasons in using computers per se is its ability to do recurring tasks automatically. But this ability
has to be honed by learning the characteristics and features of the software you use with your computer. After all, no
matter how good or advance your computer and software may be, it can only be as good as the person using it.

In this particular part of our lesson, we will learn one of the most powerful and commonly used features of Microsoft® Word
called "Mail Merge." As the name suggests, this feature allows you to create documents and combine or merge them
with another document or data file. It is commonly used when sending out advertising materials to various recipients.

The simplest solution for the scenario above is to create a document and just copy and paste it several times then just replace the
details depending on whom you send it to. But what if you have hundreds or thousands of recipients? Would not that take too many
hours? What if you have a small database of information where you can automatically generate those letters?

Mail merging basically requires two components: the document that contains the message and the document or file
that generally contains the list of names and addresses, as in our scenario. When these two documents are combined (merged)
during mail merging, feed your printer with enough paper until all mailers are printed out. Each document includes the
individual names and addresses you need to send it to.

Let us assume this is the mailer that you would want to send:

July 28, 2020

<<Address Line 1>>
<<Address Line 2>>
<<Address Line3>>

Dear <<Title>>,

We would like to announce and invite you to avail of our 3rd quarter promo, for which you are qualified!
Being one of our loyal customers. we would like to thank you for trusting and carrying our product line
in your store.
Included in this promo kit are the mechanics of our promo and the catalog from where you can see and
choose from our exciting new products.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further inquiries regarding the details of the promo or
about any of the new products in our catalog. We look forward to doing more business with you.

Again: thank you very much and more power.

Your partner in merchandising.

Red Dragon. Inc.

Figure 1. Sample Form Document

Two Components of Mail Merge

1. Fo rm Doc umen t
Our sample letter above is what we call a form document—the first component of our mail merged
document. It is generally the document that contains the main body of the message we want to convey or send. The
main body of the message is the part of the form document that remains the same no matter whom you send it to from
among your list.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 15

Also included in the form document is what we call place holders, also referred to as data fields or merge fields. This
marks the position on your form document where individual data or information will be inserted. From our sample
document, the place holders are denoted or marked by the text with double-headed arrows (« ») on each side and
with a gray background. On a printed standard form, this will be the underlined spaces that you will see and use as
guide to where you need to write the information that you need to fill out. In its simplest form, a form document is
literally a "form" that you fill out with individual information. A common example of a form document is your regular tax form
or application form. Then there is also a form letter which is exactly like the one in our example above.

2. List or Data File

The second component of our mail merged document is the list or data file. This is where the individual
information or data that needs to be plugged in (merged) to the form document is placed and maintained. One of
the best things about the mail merge feature is that it allows data file to be created from within the Microsoft® Word
application itself, or it gets data from a file created in Microsoft® Excel or other data formats. In this way, fields that needed
to be filled up on the form document can easily be maintained without accidentally altering the form or main
document. You can easily add, remove, modify, or extract your data more efficiently by using other data management
applications like Excel or Access and import them in Word during the mail merge process.

Label Generation

Included in the mail merge feature on Microsoft® Word is the Label Generator. It just makes sense that after you print out your
form letters, you will need to send it to individual recipients in an envelope with the matching address printed directly on the
envelope or on a mailing label to stick on. By using virtually, the same process as a standard mail merge, Microsoft' Word will print
individual addresses to a standard form that it has already pre-formatted. Simply put, it creates a blank form document that
simulates either a blank label or envelope of pre-defined size and will use the data file that you selected to print the information,
typically individual addresses. So even in generating labels, the two essential components of creating a merged document are
present: the form document and the data file. Only in this case, you did not have to type or create the form document yourself
because it was already created and pre-formatted in Microsoft® Word. All you need to do is select the correct or appropriate size for the
label or envelope and select the data file that contains the addresses (data) to be printed. You can also preview your merged labels
before printing if you want to.

LC: uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques
LO: create a simple mail merge document using common productivity tool such as Microsoft word

4: Mail Merge and Label


Now that we have learned the components needed to accomplish a successful mail merge, let us put theory into practice. Let
us take a look at the steps to create a simple mail merge document.

Following our scenario, take the following steps to create and merge a simple covering letter to a list of names that you were tasked
to send the letters to. To prepare for this activity, let us build a list of at least ten names of people with their corresponding title, company
name, and address. You may use the following fields: title, name, company, address line 1, address line 2, and address line 3. Refer to the
table on the next page for the format of the list as an example. You may just write down your list on a piece of paper to make it handy
and available when you need it during the course of this activity. Exchanging names and addresses with your classmates could be a
good idea to build your list quickly.

Title Name Company Address Address Address

Sir Arnold Reyes ABC Inc. 23 Sierra St. Alabang Muntinlupa City
Madam Maria Santos XYZ Corp. 45 Oro Drive San Juan Metro Manila
… … … … … …

Steps in creating a simple mail merge:

1. Open Microsoft° Word and start a new blank document. You

can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N after Microsoft' Word has
been loaded or opened.

2. On the Mailings tab, from the Start

Mail Merge group, choose Start Mail Merge—►Letters.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 16

July 28, 2020

Dear ,

We would like to announce and invite you to avail of our 3rd quarter promo, for which you are qualified!
Being one of our loyal customers. we would like to thank you for trusting and carrying our product line
in your store.
Included in this promo kit are the mechanics of our promo and the catalog from where you can see and
choose from our exciting new products.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further inquiries regarding the details of the promo or
about any of the new products in our catalog. We look forward to doing more business with you.

Again: thank you very much and more power.

Your partner in merchandising.

Red Dragon. Inc.

Type the letter below. You will be typing in only the common parts of the letter. The text that does not change for each
copy you print.

3. Save your letter and name it "Sample Letter:'

4. Insert the fields you need in the letter (Name,
Company, Address Line 1, Address
Line 2, Address Line 3, and Title). You may want to make special markings on these fields as you are typing it. Most common
marking you can do is by typing it in capital letters or ALL CAPS so you can easily identify them later.

July 28, 2020



We would like to announce and invite you to avail of our 3rd quarter promo, for which you are qualified!
Being one of our loyal customers. we would like to thank you for trusting and carrying our product line
in your store.
Included in this promo kit are the mechanics of our promo and the catalog from where you can see and
choose from our exciting new products.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further inquiries regarding the details of the promo or
about any of the new products in our catalog. We look forward to doing more business with you.

Again: thank you very much and more power.

Your partner in merchandising.

Red Dragon. Inc.

5. Save the main document once more. You can use Ctrl+S to quickly do this step.
6. On the Mailings tab in the Start Mail Merge group, choose Select Recipients Type a New List.
7. Click the CustomizeColumns button on the dialog box
for the New Address List.

This will allow you to modify the fields in the

address list that Microsoft word has pre-

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 17

8. Select a field that you do not need then click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box appears.
9. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box. The dialog box closes, and the unnecessary field
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each field you do not need. After removing the excess fields, the next step is
to add the fields you need.
11. To add a field that you need in your document, click the Add button.
12. Type the field name on the prompt inside a small
Add Field dialog box and click the OK button.

13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each new field you need in your main document.
14. Click the OK button on the Customize Address List dialog box to confirm your changes.
15. The New Address List dialog box will appear again ready for you to type in your data.
16. Type the individual data from your list corresponding to Name, Company, Address Line 1, Address Line 2,
Address Line 3, and Title.
17. Press the Tab key each time to enter the next
18. To add a new record, press the Tab key after
inputting the last field. When you press the Tab key
on the last field in a record, a new record is
automatically created and added on the next line.
19. Repeat steps 16 through 18 until you enter all the
records you want.
Once you are done typing your data, click the
OK button on the Add New List dialog box to save your
data. A special Save Address List dialog box pops up,
allowing you to save the recipient list.

20. Type a name for the address list. Name it "Client List."
21. Click the Save button. You should be back on your main document
soon after.
22. Select a field placeholder (ALL CAPS) in the main document.
23. Click the Insert Merge Field command button.

24. Choose the proper field to insert into your text. For example, if you are replacing the text name in your
document with a name field, choose the Name Field from the Insert Merge Field menu. The field is
inserted into your document and replaces the ALL CAPS text.
25. Continue adding fields until the document is complete. Repeat steps 22 through 24 as necessary to
stick all fields into your document.
26. Save the main document.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 18

27. Choose Finish & Merge to edit, print, or send your merged
documents through email.

28. Or you may want to choose Preview Results to check your

work before you send it.

29. You should get a merged document close to this one:

July 28, 2020

Arnold Reyes
ABC Inc.
23 Sierra St.
Muntinlupa City

Dear Sir,

We would like to announce and invite you to avail of our 3rd quarter promo, for which you are qualified!
Being one of our loyal customers. we would like to thank you for trusting and carrying our product line
in your store.
Included in this promo kit are the mechanics of our promo and the catalog from where you can see and
choose from our exciting new products.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have further inquiries regarding the details of the promo or
about any of the new products in our catalog. We look forward to doing more business with you.

Again: thank you very much and more power.

Your partner in merchandising.

Red Dragon. Inc.

If you decide to print the document, the Merge to Printer dialog box appears, from which you can
choose records to print. Choose All to print your entire document. Alternatively, you can specify which records
to print. Click OK. The traditional Print dialog box appears. Click the OK button again to print your documents.

30. Save and close your document.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 19

Integrating Images and External Materials

Integrating or inserting pictures in your document is fun and it improves the impression of your document. A
common use of inserting a picture on a document is when you are creating your resume. Though seemingly simple
to do, your knowledge on the different kinds of materials that you can insert or integrate in a Word document and its
characteristics can help you create a more efficient, richer document not only in content but also in physical form. A
better understanding of the physical form of your document as well as the different materials you integrate in it would
allow you to be more efficient and versatile in using Microsoft® Word.

Let us consider the interesting aspects of inserting or integrating images and other external materials
which is categorized as an advanced feature.

Kinds of Materials

There are various kinds of materials Microsoft' Word is capable of integrating to make your documents richer, more impressive,
and more informative.

The screenshot above shows the kinds of materials that can be integrated or inserted in your Microsoft® Word document.
One can easily get excited and instead create a collage of what is generally called images and arts rather than an enriched text
document. One important thing to remember is that images and other materials are not to be inserted as images for design
purposes only, but they are used to enhance or improve the effectiveness of the message you want to convey. Let us describe
each of them.

1. Pictures. Generally, these are electronic or digital pictures or photographs you have saved in any local storage
device. There are three commonly used types of picture files. You can identify them by the extension on their file names.
a. .JPG. This is pronounced as "jay-peg," and is the short form for .jpeg or Joint Photographic Experts Group. Like all the rest
of the image file extensions, it identifies the kind of data compression process that it uses to make it more
compatible and portable through the Internet. This type of image file can support 16.7 million colors that is why
it is suitable for use when working with full color photographic images. Unfortunately, it does not support
transparency and therefore, images of this file type can be difficult to integrate in terms of blending with other
materials or elements in your document. But if you are looking for the best quality image to integrate with your
document, then this is the image file type for you. JPG does not work well on lettering, line drawings, or simple
graphics. .JPG images are relatively small in file size.
b. .GIF. This stands for Graphics Interchange Format. This type of image file is capable of displaying transparencies.
Therefore, it is good for blending with other materials or elements in your document. It is also capable of
displaying simple animation. Apparently, this may not be too useful on a printed document but if you are
sending documents electronically or through email, or even post documents into a website, then this could be
quite impressive. The downside is that it can only support up to 256 colors so it is good mostly on logos and
art decors with very limited, and generally solid colors. .GIF is much better for logos, drawings, small text, black
and white images, or low-resolution files.
c. .PNG. This is pronounced as "ping." It stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was built around the capabilities of
.GIF. Its development was basically for the purpose of transporting images on the Internet at faster rates. It is also
good with transparencies but unlike. GIFs, it does not support animation but it can display up to about 16
million colors, so image quality for this image file type is also remarkably improved. .PNG allows the control of the
transparency level or opacity of images.

2. Clip Art. This is generally a .GIF type; line art drawings or images used as generic representation for ideas and objects that you might
want to integrate in your document. Microsoft® Word has a library of clip arts that is built in or can be downloaded and used
freely. There are still other clip arts that you can either purchase or freely download and use that come from third-party

3. Shapes. These are printable objects or materials that you can integrate in your document to enhance its appearance or to allow
you to have some tools to use for composing and representing ideas or messages. If you are designing the layout for a poster
or other graphic material for advertising, you might find this useful.

4. Smart Art. Generally, these are predefined sets of different shapes grouped together to form ideas that are organizational
or structural in nature. If you want to graphically represent an organization, process, relationships, or flow for infographic
documents, then you will find this easy and handy to use.

5. Chart. Another type of material that you can integrate in your Word document that allows you to represent data
characteristics and trends. This is quite useful when you are preparing reports that correlate and present data in a graphical
manner. You can create charts that can be integrated in your document either directly in Microsoft' Word or imported from
external files like Microsoft® Excel.

6. Screenshot. Sometimes, creating reports or manuals for training or procedures will require the integration of a more realistic
image of what you are discussing on your report or manual. Nothing can get you a more realistic image than a screenshot.

AJ Echavez
Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 20

Microsoft' Word even provides a snipping tool for your screen shots so you can select and display only the part that you exactly
like to capture on your screen.

Image Placement

In practice, inserting an image or any other material in your document is quite easy especially if the material already exists in
your local storage device. It is just a matter of opening up the image file through the Microsoft' Word dialog box or wizard.
Sometimes, if the image you would like to insert is on a web page currently displayed on your screen, it could be copied and pasted.
The real challenge is where to put the image you inserted or where to move it. In this part of the lesson, we will study the different
characteristics of text wrapping options that you can use with the image you integrated in your document.

1. In Line with Text. This is the default setting for images that are inserted or integrated in your document. It treats your
image like a text font with the bottom side totally aligned with the text line. This setting is usually used when you need to
place your image at the beginning of a paragraph. When placed between texts in a paragraph or sentence, it distorts the
overall appearance and arrangement of the texts in the paragraph because it will take up the space it needs vertically,
pushing whole lines of texts upward as in the example below.


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Vestibulum bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum
elit, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis
omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Vestibulum bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum
elit, dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis
omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus
2. Square. This setting allows the image you inserted to be placed anywhere within the paragraph with the text going
around the image in a square pattern like a frame.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit,
dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac
nulla gravida, quis omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis
dui. Donec ut venenatis purus

3. Tight. This is almost the same as the Square setting, but here the text "hugs" or conforms to the general shape of the image.
This allows you to get a more creative effect on your document. This setting can mostly be achieved if you are using an image
that supports transparency like a .GIF or .PNG file.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit,
dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac
nulla gravida, quis omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis
dui. Figure 3. Wrap Text drop-down menu in Word 2010 showing the preset options
Donec ut
venenatis purus.
4. Through. This setting allows the text on your document to flow even tighter, taking the contours and shape of the image.
Again, this can be best used with a .GIF or .PNG type of image.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit,
dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis
lorem ac nulla gravida, quis omare metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque,
vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus.

5. Top and Bottom. This setting pushes the texts away vertically to the top and/or the bottom
of the image so that the image occupies a whole text line on its own as in the example.

AJ Echavez
Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 21

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit,
dignissim in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis omare

metus suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus.

6. Behind Text. This allows your image to be dragged and placed anywhere on your document but with all the texts
floating in front of it. It effectively makes your image look like a background.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit, dignissim
in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis omare metus
suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus.

7. In Front of Text. As it suggests, this setting allows your image to be placed right on top of the text as if your
image was dropped right on it. That means whatever part of the text you placed the image on, it will be
covered by the image. In our example below, notice the difference between using a .PNG file (on the left)
with a transparency effect, and a JPG file on the right.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum
bibendum condimentum tristique. Quisque feugiat laoreet lorem at pharetra. Sed ipsum elit, dignissim
in sodales in, feugiat sagittis ligula. Pellentesque mollis lorem ac nulla gravida, quis omare metus
suscipit. Ut quis egestas neque, vitae sagittis dui. Donec ut venenatis purus.

IFL: The Bible is a written word the very essential document we have to keep.

LC: uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques
LO: create an informative campaign letter using common productivity tool such as Microsoft word

5: Integrating Images and External

Scenario: You were tasked to create and send out an informative campaign letter to
the sponsors of an environmental advocacy foundation. The letter contains images
related to a solar campaign and charts that will show the progress of the movement.

In this activity, we will use the document below as our guide to the resulting
document ...ant to come up with.


Download the following file through the following link or URL; save them
on your desktop.

The file contains:

• Solar.jpg
• Signature.png
• SampleDoc.docx

Alternatively, you may want to create your own letter and insert a
clipart or a small image in it.

AJ Echavez
Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 22

The steps that we are going to perform focus mainly on inserting images to a Word document.

1. Open the Sample Letter.docx from your Desktop.

2. Place your insertion point or cursor to where you want the
image or picture to
appear. Just right at the very beginning of the first
paragraph will do.
3. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon or menu.
4. Click on Picture. Select Picture from File.

5. The Insert Picture dialog box will pop up almost similar to your
file explorer window. Navigate to your Desktop and click on
the Solar.jpg file.
6. Click the Insert button to insert a copy of the Solar.jpg
picture on your document. Your document should
look like this for now:

7. Right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text

sub-menu. On the fly out, click on the Square option. Remember that this setting will allow text to flow around
your image like a rectangular frame.
8. Resize and Drag your image to the desired location on the
document so that your document should look like the one

9. Repeat steps 2 through 6. Only this time, place the insertion point at the very
end of the document and insert the Signature.png image. This is actually the
digital signature of our fictional character, Juan Cruz. Your document should
now look like this:

10. Again, right-click on the image then click on the Wrap Text sub-menu. This time, on the fly out, click on the Behind Text
option. This should allow you to place the signature image arbitrarily along the printed name on the document, so it
would look exactly like a real signature. We chose this option because our signature image, in this example, does not have
transparent background. If it were, then setting it In Front of Text would be a better option.
11. Now we need to work on the chart. This will require us to work with the wizard to set up the parameters of our chart. On
your document, place your insertion point or cursor on the position where you want the chart to appear.
12. In the Insert tab, click on Chart. This will bring up the Insert Chart dialog box.

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13. On the right pane, inside the Insert Chart dialog box, scroll down
to the Pie row, and select Pie.

14. An Excel worksheet will pop up showing the default data that Microsoft® Word uses for the chart. For the sake of our
example, modify the data on the worksheet so that the heading "Sales" will read "Volume" and the labels 1st to 4th
QTR will read "Europe," "America," "Middle East," and "Asia," respectively.

15. Drag the chart's corner handle to suitable size.

16. Click on the chart's Text Wrap option and select Top and Bottom.
17. Drag the chart to the center of the page in between the second and
third paragraph of your document. The resulting document should now
look like our sample document on the right.
18. Save your document .

Creating an Effective Presentation

Designing your presentation is the fun part of creating a report for it gives you a chance to be creative. Placing
animations, transitions, and art could be on your mind right now. But whether or not these features would help is generally up
to you. Sometimes, these things could actually distract your audience rather than help you. Here are some quick tips in
creating an effective presentation.

1. Minimize. Keep slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience attentive.
Remember that the presentation is just a visual aid. Most information should still come from the reporter.

2. Clarity. Avoid being fancy by using a font style that is easy to read. Make sure that it is also big enough to be read by
the audience. Once you start making your presentation, consider how big the screen is during your report.

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Tip: A font size of 72 is about an inch (depends on the screen size). A one-inch letter is readable 10 feet away; a
two-inch letter is readable 20 feet away.

3. Simplicity. Use bullets or short sentences. Summarize the information on the screen to have your audience focus on
what the speaker is saying than on reading the slide. Limit the content to six lines and seven words per line. This is known
as the 6 x 7 rule.

4. Visuals. Use graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience. In addition, instead of
using a table of data, use charts and graphs.

5. Consistency. Make your design uniform. Avoid having different font styles and backgrounds.

6. Contrast. Use light font on dark background or vice versa. This is done so that it is easier to read. In most instances, it is
easier to read on screen if the background is dark. This is due to the brightness of the screen.

* Sample output for a serenade service.

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As you can see from the sample presentation, not all information is presented in the visual aid.

6: Bazaar Results Presentation

LC: uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques
LO: create a presentation using common productivity tool such as Microsoft PowerPoint
Now that you know the tips, it is now time to create the presentation for your bazaar result.
Use the guide below for this presentation. Remember that it is only a guide and it is up to you to make appropriate
changes. It is also wise to place the information in a Word file before placing it in the presentation.

1 Product/Service Name, Group Name, and Group Members

Initial Product/Service Information: What is your product or service? Include a photo if
Survey: What were the questions you asked in the sample before the bazaar took
Survey Results: Display the results of the survey and how it affects the product upon its
release (during the bazaar)
7 Bazaar Sale Result: Was your product or service profitable?

Improvements: If you were to release the product again, what would be the

Note: In submitting your output, you may bring flash drive or you can send the file via e-mail to [email protected] .

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Using Hyperlinks in Microsoft® PowerPoint

Using hyperlinks in your presentation is an easy way to navigate slides during your presentation. In your group's
case, it may be wise to insert action buttons for most slides or ace hyperlinks to your Excel file in case your audience asks
a specific question.

Ways to insert hyperlinks:

1. Select an object or highlight a text.

➢ Guitarist
➢ Singers
➢ Costumes for ambiance
2. Go to Insert > Hyperlinks (under links
category) or use the shortcut key Ctrl +

The Insert Hyperlink dialog box

would appear.

Link to options:

a. Existing File or Web Page - creates a hyperlink to website or a local file saved in
your hard drive. Just browse your file in the dialog box or type the web address.

b. Place in This Document - creates a hyperlink that allows you to jump to a specific
slide in your presentation

c. Create a New Document - creates a hyperlink that once clicked, creates a new
document on your specified location

d. E-mail Address - creates a hyperlink that opens Microsoft' Outlook that automatically
adds your specified recipient on a new email

3. When done, click OK to apply your hyperlink.

Embedding Objects in Microsoft' PowerPoint

Embedding objects is easy using Microsoft® PowerPoint. With this option,

you can insert an Excel file that would look like a table to a presentation.

Embedding an Excel File to your Slide presentation

1. Go to the Insert tab.

2. On the Text group, click on Object.
3. The Insert Object dialog box would appear:

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a. Creates New - creates a new file from scratch. You can select on a wide
variety of files listed.

b. Create from File - creates a file from an existing file saved on your hard
drive; simply browse the file to use it. Putting a check on the "link" option will
allow you to modify the Excel file inside your presentation.

4. Once you are done, click O K .

IFL: Emphasizing ideas as we relate ourselves to this we are the living word that are easily seen by people
just like PowerPoint presentation we only present highlights of the documents. In the same way the way we treat
other people is easily highlighted.

Spreadsheet Skills

Estimating the Product Cost using Microsoft® Excel

Let us assume that we are going to sell milk tea with the following information:

Product Information

Product Name/Brand: Starbuko Organic Milk Tea

Company/Group Name: Starbuko Foods Corporation

Product Description:

Starbuko Milk Tea is a special milk tea using organic ingredients especially made for Filipinos.

Ingredients/Materials: tea, water, condensed milk, ice, special sweetener Estimated Sale Price: 25 PHP per cup

We will use Microsoft' Excel to find out if our estimated sale price is reasonable considering the actual price of the

1. Copy the information below:

Note: Values with PHP or Philippine peso sign use the Accounting Number format. Its default uses the dollar symbol
($). To change this, click the drop-down arrow at the currency button then select More Accounting Formats, then
change the symbol to PHP.

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Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 28

2. Use the SUM formula to get the

summation of the values from C4
to C7. The SUM formula is =SUM
(C4:C7). Type this on cell C8 as shown

3. Check if our estimated price will earn us profit. Type the additional information shown below then apply the
arithmetic formula for subtraction:

4. The result is PHP2.20. Our estimated price is not profitable.

Let us make an adjustment. Include the information below and
deduct the Total from the New Sale Price:

5. The result is PHP7.80. This is definitely profitable at this price. However, this does not guarantee our product's success.
6. Save your file as L4 Cost of Ingredients.xlsx.

IFL: Excel-is like the word of God if you are looking for complete and accurate truth you just turn to his words.

LC: uses common productivity tools effectively by maximizing advanced application techniques
LO: calculate automatically using common productivity tool such as Microsoft Excel

7: Calculate Monthly Bills

1 Monthly Bill

Cable TV $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00
5 High Speed Internet $3,450.00 $3,450.00 $3,500.00
6 Mobile phone $4,000.00 $0.00 $2,400.00
7 Credit Card $12,000.00 $25,000.00 $25,000.00
8 Rent $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00
9 Car Insurance $45,000.00 $20,000.00 $30,000.00

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Use the spreadsheet table above to answer the following questions:

a) Write the formula to calculate the total amount of money paid for the month of January?

b) Write a formula to determine the total payment made on Car Insurance.


c) What is the most effective way to determine the total for February and March?

d) Write the function to determine:

• the highest total payment over the three-month period.
• the highest bill for the month of March.
• the lowest bill for February the total payment made on high speed Internet

8: Triple Venn Diagram

Using Triple Venn Diagram, compare Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel. Write down their similarities and
differences in the space. You may use the diagram below for your guide.

*Similarities of
Word and

Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint

*Similarities of
*Similarities of Word,
and Excel
and Excel *Similarities of
Microsoft Excel Excel and

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A. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer of each item.
1. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments
a. assistive
b. Social
c. bookmark
d. hashtagging
2. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network
a. 2G
b. 3G
c. 4G
d. 5G
3. According to this magazine, two Philippines cities are part of the top in their research about “the safest cities
around the world.”
a. People
b. Time
c. Reader’s Digest
d. Candy
4. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as ___.
a. bookmarking sites
b. microblogging
c. Media Sharing
d. Blogs and forums
5. This is the operating system for blackberry phones.
a. Blackberry OS
b. Windows Mobile
c. Symbian
d. iOS

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6. It provides a common framework to allows data to be shared and reused across platform, enterprise, and
community boundaries.
a. W3C
b. Semantic Web
c. Web 1.0
d. Web 2.0
7. A feature of a dynamic website that allows users to put their own content.
a. rich user experience
b. long tail
c. user participation
d. mass participation
8. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information through tagging.
a. Hashtags
b. folksonomy
c. taxonomy
d. rich user experience
9. A web pages that allows interaction from the user.
a. static
b. dynamic
c. social
d. comment
10. Tim Berners- Lee created the World Wide Web.
a. True
b. False

B. True or False: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F on the blank before each item.
________1. Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web. media sites than in any other type of site.
________2. People Magazine conducted the research ________7. Blogging sites are sites that focus on short
on "The Selfiest Cities in the updates from the user.
World." ________8. Android is a mobile operating system for Apple
________3. Web 2.0 introduced static web pages that devices.
allow users to interact with the ________9. Assistive media is a nonprofit service designed
web page. to help people who have
________4. Folksonomy allows users to categorize and visual and reading impairments.
locate information. ________10. Information and Communication
________5. Technological convergence is the synergy of Technology (ICT) deals with the use
technological advancements of different communications technology to locate, save,
to work on a similar goal or task. send, and edit information.
________6. According to Nielsen, users who use the Internet
spend more time in social

C. Write SO if the social media website is a social network, BS for bookmarking site, SN for social news, MS for media sharing, MI
for microblogging, and BF for blogs and forums.

________1. Facebook ________6. Google+

________2. Plurk ________7. Instagram
________3. Twitter ________8. Pinterest
________4. Tumblr ________9. Blogger
________5. reddit ________10. StumbleUpon

D. Matching Type: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before each number.
_____ 1. virus a. designed to send you advertisements
_____ 2. rogue b. sends an official-looking email and is designed to steal
sensitive personal information
_____ 3. keylogger c. a provision that allows you to use copyrighted work
without consent with certain limitations
_____ 4. adware d. a browser feature that is synonymous to "private"
_____ 5. spam e. replicates and can transfer from one computer to
_____ 6. phishing f. exploits the DNS system
_____ 7. fair use g. states that anyone who uses your work without your
consent is punishable by law
_____ 8. spyware h. runs in the background and monitors what you are
_____ 9. private i. unwanted email mostly from bots
_____ 10. malware j. disguised as a useful program but is not

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_____ 11. incognito k. the information superhighway

_____ 12. internet lI.. Allows users to classify information using freely chosen keywords
_____ 13. Trojan m. a malicious software
_____ 14. Folksonomy n. an option to hide a post so that search engines could not scan it
_____ 15. pharming o. used to record the keystrokes done by the user


A.Multiple Choice: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer of each number.
1. A program designed to create 6. Which among the following is not part of
spreadsheets which can later be used to the syntax for AVERAGEIF?
analyze statistical data a. average range
a . M i c ro s o f t ' Exc e l b. logical test
b . Microsoft' Publisher c . rang e
c . Mic rosoft' Word d . criteria
d . Microsoft' OneNote 7. A function used to count the number of
2. A number format that puts a dollar cells that contains something in them if
symbol before each value by default the criteria are met.
a. percent a. COUNT
b. comma b . COUNTING
c. a c c o u n t i n g c . C OUN TNO W
d. date/time d . COUNTIF
3. A function that adds a range of cells 8. A function used to add a certain range
a. ADD of cells if a condition is met.
b. SUM a. SUMI F
c . PLUS b . TOTA LI F
d . TO TA L c. A D D I F
4. This is the tab in the Format Cells dialog d. PLUSIF
box where you can change the 9. The shortcut key for the Format Cells
orientation of a text. dialog box
a . Alig nment a. Ctrl + F
b . file b. Ctrl + 1
c . o rien ta tio n c. Shift + F
d . view d. Alt + 1
5. A function that gets the average of a 10. A syntax in the AVERAGEIF function that
range of cells includes the value or label that determines
a. AVERAGE if the cell is part of the range to be
b. MEAN averaged
c. SUM a. r a n g e
d. M EDI A N b . average range
c. c ri t e ri a
d. logical test

B. Multiple Choice: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false before each number.

1. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
2. PowerPoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.
3. Most of the contents of your report must be presented through your PowerPoint Presentation and not
from the speaker himself/herself.
4. To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
5. To embed an object, go to the Insert tab and under the Text group, click Object.
6. There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file.
7. Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart Art.
8. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
9. Use bullets to simplify your message.
10. Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the
audience's attention.
Summative Assessment
Written Work 25%
Performance Task 45%
Quarterly Assesment 30%

AJ Echavez
Learning Module • Empowerment Technologies • Lesson 2 75

Copy protected with AJ Echavez

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