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In in literature the agency means the capacity or the freedom a person has to

live or act in a world, to perform any action as an independent human being

against the imperial power.

We can simply take examples of novels or stories in which the characters can

have their own choices and decisions to live and act accordingly. It is also

referred to as their ability to control their lives and have their own choices. This

term has also become an issue as a result of post structuralist theory of



This term was first derived in psychoanalysis in literature. basically the meaning

of this term is to want something and to oppose the wanting of that thing. It is

also known as the attraction and repulsion of a thing for a person or object at the

same time.

In postcolonial literature, ambivalence is a way in which both colonizer and

colonized regarded one another as the best and at the same time opposite, the

corrupt one.

Bhabha says that this ambivalence is the duality in the culture of colonizer and

colonized. It represents the split in their identity.

The anti colonialism in 20th century is the event in which the colonized

countries struggled to get freedom from the colonizers. This was the time when

most colonized countries opposed the movement of colonialism.

Anti-colonialism took many forms in the world such as South Asian anti

colonialism movement started in the years from 1922 1947 in which India and

Pakistan gain independence The other forms of anti colonialism our nationalist

anti colonialism and revolutionary anti-colonialism.


Appropriation actually means in

terms of literature is to borrow a story

and all characters from existing work

and put them into another setting with

different circumstances. It is not to be

confused with clay juries in which is

the act of stealing or copying someone

else's work and claiming it to be your

own. Appropriation is more often than not

an adaptation or retelling of an already

well-known story like myths and classics.

Furthermore appropriation is often aware

of the work it is based on and

acknowledges this by simply stating it

in dialogue or by making it clear in

terms of events. Some

examples of this phenomena includes

the movie Clueless from 1995.


Colonialism is defined as controlled by one power over dependent area or

people. It occurs. When one nation subjugates, another conquering its

population and exploiting it often while forcing its own Language and Cultural

values upon its people.

Also such control is often done by establishing colonies and generally with the

aim of economic dominance.

In Antiquity colonialism, was practiced by Empires. Such as ancient Greece,

ancient Rome, ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. These civilizations all extended

their borders into surrounding and non contiguous areas from about 1550 BC,

onward and establish colonies that Drew on the physical and population

resources of the people. They conquered in order to increase their own power.

Modern colonialism is strongly associated with the European Colonial period

starting with the 15th century when some European States established

colonizing Empires.
Some Scholars refer to this point in history as the beginning of the age of

capital, all the capital essene, which is an Epoch that encompasses the profit-

driven era that has led to climate change and Global land change.

At first European colonizing countries. Followed policies of mercantilism

aiming to strengthen, the Home Country economy. So agreements, usually

restricted the colony to trading only with the Metropole or the mother country

by the mid-19th century. However, the British Empire gave up mercantilism

and trade restrictions and adopted the principle. Free trade with few restrictions

or tariffs.

It is interesting to note that Christian missionaries were active in practically all

of the European controlled colonies because the Metropole were Christian.

Historian Philipp calculated that by 1800 before. The Industrial Revolution

Europeans already controlled at least 35% of the globe. And by 1914. They had

gained control of 84 percent of the globe.

Colonial Powers, Justified the conquests by asserting that they had a legal and

religious obligation to take over the land and culture of indigenous peoples.


A comprador is a person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged

in investment, trained or economic or political exploitation. A comprador is a

native manager of European business houses in East and Southeast, Asia. And
by extension social groups are play. Broadly similar roles in other parts of the


The term comprador, a Portuguese word. That means buyer. Compradors held

important positions and Southern China buying and selling tea, silk cotton and

yard for foreign corporation.

Contrapuntal Reading:

Contrapuntal reading is a very important and significant role methodology of

studying texts, especially from the post-colonial point of view.

According to Edward Said, in Culture and Imperialism (1933), contrapuntal

reading is a way of analyzing post-colonial and Colonial literature in which it

reads the narratives of the colonized, and the colonizer.Contrapuntal

interpreting is the understanding of different perspectives at the same time and

seeing that how the text interacts with itself, as well as with the biographical

context, or the historical context.

Contact Zone:

Contact zones: ―social spaces where cultures meet, clash and grapple with

each other, often in the contexts of highly

asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery, or their

aftermaths as they are lived out in many parts

of the world today‖ and where those involved in the educational experience may

―reconsider the models of

community that many of us rely on in teaching and theorizing and that are under

challenge today‖ (Pratt 2002, p.4)

The word Contact Zone is widely used in cultural studies, literature and

postcolonial studies.This is a general term which is used for the white Travelers

who have travelled to other countries and areas and encountered their own

racial, ethnic , and cultural other ones.


Imperialism and postcolonial studies, is a theory that says that group or a person

is inherently Superior to others. And hence, they have the inherently right to say

and deliver their own civilizations message to other nations which they believe

are inferior to them and they consider them as primitive cultures.

This time imperialism came from the Roman government systems. This time

imperialism came from the Roman Imperial government systems in 19th and

20th century.

Neo- Colonialism:

Neocolonialism is to control the least developed countries by developed

countries. This term was first used after the second World War to show the

control of former countries on other foreign countries.This term was originally

applied for the Europeans who tried to control the dependency like Africa to

maintain their control and schemes over there.Critics argue that neocolonialism,

is something that is operated by the Investments of foreign countries to run te

underdeveloped countries. It also serves as the cheap way to have labours and ra



In simple words, globalization means the Spreading of a business, culture or any

technology an international on level. When the boundaries of muntries and

continents matter no more, and the whole world becomes one global village in

itself. Globalization is an effort to reduce the geographical and political barriers

ioning of any for the smooth funct business.

The four main aspects are of globali zation are - Capital and Investment

movements Trade and Transactions, Education and spread of knowledge, along

with Migration and unrestricted movement of people. In simpler terms,

globalization visualizes that one goods from communicate can purchase and sell

any part of the world, and interact with anyone, and anywhere in the world and

also enables cultural exchange among the global population. It is operational at

three part levels amely, economic globalization, cultural globalization and

political globalization. The impact of globalization has both advantages and

disadvantages world wide.


"initially a term referring to the dominance of one state within a confederation,

is now generally understood to mean domination by consent... It is the power of

the ruling class to convince other classes that their interests are the interests of

all" (Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin 106).

A form of control exercised by a dominant class, i.e., by a group controlling the

means of production.

The success of dominant classes in presenting their definition of reality, their

view of the world, in such a way that it's accepted by other classes as 'common


A set of ideas by means of which dominant groups strive to secure the consent

of subordinate groups to their leadership.

Domination is not imposed from above, but is won through subordinate groups'

spontaneous consent to the cultural domination they believe will serve their

interests best.

Therefore, hegemony= force + consent.

According to Gramsci:

Force is practiced on enemies; While hegemony is practiced on friends/allies.

Hybridity often is a mixture of the colonized experience and the colonial

influence (ex., education). It can refer to ethnicity, language, and culture.

It creates a liminal space between overlapping cultures, the ambivalent third

space of "cutting edge of translation and negotiation" (Bhabha).

It is simply used as cross-cultural exchange. Hybridity became the part of a

colonialist racism.


Mimicry is a most commonly used word and postcolonial studies. This word is

used to show that the colonized countries for example, Africa and India imitate

or mimic the language , culture, dress and morals of their colonizers. In the

colonialism, it is seen as an opportunity to get better by imitating. The ones who

are butter and in more power than you. Mimicry is also sometimes referred to a

shameful act, as if a brown or black person does it, he will be the victim of the

insult and critic of the group members.

Mimicry, is also sometimes referred to as the been to as if a person from

Africa or India goes to the west and then when he comes back, he would be

imitating the Western.


It is the outlook and studies as responses to colonial subjugation of European or

Western to Third and Fourth-world that emerged in 70's.

However, it's not only talking about Western colonial subjugation but also

various reality of injustice, culture and gender domination, sexual orientation

issues, social class, subaltern people experiences, etc.

Thus in literature, it is an interaction and reaction in colonial societies and the

effects of colonial practices on literary productions.


In terms of postcolonialism or postcolonial theory, the words savage and

civilized are related to colonized and colonizers respectively. The words

"savage" and "civilized" are culturally loaded terms that have no purchase in

contemporary academic discourse. They're seen as stark examples of an

outmoded, colonialist mindset that once divided the world up into civilized

races (i.e., white Europeans) and savages (i.e., everyone else).

Savage means uncivilized, undeveloped and uncultured people that are living

under the influence of colonizers who are civilized, developed and cultured.


Transcultural means relating to or involving more than one culture; cross-

cultural. In terms of postcolonialism it means two cultures I.e western and

colinized one. Edward Said gives these the names Occidental and Oriental in his

book ‘Orientalism’.
Cultural groupings, Bhabha argues, are not just ‘there’. Whenever groups

invoke a common culture, it is always a strategic performance of ethnic or

cultural identity, rooted in a specific situation, aimed at specific ends. Drawing

on poststructuralist theories of language, text, and signification, Bhabha reads

these performances as texts, texts that are subject to the same aporia that

deconstruction diagnoses in every text – its signifiers are slippery, its binary

differentiations collapse at close scrutiny.

Settler colony:

Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through

the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that,

over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states

include Canada, the United States, Australia and South Africa.

 Settler colonies (in the nineteenth century, primarily Canada, Australia,

New Zealand, and South Africa) were distinct from colonies of occupation and

plantation colonies in that large numbers of British men, women, and children

emigrated to them with the intent to remain permanently.


n postmodernist theory, subjectivity means to take the perspective of the

individual self, rather than some neutral, objective, perspective, from outside the
self's experience. Feminist theory takes note that in much of the writing about

history, philosophy and psychology, the male experience is usually the focus.

Colonial Discourse:
 Colonial discourse is generally defined as discourse or communication

that revolves around the phenomenon of colonialism. Some experts define it as

a specific sort of statement or set of communications that is based on colonial

relationships. Generally, colonial discourses reveal aspects of these

relationships between a colonial or imperial power, and those included in the

communities that it colonizes.

Colonial discourse has been defined by many writers such as Diniz (1996:126) who

points out hat “Colonial discourse usually refers to the writing which runs from five

hundred years, through the days of European mercantile expansion, to our own time


This definition suggests that the era of Colonialism in literature began in the 17th C.

with the publication of Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1611-12). In this paper, however,

the term is used to refer to the literature written in English, but confined to the

century of British Colonialism and the decades of anti- or post colonial activity which


Said’s Orientalism (1978) uses the concept of colonial discourse to re-order the study

of colonialism. So it can be said to inaugurate a new kind of study of colonialism.

Said’s Orientalism examines how the East, including the Middle East, is represented in

the history and the literature written by the West. The West always looks at the East

as inferior people without religion or morals.

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