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Problems faced by students.

Greetings one and all! I think that we all are aware of a few issues most students are facing
during schooling. Therefore, I would like to address the issues students from rural parts of
our country are facing.
Let's start with online school
Most people in the cities have a stable connection of Wi-Fi or mobile data and we also get
access to laptops, desktops, phones, etc… which gives us a way to attend online classes.
Where students from rural areas either cannot afford or don’t have the right gadgets or proper
internet connection and few rural areas are also facing issues with electricity and this is
affecting their education. Few students aren’t really familiar with online schooling and might
have issues using it. At the case we could take initiative and give few old gadgets that is not
in use anymore to help few students or even teach them how to work the applications used in

Classes. Students who get access to all the requirements are still having trouble with
understanding and communicating with the teachers and classmates. Few students also
discontinued their schools due to economic issues. Most schools aren’t giving any physical
activities and adding on to that us students sit in front of our gadgets for multiple hours
affects the student’s health. Schools are also facing issues like while conducting assignments,
students taking the help of google, etc….
Now let’s come to Offline School.
I believe that we all have had issues during offline schooling let it be from not getting a book
to not having a mode of transport. Online school helped us solve few issues like not being
able to punish students or if you don’t have an answer, we can always act like our Wi-Fi is
stuck but keeping these little things way so many students did not have a mode of transport
like for example they don’t have proper roads for the bus to travel or don’t have their own
mode of transport, and in this case, they had to cycle or even walk few miles to get to their
school. Whereas students from the urban areas have a better mood of transportation like ac
buses or their own vehicles.
As per the Indian population is 65% of the people in India live in rural areas and
35% live in urban areas. Half of the population is still facing most of the
problems that we mentioned above. And few people from really rural parts of
the india can we afford to get education and are forced into child labor. In
conclusion I would encourage you guys to help these students to attain a
proper education and be the change we want to see in the future.
“We can not succeed when half of us are held back”
-Malala Yousafzai

Thank you for reading!

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