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Media and lnformation Literacy

Quarter 1 - Module 6:
Media Literate Individual


What This Module is About
Welcome to Module 6!
This module presents the influences and impacts of a media and information literate
individual to oneself, to others and to the society as a whole. Also, this module differentiates
the different roles, responsibilities and influences of the people who produces and uses
information from the different platforms of media. As a citizen of this constantly changing
world, it is very important to be skilled and critical in adapting new ways to improve life and
develop a positive and healthy environment through appropriate and ethical use of
knowledge in media and information literacy.
As we go along in this module, we will encounter series of activities which can lead
us to evaluate the issues and challenges that media and information have faced in the
society as a whole. We will also determine the solutions and benefits that the various sectors
of the society can get. Moreover, we will know the overall impact of media and information to
an individual and to the society. In addition, we can differentiate People As Media and
People In Media and People Media through a closer look at their job titles, job descriptions
and job functions.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

Lesson 1 – Media and Literate Individual
Lesson 2 – People Media

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

What I Know

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.

1. A media and information literate individual is able to do the following, EXCEPT ONE:
A. share materials with informed and critical judgement
B. identify issues and resolve it appropriately
C. need not cite sources of grabbed photos
D. rephrase borrowed ideas

2. Media and information literate individual helps the following, EXCEPT ONE:
A. lessen personal contact with people B. improve quality of life
C. increase political participation D. enhances economic growth

3. One of the benefits of social media in business is .

A. product advertisement B. product replication
C. lacks personal connection to customers D. inconsistency of product content

4. One of the challenges of technology in the Education sector is .

A. improves engagement B. delivering informal learning
C. incorporates different learning styles D. encourages collaboration

5. This refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and production of
media and information.
A. Media practitioners B. Online classroom teachers
C. People Media D. editors

6. This refers to a leader for a certain group who gives details and information to lesser
active persons in the group.
A. Opinion leader B. Factual leader
C. Campus Journalism D. Crowdsourcing

7. People without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and
the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in
collaboration with others.
A. Campus Journalism B. Social Journalism
C. Network Journalism D. Citizen Journalism

8. They are the ones who have abilities in accessing, evaluating and producing information using
several forms of media.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist
9. These are people who underwent training in journalism writing. Equipped with the fundamental
and significant knowledge and strategies in writing news and stories based from real events in
the community.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist

10. They are skilled not just in journalism but also in public speaking.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist
Media and Information Literate
1 Individual

What’s In

As what we have learned from the previous module, one should know how to use
responsibly the different media types and platforms of social media through avoiding the
cybercrime acts. Thus, to be called and considered as media and information literate
individual, we must identify these four cybercrime acts and avoid them.

Activity 1.1 Let’s Assemble!

Arrange the scrambled words pertaining to specific cybercrime acts:


What’s New

Information is easily accessible in the present times through the use of the different
media platforms. Through media and information, people become literate. Media and
information literate individual greatly influences the community. But how much do we
understand media and information, and its impact to people and the society?
In this lesson, you will identify the issues, challenges and benefits of the different
media and information platforms and to synthesize its overall impact on an individual’s
personal, professional, educational dealings and on the society’s economic, social, political,
educational sectors.

Activity 1.2 Come and Find Me!
Identify and encircle horizontally, vertically and/or diagonally the 6 examples of media
types present from the crossword puzzle below.

1. Facebook 4. twitter
2. YouTube 5. Television
3. Magazine 6. Newspaper

Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activity? The activity is hard because the words are scrambled and hard
to find.
2. Do you access information from these media types? yes
3. How can you relate these words to media and information? I can relate that by familiarizing
and knowing the real use of it.
4. How do you use these media types appropriately and effectively? By using it wisely and
politely specially in social media.

Activity 1.3 Meet Lola Techie!

Watch the 3-minute video
clip about a senior citizen who
is technology savvy. Use this
watch?v=e7iUOIiB3Zo2 from
the GMA News and Public
Affairs (2013, June 28). SONA:
Techie, hinikayat ang bang may
edad na tulad niya na maging
tech savvy.
After watching the video, answer the following questions below:
1. How did the senior citizens in the video use technology and Internet in their daily lives?
They use it for entertainment purpose, for communication with their family here and abroad,
and to express there taught or sentiments towards the govt.

2. How did the government help the senior citizens become more media and information
The DOST initiate a program to teach the Senior Citizen basic computer skills and internet

3. What makes senior citizens or people in general, media and information literate?
Attending programs or seminars created or initiated by the government. Adopting the
charges that the new era introduced.

What Is It

A media literate person can decode, evaluate, analyze and produce both print and
electronic media. The fundamental objective of media literacy is critical autonomy
relationship to all media. Emphases in media literacy training range widely, including
informed citizenship, aesthetic appreciation and expression, social advocacy, self-esteem,
and consumer competence (Kotlay, 2011).
Below are what media and information literate individuals capable of doing and helping:

1. Attract greater opportunities and enhances the way of living.

2. Promote awareness on the various dealings and activities that impact the community
and society as a whole.
3. Liberate minds and develop characters.
4. Increase political and social participation
5. Empower economic stability
6. Enhance business and career opportunities
7. Encourages personal and professional growth
8. Develop communication skills
9. Improved learning environment
10. Maximize more cohesive social units
What I Can Do

Activity 1.4: Essay Writing

Synthesize your learning by writing an essay about the value and impact of
being a media and information literate individual to the global community. Your essay must
have a title, an introduction, a body (1 main argument with 2 examples), and a conclusion
with not less than 10 sentences. Refer to the rubric for grading.

Very Good (5) Good (4) Poor (2) Improvement
Introduction Well-developed Introductory Introduction does Introduction
Background/ introductory paragraph contains not adequately was not
Define the paragraph contains some background explain the presented.
Problem detailed background information and background of
information, a states the problem, the problem.
clear explanation but does not The problem is
or definition of the explain using stated, but lacks
problem. details. detail.
Body Argument is well Argument was Argument was Argument was
paragraphs developed with presented with presented but not presented.
Main supporting examples. some supporting lacks examples.
Argument examples.
Conclusion Conclusion was Conclusion was Conclusion was Conclusion
presented. Opinions presented with presented but was not
and suggestions for some suggestions no suggestions presented.
change are logical and for change are for change and/
well thought out. evident. or opinions are

MIL: A Requirement in the Advancement of Society

Media and information literacy empower individuals to think critically about the media and information they
receive through an inquiry process. The goal of media and information literacy is to enable individuals to become
involved citizens and responsible decision-makers. MIL allows individuals to examine media at a critical distance by
examining the source, the context, the message, and the medium through which it is received, as well as its
representations and intended audience, as well as the institutional environment from which the message emanates.
Developing media and information abilities is extremely important in today's media landscape. The blurring of the
barriers between producers and consumers has tested what we consider media messages and made information access
universal: on social media sites, a news article, a video, a meme, or a status update or comment compete for our

Anyone can now establish an official-looking website or social media account for very little money.
Misinformation has frequently arisen from seemingly legitimate websites, making it extremely difficult to flag false or
misleading information using traditional methods, such as checklists with questions prompting evaluation of sites for
relevance, accuracy, authority, and purpose. When it comes to selecting who and what to believe when it comes to
reviewing news online, whether it comes from trustworthy sources or not, critical thinking is required. The difficulty
of training consumers to analyze critically reflects on the highly diverse spectrum of available media. Media and
information literacy is a great objective in the twenty-first century. Users must not only become media literate in
terms of conventional media and visual representation, but they must also become media literate in terms of the wave
of different technology provided and the creation of applications providing whole new methods of communicating
information. Responsibility and self-control are required to be media and information literate. We must be cautious
about what we say and share on social media. We must take full responsibility for every action we take. Many media
and social media users are unaware and irresponsible. We tend to forget basic etiquette that we must follow as
individuals because of our independence and liberty. Most of the time, we abuse our freedom and, unfortunately, are
unaware of it.

The transition of contemporary society has accelerated in the previous decade, resulting in tremendous
economic, technical, and social change and a new set of difficulties to confront. One of these issues is vast and
debatable, with the amount of information available to everyone with the click of a mouse. In this setting, today's
citizens must learn new abilities to deal with this new reality. Digital literacy, critical thinking, and media literacy are
crucial skills and competencies required of today's modern citizenry. Being media and information literate is
important for your own understanding and for disseminating information to others. As we all know, youths nowadays
are into SNS (Social Networking Sites), where most teenagers learn and grasp what is going on in their environment,
and since they are informed, they share what they read. People may communicate and promote awareness to everyone
by sharing (knowledge on SNS). This perspective for such digital users may assist others to understand that being on
social media is not just a disadvantage, but it also has a significant function for everyone to be media and information
People Media
What’s In

In this age of information, being critical, careful and sensitive is very important. Being
able to understand why and how information is made and accessed brings us to completely
recognizing and appreciating the people behind these media of different forms.
In this lesson, we will learn the different types and categories of People Media, its
role and contribution to the society. We will also learn the different issues and challenges
that most social media users are facing.

Activity 1: Multimedia Talks

Look and analyze the multimedia diagram
below and answer the questions that follow.
1. What composes multimedia? Multimedia is form of communication that combines different
continent form such as text, audio, images, animations, or video into a single interactive
2. How have Philippine media grown up throughout the past? Philippine media grow up
throughout the past through having more platform to convey message or information. Today,
the strong inclination of Filipinos specially the youth towards online media has affected
traditional form of media.
3. How do Filipino profession adapt to the changes of media? The Filipino profession adopt to the
charge of media gradually. We have to accept that not all Filipinos have access to social media
and the new gadgets or instruments.
4. Were there new professions created because of the evolution of media? Yes. Today, we have
courses some of which are information technology (I.T) course, computer science,
Blogger/copywriter, app developer, security specialist, Digital Marketer, UX/Web designer.
5. How do multimedia affect the people?
Multimedia affects the people in so
many way. It can be in a positive or
negative way. Through multimedia
people has an easy access to news
and information here nd abroad,
communication became easy and
affordable. Selling and advertising
products became easy and less
hustle. It is a link between the
government and its constituents.
Easy dissemination of information
becomes possible.

What’s New
Activity 2: Careers in Media and Information
Look at each picture below. Identify what job is being described in the pictures and write its
job title, job description and function on the blanks beside each picture.

1. Job Title: Photographer/Photojournalist

Job Description: takes Photos and newsworthy

photos and create a story or report about it.

Function:The Photos taken by the

photographers supports the news and stories
written by the reporters. It also uses as a
proof. Photo by Tycho Atsma on Unsplash https://
2. Job Title: writer

Job Description: writes stories or news for the


Function: To inform,to present or to persuade

the reader and sometimes it uses as notes.

Photo by

3. Job Title: Call Center

Job Description: Provides service to people

through telephone or online communication.

Function: provide information and inquiries to

product and consumers.

Photo Credit :


4. Job Title: Vlogger/Entertain or to Inform

Job Description: Uses Videos, images, to

inform, and to entertain, it can also be a
product endorser.
Function: for fun and for generating income
through advertisements or endorsement.

Photo Credit: free-
What Is It

People Media refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation
and production of media and information.
Source: MIL Curriculum Guide by DepEd

Types of People Media

People as Media People in Meda

People as Media
These are individuals who serve as channels of information dissemination. Before,
they make use of writing essays, literature and news to create artefacts. But with the advent
of technology and social media, people are now empowered to not just produce artefacts but
also evaluate, analyze, edit and give feedback to media artefact. They are the media itself.

Types of People as Media

Opinion Leaders

Definition. These are leaders of particular For Example. A group of laborers are
groups of people in a community. These unsatisfied by the fees they receive from
are influential people that communicate their manager. Mr. Vargas, the one acting
the messages they get from the as leader went to talk to the manager
mainstream media or from higher about the issue. The manager said that
positions in an organization and conveyed the additional payment will be given the
these messages to certain individuals, next day due to budgetary concern.
especially those who can’t afford to However, Mr. Vargas, who always opposes
directly receive messages from the the manager, went back to the group of
original source. However, the messages laborers and told them that the manager is
they share are filtered, adding their own incompetent and showed no concern to
opinion about the issue which invalidate them. They will be given additional
the truthfulness of the original information. payment but as to when and how much is
still under deliberation and that whoever
disagrees is free to resign. This disgusted
the laborers and retaliates to the manager.
Then, conflict between the laborers and
the manager arises.

Opinion leader: Mr. Vargas

Audience: The laborers

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Added information: com/photos/rxpThOwuVgE The time and amount of the additional
payment is unsure and that whoever
disagrees is free to resign.
Citizen Journalism

Definition. People from different age For Example. An advisory from the
category and from the different walks of PHIVOLCS come out informing the public
life who are able to use modern that an active volcano is showing signs
technology as means of communication of possible eruption thus demanding the
like sharing information from newsworthy people living near the volcano to
events to other people are considered to evacuate. A citizen can take a screenshot
be doing citizen journalism. Citizen of the advisory and post it on his social
Journalism doesn’t need one to be media account to help inform his friends
professionally trained journalist. As long and relatives about the impending
as one is able to share ideas, information, disaster. He may also include in his post
send photos and videos about a prevalent precautionary measures and emergency
phenomenon in a community through contacts so people may know what to do.
using the different types of media and the
All these are considered simple act of
several social media platforms to a greater
scope of the society is considered as
citizen journalism.

Social Journalism

Definition. 21st century is all about For Example. ABS-CBN, one of the
maximizing the use of technology but biggest news company in the Philippines,
with critical judgment on how it should be has been promoting proper way of citizen
manipulated. One product of technology journalism through their Bayan Mo, I-
that create a massive impact to the society Patrol Mo campaign. This program allows
are the different Social Media platforms and accepts any reports from the citizens
such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. that take and talk about the nation’s event
and social concerns.
These platforms are now being used to
spread information in a more accessible
and convenient way. People no longer
look for news because it directly comes to
the user. Journalism, Media and
information are becoming social
phenomenon and a trend of today.
Professional journalists, reader content
and average citizens who contribute news
work together for public awareness.


Definition. Because of the aid of the For Example.

several media platforms and high
technology gadgets, soliciting ideas,
recommendations and suggestions from
services, ideas, places, etc have come so
handy nowadays. People from the online
community make use of crowdsourcing to
obtain information from other media users.

Image Source:
People in Media
These are the people who manipulate the media behind the lens and pens. They use
Text, Audio, Visual, Multimedia, etc to spread information and messages for the public.

Types of People in Media

Multimedia Journalists

They are the ones who have abilities in accessing, evaluating and producing information using
several forms of media. Mostly, they make use of social networking sites to connect to the masses
for easy and wider dissemination of their reliable news stories.

Print Journalists

These are people who underwent training in journalism writing. Equipped with the fundamental and
significant knowledge and strategies in writing news and stories based from real events in the
community; written for the people in the community. They generally report in newspaper and

Broadcast Journalists

They are who we often see on television, giving us updates on the local, national and world events.
They are skilled not just in journalism but also in public speaking.


They are physically and emotionally attached to their high-end cameras which they use to capture
important scenes and events from the surroundings which carry with it stories that give impact to
the society as a whole.

What’s More

Activity 3: Take me there!

Look at each picture below and identify the type of People As Media shown in it. Write
your answers below each picture.

1. Citizen Journalism

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

2. Opinion Leader

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash https://

3. Socisl Journalism

Photo Credit:


Crowd Sourcing

Photo Credit: Photo Credit:

hire- the-world
Activity 3.1: I Deliver
Look at each picture below and identify the type of People In Media shown in it. Write
your answers below each picture.

1. Broadcast Journalist

Photo by Redrecords from Pexels
while- talking-to-another-man-2872418/

2. Photojournalist

Photo by Fox from Pexels


3. Multimedia journalist

Photo by Flo Dahm from Pexels
computer- on-table-699459/

4. Print Journalist

Photo Credit: Hanoi is heartland, Vietnam, H

Minh Chin City Is Saigon, Philippine Daily Inquirer
– April 28, 2000.
What I Can Do

Activity 4: Let’s compare it and define it!

These individuals serve as These People manipulate the

channels of information media behind the lens and
dissemination. Before, they pens. They use texts, audio,
make use of writing essays, visual, multimedia, etc. to
literature and news to create spread information and
artefacts. However, with the messages for the public.
advent of technology and
social media, people are now
empowered to not just produce
artefacts but also evaluate,
analayze, edit and give
feedback to media artefacts.
They are the media itself.


They manipulate media to

produce relevant
information to the public.
Assessment: (Post-Test)

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.

1. A media and information literate individual is able to do the following, EXCEPT ONE:
A. share materials with informed and critical judgement
B. identify issues and resolve it appropriately
C. need not cite sources of grabbed photos
D. rephrase borrowed ideas

2. Media and information literate individual helps the following, EXCEPT ONE:
A. lessen personal contact with people B. improve quality of life
C. increase political participation D. enhances economic growth

3. One of the benefits of social media in business is .

A. product advertisement B. product replication
C. lacks personal connection to customers D. inconsistency of product content

4. One of the challenges of technology in the Education sector is .

A. improves engagement B. delivering informal learning
C. incorporates different learning styles D. encourages collaboration

5. This refers to the persons that are involved in the use, analysis, evaluation and
production of media and information.
A. Media practitioners B. Online classroom teachers
C. People Media D. editors

6. This refers to a leader for a certain group who gives details and information to lesser
active persons in the group.
A. Opinion leader B. Factual leader
C. Campus Journalism D. Crowdsourcing

7. People without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern
technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check
media on their own or in collaboration with others.
A. Campus Journalism B. Social Journalism
C. Network Journalism D. Citizen Journalism

8. They are the ones who have abilities in accessing, evaluating and producing
information using several forms of media.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist

9. These are people who underwent training in journalism writing. Equipped with the
fundamental and significant knowledge and strategies in writing news and stories
based from real events in the community.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist

10. They are skilled not just in journalism but also in public speaking.
A. Print Journalist B. Photo Journalist
C. Multimedia Journalist D. Broadcast Journalist

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