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Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,

Whatsapp - 9677736267
Physics of atmosphere 18. Aircraft performance’s vital component
a. Density
1. The layer of atmosphere where temperature gradually falls b. Pressure
c. Velocity
a. Troposphere
19. As altitude increase then
b. Stratosphere
a. TAS decrease than IAS
c. Tropopause b. TAS greater than IAS
2. The lapse rate in the stratosphere region c. Both are same
a. 6.5 k/feet 20. IAS includes
b. 0 k/feet a. Pressure only
c. 5 k/feet b. Temperature and density
3. The amount of air in the atmosphere apply --------- at the top surface c. Pressure, temperature and density
a. Force 21. The portion of the atmosphere below the height at which the change
b. Weight occurs
c. Pressure a. Troposphere
4. Which of the following flight operation is not depends on density? b. Stratosphere
a. Rocket c. Mesosphere
b. Parachute 22. Viscosity coefficient
a. Varies with density
c. Kite
b. Varies with friction
5. Density of air at sea level
c. Varies with wind gradient
a. ..... 1.035 kg/m3 23. The rate at which the pressure decreases is much _ _ near the
b. ..... 1.225 kg/m3 earth’s surface than at altitude.
c. ...... 1.205 kg/m3 a. Smaller
6. Density is defined as b. Greater
a. Weight/volume c. Constant
b. Mass/volume 24. For normal temperature
c. None of the above a. Humid air is denser than dry air
7. Temperature at sea level is b. Dry air is denser than humid air
a. 288K c. Both are equal
b. 273K 25. When some pressure is acted on any surface then what actually acting
c. 173K a. Pressure
8. The portion of atmosphere below which layer changes in temperature takes b. Force
place c. Inertia
a. Troposphere 26. In atmosphere a mixture of gases nitrogen and oxygen in the proportion of
b. Stratosphere approximately
c. tropopause a. Four - fifth nitrogen to one - fifth oxygen
9. Coefficient of viscosity is defined as b. One - fifth nitrogen to four - fifth oxygen
a. Ratio of velocity to drag c. Both are equal
b. Ratio of viscous stress to velocity gradient 27. Due to viscosity and wind velocity gradually _________ from the ground
c. Ratio of viscosity to the friction upwards
10. The temperature variation near earth surface a. Decreases
a. Smaller b. Increases
b. Greater c. Constant
c. No change 28. Pressure measuring instrument
11. Viscosity coefficient a. Barometer
a. decreases with altitude b. Ammeter
b. (a)+ constant in tropopause c. Hygrometer
c. (b)+ increases in stratosphere 29. Dynamic pressure is the
d. (a)+ constant in stratosphere a. Pressure of the surrounding medium such as fluid or a gas which comes
12. What are the flow properties considered in ISA into contact with the object
a. Temperature, pressure b. Pressure as the result of the velocity through a fluid or gas
b. Temperature, Pressure, Density c. Pressure of the atmosphere at the altitude at which aircraft is flying
c. Temperature, Density 30. The mass of a cubic meter of air at ground level is roughly
13. ISA sea level temperature is a. 1.32 kg
a. 150C b. 450C c. 180C b. 1.67 kg
14. The property of air which makes all flight possible c. 1.225 kg
a. Viscosity 31. Lapse rate at 1000M is
b. Pressure a. 1.98 degree C
c. Density b. -5.6 degree C
15. Below which layer temperature decrease rapidly c. -6.5 degree C
a. Troposphere 32. Lapse rate at 1000ft is
b. Stratosphere a. 1.98 degree C
c. tropopause b. -5.6 degree C
16. Mean sea level pressure c. -6.5 degree C
a. 1013.3 mb 33. According to ISA at sea level temperature ,pressure & Density
b...... 101.325 KN/m2 a. 2370C, 1.1013mbar, 1.225kg/m2
c. Both a and b b. 2370C, 101.3N/m2, 1.225kg/m2
17. What is the purpose of making ISA c. 2370C, 1.013x105 N/m2 , 1.225kg/m3
a. For identification 34. Fluid can be defined as
b. For making standardization for measurement a. Does not get affected by shear force
c. None of the above b. remain stable by the application of shear load
c. Will expand until it fills the container
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
35. In static fluid 13. If aspect ratio is higher than induced drag is
a. Normal stress will act a. More than 40%
b. Pressure is zero b. More than 75%
c. Viscosity is nil c. Infinite
36. The characteristics of dry air at constant temperature & pressure 14. If induced drag is reduced
a. Greater density than humid air a. Span must be remains same
b. Less density than humid air b. Span must be reduced
c. Same as humid air c. Aspect ratio must be higher
37. Ideal fluid or In viscid flow 15. MTCS-higher Reynolds number
a. Shear force will act a. Supersonic – turbojet engine
b. Viscosity is zero b. Subsonic – aircrafts
c. It will deform under applied shear stress c. None of the above
38. Fluid is a substance 16. On a delta wing aircraft lift
a. It cannot deform under an applied stress a. Increases with increase in angle of attack
b. It cannot resist any shear force applied to them b. Decrease with increase in angle of attack
c. Viscosity will be the nil c. None of the above
39. Pressure is a 17. Induced drag is a part of
a. Scalar quantity a. Lift
b. Vector Quantity b. Weight
c. Both c. Thrust
18. The drag is caused by the separation of the boundary layer
Basic Aerodynamics a. Form drag
b. Induced drag
1. The drag which is inversely proportional to square of velocity c. Interference drag
a. Parasite drag 19. NACA 0009 airfoil is having
b. Induced drag a. More camber
c. Infinite drag b. Less camber
2. Aileron provide which control c. No camber
a. Longitudinal 20. Factors of drag primarily depends on
b. Roll a. Speed of airflow over the wing and other parts
c. Pitch b. The interference between different parts of A/C and airflow
3. If an aircraft having infinite aspect ratio then it will not be subjected to c. None of the above
a. Wingtip vortices 21. Density is defined as
b. Wingtip vortices and induced drag a. Weight / Volume
c. Induced drag b. Volume / mass
4. The aileron control is used to provide control around c. Mass / Volume
a. Lateral control in longitudinal plane 22. With greater aspect ratio ------------ will be reduced
b. Longitudinal control in lateral plane a. Profile drag
c. Both b. Induced drag
5. In streamline, the air c. Both a and b
a. The air is flow parallel to the main center line 23. Induced drag is not taken into consideration in
b. Pressure drop is uniform a. High speed
c. Velocity will be equal at each place b. Medium speed
6. At high speed the induced drag c. Low speed
a. Less than 10% of total drag 24. With greater aspect ratio ------------ will be reduced
b. Less than 25% of total drag a. Profile drag
c. More than 25% of total drag b. Induced drag
7. If the aspect ratio -------------- , the induced drag will be halved c. Both a and b
a. Doubled 25. When the AOA increases to the angle of maximum lift this is
b. Halved known as
c. Not affected a. Stalling angle
8. The point at which laminar flow is changed to turbulent is b. Critical angle
a. Transition point/bubble point c. Both
b. Turbulent flow 26. Rudder provides
c. None of the above a. Directional stability
9. The increase of angle of incidence from root to tip b. Lateral stability
a. Wash in c. Longitudinal stability
b. Wash out 27. An Ideal airfoil has
c. Both a. High maximum lift coefficient
10. The angle between chord line and relative air flow is b. Good lift/drag ratio
a. Angle of incidence c. Both a and b
b. Angle of attack 28. Efficiency of airfoil is
c. Longitudinal dihedral a. Lift over drag
11. The straight line which goes from the leading edge of the wing to the b. Drag over lift
trailing edge is called c. Weight over thrust
a. Camber line 29. The point of intersection of the resultant force line of the airfoil is
b. Chord line called the
c. Angle of attack a. Chord line
12. The layer of air over the surface of an airfoil which is slower moving in b. Camber line
relation to the rest of the airflow is known as c. Center of pressure
a. Camber
b. Chord
c. Boundary layer
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
30. When flap will extend 47. Characteristics of airfoil depends on
a. Stalling angle is increased a. Airflow b. Curvature
b. Stalling angle is decreased c. Angle
c. Remains same 48. High thickness of the airfoil at the leading edge, what happens to the stall
31. Aileron gives --------- control characteristics?
a. Roll a. poor
b. Yaw b. Good
c. Pitch c. Excellent
32. If center of gravity of aircraft is forward of center of pressure than nose of 49. Reynolds number
aircraft will a. Is applicable to supersonic aircrafts
a. Drop b. Is applicable to continuous flow
b. Rise c. Both a and b
c. It depends on distance between CP and CG 50. Movement of center of pressure is affected by
33. The Newton’s law of mechanism that is applicable to air a. Centre of gravity
a. 1st law & 2nd law b. Angle of attack
b. 1st law & 2nd law c. Centre of drag
c. 1st law & 2nd law & 3rd law 51. When slat is extended the max CL of the aerofoil may be increasing by as
34. The point on a wing surface where boundary layer starts much as
a. Trailing edge a. 20 % b. 40 % c. 60 %
b. Leading edge 52. Angle of airfoil is slightly negative will it generate lift
c. Transition point a. Do not generate lift
35. An airfoil stalls at a b. May be generate lift
a. Certain Angle and certain speed c. None
b. Certain Angle and not a certain speed 53. At constant AOA, if density increases then L/D ratio
c. Not a certain Angle and certain speed a. Increases
36. Mark the correct statement b. Decreases
a. Centre of pressure is the point on chord of wings from where drag force c. Remains constant
acts 54. Wave drag is generally produced at
b. Centre of pressure is the point on chord of wings from where lift force a. Subsonic & Sonic Speed
acts b. Transonic & Supersonic Speed
c. Centre of pressure is the point on chord of wings from where weight c. Hypersonic Speed
force acts 55. On a swept wing aircraft if both wing tip loses lift simultaneously the
37. Which of the following is profile drag aircraft will
a. Skin friction drag a. Roll
b. Induced drag b. Pitch nose up
c. Wave drag c. Pitch nose down
38. The movement of center of pressure is independent from 56. The increase in kinetic energy due to increase in velocity is accompanied
a. Lift by a corresponding decrease in
b. Drag a. Static pressure
c. Weight b. Dynamic Pressure
39. An ideal airfoil has c. Stagnation Pressure
a. High max CL 57. The geometric features of an airfoil section are
b. Low minimum CD a. The camber of the center line
c. Both (a) & (b) b. The position of maximum camber
40. Which control surface provide pith control c. The radius of curvature of the leading edge
a. Elevator d. All the above
b. Aileron 58. Krueger flap is a
c. Flaps a. Leading edge flap
41. Induced drag is affected due to b. Trailing edge flap
a. Lift c. Leading edge slat
b. Drag 59. Stagnation pressure
c. Climb a. Static + dynamic
42. As long as you have lift, you have b. Static
a. Skin friction drag c. Dynamic
b. Induced drag 60. The value of the dynamic pressure and hence the indicated speed at
c. Wave drag which this occurs will always be the _ whatever the height.
43. Law applicable for equilibrium flight is a. Increases
a. Newton 1st law b. Decreases
b. Newton 2nd lawc. Newton 3rd law c. Same
44. Elevator control 61. Smooth surface encourages
a. Pitch a. Laminar flow
b. Directional b. Boundary layer
c. Roll c. Homogeneous layer
45. As AOA increases 62. Airfoil with maximum camber well forward at leading edge will
a. C of P moves forward have ___________stall characteristics.
b. C of P moves rearwards a. Poor
c. Remains constant b. Good
46. Lift of an aircraft produced more due to c. Excellent
a. increase in pressure on the upper surface 63. The streamline shapes which have given the least resistance at subsonic
b. Increase in pressure on lower surface. speeds have had a
c. Decrease pressure on lower surface a. fineness ratio
b. pressure ratio
c. aspect ratio
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
b. 4 to 1 up to about 6 to 1
64. A laminar boundary layer over the boundary layer over the whole c. 2 to 1 up to about 5 to 1
surface of a wing the skin friction would be reduced to 80.While take off induced drag is
about__________ of its value. a. 20 % of total drag
a. One - tenth b. 50 % of total drag
b. One - third c. 70 % of total drag
c. One - fourth 81. When slat will extend
65. The turbulent layer has a much degree of shear at the surface and it is a. Stalling angle is decreased
this which causes the skin fiction to be much b. Stalling angle is increased
_ __that it is for the laminar boundary layer. c. Remains same
a. Smaller 82. Lines which show the direction of the flow of the fluid at any particular
b. Higher moment are called
c. Same a. Line of zero lift
66. Drag coefficient of a body is dependent on b. Streamlines
a. The shape of the body c. Chord line
b. The square of the velocity 83. Speed of sound in gas
c. The density of the air a. Directly proportional to temperature
d. All the above b. Inversely proportional to temperature
67. In subsonic speed the air is c. No relation
a. Compressible 84. The camber convex of airfoil in upper surface is
b. Incompressible a. Smaller
c. None b. Greater
68. In supersonic speed the air is c. Same
a. Compressible 85. As velocity increases transition point on wing will moves
b. Incompressible a. Towards leading edge
c. None b. Towards trailing edge
69. The angle between the chord of the aerofoil and some fixed datum line c. No effect
in the aeroplane 86. The purpose of slat
a. Angle of attack a. To increase drag
b. Riggers angle of incidence b. To re-energize boundary layer
c. Longitudinal dihedral angle c. To decrease stalling angle
70. The upper surface by means of its decreased pressure which provides 87. Fixed slat at high speed will give
the a. Less drag
a. Four – fifth of lift b. More drag
b. Three – fifth of lift c. No change
c. Two – fifth of lift 88. Camber & split flap will give
71. The component has hardly any effect on the position of the center of a. Increases in Max CL
pressure b. Increases in Drag
a. Lift c. Both
b. Drag 89. Blown & jet flaps may be a serious disadvantage in the event of
c. Weight a. Diving
72. In flat plate an increase of the angle of attack over the same angles b. Climbing
causes the center of pressure to move c. Power failure
a. Forward 90. Reynolds number is the ratio of
b. Backward a. Inertia force to viscous force
c. Remains same b. Elastic to viscous force
73. The pitching moment is positive when it tends to push the nose c. Elastic to inertia force
a. Upwards 91. If Reynolds number is increasing the flow will be
b. Downwards a. Laminar
c. Constant b. Turbulent
74. Relation between CL& AOA c. Transition
a. Directly proportional 92. If density is increasing the Reynolds number will be
b. Inversely proportional a. Increasing
c. None b. Decreasing
75. L/D ratio increases very rapidly up to about c. Remains same
a. 00 93. If viscosity is increasing the Reynolds number will be
b. 30 or 40 a. Increasing
c. 150 b. Decreasing
76. The L/D ratio increases very rapidly up to 3 or 4 degree at which angles the c. Remains same
lift is nearly 94. Airfoil with max camber well forward say at 15% to 20% of the chord
a. 20 times the drag may have
b. 24 times the drag a. Low drag
c. 10 times the drag b. High drag
77. At subsonic speeds the aerodynamic center is usually about c. No drag
a. One – fourth of the chord from LE 95. There must be some point on the chord about which there is no change
b. Two – third of the chord from LE in pitching moment is called
c. One – Quarter of the chord from LE a. Line of zero lift
78. NACA 4412 is b. Aerodynamic center
a. Symmetrical airfoil c. Stagnation point
b. Unsymmetrical airfoil 96. The concept of thrust is explained by
c. None a. Newton’s 1st law
79. Aspect ratio for flight at subsonic speeds vary from b. Newton’s2nd law
a. 6 to 1 up to about 10 to 1 c. Newton’s 3rd law
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
Theory of Flight a. AOA is less than stalling angle
b. To allow speed to increase beyond the stalling speed
1. Landing speed is when flap & slat is open c. AOA is more than 250
a. Increasing 15. Speed of sound at mean sea level
b. Decreasing a. 320m/s
c. No change b. 340m/s
2. When banking on a turn stalling speed is then c. 300m/s
when landing(Ref-ACK 190) 16. Performance capability of jet engine with propeller is
a. lower depends on(Ref-ACK 130)
b. higher a. Power
c. Same b. Thrust
3. The increase in lift tends to the glide angle(Ref-ACK c. Both
209) 17. Performance capability of jet engine is depends on (Ref-ACK
a. Flatten 130)
b. Steepen a. Thrust
c. Remains same b. power
4. The steeper the original glide the greater the change in flight c. Both
path involved and so the more speed must be there in hand 18. If landing speeds go up with Wing loading(Ref-ACK
for (Ref-ACK 209) 216)
a. Diving a. Low
b. Landing b. High
c. Flattening out c. Same
5. After Flattening out we must lose any excess speed this may 19. A slight increase in the to use for climbing(Ref-
called (Ref-ACK 209) ACK 226)
a. Float a. AOA
b. Hold-off b. Best speed
c. Both c. Trim
6. The gliding path is flatter so there is change of path 20. For equilibrium level flight (Ref-ACK 148)
in flattening out and so(Ref-ACK 211) a. L = W
a. Less b. T = D
b. More c. Both a and b
c. Same 21. The airspeed during a spin is comparatively low and the rate
7. In straight and level flight when cruising power required curve of descent is also(Ref-ACK 248)
and power available curve are perpendicular is a. Low
a. Safety range b. High
b. Endurance range c. Same
c. Both 22. Propeller convert------------- into ----------- (Ref-ACK 131)
8. During turn the outer wing offers more(Ref-ACK 224) a. Thrust, torque
a. Drag b. Torque, thrust
b. Lift c. Thrust, power
c. Bank 23. In straight and level flight we must prevent aircraft from(Ref-
9. When engine failure occurs and lift is forward of the weight ACK 149)
then a. Climbing
a. Aircraft tends to stall b. Rotating
b. It gives position of gliding c. Diving
c. Slightly reduces straight and level flight 24. Rate of climb with respect to altitude(Ref-ACK 224)
10. Higher weight in gliding flight is not affected not by(Ref-ACK a. ROC increases with increase in altitude
185) b. ROC decreases with increase in altitude
a. Stalling angle and range are reduced c. None of the above
b. Stalling angle and speed are reduced 25. What changes an even and straight flight?(Ref-ACK 149)
c. Speed and range are reduced a. Rotation
11. During flat turn(Ref-ACK 245) b. Diving
a. Roll only c. Climbing
b. Yaw only 26. During gliding turn the aircraft rolls(Ref-ACK 224)
c. Combination of roll & yaw a. Inward
12. In the case of aircraft nose drop thrust line is placed---------- b. Outward
and drag line is -------- (Ref-ACK 149) c. None of the above
a. High ; low 27. Climb performance is related to
b. High ; high a. Performance curve
c. Low ; high b. Lift curve
13. During turn stalling angle c. Drag curve
a. Increases 28. Except in special cases it is unadvisable to
b. Decreases a. Trim
c. Remains same b. Flat out
14. During take-off before pulling off(Ref-ACK 215) c. Dive
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
29. During climbing turn the aircraft will roll(Ref-ACK 244) a. More
a. Inwards b. Less
b. Outwards c. Same
c. None of the above 45. As weight of aircraft increases, lift has to be increased by
30. If we increase or decrease the best gliding speed, the flight increasing?
path will(Ref-ACK 182) a. AOA
a. Flatter b. Velocity
b. Steeper c. Drag
c. 20 to30 46. In an ordinary turn the inward centripetal force is provided by
31.The speed of sound is roughly times the speed of the aero plane(Ref-ACK 236)
sound in air (Ref-ACK 487) a. Climbing
a. Two b. Three c. Four b. Gliding
32. Distance travelled by aircraft per unit fuel is c. Banking
a. Air specific range 47. Sharp leading edges are used in supersonic wings to reduce
b. Specific fuel consumption c. None the (Ref-ACK 488)
33. The weight of an aircraft is acting at which point a. Lift b. Drag c. Weight
a. C of G 48. If we increase or decrease the best angle which gives L/D the
b. C of P path of descent will be(Ref-ACK 182)
c. Aerodynamic center a. Flatter
34. During climb which of the following curve should be b. Steeper
consider?(Ref-ACK 218) c. Same
a. V-N curve 49. If the aircraft will glide along the wind the path of descent will
b. Performance curve be(Ref-ACK 184)
c. Only a a. Flatter
35. In steeper turn rudder position is taken by (Ref-ACK 245) b. Steeper
a. Elevator c. Same
b. Rudder 50. Expansion wave in supersonic flow is a region where the
c. Aileron speed will (Ref-ACK 488)
36. If CP of an aircraft is behind CG, what happened to the nose? a. Increase
a. Drops b. Decrease
b. Pitch up
c. Constant
c. Remains same
51. If wing loading is increasing then stalling speed will be(Ref-
37. During climbing
ACK 193)
a. Lift is greater than weight (Ref-ACK 229 & 485)
a. Increasing
b. Lift is less than weight
b. Decreasing
c. Lift is equal to weight
c. Remains the same
38. The flight Mach no at which local supersonic flow first
52. The tail plane can produce lift in either the +ve or –ve in order
appears somewhere on the aircraft is (Ref-ACK 488)
to produce the required moment for(Ref-ACK 151)
a. Subsonic a. Pitch up
b. Transonic b. Trim
c. Sonic c. Pith down
39. During takeoff preferably aircraft will go(Ref-ACK 216) 53. At lower altitude power required is (Ref-ACK 223)
a. Against the wind a. Less
b. Along with wind b. More
c. None of the above c. No change
40. The ratio ofInertial to elastic force is called 54. Service Ceiling is the height at which rate of climb
a. Reynolds no becomes(Ref-ACK 225)
b. Euler’s no a. Less than 0.5m/s
c. Mach no b. More than 0.5m/s
41. Centre of drag is(Ref-ACK 148) c. Constant
a. Aircraft speed 55. The aero plane may travel upwards or downwards along the
b. Actual position depends on the relative resistance of normal axis as in(Ref-ACK 230)
different parts of airplane a. Climbing
c. None of the above b. Descending
42. The effects of an increase of altitude(Ref-ACK 226) c. Both
a. Slight reduction in minimum speed 56. The Aero plane may travel to right or left along the lateral axis
b. Increase in maximum speed such motion is called(Ref-ACK 230)
c. Large reduction in rate of climb a. Side slipping
d. All the above b. Skidding
43. At steady level flight lift is equal to(Ref-ACK 148) c. Both
a. Thrust 57. In climbing turn necessity for holding off bank is (Ref-ACK
b. Drag 243)
c. Weight a. More
44. During climbing turn lift on a inner wing is (Ref-ACK 224) b. Less
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
c. No Required b. Steeper
58. Dutch roll c. Same
a. Only Yaw b. Only Roll 71. When banking on a turn the lift on the wings must be greater
c. Combination of Yaw & Roll than the(Ref-ACK 190)
59. The propeller torque and engine torque will be exactly (Ref- a. stalling speed
ACK 131) b. weight
a. Sameb. Equal and opposite
c. None
c. None
72. The increase in drag tends to steepen the (Ref-ACK 209)
60. The ratio of the useful work given out by the propeller to the
work put into it by the engine is(Ref-ACK 138) a. Gliding angle
a. Work done b. Gliding attitude
b. Efficiency c. Both
c. Power 73. Wherever the power available curve is the power
61. Movement of the center of gravity during flight caused, for required curve, level flight is possible
instance, by(Ref-ACK 149) a. Above
a. Consumption of fuel b. Below
b. Movement of passengers c. Same
c. Both a and b 74. The power available to with altitude
62. The angle of attack or the attitude of the aero plane to the air a. Decreases
is the same in level flight at all heights, provided the IAS(Ref-ACK b. Increases
166) c. Same
a. Increases 75. The power required to with altitude
b. Decreases a. Decreases
c. Remains same b. Increases
63. The less the total weight of the aircraft, the indicated c. Same
airspeed will be(Ref-ACK 167) 76. TAS for the best rate of climb _ with height
a. More a. Increases
b. Less b. Decreases
c. Same c. Remains same
64. L/D is Maximum and drag will be(Ref-ACK 169) 77. The greater the centripetal acceleration required, the higher
a. Least will be the (Ref-ACK 236)
b. Maximum a. Stalling Angle
c. No change b. Stalling Speed
65. The angle of attack that gives the best L/D ratio will be the c. None of the above
same at whatever the (Ref-ACK 169) 78. Increase in velocity needs an _ in the angle of
a. Height bank
b. Weight (Ref-ACK 239)
c. Both a and b a. Increase
66. The drag is the same at the same at all b. Decrease
heights(Ref-ACK 171) c. Remains same
a. IAS 79. The radius of the turn is increased the angle of bank may
b. TAS be(Ref-ACK 246)
c. None a. Increased
67. The higher we go, the greater is the for the same b. Reduced
(Ref-ACK 172) c. Remains same
a. TAS 80. Steep turns can only be accomplished if the engine is
b. Drag powerful enough to keep the aeroplane travelling at(Ref-ACK
c. Weight 241)
68. The higher we go, the greater is the TAS and therefore the a. High speed and low angles of attack
greater the (Ref-ACK 172) b. High speed and large angles of attack
a. Power Available c. High speed and large angles of attack even at stalling angle
b. Power required 81. Modern aircraft have a small side surface and if this coupled
c. Drag with directional stability(Ref-ACK 245)
69. To get maximum endurance we must use the(Ref-ACK 173) a. Poor b. Good c. None
a. Maximum power 82. The radius of turn can be reduced as the angle of bank
b. Minimum power is (Ref-ACK 239)
c. Same power a. Increased
70. If the aircraft will glide against the wind the path of descent b. Decreased
will be(Ref-ACK 184) c. Remains the same
a. Flatter
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
97. The angle of bank is quite independent of the (Ref-ACK
83. is very rarely performed in practice(Ref-ACK 251) 238)
a. Flat Dive a. Weight
b. Steep dive b. Lift
c. Both c. Drag
84. Maximum climb speed of aircraft
a. Increases with altitude 98. As the angle of bank increases lift will(Ref-ACK 239)
b. Decreases with altitude a. Increase
c. No change b. Decrease
85. The ideal aero plane must be one in which there is c. Same
no (Ref-ACK 160) 99. The normal duties of the engine arte to propel the aero plane
a. Aspect ratio at(Ref-ACK 241)
b. Fineness ratio a. High speed at small angle of attack
c. Parasite drag b. Low speed and large AOA
86. In the nature of a flying wing , we should than obtain a lift c. Both
(Ref-ACK 160) 100. A nose dive is really an exaggerated form of(Ref-ACK 251)
a. 20 times greater than drag a. Gliding b. Climbing c. Level flight
b. 30 times greater than drag 101. In steep dive the weight is entirely balanced by(Ref-ACK
c. 40 times greater than drag 251)
87. At high speed tight turn radius of turn will be(Ref-ACK 223) a. Lift b. Drag c. Thrust
a. small 102. In gliding is rarely performed in practice(Ref-ACK
b. Large 251)
c. Same a. Flatter glide
89. The aircraft stopped rolling and provided it is still travelling b. Steep dive
straight ahead the aerodynamic force will be influenced by c. None
a. Airstream passing over and below the aircraft 103. The aileron act also as flap is known as(Ref-ACK 197)
b. Airstream passing over the aircraft a. Ruddervator
c. Airstream passing below the aircraft b. Elevons
90. Aircraft take off angle of attack during climbing c. Flaperons
a. at 25 degree of AOA 104. Differential movement of tail surface is known as (Ref-ACK
b. above the stalling angle 197)
c. Below the stalling angle a. Flaperons b. Elevons c. Tailerons
91. Greater range if we fly a great deal faster than the(Ref-ACK 105. Low minimum speed and high maximum speed of aircraft
175) will give(Ref-ACK 192)
a. Minimum drag speed a. poor speed range b. Good speed range c. None
b. Maximum drag speed 106. When the flap is lowered and the chances are that center of
c. Maximum stalling speed pressure on top of the surface will move (Ref-ACK 213)
92. The tangent of the gliding angle is directly dependent on a. Forward b. Backward c. Remains same
the(Ref-ACK 181) 107. Streamlining will give (Ref-ACK 208)
a. L/D ratio a. Flatter glide angle b. Steeper glide angle
b. Fineness ratio c. Steep dive
c. Aspect ratio 108. Estimating the power available from the engine and power
93. The greater the value of L/D the gliding angle will be(Ref-ACK required for level flight at various speed is given by (Ref-ACK 218)
181) a. Performance curve
a. Flatter b. Steeper c. No change b. Lift curve
94. When banking on a turn the lift on the wings must be(Ref- c. Drag curve
ACK 190) 109. The pilot can put the nose down slightly and maintain level
a. greater than the weight b. Lesser than the weight flight at an (Ref-ACK 217)
c. Same as the weight a. Increased speed & increased AOA
95. The altitude at which required power and available power b. Increased speed & decreased AOA
curve are tangential to each other is c. Decreased speed & decreased AOA
a. Service ceiling b. Absolute ceiling c. Absolute power 110. At any certain height the power available & power required
96. In aerobatics every part of an aero plane is given load factor curve to each other called
which varies accordingly to conditions being usually(Ref-ACK a. Absolute ceiling
236) b. Service ceiling
a. Between 4 and 8 c. Absolute power
b. Between 2 and 4 c. Between 1 and 4
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
111. Lowering flaps during the glide will generally the b. Stick pusher
glide(Ref-ACK 484)
c. Both
a. Flatten b. Steepen c. No Effect
11. MTCS-about stability
112. During climb an increase in weight will mean a reduction in
a. Stability characteristics about all axis are different
(Ref-ACK 285)
b. Stability around lateral axis is different from stability around
a. Range b. Endurance c. Both
roll and yaw axis
113. The instrument is used for measuring the flight Mach no of
c. Stability around all axis are same
an aircraft (Ref-ACK 488)
12. 15. Longitudinal stability is affected by (Ref-ACK 259)
a. Speedometer b. Ammeter c. Mach meter
a. Wing
Flight Stability& Dynamics b. Vertical stabilizer
c. Rudder
1. In the half way the stability and instability is called (Ref-ACK 13. Longitudinal stability is highly affected due to (Ref-ACK 259)
257) a. Movement of tail plane
b. Movement of center of gravity
a. Perfect stability
b. Out of trim stability c. Movement of center of pressure
c. Neutral stability 14. The control surfaces are placed as far as possible away
the So as to provide sufficient leverage to alter the
2. Directional control is provided by (Ref-ACK 273)
position of the airplane. (Ref-ACK 274)
a. Rudder a. Center of pressure b. Center of gravity
b. Aileron c. Aerodynamic center
c. Elevator 15. Longitudinal stability is affected by
3. If the aircraft is sideslip which stability is affected (Ref-ACK a. Hull b. Vertical stabilizer c. Rudder
267) 16. If pitching moment about fuselage disturbed then which
a. Longitudinal stability stability is affected (Ref-ACK 260)
b. Dynamic stability a. Lateral
c. Directional stability b. Longitudinal
4. The axis which passes from nose to tail is called c. Directional
a. Lateral axis 17. If directional stability is too much and too little dihedral (Ref-
b. Longitudinal axis ACK 272)
c. Vertical axis a. Dutch roll b. Yaw divergence c. Roll Divergence
5. The normal axis which passes through 18. Which of the following effects on stability
a. CG a. Stick fixed b. Stick free c. Both
b. CP 19. More directional and less lateral stability (Ref-ACK 486)
c. Both a. Dutch roll
6. The position of cg which is too far back (Ref-ACK 259) b. Spiral divergence
a. Longitudinal instability c. Directional divergence
b. Lateral instability 20. Trim tab requires
c. Both a. More stick force b. Less stick force c. Zero stick force
7. The longitudinal stability is depend upon (Ref-ACK 260) 21. During a common method used to eliminate Dutch roll is by
a. The position of C.G a. Yaw damping
b. The tail plane b. Climbing
c. The tail plane its area and distance from C.G c. Gliding
22. Distribution of fuselage side surface more than ahead of CG
d. All
than after will affect (Ref-ACK 268)
8. In all airplane when flying at a small AOA there is a
a. Directional stability b. Lateral stability
resistance to roll on the down going wing will increase (Ref-ACK
c. Longitudinal stability
23. The stability which is very rarely achieved in practice (Ref-
a. Lift
ACK 258)
b. AOA
a. Lateral stability
c. Both
b. Longitudinal stability
9. Airplane which have a hail tail plane on top of a high fin
c. Dead-beat stability
(Ref-ACK 267)
24. Stick fixed condition (Ref-ACK 258)
a. Directional stability b. Lateral stability
a. The elevators are held in their neutral position relative to
c. Longitudinal stability
the tail plane
10. When the controls are incorporated -------------will be
b. The pilot releases control column and allows the elevators
activated (Ref-ACK 285)
to take up their own positions
a. Stick shaker
c. Both a and b
Prepared by P.Senthamil Selvan.B.E.,
Whatsapp - 9677736267
25. The longitudinal dihedral is made for 39. Angle between main plane and tail plane is known as (Ref-
a. High – speed aircraft ACK 260)
b. Low – speed aircraft a. Longitudinal Dihedral angle
c. Most aircraft b. Angle of bank
26. If the aircraft has sweepback wing and stall on tip the aircraft c. Angle of attack
gives which movement 40. The stability of an aircraft considered during design of the
a. Pitching b. Yawing c. Rolling aircraft (Ref-ACK 257)
27. Longitudinal stability is about which axis (Ref-ACK 259) a. Lateral stability
a. Lateral axis b. Inherent stability
b. Longitudinal axis c. Dead-beat stability
c. Normal axis 41. If rudder pedal is un-operative than which may be used
28. A small fin at the end of long fuselage may be just as effective a. Stick shaker b. Stick pusher c. Sensor
in producing (Ref-ACK 268) 42. The pendulum effect on high wing aircraft (Ref-ACK 274)
a. Lateral stability b. Longitudinal stability a. Increase lateral stability
c. Directional stability b. Decrease lateral stability
29. Aircraft will have weaker positive directional opposed to c. Has no effect on lateral stability
positive lateral stability can result in a 43. Which tab requires more stick force
a. Spiral divergence a. Balanced tab b. Anti-Balanced tab c. Spring tab
b. Directional divergence 44. Forces & moments on the body caused by a disturbance
c. Dutch roll initially tends to return the body towards its equilibrium
30. During equilibrium flight operation stability depends on position
a. Magnitude of force applied a. Dynamic Stability
b. Length from the C.G b. Equilibrium position
c. Both a and b c. Static stability
31. The most common method of obtaining lateral stability by
45. Modification of servo tab is called (Ref-ACK 277)
use of
a. Balanced tab b. Trim tab c. Spring tab
a. dihedral angle on main plane b. Dihedral of tail plane
46. Differential ailerons
c. Both
a. Upward aileron movement is large
32. When an aircraft is in damping oscillation at a period of time
b. Downward aileron movement is large
a. Dynamic stability
c. Upward aileron movement is small
b. Static stability
47. In Slot-cum-aileron control if aileron is move down then the
c. Static negative stability
slat will (Ref-ACK 284)
33. Longitudinal instability is due to the (Ref-ACK 260)
a. Open b. Close c. No change
a. Pitching movement on main plane
48. Adverse yaw will be counteracted by
b. Rolling movement on wings
a. Wash out
c. Yawing movement on tail plane
b. Slot-cum-aileron control
34. Stick free condition (Ref-ACK 258)
c. Both
a. The elevators are held in their neutral position relative to the
49. The airflow crosses expansion wave its velocity will
tail plane
a. Increase
b. The pilot releases control column and allows the elevators to
b. Decrease
take up their own positions
c. Remains same
c. Both a and b
50. Mass Balancing Will reduce (Ref-ACK 279)
35. Lateral stability about which axis (Ref-ACK 259)
a. Speed b. Drag c. Flutter
a. Lateral axis
51. Degree of stability affected by (Ref-ACK 258)
b. Directional axis
a. Stick fixed b. Stick free c. Both
c. Longitudinal axis
52. If CG is low in high wing aircraft (Ref-ACK 265)
36. Lateral stability is maintained by (Ref-ACK 267)
a. Longitudinal stability
a. sweep back angle b. Lateral stability
b. Angle of incidence c. Pitching
c. Angle of attack 53. Mark the correct statement (Ref-ACK 260)
37. If the planes are inclined upward towards the wing tips the a. If the plane does not have longitudinal dihedral it means its
dihedral (Ref-ACK 262) longitudinally unstable
a. Positive b. Negative c. Neutral b. Longitudinal dihedral means actual angle at which tail plane
38. Lateral stability can be reduced by (Ref-ACK 262) expose to airflow
a. Swept back angle c. Both a and b
b. Anhedral angle
c. Dihedral angle

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