English Unit Test

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NAME :- _____________________ DATE :-
Unseen passage 2
Meera is a little girl. She lives in a remote village with her affectionate grandmother. She

loves to watch stars at night. Every evening she and her grandmother sit on a cot outside

their house. They watch the stars come up in the sky. As it gets dark, they see thousands of

stars in the sky. Grand mother tells her that these stars are very, very far away. Grandmother

shows her the magnificent shapes made by the stars. Meera also likes to see airplanes flying

in the sky. Every time Meera sees an airplane she claps her hands.

Q1. What do Meera and her grandmother do every evening?


Q2. Pick out the adjectives used for the following from the passage:
a) grandmother
b) stars

Q3 Circle the correct answers:

a) Meera lives in a (city/village) with her grandmother.
b) She likes watching (cars/stars).

Seen Passage

Chandrakant was miser. He hated spending money on anything and his wife was tired of his

stingy ways. He went to a wedding. There he was served a coconut burfi. Chandrakant felt

he had never tasted anything so good and decided he wanted another one.

He went back home and asked his wife to make him one. His wife looked at him.

Q1. Chandrakant had never tasted anything so good before

Q2. What do you understand by “miser”?



Q3. Why did his wife look at him?



Punctuate the given sentence

sahil my little brother loves pasta but i love ice- cream


Q1. Fill in the table with the grammar items.

adjective verb pronoun Common noun

Q 2 . Change any one common noun to proper noun.


Q.3 change or odd an appropriate adjective.


Q. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns given in the box

a) I gave my mom a________________ of flowers on her birthday.

b) A ___________ of ships arrived at the dock last night.

c) A _____________ of cattle was grazing peacefully in the field.

Q Underline the adjectives and circle the noun it describes.

There is a big fat spider in my room.

The yellow van drove down the wet road.

My mother baked fresh brown bread.

Q Answer the following questions:

a). Why were the animals surprised? (The dinosaur who had no friends)

b). How was Bruno different from the other dinosaurs? (The dinosaur who had no friends)

c) . “Top of piano,


In the middle,

On the edge

Empty shoe,

Anybody’s lap will do.”

Find two pairs of rhyming from the above lines.(Animal Poems)

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