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A Campaign Setting

By Graham Ward
Writing and Design: Graham Ward Playtesters: Aaron McEachran, Adam Lamb, Adam Myers,
Adam Rodger, Alex Polzin, Allison Hinkle, Amber Brown,
Cover Illustrator: Chris Cold Andrew Collings, Arick Christopher, Bethany Talley, Brian
Cartographer: Lee Moyer Kusic, Brian Porter, Britney Sinclair, Caitlin Wise DiAntonio,
Chelsea Sorensen, Claudio Venancio, Cory Skold, Dawn
Interior Illustrators: Alfred Khamidullin, Andreas Rocha, Brown, Derrik Young, Devon Muko, Edward Williams, Erik
Benita Winckler (, Bramasta Aji, Dreher, Grace Talley, Heidi Hausse, Hikaru Canode, Ian
Charlie Bullen-Spicer, Chris Cold, Daniel Kamarudin, Isuardi Spencer Ward, Jack Hobson, Jake Harbour, Jan van Doren,
Therianto, Ivan Laliashvili, Joel Lagerwall, John Connell, Jean Egdorf Dreher, Jeff Whipple, Jessica Jackson, John
Jonas De Ro, Jordi Gonzalez, Escarnilla, Julian Wicik, Karina, DiAntonio, Joe Lehman, José, Jordan Hull, Joshua Tumblin,
Serdyuk, Lekso Tiger, Marina Dieul, Matt Bant, Sandara, Scott Julie Frederickson, Justin Barron, Kayshin Chan, Kent Lloyd,
Purdy, Sean Soong, Wacław Wysocki, and Wojtek Depczyński Kristy Eagar, Lee Mordechai, Logan Foy, Lucas Bareis-
Golumb, Mary Jo Talley, Matt Hudson, Matthew Ballantine-
Concepts and Contributions: Adam Rodger, Derrik Young, Patton, Matthew Rossman, Matthew Sommer, Michael Keith
Kristy Eagar, Michael Keith Eagar, S. R. Dreamholde, Sean Eagar, Michelle Reeves, Molly Lester, Niels Adair, Rachel
Aliff, and backers of the Swirling Jaws of Infinity, Consort of Myers, Randall Pipenger, Raquel Hartzell, Rich Abbott, Rick
the Abyss, Austere Tutelar, Unnameable Casket-Bearer, and Reeves, Rosemary Vigil, Sarah Cox, Sarah Miller, Sarah
Tenebrous Centurion levels Talley, Spencer Sodokoff, Stephen So, Stella VonDedenroth,
Steve Lloyd, Trevor Muller-Hegel, and Willow McGinty

Special thanks to Bethany: my eyes, my hands, and my heart.

DARKPLANE, DARKPLANE: A CAMPAIGN SETTING, all names contained within this book and associated with them, as well
as the distinctive likenesses thereof, are property of Graham Ward. If you use or reference them, kindly credit him as their creator.
©2017 Graham Ward.

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Kickstarter Backers
Swirling Jaws Eric & Bria Bird Andrew Carmedelle Raghib Rahman Jamie Gregory
Gilles Cherrier Andrew Schmidt Ryan Bogert Jamie Caudill
of Infinity Hamish Casimir Andrew Somers Sam Curry Jamie Manley
Adam Wynn, Shawn Fortier,
Ian Noble Brian Dees Sawyer Jared Cassady
and Wallace Thomas
Ian Spencer Ward Brian Stillman S.T. Jacobson Jaron Mortimer
Clark IV
Jack and Mary-lu Nelson Brian Wright Steve Sick Jason Nguyen
Consort of the James Lewis Carson Wright Sylvia Orner Jason Chapa
James Chi Casey McIntire Thomas Lane - aka “vpr” Evans Payne
Abyss Jeff Newfeld Chris Del Gigante Tracy S. Landrum Jean Egdorf Dreher
Andrew Speigel Jimmy Kaplowitz Christopher Anderson Treganter Jeff Grubb
D.J. Cole John Coppersmith Cody O’Bryant Troy Stuart Remy Handler
Ian McBride Jonathan McCulley Dan Elwell Warren Cook Jessica Jackson & Ryan Prince
Jason Aldridge Josh Loewen Daniel Kowalczyk Wayne Carroll Shimmin Beg
Joseph Ellis Josh R Dave Souza Zach Hardy Joe Malouff
Matthew Cochran Keith E. Hartman David DuBois Josh Martinez
Raquel Hartzell Kurt Yost David Headquist
Unction of Josh Perry
Ray Ferrera M. Sean Molley Douglas Molineu Four Oblivions Josh Ellis
Robert Fugiel Margot Law Dudley Birch Jonathan Romulo Geronimo
Aaron Endy
Vidya Bodepudi Mark Chavez What’s his face Justin Boese
Pinto the dog, the best dog
Austere Tutelar Martin Y. E. Berthelsen Eric Rhynes ever Kai Kokemor
Alexander Trop Matt Hudson Erik Ford Aaron Woodside Karl Walldorf
Adam Rodger Matt Leitzen Evan Kelly Adam Ness KC Bowlan
Jan van Doren Matthew “Ogrebeef ” Seagle Frank Arlinghaus Adam Sirois Keith Nelson
Sir John “Starhawk” Kadolph Neil Crampin “Fuku” Aquino Adam Sparshott Kurt Anderson
Julianne C Ward Nicholas Kerr Giancarlo Sanguinetti Alex L Kyle Bedell
Kristy Eagar Paul Grant T. Smallwood Alex Blue Kyle Milner
Lars Audun Ragnvaldjord Phil Steppe Guy Thompson Alex Monroe Lakshman Godbole
Luke Niedner Richard Rossi Jesse Grier Alexander Stone-Tharp Maciej “Dark Sage”
Michael Keith Eagar Robert Bradbury Jacob Kent Alexander Wayman Szydłowski
Michael “MMOaddicted” Ryan Weathers Jacob Bush Andreas Starrsjö Malcolm S.W. Wilson
Molik Sarah and Brian Porter James Bowman Andrew Morrow Mark Hauck
Sarah Jane Cox Scott Kehl James Dezomits Andrew St. Laurent Martin Greening
Stefano Rinaldelli Scott Maclachlan James and Stayce Lueders Arun Shankar Marty K
Sean Aliff James Bagoly Blarghedy Matthew Ruane
Unnameable Seth A Spurlock James Poole Bleau Moores Matthew Stanton
Casket-Bearer Shaun Kenyon Jan Birch Brandon Ryan Matt Osborne
Abel Menechella Snaryl of the Stinking Genitals Jason Lee Brittany and Brenden Louden Michael A. Ross
Adam Meyers Spencer Sodokoff Jeremy Brian Andreasen Michael Kennedy
Alain Manguy Thomas Norris Jeremy Kear No Name Michael “Owlbear Cowboy”
Alan Cohen Tim Mushel Jesse Keen Carson Hill Kidd
Alex Coley Will Ke Jinnapat Treejareonwiwat Charlie Vick Michael Lee
Alex [Soul Collector] Zhinjio John Carroll Chris Basque Michael “Maikeruu” Pierno
Jarzebinski Jona Littler Cody Boker Michael P McPherson
Tenebrous Jonathan Bowen Cody Blaschke Michael Richards
Alexandre Amaral
Amber Biesecker Centurion Jonathan Konig Damian Breen Mick Schwan
Andrew Hackard Andrew Collings Jon Redshaw Dan Massey Mikael Borjesson
Austin Cabrera Andrew Lotton Joseph McCormack Darren Buckley Morgan McCauley
Battlebards Michael Ashran Firebrand Josh Matthews David Brawn Patrick Henry Downs
Bogie1494 Brandon Ferguson Joshua Tomarchio David Sande Raúl Peña Fernández
Boris J. Cibic Andrew “Chachi” Morehouse J. Asher Henry David Sandell Nikolaj Kaare Nørskov
Brendan “HollyKing” Leber Christin Doetterl Karl Taylor David Sommerfeld Natalie Pudim
Brett Easterbrook Sean Motzny Kent Thompson Dennis Sullivan Paulo Henrique Dihl
Brian Chumney David M. Tyler Kyle Litke Devin McIntyre Paul Schifferer
Brien Ward Frank Fiol Lance Van Meer Dillon Burke Peter Peppe Campbell
BrowncoatWash Jens Herrmann Lee Perry Dominic Zucco Peter
Bulldozers Jesse Martin Lisa Kellogg Drew Broeckelman Pól Stafford
Cesar Cota Romero Joseph J Provenzano Logan Pulsipher Dustin Carroll Real Atomsk
Chris Nehring Katherine Snow Lon Varnadore Eric Oliver R.A. Mc Reynolds
Chris Patterson Lee Scolin Louis-Philippe Desroches Eric Crumrine Richard Malena
Christie Hollie Matthew Swinburne Mack Cooper Eric F Kephart Robert Macary Jr
Christopher Brant Michael G Tschida Mark Wilkins Eric Neal Samuels Robert Athos Tyner
Claus Bo Christensen Morten Helles Matthew Cole Francois “Stereofm” Michel Rob Quillen
Craig Denham Myles Ball Matthew L McHale Frank Romero Ákos Fodor
Damnond Bulson Ryan Fedewa Mark Dizon Z Ryan Porter
Dan Jacobs shawn nelson Maurice Schekkerman Geoffrey Riutta Simon Mawdsley
Daniel Reising Stephen Lewis Michael Flatley Jason G_Q Simon P P Williams
Daniel & Trista Robichaud Wayne Lavold Michael Jones Gregory Faber Skúli Halldórsson
David A. Nolan William Lewis Cox Philip Müller Hjalte Bak B Stephen Joseph Ellis
David DeRocha Bruno Alves Marques Raymond Finch HPLustcraft Thomas Gerlick
Dennis Pascale Reto M. Kiefer Richard D’Ambrosio Glenn Berry
Dr. Donald Albert Turner
Cyclopean Richard Mundy Jack Gulick Timothy Martinez
Douglas Mawhinney Disciple Rob Boyd Jaesun Todd Davenport
Duane A. Peeler Aaron Spurlock Rob Smith Jaime Matthew Todd Finney
Ed Courtroul Adrish Hussain Robert DeCosta Jake Leeder Tyler Chelf
Ed Kowalczewski Alex Nordstrom Rod MacDonald James Hatchett William Dawson-Ekberg
Enkay Twone Andre Ball Ron Vickers James Ojaste
Within the pages of this book sits a universe. It’s not complete—it never
is—and it’s not idle. The nations, histories, characters, and plot hooks are alive
and waiting for creative minds to explore them. You can do so through games,
stories, visual art, or any other platform you can think of. Darkplane is as much
yours now as it is mine.
The first decades of the 21st century have been, so far, the Age of the
Franchise. Serial television is king again, sequels and reboots are dominating the
American film industry more than ever before, and every new novel seems to
fit somewhere in the middle of one series or another. Even a single book within
that series is now routinely adapted into two or three films. It appears we’re all
thirsting for a setting, not just a story. And why not? There’s something profoundly
gratifying about a narrative that reaches beyond its own beginning and end.
I began working on the Darkplane universe at a very young age, but I didn’t
know it at the time. Like a lot of imaginative kids, I spent all my time (awake or
not) spinning stories. There are now a thousand ways to be a storyteller, and a
thousand artistic media in which storytellers can find their unique voice. My own
stories took many of these forms: writing, music, art, performance, games, and
more. I don’t claim it was any good. Not, at least, until I’d been at it for a while.
At some point—it must have been at 17, the age of indefatigable optimism—I
undertook the conscious creation of the Darkplane universe by gluing together
places, events, and characters from my various writings. I wanted to form a
cohesive web, something wilder and more satisfying than the sum of its parts. In
doing this I found the themes getting darker and more cynical as I grew older,
the characters increasingly mutilated by the world they lived in. Despite this
bleak bent, the stories themselves often spoke in defense of the spiritual (but not
necessarily the religious).
As I pieced it all together, Vinramar began to take shape as a world where
the simple honor and optimism of its youth had descended into a confusing and
alien night. Of course, this is something like the journey every child takes as he or
she grows up. It’s also the journey we’ve experienced as a collective human race.
Nothing is simple anymore, and no one is free of scars.
This book is the first offering of the Darkplane universe, and I hope it won’t
be the last. Use it however suits your purpose. Play roleplaying games set in it,
write stories and novels from it, sketch and paint and sculpt it into a tangible
existence. I have for more than 12 years now, and it’s been a constant source of joy.

Graham Ward
July 2017
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Classes in Vinramar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Kierkani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
The Darkplane Universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Olkyari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Bard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Panacorum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Chapter One Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Slonavald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
RACES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Divine Domain: Aberration . . . 131 Tenebrous Centurion . . . . . . . . . 184
Common Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Divine Domain: Blood . . . . . . . . 132 Threnody . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Mimessarch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Divine Domain: Darkness . . . . . 132 Vimbaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Vampire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Divine Domain: Pestilence . . . . 133 Void-Cradle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Vorruc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Divine Domain: Stone . . . . . . . . 134 Yuriph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Werekin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Divine Domain: Water . . . . . . . . 135 System Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Vorruc Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Jhareth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Darkplane Mutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Monk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Dynamic Critical Hits . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Human . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Way of the Wandering Stars . . . . . 137 Trauma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Ansë . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Paladin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Spell Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Drael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Skill Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Forroth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Rogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Measuring Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Omhatra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Sorcerer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Quitzál . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Sorcerous Origin: Blood Magic . . 138 Chapter Four
Gugrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Sorcerous Origin: Runetouched . . 139 THE COSMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Heathfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Sorcerous Origin: Shadowbound . 140 The Four Worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Sarrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Sorcerous Origin: Salvendum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Telmatra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Vampire Bloodline . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Iltallach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Dragonborn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Warlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Vinramar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Patron: The Primordial . . . . . . . 142 Morvugol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Chapter Two Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Four Elements of Being . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
VINRAMAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Arcane Tradition: Realms of Existence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Arrochule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 School of Chronomancy . . . . . . 144 Primordial Realm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Arwest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Chronomancy Spells . . . . . . 145 Spirit Realm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Chayrshellech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 New Class: Psychic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Material Realm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Goltaraim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Items and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Eternal Realm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Iljudheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Adventuring Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Shadow Realm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Motta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Other Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
The Norlythe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Firearms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 The Darkplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Perrith Gorr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Artillery Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Deities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Syrikhal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Pantheons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Trentsmund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 World Factions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Divine Allegiances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Wellusk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Avan Enclaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Divine Servitude. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Languages of Vinramar . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Black Dans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 The Four Creators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Racial Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 The Eitharmos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 The Ascended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Regional Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 The Etholchan Church . . . . . . . . . . . 166 The Irvallath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Humenhi Wayfarers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Other Deities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Chapter Three The Infernossos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
DARKPLANE CAMPAIGNS. . . . 116 The Jharric Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Appendix A: The Jhareth Myths . . . . . 229
New Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 The Mozralchic Order . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Cultist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Nusalmatma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Appendix B: History of Vinramar . . . . 236
Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 The Order of Illiantri . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 The Stonewar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Lawyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 The Patriarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 The Imperial Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Silfana au Ittador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 The Epoch of Daragoch . . . . . . . . . . 238
Prisoner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 The Solace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 The Elder Dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Psychologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 The Sounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 The Wild Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 The Twilight Apostates . . . . . . . . . . 173 The Intiliaros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
Slave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Volgothic Cult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 The Annoloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Variant Guild Artisan: Mechanic . . 128 Yaloín . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Variant Noble: Politician . . . . . . . . . 128 Monsters in Vinramar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Appendix C:
Variant Outlander: Explorer . . . . . . 129 New Monsters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Non-Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Variant Outlander: Hunter . . . . . . . 129 Austere Tutelar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Variant Sage: Professor. . . . . . . . . . . 129 Caprice of Ethis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Index and Pronunciation Guide . . . . . 249
Variant Sage: Scientist . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Hrildovolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
God is dead, and the world’s been bloody hell ever since. Her son
Daemoth slew Her and made Vinramar the stage for battle against his brother
Jharus. Over the ages, both her sons filled Vinramar with their children, each
eager for agents and captains that could overpower his rival. The children of
Jharus became zealous defenders of life, while Daemoth’s demonic brood fathered
bestial abominations with the captive spirits of the earth. The ranks of both gods
swelled until nearly every creature in creation stood for one side or the other.
One thousand three-hundred fifty years ago, another stroke was made—for
one side or another—and Jharus’ holy empire New Ardon disappeared from the
face of the earth. Now all is dark and hush. Daemoth worship spreads unchecked
across the world, brought by human colonists who enslave the other races, and
hunt Jharus’ followers like beasts. The Jharethil, sons of Jharus who once guarded
Vinramar from Daemoth, are gone now—murdered, captured, or vanished with
their sacred cities. If Jharus has abandoned this world to its fate, it’s little wonder.
The very rock of Vinramar groans under a wicked burden. These are the
Annoloth, Years of Woe, the last age of this world. Its doom will soon be decided.
—Blood from Heaven by Dorrett Shaw
* * *
The Darkplane universe is a setting that blends Gothic horror and weird
tales with a rich, culturally diverse history. Whether you’re interested in the
stories of its people, nations, and religions (which reach back tens of thousands
of years), or you want to create its next chapter for yourself, this book is your
window into a grisly and compelling world.
Vinramar, the mortal world, can be a perilous place, whether you’re leading
witch-hunts in Trentsmund’s colonial provinces, searching forgotten ruins for
the secrets of the cosmos, or taking desperate flight from the cannibal-infested
wastelands that were once the kingdoms of Welluxia and Barlom Schoe.
Powerful and venerable religions dominate the cultures of the earth, but in a
manner closer to the Ancient World than the Medieval one. Not all gods are
benevolent, and not all of their priests are pious.
Religious and cultural conflict are central to the Darkplane setting. This
is a place where peoples and ideologies a world apart are meeting for the first
time. Not since the Elder Days have empires spanned entire continents, or
explorers crossed oceans and returned to tell of it. The Western world brings
development to other lands, but it also brings oppression and death. In turn,
the colonial powers find that the wild holds its own terrors, memories from a
time when empires older and more blasphemous possessed the land.
This is not your typical high fantasy setting. Most magic is dangerous and
rare, seen as a black art. Humans, who make up the vast majority of the world’s
population, don’t look lightly on the uncanny or the supernatural. The elves,
dwarves, halflings, and orcs you find in this book are anything but traditional.
The intent of this setting is to challenge the clichés of fantasy roleplaying—but
above all, it’s meant to frighten and delight you.

The Darkplane Universe
Darkplane is weird fiction. That means its stories Perilous Horrors Hide Under Every Stone.
rely on an overarching, seductive sense of dread and Beneath the facade of the everyday world lies a
mystery. It’s about cults, hauntings, twisted monsters, nightmare realm, the true reality that would drive
and breaking away from moral simplicity. While there common folk to madness. Magic is rare and dangerous.
are elements of high fantasy, it won’t take you long Vengeful abominations creep into the natural world
to see that this is not a setting modeled on Medieval from other dimensions, sowing chaos and fear.
Europe. It pulls from the mythologies and folklore of Frightful vestiges of pre-human civilizations lie hidden
many different cultures in an attempt to support a wide in the earth, and some of their undying denizens live
array of horror stories. unseen among mortals. When such supernatural forces
This book assumes you’re playing the fifth edition come in contact with average people, the scars they
of the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Here are a few leave are deep and troubling.
ways that the Darkplane setting will change the core God is Dead. Shortly following the creation,
assumptions of your campaign. the supreme goddess Sowm was killed by Her son
The World Appears Mundane. To the everyday Daemoth, plunging the Heavens into an endless war.
inhabitants of Vinramar, magic is only a dark legend. The key players in this conflict are unfathomable gods
Half-believed traditions of the supernatural prevail who rarely visit the mortal realm, but their followers
among commoners—whispers of spirits, strange magic, are all too eager to drag the world through millennia
and unexplained terrors—but few people come in of bloodshed and carnage. These priests might be
contact with such things. Darkplane campaigns focus showmen, sages, or warmongering vipers, but if their
on those special few. faith is sufficient they can channel powerful wonders.

Industrial Revolution Has Created Wide WHAT FOLLOWS
Technology Gaps. Some cultures resort to ancient This book contains the basic information you need to
practices like hunting and gathering to survive, while run a roleplaying game set in the Darkplane universe,
others have developed specialized crafts like printing and, let’s be honest, a little more on top of that. Read
and glass blowing. In Trentsmund, steam power has the chapters in whichever order suits your interest. If
irrevocably changed the kingdom’s infrastructure. you want to take a look at the new races, classes, and

The Darkplane Universe

Traffic between these societies is still limited enough to other system options right away, start at the top. If
preserve the technological disparity. you’re more interested in the lore of the Darkplane
The Darkplane Encompasses All. The four setting, then you may prefer to start with Appendix A:
worlds are surrounded by an endless void beyond The Jhareth Myths.
natural reality, called the Darkplane. The Darkplane is
populated and ruled by mysterious aberrant powers
so unnatural that their comprehension is almost
beyond mortal minds. Daemoth’s slow conquest of the
Darkplane has driven these alien horrors into the four
worlds, where their presence infects and twists natural
creatures into unspeakable aberrations.

Chapter One

The word of God suggests that mankind was brought into this world as its
intended heir. From the first moment of creation, the gods directed the elements
to rise and build a home, but for what purpose? Who would dwell there? The
children of God had their time as caretakers, and squandered it in petty war. The
runt-creatures born of Ethis had, there is reason to believe, a period of rule in the
West. The dragon-spawn next claimed it, until the Great Winter of Lachmarum
froze their blood and cast them out. Last of all, we the children of the children
of God, the imperious light of truth and civilization, the last and greatest of all
races, we have become mortal heirs of the immortal earth. This was God’s design,
to make mankind the inheritor of all he has, and at last bestow upon him eternal
life; and even the crown of deity. Shall we shrink from such an end, or graciously
rise to our destiny, and to the enacting of God’s own will?
—Discourses of Radnoliore Tancini, 84th Nianto of the Urrothic Church
* * *
This setting weaves a detailed tapestry of war, mystery, and horror. Understanding
the world requires an understanding of its inhabitants and their relationships.
This chapter, discussing the races of Vinramar, is a good place to start.
Many of the races in this chapter are new takes on familiar fantasy
creatures. If there’s a race that isn’t presented here, that doesn’t necessarily
mean that it doesn’t exist in the setting. Maybe creatures of that type are just
extremely rare. The important thing is that the GM and player are comfortable
with the choices made at character creation.
The new race options presented in the following pages play an important
role in the history and character of Vinramar. They’re divided into six broad
groups: the Afflicted, the Elder Kindreds, the Fey Kindreds, Humans, the
Maahisites, and the Spawn of Lakhi. Most of these groups include both
playable races and monsters, but the races presented in this chapter (with the
possible exception of vampires) are all playable races.
Bear in mind that humans are the most populous race. They dominate
most of the world with diverse cultures that look on those different from them
with revulsion and distrust. These racial tensions can create lots of interesting
conflict at the table, but don’t let them kill the fun. As a GM, make sure you
and your players are on the same page about the consequences of choosing a
given race.

Common races
Vinramar is made up of many intelligent creatures, or more of the following descriptors. Races listed as
including a host of obscure cultures and monsters. This common are found in large numbers in several regions.
section focuses more on the common races available to Uncommon races are found in large numbers within their
player characters—mimessarchs, vorruqun, werekin, native regions. A rare race is so secluded or dispersed that
daemons, jharethil, elves, humans, gugrum, heathfolk, few folk have ever come in contact with them. Hidden
sarrow, telmatra, and dragonborn. races often disguise themselves as human, successfully
Almost half of these races (elves, humans, sarrow, enough that their true numbers can only be guessed at.
telmatra, and dragonborn) have traits that can be
found in other rulebooks. The information in this Status
chapter focuses on how those races are molded to fit Every race is described by one or more of the following
the Darkplane setting. For the new races, you’ll find statuses, defining how its people fit in the larger picture
full descriptions including backgrounds, traits, and of cultural relations.
subraces. Dominant: Races that are dominant are seen owning
To give an impression of the relations and power slaves, colonizing other lands, and exercising
dynamics between the various common races, the authority over other cultures.
Common Races table on page 12 categorizes them in Dwindling: These races are diminishing in numbers
the following ways. over time, whether because of pestilence, war, or
Common Regions
This category lists the regions in which a given race Enslaved: These races are in captivity or servitude to
is most commonly found. See the map below for a others on a wide scale.
visualization of settlement patterns circa 1350 Annoloth. Thriving: Races that are thriving are increasing their
population at an above-average rate. Their borders
Rarity are expanding as they settle new areas.
To provide a general sense of how its people fit into the
larger picture of cultural relations, each race has one

12 Chapter One | Races

Common Races
Race Common Region Rarity Status
The Afflicted
Mimessarchs — Hidden Unknown
Vorruqun Perrith Gorr, Wellusk Hidden Thriving

Common races
Werekin Arwest Uncommon Thriving
Elder Kindreds
Daemons — Hidden Unknown
Jharethil — Hidden Dwindling
Fey Kindreds
Elves Arwest, Iljudheim Rare Dwindling
Half-elves Arwest, Iljudheim Rare Unknown
Humans All
Ansë Iljudheim Common Thriving
Drael Motta, Trentsmund Common Dominant, Thriving
Forroth Arrochule, Goltaraim Common Dominant, Thriving
Omhatra Arwest, Perrith Gorr, Syrikhal, Wellusk Common Dwindling, Enslaved
Quitzál Motta, the Norlythe Common Dwindling, Enslaved
Gugrum Chayrshellech, Motta, the Norlythe Common Enslaved, Thriving
Heathfolk Chayrshellech, Trentsmund Common Dominant, Thriving
Sarrow Chayrshellech, the Norlythe, Trentsmund Uncommon Dwindling, Enslaved
Telmatra Arrochule, Goltaraim, the Norlythe Common Thriving
Spawn of Lakhi
Dragonborn Chayrshellech, Syrikhal Rare Dwindling, Enslaved

Chapter One | Races 13

T he looming threat of the Darkplane
is an ever-present reality for these
creatures, who natural form is mutated
by contact with aberrations. Some
develop their aberrant qualities through
contact with the unnatural climes of the
Darkplane or its native creatures. Others
experience sudden physiological changes
only to discover that an aberrant taint
has lain dormant in their bloodline.
Whatever the cause, mimessarchs
manifest a powerful deformity while
maintaining the at times vague
appearance of their born race.
Mimessarchs know that they
can’t escape their fate. The unnatural
deformity remains as a permanent mark
of the Darkplane’s influence over them.
Many attempt to regain a semblance of
normal life, hiding the deformity and the
abilities it grants. Others throw caution
to the wind and embrace the fear their
alien features inspire.
Mimessarchs always give birth to
mimessarchs, though the natural race
may prevail until later in the child’s life.
Communities have been discovered that
span several generations of hereditary
mimessarchs. Such families cover a wide
spectrum of deformity, from those who
have not changed at all to those that
are distorted beyond recognition. The
deformity of the child nearly always
matches that of the parent.
Whether reclusive or bold, a
mimessarch is defined by his or her
relationship to the aberrant. Some
worship and revere powerful Darkplane
entities. Others despise and fight against
their heritage.

Twisted in Body and Mind
In many instances, the unnatural metamorphosis of a mimessarch
has drastic psychological ramifications, ranging from self-loathing to
schizophrenia and anti-social behavior. Those who don’t shrink from
society by their own choice are often shunned or driven away.
The Darkplane may deform mimessarchs, but it compensates

them with flashes of genius. The touch of madness brings an eccentric
brilliance that can make a mimessarch a valuable ally. Ironically these
moments of genius are interspersed with strange compulsions that
can confuse and offend those who associate with the mimessarch.
Phobias, addictions, obsessions, and odd speech patterns are the
everyday fare of these unfortunate creatures.
Most mimessarchs develop a cynical philosophy. They disbelieve
in moral strictures, dismiss religion, and spurn offers of spiritual
redemption, particularly those that come from organized groups.
Their pursuit of greatness is most often motivated by a desire to
conquer, harness, or minimize their aberrant nature. Some do so
through studying psionics or arcane magic, others through physical
Degenerative Deformity
A mimessarch’s appearance depends entirely on two factors: her
natural race and the type of Darkplane deformity she carries. Sarrow
and other small creatures that become tainted retain their diminutive
size, while more physically imposing races maintain that stature.
Even individual cases of the same deformity manifest in different
ways, however. Tentacles may be of different colors, and aberrant
countenances may have wildly different features. Common to most
Darkplane deformities are tuberous extrusions, a slimy mucus coating
over the skin, and the presence of anomalous orifices.
When properly disguised, a mimessarch can pass as a normal
member of his or her natural race. Such a disguise can be challenging
to pull off, especially when the deformity covers large portions of
the body or face. At best the mimessarch looks awkward but natural.
Many make no effort at disguise whatsoever.

Status As a Means of Protection

Shunned and gawked at by others, mimessarchs are forced to
distinguish themselves as deserving of respect. Unlike other races that
hide their true nature, they don’t necessarily depend on anonymity
for survival. Though they do what they can to hide their deformity,
mimessarchs are more likely to protect themselves through status.
Whatever the method, it’s common for these outcasts to obsessively seek
to prove to the world that they’re more than freaks. Often this manifests
as a pursuit of power and station, which defends them from derision.
This isn’t always difficult for mimessarchs to achieve. The
experience of staring the mad cosmos in the face leaves them with a
glimpse of knowledge beyond mortal reach and makes them prone to
flashes of incredible genius. Such preternatural insight, however, can
burden the mind with spurts of psychosis. The particular conditions
differ, as does their severity. Many mimessarchs manage to conceal
their madness well enough to achieve great things.

Chapter One | Races 15

Hidden Communes Speed. Your speed is determined by the race you
It is rare that a mimessarch assimilates seamlessly into choose as your Natural Heritage.
mainstream society. Some seek the sequestered work of Aberration. You are considered an aberration as
a farmer or laborer, while others rob and raid for their well as a humanoid. You have advantage when making
living. It’s common for mimessarchs to have dealings Intelligence checks related to knowledge of aberrations
and connections in underground communities such as and the Darkplane.
organized crime networks or hidden arcane cabals. Horrifying. You have proficiency in the Intimidation
There are households, colonies, even entire villages skill. As an action, you can attempt to horrify one
where mimessarchs gather for refuge. Most are run by creature that can see you that isn’t an aberration,
a family or individual whose bloodline is irreversibly undead, or construct. Make a Charisma (Intimidation)
tainted. A few are organized by chapters of Senfaerist check contested by the creature’s Wisdom. If you win, it
monks who are familiar with the terrors of the is frightened of you until the end of its next turn.
Darkplane threat. Unless you’re wearing a suitable disguise (at your
Mimessarch havens range from communal and GM’s discretion), you add your proficiency bonus to
benevolent to abhorrent and brutal. Most are unsanitary; the DC of any Charisma (Performance) or Charisma
all can be frightening to the average person. Few of them (Persuasion) check you make.
are appealing to those inexperienced with the aberrant, Natural Heritage. Choose a race other than
or bothered by mental illness. mimessarch. You are also considered a member of that
race. You gain the size, speed, and languages of the race
Climbing the Ladder you choose as your Natural Heritage.
Because the background of each mimessarch is so Languages. You speak the languages of the race you
unique, they can be found in a variety of roles in the choose as your Natural Heritage.
adventuring world. If they haven’t retired from public Darkplane Deformity. Your body has been twisted
view, they chase pursuits connected to hierarchy, such in a way that enhances your biological capabilities. The
as membership in adventurer guilds. Achievement deformed area might be easily hidden, such as the back
and recognition help them forget the repulsiveness to or abdomen, or it might be in a glaring place like the
which the Darkplane has consigned them. face. Decide with your GM which one of the following
deformities you have and where it is.
Mimessarch Names
Mimessarchs generally keep their given name. See the Aberrant Visage
examples of names provided in the description of the Your face is a twisted, alien monstrosity. Maybe your
race you choose as your Natural Heritage. eyes are huge and repulsive, or maybe you have a
slopping, slimy maw in place of a mouth. Perhaps
Mimessarch Traits feelers or long fangs protrude from your face.
Your mimessarch character gains a variety of unique
Whatever the form, it likely affects your voice and
traits stemming from his or her Darkplane deformity.
mannerisms—and enhances your brain and respiratory
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
system. From the shoulders down, however, you might
increases by 1.
pass as your natural heritage.
Age. The Darkplane infection kills many living
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution and
things outright, and mimessarchs have been known
Intelligence scores increase by 1.
to die early of biological complications resulting
Beyond Sustenance. You do not need to breathe.
from their deformities. There are also those whose
This doesn't protect you against poisons or hazards
changing bodies remain living far beyond what would
unless they explicitly must be inhaled to take effect.
be expected of their natural race. It is yours to decide
Darkvision. Your aberrant eyes allow you to see
which you are.
better in limited light. You have darkvision up to a
Alignment. There isn’t much room in a
distance of 60 feet.
mimessarch’s life for moral certainty. Having the
Stark Raving Terror. Your proficiency bonus is
insight they do into the alien cosmos tends to shake
doubled when making a Charisma (Intimidation)
their confidence in virtue or principle. That being so,
check to horrify a creature with your appearance. You
mimessarchs gravitate toward neutral alignments.
likewise double your proficiency bonus when adding
Size. Your size is determined by the race you choose
it to the DC of Charisma (Performance) and Charisma
as your Natural Heritage.
(Persuasion) checks. With your GM’s approval, you can
use a suitable disguise to temporarily ignore this trait.

16 Chapter One | Races

Additional Eyes
You have extra eyes bubbling from irregularly located orifices.
The Afflicted
There might be one extra eye or thirty—either way, they grant Though not entirely composed of kindred
you heightened perception, including the ability to see in races, the Afflicted is a racial group
absolute dark. composed of those whose origins are
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. connected to the supernatural. Whether

All Eyes. You have advantage when making Wisdom through divine malediction, powerful
(Perception) checks, and you cannot be surprised. elemental magic, or infection, individuals
Perfect Darkvision. Your aberrant eyes allow you to see of these races have been fundamentally
better in complete darkness. You can see in darkness and dim changed from what they once were. Most
light as if it were bright light, up to a distance of 60 feet. This of them are self-propagating—they can
vision is as detailed and effective as your normal vision. bear children, and those children maintain
the changed nature of the parent.
Amorphous Limbs Vampires, vorruqun, and the werekin
Your arms and legs are elastic to a moderate degree. They flex are cousin races. The vampires are cursed
oddly and give you a shambling gait, but allow you to move descendants of Iarmov the Maimed, who
quite fast when occasion requires . You can get into narrow and was unwillingly transformed into the first
hard-to-reach places, and can elongate your appendages several undead being by Ulmhasa, primordial
feet. The limbs themselves might look slimy, scaly, or swollen. goddess of shadow. Iarmov’s offspring
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. were all cursed with undeath, that is
Elasticity. Your speed is 40 feet. Your melee reach increases until Fimbuleth, a powerful vampire and
to 10 feet, and if you aren’t wearing armor you can reach sorcerer, used primal magic to remove the
your limbs into a space as small as three inches wide without malediction from himself and his children.
squeezing. His curse changed from vampirism to
lycanthropy, and he thus became the father
Sensory Spindles
of the werekin.
Your body is partly covered in six-inch, fibrous spindles. They
The vorruqun are those mortals who
might extend from your hands, arms, legs, face, or other areas.
have been infected by the blighted lands
When the spindles touch a surface, they can read vibrations
where the vampires dwell. Their blood
to give you a clear idea of other moving objects that touch
becomes cold to the touch, and their
the same surface. If you’re in water, this means you can sense
appetites turn wild, causing them to feed
other creatures in the water. If underground, you can sense
on the flesh of other mortals. After the
vibrations in the stone that tell you what other creatures might
Desolation of Wellusk, the wide lands of
lurk about.
the East were overrun with vorruqun, who
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
continue to prowl the wastelands in packs.
Tremorsense. You have the ability to “see” creatures and
Their lust for human flesh will follow
objects within 20 feet, even if they are hidden, obscured, or
them to the grave.
invisible. Both you and the creature or object must be touching
Mimessarchs are not akin to the
the same object or surface (the ground, water, a wall, etc.).
other four Afflicted, except that their
Tentacles physiology has been permanently altered
You have one or more tentacles, up to 4 feet in length, that by unnatural forces. They are the victims
sprout from anywhere on your body—perhaps your arms, legs, of Darkplane infection, and thus have
or abdomen. Their coordination is somewhat limited, but they developed alien appendages and senses.
make you very fast in water. They can be used to apply force to Most mimessarchs hide themselves away,
objects, but cannot hold items. but in some areas of the world there are
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. small settlements, no larger than villages,
Cephalopod. You have a swim speed of 50 feet. Your where mimessarchs gather.
unarmed attacks deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage, and creatures
grappled by your tentacles have disadvantage on saving throws
to escape.

A ncient as the world itself, the
vampire civilization descends from
Iarmov the Maimed, one of the four
sons of Daemoth the Creator. After
Iarmov was cursed with undeath, he
fled to the East of Vinramar, where
his children live to this day. Their
empire Perrith Gorr has emerged
from terrible decline into a new
golden age, thanks to the apotheosis
of their dead emperor Volgothyde.
There are five ruling families
among the vampires: Bromraw,
Calchoth, Carachun, Ferrialum, and
Mannen. Each of these houses has a
unique culture and dialect, making
unity among the vampires more of a
show than reality. The ruling families
harbor thousand-year-old grudges
against one another, but are willing
to work together for the good of the
empire, especially now that their
former liege has returned to rule
them as a god.
Those vampires that leave Perrith
Gorr do so for various reasons. There
are plenty of dishonorable motives—
greed for blood not least—but some
have a genuine objection to the
horrors of vampire decadence. These
exiles can control their appearance
enough to blend in well with
If you’re interested in playing
a vampire as a player character, see
page 141, which discusses characters
with the Vampire Bloodline
Sorcerous Origin.

Ageless Death
Vampires are tall and lean, with red eyes and a deathly pale complexion that
makes them look like fresh corpses. Because they can manipulate their form
to some degree, vampires can maintain a youthful cast indefinitely. This isn’t
always practiced, however, since vampires take pride in their age. The older
one looks, the more respect she commands among her own. Many vampires

sacrifice beauty for the pride of looking decrepit.
Without mortal blood to drink, vampires experience profound hunger. To
alleviate the pain, they import a steady flow of blood chattel, mortals who are
corralled and fed by drops to the vampires that own them. Eventually, each
captive is infected and becomes a vorruc, at which point the master discards
them. Traditionally, hunting parties would set out monthly to collect enough
chattel for each estate, but since the Desolation of Wellusk their stores have
been filled to overflowing.
A Crumbling Aristocracy
The lower and middle classes of vampire society have long since dissolved
into nothing. Those who remain are a class of nobles unable to support any
type of social infrastructure. They live in the remote northeast, bringing slaves
and blood chattel into their crumbling ruins to play the unenviable part of the
vampires’ subjects. This paper-thin charade is maintained only because the
slaves are kept too weak and terrified to revolt.
Because all vampires are part of this decadent aristocracy, they tend to
be extraordinarily arrogant. Solitary privilege has defined their existence for
thousands upon thousands of years. When dealing with mortals, vampires are
dismissive and self-serving, but diabolically patient.
Vampires’ longevity causes them to further lose touch with the mortal
world, where the cultural landscape changes so quickly they can’t keep up.
This makes even the most cutting-edge vampire seem old-fashioned. To deal
with the rapid passing of generations, vampires take to treating an entire
bloodline as one individual, holding the heir of a family responsible for the
actions of an ancestor centuries-dead. More than one human has found
himself unaccountably assailed for grievances long past.

Vampire Names
Vampires take great delight in the invention of names. Few names of theirs are
reused, since to them naming a child is as important as the conception itself. In
addition to a given name, a vampire takes the name of her closest ruling family.
Male Names: Amuris, Ankath, Drunath, Gonkhamath, Honad, Incarna,
Mhelsiath, Osarath, Ramhethath, Thyan, Unvoliath, Vemhed, Volsiath, Zomhad
Female Names: Adha, Apankha, Ezmhelta, Ghata, Gonthera, Imhezra, Nyamhi,
Olamhet, Pamhul, Romhelsa, Simha, Sombentara, Sut, Tiankh, Zolthep
Family Names: Bromraw, Calchoth, Carachun, Ferrialum, Mannen

Vampire Traits
The following traits provide cultural information about vampire characters.
Alignment. Few vampires feel compassion for the mortals they feed on.
The majority of their kind find great pleasure in the taste of blood, tipping
them toward neutral and evil alignments. A vampire can survive without the
taste of blood, or by feeding on animals, but to them the taste is putrid. It
takes a truly noble soul to forswear the good stuff.
Languages. Vampires traditionally speak their own language, called
Mhelthep. It has rolling r’s and smooth-sounding vowels.

Chapter One | Races 19

V ictims of a tainted land, the
vorruqun are a form of quasi-
vampire who become dependent on
consuming living flesh to stay alive.
The infection usually enters their
body through food. Crops grown in
the blighted earth of Perrith Gorr, and
even animals fed on those crops, can
carry the plague that transforms the
eater gradually into a vorruc. For the
thousands of humans imported to the
vampire lands as blood chattel and
slave labor, the vorruc infection is a
death sentence, since during captivity
they’ll eat nothing but corrupted
food. Once defiled themselves, they’re
cast off into the blighted wild to
starve for want of flesh.
Only undead in the strictest
sense, vorruqun maintain a
considerable intelligence once
infected. In most circumstances,
they’re indistinguishable from the
people they were before succumbing
to the blight. It’s only once they
become hungry that the inner beast
in unleashed.
Most of the vorruqun that find
themselves in settled areas make an
effort to hide their infection, feeding
in secret, and maybe even avoiding
the flesh of intelligent creatures.
In Wellusk, however, where the
survivors of the Desolation hide
among the ruins, the vorruqun lure
their former friends into dark places
and consume them without remorse.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water
Vorruqun are largely ruled by their need to feed, making them
somewhat more short-sighted than true vampires. There isn’t much they
won’t do in exchange for sustenance. Some prefer blood, others flesh,
but none can live without one or the other. Infected meat, they soon
learn, does them no good. Only living, natural creatures can sustain

them. Somewhat surprisingly, their indifference to one another as food
causes the vorruqun to gather in codependent, semi-nomadic packs.
Pack life can be dull between feedings, but strong ties develop
among the bonded vorruqun. For most, the pack is the only family they
will ever have. Instinct and circumstance make this union of utmost
importance to them. A vorruc values it above all else, and will sacrifice
almost anything to maintain it. Those rare packs that are comprised of
blood relatives infected together are unrivaled in their mutual devotion.
The Devil’s Grin
When vorruqun haven’t fed on fresh blood or live meat in several days,
they begin to look pale and grey-eyed. Their blood rushes into their
lips, cheeks, gums, and tongue, causing the entire mouth to swell like
a snout, and their teeth to slide outward into prominent fangs. The
“devil’s grin,” as it’s called, is truly frightening.
When well fed, new vorruqun will look almost exactly like natural
creatures. This camouflage is a valuable asset to those who wish to
ensnare the living, or to resume their former life. By and large, the
vorruqun are infected humans, since the vampires keep a full stock for
labor and food. It’s almost unheard of to encounter a vorruc who once
belonged to any other race.
There are some vorruqun, especially those that last to an older
age, whose bodies fall apart under the strain of the disease. Their face
becomes mask-like as it sags and rots from the mouth outward. Bruised
growths develop on their skin, and their pores weep a black ooze. The
sight can be incomparably grotesque.

Kill in Secret
Feeding on flesh isn’t taken well by the living. A vorruc in most
circumstances will never reveal his or her infection except to other
vorruqun. Fortunately, they can sense each other, making it easy to
know who’s undead and who’s alive. Those vorruqun who regularly
come in contact with the living are forced to live a double life. The
most successful become adept at navigating multiple identities and
perpetuating elaborate lies in order to survive, never quite letting
anyone get to know them. Trust is a luxury they can’t afford.
Strength in Numbers
Of course, vorruqun make up for their aloofness within the pack, where
there are no secrets. Their den becomes sacrosanct, a place where their
family feasts as one. In the wastelands of Wellusk, the central hotbed
of vorruc hunting, packs take shelter in whatever naturally secluded
areas present themselves. In the city, however, they can take their time
to build the family a true temple. Often urban dens are lavish, cleverly
hidden in plain sight.
Procreation is not possible for vorruqun, and so they increase their
numbers by exchanging blood with select victims. This practice provides
steady food and allows the victim to eventually join the clan as a vorruc.

Chapter One | Races 21

Without hope for continuing a family in any other way, blood exchanges
have become something of a sacred rite to them.
Those vorruqun that make their way to civilization find feeding easy,
Stranger provided they can cover their tracks. In a city teeming with living flesh, a
united network of feeders can put off their inevitable death for many years.
danger Needless to say, those that haven’t joined a pack will search tirelessly for one.
When choosing a race from the
Afflicted racial group, bear in Eternal Hunters
mind that they have a sinister Almost all vorruqun are adventurers by strict definition. If they survive
reputation among common folk, for any significant time, they see a lot of action. Of course, few keep close
which is why their settlement company with the living, but vorruqun with a gift for deceit can manage to
pattern is extremely cohesive. earn human trust when they need to. Such infiltrators don’t mind rubbing
All of them can be dangerous, shoulders with their meals before eating. Whether stalking through
especially those who have desolate woods or elegant drawing rooms, vorruqun are peerless hunters.
unconventional appetites. Likely, Vorruc Names
your best tactic will be to pass Some vorruqun may use the given name from their former life, but most
yourself off as a human or other invent an array of new identities for dealing with the living. Within the
more commonly accepted race. pack, they bestow sacred hunting names upon one another. These names
Then, when you trust certain have no particular conventions, since they’re drawn from circumstance,
individuals not to kill you upon history, myth, or simply invented.
learning your true nature, you
might feel comfortable telling
them the truth.
One of the most difficult
struggles for members of Afflicted
races is learning to overcome the
often negative influence of their
cultural background. Werekin
notoriously hunt humans, and
think of them in the way that
humans themselves think of
animals. Learning to cooperate
with and even trust a human can
be a fun roleplaying challenge.
The vorruqun, on the other
hand, will never be rid of their
hunger for living flesh. Animals
will only satisfy them for so long.
Be careful that your character
deals with this hunger in ways that
enhance everyone’s enjoyment of
the game. Don’t wantonly try to
eat other player characters.

Vorruc Traits
You have a number of special traits as a result of the vorruc infection.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Constitution, and
Wisdom scores each increase by 1.
Age. While possessed of an unnatural vitality, the vorruqun
are prone to early death from want of living flesh. Most of them Vorruqun and

have been afflicted for less than 10 years, although the age at which
the infection set into their flesh varies greatly. You decide whether
The existence of the vorruqun raises
you’re old or young.
the question of how they differ
Alignment. Obviously, there are many neutral and evil
from vampires. Both are intelligent,
vorruqun—the appetite for flesh can shake even the most virtuous
both are undead, and both can pass
souls. There are those who painstakingly maintain their morals,
as human. The distinction lies in
feeding on animals and resisting the urge to kill. It can be done, but
the unnatural vitality of vampires.
it’s a lonely road that often ends in a quick death.
Although they thirst for blood,
Size. Vorruqun retain their previous human stature. Your size
they aren’t capable of dying unless
is Medium.
destroyed by one of a handful of
Speed. 30 feet.
Blood Frenzy. When you see a creature that bleeds take
Vorruqun, on the other hand,
damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom
must continue to eat and drink as
modifier, and you can use your reaction to move 10 feet, provoking
other mortals. The hunger for flesh
no opportunity attacks.
is added to their regular sustenance,
Darkvision. Your senses were heightened as the vorruc blight
and neglect of either can kill them.
spread through your body, and you’ve only honed the sharpness of
They also age, tire, and can die from
your vision. You have darkvision up to a distance of 60 feet.
natural causes such as disease or
Vampiric Corruption. You are considered a vampire and
exposure. They’re only considered
undead in addition to being a humanoid. While an undead creature
undead because their bodies are
is within 30 feet of you, you sense that it is undead.
infected with a vampiric blight.
After you eat live flesh or drink fresh blood, add double your
From a cosmetic perspective,
Constitution modifier when spending hit dice to heal during your
you can usually distinguish between
next short rest before sunset. You cannot use this ability again until
vorruqun and vampires by how
after you finish a long rest.
repulsive they are. Vorruqun
For every 5 days you go without eating live flesh or drinking
(especially the old ones) are plagued
fresh blood, your Constitution and Charisma scores are reduced by
and hideous. Vampires have control
2 points. When your Constitution score reaches 0, you die. Once
over their features, often appearing
you do consume flesh or blood, your Constitution and Charisma
lovelier than they truly are.
scores immediately restore to their true value.
Predator. You have advantage on ability checks to track or spot
Languages. You can speak, read, and write one regional
language and one extra language of your choice.

M ost shudder when they
hear stories of the bloodthirsty
lycanthropes, men and women
cursed to transform into raging
beasts and kill their loved ones. But
the truth about the werekin is that
they come from an ancient and proud
civilization. These primal creatures
have control over their animal form,
and don’t view the change as a curse.
For them it’s a pivotal part of their
connection to nature.
Each werekin is born with a
spiritual connection to a specific
totem animal, which it can
shapechange into at will. Family
members usually share the same
animal form, grouping into clans of
similar species. Though they usually
remain in a humanoid form in the
company of other races, werekin
often prefer to treat with one another
in a hybrid form, blending human
and animal features together. The
werekin of Arwest consider this
shape nature’s crowning achievement.
The totem animals of the werekin
are diverse. The most common—
bears, boars, great cats, jackals, rats,
ravens, spiders, and wolves—are
included in this section. If you have
a hankering to play something rarer
(like a weregiraffe, for example),
work with your GM to decide which
totem animal to use as a model, and
how to customize the traits to the
particular creature you prefer.

The Best of Beast and Man
The werekin can live as humans or as animals if they choose, but to
them there is no greater treasure than to bring the best parts of each
into one form. Humans have opposable thumbs, refined speech, and
can maintain a high standard of hygiene. Animals are connected to
the earth, free of material bonds, and have an incredible physique. For

werekin it’s possible to embody all of these traits in one form.
One of the werekin’s highest values is freedom. Whether subjected
to the will of an outsider or trapped in a confined space, werekin who
feel their liberty restricted will respond like a cornered wolf. They can
be harsh and savage when pursuing something they want, but when
given respect and space, the werekin are wise and honorable.

Hybrid Animals
The totem animal of a werekin defines its forms. As humanoids,
they tend to be thick-haired and have a semblance of the animal’s
coloration. In that form they can pass easily as human. In animal form
they’re indistinguishable from any other of the species, although at
times their uncanny intelligence gives them away.
Werekin’s third and greatest form is a hybrid of the previous
two. They maintain an upright, bipedal posture as well as dexterous
fingers that can use tools and weapons. Their hands, legs, and face,
however, shift in the direction of the animal, perhaps growing claws,
fangs, snouts, and elongated ears. Hair or feathers commonly cover
the entire body, and some sprout wings, a tail, or extra legs, depending
on the totem animal. Whichever breed they’re born into, the werekin’s
hybrid form is to be respected and feared.
Know Your Place
As apex predators, werekin have the rule of the animal kingdom. In
their homeland, they commonly keep beasts of all kinds living among
their offspring as a part of the clan. Being smarter and stronger than
the animals they can communicate with creates a unique relationship,
in which their pets are treated more as children. Even among werekin
family members, there’s a strong hierarchy of dominance that
everyone learns to respect. Knowing one’s spot in the pecking order
chain can make the difference between survival and exile.
This attitude carries over into the life of any werekin that leaves
home. They tend to act entitled to leadership, an attitude that stems
from years of topping the food chain. When others threaten their
dominance or infringe on their territory, they react aggressively. But if
another is proven stronger or more capable, they’ll fall in line quickly
and quietly.
The Kinlands
The whole island of Arwest is divided among the various clans of
werekin. Some settle in permanent dwellings while others roam, but
each clan staked its hunting grounds many centuries ago, and they’ve
grown used to the arrangement. Outsiders are treated with minimal
tolerance, and unless they present a serious challenge, the werekin will
attempt to drive them out quickly.

Chapter One | Races 25

Where are the The five clans are, in order of dominance: Anul
(jackalweres), Kanari (werecats), Hessaria (werewolves),
lycanthropes? Morum (wereravens), Hissicah (werespiders), and Tomai
(wererats). Each has a different internal pecking order,
In Darkplane, werekin are by far the
most common type of lycanthropes. The uses different building methods, and has a unique form of
traditional varieties presented elsewhere cultural dress.
still exist, including their characteristic Outside of the kinlands, some scattered werekin
weapon immunities. These werekin are settlements exist. The local humans treat these outsiders with
predatory champions, annointed by disgust, and the werekin return the sentiment. A history of
the Anuli priests of Fimbuleth. Once war between their peoples exacerbates this tension, so the
consecrated, the champion’s bite brings werekin prefer to inhabit secluded havens on the outskirts
the “blessing” of lycanthropy to its of Syserach, Syservol, and other eastern nations. Though
victims. wilderness-dwellers, they often adopt the dress and language
When a werekin character is cursed of humans neighbors. These errant werekin have lukewarm
with lycanthropy, it becomes the type of relations with their relatives in the Kinlands, who consider
lycanthrope that corresponds to its totem them weak and culturally tainted.
animal, not the type corresponding Frontier Freedom
to the lycanthrope that cursed it. The free spirit of the werekin makes them accomplished
When your GM determines that your hunters, trackers, and warriors, especially on their wild
lycanthropy causes you to shapechange, home turf. Those that brave the strange urban world beyond
your ability scores remain the same the kinlands are often appalled at developed societies and
but your lycanthrope traits temporarily their irreverence toward nature. They excel in pursuits that
replace all of your other racial traits for capitalize on their senses and a connection to the land.
the duration of the change.
Werekin Names
There are three naming ceremonies that werekin undergo
during their lives. The first is at birth, where the whole litter
is simply given a diminutive form of its mother’s name (such
as Jahampat or Jahami, if the mother’s name is Jaham).
At the werekin’s first hunt, she receives a predator
name. These names are usually associated with the werekin’s
attributes as a hunter, like Mitbarak (stray-seeker), Urig
(swift), or Koldakhma (powerful in her steadiness).
The third and final name, given only to females, is
chosen by the werekin herself at the naming of her first litter.
This self-given name is shared between the mother and each
of her children until they receive their own predator names,
a practice meant to emphasize the shared destiny and honor
of the family. Males usually use their predator name until
All of these names are derived from the rich Khivmat
language, which doesn’t distinguish gender.
Khivmat Names: Akavhun, Althai, Ankham, Arak, Berhud,
Bitmarah, Daar, Durah, Dulminak, Eken, Enkhulu,
Etorah, Ezarham, Guthai, Himsun, Idartma, Jaham,
Jodvah, Koldakma, Kuhud, Mitbarak, Mokh, Nonhah,
Omkat, Otmarkai, Pondakmah, Tukotah, Ualmah, Urig,
Vigvai, Zaktah

Werekin Traits
Because of your ancestral connection to beasts, you have
a number of unique capabilities, including the power to
shapechange into a particular totem animal.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score Subrace. Your werekin has a particular totem
increases by 1. animal that determines the nature of its animal and
Age. Werekin live a ferocious lifestyle, often dying hybrid forms, and it might determine some of your
on the hunt or in ritual bloodsport. These incidents personality traits or cultural heritage. Common totem
aside, however, they live a similar lifespan to humans. animals are listed on the following pages.
The clans both fear and revere their own mortality, one

of the chief distinctions between them and their distant Bear
cousins the vampires. Few werebears associate with the other werekin. They
Alignment. Although they tend to respect proven have no clan and no allies, perhaps because of their
authority figures, werekin are suspicious of anything fiercely territorial nature. Some live in huts, others in
that might restrict their freedom. Most prefer chaotic the naked forests.
alignments. There are examples, though, of strong Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
lawful figures in their society. increases by 2.
Size. Some werekin shift in size, depending on the Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making
form they assume. Your size is Medium in your humanoid Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with bears,
form. Unless a change is noted under your Shapechanger including black bears, brown bears, and polar bears.
trait, your size remains the same in your other forms. Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph
Speed. 30 feet. into one of three forms: a bear form, a humanoid form,
Animal Senses. You have advantage on Wisdom or a bear-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment you
(Perception) checks that require hearing or smell. are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While in bear
Languages. You can speak Khivmat and one or hybrid form, your size is Large, you gain a climb
regional language. Whether you can read or write is up speed of 30 feet, and you can only speak with bears.
to you and the GM. Khivmat is a growling language that Your other statistics remain the same. Your bear form
has no written alphabet, but a rich history of oral poetry. cannot hold items or cast spells.

Bite. While in bear or hybrid form, you can make Bite. While in great cat or hybrid form, you can
a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack. You make a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack.
have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal 1d8 You have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal
piercing damage on a hit. 1d8 piercing damage on a hit.
Claw. While you have an empty hand in bear or Claw. While you have an empty hand in animal or
hybrid form, you can make a Claw attack, which is a hybrid form, you can make a Claw attack, which is a
melee weapon attack. Your claws are considered finesse melee weapon attack. Your claws are considered finesse
weapons, and deal 1d8 slashing damage on a hit. weapons, and deal 1d8 slashing damage on a hit.

Boar jackal
Like the werebears, wereboars are clanless renegades Highest in authority, clan Anul raises its jackalwere
living apart from their kin. Hiding out in swamps and young to believe in their natural superiority. They live
the densest forests, they hunt even their fellow werekin. more settled lives, building stone cities and devoting
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and themselves to the worship of Fimbuleth.
Constitution scores increase by 1. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making increases by 2.
Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with pigs, Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making
including boars and dire boars. Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with dogs,
Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph including hyenas, jackals, and mastiffs.
into one of three forms: a boar form, a humanoid form, Shapechanger. You can use an action to
or a boar-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment polymorph into one of three forms: a jackal form, a
you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While humanoid form, or a jackal-humanoid hybrid form.
in boar or hybrid form, you can only speak with pigs, Any equipment you are wearing or carrying isn’t
and you can take the Disengage action using a bonus transformed. While in jackal or hybrid form, your
action. Your other statistics remain the same. Your boar speed becomes 40 feet and you can only speak with
form cannot hold items or cast spells. dogs. Your other statistics remain the same. Your jackal
Tusk. While in boar or hybrid form, you can make form cannot hold items or cast spells.
a Tusk attack, which is a melee weapon attack. You Bite. While in jackal or hybrid form, you can make
have proficiency with your Tusk attacks, and deal 1d6 a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack. You
piercing damage on a hit. have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal 1d8
piercing damage on a hit.
Great Cat
The werecats are members of the clan Kanari, called Rat
Razorclaw by humans. Their totem beasts are great cats Wererats are the most nomadic of the werekin. They
such as lions, tigers, and panthers. The werecats maintain hunt in organized parties, and sleep in small tents that
log dwellings, but hunt across hundreds of miles. double as robes during the day.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and
Dexterity scores increase by 1. Dexterity scores increase by 1.
Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making Darkvision. While in giant rat or hybrid form you
Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with cats, have darkvision within 60 feet.
including lions, panthers, tigers, and other great cats. Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making
Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with
into one of three forms: a great cat form, a humanoid rodents, including mice, rats, rat swarms, and giant rats.
form, or a cat-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph
you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While into one of three forms: a giant rat form, a humanoid
in great cat form or hybrid form, your speed becomes form, or a rat-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment
40 feet and you can only speak with cats. Your other you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While in
statistics remain the same. Your great cat form cannot giant rat form, your size becomes Small and you can only
hold items or cast spells. speak with rodents. Your other statistics remain the same.
During character creation, choose a great cat form: Your giant rat form cannot hold items or cast spells.
lion, panther, tiger, or another form you and your GM Bite. While in giant rat or hybrid form, you can
agree on. You cannot change which great cat form is make a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack.
associated with this feature. You have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal
1d6 piercing damage on a hit.

28 Chapter One | Races

Claw. While you have an empty hand in giant rat Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity and Charisma
or hybrid form, you can make a Claw attack, which is a scores increase by 1.
melee weapon attack. Your claws are considered finesse Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making
weapons, and deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit. Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with
spiders, including giant spiders and spider swarms.
Raven Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph
Impressive flyers, the wereravens of clan Morum are

into one of three forms: a giant spider form, a humanoid
the most reclusive of the werekin, building elaborate form, or a spider-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment
eyries in the mountains south of the Hessawood. In you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While
the rock tunnels beneath these eyries, they sacrifice the in giant spider or hybrid form, you gain a climb speed
best of their hunted game by casting it into pools of of 30 feet and can only speak with spiders. Your other
molten gold. statistics remain the same. You cannot hold objects or
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and cast spells in giant spider form.
Wisdom scores increase by 1. You can spend an action while in giant spider
Darkvision. While in giant raven form you have or hybrid form to create 1 foot of webbing. Each
darkvision within 60 feet. subsequent action you spend extends the length of the
Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making webbing by 1 foot. This webbing acts as a rope, but can
Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with stick to a surface well enough to require 2 damage or a
carrion birds, including crows, eagles, ravens, and DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to break it or pull it off.
vultures. While touching webbing, rope, or another length
Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph of fibrous material, you have tremorsense within 30
into one of three forms: a giant raven form, a humanoid feet, allowing you to see creatures that are touching that
form, or a raven-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment material, even if they’re hidden, obscured, or invisible.
you are wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. Your Bite. While in giant spider or hybrid form, you can
giant raven form resembles a raven about the size of make a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack.
an eagle. While in this form, your size becomes Small, You have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal
your walking speed is 10 feet, and you gain a fly speed 1d4 piercing damage on a hit.
of 60 feet. Your talons can hold one item that weighs no
more than your Strength score (in pounds). You cannot Wolf
cast spells in this form. The werewolves make up clan Hessaria, the most warlike
Your hybrid form has both arms and wings, of the werekin. Their wrath is feared everywhere in
allowing you to use your hands normally. While in Arwest, but most of all in the grasslands west of Faerras.
hybrid form, your fly speed is 30 feet, but you retain Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and
your usual walking speed. In either of your winged Constitution scores increase by 1.
forms, you cannot fly more than 60 feet off the ground Kindred Spirits. You have advantage when making
and you can only speak with birds. Your other statistics Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks dealing with
remain the same. wolves, including coyotes and dire wolves.
Peck. While in giant raven or hybrid form, you can Shapechanger. You can use an action to polymorph
make a Peck attack, which is a melee weapon attack. into one of three forms: a wolf form, a humanoid form, or
You have proficiency with your Peck attacks, and deal a wolf-humanoid hybrid form. Any equipment you are
1d4 piercing damage on a hit. wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. While in wolf or
Talon. While not carrying anything in animal or hybrid form, your speed becomes 40 feet and you can
hybrid form, you can make a Talon attack, which is a only speak with wolves. Your wolf form cannot hold
melee weapon attack. Your talons are considered finesse items or cast spells.
weapons, and deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit. Bite. While in wolf or hybrid form, you can make
a Bite attack, which is a melee weapon attack. You
Spider have proficiency with your Bite attacks, and deal 1d8
The werespiders of clan Hissicah inhabit abandoned piercing damage on a hit.
adobes, ruins left behind from a time when long- Claw. While you have an empty hand in wolf or
dead humans conquered the Arwest region. They are hybrid form, you can make a Claw attack, which is a
intensely loyal to other werespiders, but suspicious of melee weapon attack. Your claws are considered finesse
those outside the clan. weapons, and deal 1d8 slashing damage on a hit.

Chapter One | Races 29

D aemons are the human
embodiments of demonic spirits
from an ancient empire, sent to the
material world as agents of Daemoth.
Daemons are born to a human
mother by entering the womb,
driving out the spirit of the true child
and taking its place. When they first
enter the mortal body, they lose the
memory of their former life, which
is only regained through disciplined
meditation. As a result, many
daemons forge a new path as they
mature, consciously or unconsciously
shirking their original purpose.
That purpose is for daemons to
keep a strict eye on world affairs
without their presence being sensed
as a threat. The degree to which
the demonic powers are actually in
contact with these agents, however,
varies greatly.
With practice, daemons can
enter a powerful state that hearkens
back to their ancient glory. In this
elder form their presence becomes
commanding, and they glow with
an unholy light. Most of the time,
however, daemons remain in human
guise, hoping that no one discovers
their true names (the knowledge of
which is enough to control them).

A Fateful Choice
Sometime before a daemon’s sixth birthday, he or she is contacted in secret
by a herald of Daemoth, usually a demonic being sent to protect and
preside over the child. In this first visitation, the dark herald reveals the
daemon’s fiendish legacy and speaks its true name.
A daemon’s reaction to this revelation is life-changing. If daemons

submit to their dark herald’s tutelage, they are trained physically and
spiritually to serve Daemoth. The herald returns now and then, and may
even take the child elsewhere for short periods of instruction. Some
parents are distressed by the mysterious comings and goings—others take
pride in having borne a child of God.
Daemons are often drawn to religious devotion, groomed in their
training as leaders within one of the Daemothite religious sects. Some
might prepare for political or academic careers, where their influence will
have the greatest reach. Whatever their specific mission, daemons who
comply with their demonic purpose are prepared for a life of devoted
service to Daemoth.
Many daemons don’t comply with their intended masters, even at such
a young age. A refusal to submit to God’s will is taken as rebellion, and
daemons that disregard or reject their tutelage make bitter enemies of the
dark powers. After such a choice, a daemon dissenter might go into hiding
in hopes of being forgotten, or be forced to keep on the move.

The Weapon of Anonymity

Daemons live in any human society, hidden among the population either
as demonic agents or fugitives from Daemoth’s vengeance. If hunted, a
daemon might seek shelter and redemption among religious communities
that worship Jharus. Whatever their circumstances, daemons usually
manage to operate alone or with a very small group of trusted allies.
The ability to seem human can hide a daemon’s identity, allegiance,
and motives. Most leave their true race a closely guarded secret, and keep
careful record of who knows it. They will only use the elder form when
a situation is desperate. Daemons value their anonymity as one of their
greatest advantages, and a means to access resources and connections that
might otherwise be unavailable.

Hidden Demonic Glory

When in human form, daemons look like their human parents just as any
other child would. No sign can distinguish them from humans except an
unholy birthmark on the crown of the head, which appears around age three.
The birthmark is shaped to form a seal or insignia of the daemon’s dark
herald. Many keep this proof of their true race hidden beneath long hair.
All daemons can learn to change their human body into the elder form.
They still resemble the human form while shapechanged, but their skin
and eyes become a deathly, glowing white, and their facial features become
sharper and more imperious.
Calculating Every Move
Many daemons have a talent for strategy and analytical thinking, perhaps
a byproduct of their eternal war on the jharethil. This almost mathematical
ability to anticipate the actions of others manifests at a young age, resulting
in a tendency to make complex plans based on such predictions. Daemons
tend to prize intelligence above all other virtues.

Chapter One | Races 31

In addition to their shrewd minds, daemons often who speak a daemon’s true name can easily influence
have good manners. They’re fond of formality and him or her. These true names are unique, each with its
tradition, using social ceremony to keep others at a own life and history.
distance. The risk of detection causes them to avoid
creating strong ties with others. Daemon Traits
Depending on their loyalties, daemons might In connection with your demonic origin, you have the
espouse a variety of beliefs or priorities. Those that following racial traits.
embrace their heritage find that doors open for them Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score
everywhere they turn, as if fate itself were favoring increases by 2.
them. The others are hounded until the day they die by Age. Daemons age like humans, since their biology
servants of their intended master, especially if they join is virtually unchanged. Especially in the first half of
the enemy and aid Jharus’ cause. their lives, daemons tend to seem wiser than their years.
Alignment. Because they don’t remember their
The Best or Nothing true history, daemons of every alignment can be
Religious or otherwise, daemons are ambitious found throughout Vinramar, even those that use their
adventurers. They set their sights high, seeking the otherworldly powers for noble causes. Of course, the
best training available in their field. Some channel lure of supernatural power is strong enough to pull
their divine gifts into powerful religious magic, while many of them inevitably toward their intended destiny,
others abandon the path of divinity altogether in favor but the six formative years before the dark herald’s
of arcane secrets. No matter their course, daemons appearance can make all the difference.
have the instinct of centuries and the unconscious Size. Although you might appear taller while in elder
experience of multiple lives at their beck. form, your height and build is likely affected by those of
your parents. In either case, your size is Medium.
Daemon Names Speed. 30 feet.
The humans that raise a daemon will use their own Demonic Changeling. You are considered a fiend
naming conventions, but the child also learns its true (demon) as well as a human. If a creature speaks your
name at the first visitation of the dark herald. As with true name, you must succeed on a Charisma saving
other fiends, knowledge of a daemon’s true name can throw with a DC equal to the creature’s Charisma score
grant significant power over him or her. Though the or be charmed by it as long as it remains in your sight.
human body acts as a shield against summoning, those

You can repeat the saving throw at the end of each minute. Once you The Elder
succeed on a saving throw of this kind, the creature who spoke your
true name cannot charm you in this way for 24 hours. Kindreds
Elder Form. You can use a bonus action to polymorph into the elder There was a time, before
form or return to your human form. While in elder form, you have history, when two gods lived
advantage on Strength checks, and your body sheds bright light in a in an empty world. Daemoth

10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. and Jharus formed their
While in elder form your grasp can stop others quaking in their tracks. own children, who in time
As an action, make a melee spell attack with an empty hand against one spread to the four corners
beast or humanoid. On a hit, the target is incapacitated until the end of its of Vinramar. For millennia
next turn. Your spellcasting ability for this attack is Charisma. upon millennia, they raised up
Those who see you in elder form can identify you as a daemon with temples and cities, eventually
an Intelligence (Religion) or Intelligence (History) check of DC 10. falling into discord and war.
Daemons and characters with proficiency in History or Religion pass The war has become
this check automatically. If you become unconscious while in elder eternal. Daemoth and Jharus
form, you remain in elder form until you can spend an action to return engage in an intricate game of
to human form. chess for control of Vinramar.
Stone Will. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid being In the early ages it took
charmed or frightened. place on battlefields, but the
Languages. You can speak, read, and write one regional language political landscape has shifted
and one extra language of your choice. Daemons speak the languages dramatically. Human nations
of their human parents. If they accept the tutelage of the dark herald, blanket most regions of the
their second language is often Zhoroch, spoken by demons and the world, and the Elder Kindreds’
inhabitants of the ancient daemon empire. conflict has been forced into
Allegiance. Your reaction to the discovery that you are a daemon the shadows. This was a sore
changed your life forever. Choose whether you became a herald’s pupil blow to the jharethil, for whom
or went into hiding as a daemon dissenter. deceit does not come naturally.
To this day, they live lonely lives
Daemon Dissenter
hidden among the humans,
At a young age, you rejected the dark herald and chose to forge your
hoping that each day will keep
own path. This choice has put you and your loved ones in great danger
the servants of Daemoth from
throughout your life, but you’ve developed the talents to survive it.
discovering them.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Because daemons and
Watchful Eye. You have proficiency in the Insight skill.
jharethil disguise themselves
Herald’s Pupil as human, they manage to
By accepting the tutelage from the dark herald, these daemons accessed find their way into positions of
the training and culture of Mohtra, the ancient daemon civilization. prominence. They’re the rooks,
Perhaps they still serve Daemoth, or perhaps they dissented after their bishops, and knights of the
training was complete. chess game, moving human
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1. pawns in front of them as suits
Religious Lore. You have proficiency in the Religion skill. their purpose. Whether the
war will ever truly end is yet to
be seen.

Serve or be Hunted
Daemons give up the right to religious neutrality from
birth. The deal is to serve Daemoth or be hunted by him.
Those faced with this predicament may hate religion or be
steeped in it, but they’ll find it difficult to be ambivalent.
Zealotry and single-minded devotion to Daemoth are
common among his children, while those who rebel
gravitate toward spiritual disillusionment and cynicism.

B efore Daemoth created
the daemons, Jharus’ own progeny
settled southern Vinramar. Once
a proud civilization, the jharethil
now struggle just to stay alive.
They’re hunted mercilessly by the
Eitharmos, an occult sect of militant
Daemothites whose goal is to keep
the common folk living in fear of the
winged heretics.
The truth is that the jharethil
were once the protectors of
Vinramar, a symbol of honor and
justice. When their final empire fell,
Jharus took its cities into the heavens
and sealed their gates against the
unworthy. These hidden metropolises
still hover in invisible space above the
tainted world.
As celestial heirs of Jharus,
the jharethil do not grow old with
the passing years. They can be
killed or become ill, but rarely die
of natural causes. Death and the
conscious taking of life are terrifying
occurrences to them.
Like the daemons, jharethil can
cloak their elder form, making them
appear human. When viewed in all
their true glory, they have feathered
wings and a striking presence that
can inspire either courage or fear.

Anonymous Virtue
Throughout the world there are many organizations that defame,
abuse, and hunt the jharethil. Those who could reach out to help them
often remain silent for fear of being persecuted themselves. A jhareth
quickly learns that only the closest of companions can be trusted with
such a delicate secret. Those who impetuously confide in others may

find themselves at the end of a rope before dawn. These are new times,
when subtlety and cunning are a better defense than courage.
In the face of such persecution, individual jharethil react
differently. Some become reclusive or lose their commitment to their
people’s moral code, others are motivated to change the world for the
better. Feeling a need to care for those who hate or despise them is one
of the great inner struggles of their people. Whatever they do, they
must do it in secret if they want to live long.
It’s common for young jharethil to be unused to opposing
philosophies or religions. They may be offended or confused by
the practices of the outside world. Despite the value they place in
patience, many will respond to betrayal of trust with sudden and
unexpected anger.
Earthy and Imposing
Jharethil look very much like humans, especially when not in elder
form. In general, they’re tall and broad, but this is by no means
universal. They have golden brown or dark hair, and skin that’s bronze
or earthy brown. Their features are hard and defined, like cut stone.
When in their secret cities, or among trusted friends, a jhareth
may enter the elder form, which makes her skin and eyes shine with
a golden light. In this form, some have broad, feathered wings the
color of their hair. Enemies confronted with a jhareth in elder form are
likely to flee, unless they’re followers of Daemoth, in which case they
might redouble the attack in a religious frenzy.

Stoic but Nurturing

Jharethil are often patient and quiet. They believe that silence is
the most respectable way to endure hardship, and they do it well.
Although they may appear distant at first, jharethil are often intensely
aware of the needs of others, and can be very nurturing, especially
to those they consider weak or less capable. Overt competition is
considered offensive in jhareth culture.
When the world was young, the jharethil were set over Vinramar
as protectors. This sense of duty and self-sacrifice is deeply ingrained
in their society. Even those who are raised outside the hidden cities are
taught that true heroism doesn’t look for a reward.
Those jharethil that live in the Fallen World, as they call it, often
do so to learn the value of peace through hardship. They may work as
laborers, gain training in worldly skills, or seek ways to alleviate the
downtrodden. Others are cast out of the secret cities for disobedience.
Any jhareth raised outside the secret cities might have a wildly
different worldview from others, causing them to resent or doubt their
divine birthright.

Chapter One | Races 35

Hidden Cities Jhareth Traits
Only the secretsworn can perceive the presence of You have the following abilities derived from your
a jhareth secret city before entering it. The mystical celestial heritage.
bridges that enter them are located on the highest Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
mountains or in the most secluded canyons. Their increases by 2.
inhabitants are under oath never to reveal the location Age. The jharethil mature very slowly. There
of these bridges, lest the Eitharmos discover their home are three periods of physical development (at the
and attack with greater force than can be withstood. approximate ages of 10, 50, and 90). They reach
The creation and replenishment of life is of the full maturity around age 100, and rarely die of old
highest importance to the jharethil, and most have age. Despite their long lives and many children, the
many, many children. Because the jhareth women jharethil are a dwindling race, hunted at great cost by
continue to bear as long as they live, it’s known for the Eitharmos.
some to rear hundreds over one immortal lifetime. Alignment. Many jharethil are raised to believe in
According to tradition, before a jhareth child turns mahat, a jhareth concept representing balance, justice,
100, he or she will traditionally leave the shelter of life, purity, and truth. Others adopt new philosophies
the hidden city and experience the woe of the outside as their understanding of the world grows and moral
world. This fall from grace is a rite of passage, called complexities begin to disillusion them. The majority,
a marachel, or Journey of Heartbreak. Sometimes the however, are good-natured and law-abiding when they
journey includes a vow of silence. can afford to be.
Though the experience is often bitter and Size. Although their height is usually on the tall
dangerous, jharethil take the marachel very seriously. side of the human range, many jharethil seem to grow
It’s through this journey that each jhareth learns to taller while in the elder form. Your size is Medium.
appreciate peace by experiencing what horrors exist Speed. 30 feet.
in the world outside. The sojourn is intended to last Immortal Lineage. You are considered a celestial
20 years, a mere moment to the immortals. Often, and a shapechanger in addition to being a humanoid.
however, the woes of life prolong it, and some never Elder Form. You can use a bonus action to enter
return. Those who remain permanently in the Fallen the elder form or return to your polymorphed human
World, whether for love, learning, adventure, or because form. While in elder form, you have advantage on
of corrupting influences, are known as Outliers. They Charisma checks, and your body sheds bright light in
adapt to mortal life rather than return home. a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
When a fiend or undead begins its turn in the bright
Forever the Outsider light of your elder form, it must succeed on a Wisdom
Whether jharethil are on marachel or were raised as saving throw or become blinded until the beginning of
an outlier, they are likely to be in constant danger. The its next turn. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 +
hunters of the Eitharmos, the Eithalim, are on constant your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.
search for the blood of the firstborn. Jharethil often Those who see you in elder form can identify
resort to martial training or divine favor as a means of you as a jhareth with an Intelligence (Religion) or
self-defense. However they survive, their greatest shield Intelligence (History) check of DC 10. Jharethil and
is obscurity. characters with proficiency in History or Religion pass
Jhareth Names this check automatically. If you become unconscious
Names in jhareth culture don’t carry much significance. while in elder form, you remain in elder form until you
A jhareth might use four or five different names, can spend an action to return to human form.
depending on the occasion or his or her stage of life. You can spend 1 minute concentrating while in
Titles and names seem to blend together for them. elder form to sprout feathered wings, or reverse the
Family names are rare for them. change. While your wings are manifested, you have a
fly speed of 30 feet. If your clothing or gear isn’t made
Male Names: Alchin, Amanias, Fastus, Gaeloch, to accommodate your wings, you take 20 bludgeoning
Girthonnach, Icholloth, Ichorthor, Ingaelin, Jastron, damage and ruin the obstructing equipment when you
Lenrodel, Rothengal, Ulthoroch, Wainrussor make this change.
Female Names: Anzora, Avrolcha, Belzana, Charozia,
Elyndridan, Ezrachi, Forlaza, Ingria, Mozralchi,
Mordolchi, Niravari, Onaya, Remozra, Sunbala, Uola

36 Chapter One | Races

Stone Will. You have advantage when making saving
throws to avoid being charmed or frightened.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write one
regional language and one extra language of your
choice. For many jharethil, the additional language is the
Hallowed Tongue, native to the world of Salvendum. It
is a language as old as creation, with a lofty, imperious
Upbringing. Your upbringing determines how
connected you have been to your people’s hidden cities
during your life. Choose whether you are an outlier living
in exile or one of the secretsworn, privileged to be trained
in a jhareth metropolis.

Outliers are jhareth exiles that grew up outside the
majesty of the secret cities. These poor souls have braved
the dangerous mortal world for a long time, perhaps
making some trusted friends along the way.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Friend to the Friendless. You have proficiency in the
Persuasion skill.
Used to the peace and isolation of their fabled cities, the
secretsworn are the more sheltered of the jharethil, but
also the best trained in the ways of their people.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases
by 1.
Jhareth Weapon Training. You have proficiency
with the greatsword and longsword.

Touched by the Sublime

Most jharethil do what they can to further the cause
of their father Jharus, but some become embittered
toward religion when thrust into the rigors of mortal
life. They might look into other faiths, but more often
they abandon religion for what they see as a more
pragmatic way to survive.
Even these, however, know that much of their
power comes as a divine boon. It is difficult to give
up spirituality as a jhareth. They know their lineage,
which is often enough to ensure they hold at least a
distant respect for the gods. In most cases, jharethil
have a treasured memory or two associated with their
people and the divinity that flows through them.

A diverse and peculiar race,
the elves of Darkplane are the
benighted descendants of the Fey, an
entire species driven simultaneously
mad in the earliest histories. Their
bodies are attuned to the spirit of
the land in a way that mortals don’t
understand. This connection, along
with the demented influence of their
ancestors, makes the elves ethereal,
uncouth, and dangerous.
In their home world of Iltallach,
fey creatures have learned to sense
the unseen after living for centuries
beside disembodied spirits. They see
material things as mere distortions
of the spiritual, and therefore of little
value. This sentiment lingers among
the elves, who reject the basic idea of
ownership over material possessions.
Mortals, especially the humans
that live in Iljudheim, seem to be at
constant odds with the elves, whose
spiritual connection to nature seems
an awful lot like black magic to them.
Elves often return the humans’ hatred
in spades, raiding and mischievously
playing on their fear of magic.

Living in Two Worlds
The spiritual senses of the elves are often mistaken for madness. Their fey
ancestors were outright lunatics—as are many of the other fey races to this
day—but the elves have stabilized somewhat in the thousands of years since
they were marooned in Vinramar. They know they can see what others can’t,
and they’re learning to interpret between reality and their ghostly visions.

Having one foot in the Material Realm and another in the Spirit Realm
is difficult for elves. Some lose track of what’s real and what isn’t, confusing
mortals for spirits or their own dreams for reality. Unlike elves in other
settings, the elves of Darkplane aren’t often scholarly, unless you consider
their quest for personal spiritual understanding an academic pursuit.

Wild and Ethereal

Slender and graceful, the elves have an odd bearing, as if they’re not fully
focused on what’s before them. Their eyes seem distant, and their bodies
almost disobey physical laws. The spirit of an elf is at times capable of
accomplishing what the body should. When they walk, it isn’t always their
legs that carry them forward. When they speak, it isn’t always with their
mouths. These may not be considered superhuman abilities, but they
certainly operate in a way that can be eerie to closed-minded mortals.
When elves wear clothes (an infrequent practice adopted only for the
comfort of other races) they wear animal furs or simply paint their bodies
with plant pigments and cover sensitive areas with bones and feathers. They
might wrap their legs in leaves or bloody skins. The result is usually an
eerily poor imitation of humanity that elicits more shock than it dispels.

Cruel to Be Kind
Elves are proud and given to thinking their philosophies are truer than
those of other cultures. In elf society, to be wrong is taboo, so many elves
will consider their arguments deeply before voicing them. When they do
voice them, elves can be blunt and harsh, but rarely mean-spirited. They
see their correctness as giving them the right to demand compliance. In elf
culture, the offering of unpleasant truth is considered kind and polite.
Of course, other races don’t take this very well. They might think that
an elf is refusing to see an issue from another perspective, when in reality
the elf has already considered and rejected that view. Most elves that venture
into other cultures learn in time to soften their unsympathetic nature.

Scattered Tribes
Two Fey Gates connect the elf homeworld to Arwest and Iljudheim, so most
of their settlements are in these regions. Consistently strained contact with
the neighboring races has made the elves more and more distrustful—even
cruel—toward outsiders. There are many different cultures within the elf
race: high elves, moon elves, wood elves, the mysterious dark elves, and
more. Most consider Vinramar home, but there are some who look forward
to the day they can return to Iltallach.
High elves are the rarest and most frightening to humans, who largely
hear of them in whispered stories. Displaying a higher level of spirituality
and supernatural senses, they’re the least dependent on material things of all
elf cultures. They generally don’t wear clothing, and prefer to stay in deeply
secluded areas of natural beauty. High elves’ hair and eyes range from

Chapter One | Races 39

Dark Elves amber to white. These mysterious creatures are respected greatly
According to elven mythology, the dark among all elves, and their kingdom Oruna (called Hunderspol,
elves are fey spirits that Forlortha has exiled “lower-than-hell,” by humans) is the center of Forlortha’s worship
from the afterlife in Iltallach. Although in Vinramar.
their sin is unknown, they are reincarnated Moon elves, also called boat-elves, interact the most with
in Vinramar each time they die until they their human neighbors. They have adopted some cultural
atone for it. Both elves and half-elves of practices that offend the other elves—wearing cloth robes, for
any subrace can give birth to a dark elf, and example. Their name derives from their worship of Baturach, the
there’s no way to predict which children primordial goddess of the moon, death, and the tides. Moon elves
may be born with grey skin and the tell-tale have pale skin and hair that has a hint of silver or blue. They’re
black eyes. most commonly seen in Arwest.
Elf tradition dictates that after a dark The wood elves are by far the most populous subrace. They
elf is born, it be taken to a ceremonial erect portable dwellings throughout the forests of Erolost and
barrow and discarded, a practice which Hemiliadh in southern Iljudheim. Their skin and hair range from
only causes the shamed spirit to be reborn flaxen gold tones to dark brown.
again to different parents. Historically, Though not a self-propagating race, the dark elves are a
this tradition was enforced with fervor, separate culture among elf-kind. They are called the ildanun
fey societies believing that the presence of among the Fey Kindreds, who considered them cursed by
a dark elf invoked terrible misfortune on mad Forlortha. The name comes from this supposed curse,
the community. In those times, the rare not necessarily from their coloration. Dark elves tend to have
survivors of the sacrificial barrow inspired coarse, grey skin, with hair colors ranging between white, silver,
fear and loathing among elves and humans. and black. Their ears are longer than usual, and their eyes are
Some dedicated themselves to saving other completely black, making them seem even more distant than
dark elf children, others became wicked most elves. Though the other fey races consider the dark elves
hermits and highwaymen in a desperate to be grotesque, they are not objectively ugly. Many have an
attempt to survive their exile. entrancing beauty.
About 7,500 years ago, a group of dark Elf Traits
elf survivors founded a city-state called The following traits provide cultural information about elf
Theidhas on the eastern coast of Arwest. characters.
For 300 years it dominated the frigid Alignment. All elves are looked on with suspicion by their
steppes of the region, until a werekin war human neighbors, but the reputation is not wholly undeserved.
party razed it to the ground in year 1428 of Centuries of dealings have proven the elves to be cold and
the Wild Age. unsympathetic. But this doesn’t mean that they’re not good at
Since the sack of Theidhas, dark elves heart. Their tendency to prioritize the needs of nature above those
in Arwest have become insular, forming of other people places them comfortably in neutral alignments.
fringe colonies on unsettled land just Languages. You can speak, read, and write Sylvandrae
beyond sight of elf territory. Most of these and one additional language of your choice. Sylvandrae is a
communities are simple farms and mining bastardized form of Losandrae, the language native to Iltallach.
camps. Other elves seldom visit, making The two are barely comparable anymore, but the wisest elves
the acquisition of manufactured goods might speak both.
difficult. The result is that most dark elves
live in extreme poverty. Additional Subraces
At some point early in their history, When creating an elf character, you may choose any of the
the dark elves began to worship Jukai, the available subraces, including the additional options below.
deformed god of stone. His unyielding
bitterness toward beauty resonates with Dark Elf (Ildanun)
them, and they believe that he will accept Mysteriously different from their parents, the ildanun are
them after death, when no other god will. reincarnated fey spirits sent back to the mortal world for
Their hope is to give up their bodies to the unknown crimes. They’re commonly culled from elf society
very rock of Vinramar, and live as spirits in and placed in colonies where they won’t bring ill omens on
the deep shadows of the world. their people. Because of their spiritual deadening, they have a
resistance to magic that sets them apart from other elves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score Half-Elves
increases by 1. Half-elves have always been at the center of the
Dead to Magic. You have advantage on all human hatred toward the Fey. Humans are often
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws devastated when their people choose to leave them
against spell effects. for the love of an elf, and the eventual children of
Nature’s Veil. You can use the Hide action such unions have borne almost as much suspicion

even if you are only lightly obscured, as long as it is and intolerance as their fey parents.
by fog, snow, rainfall, vegetation, or another effect With the expansion of the Ansë kingdoms in
of nature. Iljudheim in the last few hundred years, the number
of half-elves in that region has soared. Elves and
Moon Elf humans are in closer contact than ever, which has
Unlike most elves, the moon elves deal closely only bred more hostility between them. The half-
with humans. They have a practical side to their elves among both cultures tend to bear the brunt of
culture that isn’t seen among most of their kin, and this conflict.
they are far more comfortable in water. They often The elf-strain might last long in a family line.
worship Baturach, the unknowable goddess of the Once a human bears an elf ’s child, her children might
tides and moon. sire half-elves for hundreds of years without so much
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score as another look at the fey people. In these cases “half-
increases by 1. elf ” is obviously a loose term.
Nature’s Veil. You can use the Hide action While they do tend to group together when
even if you are only lightly obscured, as long as it is possible, half-elves don’t have their own political
by fog, snow, rainfall, vegetation, or another effect bodies. Often a city district or village will draw a
of nature. small community of half-elves, which becomes a
gathering point for them. Of course, the most dense
Watercraft. You have proficiency with
areas of half-elf population are where the other fey
waterborne vehicles, and you have advantage when
kindreds live in abundance, specifically in Iljudheim
making ability checks involving rope—repairing it,
and the islands off the west coast of Arwest.
splicing it, and tying or untying knots.

H uman settlements are to be
found in every corner of Vinramar,
often built over the ruins of previous
civilizations. As in most settings,
humans have incredible variety, both
physically and culturally. Whether
their communities are urban,
rural, industrial, tribal, militant,
peaceful, or colonial, humans find
their diversity is a blessing and a
curse. It makes them innovative and
adaptable, but it also provides more
opportunities for their characteristic
intolerance to manifest. Anyone
with a different appearance, culture,
or religion is likely to be reviled by
neighboring humans, unless—like
the heathfolk, for example—they
prove themselves useful.
Despite the fact that the first
humans were bred as slave-runts
to the daemons, slavery remains
pervasive in most human societies.
In Trentsmund sarrow slaves are a
mark of status, and in Motta captive
gugrum are the backbone of the
empire’s economy. It’s also common
for human households to retain other
humans as slaves, either captured in
battle or as punishment for crimes.
Humans have historically
recognized Daemoth as the most
powerful of the gods, and their
progenitor. During their first
diaspora from Mohtra, they brought
the Etholchan Church to the four
corners of Vinramar, embedding
the daemon beliefs and rituals deep
within the world’s most powerful
civilizations. Today, many continue
the tradition, though not all.

Children of the Children of God
Humans first appeared during the early years of the Elder Dark, when the
daemon empire Mohtra was beginning its longest period of expansion.
The daemons were to the last bred from a single being: Atiakha, the captive
daughter of the moon. When these infertile creatures made their own
arrogant attempt at fathering children, humans were the result—malformed

weaklings kept only for their use as expendable slaves. In this capacity, they
thrived, proving themselves intelligent and passionate, though at times
intractable. Several millennia of revolts and mass escapes culminated in the
human slaves conquering Mohtra and transforming it into their own empire,
Motta, which has existed, at least in name, for more than 8,000 years.
From the latter part of the Elder Dark to the present, human colonies
have cropped up in every region of the world, where they continue to form
distinct cultures and traditions. The number and diversity of these human
ethnic groups is nearly endless. For the purposes of categorization, however,
the human cultures are here broadly gathered into five groups based on
cultural similarity and regions of origin: the Ansë, the Drael, the Forroth,
the Omhatra, and the Quitzál.
The humans that make up these categories likely identify themselves as
belonging to a local culture, nation, or ethnic group over any broad subrace,
but these groupings serve as useful distinctions in describing how such
diverse peoples relate to one another.

The Ansë
Found mainly in Iljudheim, the Ansë cultures have a strong connection to
their homeland, which is wild and beautiful. Their physical isolation has
contributed to the rise of unique folklore and religious tradition among
them. Few Ansë societies worship the gods of other lands. Perhaps this is
the cause of their disdain for foreigners, or perhaps it’s a result. Either way,
they share a love of storytelling and song, which has populated their sagas
with a rich pantheon of gods and heroes. The collected legends of the Ansë
are called the Bjorvinlad, or “family-truth.” They tell of adventures and wars,
revealing the nature of the world and man’s place in it.
Despite their cultural range, the Ansë kingdoms are among the only
truly feudal societies in Vinramar. Divided by the rivalries of kinship and
fealty, their land has been locked in a cycle of petty war for centuries.
One man’s traitor is another’s captain, and outsiders often find themselves
confused by the politics of the Ansë, who agree only on their collective
hatred for the elf tribes scattered about their lands.
The further south one travels in Iljudheim, the fairer its people become.
Blond or red hair is common in the remote southern fjords, where the cold
land forces the Ansë to wrap themselves in fur cloaks, pants, coats, and hats.
Those who live higher north on the peninsula might wear simple linen shirts
or robes, especially if they trade with Motta. Many Ansë cultures wear their
hair and beards long, with decorative braids and knots.
Although their castles and fortresses are constructed with clever
masonry, the Ansë build most dwellings with logs and thatched roofs. The
few large cities they’ve built are tightly gathered within and around the
castles of local kings. Most of their people subsist on fishing, farming, and
livestock. Favored Ansë weapons include handaxes, longswords, longbows,
and spears. They often go into battle wearing leather armor or chainmail.

Chapter One | Races 43

The Drael The Forroth
Also called simply Westerners, the Drael are a Among the first humans to gain independence from
particularly prominent group, thanks to their large the daemons, the Forroth peoples are the stalwart
nations, Motta and Trentsmund. These powerful inhabitants of Arrochule. Since the jhareth cities
colonial states alone account for nearly one-fifth of disappeared from their home, Forroth humans have
the world population. They settle and assimilate many reclaimed control of the region, setting up a coastal
other cultures across the globe, human or otherwise. empire that skirts the edges of the Holthirien Jungle.
Their chief export is Daemoth worship, which they Before the Great Forsaking, the nations of
gleefully embed in most colonial establishments. the Forroth had reached an impressive level of
Geographical happenstance and a cultivated sophistication and architectural achievement. After the
passion for innovation have placed the Drael among jhareth departure, however, it became clear that the
the most technologically advanced cultures in jungle itself would suffer no civilization to possess the
Vinramar. In Trentsmund, industrialization is in land. It advanced against the Forroth cities and roads,
full gear. Steam engines are beginning to birth the swallowing them in tangled vegetation with alarming
first railroads and steamboats, only furthering the speed. Commerce slowed, settlements became isolated,
self-important imperialists in their quest to “bring and the empire regressed into a loose dominion bound
the light of knowledge” to the rest of the world. The by little more than military might. Burdened with
unfortunate truth is that these colonial acquisitions battling the land, most Forroth societies could scarcely
tend to pay dearly for the Drael’s excesses. More spare the attention required for cultural progress.
often than not, the imperialists act as conquerors and Most of the Forroth have a deep umber
oppressors. complexion, with dark hair and rich, brown skin of
The Drael love to build in granite, marble, and varying shades. Silk is dear to them, and a primary
brick when they can afford it. The men wear linen export of most Forroth cities. Their people tend to
shirts with cravats, wool suits, frock coats, and felt favor bright-colored robes accented with fur and
hats. Women are often seen in corseted dresses with leather. Among some cultures, the hair is styled in
elaborate ornamentation. It’s common for the Drael sophisticated braids or dreadlocks, while others shave
to drape extravagant robes over all this clothing as or pluck it into a variety of patterns. The Forroth
a flourish. Drael skin, hair, and eyes cover the entire build mainly from stone, being fortunate enough to
range of human coloring. have prolific mines and quarries dotting the areas that
yet lie unclaimed by the Holthirien Jungle.

Human Settlement

The Omhatra
No human cultures have spread farther or grown more diverse than the
Omhatra. From the far southeast, their small city-states and shogunates
launched a number of influential explorers from the region of Syrikhal,
who would settle lands as distant as Arwest and Goltaraim. Over the next
thousand years, these distant colonies grew into dense nations, and their
inhabitants developed diverse physical features and cultural practices.
The Omhatra of Syrikhal remain largely confined to isolated
cities ruled by local generals (sometimes called shoguns). Dense
rainforests separate the city-states, making ships the quickest method
of transportation and preserving the separate traditions found in each
area. Senfaerism is the most common religion in this region, and since it
teaches the importance of simplicity, the Omhatra of Syrikhal undertake
all things with a reserved asceticism.
Between 1340 and 1345 Annoloth, the thriving Omhatra nations in
Wellusk were wiped from the face of the earth by legions of vampires.
Living for many years in the shadow of Perrith Gorr, these humans
had become accustomed to slave-raids and border skirmishes, but
the Desolation of Wellusk was as absolute and sudden a genocide as
the world has ever seen. The Omhatra’s rich Welluskan culture was all
but snuffed out in the space of a single year, leaving ragged survivors
scattered about the neighboring regions. With the vorruc blight
spreading slowly across the continent, the Omhatra people in Wellusk
face a bleak future.
The Arwest region is home to Omhatra cultures that live in sparsely
populated homesteads, making their living as trappers, shepherds, and
foresters. With werekin and vampires settled so close, they keep to
themselves and fiercely guard their kin. In Goltaraim, the Omhatra have
generally assimilated with the telmatra, although there are places further
out from the heartlands where tension between the two races runs deep.
The QuitzáL
Dwelling scattered throughout the West, the Quitzál peoples may at first
seem archaic or undeveloped, having clung to their earliest traditions
over the last thousand years. Though their technology makes less use of
steel and coal, Quitzál cultures are sophisticated in their industry and
infrastructure. Most of their societies value living off the land, some in
nomadic tribes and some in permanent settlements.
The most prominent Quitzál societies are found in and around the
densely forested parts of the Norlythe, but there are also many living
around the Sea of Lorelannon, most notably the Ocalatnoloset tribes off
the eastern coast of Motta.
Northern Quitzál cultures commonly pay homage to Sarnoss, the
god of beasts and the wild. Their elders appoint a High Chief to act as
both spiritual and political leader for the community. Others might rely
on matriarchal leaders like Clan Mothers to resolve disputes and manage
political affairs.
Furs, beads, feathers, and gold are common adornments of Quitzál
dress. Their most settled cultures farm kale, corn, beans, or root
vegetables, supplemented by prodigious hunting. More nomadic tribes
typically hunt and gather, or commute between a temporary dwelling
and separate orchards or gardens.

T hough descended from the ancient
maahiset people, the gugrum have
developed a far larger stature. The
powerful network of kingdoms once
ruled by their civilization now lies in
tatters, a casualty of civil war. In the
wake of this collapse, humans entered
their wasted lands and shipped the
gugrum to Motta as slaves, ending any
chance of greatness for the gugrum.
Bearing mournful memories
of their bygone golden age, the
gugrum have dwindled into a quiet
and subdued people, despite their
imposing stature. Those that have
eluded captivity draw close to the
earth in matriarchal communities.
Though capable warriors when they
need to be, pacifism and nonviolence
have become their chief values.
Many thousands still languish
as slaves and servants in Motta.
Those who escape or are freed might
remain there, where the population
is racially diverse, but more likely
relocate to lands where they will not
be mistaken for property.

Thoughtful and Private
Although formal education isn’t a part of most gugrum cultures,
they are a perceptive and conscientious people. This reputation for
being gentle giants may explain why they’ve been victimized in recent
history. Exceptions can be found, but it’s unusual to see a gugrum
engage in outwardly violent or aggressive behavior. Though they no

doubt feel these emotions, they’ve usually been taught from birth to
hide anger and selfishness.
These strong cultural taboos result in a tendency for gugrum to
be quiet company. Even their large gatherings and celebrations seem
hushed compared to those of other cultures. They admire silence and
see it as a sign of intelligence, while impulsive chatter is disdained as
attention-seeking and disruptive. When foreigners visit a gugrum city,
they often turn heads with the volume of their conversation.
Grey Giants
The gugrum are generally taller than most other races, with a heavy
musculature and thick, strong hands. This makes them not only
physically imposing compared to humans, but also talented miners,
athletes, and soldiers. Ironically, these vocations are uncommon in
their society—but enslaved gugrum are all too familiar with such work.
The skin of the gugrum is a pale slate color. Their blood is a
deep blue that shows clearly through the skin, giving it a lightning or
tree-branch patterning. Every gugrum’s unique vein-pattern shows
differently, which they use as an easy method of identification. A few
gugrum grow thin hair in varying shades of grey, but most are nearly
hairless. Their eyes trend toward warm colors like yellow, amber, or pink.

A History of Violence
The gugrum were once the most numerous of the races descended
from the maahiset. Their civilization occupied the vast grasslands
known today as the Forlorn Marches. Around 2,400 years ago, rampant
civil war ignited among them, and within a century nothing was left
but ruined towers and fields of bones. The few refugees that escaped
this bloodbath were herded south as slaves, or else went north to settle
the woodlands of Chayrshellech and the Norlythe.
Today gugrum culture is largely matriarchal. Women are
considered intellectually superior among them, often governing as
philosopher-chiefs while the men act primarily as laborers and artisans.
When the gugrum raised in patriarchal captivity encounter their free
kinfolk, gender tension can become a serious point of conflict.
A cannibalistic society of gugrum called the Saethym live a
nomadic existence in lands east of the River Oulearan. The Saethym
are heavily male-dominated, which prevents them from integrating
well with other gugrum cultures. According to their legends, their
practice of blood magic stems from secrets taught to them by the
dragonborn in a forgotten era.

Born in Chains
The majority of gugrum are raised in bondage to humans. They live
in estates and on plantations owned by their masters, and very rarely
leave the grounds. This harsh life is a heavy burden to the gugrum,
many of whom dream of freedom. Those fortunate enough to escape
might search out their free northern relatives.

Chapter One | Races 47

The largest gugrum societies build cities in a Iron Thews. Whenever you take bludgeoning,
formation of interconnected stone towers. Most piercing, or slashing damage, reduce the amount taken
communities, however, are tribal, building longhouses by 1.
or large tents camped near their hunting grounds. Peak Physique. You have proficiency in the
Daily life there centers around family, food, and the Athletics skill.
greater good of the tribe. Languages. You can speak one regional language.
Whether you can read or write it depends on your
Hired Muscle background. Consult with your GM and decide.
Gugrum can be found adventuring in many places. Gugrum only have traces of their own language, so
Most who escape slavery enter the wide world without they speak whatever their neighbors or masters speak.
meaningful skills. These characters rely on their Their speech, however, is often adapted and blended
strength and keen intuition to get by on dangerous with remnants of ancient Gugrum, giving them idioms
work. They might end up as mercenaries, trackers, or and phraseology that may seem strange to other
outlaws. Whatever their vocation, they tend to do it speakers. Because of their limited opportunities for
without complaint. education, few gugrum can read or write.
Gugrum Names Subrace. Gugrum can come from very different
Lacking any memory of their ancestral language, worlds. Some were raised in the wilderness, learning
gugrum usually use names from their oral tradition, the secrets of the land and sharpening their senses.
or simply adapt the names of whichever culture’s Others were raised in the midst of human culture.
language they’ve appropriated. In slavery, the gugrum Ba’areth
are often named by their masters, and so can have These are the typical gugrum living in their own
what seem like ill-suited names. Below are examples of communities. Raised in remote areas, they tend to be
unique gugrum names. more comfortable away from civilization, where there’s
Male Names: Adun, A’umo, Banga, Dul, Etumo, space to breathe and worship their chosen god in
Gha’uro, Hibanma, Jo’al, Mhahad, Mustalig, Oba’i, peace. The meaning of the name Ba’areth was lost with
Roda’im, Tiba the memory of the ancient Gugrum tongue.
Female Names: Asaba, Bindi, Dan-duro, Eballa, Ema, Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
Gangos, Genta, Jalba, Mo’emad, Nandu, Olbara, increases by 1.
Ya’aur, Zidfa Bred in the Wild. You have advantage when
making ability checks to forage for food and water in
Gugrum Traits the wilderness, and to recall information about beasts
Gugrum characters begin with the following racial and plants.
traits as a result of their physique and shared tradition. Gugrum Weapon Training. You have proficiency
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score with the blowgun, club, great club, net, sling, and spear.
increases by 2.
Age. Gugrum have a lifespan similar to that of
humans, but they tend to grow to adult stature around The cannibalistic Saethym live in the wilderness
age 13, years before they’ve mentally matured. of northern Chayrshellech. Smaller and more lithe
Alignment. Because family and the greater good than other gugrum, they likely bear an ever-so-slight
are so important to the gugrum, they often have lawful resemblance to their diminutive ancestors. Secret
alignments. Those gugrum that have been slaves, black arts have been passed down among them for
however, value their freedom highly. Fear of tyranny thousands of years, making them clever and dangerous
may pull them toward neutral or chaotic. enemies.
Size. Most gugrum stand between 7 and 8 feet tall. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
Your size is Medium. increases by 1.
Speed. 30 feet. Hunter-Sorcerer. You know one cantrip of your
Brute Hands. You have advantage on ability choice from the sorcerer spell list.
checks and saving throws related to your physical At 3rd level, choose one of the following spells:
grasp of objects or creatures. This extends to grappling, entangle, fog cloud, healing word, or unseen servant.
climbing, and attempts to avoid dropping or releasing You can cast it once per day as a 1st level spell.
such things as rope, weapons, or terrain features. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

48 Chapter One | Races

Like many gugrum, those born into slavery are tough. Their natural
physique has been fortified by a life of back-breaking labor. The
strongest might survive, but only the lucky see freedom.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Work It Off. After completing a short rest, you regain a number of
Settling from Chayrshellech

hit points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up), and you to the highlands north of
reduce your exhaustion level by one. present-day Trentsmund, the
mysterious little people called
the maahiset flourished as
one of the great pre-human
civilizations. During the height
of their power, the demon-
legions of Mohtra ravaged the
lands of the maahiset, causing
them to scatter far across
the West and flee into the
Four thousand years
later their descendants the
Maahisites began to emerge: the
gugrum, heathfolk, sarrow, and
telmatra. While sealed off, each
Maahisite race had grown apart
from the others, developing
different physical and cultural
Along with humans,
Maahisites have spread to
become a large and diverse
set of civilizations. Thousands
of years of separation have
estranged these four races, and
it’s doubtful that any kindred
loyalty remains between them.

T he heathfolk are a technologically
advanced race native to the moors
and highlands that once belonged
to their maahiset forefathers.
They’re descended from the original
maahiset aristocracy who, when the
demon-spawn attacked, elected to
flee into mountain sanctuaries rather
than live underground.
As the highland settlers
prospered, these sanctuaries
developed into vast cities perched
on remote precipices. They grew
taller, hardier, more scientific, and
their numbers swelled. Today the
heathfolk continue to thrive as a
result of their political neutrality and
characteristic charm. Most have a
love of learning and art instilled in
them from a young age.
Folk magic is a fundamental
part of heathfolk culture. With the
exception of the Yaelcar kindred,
most of them treasure the arcane
as part of their heritage. Their
universities are the only formal
institutions for magical instruction in
the world.

Artistic and Open-Minded
Among the heathfolk, enlightenment is everything. Children are assigned
personal tutors at age four, and their education continues until they come
of age at 22. Most heathfolk are inculcated with an open mind and a
passion for art and learning. Their high literacy rate and quality of life set
them apart from other cultures.

Heathfolk often practice simple forms of arcane magic, which perhaps
contributes to their fascination with that which they don’t yet understand.
While most cultures are eternally suspicious of the arcane, heathfolk
tradition embraces it as both a science and an art. The handing down of
ancient folk magic practices defines traditional heathfolk society. Indeed,
Ruethas—their racial deity—is a patron of arcane secrets.

Marks and Manes

Heathfolk usually stand just shorter than humans, and their natural build
is slim above the waist. They tend to have muscular legs, and heathfolk
women are often curvy with petite shoulders. Green and brown eyes are
common among them, but some have eyes of amber or dark grey.
A heathfolk’s face has earth-toned markings, often centered on
the eyes like a raccoon. This trait is genetic—usually children’s marks
resemble those of their parents, but each is as unique as a fingerprint.
They can be light or dark, intricate or subtle. These markings commonly
appear in muted hues of green, grey, brown, yellow, red, and blue. The
heathfolk usually have an olive or light brown skin tone.
Heathfolk have very thick, bushy hair that grows long. The men have
lion-like manes that surround their heads. The mane grows in one mass,
covering the entire head, neck, shoulders, and upper chest, leaving only
the face visible. They have high foreheads, and their facial hair stops at
the corners of the mouth, the lack of mustache further suggesting the
appearance of a lion. Females grow strong, thick hair commonly worn
past the waist, but theirs doesn’t grow from the shoulders and chest.
Heathfolk hair colors tend to be shades of red and brown. Black hair is
particularly predominant among the separatist heathfolk of Yarcarrach,
causing neighboring humans to nickname them the Black Heathens.
These secular dissidents call themselves the Yaelcar. Their men have a
strict cultural practice of shaving their manes below the ears, giving them
a more distinctly human look. For both men and women, the hair on the
top of the head is often braided or beaded, but never cut. Their clothes are
made of plain black cloth, covering the wearer from the wrists to the ankles.
Noblesse Oblige
Self-centered thinking is a mark of ignorance to most heathfolk, while
cultural awareness and an open mind are the marks of nobility and
intelligence. It’s common for them to travel the world, not only to become
cultured, but to share that enlightenment with those they meet. This love
of travel is greatly facilitated by their unique talent for learning languages.
Paradoxically, many heathfolk believe they are superior to other races
because they think themselves the least self-interested. They love playing
the role of mentor, and they love to be the only heathfolk in a crowd.

Chapter One | Races 51

Remote Universities Every land in Vinramar has seen heathfolk
All three heathfolk political bodies are bound travelers, usually speaking the local language. Their
together in an Imperial Order, which only truly pursuit of enlightenment draws them on extensive
exists in name. In reality these nations interact voyages through foreign countries, which helps
very little. Each is governed by a council of their amicable relationships with neighboring races.
political academics called fellows who preside Though most heathfolk prove to be quite versatile,
over the government while maintaining positions the northern kin have traditionally preferred
at their respective educational institutions. Three vocations that involve the arcane. The Black
post-graduate degrees are required to sit on the Heathens of course avoid such pursuits at all costs.
governing councils, and many of their members
have far more than that. Heathfolk Names
At the center of most heathfolk communities A heathfolk has a given name, usually taken from
is at least one university. Life in these remote cliff- the mother’s family history, and a clan name, usually
cities revolves around such institutions, and few the father’s. Genealogy is very important to the
heathfolk live beyond the city walls. Most subsist heathfolk, and their clan allegiance comes before
on fruit, fish, and sheep, though more luxurious almost any other.
food is imported for those who can afford it. The Male Names: Aillourath, Archolloch, Bretham,
Yaelcar live along the verdent southern coast of Chuyrdash, Fayruch, Garaym, Jennam, Laithscael,
the Chayrshellech region, where they can farm Lothanser, Nassach, Pollas, Siorash, Shouthan
and herd in communities less cramped than those Female Names: Antayleach, Bureas, Ciaynhain,
of their northern kin. Dassacha, Hanlayr, Hulmara, Ishath, Kenshayloch,
Enlightened Adventurers Maralash, Roshalya, Sheleach, Seairsha, Yessas
Heathfolk characters are likely to be pleasant in an Clan Names: Athelshoth, Barrobayrn, Beal,
adventuring party. They may be dismissive of those Falbonnach, Iulainn, Margeynnach, Mararchtach,
they consider ignorant, but are quick to follow a Marenchella, Obaech, Umiurthar
good leader. When fortune falls on them, they are
usually more than willing to assume command.

Heathfolk Traits language of the heathfolk. It has many unique sounds
The heathfolk share an array of traits that reflect their that can be difficult for other cultures to learn. It’s a
education and cultural aptitudes. whispery, smooth-sounding language thought to be
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score closely related to that spoken by the ancient maahiset.
increases by 2. Subrace. Choose a subrace. Two are described
Age. Heathfolk have a lifespan just longer than that here: black heathen and northern kin.

of humans. They commonly live to 100, but rarely 120.
Black Heathen
Alignment. Moderation goes hand in hand with
enlightenment, and the heathfolk value their ability The Black Heathens, also called the Yaelcar, separated
to ride the middle of the road. Neutrality is often a from the heathfolk nation of Chayrshellech several
compelling alignment choice for them. millennia ago. They are vehemently secularist, denying
Size. Most heathfolk have a height around 5 feet, the usefulness of both magic and religion. To outsiders,
with a particularly short individual dipping to as low the black heathens seem somber and plain-thinking,
as 4 feet, and a very tall heathfolk reaching 6 feet. Your but they have all the intelligence and tenacity of their
size is Medium. northern kin.
Speed. 30 feet. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score
Heathfolk Weapon Training. You have proficiency increases by 1.
with the flintlock pistol, longsword, and rapier. Secular Training. You gain one of the following:
Incidental Knowledge. If you miss an ability (a) proficiency in two tools or weapons of your choice
check’s DC by a margin of 1, you still succeed. This (b) proficiency in one additional skill from your
trait does not apply to saving throws or attack rolls, but class's skill list
it does allow you to win contests that result in a tie. Northern Kin
Less Sleep. When taking a long rest, you only need The northern kin are the traditionalists among the
to spend 4 of the 8 hours sleeping. You can spend a week heathfolk, representing the majority in their culture.
concentrating on a single downtime activity during the They’re often raised around the use of simple folk
remaining 4 hours of each long rest. After a week, you magic, but not all of them go on to study arcane
gain the benefit of 1 day engaged in that activity. practices in depth.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score
Roccurish and two extra languages of your choice. increases by 1.
If your Intelligence score is 13 or higher, you learn Folk Magic. You learn two cantrips from the
another additional language. Roccurish is the native following list: blade ward, dancing lights, light, mending,
message, minor illusion, prestidigitation, or true strike.

The Company of Fools

It’s common for heathfolk to look down on
religion, especially large churches that devote
themselves to one god. For the northern kin, this
is because they believe in the superiority of arcane
magic—though many of them casually worship
Ruethas, the patron god of time and spells. For the
Black Heathens of the south, it’s because of their
strict secularist beliefs. In the company of religious
characters, a heathfolk might have a terrific time
making light of their zealotry.

F rom their earliest history, the
sarrow have been subjects of
voracious persecution. Still enslaved
by humans throughout the world,
they are embittered and very slow to
trust. Those free from bondage live in
the most remote parts of Vinramar,
understandably eager to avoid
contact with other races.
More than any other Maahisite
race, the sarrow still resemble
their ancestors, who were likewise
about half the height of a human.
They descend from a group of
maahiset that delved deep under the
mountains to escape the onslaught
of Mohtra, and were first to emerge
once the enemy left their land. If they
had known what lay in store for their
people, they might have preferred to
stay underground.
Sarrow continue to be bred in
slavery to humans. Any evidence of
their culture has been wiped from
their native lands in the Trentsmund
region by human settlers. Only two
places in the world are home to
free sarrow communities—one an
isolated desert tribe and the other a
colony of escaped slaves.

Freethinking Futurists
Widely uneducated, the sarrow nevertheless have an uncanny
intuition. They learn well by watching—probably far better than their
masters give them credit for—and that talent makes them dangerous
slaves to keep. Indeed, the sarrow are always bristling under the yoke
of their captivity. Almost yearly, large bands of slaves revolt and buy

their freedom with blood.
Those who escape often find their way to Ykhel, the commune of
free sarrow in the remotest mountains of the Norlythe region. There
they can receive education, raise families, and help build a brighter
future for their people. Past evils force them to look forward. Many
sarrow disparage tradition, since little of their own has survived. They
place higher value on innovation and progress.

Scapegoats and Slaves

The sarrow have terse relations with other races. They’ve suffered—and
continue to suffer—every injustice imaginable at the hands of humans,
and tend to assume that the other races would do the same if given the
chance. Even a free sarrow lives in constant fear of being treated like an
Perhaps the other Maahisite races stand a fair chance of winning a
sarrow’s trust, but even then it’s hard-earned. A number of sarrow live
among the heathfolk, working as paid servants or itinerant laborers.
Although the arrangement has an echo of slavery, the sarrow endure it,
willing to do what’s necessary to taste freedom.

Ways to Skin a Dwarf

The sarrow are a fusion of dwarves and halflings with a few
new flavors thrown in the recipe. They can be represented
mechanically by either race, but they’re “reskinned” to fit the tone
of the Darkplane setting. You can use the subraces provided on
the next page, or you can use the ones found elsewhere.
The sarrow stand between two and five feet tall. They can be
stout or slim, round- or sharp-featured, and their coloration has a
wide range. If you’re interested in differentiating the sarrow from
typical fantasy dwarves, try some of the following tips.
Shave off 30 lbs. Like any race, the sarrow have a variety of
body types. Remember, they range from halfling to dwarf in size,
so try making your sarrow of a build other than a four-foot hulk.
Lose the beard. Sarrow aren't as attached to facial hair as
dwarves. Those that live among the heathfolk often shear their
mustaches to blend in, so consider trying some variety.
Wear clothes that aren’t armor. Who says all dwarves have to
load up on metal wardrobe? The sarrow seldom wear plate armor,
even in combat.
There are a lot of clichés associated with fantasy dwarves.
Challenge yourself to turn them on their heads when playing
a sarrow. This is your chance to play a dwarf that isn't comedic
relief, who doesn't always have an axe in hand, or who might
even be female. Let yourself loose in challenging other players'

Chapter One | Races 55

Salvaging a Lost Culture
Ykhel, the city of free sarrow, lies nestled precariously against the wall
of an isolated gorge. Established by a band of escaped slaves, it’s a
hidden symbol of perseverance, the one light of hope for a people that
have been treated with continual cruelty. In the 73 years since ground
was broken there, only sarrow have been allowed to enter. Rather
than preserve the past, the Ykhelesians seek to create a new, forward-
thinking culture, free of the memories of oppression that have been
seared into their collective consciousness.
Although called a city, Ykhel is really a group of nine segregated
What about socialist communes, each composed of 60 to 200 sarrow. As members
of a syndicalist society, Ykhelesians each have assigned roles relating to
Halflings? their skills and livelihood. All material goods are shared in a system of
common ownership. Religion and other faction-based institutions are
Why combine dwarves and
prohibited within the communes.
halflings? The halflings I love are
In the region of Chayrshellech, there is a network of sarrow tribes
strongly connected to Tolkien’s
living in the heart of the Waelslayg Desert. Their culture has preserved
Middle-Earth, which has become
elements of sarrow tradition that predate their enslavement. Almost
the model for most high fantasy
entirely unaware of the wider world, these desert sarrow live harsh and
worlds. But Darkplane isn’t high
simple lives.
fantasy. It purposefully steers away
All sarrow culture places great importance on females, who have
from Tolkien and more toward the
final authority in the family. This cultural idiosyncracy is likely a
Victorian and pulp writers that
vestige of the Ethis fertility cults that were once practiced among their
preceded him.
maahiset ancestors.
In my opinion, one unique
and diverse diminutive race is Pariahs in Every Land
better than two races that have any Most sarrow adventurers dream of one day reaching Ykhel, which they
significant crossover. Rather than imagine as a utopia. There are those that reach the city, however, only
spend a lot of time to shoehorn to grow tired of communal living and shared property. These sarrow
halflings into the setting, I chose might trek out to other lands in search of a change. Unfortunately for
to fold them into the sarrow. If you them, the outside world can be unforgiving. Sarrow characters had
love halflings, by all means make better steel themselves for trouble when visiting other lands, especially
one for your sarrow character. if the locals own sarrow slaves.

Sarrow Traits
The following traits provide cultural information about sarrow
Alignment. The sarrow are a philosophically diverse group, owing
largely to the fact that most of them live as captive laborers. They have
an indomitable desire to be free, which in some cases might translate
into a chaotic alignment.
Languages. You can speak Dyraneff and one additional language
of your choice. Dyraneff is the traditional sarrow language, descended
from the tongue spoken by the ancient maahiset.
Optional Subraces
When creating a sarrow character, use the dwarf or halfling race. You
can choose a subrace from among the following optional alternatives.
Desert Sarrow
Born in the unyielding lands of the Waelslayg Desert, these sarrow have
to be tough or die. They’re used to sweltering heat, daily hunting, and
going hungry more often than not.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Wisdom scores increase
by 1.

56 Chapter One | Races

Nomad’s Endurance. Double your Constitution modifier when
determining how long you can go without food or water before taking
levels of exhaustion. If you eat half the amount of required food in a
day, you can count that as the full amount.

Sarrow Slave

Whether in a household, a mine, or a field, many sarrow are raised in
servitude. What they lack in education, they make up for with a wealth
of insight into the lives of the aristocracy that bought and sold them. of the
Former slaves tend to be the most passionate and perceptive of the
sarrow. Ancients
At its height, the maahiset
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength and Charisma scores increase
empire covered much of
by 1.
the regions of Trentsmund,
My Turn to Choose. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill. Chayrshellech, the Norlythe,
and Goltaraim. Though their
Ykhelesian monumental cities have
Well educated and forward-thinking, the Ykhelesian sarrow are been buried and ground into
particularly slow to trust those of other races. They have learned that dust, there are still artifacts,
all people deserve respect, and often defend the downtrodden in any ruins, and places of power to
society. be found in these regions—
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. remnants of the runemages’
Syndicate Training. Choose one skill or tool you’re proficient in. forgotten art. But those who
When making ability checks that involve the use of that skill or tool, can discover the secrets of the
double your proficiency bonus. forbidden relics may live to
regret it.
Today, the Maahisite
races have little memory of
their ancestors. They take for
granted the folklore, nursery
rhymes, and symbols of
power that survive from that
era. Even the heathfolk, who
inherited a tradition of simple
rune magic from the maahiset,
know very little of the ancient
practices. Time swallows
secrets, and the mysteries of
the maahiset are no exception.

W hen the maahiset fled the
advance of the daemons, some built
ships and crossed the Ocean of the
Northern Veil toward present-day
Goltaraim. There they settled, and
became the seafaring race called the
The telmatra occupy lands
that conveniently serve as a bridge
between the East and West. The
trade traffic that passes through
has caused their society to develop
rapidly in urban areas, but left the
more remote communities behind.
The conflict between traditionally
xenophobic telmatra tribes and
the progressive mercantile states is
emblematic of what it means to be
a telmatra in the industrial world.
Each must choose between tradition
and modernity, two ways of life that
cannot coexist.
Telmatra tribes are built around
warrior reverence. The more people
a male has killed, for example, the
more concubines he is awarded.
These sorts of practices are what put
tribal communities at odds with those
who subscribe to more equitable
customs. Most telmatra feel torn
over this cultural conflict. Even those
who detest the ancient traditions may
have a more emotionally complex
relationship with them than they
would ever admit.

Open for Business
With a male-dominated warrior culture in their past, telmatra are
often extreme, impatient, and dismissive. This short attention span
actually serves them well in the world of trade and business, where
quick, tense interactions play to their strengths. For the same reason,
many telmatra enjoy gambling. This all-business demeanor is balanced

by a general respect for those they trust. Telmatra are very loyal allies.
Race wars nearly destroyed the telmatra when human settlers first
arrived from Syrikhal. After centuries of bloodshed, the two cultures
eventually settled into a tolerant peace. Many intermarried over the
course of time, resulting in a gradual and balanced assimilation that
has all but eliminated racial inequality in Goltaraim. Telmatra are
usually eager to see that everyone has a fair shot in life, regardless
of birth or religion. They also share a general distaste for Western
imperialism, which to them represents the worst that humankind has
brought upon the world.
Beyond the Tribe
Interacting regularly with the various peoples of Vinramar, telmatra
living in developed areas have a well-rounded knowledge of foreign
cultures. Their home is a meeting place for almost every race, creed,
and social order on the planet. Most telmatra have learned to delight
in the differences that define all people. Those steeped in tribal
tradition, however, have not, going so far as to lead war parties against
foreign peoples that trespass on lands they have claimed.
Most telmatra are eager to prove that they aren’t barbarians,
perhaps all the more so because their tribal cousins continue to raid
along the coasts and islands of central Vinramar. To prove their
sophistication, the city-dwellers rely on displays of wealth as marks of
cultural and economic progress. They wear lavish clothing and jewelry,
build grandiose dwellings, and employ hundreds of servants. Of course,
the tribes have their own signs of status. Bones of fallen enemies are
worn around the neck and pierced through the ears, nose, and cheeks.
Tattoos adorn their bodies, listing their acts of valor. Such marks of
accomplishment mean everything to tribal telmatra.

Not Your Typical Orcs

Darkplane replaces orcs with the telmatra, who were once
tribal and warlike, not very different from the sort of orcs we’re
used to seeing. In areas where the telmatra have made significant
technological advances, however, they don’t resemble the
typical fantasy orc. If you want to make a more barbaric, orc-
like telmatra, use the half-orc race. Otherwise, you can use the
optional subrace provided on the next page. No distinction is
made here between orcs and half-orcs, since most of the telmatra
have partial human ancestry.
The telmatra are often taller than the average human, with
coloring that ranges in dark tones of grey, green, brown, red,
or even deep ebony. Their tongues, lips, gums, fingernails, and
prominent teeth tend to be darkly colored as well.

Chapter One | Races 59

First is a spirit name, given at birth. The mother
smokes monhassel root while she bears the child, and
The Triune Fathers a name comes to her in a vision at the moment the
Most telmatra are casual with regard to religion, birth is complete. This name usually corresponds to
and many are openly atheistic. They have their a particular virtue inherent in the telmatra child’s
own three traditional gods: Bekjhal, Duhulatt, spirit. The second name is a nickname given relating to
and Hodramesh. Traditionally, tribes and families something distinctive about the child. This is received
have a particular member of the Triune Fathers at age seven. The “true name” is received at coming
pantheon that they look to as a patron. of age, and is chosen by the telmatra child itself, often
Worship of Daemoth and Gallister is often identifying a personal goal or value.
seen among city-bred telmatra, but it’s also In addition to the three given names, traditional
mingled with imagery and superstitions from telmatra go by family names passed from the father.
traditional telmatra religions. The Etholchan These names are constructed by putting the root “got
temples in Goltaraim are commonly adorned with by” (Ta-) before the father’s true name, or by simply
the images of insects, spears, and autumn leaves. using its possessive form (adding U- before it).
Rural telmatra communities might even turn to
Hodramesh rather than Daemoth when in danger Given Names: Alabar, Betra, Dahsi, Dukal, Hekhta,
of a meager harvest. Huni, Ifsakh, Jandu, Jhokmai, Magha, Nunmarai,
Talsoh, Usod, Zemohna
Family Names: Ta-alhaga, Ta-ahuk, Ta-brakhma,
Ta-elosai, Ta-jubal, Ta-musal, Ta-noranda, Ta-zakhib,
Lucrative Plutocracies
U-bengai, U-fasod, U-kuzul, U-muhokai
The densest telmatra settlements are in Goltaraim,
where they’ve lived side-by-side with humans for more
than a thousand years. In cases of mixed blood, which
is common, the telmatra ancestry is usually dominant. Variant: Cosmopolitan
The tribes don’t generally approve of intermarriage Telmatra
with other races, but it isn’t unheard of among them. To create a telmatra character who was born and
The nations of Goltaraim are generally run by raised in civilization, build a half-orc as you would
powerful families or merchant guilds. Wealth goes in any other setting, keeping Darkvision and
a long way in these places, and a telmatra can climb Savage Attacks, but replacing the rest of the traits
the social ladder with ease if she knows how to turn a with those below.
profit. Who you know can be far more important than Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
your birth, and many of the ruling telmatra families increases by 2, and your Constitution and
are eager for fresh meat to run errands and smooth out Charisma scores increase by 1.
their operations. Alignment. No races are inherently evil in
Darkplane. Telmatra, therefore, should display
Quick on the Uptake as much variety in alignment as any other group.
Although telmatra tribal culture produces many Sure, some of them are evil. So are some elves. The
warriors, there’s a wealth of opportunity to break tribal telmatra will tend to be more chaotic, while
the stereotype. A telmatra might pick up a little of those that live in developed nations tend to be
everything as he crosses paths with many different lawful.
cultures. Whatever they apply themselves to, telmatra Heard It All. You have advantage when making
tend to have a no-nonsense approach that makes them Intelligence checks to appraise the value of an item
adept learners once committed. or to determine if you’ve heard a particular rumor,
Telmatra Names tidbit, or piece of lore.
With names, as in every other part of life, the Savvy. You have proficiency in the Deception
telmatra are polarized. Many simply use the naming skill.
conventions of the land they live in, ignoring their Languages. You can speak, read, and write
racial tradition. In the tribes, telmatra gain a new Salohusaid and one regional language of your
name at three important life events. choice. Salohusaid is the telmatra racial tongue,
spoken in the tribes or by city-dwellers interested in
telmatra tradition. It has a clipping, rhythmic sound.

60 Chapter One | Races

H eirs to a forgotten bloodline, the
dragonborn have withdrawn from
the outside world. Their appearance
causes other races to fear and
despise them, especially those whose
history remembers a time when the
dragon-children marched a terrifying
onslaught across the West. But that was
ages ago, when the world was young.
Today, the dragon-children have
been swept off the lands that briefly
belonged to them, forced to watch
them fall into the hands of younger
races. Their clans huddle in far-off
jungles and islands, spending more
and more time in water, where the
dry-hides never go. This solitude
spares them from having to deal with
land-dwellers, but also excites bitter
resentment over their people’s long-
lost glory.
The dragonborn have sunk
low indeed. Where they once
built towering cities to house their
thousand young, they now inhabit
ragged camps along the coasts
with only a handful of children.
Each day the dry-hides and their
technologies encroach further on
these meager lands. It’s little wonder
the dragonborn react with violence.

Bitter and Proud
To the dragonborn, the world has turned away from its proper fate.
They raise their young on stories of a time when dragons ruled the land,
the seas, and the skies—stories that one day the stolen world would be
returned to its rightful masters. To them, the races that now occupy it are
fundamentally strange. For this reason, many dragonborn have an air of

detachment, as though they see life so differently from others that trying
to find common ground is pointless. They’re proud, not taking insult
lightly, but once they’ve warmed up to someone, the bond is ironclad.
Shut Out the World
Interactions with the other races of Vinramar have seldom ended well for
the dragonborn. Two thousand years ago, they were slaughtered wholesale
by colonists from Motta who wished to settle the coastlands they occupy,
and some dragonborn can still be found among the slaves of human
households. Given this history, the dragonborn keep close to home. Those
that adventure beyond the borders are often met with shock and disgust.
In the eastern jungles, some dragonborn tribes have survived for
millennia, since before human settlers ever arrived. These are the most
reclusive and ascetic devotees of the mysterious beings that lie at the heart
of the rainforest. Their devotion to those beings is dearer to them than life.
Divided Clans
The dragonborn settlements are scattered and out of touch. For the most
part they live in small tribes of thirty or less, but two larger clans exist on
the islands off the south coast of Chayrshellech. The more dangerous of
these is called Kaiervol. These dragonborn do little in the way of hunting
or fishing, preferring instead to raid ships that dare to pass through their
waters. The Kaiervol clan inhabits Mount Fayrlin, the ancient seat of the
Daragoch Empire. The Medeghar clan is taller and spends more time
on land than the other dragonborn. Their island lies just east of Mount
Fayrlin. Some farming is practiced among them, but this is a relatively
recent development.
The dragonborn place great value on physical prowess and endurance.
Hunting and swimming are essential for their survival, and those who
perform best in these activities command the most respect. Their tradition
of determining clan leaders through tournament combat explains why
particularly large dragonborn often act entitled to take charge.

Mammals Descended from Dragons

In the Darkplane setting, dragonborn are less lizardlike. Their mixed
blood has given them a wide range of appearance. Some, like the
standard dragonborn you’re familiar with, are land-dwellers. Many,
however, are amphibious. To create dragonborn characters for the
Darkplane setting, use the traits provided on the following pages. If
these aren’t to your taste, then feel free to make your character with
the original dragonborn race as usual.
More slippery than scaly, the dragonborn of Vinramar have
skin like a seal or fish. Their mouths look more human, with short
snouts that are barely perceptible. Their eyes are set farther apart than
other races, and their heads might be bald or adorned with scaled
protrusions like tentacles or fins. Their coloring ranges across all the
typical dragon types.

Chapter One | Races 63

Spawn of Walking Marvels
It isn’t unheard of for a dragonborn to brave the unknown and leave its
Lakhi clan, although there would need to be a strong reason for doing so. It’s
beyond rare to see such creatures in the wide world. Anyone meeting a
Lakhi has spawned legions
of children since she became dragonborn is likely doing so for the first and last time. Their shock at the
the primordial mistress of the experience will usually irritate—but not surprise—the dragonborn itself.
sea. First she bore the Three— Because of this burdened experience, dragonborn adventurers might
nameless godlike dragons that end up as mercenaries, pirates, trackers, gladiators, or any other career
dwelt with her beneath the ocean. that will keep them away from densely populated areas. They might also
Second came the Ten, a brood of practice blood magic or runecasting for a fee if it can put food on the table.
land-dwelling dragons, powerful Dragonborn Names
blood mages that were terrifying Dragonborn use descriptive phrases as names. These phrases might relate
to behold. As the millennia to a circumstance surrounding the child’s birth, an expectation for the child
passed, she continued to birth on the part of the parents, or an attribute the dragonborn displays later in
drakes, serpents, the great lizards, life. A dragonborn’s name often changes, but not at any set point. It simply
lizardmen, troglodytes, and all evolves as the individual’s identity and reputation evolve. Sometimes these
the creatures in the sea. These names are shortened to nicknames, but not always.
descendants likewise bore children,
until the oceans, seas, rivers, and Daraghun Names: Araike hoka haj, Abbajwa fike, Bhatia bhutu, Dawagh
lakes of Vinramar were overflowing da hote, Hrud hruji, Jokh toko, Khas kheli dogh naphai, Lohana kugwu,
with the Spawn of Lakhi. Magha wa pagha, Mekhul tulu, Nadkhali khajai, Patoli jukaw, Samma
Not all of the sea-goddess’s akh samma, Shar take hake, Sirk ik baju, Zardar ip amdar
young were intelligent creatures, Dragonborn Traits
but those that were began to As a spawn of the dragon-mistress of the sea, your dragonborn character
covet the empires they found on has the traits listed below.
land. About 16,000 years ago, Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
they gathered at Mount Fayrlin Age. Vinramar’s dragonborn age a little more slowly than humans in
and established the Empire of their first few years. They reach the size of a human 5-year-old by age 10,
Daragoch. Little is known about and thereafter grow very quickly, catching up to human size by age 12. Being
the dragon-empire, but some mammals, they don’t hatch from eggs, but their diminutive stature in the first
legends hint that it was ruled by decade of life makes dragonborn very protective of their vulnerable young.
the nameless Three. Hordes of
dragon-kin began to spill across
Vinramar, claiming many lands
from East to West. The maahiset, Dragon Cults
daemons, and jharethil all fought The traditional draconic gods are Lakhi, Imbakhao, and Maruma’e, all
bitterly in their turn against ancient primordials that may take the form of dragons. The Kaiervol
the Spawn of Lakhi. At last, the worship Imbakhao, the black dragon, while the Medeghar worship
dragons were stopped only by the Lakhi. Rivalry between the two groups has ended in bloodshed on
Great Winter, which froze their more than one occasion. The dragonborn who worship Maruma’e,
blood and sent them back to the the mad concubine of Daemoth, often find themselves developing
depths of the sea. aberrant features such as tentacles and extra eyes. Many dragonborn
Today, hardly a hint of cults have preserved knowledge of certain powerful runes that were
Daragoch remains. Mount shown them by the maahiset, and these might figure prominently in
Fayrlin is a hive of its degenerate their different forms of worship.
descendants, the dragonborn. While it has never been clear just what the dragonborn of the
Their clans gather along the eastern jungles worship, legends hint at colossal beasts that rule the
islands and coasts of southern deepest parts of the jungle. Whatever these beings might be, they are
Chayrshellech, and in Syrikhal’s the object of the eastern dragonborn’s zealous and secret devotion.

64 Chapter One | Races

Alignment. Being a diverse race, dragonborn might be of any alignment.
The Kaiervol lean more toward chaos and evil, while the Medeghar
value honor and goodness. Other groups might embrace any number of
Size. An average dragonborn is long and thin, standing between 6 and 7
feet tall. Your size is Medium.
A Dragon’s

Speed. 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Daraghun and one regional Like many descendants of
language of your choice. Daraghun is a degenerated form of the ancient Lakhi, the dragonborn have
dragon speech, and its name is also the origin of the word dragon. It employs dwindled to a size comparable
heavy use of rhyme and alliteration in constructing phrases. to the other humanoid races of
Subrace. Choose a subrace. Two are described here: bog lurker and Vinramar. To some extent their
dragonborn diver. physiology must be amphibious
Bog Lurker or reptilian (depending on
In the dense rainforests of Syrikhal, mysterious tribes prowl the deepest subrace), but they seem to be
rivers and marshes. Few outsiders have managed to make contact with predominantly mammalian, as
them, but the stories tell that these dragonborn serve something ancient and opposed to their distant cousins
alien that lies in the blackest murk of the swamp—godlike lizards that can the lizardmen, who are reptiles.
peer into the minds of lesser beings. They and their scions can smell fear, or Whatever their characteristics
conjure terrifying visions in an intruder’s mind. might be, the dragonborn are
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. feared and hated more than any
Psychic Stirring. You can use an action to send frightening images other common race.
through the minds of your enemies. When you use this ability, creatures Most dragonborn feel
in a 15-foot cone must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become kinship with sea creatures
frightened until the end of their next turn. The DC for the saving throw and reptiles, and they look to
equals 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus. the dragons as their ancestors
Smell Fear. You can sense frightened creatures within 25 feet of you, and and gods. Their mythology,
they cannot become hidden from you while within this range. This sense is however, is largely based on oral
blocked by any barrier that would obstruct your sense of smell. tradition, and very few have
Sound Mind. You have resistance to psychic damage, and when you any real knowledge of their
make a saving throw to avoid being frightened, you have advantage. people’s long-past golden age.
They tend to reject the worship
Dragonborn Diver of humanoid gods, considering
The most common type of dragonborn in Vinramar, these descendants of it the height of narcissism to
Lakhi have incredible skill at maneuvering underwater. They often live in assume that the gods bear
stone villages hewn into cliffs that overlook the sea. Their lungs can clamp resemblance to mere mortals.
shut for up to an hour while their small gills pull oxygen from water. Their
hands and feet have subtle webbing that helps propel them with ease when
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water, and have a swim speed
of 30 feet. While you’re grappling a creature underwater, it is also restrained
by you.
Deep Swimmer. You have resistance to cold damage.
Marine Affinity. You have advantage on ability checks to influence,
befriend, or train water-dwelling creatures.

Chapter One | Races 65

Chapter Two

Then dauntless Rephel went unto Iarmuto in the furthest west with
the strength of his nine legions, and the prophet Tantoruch stood before the gates
to meet him; and Rephel ascended with Tantoruch to the highest chamber of the
temple, that he might look upon the world.
And Rephel looked north and beheld the snow-dipped forests of the
Norlythe, where men ride stags like horses; and he beheld the furious industry of
Trentsmund, its mills and factories and smoke; and in the tops of the mountains
he beheld the sorcerers of Chayrshellech, who wear runes upon their faces.
And Rephel looked east and beheld the black-toothed hunters depart from
the desert and settle the coasts of Goltaraim; and he beheld the wilderness of
Arwest, where men walk in the skin of beasts beneath the eaves; and he beheld the
parched earth where Iarmov’s young lap the blood of children from their chargers
in Perrith Gorr.
And Rephel looked south and beheld the warmongers of Iljudheim and the
forest-grown empire of Arrochule, and the pagodas of Syrikhal like forlorn islands
in a sea of jungle.
And last of all Rephel looked to Wellusk, where a desolation descended
unlooked for upon the living and the dead.
—The Book of Rephel 12:3-7
* * *
Vinramar is a diverse world. Its lands and nations are as varied as our own.
In this chapter, you’ll find information on the tribes, city-states, oligarchies,
republics, kingdoms, and empires that populate the world in the year 1350
Annoloth, as well as their respective languages.
Vinramar’s days, years, climate, geology, atmosphere, magnetic field, and
force of gravity are equivalent to Earth’s. It has a moon that’s comparable to
ours. The equator of Vinramar is approximately 8,800 miles in circumference,
making it roughly a third the size of Earth. If a ship could sail straight around it
without stopping, it would finish the journey in about a hundred days.
Most plant and animal species we’re familiar with exist somewhere in
Vinramar, as well as many unique species. The global population of intelligent
races is around 600 million, having had significant booms in the last few
centuries. There are 79 known nations across seven continents and larger
islands, separated by seven oceans.
The map on pages 68 and 69 depicts the nations of Vinramar, grouped into 11
world regions: Arrochule, Arwest, Chayrshellech, Goltaraim, Motta,
the Norlythe, Perrith Gorr, Syrikhal, Trentsmund, and Wellusk. These regions
each contain several nations, cultures, and races, acting like a set of interconnected
campaign settings. You might run an entire campaign in Trentsmund, for
example, and have plenty of scope for a year or more of play. Alternatively, you
could begin with a series of adventures in the wilderness of the Norlythe, move
the action to the densely populated region of Motta for a few levels, then take the
final tier of the campaign to the vampire wastelands in Perrith Gorr.


T here is a vengeance in the earth. Until 1,500 years ago this

land was called Ardon, the seat of hope, a home for the hated
sons of Jharus, built on the first cradle of their civilization.
Common Races: Human, telmatra
Then its emperor was murdered, and the twelve cities of the
Regional Language: Arroch
jharethil were taken up into the heavens. Now the land itself
Nations: Carthossos, D’arthel, the Empire of Arrochule,
mourns, ruined and overgrown with a jungle that slowly
Esgoth, Issos, Ord’essos, Quoda’en
swallows the remaining provinces. These inhabitants have
Places of Interest: The Ba’areth Mountains, Dark
given it a new name: Arrochule, which by interpretation is
Athiktos, the Library of Arosedium, the Shrine of
Temple of Arrochimeir, the son of Daemoth. Only time will tell
Onaya, Tuhr, Vitollos
if the region will permit another nation to possess it for long.
—Ashannai Josman, Letters and Lectures

Known History At Intillanum’s death, the twelve chief cities of the
This region has always been colored by its legacy as jharethil suddenly vanished from the land without
the homeland of the jharethil. They dwelt here in the a trace. Many believe that the god Jharus had finally
earliest ages of the world, building a powerful empire washed his hands of the world, taking his children up

called Ardon that would rise and fall throughout into his presence once and for all. Others contend that
Vinramar’s history. During the Elder Dark, the land the disappearance must have been part of Gauren’s
was conquered by the Mohtran Empire and given the attack on the empire. It’s been 1,350 years now, and no
name Arrochule, after Daemoth’s second son. Under definite answer has ever emerged.
the rule of the daemons, the jharethil were scattered In the centuries after the Great Forsaking, jungle
and persecuted, but broken Ardon struggled to keep sprang up over New Ardon’s ruined foundations. The
a foothold in the region. During the Wild Age, the humans formed the Empire of Arrochule in hopes
jharethil reappeared to find Arrochule home to a of returning political stability to the region, but each
collection of diverse civilizations. year the wilderness seems to spread faster and faster,
swallowing their settlements in dense overgrowth.
The Ichoroth The earth itself wages war on the empire, subsuming
The 12th and 13th centuries saw the jharethil regain Arrochule’s cities with unnatural speed.
large areas of the continent, but it was humans who
sabotaged their expansion. The elder kindred had taken Vengeful Jungle
in many human refugees and escaped slaves fleeing the To survive in Arrochule means battling the land,
West. Legend tells that twelve such humans, envious of whether farming, foresting, mining, or simply trying to
jhareth immortality, struck a bargain with Gauren in a stem the jungle’s aggressive advance. The industrious
crooked bid for power. In exchange for exterminating imperial citizens are better equipped for this fight
the jharethil, Gauren granted the humans eternal life than others, but it’s little comfort. With each buried
and the rule of Arrochule. History remembers them as settlement, the region’s cities become more isolated
the Ichoroth, the Twelve Traitors. from one another as the wild steadily overthrows them.
Their reign didn’t last long. A fierce plague Despite such losses, the Empire of Arrochule has
descended on the Ichoroth Empire, rotting the steadily conquered most neighboring territories. The
people’s flesh and turning them white as death. The people that inhabit them often lack the numbers and
Witchplague, as it came to be called, killed hundreds— tools to carve a proper living from the earth. Bitter
but it couldn’t kill the Ichoroth. It was then that poverty has descended on these fringe societies in
Gauren’s duplicity was revealed, for though their spirits the last hundred years, starving the fight out of them
could not separate from their bodies, neither could and sweetening the prospect of joining the empire.
they heal or remain young. Condemned to waste away Those that still resist often turn to raiding imperial
for eternity until their flesh was dust, the Ichoroth were settlements for provisions and tools, for which the
deposed. Even now, after thousands of years, some empire brands them as barbarians.
claim to see the Ichoroth from time to time, wandering Humans, predominantly of Forroth descent, are by
the wild lands of Arrochule like vagrant corpses. far the most common race in Arrochule, but telmatra
are found abundantly in the islands surrounding
New Ardon and the Great Forsaking the mainland. Some gugrum tribes live a nomadic
At the end of the Wild Age, a jhareth named Ardoth existence along the northern coast, particularly in the
Intillanum united what survived of his people and Ba’areth Mountains. The humans and gugrum speak
marched on Arrochule. The continent quickly fell dialects of Arroch—as do many local telmatra, in
under the banner of New Ardon, an empire which addition to their racial tongue Salohusaid.
Intillanum personally ruled for more than 2,500 years. Arrochulis often dress in stitched animal hides
But New Ardon too was doomed to fall. draped with linen robes or togas. In the imperial cities,
Gauren, ever eager to win his father’s approval, where fine linen and Syrikhali silk are more accessible,
seduced a second coven of humans into his service. the robes are opulent and lavishly embroidered.
These he taught terrifying truths about the nature of the Wealthy citizens pay highly for imported glass, steel,
universe, truths that robbed them of their sanity and wine, and wool, none of which are easy to obtain
granted them fearsome power. Mad in their worship locally. Within the empire, builders work mainly in
of the Darkplane, they became the Order of Illiantri, a Arrochule’s characteristic golden mottled slate, but in
cloistered cult which orchestrated the assassination of the outlands it’s more common to see structures made
Ardoth Intillanum. Stories claim that Gauren’s part in of wood or earth.
this plot won him a seat at Daemoth’s court.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 71

Human Heirs of an Ancient Land on Sudurikhal. The rich nation remains under martial
Arrochule raises strong people: Holthirien elephant law until the League can come to an agreement on how
hunters, back-breaking quarriers, Carthossian whalers, to divvy it among the oligarchies of the telmatra.
and doughty soldiers. An iron will is the key to survival
here—even in the imperial court, where a courtier who Places of Interest
speaks the wrong word can wind up dead. Characters The Ba’areth Mountains, named for the network of
might be searching jhareth ruins for elder secrets, gugrum tribes that inhabit them, are the most remote
exploring the ever-evolving jungle, or hunting down locale on the continent. Reaching up to 5,000 feet along
evidence of the fabled Ichoroth. the northwest coast of Arrochule, the peaks are an
The various human cultures that make up the imposing refuge for pirates, thieves, cults, and sorcerers.
Forroth subrace are found both in and out of the Their reputation for hauntings is also well known.
empire. While tending to get along well with humans The city of Dark Athiktos has been whispered of
from abroad, their relations among one another for decades—how it was dragged from another world
have always been somewhat strained. They favor the to Vinramar through the Darkplane by the ancient
worship of Daemoth and Gallister. hag Vexxin Goghob. Since that forbidden journey, its
Despite the jhareth cities’ disappearance from denizens and alleyways have become twisted mockeries
Arrochule in the Great Forsaking, many of their of what they once were. Fools that visit often find that
people were left behind. They might have been deemed they too are changed by the Darkplane energies.
unworthy to reenter Jharus’ presence, or perhaps they The Library of Arosedium is an impressive
were absent when their emperor fell and the cities were collection of texts kept in the city of the same name.
taken up. Outliers like these might spend hundreds Those looking for any sort of information will probably
of years searching for answers as to what exactly find answers here—that is, if they can convince its
happened, and Arrochule is the first place to start. curator to open the palace door for anyone but royalty.
The Shrine of Onaya is one of many jhareth ruins
Nations of Arrochule that dot the continent of Arrochule. Couched against a
The city-state of Carthossos occupies two small islands bald peak in the western reach of the Holthirien Jungle,
in the easternmost waters of the Impeldium Sea. It is it’s a colossal statue of a woman, with the name Onaya
a sparsely populated republic, largely comprised of engraved at its base. Her arms and head are lifted to
fishermen, whalers, and artisans. the sky, but both hands and the surface of her face have
D’arthel is a tribal polity strewn about the coasts of broken away. Little is remembered of the shrine’s history,
D’arthel Island. Its jungle sierras were first settled by the but tales tell that it once held the foundation of one of
ancestors of the telmatra, but now lie largely untouched. the vanished jhareth cities. According to the legend, the
The Empire of Arrochule forms the mainland of city is still there, and those who discover its secret can
this region, despite significant dissidence by the various open a stair to the invisible gate from atop the shrine.
human and gugrum peoples within its borders. The Tuhr was the chief city of Ancient Ardon, built
Empress of Arrochule, Tarberan II, wages war to unite in the mountains at the heart of Arrochule. In a day
all Arrochulis beneath her banner. long ago, the mountain stood up and crawled across
Esgoth is the only mainland nation stable enough the land, toppling its towers and killing most of the
to maintain its sovereignty in the face of imperial inhabitants. The city’s enchanted ruins continue to crawl
aggression. While less developed than the empire, each night, and no one knows where the mountain will
its feudal hierarchy enables the kingdom to field an rest at dawn. Three famous sites are housed in Tuhr: the
impressive military force. Oracle Wall, the fountain of Culadh Hayotha, and the
A lesser territory held by an aging warlord, Issos is Bronze Sybil, a statue said to grant visions.
on the verge of war, small as it is. The gugrum general Vitollos is Arrochule’s largest and most dangerous
Jongu Vulmeros has ruled the lowlands north of ruin, a crater where the throne of Jharus himself
Ni’atara for 62 years, and when he dies, his captains will once stood. Before its destruction, it was a thriving
make Issos into hell before relinquishing their claims. metropolis, a cyclopean tower where the jharethil dwelt
The city-state of Ord’essos has spread its dominion at the feet of their god. When Daemoth felled the tower
over several large islands just south of the mainland. with a stone cast from the Darkplane, thousands of
While it holds these lands in name, the vast majority of jharethil perished. Now buried deep within the jungle,
the Ord’essian populace resides within the city walls. the crater has become a place of terror, mystery, and
Quoda’en, once called Cordain, was recently extraordinary power.
conquered by the Goltari League in response to its war

72 Chapter Two | Vinramar

Adventuring in Arrochule
This region is a repository of lost history. Campaigns
set here can use those elements to add texture and
appeal. As one of the cradles of civilization, Arrochule
has seen countless cultures, wars, and tragedies. The
memory of such events lies heavy on the land, and fills
every location and prop with riddles.
Arrochule’s cities are built on the ruins of
previous settlements. Each one can tell a unique story
as adventurers descend into hidden passageways,
catacombs, and temples that have far outlived the
empires that built them. Such places might contain
forgotten prophecies, sacred sites of power, or clues to
the identity of jharethil hiding in plain sight among the
people. Perhaps a village lives day in and day out with
an artifact of immense significance beneath their nose,
unnoticed. Others might realize the relic’s usefulness
and develop an entire way of life around it.
This region isn’t just the home of the jharethil—
it’s also the birthplace of the Eitharmos, a militant
order sworn to hunt down those with ties to Jharus.
Sometimes a lone crusader wanders through town
on the trail of a jhareth fugitive, other times a full
battalion will appear from nowhere and burn a
heretical village to the ground. When the hunt is
called, it’s best to keep your head down.
In addition to local adventures, Arrochule is a
good launching point for a broader-scale campaign.
Hundreds of merchant vessels come in and out of
the region’s ports each day, bound for lands as far as
Trentsmund or Arwest. If you wish to introduce your
players to many different cultures, putting them on a
ship out of Arrochule is a great first step.
Here are three campaign hooks based in the
Arrochule region:
A small unit of imperial soldiers retreats into the
Holthirien Jungle, where winged phantoms appear
and show them the day they will all die in battle. The
apparitions permit them to repeatedly live that day until
each one can escape death.
A professor and his team search Arrochule for Tuhr,
the crawling city, in order to ask the Oracle Wall where
the jhareth cities fled during the Great Forsaking.
A crew’s ship is held at Carthossos until the
Eitharmos can determine which of them is secretly a
jhareth. Can the passengers find out which one of them
it is? Once they do, will they protect or betray her?

F our fathers have been dead since our land was returned
to us from the vampires. We claimed Arwest when it was
young. Like the wolf we walked its breadth and built our dens, Common Races: Elf, human, werekin
warning strange peoples that only we would possess it while Language: Welluskud
one werekin lived. Then blood-hunters came from the East to Nations: Erelasht, Faerras, the Kinlands, Syserach,
challenge us, and with the cunning of the spider we trapped Syservol, Talanbir
them until our webs became full and many of our folk were Places of Interest: Castle Brekta, the Fey Gate,
lost. Like the persistent rat we survived to make war once Hessawood, the Pyramid of Yutashu, Sorminka
more, but the Kinlands seem sapped of strength. Under the
reign of Anul we may see it rise or fall for the final time.
—Dictated by King Omkat of clan Anul

Known History Primeval Enmity
In ancient days, Arwest was empty but for the elves, Arwest is a region intensely segregated by race. Humans
who dwelt close to the Fey Gate near Farlithia. By the and werekin are the two largest groups, and each has
second millennium of the Wild Age—almost 8,000 learned from long, hard experience to deal with the

years ago—human settlers were wandering into the other as little as possible. The local elves have been
region’s western islands, telling myths of a feral tribe slowly dwindling for centuries, and likewise keep to
living in the Hessawood who were neither man nor themselves. Suspicion and racial enmity reign supreme,
beast. The werekin, as the creatures came to be called, making each civilization in Arwest more culturally
soon expanded their hunting grounds across the entire insular than is common in other parts of the world.
island, from the Straits of Warakh to the shores of the As the most xenophobic, werekin have maintained
Wolkwine Sea. Their packs soon developed into semi- a great degree of cultural isolation over the thousands
nomadic clans, fiercely tied to the land they defended. of years since their emergence. The clans all have
unique traditions and philosophies, though their
The Sack of Theidhas common language (and common enemies) have
Located on the site of present-day Faerras, the city of encouraged frequent contact among them. Most tend
Theidhas was established in the 14th century of the to be hunter-gatherers, but clan Anul is notable for its
Wild Age by dark elves fleeing oppression in Talanbir. architectural and agricultural achievements. Shared
The rumors began to spread in 1418: whispers of among all werekin cultures is a distinctive combination
the sorcerer-god Fimbuleth and his beast-children. of self-domestication and territorial herd behavior.
Werekin sightings became common. Despite the imposing wilds of Arwest, its human
In 1428, the dark elves sent an armed expedition communities have developed significantly over the
into the Hessawood to uncover the mystery of centuries, growing from sparse settlements into
Fimbuleth, and the werekin lashed out. Hostilities thriving cities and kingdoms. Predominantly from
erupted into intense territorial warfare, and in less than Omhatra cultures, they speak Welluskud as their first
a year Theidhas was sacked, a symbol of rising werekin language. Most forms of subsistence can be found
dominance in the region. Since that time, Arwest’s elves among them, but in the human kingdoms of Bazamir
have seldom trespassed beyond the southern islands. Island, fishing is king.
Rise and Fall Humans’ dark history with both elves and werekin
The werekin reached the height of their power during in this region has not only populated their folklore
the Intiliaros, an age marked by the rise of the first with elaborate characters and tales, but has shaped
human kingdoms. Werekin clans formalized into them into a particularly superstitious people. Strict
kingdoms and began to build a few scattered cities— rules of conduct and social taboos make dealing with
inspired, historians suppose, by what they saw of the elf the Erelashti and Syservoli peoples a precarious affair
city Theidhas. These kingdoms began expanding across for outsiders. For example, they consider it good luck
the Straits of Warakh into Perrith Gorr, which prompted to speak pessimistically of the future, a practice that
retribution by the vampires in 1602. Volgothyde, the bewilders visitors.
emperor of Perrith Gorr, waged a genocidal war on the The islands southeast of Erelasht are called the
werekin, thinning their packs and ransacking their cities Talanbir, or the Fey Isles, inhabited mostly by moon
for 30 years before abandoning the assault. elves. Though separated by thousands of miles, they’re
The eastern werekin lands were left open to culturally similar to the elves of Iljudheim: distant, highly
human immigrants, who poured in from their own spiritual, and unimpressed by material possessions.
nations across the Wolkwine Sea. As they settled and They most commonly worship Baturach, the primordial
developed, the humans slowly filled their prison camps goddess of the moon, but there are those of them who
with werekin strays. Confinement bred hatred, and in remember their divine mother, the mad Forlortha.
1661 there was a rash of escapes. The prisoners seized Arwest is one of the nothernmost regions of
the camps one by one, scattering and slaying most of Vinramar and remains snow-covered for a significant
the human settlers. portion of the year. The elves and humans tend to dress
With the eastern island under their control appropriately—hats, thick furs, and woolens are common.
once more, the werekin established the Kinlands, a The werekin are more likely to shift into a fur-covered
territorial alliance based on common totem animals. form than to don more clothing, so during winter their
Their clans keep vigilant watch for intruding humans people often go about in beast or hybrid form. In the cool
from Erelasht, Syserach, or Syservol. summers, they’ll usually look more human.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 75

Unlikely Sanctuary Talanbir is one of the few nations established by
Dauntless and skillful, the races of Arwest have been the elves. As the first to settle this region many ages
trained by the land to live simply and to value ties ago, they have borne witness to the fall of their own
of blood. Family is extremely important to them, civilization. In Farlithia, Talanbir’s capital city, many
whether human, werekin, or elf. Despite their many elves still live who were abandoned in Vinramar when
differences, the Syservoli merchants, Erelashti jewelers, the Fey Kindreds fled to Iltallach during the Great
and werewolf prowlers of clan Hessaria all have two Winter. Unlike Oruna, most of the elves of Talanbir are
goals in common—put food on the table and pass your moon elves, who happily trade with humans.
traditions on to your children.
The brevity of Arwest’s history as a developed Places of Interest
region has made it a gathering place for adventurers of Castle Brekta, a secluded fortress in northern Syservol,
every kind. For hundreds of years, it drew those fleeing lies atop a gargantuan complex of marble caves. Strange
civilization: convicts, escaped slaves, fortune-hunters, stories surround the history of the castle’s long-dead
trappers, and prospectors. More recently, communities owners, the Andelomov family, and few have ventured
established by these early homesteaders have grown in for fear of the disfigured squatters who have taken
into busy cities housing folk of every kind. It’s a good up residence in the ruins.
place to start a new life, or to escape an old one. Farlithia’s Fey Gate is one of two portals from
Vinramar to the fey world Iltallach. It was erected in
Nations of Arwest the earliest history by Forlortha herself to provide her
Erelasht is a small kingdom occupying the children with a path into the fey world. Its secrets were
mountainous southern cape of Bazamir Island. The lost long ago, when the Great Winter caused thousands
Erelashti people are simple folk, known for their of elves to flee Vinramar and seal the portal behind
tradition of fine gem-cutting. them. Now the enormous stone gate stands ruined at
The city-state of Faerras straddles the uppermost the center of the elf city, an unfeeling reminder that the
Strait of Warakh, with one foot in Arwest and one golden age of their civilization is forever gone.
foot in the ashlands of Perrith Gorr. With lycanthrope The Hessawood is a dense forest that covers
settlements 50 miles to the west and vampire holdings a range of mountains in southern Arwest. To the
10 miles to the east, the people of Faerras have always werekin, this ground is their sacred birthplace, and
lived in the shadow of fear. Only the wealth of the city the dwelling of their mysterious god Fimbuleth. Few if
can account for the substantial number of immigrants any outsiders ever see within its eaves, but the tales of
that flock yearly to its streets. the rituals that transpire there are ominous enough to
The Kinlands make up the curious confederacy of curdle the blood.
werekin clans that rule the island of Arwest. Each tribe The Pyramid of Yutashu was built during the Wild
is fiercely territorial, only working together out of a Age by the jackalwere king Odhuris, who used it as
sense of loyalty to the werekin race. both a temple to Fimbuleth and a burial chamber for
The territory called Syserach sits in the northern his dynasty. The largest pyramid in the world, its very
tundra of Bazamir Island, an area largely deserted. construction is a mystery and a wonder. Hundreds of
A chieftain named Ruvanif commands the loyalty of werekin kings and chieftains are interred within beside
the mountain-folk, most of whom make their living millennia of riches. On clear days, the pyramid can be
herding reindeer and hunting seals. seen from the shore of Syservol, and some nights the
Syservol is the center of human settlement humans whisper of an odd spectral light at its peak.
in Arwest. Its towns and villages dot the hills and Sorminka is an area of southern Erelasht covered
riverbanks between Faragiri and Mount Alarod. Traffic in wide salt flats, where dark elves once settled. Like
is always bustling along the Sindhanya River Valley. most ancient dark elf sites, Sorminka is littered with
The resulting trade forms the backbone of human barrows, both hidden and visible. Many have been
commerce in this region. looted over the centuries, but every now and then
an intrepid explorer will uncover a hoard of magical
artifacts buried beneath the white dunes.

76 Chapter Two | Vinramar

Adventuring in Arwest
Conflict between humans, werekin, and elves is at
its peak in Arwest. Thousands of years of warfare,
mistreatment, and misunderstanding complicate any
interaction between them, and any spot here could
become the setting for sudden, violent confrontation.
Your players might focus on either preventing or
winning such a conflict.
A campaign set in Arwest might take place in
an urban environment or the wilderness. Some
combination of the two is also a natural fit, since both
are present here in close proximity. There is plenty
of both here in close proximity. Getting to know the
werekin clan cultures and their politics can add a
thread of intrigue or exploration.
Werekin characters are used to depending on
one another as members of a pack. These family
relationships can define and guide them in ways that
say a lot about who they are as individuals. If one of
your players is playing a werekin, consider bringing
them to Arwest so the party can see that character in
a new light. How do they respond to authority within
their clan? Do they assert dominance or accept the
status of the alpha? Fish out of water stories can be fun,
but since Arwest is the only region where their people
live in large numbers, it’s the best place for werekin to
explore themes of family and responsibility.
The city of Faerras is also particularly well suited as
a starting point for any game. Being a human settlement
within short distance of brutal wilderness, werekin
territory, and the vampire homeland, it can serve as a
base for many different sorts of adventures. It’s also a
place where refugees and immigrants have gathered from
most parts of the world, allowing you to get a taste of
many cultures without going very far. The city has such
a diverse populace that on any given day there is often
some group’s religious festival or other cultural event.
Here are three campaign hooks based in the
Arwest region:
A werecat chieftain’s best hunters venture into the
frozen wild to track their lord’s murderer—a vampire
vagabond starved for blood.
The city of Faerras is thrown into upheaval as the
spirits of the dark elves who were slaughtered there ages
ago return for vengeance.
Castle Brekta’s squatters have been causing trouble
in the surrounding villages, and a local lawman gathers
a group of volunteers and mercenaries to sort them
out. When they discover the squatters in the middle of
a strange ritual, each of the mercenaries is suddenly
marked with a number, which counts down over the
following days. What will happen when it reaches zero?

I n the hands of the heathfolk, Chayrshellech has become

the world’s epicenter of culture and learning. Less than
3,000 years ago it was an assembly of inhospitable deserts, Common Races: Dragonborn, heathfolk, sarrow
mountains, and canyons—now it is an area of great trade Language: Roccurish
and travel where the wise seek out the wise. What was Nations: Chayrshellech, Ithacol, Kaiervol, Medeghar,
wild is now wealthy, and what was feared is now famed. Yarcarrach
Such transformation comes not by effacing the land, but Places of Interest: Abríanach University, the College of
by embracing it. Its seclusion imbues reflection, and its Sonnactfel, The Forlorn Marches, the Wyrm’s Eyrie,
relentlessness breeds tenacity. Waelslayg Desert

—Abouchman Thairn, Foreword to Throne of a New World

Known History the close proximity of heathfolk port cities, the tribal
In Chayrshellech’s earliest memory, it was the seat of nations of Ithacol, Maricuälatán, and Caraquetularác
several pre-human civilizations. The maahiset settled have flourished under the guidance of their
here first, finding refuge in its isolated deserts. But magnanimous neighbors.

when Daemoth traversed the region in his search
for hidden knowledge, primordial beasts came in his Multicultural Wilderness
wake, driving many of the maahiset back north and The heathfolk have a vested interest in keeping the
turning Chayrshellech into a land of dread. It wasn’t land beyond their walls wild and untamed. While
until the formation of Daragoch, the empire of the developed nations like Motta and Trentsmund vie to
dragon-spawn, that the region regained stability. When establish colonies far from home, some of the world’s
Daragoch fell and the maahiset fled, Chayrshellech most abundant riches lie obscured in the heart of
remained uninhabited for several thousand years. Chayrshellech. The heathfolk employ their traditional
It was the region’s seclusion, no doubt, that enticed folk magic to harvest the wealth and resources hidden
a branch of the maahiset to remain hidden in the in the desert. Their high standard of living can largely
mountains on Chayrshellech’s eastern coast. History be attributed to the exclusive access such practices
tells that these were the descendants of the maahiset provide to these abundant treasures.
aristocracy, too proud to caravan north or delve As geniocracies, the heathfolk nations are ruled
beneath the earth for safety. They built refuges along by fellowship societies whose members are appointed
the cliff faces of the Waelslayg Mountains, where they from universities based on academic achievement,
dwelt in hiding for more than 6,000 years. When they problem solving, and creative intelligence. Members
descended toward the end of the Wild Age, they had of these governing bodies—called fellows—exercise
become the heathfolk—a race tough as nails, but with collective authority, legislating and sitting in judgment
the souls of poets. As other civilizations came into over the people until they reach an age of respectable
contact with them, the heathfolk began to call their retirement, usually around 60.
collection of mountain sanctuaries Chayrshellech, the The sarrow that live in the region descend from
heart of the world. obscure tribes that were never enslaved like their
cousins in neighboring lands. Some still survive in the
The Departure of Yarcarrach harsh deserts and canyons surrounding the Waelslayg
Not long after the establishment of Chayrshellech Mountains, but most have assimilated into heathfolk
as a heathfolk nation, a group of secular separatists culture as an indentured labor population.
opposed to the use of folk magic rose up against the Nomadic gugrum tribes roam throughout the
democratic government in a bloody civil war. After unpopulated areas of Chayrshellech. Most commonly
years of bloodshed, the Yaelcar (as they were known) they trade with travelers and graze herds along the
migrated south to form their own nation, Yarcarrach, northern coast, occasionally settling down to farm in
along the southern coasts of the region. To this day, isolated communities. The Forlorn Marches, a wide
the heathfolk of Yarcarrach wear black clothing and area between the Dontare and the Taelya, was once the
abstain from cutting their hair. They maintain contact gugrum ancestral home. Civil war long ago reduced it
with the nation of Chayshellech, but the two societies to a valley of bones.
are somewhat estranged. The area east of the River Oulearan is called
Saethym, after the gugrum tribe that roams there.
Slaves and Farms Infamous for their black magic pacts, they hunt and eat
Apart from the Yaelcaric insurgence, the heathfolk’s all living things that trespass on their lands, including
history in Chayrshellech is remarkably stable. The humans, heathfolk, and even other gugrum.
enslavement of dragonborn clans from the southwest The heathfolk, gugrum, and sarrow share this
islands, largely abandoned after the civil war, has region with the dragonborn—mammalian descendants
surged back into practice in the last three hundred of the ancient dragon empire. Dragonborn settlements
years. Slavers caravanning from Motta once again raid are secluded and mysterious to outsiders. Along the
Medeghar and Kyrvol for laborers. These dragonborn southern coasts their clans build partially submerged
slaves are often carried out of the region to estates and complexes from hexagonal megaliths. In Kaiervol and
labor camps in northern Motta. Medeghar, where their clans are most populous, life
More recently, the heathfolk of Chayrshellech have revolves around the worship of primordial deities like
been credited with bringing farming and mercantilism Lakhi, Imbakhao, and Maruma’e.
to the nomadic tribes in the north. Benefiting from

Chapter Two | Vinramar 79

Knowledge is Power Places of Interest
Heathfolk cultural dominance in Chayrshellech has Abríanach University is the most prestigious of
placed power in the hands of the educated. Those Athelshoth’s three academies, dominating the city
with access to heathfolk universities learn skills taught grounds with its towering observatory and famed
nowhere else in the world. Wide gaps between the six-story library. The wealthiest and best connected
learned and the unlearned assure that this arrangement families vie for placement at Abríanach, studying
won’t be changing soon. Whether they study under the most formidable minds in the West.
marksmanship, fencing, or the arcane arts, adventurers The College of Sonnactfel lies perched atop the
from Chayrshellech have training that can’t be rivaled. western cliff-face of Onderrich, looking across the strait
High-minded academia notwithstanding, the toward the Wealslayg mountains. Its famed fountains
unsettled parts of the region provide an intense fall hundreds of feet from the college grounds to the
training ground for explorers and adventurers. When Siriyne Sea. Scholars come to Sonnactfel to pursue
the dignitaries and scientists of En Fallad need to travel many fields, but its Arcane Academy is reputed to
to another island of civilization, they must either hone providing the world’s best formal magical instruction.
their survival skills or hire a guide who has. The Forlorn Marches, an enormous stretch of
Institutional religion hasn’t reached Chayrshellech. barren land west of the River Taelya, was once the
The heathfolk and sarrow have a vague reverence for cradle of gugrum civilization. Archaeologists and
Ruethas the primordial strategist, but it means little adventurers occasionally traverse the ruins, hoping to
to them beyond awaiting the next festival day. The find treasures or hidden knowledge beneath a sea of
dragonborn are the only exception. Their sea-cults look unburied bones. Few of them return.
feverishly to the water, praying for the great gods to The Waelslayg Desert stretches along the southern
arise from unseen depths and take the dry land back spur of the mountain range that shares its name.
from its usurpers. Considered the least hospitable area of Chayrshellech,
it is nonetheless home to sparse tribes of sarrow and
Nations of Chayrshellech dragonborn who manage to share the parched sand
Chayrshellech is the dominant political body for dunes with great lizards. Exotic game hunters often come
which the region is named. Its cliffside cities are the to Waelslayg to kill or tame these tremendous beasts.
settlements most typical of the heathfolk. The Wyrm’s Eyrie rests on Mount Fayrlin, a tall-
The tribal nation of Ithacol occupies the delta peaked island off the southern coast of Chayrshellech.
north Remmish and the Schothred Sea. The Quitzál As the ancient throne of the dragon emperors, the
humans that dwell here worship Lakhi, the primordial Wyrm’s Eyrie is a site of great significance to the
goddess of dragons and the sea. dragonborn clan Kaiervol, which infest the island both
Kaiervol is a clan of dragonborn that live on the above and below water. Ships are seldom allowed to
island of the same name, just west of Medeghar. The pass near Mount Fayrlin. Frightened survivors of the
Kaiervol have a reputation as raiders, living almost Kaiervol raids have muttered tales about the Lady’s
exclusively off the spoils of their pillage. They’ve Silent Serpent, a primordial colossus that sleeps
tunneled Mount Fayrlin extensively over the centuries, beneath the dragon-warrens and will awaken
turning the island peak it into a hive or nest. at Lakhi’s call.
Medeghar lies just off the western shore of
Yarcarrach. Its dragonborn tribe is better adapted to
life on land than the Kaiervol, having even taken up the
practice of farming in recent centuries. Despite their
shared ancestry, the Medeghar suffer greatly at the hands
of the Kaiervol, whose marauders pester their shores.
The rich coastland of Yarcarrach was settled by
the Yaelcar after their separation from Chayrshellech.
Though perhaps even more fixated on education and
literacy than their northern kin, the Yaelcar disparage
the practice of magic and religion.

Adventuring in Chayrshellech Because the heathfolk use magic in conjunction
If you’re interested in a high-magic campaign, with technology, adventures in Chayrshellech might
Chayrshellech is a perfect region to set it in. Here the border on the science fantasy genre. Be creative about
practice of arcane arts is a part of daily life, and the risk how a society could harness mysterious magic to
of being reviled for it is low—but that doesn’t mean the accomplish daily tasks and provide public services.
skills come easily or without consequences. Here are three campaign hooks based in the
Your party might begin as students studying magic Chayrshellech region:
at Sonnactfel, or a band of streetwise sorcerers looking After several costly raids on their ships, Yarcarrach
to prove themselves after being rejected from the is invading Medeghar—but first their intrepid scouts need
academy. Even if your PCs aren’t magically inclined, a to find where on the island the dragonborn clan lives.
campaign in Chayrshellech featuring these elements will
give it a different feel from other regions of Vinramar. Students from the Arcane Academy brave forgotten
Of course, the arid wilderness that engulfs the ruins, searching for a method to exorcise the malignant
heathfolk cities is a landscape that’s metaphorically lush ghost that possesses their professor’s body.
with adventure possibilities. An expedition to negotiate Heathfolk wizards desperately race to reinforce the
with native tribes would give ample opportunity for boundaries of time and reality as an aberrant god from
exploration, intrigue, and battle. You might give the forgotten eons hurtles hungrily toward Vinramar from
dragonborn center stage in your adventure, encouraging the past.
players to look at the world from the point of view of a
fiercely religious warrior society living in a harsh land.


I n the days of thy infancy, I herded thee and shewed thee

my deep places, and drew up water for thee from beneath my
parched earth. When thou wast a child, I taught thee the stars Common Races: Human, telmatra
and lifted thy hand to build boats, and thou didst traverse the Language: Goltalaid
sea and subdue the leviathan. As a man thou strungest thy Nations: Deltalamir, Far-Alaid, Golomyren, Imezekh,
bow and tamed the wild beasts, and builded high towers to Lonakhezaht, Myr Soriah, Quommoch, Qur-Dolakh,
replace their dens. Sar Kaziah, Sudurikhal, Zedakhmir
In thy twilight years the infidel hath lain thee in a Places of Interest: The Caves of Heja Afhaan, the
sepulchre and sapped thy strength. Upon a dead staff thou Gardens at Aladekh Zair, Monahuttat, Onkhid’s
leanest; for riches thou hast mixed thy blood with pale Temple, the Pool of Qel-Yusim
heathens and sullied me who bore you.
—The Kaifamundu 38:2-3

Known History Since the beginning of the Tariff War, as it is called,
Goltaraim has long been called Ethis’ Estate, a land Cordain and Crommos have fallen to the League and
perfectly suited to the primordial goddess. No record been renamed Quoda’en and Quommoch. In four years
tells how long she combed its sand with her toes, or the Goltaris have not reached an agreement as to how

frolicked naked and beautiful under the relentless these spoils are to be divided. Deltalamir, the best-
sun. Perhaps it is her witchcraft that lurks beneath the armed of the oligarchies, frequently threatens to leave
desert and hangs in the breeze like palpable doom, or the alliance if its allies don’t cater to its caprices. War, it
maybe it’s the dread of the maahiset wanderers that seems, will never truly die—even when replaced with a
sheltered here during the Elder Dark. greedy peace.
Driven to the seas by invading daemons, the
maahiset ancestors of the telmatra race were scattered Global Crossroads
about the Sea of Lorelannon and the Ocean of the Goltaraim lies on a critical juncture between East
Northern Veil. The largest group landed in Qur Dolakh and West. Thousands of vessels travel through the
and quickly littered the region’s scorched dunes with Strait of Imokh every year, bringing news and foreign
arcane relics and trapped genies. goods to the region. Not letting such an advantage
By the time the humans arrived in Goltaraim 8,000 go to waste, the Goltaris have built vibrant ports and
years later, the telmatra had forgotten their sorcerous markets around the strait, drawing even more travelers
traditions. The Omhatra explorer Onkhid brought news and traders. Merchant life, and the economic stability
of his discovery to Eliasikh, and within a year a great wave provided by the Goltari League, is the backbone of
of human raiders and colonists fell on Goltaraim’s shores, culture in this region.
sowing 500 years of bloodshed and strife. But the prosperity that the League brings has a
dark side. As its influence has grown, so has the power
The Goltari League and ruthlessness of the oligarchs that command it. A
The telmatra warrior culture thrived on the conflict local caravan leader that does a little too well might go
with Omhatra settlers, resisting their influence for missing without explanation. More and more, trade
centuries. In that time, however, the humans and families use enforcers to solicit “protection money”
telmatra gradually assimilated until the war simply from merchants and artisans. Guilds that spring up to
faded away. Many traditional telmatra tribes still exist protect the burgeoning middle class fall silent just as
in Arrochule, the Norlythe, and even Trentsmund, quickly, and dangerous black markets outnumber the
but in Goltaraim there are few who are distinctively legitimate ones. Many Goltaris migrate south to enemy
telmatra or human. Most are somewhere in between. nations rather than endure this cutthroat climate.
When the fighting began to slow, warlords who Here more than most world regions, human
had fattened their tribes on battle settled down and influence is weak. Racism, religious persecution,
established territories across the region: Sudurikhal, and other cultural ills that commonly follow human
Deltalamir, Myr Soriah, and others. Decades passed, settlement are largely absent in Goltaraim. Tolerance
hostilities cooled, and trade became more profitable and celebration of a diverse society, which have enriched
than war. The warlords’ children reinvented themselves the Goltaris for centuries, continue to characterize the
as plutocrats, overseeing the merchant vessels and region as a place where anyone can rise to influence.
caravans that now buzzed about the coasts and deserts. For the telmatra in Goltaraim, the influence of
In 661 Annoloth, this gradual peace was officially their tribal heritage is a constant presence. Some see it
recognized with the establishment of the Goltari as a wellspring of wisdom and tradition from a simpler
League, an alliance of convenience between the age, when mysticism and connection to the earth were
oligarchies. Despite occasional armed friction, more important than material wealth. Most, however,
the merchant families that rule the Goltari League consider their tribal kin as backward barbarians
represent every nation in the region, with one clinging to misogynistic practices that were rightly
exception: Far-Alaid, the human kingdom that done away with.
occupies the southwestern archipelago. As desert-dwellers, the Goltaris build with clay,
and wear loose robes capable of protecting the body
The Tariff War
from sun and sand. The more traditional telmatra
Eight years ago, antagonized by exorbitant tariffs
prefer sparse animal skins and intricate bone-jewelry.
in Goltaraim, the fleets of Issos allied with the
Some wear whole carcasses, believing that spirits will
neighboring kingdom of Cordain and attacked
imbue their bodies with the senses and abilities of
Sudurikhal across the Strait of Imokh. Drawn into a
the animal. Common cultural weapons include the
tense war with the island nations, the entire Goltari
scimitar and longbow.
League continues to bicker over support of Sudurikhal.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 83

Money Talks Sudurikhal is a minor oligarchy, most noted for its
Ironically, Goltari culture has become so accepting recent role as defendant in the Tariff War.
that it is largely homogeneous. Human and telmatra Zedakhmir has traditionally been an important
have lived together in tolerance for so long that stop on the journey between East and West, but since
their differences have essentially evaporated. the Desolation of Wellusk at the hands of Perrith Gorr,
Goltaris everywhere know, from the sand sailors of traffice to the island nation has been in steep decline.
Lonakhezaht to the shipwrights of Soriah and the hill-
shepherds of Imezekh, that anyone can make a mark Places of Interest
on the world if they have coin and cunning. The Caves of Heja Afhaan lie a few days’ journey north
This is a land of swashbucklers and clever heroes. of Soriah, but the exact location is never quite the same.
Characters who use their brains and their heart survive Travelers who have stumbled upon the caves describe
longer, whether wheeling and dealing in the plutocrat’s them as extensive tunnels made of a dripping wax-like
court or challenging a mad efreeti on the treacherous stone. Stories don’t seem to agree on just what their
dunes. Many in Goltaraim have risen from humble vaulted chambers contain—unimaginable riches, pools
beginnings to extravagant wealth by wits alone. But that lead to other worlds, or a bustling society of living
even the best-got treasure can bring danger and doom. wax statues. Perhaps it is different for each traveler.
Those tied to traditional telmatra culture tend to be The Gardens at Aladekh Zair are an entire city
devoutly spiritual, worshipping their warrior ancestors unto themselves, covering an area of seven square
or the telmatra pantheon of Bekhjal, Duhulatt, and miles on the eastern edge of the seaside metropolis.
Hodramesh. Animists such as these might become Their reputation for resplendence is matched by the
druids or totem warriors that serve one of the Triune wild debauchery contained within, for by royal decree
Fathers. For Goltaris not fond of telmatra tribal the gardens are free from the rule of law. Visitors feast,
practices, religion seems to offer little. duel, thieve, and whore in every shade of depravity for
an entire day, but when the sun sets each night, the
Nations of Goltaraim doors are locked and none within are seen again. Some
Deltalamir has a reputation for aggression. Its armies whisper about the oligarch’s deformed vizier and his
have always been valuable to the League, though even in thirst for mortal souls, but the rumors don’t daunt the
times of peace they’ve been as much a threat as an ally. frenzied revelers from flocking to the garden in droves.
Far-Alaid is the last vestige of a human culture that Monahuttat is a colossal dome protruding from
predates the arrival of the telmatra to Goltaraim. Their a secluded patch of desert in central Deltalamir. Its
island clans practice a unique form of animal worship. spongy surface is pale and veined, and when viewed
Golomyren is one of the oldest oligarchies in from the high-ridged dunes that surround it, it seems
the League, historically governed by the human to be the eye of an unimaginably large creature, now
descendants of Onkhid and his Syrikhali settlers. a cyclopean carcass, buried beneath the sand. Anyone
Imezekh remains an area of windy highlands, mad enough to touch it is said to learn the fate of dead
where shepherds and farmers work on land lent from gods—and die themselves from the revelation.
rich families in other nations. Onkhid’s Temple sits on the coast of Golomyren.
The deserts of Lonakhezaht, once ruled by telmatra Its door opens beneath a gargantuan stone ship, built
chieftains, are now home to breeders of horse and camel. from megaliths shortly after the arrival of Onkhid,
Myr Soriah is a densely populated oligarchy the first human to discovered Goltaraim. The temple
situated along the northern coast of the Sea of Hazakh. has been said to be haunted by telmatra spirits for
Its cities Soriah and Aladekh Zair are the home of centuries. Those that enter become ravenous and see
many famous man-made wonders. the ghosts of telmatra feasting on a bounty of human
The islands now known as Quommoch were taken corpses. More than one pilgrim has been found
in the Tariff War as punishment for their neighbor’s wandering the temple eating his own flesh.
invasion of Sudurikhal. Still largely populated by humans, The Pool of Qel-Yusim marks the center of a
Quommoch remains unclaimed by its conquerors until sprawling ruin in Qur Dolakh. Locals believe the ruin is
they can agree on how to fairly divide its lands. all that remains of a maahiset palace from the early part
Qur Dolakh thrives on its two chief exports: minerals of the Elder Dark. In a broken ring of standing stones,
and slaves. It controls the Sea of Hazakh’s western waters, the unreflecting water lies stagnant, waiting for the
making it an important player in the region. curious to bathe in it. Legend tells that its touch rewrites
Sar Kaziah is situated in the woodlands and foothills one thread of the bather’s life, but just which aspect of
north of Myr Soriah. Much of its economy supports their story—a spouse, an injury, or even the bather’s
caravan trade with the port cities on the shore of Hazakh. sex—cannot be guessed.

84 Chapter Two | Vinramar

Adventuring in Goltaraim
The shifting sands of Goltaraim hide terrible
wonders. Hurried merchants scramble like mice
to hoard their banal coin, while the strange and
the forgotten lie buried beneath their feet. These
sites of primordial power are fantastic places to
amaze and surprise your players.
The most thrilling adventures in Goltaraim
play on the contrast between the humdrum,
matter-of-fact city life and the wild terrors of
the uncharted desert. A chance discovery or
encounter can transform a character’s life in
sublime and horrific ways.
An adventuring party could begin as
pilgrims accompanying a trade caravan, a band
of doughty thieves sailing a stolen ship, or
somber archaeologists searching for knowledge
of the maahiset. Any of these groups might
happen upon a buried palace, sea of spirits, or a
cursed flute that tells its listeners’ deepest secrets.
The Goltaris are also a people quietly at
war. Humans in Quoda’en and Quommoch
resist occupation by telmatra armies. Military
and pirate vessels play a deadly game of cat
and mouse on the high seas, making passage
between ports as perilous as the desert. The
Sea of Jassaid and the Bridgewater Ocean are
both thrilling backdrops for an adventure full
of corsairs, smugglers, and military intrigue.
Here are three campaign hooks based in
the Goltaraim region:
Anchored off the shore of a small island
near Far-Alaid, a pack of merchant sailors
discover odd, many-eyed fish swimming in the
shoals. To their surprise, the fish speak to them
telepathically, offering carnal illusions in exchange
for killing the island’s apes that hunt them.
A pirate, a street urchin, and a branded
adulterer vow to avenge the deaths of their loved
ones at the hands of the sorcerous oligarch of
A mercenary’s camel stumbles on what
seems to be a tiny, detailed model of a palace
sitting half-buried in the desert. Suddenly, a
djinni appears, cursing the travelers for crushing
his home. He shrinks them to insect size and
tosses them in the tiny palace’s labyrinth.


W hen will the war-winds be once more silent

And the raven-feast its raging tempest
Satiate and cease? This saga is
Our first and final woe. From Formungardr
Common Races: Elf, human
To unconquered Ulfyrstock, Language: Iljerkr
Each mother’s son has sipped the raven-toast’s cup. Nations: Bjuthilgard, Brangard, Dorgard, Éosade,
In Dorgard is the discord rankest,
Erolost, Errolheim, Formungard, Fyrenvol, Gilgard,
In Fyrenvol no feud is halted. Grettgard, Haggwine, Hemiliadh, Holtolluth,
The black call bursts in Brangard’s meadows, Menvolad, Modgard, Oruna, Riljad, Silnorod, Svilden,
And ghoulish games are in Grettgard played Telgard, Ulfyrstock, Vilvolad, Yrivor
With eager blades, where the bodies burn always.
Places of Interest: Alfyrstock, Brennunsvid (the
The Alfyr we assailed, and armed ourselves Crackling Glades), the Fey Gate, Mundjarric,
To drive them deep into the dusky forest. Wøgensgrunn
Now sickly spells and siren’s torment
Haunt our home, harrow our blood-kin.

When will the war-winds be once more silent

And the raven-feast its rage surcease?

—Ljudahrorrek, the Lament of Ljud

Known History The Warring Elite
The lands of Iljudheim were first settled by Feiren and Life in Iljudheim is shrouded in the grim mist of war.
Culfirith, the first of the Fey Children. From early on, Its rulers spill honest men’s blood on solemn fields to
their people were hounded by demonic creatures that gain trifles, and everywhere carrion birds patiently lurk.

wandered aimless in the North during Daemoth’s exile. Battle is a treasured pastime for the Ansë. Their children
The harrowing of the Fey culminated in the death of learn to use an axe for killing before chopping wood,
their goddess Forlortha, who fled to the world Iltallach and when grown their greatest wish is to die in combat.
as a mad spirit. Claiming Iltallach for her Fey Children, Social structure among the Ansë is simple. Slaves—
Forlortha opened a dimensional rift allowing passage procured almost exclusively in battle—make up the
between that world and present-day Oruna. lowest class of society, working as laborers, servants,
For some time, the Fey came and went from and in other thankless roles vital to the community.
Iljudheim as though it were part of Iltallach. Their A diverse class of peasant landowners, most of them
lack of interest in geographic expansion allowed for farmers, form the bulk of the population. The nobility
a period of relative peace while the daemons and are those of privileged birth or heroic reputation who
jharethil warred over the Stones of Daemoth. inherit titles, land, and wealth—often leveraging it to
wield political power as warlords and kings.
Telwyn and the High Apostasy
Despite this common class system, laws and
During the Great Winter that brought the Epoch of
customs in Iljudheim vary widely from place to place.
Daragoch to a close, ice caps from the south spread
Cities follow the unique practices of their heðbearas,
across many Fey lands, rendering them inhospitable
or ruling family, and the villages scattered outside the
throughout the following centuries. The archfey Telwyn
city walls often catch visitors off guard with unexpected
swayed thousands of his people to flee through the Fey
observances. These smaller communities are commonly
Gate en masse. In their zeal to renounce their ancestral
composed of a single multi-generational family, and
lands, the apostates sealed the portals, leaving many
contact with even the closest cities is limited.
hundreds of their people stranded in Iljudheim and
The Ansë and the elves have even fewer dealings.
Arwest. In time, these unfortunate laggards became the
The human cultures in this region often blame
elves: a wild, callous folk that prowl the hidden lands of
unexplained occurrences, tragic losses, and sudden
changes on the fey folk. To them, plagues are caused by
The Ansë an elf ’s breath, madness or misfortune is the result of an
Humans first appeared in Iljudheim about 5,000 years elf ’s curse, and anyone missing or inexplicably dead is
ago, trailing south from Motta. It took some time thought to have been slain, stolen, or seduced by elves.
for them to slowly become aware that they shared the Such superstition isn’t always far from the truth.
region’s apparently virgin forests with the remains of The elf-courts of Alfyrstock, Hemiliadh, and Oruna—
a frightening pre-human civilization. When the elves cleverly hidden in the wilderness—have long made
caught sight of the rough-looking humans, they called an elaborate game of interfering in human society,
them ansei, meaning “unclean.” Some time later the especially when it might have drastic consequences for
humans adopted the slur and began to call themselves the mortals involved. Just how these tribal aristocracies
the Ansë. operate is a mystery to most outsiders, but elves insist
From the beginning, the elves frightened the there is an intricate ceremony in all that they do.
Ansë. The guarded humans populated their legendry Whatever animosity may exist between the fey
with fearful warnings and superstitions about dealing and human inhabitants of Iljudheim, the two races
with such beings, not all of which were unwarranted. have had an enormous influence on one another over
Minor skirmishes across the region escalated tensions the centuries. The moon elf merchant vessels learned
until there was widespread war in Iljudheim. Over the their craft from mortal fishermen in the Wild Age, and
millennia, the elves have receded deeper and deeper into there are anthropologists who trace the origin of Ansë
the wild. Alfyrstock, Hemiliadh, and Oruna remain the religious practices to certain obscure elf cults. Despite
last strongholds of their culture in this region. such ties, a reserved distrust prevails between them.
Ansë camps and villages now dot the lands once Among the chief industries of Iljudheim are
held sacred by the elves. Many have developed into fishing and lumber, drawing on two of the region’s
small cities, ruled by chieftains and kings that wage most reliable resources. The Ansë excel in woodcraft,
petty wars among themselves. building most of their halls and houses from great
oaks. Their other token art is the knitting of chainmail,
for which neighboring peoples pay them handsomely.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 87

Voyage and Conquer Hemiliadh and Oruna are two separate elf
Iljudheim is a tumultuous region, where the fierce domains surrounded by human settlement. Few
and cunning snatch what they desire from the jaws of humans who trespass these woodlands return.
fate. The most celebrated figures here are those who Telgard is a kingdom ruled by the House of Teljud,
are tricked, betrayed, or spurned and go on to achieve who brutally swept the elves of Oruna from the shores
greatness through their own courage or ingenuity. From of the Fyren Sea some 200 years ago.
Dorgardr mercenaries to Fyrenvolyr spirit-singers and the Vilvolad is a prosperous freehold positioned
arctic miners of Bjuthilgard, the people of Iljudheim have between Iljudheim and Arrochule.
a reputation for boldly facing death in the name of glory. Yrivor belongs to House Hurskoll, which hires its
Although martial careers bring significant prestige armies out to Houses Eidr and Geillund for rich payment.
in Ansë cultures, there are plenty of opportunities for
characters in Iljudheim to study more mystical arts. Places of Interest
Seidhr is a tradition that uses runes, rituals, and sex to Alfyrstock, the elf-wood, sits silent and dour in the
shape material reality. Women are considered more gifted wilderness between Brangard, Dorgard, and Silnorod.
in the practice than men, and even the superstitious Ansë This labyrinthine forest contains the remains of an
appeal to such cunning folk for guidance, medical advice, ancient elf civilization that, according to tales told
and the diagnosis of magical ills. among the elves, was annihilated by a mysterious
The humans of Iljudheim have their own pantheon plague during the first century of the Wild Age. Still,
called the Vjornil. These deities ask little and offer less. Far travelers bold enough to enter the forest claim to have
from rendering adoration or gratitude to the Vjornil, the encountered figures among the ruins who, despite their
Ansë sacrifice to them as a pragmatic recognition of their ghoulish presence, seem to go about their business as
unchanging existence. To neglect these obeisances under though nothing were amiss.
the gods’ terms is to invite infinite sorts of misfortune. Brennunsvid, the Crackling Glades, are made up
of patchy woodlands scattered about the feet of the
Nations of Iljudheim Ansyrod Mountains. This dense, temperate rainforest
Bjuthilgard, is a remote freehold covering the is broken up by large stretches of scorched earth—
archipelago south of Yrivor. The hardy folk who live vestiges of an inferno that consumed most of the forest
along these frozen shoals make a rich living from the in some bygone age. But the trees that now grow here
dragon carcass that forms much of the archipelago. haven’t forgotten. In the eternal dark that lies beneath
Brangard, Haggwine, Riljad, Silnorod, and their canopy, many report hearing the roar of invisible
Ulfyrstock are lordships of House Skolgradn. Their fires. Where the ashes lie undisturbed, ill-fated travelers
position across the border from Pirotolon gives them have been ensnared by clinging fungi that immobilize
an economic advantage, since trade with the states creatures before slowly dissolving them for nutrients.
in Motta is uninterrupted. Rivalry between the five The Fey Gate in Oruna is sister to the ruined portal
houses, however, runs deep. in the Arwest region, erected by Forlortha during the
Dorgard has a rich history in the region, its ruling Stonewar as a gateway to her world. It was used by
family House Doryn being among the first humans Telwyn and his apostates to flee the Great Winter, and
to settle Iljudheim. At this crucial junction, the has lain cruelly inoperable since they sealed it from the
mountains and the sea collide in a beautiful landscape other side. Unlike the Arwest gate, Iljudheim’s is found
bedecked with golden-roofed townships. in a remote swamp, and though the stone gate itself
Eosade, Erolost, Errolheim, and Holtolluth cannot be activated, rifts between Vinramar and Iltallach
belong to the House of Eidr, united in their are known to suddenly appear for miles around the ruin.
determination to control naval traffic through the Towering over the River Girðfjord, Mundjarric
Girthfolost Sea. Probably due to their proximity to two is a lone mountain, shaped into a great throne as if by
elf holdings, the four Eidr kingdoms agonize over the the hands of a god. Pilgrims from across Iljudheim
threat these hidden domains pose to humankind. ascend its treacherous paths to stand on the crown
Formungard, Menvolad, and Modgard are the and look out over the region. To the northwest stretch
domains of House Mundinn, whose border wars with the Ansyrod Mountains, Dorgard, and Alfyrstock. To
Grettgard and Gilgard have continued for more than a the east lies the Ocean of Dorchros and the peninsula
century. Rumors tell that the Mundinns will only abate kingdoms. To the south sit the elf territories Erolost
the attacks when all the southeastern peninsula is theirs. and Hemiliadh, and their human neighbors beyond.
Fyrenvol, Gilgard, Grettgard, and Svilden contain Of the sites the Ansë consider to be sacred,
the estates that once formed the kingdom of Geillund, Mundjarric eclipses all others. According to them, it’s
which fell into civil war and fractured some centuries past. a place of profound magic, where the terrifying secrets

of the unseen world are laid mercilessly bare to mortal or perhaps members of a peregrine elf-cult seeking
minds. The wind-worn ruins that flock upon its slopes human lovers to entice away from their homes.
hint that the Ansë are not the first to tell such stories. Discovering the order and operation of the unknown
Wøgensgrunn, the Dragon’s Shoal, is an aptly domain can provide many levels of exciting play.
named waterway weaving among the chain of islands When framing such strange and magical elements, be
that make up western Bjuthilgard. True to the name, careful not to over-define them. Their appeal lies in
the islands within Wøgensgrunn are actually skeletal creating doubt and surprise in the players.
remnants of a colossal serpent or sea-dragon rising Iljudheim’s widespread technological inferiority
up from the deep. The shoals have been settled by presents an opportunity to set adventures of sword
the Bjuthilgardyr, who mine the cyclopean bones for and sorcery here. Few other regions offer such a
strange and valuable materials. Wøgensgrunn yields large canvas for barbarians and cutthroats to struggle
such treasures at a terrible cost, however. Its porous against terrors they can’t possibly comprehend. Some
caves are infested with nightmarish creatures never campaigns set here might not include much magic at
meant to see the light of day. all, leaving brazen adventurers to flout and plunder and
conquer outside the reach of more sophisticated lands.
Adventuring in Iljudheim Here are three campaign hooks based in the
Campaigns set in Iljudheim can draw endlessly on Iljudheim region:
the overarching conflict between the mortal domain A recently buried woman appears in the local jarl’s
and the perilous, inexplicable realm of the elves. Both hall to feast and drink as if she had never died, and the
worlds have innumerable facets, manifested in the dismayed leader calls a party of warriors and magic
different sites, creatures, and pursuits that pertain to experts to investigate the restless lady’s barrow.
each. Elves surround themselves with other creatures
and forces of the supernatural world that defy mortal In glacial waters far south, a raiding party run
understanding, just as humans personify that which aground on what appears to be the battlement of an
can be observed, measured, and defined. Whether extensive sunken castle filled with cursed riches.
you’re exploring direct conflict between their societies A small village of elves find their sacred grove
or investigating the features of one in particular, your desecrated and animal companions sacrificed by
adventures in Iljudheim will be enriched by forcing drunken human brutes. Their matriarch, a druid of the
one to confront the other. Solace, sends an embassy into Hostyr to petition the
Players might take on the role of explorers, raiders, barbarians for redress.
or homesteaders foraying into the wild unknown,


T hou art the branch of this tree. If a branch be severed, it

cannot blossom, but will wither and be broken underfoot.
Common Races: Gugrum, human
Does the branch say to the root what need have I for thee?
Language: Motare
What fruit shalt thou bear without root or trunk to feed thee?
Nations: Emelduron, Erecald, the Empire of Motta,
This Holy Empire stands firm upon the ancient ground
Ittador, Omasala, Peraton, Pirotolon
where once our Lord Lachmarum built his throne. Ye have
Places of Interest: Bryffaze, Manta du Lon, Necropolises,
slain his servants and wounded his armies, but more than
the Priory of Occsilana, Silfana au Ittador
this ye have built up kingdoms to rival God’s and spurned
Him. Retribution shall be His, and when it comes your flesh
will run from off your bones like water and the branches that
scorned the tree will be gathered and burned.
And on that day shall God smile.
—Bernilio Ducco, 971st Horrom of the Etholchan Church

Known History A Splintered Holy Land
Motta has always been a land of religious fervor ruled Despite their ancient revolt against the daemons,
by the merciless. The Homam Telberzah, holy writ of many humans in Motta remain faithful to Daemoth.
the Etholchan Church, names the city of Motta itself as The most powerful Daemothite sect in this region

the ancient site of Maromutalcoth, where for millennia is the Etholchan Church, which wields as much
the god Daemoth held court with his monstrosities. political power as Motta’s own imperial government.
Since that forgotten age, the region has become a holy The Etholchans demand strict observance of ancient
land for crusaders and pilgrims of every Daemothite daemon teachings and rituals, carefully preserved over
sect, ruled by a diverse and steadfast empire. the centuries. The influence of the Etholchan clergy has
made Motta a hotbed of religious zealotry.
Mohtra and the Daemons
Such staunch traditionalism has shaped the social
Much has been written of Maromutalcoth before its
and economic development of this region. Daemoth
destruction, and the terrors that adorned it. The only
worship permeates every facet of life, from art and
reliable accounts begin when the site was rebuilt by the
culture to commerce and industry. Mottans can be
daemon civilization during the Stonewar. Their holy
suspicious of technology, preferring to operate by
empire Mohtra spread from the center of the region,
methods they consider tried and true. Though the
harrowing nearby lands and dominating much of
richest or most curious may import artifacts from
Vinramar’s history.
Trentsmund, advanced machinery isn’t an object of
Mohtra fended off countless invasions throughout
mainstream Mottan interest.
the Stonewar, the Imperial Age, and the Epoch of
With the exception of the empire’s heartland,
Daragoch, maintaining its seemingly impossible
Motta as a region is composed of agrarian societies
longevity at great cost. During the Epoch of Daragoch,
with a thriving middle class of merchants and artisans.
dragon-spawn and their god-kings conquered much of
Nobles inherit vast estates, providing land to tenant
Mohtra and humbled its proud emperors. The daemons
farmers, business for trade companies, and steady work
were nearly stamped out when the Great Winter
for artists and craftsmen. In the cities, wealth disparity
descended, forcing the dragons to withdraw their
is more severe, causing districts to be divided between
campaign and sparing Mohtra from annihilation.
the rich and the destitute. The emperorship remains a
Daelgorog in the Elder Dark position of absolute privilege, largely removed from the
In the centuries following the Great Winter and the actual governance of the nation.
collapse of the dragon conquest, many of Vinramar’s In just the last twenty years, the Empire of Motta
pre-human civilizations fell into turmoil and in- has suffered considerable blows to its control of the
fighting. The daemons saw that the time was ripe for region. Until the Mottan Rebellions of 1334 Annoloth,
an aggressive resurgence. While Mohtra lay largely in the nations surrounding the empire were provinces
ruins, daemon armies spent centuries advancing across ruled by the emperor’s appointed governors. But
the continents and placing puppet monarchs on the centuries of decadence within the capital weakened its
thrones of the vanquished. hold on these territories, and when the populace rose
Beneath Mohtra the puppet states formed an up the empire could do little to keep the reins.
alliance called the Confederacy of Daelgorog, with each Mottans are traditionally humans of the Drael
nation and its king swearing devotion to Daemoth. All subrace, but the region’s centrality and imperial
over the West, oppressed cultures bewailed the advent infrastructure make its citizenry the most diverse in
of Daelgorog as they slipped into dilapidation and the world. Beneath the veneer of healthy prosperity,
decay. Most refer to this age as the Elder Dark, a time however, lurks the canker of slavery. Gugrum captives
that saw the near-extinction of many ancient cultures, comprise a large portion of the population. Carefully
as well as the birth of Vinramar’s most pervasive bred in servitude, they are the scarred back upon
parasite—the human race. which the empire stands.
In all Mohtran territories, human populations Mottan fashion is renowned across Vinramar,
soared as the daemons bred them for slavery. By the incorporating the world’s most lavish materials and
end of the Elder Dark they far outnumbered their styles: bombasted satin doublets, wasp-waist skirts and
creator-captors, and with this shift came the cry for jerkins, slashed and puffed dresses held up by elaborate
freedom. Mass riots swept over the known world farthingales, all ornamented with rolled wings, wisks,
and the humans eventually deposed the daemons, pokes, furs, and feathers. Swords are considered
dismantled Daelgorog, and replaced Mohtra with among the most important accessories for both men
Motta, a new empire under mortal control. and women. The smiths of Motta specialize in ornate
rapiers, which are as practical as they are vogue.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 91

Scoundrels and Iconoclasts somewhat estranged throughout much of the empire’s
Whether farming in Iarmuto’s river valley, scribing history. Now that it has its sovereignty, however, Erecald
in the imperial courts, or eking a living among the struggles to draw in vital resources the empire provided.
shoals of Ocalatnoloset, the Mottan way of life is a Ittador is a small kingdom occupying the
forced dependence on community. Without significant mountains along the western shores of the Sea Carillon.
wilderness anywhere in the region, Mottans are connected It is credited with the both inciting the Mottan
in a way that’s rare in Vinramar. At times this creates a Rebellions of 1334 and the founding of the Silfana au
sense of cooperation and belonging, but more often it Ittador, a cult of self-flagellating wanderers that worship
means sectarian competition and ostentatious hauteur. Silphenor, the Lord of Chaos.
As with any society built around a dominant religion, Despite its losses, the Empire of Motta remains
Motta’s people are polarized. The Etholchans’ devotion a formidable center of trade and culture. From the
and self-approval is balanced by a swarming counter- Tuluro Highlands to the sprawling archipelago that
culture of rakes, libertines, and criminals disillusioned by spans the Gulf of Tatalun, it governs the region’s most
what they see as an oppressive cult. vital roads, rivers, and ports.
Gugrum slavery is a part of everyday life in Motta. The island of Omasala lies just off the coasts
It is a burden that cripples some, and launches others of Emelduron and Ittador. Throughout the last
(especially those who escape) into a life of adventure. millennium, the highly-contested island has been
Former slaves might become hermits, outlaws, crusaders, occupied in turns by Achald, Motta, and Trentsmund.
or rulers, but the one thing they’ll always prize is freedom. Its current independence is disputed by all three.
Peraton is a sparsely populated archipelago in the
Nations of Motta Sea of Ulfolost. Though it overthrew imperial rule in
Emelduron eagerly fought for independence during 1334 Annoloth, the empire recently resumed occupation
the rebellions of 1334. Since its victory, the pastoral of the island province, holding it as a protectorate until
kingdom has found an ally in the king of Achald and its nobles can regain the loyalty of the masses.
begun to shed the trappings of the Etholchan Church Pirotolon straddles the two mouths of the Morola
that bind its culture to that of the empire. Panata, the river that runs through the empire’s
Erecald’s physical distance was always a challenge heartlands. The small kingdom still has strong imperial
for imperial rulers seeking to keep a stranglehold on the ties. Trade between Motta and the northern cities of
populace. Deep cultural differences kept the two peoples Iljudheim has made the Pirotolonians quite rich.

Places of Interest The Priory of Occsilana is seen as something of
The dread isle Bryffaze peeks up from the seas at the a heretical headquarters by most Daemothite sects.
northern edge of the archipelago Ocalatnoloset. Above Sometimes called New Eden, the city was originally
the highest drift lines of its white beaches, bones have founded as a monastery to honor the Jharric goddess
been scattered and piled for miles, marking the edge Iala. Its widespread reputation as a refuge from
of a dense forest. What people or beasts live in those Etholchan dogmatism has drawn thousands to shelter
woods remains a mystery. Hundreds of foolhardy within its walls, transforming the small Jharric
sailors and at least a dozen expeditions have passed community into a thriving symbol of hope and justice.
beneath its eaves, never to return. The Silfana au Ittador may seem like a parochial
Manta du Lon is a village in the eastern frontier carnival troupe compared to the lavish Etholchan
of Erecald, less than a day’s journey from the Forlorn temples that command Motta’s landscape, but its strange
Marches. Though once an important border fortress, few caravan preachers have managed to turn the West
now remember just where Manta du Lon lies, but many upside down with Silphenor’s doctrine of purification by
have heard whispers of what transpires there at night. pain. Launching from this humble chapel, the Anotrossi
According to folklore, when the sun sets in Manta have inducted thousands into their cult, traveling to
du Lon, its citizens are possessed by restless spirits and distant and unknown lands with the gospel of chaos in
forced to reenact the ancient battle that left the fortress their mouths and the lash of absolution in their hands.
forever diminished. If the stories are to be believed,
those descended from the original combatants awake in Adventuring in Motta
theirs beds at sunrise, unharmed. Others aren’t so lucky. Motta is a vibrant and diverse backdrop. It lends
Motta’s necropolises remain among the region’s itself well to campaigns that revolve around intrigue,
most curious features. The countryside is dotted with infiltration, and urban adventure. Powerful religious
mausoleums dedicated to the burial of the dead, but factions are at constant odds with the empire, its
in heavily populated areas these charnel cities are truly dissident neighbors, and each other. If your players
enormous. Mottans place great emphasis on the housing want to wage holy war, civil war, or just skulk around in
of the dead, usually spending more on their estates the shadows cast by these conflicts, Motta is the place.
within the necropolises than on the property where To capitalize on the themes inherent in such
they live. Not everyone visits the necropolis on a regular struggles, you might have your players choose a single
basis, but—perhaps unsurprisingly—their streets and religious or political faction with which they’re all
mansions are always teeming with uninvited guests. associated. Or perhaps, given Motta’s rich diversity, they’d
rather play a band of adventurers with wildly different
beliefs, backgrounds, and interests. They might be a party
of secularists or members of fringe religions fighting
against a ring of corruption in the Etholchan Church.
There are so many interests at play in the
cosmopolitan heartlands of the Mottan Empire that
pulling together a web of intrigue is easy. Every world
faction has a presence here, and the pie is big enough
to tempt even the most reclusive and secretive groups.
The more chances your players have to make friends
and enemies among these powers, the more vivid and
gripping your campaign will be.
Here are three campaign hooks based in the region
of Motta:
A local grave investigator calls in a group of occult
experts to hear the demented opera sung by the corpses
entombed in the Du Petra Necropolis.
Four street urchins embark on their first job as a
thieves’ guild, vying to wrest Zoracol’s streets from the
control of Atulio Moretti’s crime ring.
A series of murders in the town of Esparato point
the local militia to evidence that the Etholchan Church
is covering up the existence of a bloodthirsty werewolf.

The Norlythe

T here’s a devil lurking in the wood

And he’s hungry and crippled and wears a hood
And his throat is raw and his back is sore Common Races: Gugrum, human, sarrow
And he’s blind and sick and dirty and poor. Language: Quitzál
There’s a devil lurking in the wood Nations: Antalumme, Caraquetularác, Haracuraquét,
And he’s crawling and thrashing, for if he could Maricuälatán, Saethym, Sundered Valley, Ykhel
He’d place his mark on you and me, Places of Interest: Axanitlacoa, Bister Mountain, Enga
And turn our eyes black so he alone could see. Mubata, Sundered Valley, Terratorumme University
There’s a devil lurking in the wood
Beyond the wall of what is good
Where the feathered men chant and drum and hiss
And whisper dark prayers to the trebled mist.
—Colonial nursery rhyme

Known History The largest clans are those ruled by Maricuälatán
The Norlythe derives its name from the boreal forest and Caraquetularác. Each city commands one of
that carpets the highlands and sierras between the the sister seas of the Norlythe, controlling access to
River Ení and the region’s eastern coast. Quitzál the waterways that are the lifeblood of Norlythian

The Norlythe
humans native to the forest call it Olmeníhue, but the commerce. Two nautical highways sustain the spread of
Trentsmin name Norlythe has wider usage. wealth, culture, and information on which these clans
The Norlythe as a region has never been are built: one extending along the River Toltihtotma
particularly stable or safe. Its mountainous woodlands and the coasts of Ghen-Ghen Maw, and the other from
harbor foul and dangerous creatures, not all of them the mouth of the River Ení into the Sea of Satherlaer
native to this world. When the heathfolk first began and the borders of Chayrshellech.
mapping the forest less than a hundred years ago, The waterways of the Norlythe provide several
they found small populations of humans and gugrum means of survival—drawing game, irrigating limited
fiercely defending tribal lands from the dangers of the farmland, and providing a seemingly inexhaustible
forest. Though its history remains unknown, the last supply of freshwater fish. The tribes mine a bit in the
century has seen the Norlythe become a prize land mountains, but their technology is not yet sufficient
coveted by many peoples. to support advanced industry. The colonists from
Trentsmund eye such resources greedily as they
Ykhel and the Colonial Incursion consider how best to expand their holdings beyond the
In the year 1277 Annoloth, the Trentsmunder slave western coast.
ship Vaunted was hijacked by a large band of sarrow In Antalumme, the colonists quarry stone and
escapees. The humans followed them to the frozen mine for amethyst, gold, iron, and lead. Terratorumme
tundra of the Norlythe, where they found a burgeoning produces clay and brick, in addition to being the
sarrow commune, composed mostly of other escaped primary colonial port. These important resources have
slaves. The commune, called Ykhel by its citizens, has allowed the Trentsmunders to conduct a sustainable
been the subject of international controversy as it has industry in the region, sending a clear message that
grown into a stable, if solitary, city-state. they mean to stick around.
Before the discovery of Ykhel, developed nations The largest communities of gugrum in the
had little interest in the Norlythe, except for a few Norlythe have extensive stone architecture, their steep
heathfolk explorers from Chayrshellech. News of a pyramids and stone tenements usually visible from a
virgin wilderness to the east began to stir Trentsmund considerable distance. The gugrum tend to settle clear
into hysteria. Slave traders swarmed its waterways, areas where trees are sparse and stone can be gathered
rounding up human and gugrum slaves. Religious with relative ease. The cities Caraquetularác and
and political dissidents one by one fled to camps and Haracuraquét are both predominantly gugrum, and
trading posts along the western coast of the region. exemplify this sort of large-scale stone architecture.
Relations with the local tribes were tense, and it wasn’t The commune of Ykhel represents the only
long before violence broke out. significant political body established by the sarrow
In 1311, Trentsmund mounted a full-scale invasion, since humans all but annihilated their mining
and in a few years held most of the Norlythe’s western provinces in the Summer’s War. Their thousand-year
grasslands. The High Chief of Maricuälatán and four subjugation left indelible impressions on the founding
other tribal rulers swore a blood oath to repel the sarrow of Ykhel, and they chose to turn from the
colonists, but their doomed resistance failed to gain fertility cult that once stood at the center of their
traction. Slowly the land settled into an uneasy peace culture. In its place they embraced a purely secular
that has left the human and gugrum natives embittered. way of life, in which property is portioned out by the
Tributary Clans commune and citizens are drafted into careers by
While dark and unpredictable, the forest of Olmeníhue vocational syndicates.
is home to various Quitzál and gugrum cultures. These Ykhelesians produce a thick, silky yarn called
city-based clans each contain a hierarchy of tribute, magkra, which they knit and thread into gorgeous
with conquered cities paying their subjugators in goods cloth. The sarrow wear it proudly and seldom trade
and labor. Despite having nominal power over their it, causing enterprising (and unscrupulous) souls to
network of tributary cities and villages, clan chieftains seize the magkra violently so they can sell it to colonial
rarely exert authority over affairs outside their own city royalty for astronomical prices. Such affronts to Ykhel’s
walls. Such clan networks can be found in various sizes cherished isolation only intensify their enmity toward
throughout the region. humans, and Trentsmunders most of all.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 95

Hunters and Homesteaders centuries ago in the company of an evangelist who
Because it was so long dismissed as inhospitable by the prophesied the complete corruption of human
great nations of the West, the Norlythe is something of civilization. The people still forbid one another to use
a repository for unique cultures and creatures. The wars their leader’s name, referring to him or her only as the
and religions of the outside world mean little to Quitzál Judge. The few outsiders who visit Sundered Valley speak
kale farmers and the pack huntresses of Caraquetularác. of their austere ceremonies, during which the Judge
They’re preoccupied with survival, appeasing the forest’s ascends the sky in fiery glory to purify those present.
primordial lurkers with celebration and sacrifice. The sarrow commune Ykhel has limited relations
The Ykhelesians and human colonists bring the with the other cities of the Norlythe. Its seclusion is
doctrines and industries of the outside world into the both a curse and a blessing, providing defense at the
Norlythe, settling whatever land is empty in hopes cost of commerce.
that more will come. Their Western eyes look on local
practices as vile and heretical. Native Norlythians Places of Interest
largely worship the Irvallath, especially Sarnoss, the Whispers of Axanitlacoa have circulated the forest
Black Lion, whose servitors embody the savagery and since the first expeditions from En Fallad ventured
rancor of the wild. Some humans and gugrum have near the southern spur of the Cascál Mountains.
begun to incorporate philosophies and motifs from Rumors among the foothill villages tell of a religious
local telmatra tribes, whose Triune Fathers match the citadel where mortals could speak with primordial
ferocity of Sarnoss. beings. The jaguar priests still deny its existence, but
every so often an explorer will dare the wooded cliffs
Nations of the Norlythe where Axanitlacoa is said to perch.
Antalumme is a small mining city established by the Bister Mountain is the highest peak in the range
Colonial Army of Trentsmund in 1326 Annoloth as an that encircles the colonial city Antalumme. On a bluff
attempt to claim territory deeper within the Norlythe. above the mines hangs a weathered gallows, where
The discovery of Antalumme by native clans prompted witches and heretics have swung in scores. Below the
several of the bloodiest exchanges in Trentsmund’s bluff, the mountain’s wrinkled niches hide a particular
invasion. vein of amethyst whose clusters bear unique marks,
The city of Caraquetularác lies on the southern like hideous faces gasping for breath. Perhaps the
shore of Ghen-Ghen Maw. Oral histories report that witches hanged on Bister Mountain haven’t gone as far
the gugrum founded the city several centuries ago. as the people thought.
Since that time, it has assimilated a large number of Enga Mubata stands at the lowest point of the
humans and become fairly diverse for the region. Most Bori’ga River Valley, a timeworn complex of hexagonal
of the northern reaches of the forest are considered megaliths thought to be the remains of a dragon
tributary to Caraquetularác. eyrie. Only a few days upriver from Haracuraquét, the
Separated from the mainland by the Sea of cyclopean ruins are elaborate enough to have housed
Caskalle, Haracuraquét is largely cut off from the rest more than a hundred dragons and their young. They
of the Norlythe. This gugrum city controls the Bori’ga likely date back to Daragoch, the empire of the dragon-
River Valley and much of the island’s northern cape. spawn, which once controlled most lands bordering on
Maricuälatán is the human city most at odds the Siriyne Sea and the Sea of Caskalle.
with the colonists from Trentsmund by virtue of its What most people don’t know is that Enga Mubata
proximity to the western plains. The High Chief ’s has extensive underground levels inhabited by Avan
pyramid overlooks the mouth of the River Ení where operatives. The Enga Mubata enclave is one of the
it joins the Sea of Satherlaer, a position made more largest and most active sites for Jharric worshippers, as
defensible by a natural headwall and several smaller well as the refugees and escaped slaves they shelter.
rivers that surround the outer districts like a moat. One of the Norlythe’s most influential factions,
The territory of Saethym has an evil reputation, Terratorumme University is an educational institution
due to the headhunting gugrum that prowl its desert that has garnered considerable power since it was
canyons. These tribes are known to dabble in dark arts, founded thirty years ago. It now employs its own
using necromancy, blood magic, and warlock pacts to standing army, and has embedded itself deeply in the
become fearsome magicians and hunters. colonial government. The governor recently signed
Sundered Valley, called Iquetzalarátl in the Quitzál a provision allowing the university to deny entry to
language, is a shielded recess in the Cascál Mountains, military and law enforcement officials, allowing it to
where a village of peculiar and distrustful humans live operate as a sort of miniature city-state within the
in relative isolation. They claim to have fled Trentsmund colony of Terratorumme.

96 Chapter Two | Vinramar

Adventuring in the Norlythe
The wonder and peril of the frontier is the heart
of any story set in the Nolythe. Whether your
players prefer to be colonists encroaching on
the dark forest or members of the mysterious
tribes that have sworn to defend it, adventures
here reveal the horrors of both nature and
civilization. Mortals who draw close to the
earth and its elemental origins often transform
to embody the callous brutality and infinite
strangeness of the wild. At the same time, those
who place their confidence in technology grow
as cold and automated as the very machines
they revere. Your players will quickly learn to
fear all paths.
Consider using adventures in this region
to explore themes common in the American
Gothic subgenre: sacrificing one’s humanity to
gain knowledge, the human desire to separate
oneself from what one considers grotesque
or foreign, and the horror of discovering that
you’ve become that which you loathe. The
nightmarish wilderness and the industrial
technology of the colonists fit nicely into the
imagery of such stories.
As you begin adventuring in the Norlythe,
think about the cultural and ideological
backgrounds of your characters. Do they
worship bizarre primordial gods in local cults,
or do they bring with them the hellfire and
brimstone of more organized religions? Is it
easy or difficult for them to trust in government
and order? The stronger the choices your
players make, the easier it will be to challenge
and stretch their characters.
Here are three campaign hooks based in the
Norlythe region:
After his sister is executed as a Jharric
heretic, a local priest of Daemoth begins reciting
strange mysteries from his pulpit, prompting an
investigation by a group of Etholchan agents.
Canal workers in Antalumme discover the
entrance to a tomb seemingly made for colossal
beings long forgotten. Before they can venture
in, cultists from a nearby tribe steal into the city,
hold the governor hostage, and demand that the
tomb be sealed and the canal abandoned.
In order to cure their matriarch, the gugrum
clans must unite to obtain the hearts of ten great
predators, including the elusive behir of Ykhel.
Perrith Gorr

L ook, ye contemptible wretches, upon the glory of

Volgothyde. I will show ye the Master whose hand built
wonders, who bestrode the nations of the East and cast them Common Races: Human, vampire, vorruc
in His image; He who beat the earth into white ruin and Language: Mhelthep
fashioned from its corpse a throne unending; He whose eyes Nations: Perrith Gorr
saw doom and whose body fell from undeath into oblivion, Places of Interest: Amerov, the Ash Downs, Caraveh, the
and rose again in immortality. Isle of Muloch, the Muted Forest
Cast your gaze upon His works; see the broken stables
that housed thy brats and the fields that filled thy offal and
fattened thee for my table. They are ground to nothing. These
are My works. Look on them and know ye are unmade.
—Inscription left after Volgothyde’s sack of Carthaxis

Known History Recession and the Dark Atonement
The Empire of Perrith Gorr predates all human contact Since the fall of its last great emperor, Perrith Gorr has
in the East. When the humans settled Wellusk, the fallen into civil war and decay. The kindreds of the old
vampires were already a highly developed civilization aristocracy bicker over the land, even as their curse on

Perrith Gorr
at war with their werekin neighbors. According it has ended any hope of agriculture or industry here.
to Mohtran tradition, the first vampire, Iarmov According to the priests of the Volgothic Cult,
the Maimed, claimed the lands north of the River the disembodied spirit of Volgothyde reconciled the
Ferrialum upon his return from exile during the vampire bloodline with his progenitor Daemoth in
Stonewar. He called the land Parothgaur, the Blood of return for a seat at Daemoth’s court. In the year 1340
My Throat, and set his palace in the Hills of Caraveh Annoloth, he returned to the seat of Caraveh to rule
while his offspring filled the wide lowlands. Perrith Gorr as a god.
With Volgothyde’s rebirth, vampires known to have
Volgothyde been vanquished began to reappear in the thousands.
The most infamous name associated with Perrith Perrith Gorr’s borders swelled with undead, and in
Gorr is that of its legendary emperor Volgothyde, who the brief winter of 1345 launched the largest-scale
ruled throughout most of the Intiliaros. He ascended invasion in recent history, reducing the entire region
to power at a time when vampire isolation kept their of Wellusk to a crumbling ash-heap. With its old
numbers desperately small. Against the objections enemy obliterated, the vampire armies retreated north.
of the pureblood vampire aristocracy, Volgothyde Whatever Volgothyde’s next move may be, his return
popularized the spread of vampirism to Perrith Gorr’s marks a new dawn for Perrith Gorr.
animal population both as a defensive tactic and for
use in his invasion of Arwest. With a small army The Shell of an Empire
leading hordes of vampiric beasts, the emperor laid Tradition and heritage are central to the vampire way
waste to the werekin kingdoms. His actions, however, of life. They hold the ancient days of their people in
had more far-reaching consequences than even the high esteem, so much so that many seem to exist in a
vampires might have realized. chimeric delusion that their empire is at the height of
As the vampire-curse spread through the animal its majesty and glory. Pureblood vampires will go to
kingdom, Perrith Gorr’s entire ecosystem slowly extreme lengths to perpetuate this illusion, even when
succumbed to undeath. The trees, the grass, even the obvious reality is that their nation and estates are in
the soil itself turned pale and withered. The gradual barren ruin.
corruption of the earth in this region has continued for The central props of this illusion are the mortal
millennia, twisting the land itself into a horrid mimicry captives that serve, labor, and feed the vampires.
of the monsters that inhabit it. These unfortunate souls live out their brief lives as
unwilling subjects to the vampires, who see themselves
The War on the Fells as magnanimous aristocrats far above the human ken.
When the ancestors of the Omhatra humans settled A typical slave in Perrith Gorr is captured in a raid,
the far shore of the River Ferrialum, the vampires soon worked to exhaustion, and fed on vorruc-infected food.
learned that they preferred the blood of intelligent After a few years at most, these captives succumb to the
creatures to that of the apes and lions they had grown vorruc disease, at which point they’re cast out onto the
accustomed to drinking. Once Volgothyde had tasted empty moors to starve.
human blood, a southward incursion was inevitable. Though their ancient feuds tend to limit them
The War on the Fells, as it was called, lasted far politically, the five vampire kindreds (Bromraw,
longer than any would have predicted. After just over Carachun, Calchoth, Ferrialum, and Mannen) are
50 years, the humans south of Ferrialum finally laid newly unified by the apotheosis of Volgothyde. Even
down their swords and submitted to vampire rule, the weakest houses within each kindred vie for the
becoming serfs to be bred and hunted in the lowlands favor of the Twice-Born Emperor. But these are new
like beasts. With such a significant increase in their times. As at his ascension of old, Volgothyde put an
provender, the vampires briefly surged into greater end to old ways and purged the weak from his empire.
numbers than ever before. Rumors fly across the East of a new order within
The next year, Volgothyde was destroyed amid Perrith Gorr—a cult that places Volgothyde and his
mysterious circumstances. Whispers attribute the resurrected pontiffs at its head. With the advent of the
death to the famed assassin Arhuzimel, though why he Volgothic Cult, the kindreds and their petty squabbles
was in Perrith Gorr, and what motive he may have had represent an age eclipsed.
to slay the legendary vampire is anyone’s guess.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 99

Purebloods and Fisher Kings disrepair of recent centuries, Caraveh has accumulated
The inhabitants of Perrith Gorr are as wounded and layers of secrets as only the epicenter of vampire
cursed as the land itself, whether by their undead abomination could. Since Volgothyde’s return, it has
bloodline or the vorruc plague that seems to swallow burst into a new frenzy of sleepless armament. The
up all life in this region. The noble vampires (especially undead scheme within its windowless corridors by day,
those of the Calchoth and Ferrialum kindreds) trace and swarm about it like wasps in a nest by night.
their lineage directly back to Iarmov, the first vampire. Few travelers have heard of the Isle of Muloch,
In their crumbling, mirrorless mansions they brood, situated as it is in the center of a small, nameless lake
obsessing over pedigree and the forgotten traditions on the southern spur of the Hills of Caraveh. On
of their houses. Their ageless beauty stands in stark particularly clear evenings, those who stand on the
contrast to the vorruqun—hideous flesh-eaters hidden shore of the lake at sunset might chance to see Muloch’s
about the moors, where the bleak wilderness reflects dim shape out on the water—but only if the gazer has
the vampiric blight at work in their bodies. crossed the veil into the afterlife. To simple folk who
Ancient power is readily available to those who have never had a brush with death, the island’s tempting
adventure here, so long as they’re willing to pay its shores remain invisible.
awful price. Some Perrith Gorrines court the favor of The Muted Forest is a wooded stretch that forms
those who can bestow vampirism upon them, while the eastern arm of the Tolgun Wilds. The Carachun
others (notably Senfaerists, agents of Mozralchi, and Kindred shun the trees here, which are devoid of any
other monster hunters) are drawn to the region with sound. The leaves, the brooks, even the wildlife are
the express goal of destroying such creatures. Those hushed as if kept silent by some oppressive presence.
who revere the undeath of the vampires might be
drawn into the worship of Volgothyde. Adventuring in Perrith Gorr
To be born in Perrith Gorr and live into adulthood, While most of Vinramar’s horrors lie beneath a thin
one must be either cunningly resourceful or a vampire. facade of normalcy, Perrith Gorr represents the
Human adults are usually brought here as slaves. If they most significant breach in that veneer. This is a land
can free themselves in the first year or two, they aren’t churning in terror, where society is peopled with literal
necessarily doomed to become vorruqun. Once changed, monsters and the earth has abandoned all resistance
however, they will need to employ every ounce of to the corruption of the millennia. You explore its
fortitude to survive. Conventional wisdom warns against nightmares at great cost.
crossing anyone who has emerged from that crucible. It’s up to you and your players whether they want
to fight the malignancy of the undead empire or work
Places of Interest to gain prominence within it. Their characters might
Amerov, called “the Unborn” by eastern sailors, is a be a cabal of novice vampire hunters, a haul of slave-
small island within swimming distance of the lowest chattel from nearby lands, or even vampires from a
Strait of Warakh, nicknamed “the Midwife.” Though lesser bloodline looking to make a name for themselves.
it might have been made an advantageous outpost for Campaigns set in Perrith Gorr can take advantage of its
anyone wishing to control passage through the strait, ruins, wilderness, and treacherous intrigue.
Amerov’s evil reputation sends sailors and swimmers Vampires are mighty and cruel enemies. Their
as close to the western shore as possible. Old sea tales relative power may seem to exclude lower level
speak of a hermit who once lived there, a transmuter characters from campaigns set within vampire society,
who left strange and dangerous experiments littered but don’t be fooled. Here are a couple suggestions if
about the island and its currents. you’re starting at level 1.
The Ash Downs stretch across the northern Focus early play on infiltration and interaction. The
reaches of the continent, where the vorruc blight is party may not cherish their vampire overlords, but during
severest. Here the hills dwindle into dunes of white the first few levels you can guide them toward forming
dust, their dry flakes dancing about in the chalky air. alliances and discovering hidden resources that will pay
There’s hardly a living thing to be seen so far north, but off once they’ve risen in the ranks a bit. Encourage them
the savage hunters of the Bromraw Kindred linger in to value survival more than whatever moral outrage their
toppled citadels, nearly drowning in slag and soot. characters feel in the presence of vampires.
As the ancient seat of power in Perrith Gorr, Keep combat isolated. Have NPCs send them out
Caraveh is a city with the most dreaded of legacies. into the waste on tasks that put them in the path of
Through its early days as the abode of Iarmov the animal swarms, vorruc packs, and crazed villagers.
Maimed, its golden age under Volgothyde, and the Reveal enemies at court that, while dangerous, don’t

100 Chapter Two | Vinramar

wield significant influence. Malicious slaves and vampire
spawn might plot against the party, presenting obstacles
but leaving little risk of intervention from the more
powerful undead. Smaller threats can build tension and
hint at how the evil of the vampire culture has polluted
everything within its influence.
Here are three campaign hooks based in the Perrith
Gorr region:
After setting sail from Dradun, the cargo ship the Rally
was lost at sea for six years. Now its weary sailors drop
anchor on the ashen shores of Perrith Gorr, desperate for
food but doomed to become it.
Three blood slaves in Etrusia convince the troubled son
of the vampire baron to cut their chains and accompany
them to the free city of Faerras.
Mozralchi’s prophetess commissions a band of
assassins and demonologists to infiltrate Caraveh
and determine the god-emperor’s next move.

D o you also feel it: the falsehood, the counterfeit of

physical creation? Do you know in your heart’s center that
these inanimate walls are not truly there? All my life my mind
has lain imprisoned within this flesh, wounding others in my Common Races: Dragonborn, human
confinement, wounding myself in restless chafing. Materiality Language: Syriod
is a box, a coffin in which our souls are buried alive from the Nations: Aldalar, Eliasikh, Heseriah, Jessik, Ozhma,
first breath. To escape you must first journey inward, align Ozhrasala, Syrikhal
the body, make it the instrument of the soul. Then you will see Places of Interest: The Bridges of Heseriah, Juraktai,
the fissures in the dream, the patches where illusion cannot Kurophtu, Tsyandesh, Wayfarer Temple
sustain itself, and nightmare is reality.
I am no prophet, nor king, nor savior. I am as a star in
the night. I am awake.
—Wei-Tzuhael, Scion of Senfaer

Known History Islands in a Sea of Madness
Though Syrikhal was among the first regions settled For the humans of Syrikhal, survival has always been
by humans, its inland reaches are still buried in jungle, synonymous with unity. Their isolated city-states—the
where the straggling remains of pre-human abhorrence only developed settlements of this region—are engulfed

linger undiscovered. The dragonborn clans that in perilous wilderness. Traffic between them is limited
populate the tropical forests descend from the Empire mainly to the seas and rivers. Shipwrights, fishermen,
of Daragoch, which crossed the Black Ocean and whalers, sailors, and maritime merchants drive most of
claimed present-day Syrikhal before humans even set the business on which Syrikhal and its sister colonies
foot here. Unlike the western clans in Chayrshellech, thrive. Without trade, the region’s natural resources
these dragon-kin worship “living gods,” mysterious would be buried too deep beneath the dangers of the
beings supposedly connected to particular sacred sites jungle to allow for significant growth.
deep within the jungle. Still, Syrikhal’s isolation can be unnerving. For
those who don’t venture out to sea, the city-states
Human Migration to Syrenos seem confined and beleaguered by primeval forces just
The shogunate of Syrenos was established in the year beyond perception. To them, the jungles symbolize
223 of the Wild Age as a refuge for human slaves a world without order, where their god Senfaer
escaping from Motta across the Black Ocean. The holds little sway. Its brutality challenges their most
settlement commanded a narrow bridge of land fundamental beliefs.
dividing the bare end of the peninsula from the wild Cautionary tales about those who do step into the
jungle about the feet of the Golgul Heights. Over time wild abound. Aberrant threats lurk hungrily in the
its advantageous position helped it blossom into the shadows, only held back by the dedicated monks who
port city Syrikhal, whose naval foothold paved the way have sworn to keep them at bay. It’s never been clear
for city-states all along the southern coast of the region. which came to Syrikhal first, the Senfaerists or the
Instrumental to safely navigating the coasts of horrors from the stars. The monks have spent centuries
Syrikhal was the growth of Senfaer worship among the in a desperate dance to preserve humanity from the
local Omhatra peoples. Ships began hiring monks and abominations of the Darkplane. In this region the need
priests to protect them from the aberration-infested for a disciplined mind and a strong hand is real.
waters. Temples to the primordial god of order and Each city-state is governed by a hereditary general
psionics sprung up throughout the city-states, and called a shogun, whose household and lands are defended
Senfaerism became firmly rooted in Syrikhali culture. by bushi, swordsmen sworn to his family’s service. While
Though they’re by no means the only people to worship the shoguns have nominal authority over their cities, each
Senfaer in the world, the lack of competing religions appoints a number of advisors, ministers, and viziers to
in this region makes it the spiritual center of Senfaerist assist in the daily responsibilities of rule. The balance
traditions in Vinramar. of the population is made up of smaller noble houses,
Okatatu and the Dragon-Children merchants, and peasants whose labor and fealty are the
In the 18th century of the Wild Age, Aldalar was ruled engine upon which the city-states run.
by a shogun named Torikh Fusei, whose most trusted Although these communities are stable and
vizier was a deformed man named Okatatu. When successful, populations remain relatively low. Each
Okatatu was caught in the act of murdering the shogun’s Syrikhali city-state supports between 8,000 and 15,000
heir, witnesses learned that his supposed deformity was people, with Syrikhal itself being the largest. At the
actually evidence of his dragonborn parentage. center of each city is a heavily fortified estate, occupied
Stealing into the wilderness of Harato, Okatatu by the shogun and his court. Districts surrounding the
rallied the dragonborn clans to war against Aldalar and shogun’s estate are organized by class and occupation.
Ozhma. It was then that the humans learned to truly fear Unlike many Western cities, Syrikhali temples and
the jungle. Over the course of a decade, the monks and shrines are often placed outside city walls.
bushi battled dragonborn clans along the hilly coasts Despite their proximity to the fallen nations
and woods that separate the two cities. Sorties into the of Wellusk, only the city of Syrikhal has ever been
forest brought back horrifying tales of colossal reptiles significantly influenced by the culture of their northern
and serpents, whose size was dwarfed by their wicked cousins. But after Wellusk was laid to ruin by Volgothyde’s
intellect. Aldalar was able to fight Okatatu to a peace, legions in the last decade, the vampiric curse that
but to this day, stories of a pervasive psionic presence wasted the land northward has spread in the direction
in the jungle lend credence to the belief that god-like of Syrikhal’s city-states. Little by little, vorruc packs have
reptiles sleep fitfully within the dense swamps. entered the region, keeping Senfaer’s guardians busy with
efforts to stem the spread of the undead plague.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 103

Enlightenment by Deprivation Eliasikh occupies the flatlands west of Golgul
Restraint, discipline, and mutual trust are the most Heights, an essential and lucrative position where the
important values in Syrikhali society. They are the River Goksaya meets the Sea of Betha-zedor.
central principles of Senfaerism, which promotes the Heseriah stretches along a patch of clear country
renunciation of material wealth in the pursuit of moral on the edge of Tsyandesh. Once the intermediary
clarity. The people often disapprove of garishness, between the regions of Syrikhal and Wellusk, the city
preferring simple furnishings and clothing. now faces an influx of refugees, and the vorruc plague
They don’t always have a choice, though. Poverty that inevitably follows in their wake.
is rampant in the city-states, even among those Far along the western peninsula, Jessik is a
who don’t choose it. Hemmed in by the dangerous settlement with close ties to the Arrochuli nations of
jungle and lacking an abundance of arable land, the Esgoth and Carthossos. Its luxurious beaches belie the
people of Syrikhal go without as often as not. Their horrors that lurk further inland.
need, however, often teaches them to be humble and Ozhma began as a colony from Aldalar, meant
accepting, traits that are rare enough in this world. to guard the convergence of the mountains of Harato
Despite the lack of competing local religions, and the Talazera Hills. It has since become the region’s
Syrikhal enjoys a fair amount of diversity, in large foremost exporter of stone and other precious minerals.
part because of its position beside the Black Ocean. Ozhrasala is a small city in the archipelago south
Travelers from Motta, Trentsmund, and Iljudheim of the Betha-zedor, considered barbaric and backward
dock in the city-states on their way to eastern lands. by the other Syrikhali settlements.
The waterfront districts can be seedy, full of strange The city-state of Syrikhal commands the isthmus
faces and shady business. east of Golgul Heights with its ample armada.

Nations of Syrikhal Places of Interest

Unlike it neighbors, Aldalar is built upon the remains The Bridges of Heseriah span a 10-mile stretch of the
of a previous civilization. When humans arrived on Betso River south of the city-state Heseriah. Originally
Cape Myokku, they settled the ruins of Palucadium, conceived as a way to expand the city without
one of the first cradles of jhareth settlement. clearing the heavily forested riverbanks, the bridges
and workers were plagued by mischance throughout

the construction. After years of strange stories and over the decades. Stories of ghastly metaphysical
accidents, the ninety-person crew of laborers vanished experiments conducted by the monks have reached the
entirely one night without explanation. The structure surface, adding a sordid note to the temple’s calamity.
remains unfinished 130 years later, amid rumors of
hauntings and dark dealings. Its extensive walkways Adventuring in Syrikhal
and platforms hang eerily above the river, disquieting Campaigns in Syrikhal revolve around the struggle
boaters on the final stretch into Heseriah. between order and chaos, erudition and degeneracy.
The volcanic island of Juraktai lies near the city of The Senfaerists are the symbol of discipline and
Jessik, a steaming height riddled with fumaroles and enlightenment, pitting their strength and honor against
hot springs. Its heavy canopy encloses poisonous vapors the living anathemas within the jungle. A campaign
and clouds of ash within the jungle, making the air that highlights this conflict can borrow trappings from
stifling and dank. Those who dwell there have learned the chanbara and wuxia genres, highlighting martial
to navigate the dangerous plant life, and domesticate arts, swordplay, and codes of honor. That’s not to say
the prehistoric reptiles that inhabit the undergrowth. that Syrikhal should just be an Orientalist parody. As
Kurophtu, the Scholar’s Folly, is a labyrinthine city with other details inspired by real-world cultures, these
said to be buried within the wilderness near the Golgul elements are intended to be incorporated in a way that
Heights. Explorers glimpse hints of the city’s history doesn’t patronize or exoticize the source material.
in sudden visions that seize them while navigating Your adventuring party might be a secret society of
the twisting ruins. What they see is not encouraging. criminals fighting against an unjust ruler, travelers whose
Something hideous lies at the center of Kurophtu, an ship has stopped over in Eliasikh, or a band of monks
orb that taught the builders abhorrent technological and ronin preparing an excursion into dragonborn
secrets. Conflict within the city over the use of such territory. Whatever ties unite your heroes, consider their
knowledge conjured some final catastrophe that left its reputation, ideals, and relationship to authority. These
streets disjointed and maze-like, trapping the madmen traits will illuminate how they interact with Syrikhali
inside until nothing was left but an overgrown maze. society, and how that society interacts with them.
The cursed swamps of Tsyandesh encircle the You may wish to feature reptilian and amphibious
Sea of Horikh with gnarled and half-sunken trees. races such as the dragonborn, lizardfolk, and
According to the dragonborn tribes, an ageless being troglodytes, who inhabit Syrikhal’s jungles. These
was drowned in the sea back when the world was small clans are defined by their territorial and religious
young. The amphibious creatures of the swamps wars with one another, but the malice they bear
worship its rotting corpse, which has gravely altered toward humans will sometimes be enough to unite
the land. Objects float in the forest as if underwater, them. Though such occasions may make them seem
sounds bounce and scatter, and creatures for formidable, such foes are nothing compared to the
miles around have nightmares of drowning. greater spawn of Lakhi and Maruma’e that thunder in
Wayfarer Temple was an the wild—dinosaurs, couatls, basilisks, aboleths, even
epicenter of Senfaerist instruction dragons and krakens.
before a massive cave-in Here are three campaign hooks based in the
blocked the entrance to its Syrikhal region:
subterranean halls 80 A bushi, a diplomat, and a Senfaerist monk are
years ago. Various sent as emmissaries to a war-like tribe of dragonborn.
adventurers have Their mission: convince the dragonborn to share their
sought to recover knowledge of taming pteranodons as beasts of burden.
important artifacts
and scrolls from A linguist and his hired muscle sail to Ozhma on
the ruins a jungle expedition, seeking a bilingual inscription that
might lead to a better understanding of the Daraghun
language. What they find instead is madness and doom.
The humans are settling a new spot beside the
swamps of Tsyandesh. Since they began desecrating the
grave of the Drowned One, terrible visions have afflicted
the local dragonborn tribes, and rumors are spreading of
a colossal creature prowling the swamp, the very sight of
which is death. Now a young war-band must convince
the human homesteaders to depart—by force if necessary.


G reatness is seized, not bestowed. How are we to bring

the light of invention to every corner of this world unless we
paint the continents Trentsmunder black? Had I wings and a
banner, I would fly east and west, fly to the coldest north, fly Common Races: Heathfolk, human, sarrow
with sweaty haste to Bitten Heath and plant it. I would dress Language: Trentsmin
my children in the Black of the Dans and march them over Nations: Achald, the Kingdom of Trentsmund,
the walls of every petty king in Vinramar. I would not stop Layarshoth
until all nations flew our flag and sang Old Winter. Then I Places of Interest: The Gridiron, the Harrincroft
would take to the heavens, to those stars above us. If I could, I Steamrail, the Isle of Thandre, Murachba, Punt Maard
would colonize the planets.
—Aden Buffard, 1344 Annoloth

Known History In time, the highland territory seized from the
From its humble beginnings as the northern province sarrow became the sovereign Kingdom of Trentsmund,
of Mohtra to the rise of the world-choking empire that which quickly secured the heartland of the region
is its namesake, Trenstmund’s history is an emblem of from Coron’s Run to Ordramar. By the end of the 10th

unlikely greatness—and a warning of the perditious century, Trentsmund had earned a reputation as the
corruption such greatness can bring. Though largely modernist capital of the world, its foremost scientific
dismissed throughout the ages of the world, the region minds hitting a stunning series of technological
now enjoys a position of global prominence due to its breakthroughs that would launch the kingdom into
overwhelming technological supremacy. industrial revolution.

Vunhaeg and the Maahiset Steam-Powered Empire

The first to settle Trentsmund was a daemon sorcerer To the Kingdom of Trentsmund, machinery is a symbol
called Hilutos, who established the colony Vunhaeg in of life. Automation and steam power are now the fuel
present-day Ordramar. It was in Vunhaeg that the curse that runs the engine of its economy. Transportation,
of Ethis gave birth to the maahiset, the stocky race of manufacturing, and access to raw materials are all in a
rune masters whose empire would one day stretch from state of revolution as industrial technology continues
this region to the far shores of Chayrshellech. to become more available. The visual landscape is
Despised by the cursed daemons who gave birth most changed in Trentsmund’s cities, where improved
to them, the maahiset drove Hilutos and his people technology and the influx of factory workers have
out of Vunhaeg and founded their own civilization in made living conditions quite poor.
the Coron’s Run Mountains. From there they migrated Outside these urban centers, agriculture and
across Wyrgoth and into Chayrshellech, which became husbandry are still the most common means of
the seat of their civilization. Trentsmund remained the subsistence. While the lower classes disappear into city
home of several important maahiset communities during factories, the farms are newly fitted with sarrow slaves.
the Imperial Age, but wide-scale invasions (by first the Their existence as a commodity of the aristocracy
dragonborn and then the daemons) eventually drove extends to the neighboring kingdom of Achald, whose
them across the sea or into subterranean exile, leaving fields, orchards, and vineyards feed much of the
the region in a harrowing quiet for about 4,000 years. region. The extent to which the Achaldean economy
It wasn’t until the Wild Age—with daemon depends on slave labor is worrisome. Mass emigrations
influence largely erased—that the sarrow, descendants to Trentsmund, extreme dips in trade traffic, and
of the maahiset, came forth from their hiding comparatively low productivity have all conspired to
places. Unwilling to battle the gugrum for lands in reinforce their economy’s reliance on captive sarrow.
Chayrshellech, the sarrow drifted northward with The ills of empire have, however, gathered diverse
several heathfolk clans, where they found their ancestral cultural influences to the region from far-off parts of
home in Coron’s Run empty and ready to be reclaimed. the world. Trentsmund’s cities are filled with people
from every region and background, though those who
Trentsmund and the Summer’s War don’t fit the pattern of the genteel, rational Westerner
With the spread of the Drael humans across the are often exploited and abused. There is no doubt that
Gridiron in the first century of the Annoloth, tensions in Trentsmund the power is in the hands of scheming
between them and the sarrow quickly escalated. aristocrats and rapacious industrial tycoons.
Human writings at the time reveal that their racism North of the Saeraietha River, the heathfolk of
toward the sarrow began early, engendering bitter Layarshoth watch such developments with a wary
persecution toward the little people. In the year 98, eye. Unlike their kindred in Chayrshellech, the
that ill-will caused several lords in Achald to mount a Layarshoth heathfolk have abandoned the practice of
series of bloody massacres in sarrow territory, which cliff-dwelling, adapting to the pastoral valleys south
historians glibly call the Summer’s War. Achald claimed of Coving Heights. Their shepherds and miners still
the territory and brought thousands of sarrow slaves manage to thrive by selling high-quality wool and iron
home as spoils. ore to Achald and Trentsmund. Some might call them
The Summer’s War effectively annihilated sarrow complicit in their neighbors’ depravity, but they, of
culture. The centuries of oppression that followed course, would deny it.
transformed them from a thriving and spirited people Few people trek east of the Coron’s Run Mountains
into little more than beasts of burden. Traditions into the land Trentsmunders call Wyrgoth. Some
disappeared, honored families became estranged, and malignancy grips that country, sending those who visit
suffering embittered the sarrow beyond endurance. it into fits and bringing them fiendish nightmares. Local

Chapter Two | Vinramar 107

folklore attributes it to the lingering memory of ancient Hailed as the crowning achievement of steam
empires or primordial deities. Whatever the cause, technology, the Harrincroft Steamrail is the first (and
common wisdom holds that only the maddest and thus far, only) steam-powered railroad in the world.
cruelest creatures have remained in Wyrgoth: bugbears, Beginning in the far northern city of Nattleburgh, it
goblins, giants, ogres, and worse. Travelers who can’t crawls along the banks of the River Gateway through
afford a ship’s passage avoid this area by crossing the Marverid, climbs the foothills of the Coron’s Run
Gridiron in Ordramar and heading south through the Mountains, and at last crosses the Gridiron to its
colonial holdings west of the River Dontare. final stop in the southernmost burgh of Ordramar.
The deafening sounds of the engine and its whistle
Patronizing Secularists have earned it the nickname “Screamrail.” Among its
Trentsmunders that worship Daemoth tend to belong strongest selling points is the strict confidentiality of
to the Urrothic Sect, which began as a Humanist any items shipped.
offshoot of the Etholchan Church. Trentsmund’s The Isle of Thandre lies a few miles off the coast
culture has been greatly shaped by this movement, of Layarshoth. To uninquiring souls it might appear
causing its people to dismiss discussion of doctrine and overgrown and deserted, but its stone buildings shelter
the supernatural. Material, secular pursuits are their a community of simple folk that farm the land and
foremost concern, a value system in harmony with tend to keep their heads down. If one asks about the
Daemoth’s chief virtues of strength, competition, and sound of childish laughter on the cold wind, they grow
subordination. Indeed, Trentsmund’s aggressive colonial quiet. None have the heart to tell of how two children
expansion has its roots in the Urrothic admonition to washed ashore many years ago, how those churlish
assert and intrude in the name of self-empowerment. children never grew older, and how their vampiric
The true heroes of Trentsmund are seldom thirst now keeps the town silent and enslaved.
recognized because they fight invisible threats that Legends of Murachba have been told for centuries.
would chill the blood of prosaic folk. Some investigate Supposedly built more than 14,000 years ago, the
hauntings and paranormal threats, others walk in subterranean city once protected the maahiset from the
the circles of the demimonde—the underground onslaught of the daemon empire. When the daemons
community of criminals, hedonists, and libertines. eventually found Murachba and slaughtered the
Common to such company is an interest in the dark maahiset, they discovered something in its
arts, a pursuit too preposterous (or perhaps too deepest pit—something so unspeakably
dangerous) for prudent minds. powerful that they sealed up the
twisting tunnels to prevent anyone
Nations of Trentsmund from unearthing it. In time, the
Achald makes up for its technological inferiority by location of the seal was lost.
investing heavily in agriculture and slave labor. It is Several hundred years
known for its fine cuisine and its wine, cider, and ago, a well known
distilled beverages. Achaldean brandy is renowned. archaeologist from
The Kingdom of Trentsmund has long been the Trentsmund led a
dominant power in this region. Its colonies extend voyage into Wyrgoth
from the Norlythe to the far island of Rellock in the to find Murachba.
Black Ocean. Only one returned:
The heathfolk nation of Layarshoth closely the crew’s young
resembles northern Chayrshellech in its culture, Quitzál guide.
especially where the use of folk magic is concerned. According to
Its ruling fellows are careful to remain useful and stories, whatever
unobstructive to the neighboring humans. she saw in the pits
drove her mad.
Places of Interest For the rest of
The Gridiron is the name of the strait that separates her long life,
Trentsmund from its colonial holdings within the she muttered
empty lands west of Chayrshellech. The city of about halls of
Ordramar straddles this ribbon of sea and connects solid gold, and
the kingdom to its colony on the opposite shore. something
The Gridiron is one of the most critical holdings in she called
Trentsmund, controlling access to both the Sea of the Final
Ordramar and the roads south. Sin.

Punt Maard is a smoky city nestled in the consciousness. Those who know of their existence
Maardon Canyon, once a deeply-delved sarrow enthusiastically patronize the illegal underground
fortress. In Dyraneff its name means the Town in the markets, but the Kingdom of Trentsmund joins the rest
Crevice. Trentsmunders built Punt Maard over the of the world in withholding knowledge of what they see
visible levels of the original structure, and—adding as a dangerous and unnatural piece of machinery.
insult to injury—put the sarrow slaves that once lived Your players’ investigations might lead them
there to work in the mines, quarries, and foundries. No through the narrow cobblestone streets of a factory
expedition has successfully mapped the endless levels district, the streetlamps straining to penetrate the smoke
of the sarrow complex, which some evidence indicates from the coal-fires, or into the parlor of a psychic cult
may predate even the oldest known civilizations. or vampire blood-den. Behind every door and around
every corner wait horrors in human clothing.
Adventuring in Trentsmund Here are three campaign hooks based in the
The presence of highly developed technology makes Trentsmund region:
Trentsmund a truly unique region to use as the When patients in Bainbrook Mental Hospital began
backdrop for your campaign. Rather than resembling having shared dreams, they learned to enter the dreamscape
a pre-industrial society, as most areas of Vinramar and seize control of their doctors’ minds. Now an opposing
do, this region blends in trappings of the Georgian, group of patients hatch a plan to end the psychic torture.
Victorian, and Edwardian eras to create an environment
that matches the gaslamp fantasy subgenre. Four children have gone missing near Leighton’s Lake.
This combination of historical periods might Local authorities suspect an abductor, but a retired monster
initially make Trentsmund seem anachronistic, but if hunter instead recognizes the work of an old enemy.
you imagine the printing press, the steam engine, and Five Achaldean soldiers return from war to find their
coal-gas suddenly appearing in a Medieval society, it’s village empty. When they reach the baronet’s secluded
easy to imagine how they might transform it in the space estate to inquire after their families, a chorus of inhuman
of a few decades. The firearm, invented in the East some groans echoes from within the walls, and they reluctantly
30 years ago, hasn’t yet managed to enter the mainstream grasp where the village folk have gone.


A nd when their mouths sagged down like the castoff

shell of some fleshy beetle, I knew the child would not live till
dusk. As the red sun alighted on the broken parapet across the Common Races: Human, vorruc
temple steps, two shrill, contorted utterances pronounced the Language: Welluskud
death of Metti Falfexit. Nations: Elemthord, Miskawassech, Ossawachu, Rawth
Turning to me, the figures hesitated for what was both the Places of Interest: Carthaxis, Dradun, the Hickorog
longest and briefest terror of my life. Their rueful gaze bent on Plateau, Jaskow Island, the Swill
me, considering, no doubt, how easily they might pursue if I
dashed off into the ruins. With a nearly imperceptible shake
of the head, the glassy-eyed one forbade them to advance on
me, and the pilgrims shambled off into the amber glow of the
sunset with Metti’s limp carcass in tow.
—Revi Witkaw, The Pilgrims of Fallen Carthaxis

Known History Final Desolation
The vast wasteland of Wellusk was once a hotbed of The recent horrors that have beset Wellusk can hardly
human culture, where two of the largest, most vibrant be fathomed. Amidst rumors of Volgothyde’s rise to
nations in Vinramar lived in the shadow of Perrith godhood, vengeful legions of vampires began pouring

Gorr. Although that shadow eventually deepened into into the young nation of Barlom Schoe in 1340
night, there are those who remember a time when the Annoloth, razing every city, town, and cottage into
stable human kingdoms drew mystics, traders, artisans, smoking rubble. The staggering loss of life was worsened
and learned men from many regions. by a blight on the earth—the same vampiric canker
festering across Perrith Gorr now spreads southward.
Welluxian Protectorates All that roots in and feeds on the land eventually grows
Humans first arrived in the tropical islands of Rawth to pale as it transforms under the vorruc infection.
the far southeast, where they built the first clay cities that
became a model for later settlements along the Black A Wasteland of Memory
Coast. More peoples trickled into the region throughout Its proud cities now in ashes, Wellusk is an expansive
the Wild Age, fleeing Motta and Arrochule (then the ruin inhabited mainly by the bloodthirsty quasi-
jhareth empire Ardon) or migrating north from Syrikhal. vampires that have succumbed to the vorruc blight.
These human groups came to be called the Omhatra, These packs of ravenous hunters band together, often
forming the root of the subrace now associated with mimicking the uninfected in pursuit of living flesh
Wellusk, Syrikhal, Arwest, and Goltaraim. and blood to eat. Humans who have survived the
As the disparate Omhatra polities warred for control desolation find they must stay out of sight, scavenge
of the Black Coast in the following age, a civilization what sanitary food they can, and cling to the faint hope
from the Wethrawn River Valley rose to prominence, that they will one day escape or rebuild.
establishing temple cities along the shores of the Some say the effort to cleanse the region has
Nornazias. In year 1021 of the Intiliaros, the Wethrawn already begun, as the widowed and orphaned take
people crowned their first queen, Danmirat, who slowly shelter in ruined sanctuaries, forming new bonds in
conquered the Black Coast. Rather than assimilate them, new communities. Old grudges have been done away.
Danmirat left the Black Coast kings to rule their lands Now there are only the living, the dead, and those in
as protectorates under her standard. Danmirat’s state between. To the homeless and forsworn, more than ever
came to be called the Queenship of Welluxia, her title before, the true enemy is clear.
passing through centuries of female heirs before religious But that enemy hasn’t shown its face in five years.
revolution ended her dynasty in the year 1895 of that age. Since the vampire host withdrew back under its
Throughout the Queenship’s final centuries, the cerement, not a hint of activity has come from Perrith
undead emperor Volgothyde continuously plundered Gorr. It’s possible the vampires are readying another
the protectorates for blood-chattel. Harrowed all blow, this time against their foes to the west. Perhaps,
their lives by the threat of the Northern Hunt, the fed to bursting in their triumph, they simply slumber.
Welluxians despaired of relief. Some say that despair Whatever the answer, it’s clear that Volgothyde never
gave rise to a wild plan to end the terror of Caraveh. intended to rule Wellusk. He was content to unmake it,
In the twilight of Welluxian power, Volgothyde was and leave the rest of Vinramar to ponder what terrible
assassinated. The peace brought by his death was wonders will follow.
sullied, however, as the protectorates fell back into Word of this tragedy traveled fast. Desperate
2,000 years of rivalry and cultural segregation. refugees have carried the news to the four corners of
the world. Those who actually set eyes on the infinite
The Invention of the Firearm wreckage of Wellusk, though, are left startled and
In the year 1294 Annoloth, mining engineers in Carthaxis overwhelmed. The thoroughness with which her
developed the first known recipe for blasting powder, markets, palaces, and temples were laid low remains a
and in a few short years had manufactured crude chilling reminder of a vampire’s revenge.
cannons. Handheld firearms were an obvious next The island kingdoms of Rawth and Elemthord lie
step. In 1322, the military attempted the first artillery far enough asea to have escaped the atrophy that grips
assault—too soon, it proved. Vijeck Mare’s prototype gun the mainland. They are the last unchanged remnants of
infamously exploded on the first firing, killing the queen Welluskan culture, now marooned from all civilization,
of Wellusk and many of the gunners operating it. Public beset with exiles and castaways. In the absence of
fear and outrage drowned the endeavor, and the firearm their chief trade partners they scrape together what
was strictly outlawed. Despite an underground interest provisions they can, but the toll on their economies has
in the technology, the events of the following decades been heavy. Every month more and more of their native
ensured that the art of gunsmithing remained obscure. citizens set sail to start anew elsewhere.

Chapter Two | Vinramar 111

Nomadic Scavengers Minarets lie toppled, home only to predators in human
Fortune seems to be all that saved the lives of some carapace. Those who survived the assault on the city
scant thousands that call Wellusk home. In a land where have spread rumors that an order of mystics escaped
death or worse can strike at any moment, the bold, the the devastation through the use of dark arts, and that
cautious, the quick, and the hardy all have equal odds of even now they gather survivors into a secret haven
survival. The most successful coteries are those formed within the leveled city.
between survivors with diverse skill sets. Velawni The northern port of Dradun was among the first
smiths, gunslingers from Hickorog, Schovie courtesans, cities to fall to Volgothyde’s legions. At the sight of the
Black Coast pirates—such scavenger packs endure the Gotti Temple burning, ships fled the crowded harbor
brutal wastes better when they pool their capabilities, with such reckless dread that they collided, sinking
remembering that the fact they’ve stayed alive this long dozens of vessels and killing hundreds. Dradun’s ruins
is no promise of what tomorrow will bring. are a popular site for salvage as barrels and crates still
Disaster might unearth the worst in people, but it drift ashore from time to time.
can also bring out more worthy qualities. Those who The Hickorog Plateau was barren long before the
once were selfish or private have been forced to learn vorruc blight colored its soil a ghostly beryl. The wide,
cooperation and compassion, or die. For some, regard flat mesa rises like a mountainous shelf in the heart of
for the gods has become a stultifying joke, while others Wellusk, its crown and sides built of dry, flaking rock.
perhaps look more fervently to Senfaer, Iala, or even Here and there, narrow canyons and gulches open in
darker gods that might protect them. the high country like splitting seams. While Hickorog
was considered a lifeless waste before the Desolation,
Nations of Wellusk it now seems a lush paradise amid the blight. The
Elemthord, once a minor kingdom cut off from the high ground here is ruthlessly defended by those truly
richest traffic of the region, survived the destruction desperate to stay alive.
of Wellusk to become the most powerful nation left. Jaskow Island hovers in the upper thrust of the
Its people live in a state of defensive isolation, fearing Nornazias Sea, a site baffling to scholars and scientists.
what may become of them if they draw the attention of Its polypous surface is spongy and wet, and the entire
Perrith Gorr. mass pulsates gently like the beating of a colossal,
Miskawassech is a tribal nation bordering on the arrhythmic heart. Skeptics insist it must be a formation
ruins of Welluxia. The nomadic hunters retreated into of sea anemones or coral, like a huge, fleshy reef in the
the jungle at the appearance of the vampire legions, middle of the sea. Whatever such scholars claim, the
and thus escaped the worst of the undead onslaught. nearby dragonborn clans revere Jaskow as a living god.
Now, however, packs of vorruqun prowl the borders Culwot’s Oculus, a site better known by its
of their ancestral hunting grounds. Little more than nickname the Swill, is an unexplained phenomenon in
caution stands between them and the plague that could the Black Ocean, just a few days east of Cape Druvidi.
wipe the name Miskawassech from history. Sailors are careful to go far around it, knowing too
The tribe of Ossawachu is closely related to its well how many wayward ships it swallows each year.
neighbor Miskawassech. Unlike the nomads, however, Out there, in the middle of the roughest waters in
the Ossawachu build sedentary dwellings from Vinramar, lies a sudden, round hole in the ocean where
branches, skins, and clay. Since the appearance of the the water drops over some invisible precipice to fall as
vorruc, this tribe has built towering walls of the same far down as the light will reach. The younger lads balk
material to block the vampires and vorruqun from at the stories, but each time a Black Ocean voyage fails
entering their stretch of jungle. So far, it has worked. to return, the older folk grow quiet, and every soul
The island kingdom of Rawth has lost nearly half imagines the panic of a vessel tipping into the oculus
of its citizens as they flee to the safety of other lands. and disappearing into black oblivion.
Crops rot in the field, shops have been stripped and Adventuring in Wellusk
deserted, and the lords that once prospered now waste Ruins feature as prominent locations in many regions
away in hiding. Only those most dedicated to the land of Vinramar, but Wellusk is a virtual continent of
remain, hoping beyond hope that the region will flower ruined settlements. This post-apocalyptic milieu
again some day. defines every moment a character spends here.
Places of Interest Life revolves around finding food, shelter, and
Carthaxis was once the longest-standing city in community—for the vorruqun as well as the human
Wellusk, now reduced to a treacherous quagmire of survivors.
collapsed and overgrown stonework. Its Hundred

112 Chapter Two | Vinramar

It’s not exactly a zombie survival scenario,
though. The vorruqun are anything but
mindless. Their savage appetite is focused and
tempered by the wiles of the hunter. Since
they can easily look and speak like humans,
their traps are as elaborate as their prey is
paranoid—and their disguise grows more
convincing the more often they feast.
Parties adventuring (or surviving) in
Wellusk tend to have one of two goals: adapt
or escape. Those who refuse to abandon their
home find nesting a difficult proposition,
but if they can obtain allies, supplies, and
a defensible shelter, they just might have
a chance. Many can last for some time in
such circumstances. Escape, on the other
hand, sounds far easier than it is. With ships
shunning the region and nearby settlements
all flooded with refugees, survivors need every
ounce of cunning and determination to put
this devastation in their past.
While circumstances seem to dictate an
exploration-based campaign, consider playing
against that expectation. You might make
apocalyptic survival the backdrop for a heist,
a small-scale military campaign, or life-and-
death intrigue among a colony of refugees.
Remember that players want something
concrete to fight for, and investing them in
characters is the surest way to provide that.
Here are three campaign hooks based in
the Wellusk region:
A half-elf and her companions lead a large
caravan of survivors to Dradun in hopes of
salvaging a small ship and sailing to her elven
father’s sanctuary in Talanbir.
Two respected leaders of a refuge have a
falling out, which threatens to turn their sewer-
based haven into a war zone.
A team of paranormal researchers from
throughout Vinramar have landed on the shores
of Wellusk to investigate the infected earth and
pursue rumors of dragonborn immunity. But
as their provisions quickly run low, they realize
someone on the team is sabotaging the mission.
Languages of Vinramar
Of the hundreds of languages spoken throughout belonging to these races might speak an obscure local
Vinramar, eighteen of the most common are listed on dialect or simply use a regional language.
the Languages of Vinramar chart. Beside each language When creating characters for the Darkplane
is listed its type, typical speakers, and script. Racial setting, be sure to substitute a regional language of your
languages are those exclusive to the communities of choice for Common. You should similarly substitute
a particular race, while regional languages are the Sylvandrae for Elvish, Dyraneff for Dwarvish or
various lingua francas (the equivalent of Common) Halfling, Daraghun for Draconic, Salohusaid for Orcish,
used in Vinramar’s world regions. Hallowed Tongue for Supernal, and Zhoroch for Abyssal.
Some races, such as the gugrum and humans, The following section describes the nine scripts
don’t have a unique language listed below. Characters mentioned on the chart.

Racial Scripts

Baeltor Script Maahivek Script

According to Etholchan scripture, Arrochimeir son of The maahiset race learned the power of geometry and
Daemoth stole several words of power from Loragg symbols from the goddess Ethis. Their runes allowed
before the numbering of years. Over the ages, the them to contact other planes, increasing their might
fiends used these stolen characters to develop their and learning. The letters of the Maahivek script are
own corrupted hieroglyphs. The Baeltor script is corrupted descendants of those first runes, used by
the descendant of that early abyssal language, used some of the maahiset’s descendants.
prominently throughout the reign of Mohtra. Daemons Languages: Dyraneff, Salohusaid
learn to write it in their early tutelage, and a variation is
still used in Mhelthep, the vampire tongue.
Languages: Mhelthep, Zhoroch
Mardellom Script
Loragg himself created the letters of the Hallowed
Tongue, called the Mardellom in reference to his
Elannin Script father’s palace Mardelthwaide. This sacred script was
Fey creatures’ love of art and language brought many used to scribe the writings of the jhareth elders, which
artifacts to Vinramar that bore their letters. The Elannin reach back more than 100,000 years. Their power has
script is a reminder of that lost world. It survives faded, but the jharethil still use them.
in common use as the alphabet of Sylvandrae, the Languages: Hallowed Tongue
language spoken by most elves. Travellers in Iljudheim
or Arwest that come upon elf camps might find the
flowing runes left behind on the trees and stone.
Languages: Losandrae, Sylvandrae

Konikhlun Script Yaelchalas Script

When the ancient maahiset first taught the dragonborn The words of the heathfolk are as sacred to them as any
to speak, the two tribal societies flourished until war holy site or relic. Developed during their isolation in
and enmity drove them apart. The dragonborn soon the Wild Age, the Yaelchalas script is known for hiding
devised their own letters in imitation of the Maahivek complex significance in every subtlety of its spidery
runes. The Konikhlun script was developed for letters. Students come from near and far to learn the
convenient writing in dirt or sand, and so each letter language from the heathfolk themselves.
uses the thumb-claw to make a point, then the other Languages: Roccurish
claws to draw lines beside it.
Languages: Daraghun

114 Chapter Two | Vinramar

Regional Scripts

Arroch Script Olmeníhuec Script
During the Wild Age, the Forroth humans developed The Quitzál language, spoken by humans and gugrum in
a system of writing quite separate from those of other the Norlythe, is written using a distinct set of pictograms
human groups. Having more in common with the called the Olmeníhue. Since the Quitzál cultures keep
Mardellom letters than Syriod or Mottan, the Arroch few written records, their symbols are more often carved
script has proved to have considerable longevity. into the stone of monuments and temples.
Languages: Arroch Languages: Quitzál

Mottan Script Syriod Script

The cultures of the West derive their written language The letters of the Syriod script reflect the detail and
from the humans of Mohtra, who developed the use finesse that is characteristic of early Omhatra painting.
of crude characters that eventually became the Mottan Their calligraphic alphabet surged into popularity
script. Today, this alphabet is used by the majority of across the East as Syrikhali settlers spread to Wellusk
the literate West. and Goltaraim.
Languages: Iljerkr, Motare, Trentsmin Languages: Goltalaid, Syriod, Welluskud

Languages of Vinramar
Language Type Typical Speakers Script
Arroch Regional language Natives of Arrochule Arroch
Daraghun Racial language Dragonborn, dragons, kobolds, and other Spawn of Lakhi Konikhlun
Dyraneff Racial language Sarrow Maahivek
Goltalaid Regional language Natives of Goltaraim Syriod
Hallowed Racial language Jharethil, natives of Salvendum Mardellom
Iljerkr Regional language Natives of Iljudheim Mottan
Khivmat Racial language Werekin None
Losandrae* Racial language Fey creatures, natives of Iltallach Elannin
Mhelthep Racial and regional Vampires and their slaves, natives of Perrith Gorr Baeltor
Motare Regional language Natives of Motta Mottan
Quitzál Regional language Natives of the Norlythe Olmeníhuec
Roccurish Racial and regional Heathfolk, natives of Chayrshellech Yaelchalas
Salohusaid Racial language Telmatra Maahivek
Sylvandrae Racial language Elves Elannin
Syriod Regional language Natives of Syrikhal Syriod
Trentsmin Regional language Natives of Trentsmund Mottan
Welluskud Regional language Natives of Arwest and Wellusk Syriod
Zhoroch* Racial language Demons, devils, natives of the Abyssal Throne Baeltor
*These languages, though spoken by inhabitants of Vinramar, are native to the other world listed

Chapter Two | Vinramar 115

Chapter Three

The thing stalks me day and night. I see it in the mirror, hovering over my
shoulder, and in the corner of my eye. It chitters and slops, always just out of
sight. The gugrum call it Mandababanua—the tenebrous centurion. No other sees
it; nothing stops it. It has somehow marked me, and when I sleep I feel my bones
tug at the flesh, pulling away to join it.
—From the journal of Dr. Cashian Dole, found butchered in D’arthel
* * *
The success of a Darkplane story doesn’t depend much on the presence of
particular characters or locations. While this book has plenty of both, the themes
and tone that color them are generally more pivotal. Most of the mechanical
elements that will help your game achieve a Darkplane feel can be found in this
chapter, including backgrounds, classes and features, items, factions, monsters,
and system options.
Most important to creating stories in this universe is the use and treatment of
the supernatural. Balancing the presence of cosmic horrors with a sense of realism
isn’t always easy. On one hand, if your characters only deal with the mundane,
the setting loses its flair. But on the other, if magic, gods, and aliens become
commonplace it cheapens their dramatic impact.
To maximize the wonder and dread of the supernatural, Darkplane stories
should be grounded in dark realism. Introduce paranormal occurrences as
anomalies in the characters’ experiences. Artifacts, spells, and monsters are most
thrilling when used sparingly at the climax of an adventure. If you leave your
players craving more, you can build tension and awe across an entire campaign.
This sense of wonder is most difficult to achieve when a particular monster or
scenario becomes predictable, such as when every player at the table is familiar with
it. Feel free to make subtle changes to the nature or behavior of common threats
in order to keep them just beyond the players’ understanding. When they realize
that the game won’t necessarily operate the way they expect, they’ll feel the rush of
discovery, and more easily immerse themselves in the mysteries of the campaign.
Such unanswered questions fuel the story’s momentum and keep us coming
back. Heroes in a Darkplane campaign should be pursuing understanding,
whether by investigating murders, chasing personal agendas, or exploring the vast
world around them. We as players experience everything through the discoveries
of these relatable characters. Real people have secrets, they contradict themselves,
they do unexpected things, and sometimes their motives are mystifying or
ugly. Gather a few of these personalities, weave the strands together, and you’ve
instantly got a tangled web for the player characters to unravel. And if they
discover something new about themselves, if they change irreversibly in the
process, you’ve told a story worth experiencing.

New Backgrounds
The following backgrounds provide additional options Feature: Inner Circle
for character creation. When your cult’s leader teaches or pronounces an
edict, you’re privy to the information. You know what
Cultist rites or tasks your brethren and sisters of the inner
Sometime before adulthood, you became involved circle have planned, and you have some sway with the
with an obscure religious sect that demands strict cult’s leader. You can usually lodge with fellow cultists
obedience. There are many unusual deities or ideals if need be, and they may keep you fed and supplied in
that you might embrace. Such followings may not be return for performing tasks and following the cult’s
evil, but they are usually secretive about their unusual strictures, which you and your GM should define.
beliefs and off-putting practices. Sometimes your
leaders plan illegal or taboo acts for you to commit Suggested Characteristics
that further the cult’s agenda. These plans may or may Cults are often driven by the charisma and manipulation
not cause harm to others, but sometimes they make of a single leader. Trust in that leader is essential for
members of the cult uncomfortable—not that they’d the believers to continue faithfully within the group.
ever admit it. Often the death of the leader jars the members of a cult
to their senses. Consider who the leader of your cult is,
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Religion
what your relationship is, and determine how secure
Tools: Disguise kit
you are in the beliefs you’ve been taught.
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Common clothes, ritual robes, a small cult
idol (holy symbol), a book of teachings, and a belt d8 Personality Trait
pouch containing 15 gp 1 No one can shake my faith, even with proof.
2 I don’t hold an attachment to worldly things,
Unorthodox Belief
since I’m destined to inherit much better.
The exact nature of your cult’s worship depends on
its beliefs, and which god, entity, or philosophy you 3 My sanity is slipping after years of seeing
embrace. Your cult could be a radical sect of an existing things not meant for mortal eyes.
religion, or it might worship a strange god. 4 I defend brothers and sisters of the order with
my life.
d8 Belief 5 My face is always an expressionless mask
1 The Black Lotus. Consciousness and the lacking empathy or feeling.
material world are illusions. 6 I indulge in worldly pleasures to drive away
2 Cult of Sowm. Sowm, the First Mother, isn’t the guilt of partcipating in disturbing rituals.
dead, but lives in hiding from her murderous 7 I use religion to justify hurting my enemies.
son Daemoth. 8 I’ve always believed I was special or chosen.
3 Fundamentalist. If I follow my radical sect,
death will grant me godhood.
4 The Hollow Crown. All the gods were killed
centuries ago, and now the religions of the
world only seek to maintain their false power.
5 Order of the Emptied Chalice. The Black
Arcane arts are gifts from the gods.
6 Primordial Cult. The world was stolen from
the primordial gods, and one day they’re
going to get their due.
7 Racial Cult. There is only one race the gods
approve of. The rest are abominations.
8 The Yáloin. Aberration is the ideal form. and
mutation brings mortals one step closer to deity.

d6 Ideal d6 Bond
1 Faith. I long for the day when all my beliefs 1 It started with seeking approval, but now I’ve
will be vindicated. (Good) fallen in love with my cult’s leader.
2 Ministry. Anyone and everyone is a possible 2 My best friend was sacrificed or hurt by my
convert, if I can get them to trust me first. brothers and sisters in the cult.

New Backgrounds
(Neutral) 3 My parents raised me to believe in this, and
3 Power. This cult is a lie, but I can use it to they still watch my devotion like hawks.
influence others and get what I want. (Evil) 4 I’ve come into possession of something that
4 Obedience. I support my leaders. Even when disproves my cult’s beliefs.
they cause me pain I know it’s for my own 5 My leader has entrusted me with a secret quest
good. (Lawful) that the other members can’t know about.
5 Safety. I comply with this nightmare of a 6 I fell in with the cult’s enemies, and now I
religion just to stay alive. (Neutral) feed them information on our activities.
6 Vengeance. The cult harmed me and now I
stay involved to sabotage its goals. (Chaotic) d6 Flaw
1 I like to reference obscure scripture and teach
others what they should believe.
2 The most casual happenstance might be a
sign from my god.
3 I’ll sacrifice anything to further my cult’s
agenda: friendships, possessions, even your life.
4 I have a secret sin or practice that would
brand me as a hypocrite.
5 Sometimes the letter of the law causes me to
violate the spirit of the law.
6 I’m intolerant and disparaging to those who
look or behave differently.

Doctor d6 Ideal
As a trained medic, surgeon, or physician, you’ve seen 1 Charity. As a trained medical professional it’s
all sorts of injuries and illness. You’ve learned how to my responsibility to care for the sick. (Good)
handle common medical situations without breaking
2 Science. My top priority is the enlightenment
a sweat, and your familiarity with important cases and
of the medical community. (Neutral)
treatments comes in handy.
3 Wealth. It pays to be the only one with the
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Persuasion antidote, and that’s who I want to be. (Chaotic)
Languages: Two of your choice
4 Connections. I have a professional reputation
Equipment: A healer’s kit, a vial of antitoxin, a
to maintain among the nobility. (Lawful)
hacksaw, an anatomy sketchbook, fine clothes, a
magnifying glass, and a belt pouch containing 20 gp 5 Immortality. I went into medicine to pursue
my obsession with curing death. (Neutral)
Feature: Medical Practice 6 Sadism. A part of me really likes inflicting
You have a place of practice where you commonly see pain on others. (Evil)
patients, and where you can get clean water, linens,
ointments, and other items useful to treating the sick.
d6 Bond
At your practice you have records of local and famous
medical cases, references for diagnosing rare illness, and 1 The cure for a particular ailment is out there.
contact information for other medical professionals that I’ll find it to save myself or a loved one.
you can ask for assistance. In times of war or pestilence, 2 As a medic for the military, it’s my duty to
you may be called on to treat the injured or infirm. care for wounded and sick soldiers.
3 Hospital administration is breathing down
Suggested Characteristics
my neck about the odd methods I employ.
An infirmary can be a shocking place, and many
doctors practically live there. There isn’t much that can 4 I’m a country doctor. I’ve acted as midwife,
faze them—even non-medical situations that strike veterinarian, surgeon, and coroner to most of
others as odd or uncomfortable rarely cause a doctor the families in these parts.
to bat an eye. For some, however, the constant presence 5 I have a hobby that requires me to buy
of death and malady can make them neurotic and cadavers from body snatchers.
overprotective. 6 Since the time I saw a flesh golem created,
I’ve been conducting experimental
d8 Personality Trait procedures trying to replicate it.
1 I listen patiently to the complaints of others.
2 I’m used to having an assistant when d6 Flaw
performing intense tasks, and at times expect 1 Whether helping a patient or setting up camp,
others to fill that role.
I’ve always got a routine that I insist on.
3 I’m uncomfortable with emotional intimacy
2 I take out my anger by being condescending
4 I take my downtime very seriously, and resent towards others.
things that pull me away from relaxation.
3 I can keep a strong stomach during surgery,
5 People always complain about my long- but I’m a coward in battle.
winded and patronizing explanations.
4 I spend nights conducting strange experiments
6 I deflect stress and difficulties with humor. that draw suspicion and leave me exhausted.
7 My job is to worry about others’ health, not 5 I’m impatient with people expressing pain.
my own.
6 I’m addicted to one of the medications I give
8 I have terrible bedside manner. When to my patients.
something’s wrong, I vocalize it.

120 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Lawyer d8 Personality Trait
You have studied law, qualifying you for legal services 1 When I get nervous, I talk. A lot.
in a particular jurisdiction. This understanding has
2 I’ve always got my nose in a book or three.
sharpened your verbal skills and taught you how to
use narratives to influence people. Language is one of 3 I speak in flowery language, especially when
your greatest tools. Your career in law might garner I’m lying.

New Backgrounds
you respect or derision, depending on your history and 4 When something important is happening, I
prevailing cultural attitudes toward lawyers. lecture or give emotionally charged speeches.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion 5 I’m a pathological liar.
Languages: Two of your choice 6 I have one word or gesture that I use repeatedly.
Equipment: A book of legal theory and case histories, 7 Sometimes I argue just to entertain myself.
a pen and bottle of black ink, 3 sheets of paper,
8 I choose my battles carefully.
fine robes befitting your legal station, a letter from
someone in the area desperately pleading for legal
d6 Ideal
help, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
1 Mercy. Everyone deserves second chances,
Feature: Legal Training even people who don’t appreciate them. (Good)
With your GM, choose a nation or legal system in 2 Truth. I can never tell a lie. (Good)
which you have jurisdiction. You are familiar enough
3 Wealth. Gold is my oldest friend, motivator,
with the law and courtroom procedures of that area to
and confidant. (Neutral)
litigate, draw binding contracts, or competently plead a
case before a judge or magistrate. With sufficient ability 4 Exactitude. Anything that isn’t correct or in
checks, you can also forge legal documents. In your order is a thorn in my side. (Lawful)
downtime, you might earn a living as a barrister, judge, 5 Justice. Rules exist to protect people, and I
proctor, or solicitor. don’t tolerate those who violate them. (Lawful)
6 Influence. If I can pat the right backs, they’ll
d4 Law Specialty pat mine. (Any)
1 Barrister. An orator and law expert, you
plead cases before a judge on behalf of others. d6 Bond
2 Judge. You hold court and decide the outcome 1 I refused to give someone legal help, and now
of legal proceedings as a judiciary authority. that person’s life is ruined.
3 Proctor. Your authority is over church law 2 My closest friend began as my client. Now
within a specific religious organization. we’re inseparable.
4 Solicitor. You represent the legal interests of 3 I recently got out of law after a high-profile case.
others outside of the courtroom, handling 4 My area of expertise tends to bring me clients
contracts and giving legal advice. from near and far.
5 I’ve signed more forged documents than
Suggested Characteristics genuine ones in my career.
Lawyers come from many backgrounds and 6 A mysterious person is blackmailing me.
personality types. You might be a purehearted advocate
for the downtrodden, or just an amoral sleaze looking
d6 Flaw
for a break. Whatever your angle, you can usually talk
yourself out of a tight spot. 1 I’ll do or say anything to “win.”
2 My cushy lifestyle is everything to me.
3 I’m incapable of letting an argument go,
especially when I’m correcting someone.
4 My knowledge of the law is encyclopedic, but
I have terrible people skills.
5 I get upset when people don’t treat me with
respect and formality.
6 I can and do make every conversation about me.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 121

You have somehow learned to tap into the Spirit
Realm, allowing you to communicate with spirits
that linger at the edge of the veil between their
world and the Material Realm. The contact is never
earth-shattering, but you use it often in small ways,
including to make a living. Whether you gather
others at a table to contact their dead, or seek out
haunted locales to placate angry spirits, people tend
to look to you for help with the occult.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Performance
Tools: Disguise kit, one type of gaming set or
musical instrument
Equipment: A holy symbol or spellcasting focus
(arcane, druidic, or psionic), strange robes, a
large tome on demonology and the Spirit Realm,
a flask of holy water, a bundle of twelve candles,
a tinderbox, a vial of exotic perfume, a small bell,
and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Séance
You can receive messages from nearby spirits
through your holy symbol or spellcasting focus.
Sometimes this puts you into a trance in which
you can only speak simple phrases or answer
yes-or-no questions on behalf of the spirit. More
often the contact is subtle and difficult to sense.
You might hear a simple message to a loved one,
gain knowledge of details from the ghost’s life, or
elicit a small demonstration of its presence (such as
flickering lights or knocking sounds).
You can’t be sure of the accuracy of the
communications, or if the spirit you’re speaking
to is even who it purports to be. There are many
devious ghosts who entertain themselves by tricking
sensitive mortals. When you seek to contact a spirit,
specify whom, if anyone, you’d like to speak with.
Your GM then rolls secretly on the following table to
determine the result.

d12 Séance Result d6 Ideal
1 None 1 Kindness. There are souls in anguish, living
2 A violent ghost that attacks anyone present or dead, and I can help them. (Good)
3 The spirit of an arbitrary dead plant or animal 2 Love. I lost someone close to me and I’m
determined to stay close to their spirit.
4 The spirit of an arbitrary plant or animal that

New Backgrounds
died in your current location.
3 Knowledge. This gift will one day teach
5 An arbitrary unborn spirit
me something truly profound if I perfect it.
6 An arbitrary spirit from ancient history (Neutral)
7 An arbitrary spirit that recently died 4 Fame. This gift is my ticket to celebrity.
8 An arbitrary spirit that died in your current (Neutral)
location 5 Duty. I have a responsibility to bring many
9 A well known spirit from ancient history people important messages from the Spirit
10 A well known spirit that recently died Realm. (Lawful)
11 A spirit whose identity you specified 6 Dominion. While I decide what their dead
12 You enter a trance and become stunned for loved ones say, I have complete control over
1 minute. While in the trance, the specified others. (Evil)
spirit controls your body. The trance ends if
anyone touches you. d6 Bond
1 No matter what I do, I can’t speak with the
Suggested Characteristics spirit that’s most important to me.
Gifts such as yours don’t leave a person unchanged. 2 Someone powerful got an answer they didn’t
You might manage to appear well adjusted, but as like, blamed me, and destroyed my life.
with your interactions with the spirits, nothing is
3 There’s one mysterious spirit that torments
as it seems. You might have the air of always being
me, and I know there’s a reason.
distracted, or perhaps you stare deep into others’ eyes
as if you see into their souls. Maybe you seem weary, or 4 I learned a profound secret about myself or
are suspicious of everyone. Whatever effect the spirits the afterlife, and it’s tearing me apart.
leave on you, they have taught you not to take anything 5 A spirit told me the remote location of its
for granted. hidden treasure.
6 I have a wealthy patron who gets me into the
d8 Personality Trait highest circles.
1 I act haughtily with those who don’t believe
in spiritualism. d6 Flaw
2 I give a lot of well-meaning advice. 1 I bluntly speak the truth without regard for
3 My etiquette is impeccable. people’s feelings.
4 Everyone is a friend, or potential friend. 2 When it comes down to it, I trust the dead
5 Despite my gift, I’ve always been a serious more than the living.
skeptic. 3 Showmanship is more important than honesty.
6 I rarely speak. At any moment the spirits 4 The dead terrify me.
might tell me a critically important message.
5 I believe that no one can or will understand
7 My cosmic perspective makes me seem distant. my burdens.
8 I startle very easily. 6 I’m convinced that nothing really matters in
the grand scheme of things. Death is the great

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 123

Prisoner d6 Ideal
You’ve spent a portion of your life imprisoned for a 1 Liberty. No one should suffer what I’ve
crime. Perhaps you were guilty, perhaps you weren’t, suffered. (Good)
but your life has been forever changed by the penalty
2 Peace. If I can make peace with those I’ve
you paid. While you languished in a cell, the world
wronged, I’ll be able to rest easy. (Good)
outside kept moving, eventually forgetting about you
entirely. Your friends and family no longer speak of 3 Adventure. My former life will only bring me
you, and might even fail to recognize you if you showed pain. Time to make a new one. (Neutral)
up on their doorstep. What you choose to make of 4 Legacy. I want to leave something of myself
yourself with such a blank slate is up to you. behind so my life wasn’t wasted. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Sleight of Hand 5 Revenge. My enemies will pay for
Tools: One type of gaming set or musical instrument imprisoning me. (Chaotic)
Languages: One of your choice 6 Reform. I have learned that crime is a plague,
Equipment: An iron ball and chain (you can use it as a and I will never tolerate it again. (Lawful)
flail, but add the heavy and two-handed properties),
ragged clothes, a journal you kept in prison, a d6 Bond
memento given to you by a loved one before your 1 My dearest loved one forgot me and moved
imprisonment, and a trinket entrusted to you by on, but I can’t do the same.
another prisoner on your release
2 Another prisoner told me wild tales about
Feature: Forgotten hidden treasure in the wilderness.
No one remembers or recognizes you, including your 3 I had a close companion in prison who was
friends and family. Local authorities dismiss you as a executed, and I promised to settle his affairs.
destitute beggar, and all records of your dealings have
4 I converted to a new religion while imprisoned
been buried or lost. You may have picked up a useful
and decided to make a sacred pilgrimage.
piece of information in prison, such as a cellmate’s
confession, the hidden location of a valuable item, or a 5 The enemies that put me away are still in power.
secret that no one would believe. 6 A cellmate told me a terrible truth about the
nature of reality, and I can’t look at the world
Suggested Characteristics
the same.
Those who have survived the crucible of confinement
are haunted by what they experienced. Hunger,
deprivation, filth, and mistreatment may have d6 Flaw
embittered them to all those who walk free, or perhaps 1 When I see someone’s freedoms taken away, I
given them a fresh appreciation for the beauty of the go into a blind rage.
outside world. 2 Prison gave me a taste for killing.
d8 Personality Trait 3 The law never did me a lick of good, so why
abide by it?
1 I always give others the benefit of the doubt.
4 I’m having a hard time severing my
2 My fair speech and manner reveals that I was connection to the crime world.
not always a beggar in rags.
5 I can’t abide the sight of luxury.
3 Sometimes I say what I really think under my
breath as if no one is there to hear it. 6 Someone I’m close to has begun to suspect
who I once was.
4 I’m eager to prove my innocence whenever
it’s questioned.
5 Something I saw in prison left me with a stutter.
6 I keep the memento of my lost love on my
person at all times to remind me of what I lost.
7 When I eat, I scarf the food down before
someone takes it away.
8 The only hints others see of my terrible past
are the violent nightmares that keep me awake.

124 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Psychologist d6 Ideal
Despite the vile practices that often pass as mental 1 Healing. The world is made up of two kinds
health treatment, your expertise in the rehabilitation of people: those who heal and those who
of the psyche has helped many overcome madness and hurt. (Good)
its effects. You’re trained in counseling, diagnosing,
2 Ego. I see most things as a chance to prove
and treating those who suffer mental illness. You might
my superiority. (Neutral)

New Backgrounds
be working out your own disturbed issues, or perhaps
you have a supernatural insight into the minds of 3 Sanity. There has to be a rational explanation. I
your patients. Likely, you work or once worked in a won’t accept any other interpretation. (Neutral)
sanitarium, where you saw and heard things that may 4 Understanding. There’s something about
never leave you. myself or someone else that I’m determined
to explain. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion
Tools: Herbalism kit 5 Comfort. More than anything, people need to
Languages: One of your choice feel at ease. Why make a fuss? (Chaotic)
Equipment: A morphine case, a book on the 6 Appetite. When I treat the insane, I’m
interpretation of dreams, a volume describing actually grooming them as victims for my
psychoses and their associated treatments, a secret depravity. (Evil)
straitjacket, an ice pick and mallet, fine clothes, and
a belt pouch containing 20 gp d6 Bond
Feature: Psychoanalysis 1 I have a contact among the local authorities
You can spend time with those who have developed a who calls me to consult on criminal cases.
form of madness to counteract its effects. You know 2 My last romance was with someone who
the most effective methods for preserving sanity, might as well have been my patient.
and which respected professionals to approach with 3 I witnessed awful things at the sanitarium, but
questions. While in your presence, characters can one in particular could get me into trouble.
ignore the effects of one form of short-term or long-
4 I will discover the truth about myself, and the
term madness. You can spend 100 collective hours of
strange things that happen around me.
downtime with a character to cure them of one form of
indefinite madness. 5 One of my former patients is a famous
Suggested Characteristics
6 The local graveyard is filled with victims of
While some psychologists have a soothing manner, my failed lobotomies.
others might be manipulative sadists dealing with
their own lunacy. You’ve likely seen the extraordinary
power of the mind in action, but when reason seems to d6 Flaw
fail, perhaps your instincts tend to search for the most 1 Nothing is quite good enough for me.
rational explanation. 2 Talking about a problem is much more fun
than solving it.
d8 Personality Trait
3 I’m constantly telling others to calm down.
1 I like to know as many details as possible
before I choose my course. 4 Strangers seem to just plain dislike me.
2 I read deeply into all my social interactions. 5 I often project my own issues onto those who
seek my help.
3 I tend to look for flaws in everything.
6 I always seem to get tangled in my own
4 My manner is always perfectly calm.
manipulative webs.
5 I have an endless reservoir of quotes from the
great minds of art and science.
6 Just because I’m good with people doesn’t
mean I’m smart. Or qualified, frankly.
7 I have an obsessive fixation that creeps into
every conversation.
8 Everything reminds me of an old case.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 125

Reporter d6 Ideal
In some developed nations, the common people 1 Honesty. I get indignant when people lie to
find news and current affairs in written or printed me, especially those in authority. (Good)
publications rather than by word of mouth. In such
2 Accountability. No one is above the people’s
societies, the reporter wields significant influence.
right to know. (Neutral)
Sifting, investigating, and at times controlling the flow
of information, you’ve got an ear to the ground and you 3 Fairness. The best things usually present
know how to hold your own when things get rough. themselves over time. It does no good to judge
rashly. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight
4 Precision. I’m meticulous in whatever I do,
Tools: Disguise kit
whether it’s checking up on a story or buying
Languages: One of your choice
goods and services. (Lawful)
Equipment: A set of common clothes, a stack of calling
cards with your residence and contact information, 5 Attention. Getting noticed is the first step
a pocket watch, an ink pen, a bottle of ink, a small to getting ahead. What are a few lies among
notebook containing notes on the movers and shakers friends? (Evil)
of your locale, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp 6 Action. You’re likely to find me wherever the
fight is hardest. (Any)
Feature: Off the Record
You have a way of getting people to feel comfortable
sharing their private affairs, or the affairs of others. d6 Bond
As a result, your notebook is full of dirt, leverage, 1 I have an anonymous contact feeding me the
and winning stories. Most of the important people in story of a lifetime, piece by piece.
cities have small secrets they’d like to keep out of the 2 I spent time in prison for libel, and collected a
press. How you use your knowledge depends on how few enemies along the way.
sympathetic you are to their plight, and how juicy the 3 I’m working on a charged exposé about a
story is. particular organization.
Suggested Characteristics 4 While investigating an old crime, I found
No one knows how to rile up readers better than a evidence that the convicted party is innocent.
good reporter. Whether you’re writing for a tabloid, 5 Someone higher up on the food chain has me
sketching the events of a trial, or handwriting your in her pocket, and now I only report what she
own propaganda, you probably have a bold streak that tells me to.
can get you in and out of trouble. The best reporters are
6 Despite some hard-hitting stories a few years
dauntless, risking life and reputation for the common
ago, people seem to think I’ve lost my game.
folk’s right to know (or their right to be entertained).

d8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw

1 Others rarely see the real me. 1 I decry every event as a catastrophe.
2 People fascinate me, and I go to absurd lengths 2 In a dispute, I twist meaning and put words
to investigate activity that piques my interest. in people’s mouths.
3 I’m starting to feel too old for this dangerous 3 My brutal honesty has cost me a lot of friends.
work, and I usually mention it before walking 4 I arrive late, and always a mess.
into peril.
5 Danger doesn’t hold me back from chasing
4 When negotiations begin, I grit my teeth and what I want.
hold my ground.
6 If the story’s good, I treat it as true.
5 I know every joke ever told, and I often share
6 Truth is relative. So are honor, pride, and
bravery for that matter.
7 I’m often taken with whatever’s new and current.
8 I carefully weigh risks before acting.

126 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Slave d6 Ideal
Much of your life has been spent in forced servitude to 1 Compassion. I pity my captors. The anguish of
another family, culture, or species. You might have been captivity is nothing to match the anguish of an
abducted, defeated in battle, or born to enslaved parents. avaricious soul. (Good)
It’s likely your master kept you restrained or even beaten.
2 Penance. I’m a slave because I need to atone
Whether you’re still in captivity is up to you. Maybe
for a great wrong I did. (Neutral)

New Backgrounds
you escaped or bought your freedom, or perhaps your
master has entrusted you with an errand. You could 3 Vengeance. My master and his family will pay
even be the slave of another member of your party. dearly for the blood they’ve spilt. (Neutral)
4 Formality. The customs of great households
Skill Proficiencies: Survival; your choice of Animal
have become very important to me. (Lawful)
Handling, Athletics, or Performance
Tools: Your choice of vehicles (land) or one type of 5 Freedom. I object to all forms of bondage. No
artisan’s tools connected to your duties one should wear a chain. (Chaotic)
Languages: One language spoken by your master 6 Piety. As much pain as my captivity has
Equipment: A set of rags or traveler’s clothes, a set of brought me, it drove me to a religious
artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a coded map to a awakening that made me who I am. (Any)
refuge for escaped slaves, and a pouch containing 2 gp
Feature: Blend In d6 Bond
Because of your race, features, or a slave brand, people 1 I have a close (perhaps intimate) relationship
in the society that enslaved you tend to take little with someone who isn’t a slave.
notice of your presence. You’re familiar with the sort of 2 My family is out there somewhere, and I will
households or camps in which you’ve served, and you meet them again.
can often blend in with groups of slaves there. People of 3 I’m involved in an underground railroad that
high status might even do things in your presence that illegally escorts slaves to freedom.
they would usually reserve for when they are alone.
4 I witnessed someone do something
d4 Duties incriminating, and they silenced me by selling
1 Cooking, personal attendance, or menial me into slavery.
household tasks 5 I’ve been given a particularly grievous slave
2 Herding, grooming, or carriage driving brand that causes others to hate or befriend me.
3 Hard labor or crafting 6 As a final act, my master entrusted me with a
vital secret and a solemn task.
4 Fighting in battle or gladiatorial combat

Suggested Characteristics d6 Flaw

Slaves react to their captivity in a variety of ways. You 1 There’s a rage inside of me that comes out
might be quiet, defiant, embittered, humble, angry, when I’m backed into a corner. It can’t be
kind, petty, strong-willed, or a complex combination of controlled.
such qualities. If your master is gentle, you may have
2 I’m not comfortable with speaking to others.
learned to trust one another and even be friends, but
such relationships are uncommon. 3 My escape has left me a high-profile fugitive,
and I’m not good at staying out of sight.
d8 Personality Trait 4 I hoard possessions now that I have them.
1 I never speak a word of complaint. 5 I’ve been punished for telling the truth, so
2 My dream is to escape and travel the world. now I usually lie.
3 I defiantly look everyone in the eye. 6 I have no compassion toward those who are
4 I lost my family, so I gather friends where I can. suffering. They cannot know my own pain.
5 No one will ever order me around again.
6 I hold onto trinkets as if they were prized riches.
7 Compliance is usually rewarded, so I bow.
8 I will always resent my master’s society.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 127

Variant Guild Artisan: d8 Personality Trait
Mechanic 1 I get excited when I’m in the public eye or
Your craft is the building and maintenance given attention.
of machinery. Your experience might involve 2 I’m flirtatious with most people, and it seems
gunsmithing, steam engines, gas lamps, blast furnaces, to get me places.
printing presses, threshing machines, or industrial
3 My words are calculated carefully, especially
mills, drills, and pumps. With the right resources,
when a group of people is listening.
you can build and maintain these types of industrial
machinery. Your hands are strong and careful, and you 4 There’s only one life to live. Why should I
have plenty of experience getting them dirty. waste it in meetings and ceremonies?
Rather than a guild, you belong to a union dedicated 5 Government is meant to protect the simple
to technological progress. Such societies are the rivals of pleasures of life, like drinking and wenching.
artisan guilds, whose members tend to be displaced by 6 I’ve got all the answers.
industrial machinery. Perhaps you’re a factory inspector, 7 I take sole responsibility for my actions,
railway engineer, or a firearm manufacturer. and I hold others to the same level of
Choose tinker’s tools, carpenter’s tools, or smith’s accountability.
tools for your artisan’s tools. Your skill proficiencies
8 Enough talk. My attitude is “let’s roll up our
are Investigation and Perception, and you may replace
sleeves and do something about it.”
your additional language with proficiency with vehicles
(land), vehicles (water), or firearms.
d6 Ideal
Variant Noble: Politician 1 Protection. Power and authority exist to
In a constitutional society, the influence of politicians defend the weak and downtrodden. (Good)
rivals that of the aristocracy. Though many are of high 2 Influence. I’m always looking for
birth, just as many seem to come from more humble opportunities to do a favor, and get one in
roots. The most successful are shrewd and cunning return. (Neutral)
leaders. Perhaps you are the prefect of a small city who 3 Obedience. The law is the law is the law. To be
rose to political prominence, or a calculating senator civilized is to follow rules to the letter. (Lawful)
poisoning your way to the top of the food chain.
4 Might. It makes right, and I prefer to have the
If you wish, you can replace your feature with
bigger stick. (Evil)
the People Person feature below. A good number of
politicians began their careers with an interest in law, 5 Accountability. The world is full of people in
so you might also choose the lawyer’s feature Legal high places hiding their mistakes. (Chaotic)
Training, especially if your political position involves 6 Liberty. No one tells me how to live my life.
legislation. (Chaotic)
Feature: People Person
You have a natural aptitude for remembering people. If d6 Bond
you’ve met someone in person, however briefly, there’s 1 My political career was backed by an
a good chance you recall significant details about them. influential organization, and now I can’t get
Maybe you never forget names, retain a clear memory of free of their control.
something they explained to you, or perhaps you notice 2 I managed to book a meeting with one of the
details about their appearance that no one else would most important people in the nation. Now
focus on. Even years later, these details stay with you. what do I say to them?
Suggested Characteristics 3 No one knows it yet, but I have the answer to
Your nation of origin will determine a lot about your a widely misunderstood political issue.
experience and temperament. In Trentsmund, for 4 People from my hometown or constituency
example, where the monarchy is more symbolic, won’t stop coming to me with their problems.
politicians are the true rulers of the kingdom. Their 5 I recently lost incriminating evidence that
position comes with prestige, power, and often someone might use against me.
corruption. In Goltaraim and Arrochule, politicians 6 I have a valuable connection in espionage or
report and advise, hoping to influence the monarchs private detective circles.
and oligarchs without wearing out their usefulness.

128 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

d6 Flaw Feature: Tracker
You know what beasts are native to an area, and you
1 Everyone has a vice, right? Well, I’ve got them
can identify their movements well enough to find one
all. of a given type by tracking for 3 hours of downtime.
2 Crime pays. Weekly, in fact, if I turn a blind eye. You can’t use this feature to guarantee finding a
3 I always say what I think I’m expected to say. particular creature, but you can discover likely dens

Variant Backgrounds
4 When it comes right down to it, I’m apathetic and hunting patterns of local beasts within half a day’s
about most parts of my life. journey of your camp.
5 The better part of valor is making a deal with
Variant Sage: Professor
the enemy. I can always save my friends later.
You have chosen to dedicate yourself to formal
6 Beneath all the speeches and rhetoric, I’m a research and instruction in a chosen field. As part of
dimwitted bully. an institution for higher learning, you’ve read most of
what there is worth reading in your area of specialty.
Variant Outlander: Explorer Prospective students who have heard your name come
Some wander the wilds in order to civilize them. They to you with questions and favors. When you choose
make and map trails, develop relations with native this background, choose a field to determine which
cultures, and bring evidence of these achievements back skill proficiencies will replace the sage’s, or roll a d20
to their homeland. Many of the same skills are shared and consult the following table.
between explorers and other outlanders, but their goals
tend to be quite different. You might have set out to prove d20 Academic Field Skill Proficiencies
a geographical hypothesis, been hired to create a trail 1 Anthropology History, Religion
between two distant cities, or perhaps you’re looking for 2 Arcane Studies Arcana, History
a mythical site rumored to be hidden in the wilderness. 3 Archaeology History, Investigation
Instead of a musical instrument, you’re proficient
4 Architecture History, Investigation
with vehicles (land), vehicles (water), or navigator’s
tools. You can replace one skill proficiency with either 5 Art History History, Religion
the History or Nature skill. If you wish, you can replace 6 Astronomy Arcana, Religion
your feature with Local Guide. 7 Biology Nature, Survival
Feature: Local Guide 8 Chemistry Medicine, Nature
Your connections with the local inhabitants of a 9 Economics History, Investigation
wild region provide you with a guide who knows the 10 Engineering Investigation, Perception
roads you mean to take. He or she warns you of the
11 Government History, Insight
dangerous aspects of the journey, advises you on the
best ways to forage for food and water, and can bring 12 History History, Insight
you to key landmarks in the area. If you pay a modest 13 Literature History, Insight
fee, the local guide might even agree to carry your 14 Languages History, plus two
equipment and hunt for you. additional languages of
your choice
Variant Outlander: Hunter 15 Mathematics Investigation, Perception
Not every wilderness-dweller is concerned with the lay
16 Medicine Medicine, Survival
of the land. Hunters focus on the creatures that live in
the outlands, using the senses and skills of a predator 17 Mythology History, Performance
to track their game. While their motives vary, the best 18 Philosophy Insight, Persuasion
hunters share a deep respect for the majesty and power 19 Psychology Insight, Persuasion
of nature and its beasts. You might be the last true 20 Theology History, Religion
hunter of your tribe, a lone archer living off the land,
or a hired gun who keeps the bears and wolves from
hampering an expensive expedition.
If you wish to be a hunter, you may swap your
musical instrument proficiency for proficiency with the
poisoner’s kit. You gain the Tracker feature below to
replace the outlander’s.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 129

Variant Sage: Scientist secretive madmen, scientists live on the cutting edge
Scientists study nature, hoping to solve its puzzles of progress, hoping curiosity will lead them to the next
one by one and form a better understanding of the great discovery.
physical world. True scientists know, however, that Roll on the table below or choose from the
every question answered brings two more to light. options listed to determine your proficiencies. Add the
Whether privileged thinkers in the public eye or corresponding tools to your starting equipment as well.

d6 Field Skill Proficiencies Tools Languages

1 Astronomy Investigation, Religion Navigator’s tools One of your choice
2 Biology Nature, Survival Herbalism kit, poisoner’s kit None
3 Chemistry Medicine, Nature Alchemist’s supplies, poisoner’s kit None
4 Engineering History, Investigation Tinker’s tools None
5 Geology History, Nature Mason’s tools One of your choice
6 Physics History, Perception None Two of your choice

Classes in Vinramar
Look here for information on customizing the classes centuries since human assimilation, however, the term
to the world of Vinramar, including factions and ghazantra has taken on an almost religious connotation
subclasses unique to the Darkplane setting. as the telmatra tribes crusade against their neighbors in
the cause of ethnic purity.
Barbarian There are many gugrum, human, sarrow, and
Among Vinramar’s many tribal cultures are barbarians werekin cultures that also favor the path of the
whose ferocity is fueled either by battle-rage or by the barbarian. Such peoples have diverse customs that
influence of some otherworldly power. These primal might take any form you imagine.
manifestations are usually connected to the Irvallath,
primordial laborers who shaped the world in its Bard
infancy. Sarnoss, the Black Lion, is thought to endow The power of bards in the Darkplane setting doesn’t
worthy worshippers with his own savagery when truly come from their music or the level to which their
they fight in defense of the wild. The wood elves that performances entertain viewers. Bards in Vinramar
worship Emriel keep the skulls of their ancestors about derive their magic from the language of creation: the
their waist so that in battle, the spirits will take control Primordial Speech.
of their bodies and tear the enemy asunder. When the Irvallath awoke from the Void and spoke
Lurking out of the sight of human civilization, to one another, they did so with more than words. As
the dragonborn of clans Kaiervol and Medeghar have pure souls without physical form, they spoke through
nurtured the tradition they call Jindi at Khuf, the Sting the expression of art and creation, playing with the
of Teeth in Darkness. Students of this training practice fabric of reality, contriving the elements and the stars
triggering their rage through physical initiation and the beasts. The power of this communication has
techniques, like breath exercises, gutteral shouts, or never dimmed—only the memory of it, which lingers
even cutting their skin. Jindi at Khuf is often mistaken dream-like in the art forms inherited by every culture
by outsiders as a religious movement, but it’s more of a in Vinramar.
martial art than a form of worship. The term Primordial Speech is a misnomer because
The telmatra access their barbarian rage in less it isn’t limited to oral communication. It’s a language
formalized ways. Traditional telmatra tribes living at also comprised of movement, thoughts, memory,
the fringes of developed nations are known to exalt desire, and truth. Dance, music, and poetry express
their ghazatra, warriors whose actions in combat such things and so carry the smallest hint of the
displayed a complete lack of restraint. Originally Primordial Speech’s power, but when a bard enunciates
such barbarians became chieftains and tribal leaders, with the language of creation, every aspect of her soul
receiving concubines for their victories. In the recent is laid bare in sacred clarity.

130 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

The abilities bestowed on clerics are as diverse as the
deities they worship. The following descriptions offer
additional domain options for clerics who worship
aberrations, primordials, and other darker gods.

Classes in Vinramar
Divine Domain: Aberration
There are few known gods whose influence extends
beyond the territory of the four worlds. That alien
abyss is the dominion of mad, twisted beings whose
powers defy the fundamental assumptions of nature.
Of the handful of gods who have ventured into the
Darkplane, only Daemoth, Maruma’e, and Senfaer have
brought aberrant secrets back to their servants.
These acolytes of aberration understand only
infinitessimal glimpses of the horror that lies beyond
the natural worlds, but this is enough to tear the sanity
of their enemies apart. To them nature is heretical and
the faiths that fight aberrant influence are infidels.
Aberration Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st hideous laughter, silent image
3rd darkvision, detect thoughts
5th fear, major image
In many forgotten places, remnants of the 7th confusion, phantasmal killer
Primordial Speech can be discovered, and mastered 9th dream, geas
with painstaking study. The body learns a new bearing,
the mind feasts on truth, and the mortal mouth forms Bonus Proficiency
sounds it was never meant to utter. How exactly you When you choose this domain at 1st level, you become
obtain this knowledge is up to you and your GM. proficient in the Arcana skill.
Perhaps you’re the student of a tribal elder, a skald Telepathy
piecing together lost histories, or a daring grave robber At 1st level, you can use your bonus action to open a
who scours the land for hidden words of power. telepathic connection with a creature within 60 feet that
All primordial magic is perilous to attempt, and the knows at least one language. While the creature is in
Primordial Speech is no different. Its articulation leaves range, you can speak to each other telepathically. You do
the speaker with a light head and a putrid taste on the lips. not need to share a language to understand each other.
Those who witness the Primordial Speech are surprised You can end the connection whenever you choose. You
that they comprehend everything communicated—far can only have one telepathic connection open at once.
more, in fact, than they wish they did.
Channel Divinity: Fortify Sanity
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to erect a psionic shield. When you or a
Option: Forbidden Speech creature within 60 feet of you gains a temporary
To convey the dangerous nature of bard magic, the madness or takes psychic damage, you can spend a
GM can apply the following optional rule: reaction to grant it resistance to psychic damage and
At any time when a character casts a bard spell immunity to short-term madness for 1 minute.
of 1st-level or higher that has a verbal or somatic
component, the GM may require every creature Group Telepathy
that hears it, including the caster, to succeed on Starting at 6th level, you can maintain multiple
a Wisdom saving throw or gain a short-term telepathic connections at once. A single bonus
madness. The DC is 8 + the spell’s level. action can target up to six creatures. If you break this
connection with one creature, you break it with every
creature you targeted with the same action.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 131

Terrifying Strike Channel Divinity: Blood Siphon
At 8th level, you gain the ability to endow your weapon Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
strikes with psionic energy. Once per turn, when you Divinity to draw power from your bleeding wounds.
hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an When you take damage, you can use a reaction to
extra 1d8 psychic damage. When you reach 14th level, set aside one damage die rolled against you. You take
the extra damage increases to 2d8. no damage from that die, and before the end of your
next turn you can roll it and add the result to one of
Channel Divinity: Darkplane Ascension your attack or damage rolls.
At 17th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
open a portal into the Darkplane. Channel Divinity: Bloodmark
You may spend an action to create a 15-foot cone Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
extending from your holy symbol. The base of the cone to charm an enemy and use its mind as a scrying tool.
becomes a portal facing you, and creatures and objects As an action, make a melee spell attack against
within the cone are pulled through the portal into the a creature. This attack automatically misses if the
Darkplane unless they weigh 500 pounds or more, creature is immune to being charmed. If the attack
or succeed on a Strength saving throw. Once created, hits, you rub your blood on it, searing a branded mark
the portal stays open for 1 minute, or until you use an onto its body that remains as long as the effect is in
action to close it. place. The creature is charmed by you for 1 hour, and
in addition to your own sight you can see what it sees.
Divine Domain: Blood You cannot control what the creature is looking at or
To some faiths, the power of divinity is closely linked any of its actions, though while charmed it regards you
to blood, which holds the energy of the soul. Gods as a trusted friend. The effect ends if the creature takes
connected to primordial power such as Baturach, damage or if you hit another creature with this attack.
Daemoth, Emriel, Lakhi, Maruma’e, and Volgothyde
are willing to teach these macabre secrets to their Biting Strike
priests in exchange for devotion and worship. Simililar At 8th level, you gain the ability to endow your weapon
to the abilities harnessed by blood mages, blood strikes with primordial energy. Once per turn, when
domain powers are often related to binding and mind you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you deal an
control. extra 1d8 necrotic damage. When you reach 14th level,
Clerics of blood might hoard blood samples from the extra damage increases to 2d8.
many victims, experimenting and crafting powerful Improved Bloodmark
religious relics in hidden temples. The particular goals Starting at 17th level, when you hit a creature with
of these clerics depend on their chosen deity, but often Bloodmark you create a telepathic link with the
they’re concerned more with the sanctity of blood than target. This telepathic link lasts as long as the creature
the sanctity of life. is charmed, and you can use it to issue one-word
Blood Domain Spells commands, which it does its best to obey. The
effect lasts up to 8 hours, or as long as you maintain
Cleric Level Spells
1st bane, false life
3rd hold person, levitate Divine Domain: Darkness
When the sun sets, the priests of darkness venture into
5th fly, vampiric touch
the night like living shadows. Their presence is not always
7th banishment, locate creature felt as they call the Void forth, nor are their hidden altars
9th dominate person, planar binding seen by mortal eyes. They worship gods like Imbakhao,
Ulmhasa, and Daemoth, who use fear to inspire
Unnatural Recovery reverence, whose very presence is living emptiness.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you learn to The clerics of the darkness domain know how
cut primordial symbols into your flesh in order to regain to harness the material of the Shadow Realm to pass
some of your magical reserves. Upon finishing a short unseen, to call shadow creatures to their side, and to
rest, you can spend a number of hit dice equal to the twist the dreams and memory of other mortals. Their
combined level of the spell slots you wish to recover. All motives differ from god to god. Some fight shadow
recovered spell slots must be of 5th level or below. You with shadow, while others look forward to a day when
can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest. material life will be consumed by darkness.

132 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Darkvision Divine Domain: Pestilence
When you choose this domain at 1st level, your eyes Many of the gods authorize their servants to call
see through darkness into the shadow essence of all plagues and tempests on the unfaithful, but those
around you. You gain darkvision within 60 feet, and whose domain is pestilence find pleasure in the
have advantage when making Wisdom (Perception) poisoning and corruption of mortals. Deities like
checks to spot hidden creatures within that distance. Imbakhao, Silphenor, and Fimbuleth teach their

Classes in Vinramar
servants to strike fear into the hearts of the believers
Darkness Domain Spells
with ominous signs and threatening wonders. These
Cleric Level Spells clerics blight their enemies with blindness, hideous
1st sleep, unseen servant diseases, and swarms of beasts and insects.
3rd darkness, misty step
Pestilence Domain Spells
5th phantom steed, spirit guardians
Cleric Level Spells
7th dimension door, greater invisibility
1st detect poison and disease, inflict wounds
9th dream, modify memory
3rd blindness/deafness, ray of enfeeblement
Channel Divinity: Shadowblade 5th conjure animals, stinking cloud
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel 7th blight, dominate beast
Divinity to create a weapon out of shadow essence. 9th contagion, insect plague
As a bonus action, you can form a dark, shadowy
blade in your free hand. The blade is similar in size Bonus Cantrip
and shape to a scimitar, and you have proficiency with When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the
it. It lasts for 1 minute, or as long as you maintain thaumaturgy cantrip if you don’t already know it.
concentration. If you let go of the blade, it disappears,
but as long as your concentration isn’t broken you can Disease Resistance
form the blade again as a bonus action. Beginning at 1st level, you have advantage on saving
You can use your action to make a melee spell throws against the effects of disease and poison.
attack with the shadowblade. On a hit, the target takes
Channel Divinity: Signs of the Times
2d6 necrotic damage.
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
Channel Divinity: Shadow Mantle Divinity to call powerful wonders, signs, or omens
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel down from the heavens. When you cast the
Divinity to disappear into the darkness. As an action, thaumaturgy cantrip, you can expend a use of Channel
you become invisible until the end of your next turn. If Divinity to enhance it in one of the following ways.
you attack or cast a spell, you become visible again. • Add two additional effects from the spell’s
Twin Shadows
Beginning at 8th level, when you use Shadowblade, • Cast the spell with no components.
you form one shadowblade in each hand. When you • Extend the spell’s duration a number of days equal
take an action to attack with one shadowblade, you can to your cleric level.
use a bonus action to attack with the second one. • Extend the spell’s range as far as you can see.
When you reach 14th level, you add your Wisdom • Frighten creatures who see the spell effect and fail
modifier to the first shadowblade attack you make on a Wisdom saving throw. The frightened condition
your turn. If you have the fighting style Two-Weapon ends if the spell ends, or if the creature is attacked.
Fighting, you gain the benefit of it when making a If a creature succeeds on this saving throw, it is
second shadowblade attack. immune to this effect for 24 hours.
• The chosen effect cannot be dispelled.
Truth in Darkness
Channel Divinity: Consumption
Starting at 17th level, you can slip through the bounds
of the Material Realm to peer into the souls and minds Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel
of others. You can use an action to gain truesight Divinity to sap the physical stamina of natural
within 30 feet for 1 minute. While this effect is in creatures. Spend a bonus action when you deal
place, you can see into the Primordial Realm, the necrotic damage to a beast, fey, humanoid, or plant
Shadow Realm, and the Spirit Realm. to force it to make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failure, the target gains a level of exhaustion.
Withering Strike
At 8th level, you gain the ability to endow your weapon
strikes with corrosive energy. Once per turn, when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack, you deal an extra 1d8
necrotic damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra
damage increases to 2d8.
Crippling Consumption
At 17th level, your ability to exhaust enemies becomes
cruelly powerful. When you use Consumption on a target
with a challenge rating of 4 or lower, you can also target
any other beasts, fey, humanoids, or plants within 15 feet
of it that have a challenge rating of 4 or lower. On a failed
saving throw, these targets take three levels of exhaustion
instead of one.

Divine Domain: Stone

The primordial power to shape stone into liquid fire and
back to stone is the oldest and finest craft in the four
worlds. With it Ethis formed the first mountains and
deserts. Her step were hounded by the hunchback Jukai,
who marred the work in his lumbering quest to win her
love. These two deities still inhabit hidden sites of power,
teaching their secrets to hermits and madmen.
The clerics of stone look to the mountains as the
first artisanry of the gods. Through sheer force of will,
they twist and shape stone. Some seek spiritual peace by
becoming one with the earth, while others use their fiery
talents to reap mischief and chaos. Most clerics of the
stone domain become leaders of tribal cults seeking the
patronage of one primordial or the other.

Stone Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells
1st mage armor, thunderwave
3rd heat metal, protection from poison
5th erupting earth, meld into stone
7th stone shape, stoneskin
9th conjure elemental, wall of stone

Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
proficiency with martial weapons and light armor.

Burden of Jukai
Also at 1st level, you can use an action to create or dismiss
one of the following effects in an area of dirt, sand, or stone
you can see within 30 feet. The affected area is no larger
than a 5-foot cube, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.
• Create a pattern, shape, or words on the area’s surface.
• Change the shape of the dirt, sand, or stone.
• Change difficult terrain to normal terrain, or vice versa.
• Move the area up to 5 feet, either through the air Water Domain Spells
or along the ground, leaving a hole or empty space Cleric Level Spells
where it originally stood. This movement isn’t
1st create or destroy water, grease
forceful enough to damage creatures or objects.
3rd darkvision, pass without trace
Channel Divinity: Heartless Stone 5th water breathing, water walk
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel

Classes in Vinramar
7th conjure minor elementals, control water
Divinity to return an opponent’s attack with the power
of unyielding stone. 9th conjure elemental, maelstrom
When you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing Baturach’s Call
damage from a melee attack, you can use your reaction At 1st level, you can use an action to create or dismiss
to force the attacking creature to make a Strength one of the following effects in an area of water you can
saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes the same see within 30 feet. The affected area is no larger than a
damage it dealt you. Fail or succeed, the target is 5-foot cube, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.
knocked prone.
• Freeze water in the area. Creatures occupying the
Channel Divinity: Immutable area aren’t damaged or restrained by this effect.
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity • Change the opacity or color of all water in the area.
to counter the effects of certain magic. Use an action • Move or change the flow of water in the area up to
to remove the effects of one enchantment, illusion, or 5 feet, either through the air or through the water’s
transmutation spell from yourself or a creature you current. Any fluid within the area is moved with it.
touch. You can use this ability on unwilling creatures • Form the water into basic shapes that move as you
with a successful melee spell attack. The spell you direct them.
counter must be of a level equal to or less than your
highest remaining spell slot. Tidal Pull
At 1st level, you can move through calm water without
Magma Strike having to seriously exert yourself. You have a swim
At 8th level, you gain the ability to endow your weapon speed of 20 feet. You can allow the current to pull
strikes with bursts of liquid magma. Once per turn, you if sufficiently strong, but you don’t need to make
when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you deal Strength (Athletics) checks to swim, no matter how
an extra 1d8 fire damage. When you reach 14th level, rough conditions are.
the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Channel Divinity: Direct Current
Stone’s Endurance Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
At 17th level, when you would perform a Strength or Divinity to manipulate the current in a body of water.
Constitution saving throw, you can use your reaction While touching the water in a sea, lake, river,
to make a Wisdom saving throw instead. or stream, you can spend 10 minutes to change the
current’s direction or strength in a 120-foot sphere.
Divine Domain: Water
Swimmers and waterborne vehicles moving with the
The seas teem with strange creatures, some elegant and
current you set double their speed while in the affected
noble, others terrifying and malignant. The deities that
area. Those travelling against the current treat it as
created them take many forms. Lakhi, the mother of
difficult terrain. Alternatively, you can choose to make
serpents, appears as a blue aquatic dragon. Maruma’e
all water in the area normal or difficult terrain.
has a form so unnatural and repulsive that to look on it
These conditions follow you in a sphere for 8
means death. Their mother Baturach controls the tides
hours, or as long as you maintain concentration and
from her palace on the moon, ominous and elusive.
remain touching the water. If you lose physical contact
Shamans and witch doctors have passed down these
with the water, the effect ends and conditions return to
gods’ cults since prehistory.
normal after 1 minute.
It is uncommon to see clerics of the water
domain. Those who have pledged themselves to these Channel Divinity: Primordial Charm
primordial mistresses fight amongst one other for Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity
control of the sea. Whether dragonborn clan leaders or to hypnotize primordial creatures.
healers of the Jharric goddess Iala, clerics of the water As an action, you present your holy symbol
domain seek after the secrets beneath the tide. They and speak ancient words of elemental power. Each
look on water as a bringer of both life and death. elemental within 30 feet of you that can see or hear you

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 135

must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails Boxing
its saving throw, it is charmed by you for 1 minute or When determining the damage of your unarmed attacks
until it takes any damage. While charmed, the creature against creatures that aren’t wearing armor, double your
cannot move within 10 feet of you. If you move within Strength modifier. When you use the Dodge action
10 feet of it, the charmed creature is incapacitated while one hand is empty, you can, as a reaction, make an
until you move back to a distance of 10 feet, or until its unarmed attack against one enemy that missed you with
charmed condition ends. a melee attack before the beginning of your next turn.

Cold of the Deep Careful Stance

At 8th level your weapon attacks begin to bite and freeze. While you are not wearing any armor or using a shield,
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with a weapon your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Dexterity
attack, you deal an extra 1d8 cold damage. When you modifier + your Intelligence modifier if you have ever
reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8. seen the attacker take the Attack action.

Wellspring Marksmanship
Beginning at 17th level, you become a living vessel of You have proficiency with firearms.
holy water, and fire holds no fear for you. Whenever you
take fire damage, reduce it by 30. Monk
Those in Vinramar with the discipline to pursue an
Druid ascetic life have many options to choose from. The
The Divine Domains described above under Cleric most common monastic orders are headquartered in
account for characters who serve particular deities of the region of Syrikhal, with temple networks branching
an element or sphere. By contrast, druids are animists. through Arrochule, Arwest, Motta, and Trentsmund.
Their power lies in their ability to contact the souls These organizations tend to reflect the outlook and
and spirits of living things, although this power is philosophy of their particular leaders. Even those
often granted or focused by a particular personage pursuing the same path of purification might differ
connected to nature, such as Sarnoss, Jukai, or Zho- drastically as culture, religion, and ideology all take a
hau. Through this contact, druids command the birds, hand in shaping the monk’s rituals and teachings.
beasts, even the earth itself. The largest and most mainstream centers of
Although they exert such influence, not all druids monastic study are connected to Senfaer, the primordial
are devoted protectors of nature. There are those who god of order. Their deity’s role as star-traveler and
exploit this power for their own self-aggrandizement. defender of the four worlds from Darkplane aberrations
Others forsake speaking things for the company of has long imbued the Senfaerists with an emphasis on
simpler life forms. Distrust and skepticism have driven martial arts and the exploration of psionic talent.
plenty of both camps into the dark corners of civilization, The so-called 36 Methods of Liung Do are the
where druidic practices warped into disparate cults. basis of most Senfaerist martial arts. Each of the 36
combat techniques connects to a philosophy, teaching,
Fighter or principle embraced by the order, such as discipline,
It can be argued that most adventurers embark with little modesty, and mutual trust. Meditation and rigorous
more than determination and a strong arm. Fighters physical training are the hallmarks of Senfaerist orders.
represent that universal skill set, and can be customized Hundreds of lesser-known traditions produce
to represent bold people of action from any culture. monks in every corner of Vinramar. The Black Lotus
Some players aren’t interested in magic, and their first preserves Ulmhasa’s world-spanning shadow dancing
kernel of a character concept is a career or background techniques, the Order of Illiantri transforms its
rather than a roleplaying class. If you find yourself in impressionable zealots into living weapons of fear, and
this situation, the fighter class can keep your character’s the Disciples of the Living Gods train dragonborn
skill set centered in the mundane without forcing you to warriors to infuse their hand-to-hand combat with the
rationalize or explain away magical features. fury of the elements. Orders like these provide a path
A fighter might be a trained mercenary, street toward discovering the latent power within the body
thug, tribal warrior, or an aristocratic duelist. Anyone and soul. Many attach spiritual and moral truths to the
who can handle themselves in a physical confrontation pursuit, but some are more concerned with furthering
qualifies, making it one of the most flexible classes. a particular agenda on the world stage.
Below are three additional fighting styles available to
fighters to help expand the class’s versatility.

136 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Monastic Tradition: Way of Not all oaths are beneficent. Paladins of Daemoth,
Gallister, Volgothyde, or any of the primordials in the
the Wandering Stars
Irvallath pantheon are known to uphold tenets that
The following monastic tradition supplements those
would be repugnant to the uninitiated. Such champions
described elsewhere to help you create a monk whose
often swear to cast out the weak, exterminate rival
power incorporates natural psionic abilities.
races, and invite perilous beings into the mortal

Classes in Vinramar
Psionic Awakening world. If you’re interested in playing a paladin whose
Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your ki to mimic oath itself is morally grey, you might use some of the
the effects of particular spells. As an action, you can following options.
spend 2 ki points to cast calm emotions, detect thoughts,
Alternate Tenets
misty step, or shatter as a 2nd-level psionic spell
Particular dogmas and philosophies vary among the
without providing material components.
different factions that embrace paladin oaths. Below
In addition, you can use a bonus action to open
are a few additional tenets that you can swap in for
a telepathic connection with one creature within 60
the tenets usually associated with your sacred oath.
feet. While the creature is in range, you can speak to
In addition to these options, look at the tenets listed
each other telepathically. You do not need to share
under particular deities in Chapter 3 for more ideas.
a language, but the creature must speak at least
Defeat is just another path to victory. When
one language to understand you. You can end the
my cause suffers a loss, it is my duty to redouble my
connection whenever you choose. You can only have
commitment. All is possible if the gods will it.
one telepathic connection open at once.
Doubt is weakness. Moderation and tolerance are
Mind Thrust repugnant to my order. I’m willing to sacrifice all that I
At 6th level, your intrusion into the minds of others am for the cause.
opens up sanity-tearing vistas of the universe beyond The ends justify the means. No one can tell me that
natural reality. As an action, you can spend up to 3 ki my course is wrong if the destination is worthy.
points to force a creature within 60 feet to make an If you’re not with us, you’re against us. All things
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature are either for the cause or in opposition to it. Anyone
takes 2d6 psychic damage per ki point spent. who claims neutrality is lying.
Madness is truth; truth is madness. Natural reality
Hunter of Aberrations is offensive to the true order of the universe. Insanity
Starting at 11th level, your contact with Darkplane brings us one step closer to the gods.
forces makes you especially resilient to its denizens. Now is the time to act. There is a divine plan for my
You have resistance to psychic damage and you add cause, and its final stage has arrived. These are the end
your proficiency bonus (if you haven’t already) to days when all who believe must stand and be rewarded.
Wisdom (Survival) checks to track an aberration. The rightful rulers have been deposed. It is my
Additionally, when you are charmed or frightened by responsibility to restore them to power and eliminate
an aberration, or when you gain a form of madness, those who would obstruct their reign.
you can spend 3 ki points to avoid that effect altogether. Submission is worse than death. To surrender or
compromise is a betrayal of all that I stand for, and will
Channel to the Stars
earn me eternal disgrace.
At 17th level, your soul forges an unbreakable bond
with the Darkplane, allowing you to journey through Alternate Enemies
the void and to banish its denizens back to the stars. You If your oath is connected to a deity with a more
can spend 6 ki points to cast plane shift without material questionable outlook, you might feel that certain creature
components, but you must choose a destination that types mentioned in your class features don’t quite fit.
moves the targets to or from the Darkplane. With your GM’s permission, you can permanently
change the following terms when they appear in the
Paladin descriptions of your class features (but not your spells).
Vinramar’s oath-bound champions devote themselves You must make this change in every instance.
to powerful ideals, often connected to the cause of a Undead. If your character and deity have no
particular deity. While the abilities they manifest may particular qualms about the undead, you can change
not differ greatly, the tenets of their oaths do. In some this creature type to aberration or monstrosity
cases, these vows enjoin them to eliminate those whose whenever it appears in your class features. Paladins
religious devotion leans another way. in the service of Lakhi, Senfaer, and even some
Mozralchic agents might find this change appropriate.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 137

Fey and Fiend. Some paladins, especially those mafias and cartels run on a system of sworn loyalty,
associated with Daemoth, Gallister, and Gauren, with elaborate rules governing territory, etiquette, and
are friendlier with fiends than they are with most the resolution of conflict. Most operate in the pursuit
otherworldly creatures. Some of the Irvallath or Jharric of wealth through rackets, black market business, and
Gods might not object to fey creatures either. If you feel illegal services. Not all of these activities are immoral
this applies to your character, change the fiend or fey type or illicit. Some crime families do what they can to
to one of these options: celestial, dragon, or elemental. protect the people from an oppressive government.
Each city, nation, and region has criminal factions
Ranger unique to them. The richest and boldest of these
Wandering the forests and deserts of Vinramar, rangers organizations, especially racial mafias, operate across
form a connection to the natural wild that is less the borders of various nations, but most keep the
ritual-based than that of the druids. Often they see business small and manageable.
themselves as warriors and scouts whose respect for
living things elevates their combat and survival skills. Sorcerer
Still, their magic is often rooted in fey or primordial The sudden appearance of magic can end a person’s life.
traditions that either they learned themselves through For those sad souls who are surprised to discover they
isolated communion with nature, or that they were have natural arcane talent, the fight to keep it secret is of
taught by the cunning folk who practice such arts. utmost importance. Hundreds of children are executed
As consummate hunters, rangers of some form or in local witch trials every year across Vinramar,
another exist in most cultures. Their techniques are often without much evidence to convict them. Those
usually suited to the land in which they roam, whether sorcerers who live long enough to see adulthood
they’re hunter-gatherer sarrow striving to stay alive in manifest diverse powers from a variety of sources.
the Waelslayg Desert or elven stalkers working for the
Solace. Often rangers are human trackers and scouts Sorcerous Origin:
who renounce more populated lands for the simplicity Blood Magic
of an unfettered life. Within your veins lies the darkest and most dangerous
Inevitably, those who settle the wilderness bring form of magic. Blood is a powerful arcane channeler.
knowledge and relics from civilization, whether they Only the foolish or the very wise tamper with it as a
mean to or not. One such artifact is the firearm, which component, and those who do often suffer as much as
has become a divisive presence among those few they excel. As a blood sorcerer, you substitute self-
rangers who witness its reckless power. Some disdain it mutilation for study. You may not be as well read as
as unnatural, while others admire or covet its efficiency, some spellcasters, but the path you’ve chosen taxes the
and the terror it can evoke in a skirmish. If you wish body, not the mind.
to play a ranger who embraces the rare wonder of Many blood sorcerers discover these occult
firearms, you can add the following fighting style to the secrets in ancient grimoires, learning to carve hideous
usual list of options. but powerful symbols in their flesh. Others enter
the apprenticeship of a vile mentor who personally
Marksmanship instructs them. Whether you use blood magic to help
You have proficiency with firearms. others or to serve your own ambitions, it is a practice
that will leave you scarred, literally and figuratively.
Along with the fighter, the rogue is among the most Blood Blight
common character classes in a Darkplane campaign. When you select this origin at 1st level, your blood
These clever agents wield diverse talents and skills, manifests occult properties that enhance your
suiting them perfectly to the unending faction warfare magic and leave you in pain. You can use blood as
that rages all across Vinramar. Your rogue might be a replacement for the material components for any
hired out by religious orders for jobs that are too risky sorcerer spell you cast, including those with a cost
or high-profile to get caught at, or a private investigator listed. Any components mentioned in the body of the
known for solving cases that baffle others. You might spell description are still required.
even play a budding crime boss looking to expand the Additionally, the temperature of your blood
family’s turf into the nearest big city. becomes intolerably high. Objects and creatures that
Rather than thieves’ guilds, most rogue networks in touch your blood take 1 fire damage. You are immune
Vinramar’s cities are connected through family-based to damage caused by your own blood, but you live in
crime organizations. Much like the aristocracy, these a constant state of physical agitation and discomfort.

138 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Classes in Vinramar
You might find yourself going to extreme lengths to cosmic significance that gods were spawned from its
sooth it, such as refusing to set foot in a room where a subtle curves and angles.
fire is lit, or fleeing the sight of hot food or drink. You The runetouched are those mortals gifted to see the
have odd physical tics that others find eccentric or off- forms of primordial runes that hide within all matter.
putting because of the eternal fire raging in your veins. Often their powers come from astrological phenomena
or manifest in the purest descendents of the maahiset
Occult Recovery people, whose ancient empire ran on this sort of magic.
At 6th level, your ability to manipulate the magic Sorcerers with the runetouched origin are familiar
produced by your spells increases, allowing you to with the subtle shapes of power. Some are artists
spend hit points to recover sorcery points. As an action, who discover unique insights into the power behind
declare the number of sorcery points you’re recovering certain forms, while others are gifted to actually see the
and expend that many hit dice. Roll the expended dice world around them in a buzzing string of runic code.
and take piercing or slashing damage equal to the total. Runetouched sorcerers must train diligently to see
Primordial Surge meaning in these combinations of primordial geometry.
Beginning at 14th level, your darkest spells become By manipulating the lines and curves, they gain access
fortified with unnatural power. When you cast an to powerful black magic that once was known only to
enchantment, illusion, or necromancy spell using your the elemental deities that spawned from it.
own blood as a material component, your spell save Artist and Artisan
DC increases by 2. When you choose this origin at 1st level, you gain
Wounded Vigor proficiency with calligrapher’s supplies and two other
At 18th level pain becomes a source of strength to you. sets of artisan’s tools.
When you take piercing or slashing damage, you can Runeseeker
use your reaction to gain temporary hit points equal to At 1st level, you naturally sense the geometrical
the damage taken. patterns of magic. You learn the detect magic and
Sorcerous Origin: identify spells if you don’t already know them, and they
don’t count against your spells known.
Runetouched Additionally, when you witness a spell being cast,
Some scholars know that at the dawn of time, life began you can use a reaction to make a Wisdom (Insight)
as a geometric pattern. It shifted and twirled in the check. The DC for this check is 14 + the spell’s level. On
empty space until eventually it struck a powerful form a success, you can treat that spell as though it were on
which unlocked massive amounts of primordial energy. the sorcerer spell list whenever you choose new spells.
This was the first rune, a shape of such staggering

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 139

Inscribe Runes Spells cast through shadow can be twisted and
Starting at 6th level, your understanding of rune magic manipulated in ways unattainable through other methods.
is enough to shape and craft objects with the geometry Shadowbound sorcerers may be limited in daylight, but in
of creation. You can spend downtime to adorn the absence of light their magic is as potent as it is foul.
nonmagical objects with mystical shapes or symbols
that correspond to one of your spells. Darkvision
When you begin inscribing, choose a 1st-level When you choose this sorcerous origin at 1st level, you
abjuration, enchantment, or divination spell that you gain darkvision within 60 feet.
know. You spend 8 hours painting, carving, engraving, Dark Spells
or otherwise decorating the object with a powerful Sorcerers with this origin receive magical power in
rune. Once the inscription is complete, you designate a an uninterrupted flow of shadow energy, as long as
keyword or phrase that will activate the spell. there isn’t enough light to disrupt the connection.
The completed rune occupies your highest-level Beginning at 1st level, when you cast a sorcerer spell
spell slot as long as it remains intact, preventing you while in dim light or darkness, you can cast it without
from using that slot for any other purpose, including using material components, including those with a cost
spellcasting. You cannot have more than one spell slot listed. Material components mentioned in the body of
occupied at once, and if for any reason all your highest- the spell description are still required.
level spell slots are expended or unavailable, you After casting a spell with a range of 5 or more feet
cannot inscribe a rune. An occupied spell slot cannot while in dim light, you can use a bonus action to turn dim
be regained during a rest. light into darkness within the spell’s range. Once you do
For a number of hours equal to your sorcerer level, so, you must finish a long rest to regain use of this feature.
anyone who touches the rune can cast the inscribed
spell as a 1st-level spell without material or somatic Shadow Step
components. They simply spend the casting time to At 6th level, you learn to step through the void that
speak the keyword or phrase you designated as a verbal connects all shadows. When you are in an area of
component. The spell immediately ends if the creature dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to
loses physical contact with the rune, and if this occuse teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60
before the casting time is complete, the spell fails. feet that is also in dim light or darkness.
After the appropriate time has expired, or when the
rune is physically defaced in any way, it immediately True Shadow
loses its power, and the spell slot it occupied is expended. Beginning at 14th level, you can spend 2 sorcery points
It likewise loses its power if you drop to 0 hit points. while in dim light or darkness to become invisible for
1 minute. Anything you’re wearing or carrying is also
Embellished Inscription invisible as long as you’re in contact with it.
Beginning at 14th level, you can inscribe multiple objects
Fade Level Effect
with runes. For every 8 hours you spend, you inscribe
two objects, their runes occupying your two highest- 1 You can take the Hide action as a
level spell slots. You can inscribe each with an abjuration, bonus action.
enchantment, or divination spell of 1st or 2nd level. 2 While in direct sunlight, you have
disadvantage on attack rolls and
Glyph of Eternity Wisdom (Perception) checks that
At 18th level, your runes retain their magical properties require sight.
for longer. When you complete the inscription, you can
3 You are immune to being paralyzed,
spend sorcery points to increase the runes’ duration by
petrified, or poisoned.
1 hour for each point spent.
4 You can move through other creatures
Sorcerous Origin: and objects as if they were difficult
Shadowbound terrain. If you end your turn inside an
In the void that separates the body, spirit, and soul, object, you take 5 force damage.
there are terrible powers that drown the light with pure 5 You have resistance to bludgeoning,
shadow. All things, living or otherwise, are composed piercing, and slashing damage from
of light and dark: the material and the void. Some nonmagical weapons.
sorcerers gain their powers through an unnatural 6 You have resistance to acid, cold,
connection to this shadowy wellspring. fire, lightning, thunder, necrotic, and
poison damage.

140 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Starting at 18th level, your spells begin to affect your Option: Pureblood Vampire
grasp on the material world. When you cast a sorcerer The vampire bloodline origin provides a way to
spell of 1st level or higher, you can spend 2 sorcery play a character who is deeply changed by the
point to gain a fade level as you slip further into the influence of the vampire, usually because of a single
Shadow Realm. Each fade level has a cumulative effect, vampire ancestor. If you instead would like to play

Classes in Vinramar
described on the previous page. a character whose ancestry is entirely vampiric,
If you end one of your turns without having spent a descendant of Iarmov himself, you can use the
sorcery points in connection with this feature, you lose optional traits below in place of choosing a race.
one fade level unless you spend 1 sorcery point to remain This option doesn’t replicate the vampire stat
at your current fade level. Once your fade level returns block. If a character is transformed into a vampire
to 0, you must finish a short rest before you can use this (rather than born as one), the GM should simply
feature again. follow the usual guidelines for such occurrences.
The traits below allow you to play a young
Sorcerous Origin: vampire whose powers have not yet reached their
Vampire Bloodline full potential. They should only be used along
Not all vampires are made. Some are born, inheriting with the features of the vampire bloodline origin.
the abhorrent curse of their undead parentage. Together, these traits and features provide a way for
Vampires bear children only rarely over the centuries, a vampire PC to grow into his or her dark powers.
more often rendering the honor to the wretched At your GM’s discretion, you may undertake
mortals upon whom they prey. The young resulting a particular quest or initiation rite to replace
from such a union aren’t always evil, but they inevitably all the below traits and your vampire bloodline
manifest certain insidious powers of the vampire. features with the traits and actions of a true
Such creatures often display behavior typical of vampire. This will greatly increase the character’s
vampires. You might sleep during the day, basking in effectiveness, and so GMs are warned to consider
the desecrated soil of your homeland; or perhaps shun the ramifications of allowing a player to reach full
the symbols of sacred deity. Sorcerers with the vampire vampire potential. Such a change usually alters the
bloodline face a harrowing choice: channel their inner vampire’s alignment to lawful evil.
darkness into a worthy cause as penance for the sins of
millennia, or give in to the exhilarant predator within. Pureblood Vampire Traits
As a true creature of darkness, you have inherited
Vampire Weaknesses the following vampiric traits.
When you choose this origin at 1st level, you gain the Ability Score Increase. Your Strength,
following susceptibilities. Constitution, and Charisma scores each increase
by 2.
• You’re physically incapable of entering an inhabited
Vampire Weaknesses. In addition to the
residence unless one of the occupants invites you in.
weaknesses you gained with your Sorcerous
• You have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability
Origin, you take 20 acid damage if you end your
checks while in sunlight.
turn in running water, and you take 20 radiant
• If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into
damage when you start your turn in sunlight.
your heart while you’re incapacitated, you become
Darkvision. Your undead heritage grants you
paralyzed until the stake is removed.
darkvision within 120 feet.
Spider Climb Form of the Bat. You can use an action to
When you choose this origin at 1st level, you can climb polymorph into a Tiny bat or back into your true
difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, form. While in bat form, you can’t speak or cast
without needing to make an ability check. spells, your walking speed becomes 5 feet, you
have a flying speed of 30 feet, and the only attacks
Undead Ferocity you can make are bite attacks. Your other statistics
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, your remain unchanged. Anything you are wearing
unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage. You may choose to polymorphs with you, but nothing that you are
bite with your unarmed attack to deal piercing damage carrying does. If you die while polymorphed, you
instead of bludgeoning. revert to your true form.
You also have natural armor, making your AC Undeath. You are undead. You do not require
equal to 13 + your Dexterity modifier while you’re not air, and your body does not age.
wearing armor.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 141

Lifeblood Fiend Patrons
At 6th level, your taste for blood becomes insatiable, Devils and demons are all too eager to have mortals enter
but the surge of power it grants is even more alluring. their service, finding them easy to manipulate. Daemons
When you deal damage with a bite attack against a often seek out such favor by invoking ancient laws and
creature that is incapacitated, restrained, or that you allegiances forged in previous lives. These kincallers serve
have grappled, you can spend 2 sorcery points to deal their demonic cousins in return for lost arcane secrets.
an additional 1d6 necrotic damage. You regain hit The dismembered god Gauren is the ringleader of
points equal to the necrotic damage taken. You can infernal contracts, overseeing an intricate web of devil-
spend up to 6 points this way on a single bite, adding sworn thralls. Promises of glory, fortune, and unnatural
1d6 necrotic damage (and hit points regained) for every gifts lure many souls into performing inhuman acts for
2 sorcery points spent. When you bite a creature that is Gauren’s brokers and surrogates. The most proactive
charmed by you, it doesn’t end the charmed condition. of these patrons include Ancuorag the Purblind
Weeper; Churgeron, the infernal advocate known to
Children of the Night
Daemothites as God’s Purulent Weal; Daelgorog, the
Starting at 14th level, you can call upon the creatures of
long-dead emperor of Ancient Mohtra; Girioch, a
darkness to do your bidding. As an action, you spend 3
demon that takes the form of a silver cat; Hulcarnoth,
sorcery points and call 2d4 swarms of bats or rats if the
the Ward of Umbrage; Lothangor, Sower of Woe; and
sun isn’t up. If you’re outdoors, you can choose to call
Varuchea of the Murdered Memory, who often appears
3d6 wolves instead. The creatures take 1d4 rounds to
to those pleading for a loved one to return from death.
arrive and remain for 1 hour, or until you are reduced
to 0 hit points. During that time, you can dictate their Great Old One Patrons
actions with verbal commands or dismiss them as a The Darkplane is the ultimate unknown. The
bonus action. You cannot use this feature again until shallowest fathom of its infectious expanse is filled with
you take a long rest. nightmarish beings that have always been. Warlocks
usually learn of the great old ones on a hunt for cosmic
Immortal Corpse
truth, but rarely know what they’re getting themselves
Beginning at 18th level, you have resistance to necrotic
into. The cost of their servitude is often their own sanity.
damage, and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
There is no end to the aberrations that populate
damage from nonmagical weapons. Your body no
the unspeakable worlds within the void, but some of
longer ages with the passage of time.
the following have been known to teach horrid truths
Warlock to the hapless and callow: Burda, the Window into All
Regret; Dromisaj, the Poet in Nothingness; Igundadosh,
The warlocks of Vinramar have unearthed forbidden
knowledge since the earliest ages of the world. These the True Mother; Maruma’e, the Mutant Bride; and
foolhardy mortals pledge themselves into the service Yofkolkar the Setting of all Suns.
of powerful patrons, whose origins and motives are as Pact of the Chain Options
diverse as creation itself. If your patron is a great old one and you have the Pact
Archfey Patrons of the Chain feature, you can choose a hrildovolk (page
The world of Iltallach is home to many beings whose 172) as a special form for your familiar.
influence extends into Vinramar, often through Undying Patrons
phenomena connected to the spirit of the land. These Although the powers they command are truly unholy,
fey potentates mystify mortals with their twisted games undying patrons often began as mortals themselves,
and terrifying caprice. Warlocks in Vinramar might cheating mortality through unholy rituals that transition
contact an archfey patron through the surviving magic them into undeath. They might be mummified
of elf artifacts and ruins, by wandering into Iltallach emperors, vampire lords, or black magicians who
through fey rifts, or as a changeling stolen by a fey discovered the path to hideous immortality. In exchange
creature and harbored in its world for days, even years. for complete devotion, they teach their minions to play
Some of the best known archfey patrons are the dangerous odds between life and death.
Barbeliadh of the Twenty Thousand Corsairs; the Child Undying patrons include Volgothyde, the god
Below, an impish ruler who entices the young into service of vampirism; Iarmov the Maimed, whose undeath
by offering to kill their parents; Fanheilith, the Empress continues as a disembodied spirit; Sirivus the Awakener;
of Five Favors; Megieron, Prince of the Southern Sunset; Halkhunti the Forgotten Pharaoh, and Tormadnon, the
Rauserom, the Laughter beneath the Reeds; and Tingrim lich who dwells at the heart of Vitollos.
Hurcassit, the Merchant of Forgotten Dreams.

142 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Pact of the Chain Options Soul Warp
If your patron is undying and you have the Pact of the Starting at 6th level, with some effort you can phase
Chain feature, you can choose a skeleton, spectre, or through solid, inanimate material. When you use
zombie as a special form for your familiar. the Disengage action, you can move unhindered by
difficult terrain, walls, or physical objects for the rest of
Patron: The Primordial your turn. You cannot move through creatures. If you
Your patron is a primordial being formed before the

Classes in Vinramar
end your movement inside an object or creature, you
worlds were created. Most have no bodies or spirits, and are reduced to 0 hit points.
manifest only as elemental anomalies such as tornados,
volcanic eruptions, or sentient terrain. The most Primeval Resilience
powerful primordials have managed to form bizarre At 10th level, you gain resistance to poison damage and
bodies from sand, stone, or twisted flesh. one of the following damage types appropriate to your
Primordials despise humanoids—only out of idle patron: cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
fancy or desperation do they teach such weaklings to
manipulate soul essence. They’re often motivated by Blood Bond
the desire to lash out against rival entities (primordial Beginning at 14th level, you can use an action to bind
or otherwise), and mortals occasionally serve as useful your soul to an ally, pooling your senses and energy
pawns that can work unnoticed by powerful enemies. into a common well. You touch the blood of a willing
The Irvallath, a pantheon of god-like primordial creature, and for 1 hour both of you can see, hear, taste,
beings, are known to teach secrets to their priests smell, and feel through each other’s body, including
in exchange for lifelong devotion. Most warlocks, the effects of special senses like darkvision, as long as
however, pact with renegade primordials such as you’re on the same plane.
Fuatunu of Five Agonies; Itoro Che-banwa, the Living Additionally, you can exchange hit points freely.
Tempest; Ghemakta-tep, the Lady of Endless Winter; As a reaction, one of you loses a number of hit points,
and Magdu, Our Hidden Voice. and the other instantly gains that many, up to its hit
point maximum. Both of you must be willing for the
Expanded Spell List exchange to occur, and any hit points lost this way do
The Primordial lets you choose from an expanded list not count as damage taken.
of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following The effect of this bond ends early if one of you is
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. reduced to 0 hit points or leaves the Material Plane.
Spell Level Spells Wizard
1st false life, sleep While most arcane arts are dangerous to those who
2nd gust of wind, flaming sphere learn them, there are some magical methods that can
3rd sleet storm, slow be employed with a reliable level of safety. Depending
on their arcane tradition and favored spells, a wizard’s
4th conjure minor elementals, polymorph
magic might carry less risk than a warlock’s or sorcerer’s.
5th conjure elemental, planar binding In Vinramar, wizards are closely associated with
the folk magic tradition of the heathfolk, whose arcane
Elemental Escape
universities provide formal magical instruction for
When you choose this patron at 1st level, you learn to
those with the necessary talent. A wizard might be
empower your body with the enduring resilience of the
a student, graduate, or professor at the College of
elements. When making saving throws against being
Sonnactfel, Abríanach University, or any of the many
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, or restrained, add
arcane institutes founded by the heathfolk.
your Charisma modifier.
Outside these schools, a wizard is likely to be self-
Pact of the Chain Options taught through research and risky experimentation.
If you choose the Pact of the Chain feature when you Such practitioners of magic often make mistakes at the
reach 3rd level, you can choose one of the following cost of their lives, or the lives of others, contributing
special forms for your familiar: giant fire beetle, to the strong taboos that surround the arcane. The
mephit, shadow, or twig blight. most intelligent, however, can come to match a
trained wizard, especially if they surround themselves
with like-minded magicians that can collaborate in
the pursuit of artifacts and tomes that will open up
forbidden paths for their art.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 143

Arcane Tradition: When you end a turn during which you used this
feature, you become paralyzed until the end of your
School of Chronomancy
next turn while you reverse time long enough to cause
As a student of the School of Chronomancy, you have
the above effect. You can delay becoming paralyzed by
learned to feel the passage of time like a constant stream
expending additional chronal dice when you use this
running past you. Its four-dimensional patterns weave
feature. For every additional die you spend, you delay
about all things like a great fabric that you can tug
the paralyzed condition for 2 additional turns. At any
and twist. Some chronomancers dedicate their lives
time before the designated turn ends, you can choose to
to repairing the inevitable rifts and wrinkles that such
become paralyzed early in order to end this requirement.
manipulation leaves in this fabric. They accept the
While paralyzed, your consciousness travels a few
responsibility of such power with grim obligation. Others
moments back in time to help your past self. If you are
plunge headlong into the strange, unknown world outside
reduced to 0 hit points before the condition ends, or if you
of linear time, plundering its secrets for their own ends.
should become paralyzed from this feature while already
Chronomancy Savant incapacitated for any reason, you enter a causal anomaly.
Beginning when you select this tradition at 2nd When you enter a causal anomaly, you drop
level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a anything you were holding, vanish from existence,
chronomancy spell into your spellbook is halved. and begin making death saving throws. If you
stabilize, your body appears unconscious in the space
Versant Preparation it previously occupied along with the gear you were
Starting at 2nd level, you learn the hourglass cantrip if wearing. If you fail three death saving throws while in a
you don’t already know it. You also gain the ability to causal anomaly, you cease to exist, along with whatever
assist your past self in preparing the most useful spells. objects were on your person.
When you finish a short rest, you can swap out up to You regain all your expended chronal dice when
three spells you have prepared for spells you didn’t you finish a long rest.
prepare, so long as you haven’t cast them since you
prepared them. You can’t use this feature again until Closed Timelike Loop
you take a long rest. When you reach 10th level, you add the timelike curve
spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. You
Chronal Control always have this spell prepared, and it doesn’t count
At 6th level, your mastery over the flow of time against the number of spells you prepare each day.
increases, allowing you to send your consciousness back In addition, whenever you cast a spell that interacts
in time while your body lingers in the present. This with another dimension or plane (such as banishment,
capability is represented by special dice called chronal contact other plane, gate, or plane shift), you can instead
dice. Using these dice, you assist your past self and substitute a place in the timestream that matches the
improve the effectiveness of your actions. The catch is description, interacting with that temporal point as if it
that when you gain the benefit of chronal control in the were a plane of existence. The point in time you choose
present, you must then take time in the future to cause it. cannot exceed a number of years ahead or behind
Your chronal dice are d6s, and you have a number you equal to 10 × your wizard level. At 10th level, for
of them equal to half your wizard level, rounded down. example, you might use the banishment spell to cast a
By expending a die and using your reaction, you can creature 100 years backward in time.
create one of the following effects. When you cast a spell this way, it is considered a
• After you roll an attack, ability check, or saving chronomancy spell for that casting in addition to its
throw, roll the chronal die and add the result to usual school.
your previous roll. Tailored Relativity
• Roll the chronal die and add the result to the DC of Beginning at 14th level, you can expend a chronal die
the next saving throw made against a spell you cast. to take one additional action or bonus action. You can
• You immediately move a distance up to your speed use that action to cast a spell, regardless of any other
without provoking opportunity attacks. spells you’ve cast this turn.
• Cancel the effects of surprise on yourself. You may Additionally, instead of gaining the benefit yourself,
also choose to cry out, preventing every creature you can apply the chosen effect of a chronal die you
that can hear you from being surprised. expend to any creature within 30 feet of you. You still
become paralyzed once the die is expended, as normal.

144 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Chronomancy Spells
Cantrips 4th Level Axis of Eternity
Accelerate/Decelerate Temporal Tether 8th-level chronomancy
Compressed Oration Timelike Curve
Hourglass Precipitous Relativity Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self

Chronomancy Spells
1st Level 5th Level Components: V, S, M (the powdered bones of a
Chronal Shift Chronomantic Eye celestial, which the spell consumes)
Delay Despair of Infinite Agency Duration: Concentration, up to 24 hours
Expeditious Retreat* Folds of Time
Longstrider* From your hand you blow the dust of a celestial’s bones,
6th Level
Scan Timethread which becomes a whirling globe of crackling light in
a 15-foot radius around you. Inside the globe, time
2nd Level Temporal Winch
does not exist. It is immobile and lasts for the duration.
Blur* 7th Level Creatures within the globe do not age, are immune to
Specious Relativity Consecutive Loop poison damage and the poisoned condition, cannot take
Temporal Barrier
8th Level levels of exhaustion, and do not need to sleep, eat, or
Time Dilation
Axis of Eternity breathe. They cannot benefit from a short or long rest
3rd Level Existential Paradox while inside the globe.
Cosmic String From inside, creatures can see into the present time,
Convergent Strike 9th Level
watching events transpire there. If any creature enters or
Haste* Chronal Exile
exits the globe, the spell ends.
Slow* Time Stop*
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 9th
level, the duration becomes 1 month.
*Versions of these spells exist that belong to the school of chronomancy.
If not cast as a chronomancy spell, they belong to their usual schools.
Spell descriptions for these spells are not found in this section. Chronal Exile
9th-level chronomancy
Casting Time: 1 action
The School of Chronomancy Range: 30 feet
Chronomancy spells interact with the fabric of Components: V, S, M (an ornate spinning top crafted
time. Often they slow or speed up the passage in a mold made by Ruethas himself, worth at least
of linear events by twisting the timestream in 200 gp per Hit Die of the target)
unnatural directions. Because the practice of Duration: Life of the caster
chronomancy is so closely guarded, the spells
With a glimmer, you activate a large spinning top
described in this section are added to the wizard
which whirls in front of you in the air. When you speak
spell list only.
the name of a creature within range, it must succeed on
a Charisma saving throw or be sent howling into the
riptide outside of linear time. It ceases to exist for the
Accelerate/Decelerate duration. If it is on its native plane, it has advantage on
Chronomancy cantrip this saving throw.
Casting Time: 1 action If the target succeeds on its saving throw, the spell
Range: 30 feet ends with no effect and the creature is immune to this
Components: V, S spell if you cast it again. When you cast this spell, any
Duration: 1 round previous casting of it ends, meaning that you can only
exile one creature at a time.
You make a minor change to the way time interacts
with a single creature or object within range. Until the Chronal Shift
end of your next turn, the target’s speed is reduced or 1st-level chronomancy
increased by 10 feet. Likewise, if the creature falls 20
feet or less before the spell ends, it lands on its feet and Casting Time: 1 action
has resistance to any falling damage it takes. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of sand)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 145

By dropping a few grains of sand, you manipulate the With lightning speed, you spurt a string of high-
degree to which time physically affects one creature pitched syllables at a creature within range that can
or object you can see within range. Its aging, growth, hear you. The clipped, percussive sound only lasts a
metabolism, and deterioration are either slowed or few moments, and sounds like bizarre gibberish to
accelerated. everyone in hearing other than the target. The chosen
If you slow the stamp of time on the target, it is creature, on the other hand, hears it as an extensive
protected from the effects of time while it remains within communication, up to 10 minutes of normal speech.
range until the spell ends. It does not appear to age or
wear at all, and it has advantage on death saving throws, Consecutive Loop
as well as saving throws against poison effects. It cannot 7th-level chronomancy
benefit from a short or long rest while the spell lasts. Casting Time: 1 action
If you choose to speed up time’s effects on the Range: 60 feet
target, it appears to age or wear down at twice the Components: V, S, M (a timepiece worth at least 800 gp)
normal rate. For every level of exhaustion it gains, it Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
gains one more. If an effect causes the target to make
a saving throw on each of its turns, it instead makes a A creature you can see within range must succeed on an
saving throw at the beginning and end of each turn. Intelligence saving throw or become trapped in a single
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using moment of time. Until the spell ends, the creature spends
a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can maintain each of its turns repeating whatever actions it took on
concentration on the spell for up to 1 hour, plus one its last turn in exact detail. If it used the Attack action,
additional hour for each slot level above 2nd. it does so again, targeting the same space it attacked
previously. If it cast a spell and has a similar slot available,
Chronomantic Eye it likewise repeats that action targeting the same space
5th-level chronomancy (or a creature within the same space) as it did on the
repeating turn. If any condition interferes with the action,
Casting Time: 10 minutes the target stubbornly attempts to perform it in vain.
Range: Self At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S, M (a veil woven with cloth of gold spell slot of 8th level, you can maintain concentration
worth at least 1,000 gp) on the spell for up to 1 hour. At 9th level, you can
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes maintain concentration on the spell for up to 3 days.
You conjure visions of the past or future, which you can
watch in real time. Choose a location you’ve seen before, Cosmic String
and a time up to 24 hours in the past or future. If you 3rd-level chronomancy
choose a time more than 1 hour from the present, you Casting Time: 1 bonus action
must make an Intelligence (Arcana) check to successfully Range: 200 feet
reach it. The DC for this check is 15. On a failed check, Components: S, M (a thread or length of yarn)
you reach a number of hours, forward or backward, equal Duration: Instantaneous
to the result you rolled.
You touch a creature or object, and it is instantly slung
On a success, you create an invisible sensor in the
along a perfectly horizontal line of concentrated time
chosen time and place, through which you can see and
fabric to a point you choose within range. This distance
hear for the duration as if you were there. The sensor
is reduced by 1 foot for each pound the target weighs.
cannot move and appears to creatures that can see
invisible objects as a tiny, dark orb with cat-like pupils.
Convergent Strike
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
3rd-level chronomancy
a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can increase the
distance you send the sensor in time by 24 hours for Casting Time: 1 bonus action
each slot level above 5th. Range: Self
Components: V, S
Compressed Oration Duration: Instantaneous
Chronomancy cantrip With a fierce incantation you slow the passage of time
Casting Time: 1 action to a torpid pace, just long enough to execute your next
Range: 30 feet attack with deadly accuracy. You have advantage on the
Components: V next attack roll you make before the end of your turn. If
Duration: Instantaneous the result of this attack is 20 or higher, it is a critical hit.

146 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Delay Folds of Time
1st-level chronomancy 5th-level chronomancy
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you Casting Time: 1 action
see a creature within 30 feet of you get hit by a Range: Touch
weapon or spell attack, or fail a saving throw Components: V, S, M (a large cloth or cloak)
Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 round

Chronomancy Spells
Components: V, S
You draw a length of cloth across a creature, burying
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
it in a fold of the timestream. It becomes invisible and
You hold your hand up with the palm facing the hidden from all creatures until the end of your next
creature that triggered your reaction, and place a turn. This spell ends if the target attacks or casts a spell.
chronal ward on that creature. Until the spell ends,
any damage, condition, or other effect caused by the Hourglass
triggering event fails to occur. When the spell does Chronomancy cantrip
end, however, the target is immediately affected as if
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you
the triggering event has just been completed.
observe something that intrigues you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Range: Self
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can maintain your
Components: V, S, M (an hourglass, jar, or other vessel)
concentration on the spell for one additional round for
Duration: 10 minutes
each slot level above 1st.
With a verbal command and a simple gesture, you
Despair of Infinite Agency capture a mental imprint of what you personally saw
5th-level chronomancy during the 6 seconds directly preceding the casting
of this spell. A moving image of the imprint appears
Casting Time: 1 action
inside an empty vessel you are holding. Until the spell
Range: 30 feet
ends, you can play the imprinted sight in real time,
Components: V, S, M (a hand mirror worth 250 gp,
reverse, or slow motion at will. It is visible to anyone
which shatters as the spell consumes it)
close enough to see it.
Duration: Instantaneous
One creature you can see and which can see you makes Precipitous Relativity
a Wisdom saving throw as you confront it with a mind- 4th-level chronomancy (ritual)
rending awareness of every possible timeline which
Casting Time: 1 action
belongs to it. Visions of the infinite choices it could have
Range: 30 feet
made during every moment of its life flash through the
Components: V, S, M (three strings of yarn, each tied
creature’s mind. On a failed save it takes 8d10 psychic
to one of your fingers)
damage, or half as much damage on a success.
Duration: 1 minute
Existential Paradox You drastically accelerate or reverse the aging of one
8th-level chronomancy beast, dragon, humanoid, or plant you can see within
range. Most crops and flowers are automatically killed by
Casting Time: 1 action
this spell, or transformed into a seed. Mature perennial
Range: 30 feet
plants may either change size by one category or have
Components: V, S
little visible effect, according to the GM’s discretion.
Duration: Instantaneous
Creatures must succeed on a Constitution saving
When you cast this spell, you focus on a creature you throw or grow 5d10 years older or younger (your
can see within range. The creature must succeed on choice). If its age is decreased below 0, the creature
a Wisdom saving throw or have its consciousness becomes an infant. It doesn’t die if aged beyond its
thrust back in time to a moment before it existed. The typical life span.
existential shock of the experience causes it to take 20d10 By default, creatures are considered adults (for
psychic damage. If this damage reduces it to 0 hit points, humans, ages 18-39), but your GM may choose to
the creature ceases to exist. Whether the save fails or modify the effects of this spell based on the particular
succeeds, the creature gains a form of indefinite madness. circumstance. An elderly cult leader may already be

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 147

aged, or a young commoner just 10 years old, making Scan Timethread
it an adolescent. In such examples, the creature changes 1st-level chronomancy (ritual)
only enough to represent the difference between its
starting age category and its new one. Casting Time: 1 minute
Many creatures age differently from humans. In Range: Touch
these cases, the GM makes a ruling based on available Components: V, S, M (a single hair and a teardrop from
information on the lifespan of the targeted creature. If the creature whose timethread you are scanning)
an adult dragon’s age were reduced from 140 years to 90 Duration: Instantaneous
years, for example, your GM might simply swap its stat Passing your hands in intricate gestures around a
block for a young dragon of the same color. Starting age prostrate creature, you extend your vision into its past
should be determined before you roll the dice. and present. You learn its exact age and see its happiest
This spell has no effect on monster types other than memory, as well as one grim moment from its future,
beasts, dragons, humanoids, and plants, but your GM determined by your GM. If the creature is older than
may apply an exception if the creature is capable of aging. 1,000 years, you take 2d10 psychic damage.
The following effects come into play when a
creature’s age category changes. Specious Relativity
Infant. The creature’s ability scores all become 2, 2nd-level chronomancy (ritual)
its maximum hit points drop to 1, its speed is reduced
to 5 feet, its size is Tiny, it loses all benefits of its race, Casting Time: 1 action
class, and background, and it is prone and stunned Range: 30 feet
for the duration. Everything it was wearing or holding Components: S, M (a silver bell worth at least 50 gp)
when the spell was cast drops to the ground around it. Duration: 1 hour
Humans up to age 3 belong to this category. You ring a bell, causing one creature that can hear it
Child. The creature’s ability scores take a -8 penalty within range to lose all sense of time. As minutes and
(minimum of 2), its maximum hit points drop to 3 + hours pass, the target’s internal clock is so disoriented
its Constitution modifier, and its speed is halved for the that it cannot tell the span of one moment relative to
duration. Everything it was wearing when the spell was another. For the duration, years seem like seconds and
cast, as well as Heavy objects it was holding, drop to vice versa.
the ground around it. Humans aged 4-9 are children. When the spell ends, an accurate memory of events
Adolescent. The creature receives a -2 penalty to its slowly returns to the target over 1d10 days.
Wisdom, Strength, and Charisma scores, its maximum At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
hit points are lowered by 3 for each of its Hit Dice, and spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the duration increases
its speed is reduced by 5 feet for the duration. Humans by 1 hour for each slot level above 2nd.
fall into this category from ages 10-17.
Middle-aged. The creature receives a +2 bonus Temporal Barrier
to its Intelligence and Wisdom scores, a -2 penalty to 2nd-level chronomancy
its Constitution, and has disadvantage on Strength
(Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks for the Casting Time: 1 action
duration. A human between 40 and 65 is middle-aged. Range: 90 feet
Aged. The creature receives a +2 bonus to its Components: V, S, M (a 3-foot strip of woven cloth)
Wisdom score, a -2 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Intelligence, and Charisma scores, its maximum You distort spacetime in an invisible wall that floats in
hit points are lowered by 20 (to a minimum of 3 + any orientation at a point you choose within range. It lasts
its Constitution modifier), all terrain is considered for the spell’s duration. You can form it into a sphere or
difficult terrain, attack rolls against it have advantage, hemispherical dome with a radius of up to 15 feet, or you
and it automatically fails Strength, Dexterity, and can shape a flat surface made up of ten 10-foot-square
Constitution saving throws for the duration. Between panels. Each panel must be contiguous with another
the ages of 66 and 100, humans are considered aged. panel. In any form, the wall is 1 inch thick.
Ancient. The creature’s ability scores are all reduced When the wall first comes into existence, each
to 4 and it is stunned for the duration, in addition to all creature within its area must make a Strength saving
the effects listed under aged. It drops everything it was throw, which it can choose to fail. On a failed save, a
holding when the spell was cast. Any creature past the creature is incapacitated until the end of its turn. While
upper limit of its life span is ancient. incapacitated, creatures have their speed reduced to 5

148 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

feet and are immune to falling damage. Any creature When you cast this spell, you stretch the timestream
that touches or passes through the wall must likewise toward yourself, experiencing events a little slower than
make this saving throw. those around you, and enabling you to react quickly to
what occurs. For the duration, you have advantage on
Temporal Tether attack rolls and ability checks.
4th-level chronomancy (ritual) At any point before the spell ends, you can shift

Chronomancy Spells
your place in the initiative order to the present—though
Casting Time: 1 minute
you can’t take another turn until after the end of the
Range: Touch
current round. Your turn remains there in the initiative
Components: V, S, M (a rosemary blossom, a vial of
order until you move it again as part of this spell.
red Liquor Hepatis, and 5 feet of flax rope)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Timelike Curve
Your axis in the fabric of time is temporarily tethered to 4th-level chronomancy
that of an object or creature you touch. Until the spell
Casting Time: 1 action
ends, when a chronal control effect or a chronomancy
Range: Self
spell of 3rd-level or lower targets you or your tether
Components: V, S, M (a tail feather of a young robin,
(but doesn’t target you both), you can choose whether
and the egg from which it hatched)
it affects both of you or neither of you. A wizard using
Duration: Instantaneous
a chronal control effect can expend two additional
chronal dice to override your use of this spell. If both You tug at the fabric of time and create a sphere
you and the target are affected by the spell or chronal extending 15 feet from you in each direction, causing
control effect, you cannot prevent it. events within that area to be undone. No change is
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a apparent to observers outside the sphere, but those
spell slot of 5th level or higher, its effects apply to any within it see a blur of motion as the actions and
spell whose level is less than the level of the spell slot movement of the last few moments play out in reverse.
you used. The current round starts over at the top of the initiative
order as if none of it had occurred.
Temporal Winch Everything outside the sphere must progress exactly
6th-level chronomancy as it did previously, including the actions and die results
of creatures not within the sphere. Characters within the
Casting Time: 1 action
sphere, however, can alter their actions and perform new
Range: Self
rolls based on knowledge of what originally happened.
Components: V, S, M (the string of a fiddle, harp, or
On their turns, characters affected by the spell
other instrument)
perform whichever actions they choose, rolling new
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
results. They might use this opportunity to get another
The timestream around you is restricted or expanded, chance at an attack that missed, to take the Dodge
affecting nearby creatures’ perception of time. You action, or to end their movement in a different space,
create a 30-foot sphere centered on yourself, within avoiding some unpleasant hazard. When the initiative
which time appears to either slow or accelerate. order reaches a creature outside the sphere, it must
If you choose to slow the manifestation of time, act exactly as it did before the spell was cast, and keep
all creatures within the sphere can take an additional whatever die results were originally rolled.
action or bonus action on their turn while the spell Because the events outside this spell’s reach are
lasts. If instead you choose to accelerate it, the affected now predetermined, the new actions may interact with
creatures can only take one bonus action and move them differently. Creatures that used a ranged attack
a distance of half their speed (in whatever order they or spell on a particular character may find that there’s
choose), after which their turn ends. a different target in the space they originally chose, or
that a barrier of some kind has gotten in the way.
Time Dilation If an action from outside the spell’s area of effect is
2nd-level chronomancy obstructed or foiled, the GM determines how the new
timeline resolves. Targets inside the sphere may now
Casting Time: 1 bonus action have cover or be obscured, changing the outcome of
Range: Self the attack. Likewise, an attack from outside may now
Components: V, S have advantage or disadvantage. In such cases, count
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the original roll as the first, then make a second roll.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 149

New Class: Psychic unnatural opened your mind to a new set of senses
that mortals weren’t meant to have, or a mysterious
In a dark parlor, a silent figure renders intruding thugs
organization used a blasphemous procedure to alter
unconscious without moving a muscle. Charging
your brain.
skeletons explode one by one into a hail of inanimate
How did you learn to harness this new awareness?
bones as a courtly woman struts deeper into the ruined
Were you found and trained by another psychic, or did
mausoleum. Two shadowed beggars lock eyes in an
you have to teach yourself to focus your unique abilities?
invisible battle as perilous as dueling rapiers.
What about your gift makes life difficult or different,
Psychics have been gifted with extraordinary
and how has that affected your goals and motives? How
mental powers that give them frightening control
do you cope with the chatter of extra senses?
over the material world around them. These mental
powers might resemble magic, but unlike the wizard’s Quick Build
arcane energy or the cleric’s divine domain, a psychic’s You can make a psychic quickly by following these
abilities come from deep within. suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest
ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the
Mind over Matter medium background. Third, choose the message, minor
Though some spend a lifetime studying and pursuing illusion, and resistance cantrips, along with the 1st-level
psionic talent, it is most often the path that chooses spells command, sleep, and unseen servant.
the traveler and not the reverse. A few enthusiasts have
been known to develop psionic awareness through Class Features
study, but the vast majority of psychics are gifted at As a psychic, you gain the following class features.
birth, in near-death experiences, or through other
circumstances outside their control. Hit Points
Psionic abilities interact with the substance of the Hit Dice: 1d6 per psychic level
mind—the energy or matter projected by thoughts, Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
desires, intentions, or memories. While arcane Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
spellcasting might create visual effects such as beams Constitution modifier per psychic level after 1st
of light or shimmering sigils, a psychic’s spells rarely
manifest this way. The effects of psionic spells are
Armor: None
subtle, more likely to be accompanied by a sense of
Weapons: All simple weapons
dread and wrongness than a shower of glowing energy.
Tools: Herbalism kit
Devoted to the Unseen Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Those most experienced with psychic practices Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History,
know that such work can open up a terrifying new Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
perspective of reality. To them, material existence
becomes one piece in a larger cosmic puzzle as their Equipment
senses are flooded with outside emotions, memories, You start with the following equipment, in addition to
and cries for help. In meditation they learn to sort the equipment granted by your background:
through the irrelevant, the useful, and the dangerous. • (a) a shortbow and 20 arrows or (b) any simple
Some individuals, or paranormal organizations weapon
like the Sounding, reach out to those they discover • (a) a component pouch or (b) a psionic focus
with psionic gifts to offer formal training and • (a) an entertainer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack
mentorship. Psychics instructed this way might have • An herbalism kit and a dagger
an easier adjustment period, or become more familiar
with the ins and outs of the invisible world, but it isn’t a Devotion Points
science. Nothing about psychics is entirely explainable. Starting at 1st level, you can access a reservoir of
mental focus that fuels your psychic abilities. This
Creating a Psychic focus is represented by devotion points. The number
As you create a psychic, think about when your psionic of devotion points you have is based on your psychic
awareness began and how it influenced your life from level, as shown in the Devotion Points column of the
that point. Were you born with the gift? Did it arise Psychic table.
from a traumatic experience or contact with other If you spend 30 or more devotion points at one
psychics? Perhaps a brush with something alien and time, you gain a level of exhaustion.

150 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

New Class: Psychic
The Psychic
Proficiency Cantrips Spells Devotion Max Spell
Level Bonus Features Known Known Points Level
1st +2 Devotion Points, Spellcasting, 3 3 6 1st
Contact, Ego Whip, Thought Shield
2nd +2 Psychic Devotion 3 4 10 1st
3rd +2 Psychic Discipline 3 5 15 2nd
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 6 21 2nd
5th +3 — 4 7 28 3rd
6th +3 Mind Thrust, Intellect Fortress 4 8 36 3rd
7th +3 Psychic Devotion 4 9 44 4th
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 10 53 4th
9th +4 — 5 11 62 5th
10th +4 Psychic Devotion 5 11 71 5th
11th +4 Discipline Feature 5 12 83 6th
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 12 83 6th
13th +5 — 6 13 93 7th
14th +5 Psionic Barrier 6 13 93 7th
15th +5 Psychic Devotion 6 14 103 8th
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 14 103 8th
17th +6 — 6 15 114 9th
18th +6 Psychic Devotion 6 15 114 9th
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 6 15 125 9th
20th +6 Meditative Focus 6 15 135 9th

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 151

Devotion Point Cost Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
Spell Spell your Intelligence modifier
Level Point Cost Level Point Cost Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
1st 3 5th 17 + your Intelligence modifier
2nd 5 6th 23
Ritual Casting
3rd 8 7th 30 You can cast a psychic spell you know as a ritual if it
4th 12 8th 38 has the ritual tag. If you use the material components
9th 40 listed in the spell’s description, the ritual’s devotion
point cost is halved.
You have unlocked the hidden prescience of your Spellcasting Focus
mind, enabling you to create spell effects with no more You can use a psionic focus as a spellcasting focus for
than a thought. Unlike other spellcasting classes, your your psychic spells. It might take the form of tea leaves,
spells are psionic in nature. Their effects come through rune-etched bones, a deck of tarot cards, or another
discipline and inward reflection. significant item that carries and channels psychic power.
To cast a psychic spell, declare the spell you wish
to cast, then expend a number of devotion points that Contact
correspond to the spell’s level, as listed on the Devotion At 1st level, you can concentrate for 1 minute to locate
Point Cost table. You can’t reduce your devotion point all creatures within 60 of you that have an Intelligence
total to less than 0. You regain all spent devotion points score of 4 or higher. Creatures with the Thought Shield
when you finish a long rest. Cantrips have no spell level feature and those that can cast psionic spells cannot
and therefore don’t cost devotion points. be located this way unless they choose to allow it. You
When a creature with the Intellect Fortress feature cannot use this feature to locate constructs.
makes a saving throw or is targeted by an attack as a Without spending an action, you can initiate
result of your spells, it can first make an Intelligence psychic contact with any creature located with this
saving throw. On a successful save, the spell fails. feature, or any already visible to you. This connection
lasts until you choose to end it or until the contacted
Cantrips creature is no longer within 60 feet of you.
At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice A creature can choose to resist your psychic
from the psychic spell list. You learn additional contact. If this occurs, you must use a bonus action
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a
Cantrips Known column of the Psychic table. successful saving throw, your psychic contact fails.
Spells of 1st-Level and Higher While the contact lasts, you and the creature can
At 1st level, you know any three 1st-level spells from speak with one another telepathically even if you don’t
the psychic spell list. These are the spells your mind share a language, and you sense strong emotions from
has mastered, and you can spend devotion points to one another. If you choose, any creatures you’re in
cast them without material components. psychic contact with can speak to one another as well.
The Spells Known column of the Psychic table
shows when you learn more spells of your choice. You Ego Whip
cannot learn spells of a higher level than your max Beginning at 1st level, you can make surface swipes at
spell level, as listed on the Psychic Table. For example, an enemy’s mind. As an action, make a ranged spell
when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn attack against a creature within 60 feet. The target uses
one new spell of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. its Intelligence score in place of its AC against this
attack, and it gains no benefit from cover. You don’t
Spellcasting Ability need to see the creature if you have located it with the
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your psychic Contact feature.
spells and devotions, since your magical effects are On a hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage and
psionic in nature. You use your Intelligence whenever a has disadvantage on its next saving throw to resist
spell description refers to your spellcasting ability. You your psychic contact. This ability doesn’t cost devotion
likewise use your Intelligence modifier when making points, but you must have at least 2 devotion points
an attack roll or setting the saving throw DC for your remaining in order to use it.
psychic spells and devotions.

152 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Psychic Spell List
Cantrips 3rd Level 7th Level
Light Blink Etherealness
Mending Clairvoyance Forcecage
Message Fear Mirage Arcane
Minor Illusion Fly Plane Shift

New Class: Psychic

Prestidigitation Haste Project Image
Produce Flame Mass Healing Word Regenerate
Resistance Nondetection Sequester
1st Level Sending Teleport
Bane Slow 8th Level
Charm Person Tongues Antipathy/Sympathy
Command Vampiric Touch Dominate Monster
Comprehend Languages Water Breathing Feeblemind
Detect Magic Water Walk Glibness
Detect Poison and Disease Wind Wall Power Word Stun
Disguise Self 4th Level Mind Blank
Expeditious Retreat Banishment 9th Level
False Life Confusion Astral Projection
Healing Word Dimension Door Foresight
Heroism Divination Gate
Identify Dominate Beast Mass Heal
Jump Freedom of Movement Time Stop
Longstrider Greater Invisibility True Polymorph
Shield Hallucinatory Terrain Weird
Silent Image Locate Creature
Sleep Phantasmal Killer
Speak with Animals Polymorph
Unseen Servant Stoneskin
2nd Level 5th Level
Aid Animate Objects
Alter Self Antilife Shell
Augury Awaken
Barkskin Contact Other Plane
Blur Dominate Person
Calm Emotions Dream
Darkvision Geas
Detect Thoughts Greater Restoration
Enhance Ability Hold Monster
Enlarge/Reduce Mislead
Enthrall Modify Memory
Heat Metal Planar Binding
Hold Person Scrying
Invisibility Telekinesis
Lesser Restoration Wall of Force
Levitate 6th Level
Misty Step Disintegrate
Protection from Poison Globe of Invulnerability
See Invisibility Magic Jar
Shatter Mass Suggestion
Suggestion True Seeing
Zone of Truth Word of Recall

Thought Shield Intelligence save. If a creature forces you to make a
At 1st level, your mind is able to resist unwanted saving throw against any of these effects, you can spend
intrusion. You cannot be located or psychically a number of devotion points equal to the creature’s
contacted with the Contact feature unless you choose Intelligence score to succeed automatically.
to allow it. In addition, if any creature attempts to
communicate with you telepathically, you can spend
Meditative Focus
At 20th level, when you finish a short rest you may
a number of devotion points equal to its Intelligence
regain a number of devotion points equal to your
modifier (minimum of 1) to block this communication
Intelligence score. You cannot use this feature again
for 1 minute.
until you finish a long rest.
Psychic Devotion
When you reach 2nd level, you gain the use of one
Psychic Disciplines
A gifted psychic manifests a wide array of powers, but
psychic devotion from the options listed at the end of
with experience even the most versatile mentalists focus
the class description. Your choice of devotion is not
and develop their natural abilities into a specialty. Known
restricted by your psychic discipline.
as disciplines, these signature talents manifest only once
You gain an additional psychic devotion at 5th,
their possessor spends the time necessary to hone them.
7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th levels.
Psychic Discipline As masters of the unknown, many clairsentients refer
At 3rd level, you choose a psychic discipline that to their psychic powers as if they were a separate entity
reflects which path you focus your talents on: imparting knowledge. They might ask a dead loved one
Clairsentient, Psychokinetic, Psychometabolist, or to show them visions of the past or future, read hidden
Telepath, detailed under Psychic Disciplines. Your secrets in tarot cards and tea leaves, or call upon “the
discipline choice grants you features at 3rd level and spirits” to project their consciousness to far away places.
11th level. Although they treat such knowledge as a gift, they
know their own prescient minds allow them access to it.
Mind Thrust When clairsentient abilities manifest, it often
Beginning at 6th level, you can cause deeper mental compensates for a psychic’s physical limitations. A blind
trauma when you attack a creature’s psyche. When you woman might see only spiritual auras, or a young cripple
use Ego Whip to attack a creature, you may spend up could learn to project his consciousness beyond his
to 3 devotion points before making the attack. You deal mortal body. Whether able-bodied or not, clairsentients
an extra 1d8 psychic damage for each devotion point often value knowledge over physical prowess.
spent. In addition, when you use the Contact feature,
creatures don’t benefit from the Thought Shield feature Truth Seer
unless they also have the Psionic Barrier feature. When you choose this discipline at 3rd level, you
Whenever you deal psychic damage to a creature, automatically succeed on Intelligence (Investigation)
you can cause it to lose that many devotion points (or checks to see through illusions. You also learn one of
an equivalent number of psionic spells slots) instead. the following spells, which doesn’t count against your
spells known: augury, darkvision, or see invisibility.
Intellect Fortress
At 6th level, your psyche is bolstered against intrusion. Tremors in Reality
You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws. At 11th level, you gain access to the 50-point level of your
clairsentient devotions. You learn the spell detect magic
Psionic Barrier and you don’t have to spend devotion points to cast it.
Beginning at 14th level, you can draw an impenetrable
curtain across your mind and those of nearby allies to Psychokinetic
stop others from damaging or tampering with them. The ability to manipulate physical matter without
You have resistance to psychic damage, and you can use touching it may not be unique to psychokinetics, but
a bonus action to stop any telepathic communication to they do it better than most. Rather than projecting
yourself or a creature you are in psychic contact with. their consciousness, they send out powerful bursts of
In addition, when a creature forces someone semi-permeable force from their minds. It’s common
within 30 feet of you to make a saving throw to avoid for psychokinetics to be impulsive and emotionally
being charmed, dominated, or psychically contacted, volatile. Whether this makes them dangerous or
you can make the saving throw for them using your valuable as allies, no one can dispute their raw power.

154 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Flow of Force Mind Trick
Beginning when you choose this discipline at 3rd At 11th level, you gain access to the 50-point level of
level, when you use Ego Whip, you can choose to deal your telepathic devotions. You learn the spell command
force damage instead of psychic. You learn one of the and you don’t have to spend devotion points to cast it
following spells, which doesn’t count against your as a 1st-level spell.
spells known: hold person, levitate, or shatter.
Psychic Devotions

New Class: Psychic

Telekinetic Leap Your spells represent your basic access to mental
At 11th level, you gain access to the 50-point level of influence, but your strongest capabilities come in the
your psychokinetic devotions. You learn the spell jump form of psychic devotions. Devotions are powerful
and you don’t have to spend devotion points to cast it. effects, often connected to the wielder’s psychic
discipline, that can’t be dispelled. The potency of a
Psychometabolist psychic devotion depends on the number of devotion
Psychometabolists are complete masters over their points you spend when you use it. Each devotion has
own bodies, controlling their shape and functions like three levels of effect: an effect that costs 5 devotion
a chameleon. Their powers often activate instinctively, points, one that costs 20, and one that costs 50. You can
allowing them to shift and augment their physical form. only access the 50-point level of a devotion if it falls
Not every psychometabolist is thrilled with the under your psychic discipline.
changes they can create within themselves. Some
gravitate toward amplifying their natural bodies, feeling Absorption
most comfortable in their own skin. Others are more Psychometabolic devotion
risky, preferring to explore new and strange forms. When you learn this devotion, you become capable
of absorbing energy and forces that would otherwise
Metahumanoid damage your body.
Starting when you choose this discipline at 3rd level, 5 Devotion Points: When you take force,
you add your Intelligence modifier to your initiative lightning, radiant, or thunder damage, you can use this
rolls. You learn one of the following spells, which devotion as a reaction to reduce the damage you take
doesn’t count against your spells known: alter self, by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier.
enhance ability, or lesser restoration. 20 Devotion Points: You can also reduce acid,
Skinchanger cold, fire, and poison damage with this devotion, and
At 11th level, you gain access to the 50-point level of the damage is reduced by an amount equal to your
your psychometabolic devotions. You learn the spell Intelligence score.
disguise self and you don’t have to spend devotion 50 Devotion Points (only usable by
points to cast it as a 1st-level spell. psychometabolists): You can also reduce bludgeoning,
necrotic, piercing, and slashing damage with this
Telepath devotion, and the damage is reduced by 50.
As a telepath, you’re familiar with the tortuous alleys Animate
of the subconscious. You can navigate the metaphysical Psychokinetic devotion
workings of the mind with the skill of a hunter. You can project a physical force from your mind
Telepaths are often empathetic, seeing the broader dexterous enough to perform detailed tasks.
motivations and context that inform others’ actions. There 5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion as
are those, however, who see the world more cynically after an action to manipulate objects with your mind as if
perceiving the dark thoughts that lurk behind every smile. both your hands were touching them. The force you
Reaching Mind project to perform this manipulation has a reach of 15
When you choose the Telepath discipline at 3rd level, feet, meaning that you can only touch objects within
you can psychically contact and use Ego Whip on that range. For example, you could swing a shortsword,
creatures within 120 feet. You also learn one of the pick a lock, or use a healing kit to stabilize a fallen ally.
following spells, which doesn’t count against your spells You can only perform one action with the objects
known: calm emotions, detect thoughts, or suggestion. before they drop from your telekinetic grasp. If your
use of this devotion requires you to make a roll to
which you would normally apply your Dexterity, apply
your Intelligence instead.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 155

20 Devotion Points: The range of your telekinetic 20 Devotion Points: Your force projection becomes
grasp increases to 50 feet, and you gain the equivalent a 15-foot line, cone, cube, sphere, or cylinder that collides
of two more hands. You can maintain the projected heavily with objects and creatures it strikes. Choose its
force until the end of your next turn, and you can point of origin, within 30 feet of you. Fragile objects in
use a bonus action and a reaction with it in addition the area are destroyed if they are nonmagical. Creatures
to the initial action you take. Before the effect ends, within the area must succeed on a Strength saving throw
you can spend another 20 devotion points to extend or take 6d6 force damage and fall prone. Creatures that
its duration by one turn and continue a prolonged succeed take half damage and remain standing.
task, such as puppeteering a suit of armor to walk 50 Devotion Points (only usable by
convincingly, playing two instruments in the air at psychokinetics): The line, cone, cube, sphere, or
once, or searching a room with rapid precision. cylinder you create increases to 25 feet, with a point
50 Devotion Points (only usable by of origin within 100 feet of you. Damage on a failed
psychokinetics): Your animating projection has a saving throw increases to 12d6 force damage.
range of 200 feet (although it still requires you to see You can instead use an action to shape your
the objects you’re manipulating), and the equivalent of projection into a barrier like that described in the wall
six more hands (a total of 10). Your telekinetic grasp of force spell. It must remain within 100 feet of you, and
can now perform two actions, bonus actions, and lasts until the end of your next turn. You can spend
reactions each turn that you maintain it. another 25 devotion points before that time to extend
You can give up the use of all your actions, the duration by one turn.
bonus actions, and reactions to force a creature your
telekinetic force has grappled to make a Strength Hypnosis
(Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) saving throw Telepathic devotion
contested by your Intelligence. If it fails, you can move The Hypnosis devotion allows you to lull a creature
the creature with enough precision to choose what into a trance and assert control over its mind.
physical action it takes on its turn. 5 Devotion Points: Use this devotion as an action
Alternatively, you can use this devotion as an action to draw a creature into a trance. One creature within
to apply your telekinesis to up to two mundane objects 30 feet of you that you’ve made psychic contact with
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
(such as a suit of armor or a rug), turning them into
charmed by you. At the end of each of its turns, it can
animated versions of those objects. You can use this
repeat the saving throw. If it succeeds on the save or
initial action and any subsequent actions to command
takes damage, the condition ends. The creature can
the animated objects to act. If you use the devotion
choose to automatically fail.
in this manner, you don’t gain additional actions or
While the creature is charmed, it only speaks the
reactions as described above. The effect lasts until
truth, and can access memories of every experience it
the end of your next turn. You can spend another 25
has had, including those erased through supernatural
devotion points before it ends to extend its duration by
means and even recollections of past lives. When the
one turn.
hypnosis ends, the target regains hit points equal to
Force Projection your psychic level and has no memory of the hypnosis.
Psychokinetic devotion 20 Devotion Points: In addition to the above
If the Animate devotion manifests as intricate effects, the charmed creature cannot repeat the saving
articulation, Force Projection turns your psychokinesis throw until 1 minute has passed. If you concentrate
into brute strength. for 1 minute while the target is charmed, you can
5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion as remove one form of madness or one of the following
an action to apply blunt force to an object or creature conditions from it: blinded, deafened, frightened,
within 15 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack roll incapacitated, poisoned, or unconscious. Alternatively,
against the target, dealing 1d10 force damage on a hit you can inflict one of the above conditions. When the
and knocking it prone. On a miss, targets take half target is no longer charmed, any condition imposed by
damage and remain standing. your hypnosis also ends.
Alternatively, you can use the projected force within 50 Devotion Points (only usable by telepaths): In
addition to the above effects, the charmed creature cannot
15 feet to take an action that would normally call for
repeat the saving throw until 10 minutes have passed.
the use of your Strength, such as moving a heavy object,
While it is charmed, you determine the actions the
bashing through a barrier, or jumping over a chasm.
creature takes, but you cannot command it to hurt itself.
When taking this action, you can use your Intelligence
You can also concentrate for up to 10 minutes
in place of Strength.
while the target is charmed to modify its memory of an

156 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

event that it experienced in the last 6 days as if it were The new location of your projected sense replaces
affected by a modify memory spell. For each additional that faculty’s perception in your actual location. You
minute you concentrate, the modified event can extend can’t, for example, see from your physical eyes while
another 6 days into the past. looking through sight projection. It can travel through
You can also concentrate the same way to walls or other barriers as you choose, but can’t move
permanently restore a modified memory or one from more than 30 feet.

New Class: Psychic

a past life. Once restored, this memory is crystal clear, 20 Devotion Points: You may choose one
and cannot be changed again. additional sense to project along the same path, and
the distance they can travel increases to 1 mile. While
Matter Manipulation
you maintain concentration, the senses can remain
Psychokinetic devotion
projected for up to 10 minutes. During that time you
When you learn this devotion, you gain the ability to
can use an action to move them 30 feet.
sense and shape the composition of physical matter.
50 Devotion Points (only usable by clairsentients):
5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion as an
You can project all five senses to any location you’ve
action to determine the chemical makeup of an object.
visited or seen on your current plane, or into the dreams
You know in detail what materials it’s made from, how
of an unconscious creature you’ve made psychic contact
long ago it was formed into its present state, and what
with. If you choose, an image of your physical body
special properties it has. Some common uses of this
appears where your senses travel, and you can speak
devotion are to detect poison, date artifacts, or identify
through it.
magic items.
20 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion to Metabolic Shift
concentrate for 10 minutes, making changes to the form Psychometabolic devotion
or chemical makeup of an inanimate, nonmagical object. This devotion allows you to kick your body into
For every 10 minutes of concentration, you create one of overdrive, speeding up its functions with a boost of
the following effects in an area of 3 square inches. adrenaline.
• Heat an object to 300 degrees Fahrenheit 5 Devotion Points: You can use a bonus action on
• Cool an object to 0 degrees Fahrenheit your turn to gain advantage on your next ability check
• Change an object’s shape or to take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action.
• Change the material an object is made from 20 Devotion Points: In addition to the above effect,
• Create a nonmagical object from matter in the air you can take a second action at the end of your turn.
50 Devotion Points (only usable by
If you’re attempting to replicate a specific design psychometabolists): In addition to the above effect,
or shape, you must make an Intelligence check to see you immediately gain a number of temporary hit points
how closely it matches your intended result. The result equal to your psychic level + your Intelligence score.
of your roll becomes the DC for creatures making a Alternatively, you can use this devotion at a cost of
Wisdom (Perception) check to spot the fake. If your 50 devotion points to spend 1 hour of concentration
result is less than 10, the object doesn’t function permanently aging your body forward or backward a
according to your intended design. single year. You can concentrate for an additional hour,
50 Devotion Points (only usable by aging or rejuvenating another year, by spending 25
psychokinetics): The area you can affect increases devotion points before the first hour ends.
to 20 square feet per hour of concentration. You
can extend your concentration for another hour by Metamorphosis
spending 25 more devotion points. Psychometabolic devotion
This devotion twists the matter of your body to change
Mental Projection its nature and shape.
Clairsentient devotion 5 Devotion Points: Choose your arm, leg, head, or
You gain the ability to project your sensory other body part. You can use this devotion as an action to
consciousness out of your body and through space. alter that part for 1 minute in one of the following ways.
5 Devotion Points: Choose sight, hearing, touch,
taste, or smell. You can use your action to project this • Change its size by one category (Medium to Small,
faculty up to 30 feet, allowing you to use it as if you were Medium to Large, etc.)
physically moving along the chosen route. Until the end • Change its shape or appearance
of your next turn you can perceive anything with that • Change the material it’s made of (and treat it as an
one sense that would be perceptible if you were there. improvised weapon)

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 157

• Make it a source of light comparable to a torch Alternatively, you can use this devotion as a bonus
• Make it invisible action to look up to 12 seconds into the past, seeing
and hearing what happened in your precise location at
The body part remains the same in every way
that time.
except for the effect you choose, which is isolated to the
50 Devotion Points (only usable by clairsentients):
area you designate (no larger than a single appendage).
You can use this devotion to project your consciousness
20 Devotion Points: You can choose two effects
into a different point in time, seeing and hearing what
from the above list, and they can apply to two areas of
occurred in your precise location up to 10 years in the
your body or a single area roughly twice the size. For
past or future.
example, you could change your head and shoulders
You must concentrate, in complete stillness, 1
into those of a minotaur, or you could change the
minute for each day of time you wish to pass through.
shape and material of both your arms so they become a
You are considered paralyzed during this time, and can
sword and shield.
only perceive the passing of the timestream until you
50 Devotion Points (only usable by
have concentrated for the required duration. If you are
psychometabolists): You can choose up to two effects
moved or take damage, your concentration ends and
from the above list and apply them to your entire body
you immediately regain consciousness in the present.
for up to an hour. You can extend this duration an hour
Once you have completed the required time for
by spending 25 devotion points before the first hour is up.
concentration, you can see and hear events as they
Alternatively, you can use this devotion as an
transpired (or will transpire) in real time. During
action to transform into another creature or object
this experience, you’re invisible and cannot interact
you’ve seen for up to 1 hour, or until you drop to 0
with the events you witness. After an hour has passed,
hit points. All of your game statistics, except for your
you regain consciousness in the present unless you
Intelligence and psychic traits, are replaced by those
spend another 50 devotion points to extend your time
of the chosen form. Any gear you’re carrying does not
projection another hour.
transform with you.
Note for GMs: This devotion can make your job
You assume the hit points of your new form.
difficult. Be cautious about how you frame scenes
When you revert to your normal form, you return
in the future, especially when they involve player
to the number of hit points you had before you
characters. Be sure to keep track of what is seen and
metamorphosed. If you revert as a result of dropping
heard, and enlist your players to give input on their
to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your
character’s future actions. It’s up to you whether or not
normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t
these events are able to be changed.
reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t
knocked unconscious. Psychic Impressions
While in this form, you’re limited to your psychic Clairsentient devotion
class traits and the actions of that creature or object. When you learn this devotion, you gain the ability
to read the psionic energy imbued in objects and
Clairsentient devotion
5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion as
Your awareness can extend to different points in time,
an action to detect a creature’s general emotions, either
either past or future.
on their person or left on an object or location. You
5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion to
can sense broad feelings like agony, anger, confusion,
cancel the effects of being surprised, or as a reaction to
excitement, fear, gratitude, happiness, malice, sadness,
gain advantage on an attack roll or saving throw.
or temptation. If sensed on a creature, you know which
20 Devotion Points: At the end of your turn, you
emotions belong to which creature. If on an object or
can use this devotion to go back to the instant your
location, you can’t be sure.
turn began and start again. Everything that occurred
20 Devotion Points: You also sense an aura of the
on your turn no longer happened, on the condition
creature’s type, alignment at the time the impressions
that you change your course of action. If you take an
were left, plane of origin, and its relative toughness
action that matches one you took before, events return
(challenge rating or character level).
to the way you “foresaw” them the first time, including
50 Devotion Points (only usable by
the results of dice rolls and character responses. Your
clairsentients): In addition to the above effects, you
GM has the final say on whether your second try is
can ask the GM for two pieces of information about a
sufficiently different from your first.
creature that left the impressions you’re reading. The

158 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

information can be general or specific, relating to its by the Intelligence score of the creature whose mind
past, future, motivations, or secrets. Your GM can ask you are exploring. If you succeed, you can summon
you to choose a different question if he or she deems the creature’s consciousness to your presence. This
yours unsuitable. At any point before getting your consciousness takes a form similar to the creature’s
first answer, you can retract the request and pay 20 physical appearance.
devotion points instead of 50. 50 Devotion Points (only usable by telepaths):

New Class: Psychic

You can concentrate up to an hour, remaining in the
Psychic Journey mindscape for the duration. In addition, you can use
Telepathic devotion an action to contest Intelligence with the creature in
When you use this devotion, your consciousness can order to alter conditions in its mindscape as though
travel deep into a creature’s mind and manipulate its you were in the Primordial Realm. These alterations
innermost workings. create lasting effects on the target’s personality, at your
5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion GM’s discretion.
to concentrate on a creature you touch for 1 minute. Examples of such effects might be an alignment
While concentrating, you enter a mindscape shift, removing or inflicting a form of madness, or a
representing the target’s psyche. If it has an Intelligence change in traits, bonds, or flaws. Work with your GM
score of 3 or lower, the creature is unaffected. to determine appropriate effects of your alteration to
The mindscape is a dreamlike dimension that the mindscape.
appears to be made of physical matter. Its nature reflects
the target’s personality and mental state. Some have Telepathic Field
natural land formations, while others might be made Telepathic devotion
entirely of steel or glass. A more intelligent mind often This devotion creates a field of psychic energy that
involves winding paths or corridors with a large number can bolster the awareness of your allies and drain the
of doors. Less intelligent minds are laid out simply. mental stamina of your enemies.
While you journey through the mindscape, your 5 Devotion Points: You can use this devotion to
body remains unconscious. If at any time your body automatically make psychic contact with a creature
takes damage, you return to it and regain consciousness. within 10 feet of you. If the creature is unwilling, you
If you’re in a creature’s mindscape while it becomes do not need to spend a bonus action and it does not
the target of a mind blank spell, the integrity of your get a saving throw to resist. While in contact with
surroundings begins to collapse into oblivion. You this creature, it has disadvantage when contesting
must immediately make an Intelligence check contested Intelligence with you. As an action, you can give
by the Intelligence of the creature whose mind you’re the creature temporary hit points equal to your
exploring. If you succeed, you regain consciousness in Intelligence modifier.
the Material Realm. On a failure, you return to your 20 Devotion Points: When you use this devotion
body, but drop to 0 hit points. to automatically make psychic contact with a creature,
You can appraise the target’s mental state by you can choose an additional number of targets equal to
exploring the mindscape. As an action, contest your your Intelligence modifier. The targets must be within
Intelligence with the creature’s. If it’s willing, you can 20 feet of you when you initiate contact with them.
add the target’s Wisdom modifier as a bonus to your When a creature you’re in contact with makes an ability
roll. If you win the contest, you open a new path in check or saving throw within 20 feet of you, you can
the mindscape and learn one fact or secret about the choose to give it advantage or disadvantage on that roll.
creature, chosen by your GM. 50 Devotion Points (only usable by telepaths): In
The mindscape is often populated with metaphorical addition to the above effects, when you automatically
characters, monsters, and hazards. Your GM may make psychic contact, you can do so with all creatures
determine that certain areas or bits of information within 50 feet of you. While contact lasts with these
can only be accessed once you’ve completed a quest creatures, you can allow any of them to take the Dodge
or objective of some sort. All damage you take in the action as a bonus action.
mindscape becomes psychic damage. Alternatively, you can use this devotion at a cost
20 Devotion Points: When you enter the of 50 points to end all psychic contact within 50 feet of
mindscape, you can bring up to five creatures with you for 1 minute. During that time, psionic spells cast
whom you have psychic contact. Like yours, the bodies by or targeting creatures in that range automatically
of all these psychic travelers remain unconscious in the fail. If you spend an additional 25 devotion points
Material World as described above. Additionally, as an before the minute ends, you extend the duration of this
action you can make an Intelligence check contested effect by 1 minute.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 159

Items and Equipment
Adventuring Gear Holster. Characters wearing a holster can both
draw and stow a one-handed firearm from it as part of
The following items have special qualities that may prove
useful to those who can obtain them. their action.
Ammunition. These four forms of ammunition are Morphine Case. In this small leather case is a
used by firearms. Exploding rounds deal an extra 1d6 syringe and a bottle of morphine containing 6 doses.
fire damage on a hit, and pellet shot can be loaded into A Medium-sized creature who is administered 1 dose
a blunderbuss or hand cannon to target a 15-foot cone gains 10 temporary hit points and becomes poisoned. A
when fired. Creatures in the cone must succeed on a DC creature receiving 2 doses within 10 minutes also falls
15 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 piercing damage. unconscious. For each size category below Medium,
Cane Sword. This seemingly ordinary cane treat the dosage as if it were doubled. For each category
conceals a rapier. While sheathed, creatures that do not above Medium, treat it as if it were halved.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check or Every time a creature is administered at least 1
Intelligence (Investigation) check consider it harmless. dose of morphine, it makes a Constitution saving
Coke. This coal-based fuel is burned in engines, throw to avoid becoming addicted. The DC for this
furnaces, and stoves. Iron warships, steamboats, and train save is 8 + the number of times the character has made
engines require 15 tons of coke to operate for 24 hours. this saving throw in the last month.
Diving Suit. This leather suit is fitted with a round
brass helmet, weighted boots, and a hose connected to
Add the following tools to the list of those available to
an airline. While enclosed in the suit, a diver is protected
player characters.
from the dangers of deep underwater environments.
Gaming Set. Some of the most popular games
Hacksaw. You can spend 1 minute to cut through
from around Vinramar include King’s Caroms, a cue
4 inches of most immobile mundane objects, including
sport played with 3-inch diameter ivory balls; Masks of
wood, bone, and metal.
Ruethas, a high-stakes card game using the traditional
Adventuring Gear heathfolk deck; Obelisk, a Syservoli war game played
around the steps of a pyramid-shaped board; and
Item Cost Weight Twelve Traitors, the elaborate Arrochuli bluffing game.
Ammunition Musical Instrument. There are countless
Exploding rounds (20) 50 gp 4 lb. instruments among the various cultures of Vinramar,
Lead ball (20) 10 gp 5 lb. but perhaps the best known are the Jessiki bleakbells,
heathfolk fiddle, Goltari guitar, and Mottan ottavino (a
Pellet shot (20) 8 gp 1 lb.
lap harpsichord that can be carried like a backpack).
Steam canister (10) 90 gp 4 lb.
Cane sword 50 gp 2 lb. Tools
Cigars (25) 10 gp — Item Cost Weight
Clock 140 gp 4 lb. Gaming set
Coke (1 ton) 4 gp 2,000 lb. King’s Caroms 1 gp 10 lb.
Diving suit 600 gp 150 lb. Masks of Ruethas 5 sp —
Hacksaw 10 gp 1 lb. Obelisk 3 gp 2 lb.
Holster 15 gp 1 lb. Twelve Traitors 5 sp 1 lb.
Morphine case 50 gp 1 lb. Musical instrument
Music box 25 gp 1 lb. Accordion 30 gp 4 lb.
Pocket watch 175 gp — Bleakbells 2 gp 1 lb.
Psionic focus Fiddle 30 gp 1 lb.
Rune-etched bones — — Guitar 35 gp 3 lb.
Tarot cards 5 sp — Mandolin 20 gp 1 lb.
Tea leaves — — Ottavino 35 gp 5 lb.
Trinket — — Printing press 420 gp 60 lb.

160 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Printing Press. Those proficient with the printing Properties
press can mass-print books, newspapers, and Some firearms have special properties, described below.
pamphlets. Character that choose proficiency with one Knockdown. A weapon with the knockdown
type of artisan’s tools can instead gain proficiency with property has a chance to knock prone any creature
the printing press. that takes piercing damage from it. When one or more
of the weapon’s damage dice rolls the highest possible

Items and Equipment

result, the damaged creature is knocked prone.
The invention of gunpowder is perhaps the most Loading. Some firearms with the loading property
chilling innovation spawned by industrialization. When can load multiple pieces of ammunition as part of the
the first experiments with firearms proved disastrous, Attack action. The number is indicated in parentheses.
authorities quickly hid them from the public awareness. Melee Versatile. When you make a melee
Though their existence remains unknown to most of attack with a weapon that has the melee versatile
the world, firearms and their paraphernalia are sold to property, you use it as the melee weapon specified in
obsessive enthusiasts on the black market. parentheses, not an improvised weapon.
Each of these weapons has a lock (the firing
mechanism), a stock (where the gun is held), and a barrel
The following modifications can be added to any
through which explosive force launches the ammunition.
firearm with the use of smith’s tools or tinker’s tools,
Ammunition granting it special properties as described below.
Most firearms fire simple lead balls, often melted into Bayonet. A bayonet is an 8-inch blade that can
the proper shape and caliber in a handheld mold. attach and detach from the muzzle of a gun, turning
Steam guns instead use pressurized steam canisters it into an effective thrusting weapon. Two-handed
that load into a complex contraption strapped to the firearms with a bayonet gain the property melee versatile
wielder’s back. A hose connects the cannister bay to the (spear). The DC for applying this modification is 10.
butt of the gun, allowing it to release a scalding spray of Cased Stock. The stock of the firearm is banded or
steam when the trigger is pulled. One steam cannister studded to make it more effective as a blunt weapon
is expended after 10 shots. in close quarters. Firearms with a cased stock gain the
Firearm ammunition can never be recovered after property melee versatile (mace). The DC for applying
it has been expended. this modification is 10.
Double Barrel. A firearm with this modification
Proficiency gains an additional lock, barrel, and trigger, allowing it
Firearms have a weapon proficiency category of their to be fired up to twice per turn if a feature allows you
own. Heathfolk characters have proficiency with the to make more than one weapon attack. The DC for
flintlock pistol, while fighters and rangers can gain applying this modification is 15. The steam gun cannot
proficiency with all firearms by taking the marksmanship be modified in this way.
fighting style. If you wish, you can allow your players Rifled Barrel. Rifling is the arrangement of spiral
to gain proficiency with firearms in other ways, such as grooves on the inside of a gun’s barrel, which causes
spending downtime or taking the Gunslinger feat below. the ammunition to spin, increasing its range. A firearm
Proficiency with firearms allows a character to with a rifled barrel doubles its normal and maximum
add his or her proficiency bonus when making ability range. This modification can only be applied to firearms
checks to craft firearm ammunition. with the two-handed property, and requires the firearm
Characters who don’t have proficiency with a to use special lead balls called minié balls. Minié balls
firearm must spend an action to load it. cost 1 gp each. The DC for applying this modification is
18. The steam gun cannot be modified in this way.
Feat: Gunslinger Sight. A sight is an adjustable aiming device that can
You have training in the use and maintenance of be fixed to the lock of a two-handed firearm, improving
firearms. You gain the following benefits: the shooter’s accuracy. You can spend a bonus action to
• You gain proficiency with firearms. use a firearm’s sight, allowing you to attack beyond its
• When you use the Attack action with the normal range this turn without disadvantage. The DC
flintlock pistol, dagger pistol, or gunsword, you for applying this modification is 10.
can use a bonus action to attack with another Six-Gun Cylinder. This revolving component
flintlock pistol, dagger pistol, or gunsword fits the firearm to use a spinning cylinder set with six
in your other hand, adding your proficiency ammunition chambers. The firearm gains the property
bonus to the damage of the second attack. loading 6. The DC for applying this modification is 18.
The steam gun cannot be modified in this way.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 161

Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Ranged Weapons (Firearms)
Arquebus 420 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 50/100), loading, two-handed
Blunderbuss 500 gp 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two-handed
Dagger pistol 400 gp 1d10 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading, melee versatile
Doglock 300 gp 2d4 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 40/90), loading, two-handed
Flintlock pistol 275 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading
Gunsword 600 gp 1d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading, melee versatile
(longsword), two-handed
Hand cannon 450 gp 2d6 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 20/60), knockdown, loading (1)
Kalthoff 1,200 gp 1d10 piercing 13 lb. Ammunition (range 50/100), heavy, loading (20),
Steam gun 700 gp 1d10 fire 20 lb. Ammunition, heavy, loading (10)
Volleygun 500 gp 4d4 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), heavy, knockdown,
loading (1), melee versatile (greatclub), two-handed
Bayonet 10 gp — 2 lb. Melee versatile (spear)
Cased stock 20 gp — 1 lb. Melee versatile (mace)
Double barrel 300 gp — 4 lb. Special
Rifled barrel 80 gp — — Special
Sight 10 gp — — Special
Six-Gun cylinder 1,000 gp — 1 lb. Loading (6)

Artillery Weapons Jingal

Large object
The following artillery weapons may be known to
characters familiar with the firearm black market. Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 60
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
Large object
A jingal is a heavy musket mounted on a swivel for a
Armor Class: 18 balance of mobility and firepower. To fire the jingal, it
Hit Points: 80 must first be loaded. It takes one action to load it and
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic one action to fire it. When a jingal fires from a wall or
Bombards are squat, large-caliber mortars made to fire window, it can be loaded with a bonus action.
stone balls. Their ability to blast masonry to bits makes Gunfire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
them valuable in a siege, but they are also deadly to 120/600 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) piercing damage.
foot soldiers. To fire a bombard, it must first be loaded
Long gun
and aimed. It takes one action to load it, two actions to
Large object
aim it, and one action to fire it.
Bombardment. The bombard fires on a 30-foot Armor Class: 19
sphere centered on a point 600 feet of it. It can’t fire Hit Points: 70
at an area closer than 100 feet. Objects and structures Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
within the sphere take 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage,
The long gun is among the most formidable and accurate
and creatures must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
pieces of artillery on the battlefield. Built like a cannon
throw or take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage. On a
with an elongated barrel, it can fire its cast iron balls
successful save, the creatures take half damage.
astounding distances compared to other weapons on the
field. Long gun rounds are usually 9 inches in diameter.

162 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Where they are available, long guns can fire
explosive shells instead of cannonballs, which burst into
Since the advent of industrial technology, the world
fiery shrapnel upon impact. Shells are useful for striking
has seen incredible machinery emerge. The following
enemy soldiers behind cover. To fire the long gun, it
vehicles are extremely rare, but may be encountered by
must first be loaded and aimed. It takes one action to
characters adventuring in Chayrshellech, Trentsmund,
load it, one action to aim it, and one action to fire it.
or Wellusk.

Items and Equipment

Cannonball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
Boneshaker. This bicycle-like vehicle has between
hit, range 2,000/5,000 ft., one target. Hit: 44 (8d10)
two and four wheels, and is propelled as the rider’s feet
bludgeoning damage.
turn its pedals. The name boneshaker arose from the way
Shell. The long gun fires in a straight line toward a
the rigid frame and iron-banded wheels rattle the rider.
point within 2,000 feet, affecting a 15-foot-radius sphere
Iron Warship. Powered by steam engines and
centered on that point. Objects, structures, and creatures
reinforced with a metal hull, iron warships strike fear
within that sphere take 11 (2d10) piercing damage and
into the hearts of those that oppose them. Virtually
11 (2d10) fire damage. Creatures must also succeed a
indestructible compared to their contemporaries, these
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take double damage,
brutes can operate for 24 hours on 15 tons of coke.
with no benefit from half-cover or three-quarters cover.
Steamboat. These mid-sized ships utilize steam
Ribauldequin power to move themselves through the water, often by
Large object means of a propeller or paddlewheel. Most steamboats
are furnished for ferrying passengers and light cargo.
Armor Class: 14 Steam Car. Though flashy as a novelty, these
Hit Points: 30 self-powered carriages are extremely rare and largely
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic impractical. Their engines run on lamp oil, 48 pints of
A ribauldequin is a lightweight artillery weapon fitted which can fuel a single car for 1 hour at a speed of 60
with twelve iron barrels built upon a two-wheeled mph. While heavy and expensive, steam cars can carry
handcart. Each time it fires, the ribauldequin spreads much more weight than a horse.
bullet fire across the battlefield, making it a useful weapon Steam Wagon. Like their sister the steam car,
against infantry. To fire the weapon, it must first be loaded steam wagons are slow and steady. They’re outfitted to
and aimed. It takes one action to load a ribauldequin, one fit 12 passengers along four rows of cushioned seats.
action to aim it, and one action to fire it. Train Engine. Also called locomotives, these
Volley. The ribauldequin fires on a 30-foot cube steam-powered vehicles are the fastest and most
within 400 feet of it. Each creature in the cube must powerful way to travel. They hitch dozens of freight
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 11 (2d10) cars, passenger cars, or tanker cars behind them to
piercing damage. form a long convoy that hurtles noisily down the track.

Vehicle Cost Speed Crew Passengers Cargo AC HP Damage Threshold
Land Vehicles
Boneshaker 30 gp 8 mph — — 50 lb. 10 10 —
Steam car* 40,000 gp 60 mph — 3 1 ton 12 80 —
Steam wagon* 50,000 gp 30 mph — 12 3 tons 12 120 —
Railroad Vehicles
Handcar 300 gp 10 mph — 6 500 lb. 12 100 10
Train engine* 1,200 gp 100 mph 2 2 5 tons 19 300 50
Freight car 30 gp — — — 50 tons 400 50
Passenger car 80 gp — — 80 — 300 40
Tanker car 50 gp — — — 6,000 gallons 16 200 20
Waterborne Vehicles
Iron warship* 150,000 gp 3 mph 60 60 200 tons 18 500 40
Steamboat* 80,000 gp 2 mph 20 200 100 tons 15 300 10
*When this vehicle is reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes. Creatures within 20 feet of it must succeed
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 fire damage and be knocked prone.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 163

World Factions
Throughout Vinramar, there are organizations whose place to live among the Avans, but they must come
power and influence extends into most regions of the and go blindfolded with an escort until they prove
world. These factions pursue goals connected to a themselves worthy of the rank of Devout. Most enclaves
particular philosophy, deity, or agenda, and likely have consist of living quarters, a shrine or chapel, and an
a presence in any region where you choose to set a orphanage where members care for rescued children.
campaign. Once operatives advance beyond the initiatory
ranks, they join one of two affiliations within the
Avan Enclaves enclave: the Order of the Rose, which oversees and
Once a sacred order of knights-errant, Avan enclaves defends the enclave, or the Order of the Thorn, which
have become a secretive and widely misunderstood conducts missions outside it. It is common for enclaves
group. Their operatives valiantly combat slavery and to include operatives devoted to other Jharric deities,
injustice from the shadows, running underground especially Iala, the goddess of light and healing.
communities where escaped slaves and Jharric The highest ranking and most senior member of
worshippers can live a relatively peaceful existence. the enclave is named Seneschal and entrusted with
Members of this faction espouse the ideals of Ava, the oversight of all business, direction over ritual
goddess of love and courage. They condemn slavery observances, and the locations of the other Avan
and swear themselves to the protection of life and enclaves. The female Seneschal with the highest
innocence. Where either are threatened, they bring renown is named Matriarch, and charged with
deliverance, justice, and healing. coordinating the actions of the many enclaves.
Avans cleverly hide their enclaves in secluded, At times Ava herself reincarnates to lead the faith
defensible locations—forests, ruins, or caves—where personally as a mortal of a given race. At such times
enemies are unlikely to investigate. The location of she chooses a male husband to lead alongside her,
each hideout is a closely guarded secret, revealed only known as the Consort of the Mother. Such a man
to a Devout whom the Seneschal, or enclave leader, has commands unrivaled status among Avan devotees.
approved. Those liberated by the enclave are offered a Typical Quests. Common Avan enclave efforts
include seizing the supplies of a local tyrant to support
Ranks of the Avan Enclaves the poor, protecting a jhareth from the Eitharmos,
Rank Prerequisites returning a stolen child to her parents, and escorting
Initiatory Ranks escaped slaves to freedom through a trail of hideaways
and safe houses.
Ardent Renown of 1, sanction of an
Avan operative
The Black Dans
Devout Renown of 3, sanction of the The King’s Army and Navy of Trentsmund is the
Seneschal foremost military force in the world. Its soldiers, known
Operative Renown of 5, save a life as the Black Dans for their iconic sable uniforms, can
Order of the Rose be found stationed across Vinramar fighting for the
Reverent Renown of 10, proficiency in glory of Trentsmund—and the occasional spoils of war.
Medicine As a military outfit, the Black Dans are highly
structured around a central command. From the
Rose Heart Renown of 25, 1 year as a
capital at Forteth, the King of Trentsmund commands
his forces through military councils, but the true
Order of the Thorn power of the Black Dans lies with the company and
Knight Renown of 10, proficiency field officers themselves. To the extent they keep their
with one martial weapon superiors happy, these characters live above the law in
Cimeter Renown of 25, 1 year as a foreign lands, pursuing what action and renown they
Knight can within the bounds of military hierarchy.
Seneschal Senior Rose Heart or The Black Dans accept any and all recruits. In
Cimeter within an enclave addition to providing them a poor lifestyle, the King
offers 1 silver penny’s pay (sp) per month to those who
Matriarch, or Consort Highest renown of all Avans don the Black of the Dans. If they join the Army, they
of the Mother become privates. If the Navy, they become seamen.

164 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Ranks of the Black Dans
Army Rank Renown Command Navy Rank Renown Command
Sergeant 1 Squad (10 privates) Master-at-arms 1 Ship discipline
Lieutenant 3 Section (3 squads) Midshipman 3 Commander’s apprentice
Captain 5 Company (3-6 sections) Lieutenant 5 Combat leader (1-6

World Factions
Major 7 Lieutenant Colonel’s lieutenants per ship)
second-in-command Commander 7 Captain’s second-in-
Lieutenant 10 Battalion (3-5 command
Colonel companies) Captain 10 1 ship
Colonel 15 Regiment (1-4 battalions) Commodore 15 Squadron (2-12 ships)
Brigadier 25 Brigade (3-6 battalions) Rear Admiral 25 Squadron (2-12 ships) or
General fleet (5-30 ships)
Major General 35 Division (3-8 brigades) Vice Admiral 35 Fleet (5-30 ships)
General 50 All units in one region Admiral 50 All ships in one region

A private or seaman earning 1 renown is elevated to The exact duties of an officer depend not only on
the position of sergeant or master-at-arms. Pay increases rank, but on the objectives of the engagement and his
to 1 gold dollar (gp) per month, then doubles each time or her particular assignment. Intelligence officers and
he or she moves up a rank, to a total of 256 gp per month elite unit officers get the greatest share of adventure as
for a general. With enough distinction, a doughty soldier they trek beyond enemy lines for tactical missions and
can make a fine living. But getting those promotions espionage. Elite units are usually made up of a small
takes grit and daring. Many die in their pursuit. detachment of privates hand-picked for specialized
Alternatively, a character of sufficient means and objectives like diplomacy, reconnaissance, science
reputation can purchase a commission in the Black operations, or guerilla maneuvers. These are the daring
Dans by paying the equivalent of 25 years’ pay at the men and women who win wars.
desired rank. A Captain’s commission, for example, Some officers might pursue appointment to an
costs 1,200 gp, while a Colonel’s reaches 9,600 gp. This intelligence position, chasing agents and manipulating
practice has occasionally put brainless dandies at the the flow of information to gain the King an advantage
head of a column, it’s true. Such fools die quickly on on the field. Each position has a required rank,
the field, and too often take many others with them. allowing a promising spy to eventually command a
Each military rank comes with an assigned network of operatives in all manner of subterfuge.
command, a number of privates, ships, or other duties Service in the Navy is more insular than the Army,
in the officer’s charge. These appointments are made by with seamen generally confined to one vessel and
ranking officers, and may or may not be favorable. Some captain. Officers in the King’s Navy are personally chosen
soldiers are green or unruly, and some ships are cursed. by their captains, who frequently promote friends and
allies. Rivalries aboard a navy vessel can be bitter, all the
Intelligence Officers more so when the ship is alone at sea for months.
Required Typical Quests. Standard quests in the Black Dans
Position Rank Command include capturing a strategic fort or town, negotiating an
Spy Lieutenant Undertakes missions alliance with local factions, gathering critical materials
to gather, manipulate, or information on enemy movements, and piloting a
or disrupt intelligence blockade run.
Operations Captain Plans operations,
Officer handling 2-5 spies
The Eitharmos
The Eitharmos is the last vestige of an ancient crusader
Field Officer Major Manages operations, cult sworn to purge the world of the jharethil and those
undertakes most who associate with them. Its warriors are called forth
dangerous missions from time to time, mustering from the fabled city of
Chief Major Coordinates large- Rhûminos like spectral hunters arrayed for war. The old
Intelligence General scale spy efforts in an tales rehearse the pursuit and slaughter of the heretics
Officer entire region with fascination and dread.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 165

The truth of the Eitharmos myths lies in the Typical Quests. Typical Eitharmos quests include
forgotten past. Etholchan teachings hint that tracking a fleeing jhareth, sifting clues to the location
Arrochimeir, eldest son of Daemoth, was slain with of a hidden Jharric chapter house, negotiating with a
seven wounds in a cataclysmic battle now only half- reluctant informant, and gathering novitiates from the
remembered. In reverence to him, the hunters of the four corners of Vinramar.
Eitharmos are inducted by the Wounding Rite, in
which seven deadly cuts are made in the novitiate’s Ranks of the Eitharmos
flesh. By the dark blessing of Arrochimeir, these Seven Rank Prerequisites
Wounds suspend the hunter from aging. Novitiate Cleric, fighter, paladin, or
Crusaders are drawn into the Eitharmos by this rogue; renown of 1
promise of eternal life through religious war. Unlike
Aru Level 3, undergo the
other Daemothites, the hunters concern themselves
Wounding Rite
deeply with questions of purity and absolution. Their
overarching goal to cleanse Vinramar of those they Aru’tur Renown of 3
consider heretical is a twisted reflection of their need Otu’ne Renown of 5
to be accepted by divinity. Otu’ra Renown of 10
Once a novitiate undergoes the Wounding Rite, Otu’lesk Renown of 25
he or she ascends through four ranks of military and
religious training to become an Otu’lesk, one of the Ouleithir Renown of 50, nomination
elite commanders overseeing 500 Arui each. The by an Ouleithir
Otu’leskim are permitted for the first time to meet
the Ouleithirim, the circle of seven supreme judges, The Etholchan Church
and take instruction directly from them. With every The more orthodox followers of Daemoth belong to
mission, every kill, their devotion grows. In time, this the Etholchan Church. This sect preserves many of
demonic obeisance becomes indelible. the religious traditions of Ancient Mohtra, including
While the most radical among the Eitharmos ceremonial dress, child sacrifice, and a code of fraternity
carefully amass power over hundreds of years, weak that encourages loyalty to the Church above all else.
and disaffected hunters are punished as savagely as Etholchan priests are respected throughout
the heretics they stalk. Hundreds of deserters from the West as a symbol of pre-human heritage
the order live throughout Vinramar, lingering in and ambassadors of the most powerful religious
a half-waking perpetuity for as long as it takes the organization in the world. Though most don’t openly
Eitharmos to root them out. Deathless exile gnaws at wield divine magic, a priest who does display the
them with torturous questions about right and wrong. miraculous power of Daemoth becomes a treasured—
When given a chance at redemption, these forsworn or sometimes hated—figure among Daemothites.
crusaders often rise to the occasion. The core Etholchan philosophy is that Daemoth
(to them the supreme Creator) requires nothing
but obedience to his authority. Rather than a set of
commandments or a code of behavioral expectations, the
Church rewards those who follow the specific instructions Ranks of Humenhi Wayfarers
of their god, as voiced by church leaders. The phrase “it is
Rank Prerequisites
God’s to sacrifice” is a common adage among Etholchans,
implying that Daemoth doesn’t care how you live, so long Peregrine Renown of 1
as you act when he or his representatives call. Sojourner Level 1 monk, renown of 3
While they hold obedience to be the highest virtue, Wayfarer Level 3 monk, renown of 5

World Factions
Etholchans consider weakness the deadliest of sins. To Peripatetic Level 5 monk, renown of 7
show frailty, fail, or fall behind is to become unworthy.
This doctrine has been championed by the Etholchan Monk Level 7 monk, renown of 10
Inquisition over the centuries, justifying (in their Champion Renown of 15, 2 years as a Monk
minds) the systematic execution of heretics, including Master Level 10 monk, renown of 25,
the jharethil and Jharric followers. To most Etholchans, 2 years as a Champion
the punishment of weakness is a law of nature. Grand Master Level 15 monk, renown of 50,
All of the Etholchan hierarchy answers to the 2 years as a Master
Hohram, a divine seer that is the sect’s central
Scion of Senfaer Most senior and highest-level
figurehead. Commanding the absolute obedience of
Grand Master at a temple
every Etholchan in Vinramar, the Hohram is perhaps
the most powerful person in the world. The headquarters of Humenhi Senfaerism is
Follower and priest alike wear the ritual dress of the Liung Do Temple in Aldalar. From its secluded
the Etholchans whenever in public, as a symbol of monasteries—and smaller temples scattered across the
Daemoth’s constant hold over the life of the wearer. The world—rise highly capable monks of every order. These
dress consists of a tunic that laces up the front, worn enlightened warriors uphold Senfaer’s charge to protect
with a wide purple girdle trimmed in black. Both are the four worlds from threats beyond the stars.
often worn in conjunction with other clothing, but are To join a temple and become a Peregrine, aspiring
required public dress for believers in good standing. wayfarers need only prove their earnest determination
Typical Quests. Common quests in the Etholchan to receive training. This is often done through an
Church include investigating a person’s claim to be a initiation quest such as delivering a message to a
daemon, rescuing holy writings or sacred ground from faraway monastery, caring for monks mutated by
being defiled by Jharric believers, running the election aberrations, or learning the first four Methods of Liung
campaign of an Etholchan political candidate, and Do. Once the quest is complete, the aspirant takes the
establishing an Etholchan mission in the outlands. Humenhi vow and dons the robe of the wayfarer. The
vow includes a promise to refrain from indulgence,
Ranks of the Etholchan Church
deceit, intoxication, sensuality, and flippancy.
Rank Prerequisites A wayfarer advances within the temple where he
Abject None or she is accepted. Time, experience, and rigorous
Disciple Renown of 1 training all factor into this progression. With each rank
Eshret Renown of 3 are taught additional Methods of Liung Do and their
corresponding Mysteries, through ritual, martial arts
Nephurah Renown of 10 drills, and practical application. It’s common for some
Maerog Renown of 25 to find the higher-level doctrines bizarre or distressing.
Vaeduah Renown of 50 Typical Quests. Common Wayfarer quests
Hohram Renown of 90 include closing dangerous portals, hunting intrusive
aberrations, harvesting ingredients to cure a plague, and
erecting waypoints for others traversing the Darkplane.
Humenhi Wayfarers
As the most prominent network of Senfaerist
temples, the Humenhi Wayfarers perform their
The Infernossos
The Infernossos is a network of covenanted signatories—
Sacred Mysteries throughout Vinramar. Each of these
damned souls who have contracted their services to
doctrines corresponds to one of the 36 Methods
the archdevil Gauren. Most signatories are clerics and
of Liung Do, an array of martial arts techniques
warlocks looking for unholy power, but there are also
developed by Humenhi, the founder of the discipline.
rogues who serve the archdevil as spies and assassins.
A wayfarer’s training begins with the simple virtues of
With written covenants serving as the basis for all
restraint, discipline, modesty, and mutual trust.
service within the Infernossos, the organization uses

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 167

complex bylaws to enforce fealty, encourage patronage, In the secret cities of the jharethil, hidden from the
and strengthen its interests throughout the world. Its sorrows of the world, the church is still organized as it
operation often resembles a crime ring dependent on was of old. The reigning king or queen serves as High
reciprocity of services. Authority over the Infernossos Priest or Priestess over the city, heading both a political
resides with a system of courts, whose Provosts and and a religious council. A Lansarus sits on the religious
Prelates exact the terms of each signatory’s pact. council with all others of that rank, and the Elders
Precise goals and duties within the Infernossos each govern one congregation of the Faithful, called a
depend largely on the agenda of the individual devils chapter. These congregations meet in their own chapter
to whom a signatory has sworn service. Often they houses, and employ a number of Priests and Votives
involve the wielding of political, economic, or social relative to the size of the congregation.
influence in a manner beneficial to others within The Faithful are deeply concerned with the
the network. Control over mortal affairs is endlessly principle of mahat, which represents the five keys of the
appealing to the fiends that hold sway over the infernal natural universe: balance, justice, life, purity, and truth.
courts, but above all, the Infernossos seeks recruits. To Mahat is both a concept and a force. According to the
that end, signatories that reach the rank of Notary are teachings of the Jharric Faith, it is what protects the four
charged with headhunting new members. worlds and all natural life from the infectious influence
Typical Quests. Common quests within the of the Darkplane. It emanates from Salvendum, sowing
Infernossos include stealing or replacing official life and ordering matter by natural laws.
documents, assassinating disruptive individuals, Members of the Jharric Faith are expected
punishing other signatories for disloyalty, and gaining to preserve mahat by embodying its five keys:
the favor of an influential politician or merchant. maintaining personal balance, sustaining order and
justice, preserving life, encouraging moral rectitude,
Ranks of the Infernossos and speaking only truth. Of course, this is far easier
Rank Prerequisites said than done, especially since much of the world
Signatory Cleric, rogue, or warlock treats the Faithful as unclean heretics.
(fiend patron); renown of 1 Priests of Jharus. Among the priests of the Faith,
those that serve Jharus are the quickest to action. The
Aedile Renown of 3
elite of their order, the Ensigns, train in both combat
Notary Renown of 5 and the channeling of divine magic. Those who follow
Provost Renown of 10 Jharus are expected to uphold his tenets and succor
Prelate Renown of 15 the weak. Though they embrace all five keys of mahat,
Notary Grand Prelate Renown of 25 Ensigns tend to place more emphasis on justice
than life, and consider sin or oppression sufficient
Consul General of the Renown of 50
justification for capital punishment.
Infernal Body
Ranks of the Jharric Faith
The Jharric Faith Rank Prerequisites
Historically, the Jharric Faith was a highly organized
Votive Renown of 1
religious tradition with strong connections to the
ancient jharethil. Millennia of persecution have Priest Renown of 3
reduced their congregations to small groups that pray Elder Renown of 5
together at hidden mountain shrines. Secrecy is all that Ialhala Renown of 10, cleric or paladin
stands between them and execution by the Eitharmos. of Iala
The Jharric gods are Jharus, Loragg, Ava, and Iala. Ensign Renown of 10, cleric or paladin
Three of these four are served by a single religious of Jharus
hierarchy which mediates between the gods and the
Abbot Renown of 10, cleric or paladin
Faithful that revere them. Ava, however, is represented
of Loragg
by her own operatives within the Avan Enclaves,
somewhat apart from the other Jharric gods. Within Head Abbot 1 year as an Abbot, renown of 25
the Jharric Faith, priests that earn 10 renown pledge Lansarus Renown of 25
themselves to one deity, whether as Ensigns of Jharus, High Priest or Renown of 50, king or queen of
Abbots of Loragg, Ialhalil of Iala, or by joining a local High Priestess a jhareth city
Avan Enclave.

168 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Priests of Loragg. Abbots oversee the preservation Church and nations traditionally under its influence
of religious and historical records, as well as the are highly disdainful of the order, disrupting their
defense of sacred relics. Their work often requires operations and imprisoning or executing them with the
seclusion, prompting the building of separate abbeys least excuse. For this cause the agents learn the Raven’s
where they can organize, translate, and transcribe the Speech, using the birds as messengers that can’t be
sacred writings of the jharethil. The largest abbeys intercepted or interrogated.

World Factions
house hundreds of Abbots, Priests, and Votives, all in The newest initiates of the order are simply called
the sacred charge of the Head Abbot. Abbeys are rare Brother or Sister. After a period of trial as an Agent
outside jhareth cities, with the Abbots instead acting as and receiving the ceremonial vestment as a Scapular,
wandering scribes and scholars. the novice is accepted as a fully gazetted member. The
Priests of Ava. In many ways, Ava is a goddess order is governed by the 13 most senior Hallowed
apart from the other three, but a priest of the Jharric Intercessors, called the Council of Thirteen.
Faith can use renown gained from that organization to Typical Quests. Standard quests of Mozralchic
advance within an Avan Enclave. agents include infiltrating a coven of witches,
Priests of Iala. Iala’s shrines are often arranged tracking the movements of a vampire, interrogating
beside those of Jharus, since light and purity are a necromancer, negotiating terms of surrender from
precursors to life and justice. Priests who focus their one ruler to another, and coordinating a nationwide
faith toward Iala are promised virtue, clarity, and response to an onslaught of primordials.
health. To the Ialhalil, nothing is more important than
the capacity to forgive and mend. Ranks of the Mozralchic Order
Typical Quests. Quests typical among the Faithful Rank Prerequisites
include performing healings in a plague-infested Serving Brother or Sister Renown of 1
village, smuggling holy relics out of an Etholchan
Agent Renown of 3
city, interrupting a demonic ritual, and cleansing a
desecrated temple to Jharus. Scapular Renown of 5
Sanctified Ambassador Renown of 10
The Mozralchic Order Justice of the Hamzara Renown of 25
The Mozralchic Order is a circle of agents specializing Hallowed Intercessor Renown of 50
in witch-hunts, slaying monsters, and protection
against the dark arts.
Mozralchic agents train dutifully to combat evil
No mercenaries command so fearsome a name as the
and unnatural influences through investigation,
Goltari soldiers known as the Nusalmatma. Under
diplomacy, and subterfuge. Aberrations, monstrosities,
the banner of the shedu (a winged bull with the head
primordials, and undead are their primary targets,
of a telmatra) they hire out their services as scouts,
though they are often consulted in the detection of
bodyguards, law enforcement, and elite military units.
fiends and dark magic. Perhaps because they consider
The sheer number of Nusalmatma mercenaries is
themselves to serve a greater good beyond the rivalries
a testament to the organization’s legacy and stability.
of nations, agents of Mozralchi have a history of acting
Satellite camps across Arrochule, Arwest, Syrikhal, and
as unofficial advisors and ambassadors between polities.
the Norlythe function as recruitment and deployment
To formalize their role as diplomats, members of the
centers, shipping out hundreds of Nusalmatma to
order dress in white and wear the Hamzara, a ring or
quell rebellions, rout levied troops, and keep the peace
amulet engraved with Mozralchi’s protective sigil.
across Vinramar. It’s a life of discipline and prestige.
In their ambition to cleanse Vinramar of all
These mercenary practices are rooted in the
that is unnatural, the Mozralchic Order dabble in
traditional telmatra warrior culture of the fifth century.
the very practices that they combat, including those
The name Nusalmatma originates from the caste
traditionally forbidden by most societies. Fighting fire
of slave soldiers called nusalham-atra (literally, the
with fire, so to speak, is a tactic the order considers
people of the chain and sword) which seized power
heroic. Agents tempted by the seductive power of such
over the telmatra in the wake of the humans’ arrival in
perilous endeavors often meet a woeful end. The order
Goltaraim. Mercenaries track their kills—even those
isn’t delicate about punishing those who abuse the
they’re not proud of—with trophies from the bodies,
arcane arts.
and are paid a corresponding commission. With the
In many regions, rulers at least begrudgingly
wrong temperaments present, this system can easily
respect the Mozralchic agents for their skill in
turn a peacekeeping force into a death squad.
interpreting signs of witchcraft. But the Etholchan

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 169

Avan Enclaves The Black Dans The Eitharmos The Etholchan Church

As might be expected, the foremost concern of a the tongue and sewing the mouth shut. In return for
mercenary is cash. The most coveted posts are those that this self-mutilating gesture, they are granted the ability
pay handsomely, such as working as a household guard to communicate in short, telepathic bursts.
for a wealthy patron. But not even the richest noble can Like all sects of Daemoth worship, the Order of
match the commissions brought by a genuine war. Illiantri looks down upon the feeble as unworthy. Each
The organization as a whole, however, does place Illiantros is a living symbol of fortitude and devotion
value on the good of common folk. When a job to Daemoth. Insular to the point of fanaticism, the sect
demands the Nusalmatma take a stand on behalf of implements strict rituals in many aspects of daily life.
decent, ordinary people, its soldiers truly shine in Even the other Daemothites find them peculiar, and
their duty. Captains take notice of this sort of honor, are reluctant to deal with them.
fostering and promoting recruits who display it. Typical Quests. Quests common within the Order
Typical Quests. Typical Nusalmatma quests of Illiantri might include investigating Darkplane
include defending a food store from bandits, training a incursions into Vinramar, performing experiments
force of levied farmers to fight as a column, suppressing on individuals with raw psionic ability, recovering
riots, and setting up a constabulary in a frontier city. prehistoric artifacts associated with Daemoth, and vying
with other Daemothite sects for control of holy sites.
Ranks of the Nusalmatma
Rank Prerequisites Ranks of the Illiantri
Qu-raftu Renown of 1, proficiency with Rank Prerequisites
a martial weapon Hittiri Cleric (Aberration, Darkness,
Mumal-ak Renown of 5 Death, Pestilence, or War),
renown of 1
Rashisari Renown of 10
Vilam Renown of 5
U-khuzabai Renown of 25
Ashcur Renown of 10
Khuzabai Lamassiq Renown of 50
Midhior Renown of 25

The Order of Illiantri

This monastic sect is a rare branch of Daemoth worship, The Patriarchy
considered mysterious even to other groups that revere The knightly societies that worship Sterianon are
Daemoth. It is led by a small, elite circle of priests, and known collectively as the Patriarchy. Although diverse
the worshippers themselves—the Illiantri—live within in their social status and level of orthodoxy, these
sequestered monasteries in less populated lands. fraternal orders place emphasis on chivalry, justice, and
The Illiantri are most often called upon for learning. Male leaders called Patriarchs speak directly
missions that require expertise in the forbidden arts. with their god Sterianon and promote justice for the
They are the only vested servants of Daemoth that common people.
are privileged to wield the aberrant power of the In nations where Sterianon’s priests still serve as
Darkplane itself. Through the Rite of Silence, the mediators, counsellors, and judges, the Patriarchy
priests seal their dedication to the order by removing maintains at least a symbolic social authority. Although

170 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

World Factions
Humenhi Wayfarers The Infernossos The Jharric Faith The Mozralchic Order

leaders insist the order is impartial regarding other Silphenites focus their belief on the dance between
world religions, the credibility of such a claim is suspect pleasure and pain, prosperity and pestilence. To them,
in the eyes Daemoth worshippers, who consider it an pain is the proof of reality that purifies and reinforces the
irrelevant tradition clinging to heretical ideals. Concern existence of anything it touches. They cleanse themselves
for the persecuted and downtrodden often places the and one another through corporal punishment, using
knights at odds with the Etholchan Church. a wide variety of torture implements. As the Anotrossi
Typical Quests. Standard Patriarchy quests include preach in the streets, they call converts to the stage of the
bringing relief to the victims of war, prosecuting bithrodorus to be made clean through pain.
corrupt landowners, protecting the identity of a jhareth While the central hierarchy of the Silfana is strong,
fleeing Etholchan punishment, and investigating the Anotrossi are given the broad responsibility of
strange occurrences in a far-off area of the kingdom. carrying the message of purification to individual
believers, who practice the faith however they see fit.
Ranks of the Patriarchy The particulars of the doctrine vary depending on the
Rank Prerequisites preacher and his converts, but preparation to enter
Attendant Male cleric, fighter, or paladin, Dolodiri, the Lord of Havoc’s domain, is fundamental
renown of 1 to all Silphenite practices.
Typical Quests. Typical Silfana au Ittador quests
Squire Renown of 3
include converting a figure of local prominence,
Knight Renown of 5 establishing a settlement for Silphenite worship,
Judge Renown of 10 recovering blood magic artifacts, and performing
Patriarch Renown of 25 painful rituals on an individual the Silfana considers
Silfana au Ittador Ranks of the Silfana au Ittador
The worship of Silphenor, god of chaos, has arisen
seemingly from nowhere within the last few hundred Rank Prerequisites
years. The center of the cult is the Silfana au Ittador, Annealed Renown of 1
a monastic palace established by the first priests of Consanct Renown of 3
Silphenor in the thirteenth century of the Annoloth. Anotros Renown of 5
Thousands of religious caravans called bithrodori
Scourge Renown of 10
embark from the Silfana, preaching Silphenor’s
message of purification by pain. Each bithrodorus is Vindicator Renown of 25
driven by a traveling priest of Silphenor, called an Holy Redresser Renown of 50
Anotros. The nation of Ittador and the greater region
of Motta have become the heart of the Silphenite
cult, flooding the Western continent with bithrodori
and challenging the Etholchan Church’s status as the
dominant religion.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 171

Nusalmatma The Order of Illiantri The Patriarchy Silfana au Ittador The Solace

The Solace Emelsa Path. Dedicated to diplomacy and peace

among all living things, the Emelsa priestesses act as
The Solace is a circle of holy women that serve the
mad goddess Forlortha. Members of the Solace spokeswomen and peacemakers. Their dedication
consider their deity the supreme intermediary to balance, neutrality, and understanding among all
between intelligent life and the sacred wild. Despite natural forces is unwavering. Emelsa priestesses often
her residence in and patronage of the world Iltallach, serve as diplomats between fey kingdoms, but rarely
Forlortha has many worshippers in Vinramar, most of parley with those who disrespect or misunderstand
them elves and fey creatures. their motives. The totem animals of the Emelsa path
Six rings, or levels of authority, make up the are eagles, nightingales, and wolves.
hierarchy of the Solace. Many hundreds of priestesses Irith Path. These priestesses concentrate their
belong to the sixth and lowest ring, while the first is training on combat and the hunt. They look with
composed of the six highest-ranking members of the intolerance on those who take advantage of nature, or
order. Forlortha tolerates the prayers of men, but allows disrespect its offerings. As warriors and soldiers, the
only women to serve her as part of the Solace. Irith priestesses of Forlortha wield many weapons,
The priestesses of the Solace keep shrines in the but perhaps the most fearsome of these is their grim
most remote areas of the fey lands. Worshippers flock determination to protect the sanctity of the wild. Their
to these places for important rituals such as births, totem animals are the bear and the panther.
marriages, and initiations. The Ladies of the Solace Typical Quests. Common quests of the Solace
hold councils and training ceremonies there as well. include tracking and driving off a party intruding on fey
All members of the Solace choose one of three lands, reopening a collapsed portal to Iltallach, obtaining
paths, or divisions, to follow within the order. A knowledge from a land spirit, and mapping ley lines.
priestess’s path charges her with a particular set Ranks of the Solace
of values and responsibilities, as described below.
Members of the three paths work together within each Rank Prerequisites
ring of the Solace’s hierarchy, but occasionally disagree Sixth Circle Female Barbarian, Cleric,
over philosophies and methods. When one path is Druid, Fighter, Paladin, or
dominant in a given ring, it can greatly affect the action Ranger, renown of 1
of the order as a whole. Fifth Circle Renown of 3, initiation to one
Ansamyra Path. As nurturers and healers, the of the three paths
Ansamyra priestesses are tasked with seeking out and Fourth Circle Renown of 5
caring for the afflicted. Their knowledge of medicine
Third Circle Renown of 10
and herbalism aids them in defending living creatures
and the land itself from injury and pestilence. Their Second Circle Renown of 25
totem animals are deer and falcons. First Circle One of six members with the
highest renown

172 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

World Factions
The Sounding Twilight Apostates Volgothic Cults The Yáloin

The Sounding Twilight Apostates

Originating in Trentsmund, the Sounding has grown Daemons who find themselves hunted by their
to become an international society of futurists and intended masters often find refuge with the Twilight
paranormal researchers. Their interests lie in advanced Apostates, a hidden network of daemons who rejected
technology, as well as spiritual, magical, and aberrant their fiendish heritage. These poor souls look out for
phenomena. Wherever the laws of nature don’t seem to one another, forming an adoptive family that survives
add up, the Sounding is sure to be there. in isolation. The faction’s network extends to most
Employing a diverse assembly of scientists, large cities in Vinramar, providing members with food,
engineers, mystics, and psychics from around the shelter, employment, and a set of secret phrases and
world, the Sounding has an iron in almost every tokens that help them identify one another.
fire. Its agents are often those whose lives have been In order to support its members, each refuge
irrevocably changed by the extraordinary experiences operates a collection of enterprises and front businesses,
that led them to join the society in the first place. Most much like an organized crime ring. Although the
are nursing a deeply personal agenda that drives them activity isn’t always illegal, it often rubs elbows with
to seek out the horrific and unnatural. the black market, whose interests rely as much on
Members of the Sounding are divided geographically secrecy as those of the Twilight Apostates. Survival is
into Associations, which consist of any and all local everything to the daemons that comprise this faction,
investigators. The resources available to an Association but some find that doing good for others lightens the
depend on its particular members, but most are burden of a life on the run from demonic powers.
hosted by a wealthy patron, whose home functions Typical Quests. Standard quests among the
as a headquarters. Other common figures within the Twilight Apostates include recruiting or rescuing
organization are ghost-hunters, psychics, mimessarchs, renegade daemons, sabotaging the hunt of the
experimental surgeons, and steam engineers. Eitharmos, installing an authority figure sympathetic
Typical Quests. Quests typical of the Sounding to the Apostates, and performing enforcement duties
include the purchase and sale of aberrant cadavers, for an allied mob organization.
uncovering knowledge of pre-human civilizations,
contacting spirits and other extraplanar entities, and Ranks of the
stealing advanced weaponry from its inventor. Twilight Apostates
Ranks of the Sounding Rank Prerequisites
Rank Prerequisites Kid Daemon, renown of 1
Agent Renown of 1 Bright Kid Renown of 3
Investigator Renown of 3 Rook Renown of 5
Patron Renown of 3, net worth of Honorable Renown of 10
200,000 gp Second Renown of 25
Deputy Renown of 10 Booster Renown of 50
Director Renown of 25

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 173

Volgothic Cults The Yáloin
The inhabitants of the once great empire Perrith Gorr For hundreds of years, the Yáloin have gathered those
worship blood, and their divine emperor whose hand touched by the Darkplane into the service of Maruma’e,
provides it. Vampires, barbarians, and blood sorcerers of the mutant bride of Daemoth. Worshipping her in
every kind have found their way to the ashen wastes to Dameoth’s name, the mimessarchs, psionic talents, and
sit at the feet of the Master and bathe in mortal blood. madmen of the order seek out aberration as a means of
Volgothyde’s ascension to the status of god sparked transcendence.
great controversy among the vampires. Some swore The Yáloin are beyond secretive, keeping knowledge
into his service without hesitation, while his ancient of their dealings carefully controlled through memory
rivals of Houses Mannen and Carachun allow old modification. Rumor has it that the order is led by a
wounds to divide their loyalty. Most, however, look to powerful psychic that strictly controls the minds of
the Twice-Born Emperor as a savior come to propel his agents, turning their bodies into appendages of his
them into a new golden age. Through his influence own will. The Mozralchic agents believe this leader to
over the force of undeath, Volgothyde has made be Ditrio Mantese, former Hohram of the Etholchan
possible the resurrection of other destroyed vampires, Church. Others balk at the suggestion, since Mantese
and promises that when Vinramar is his, every vampire has been dead for over 200 years.
that ever walked the earth will rise. Initiates to the order of the Yáloin operate
The Volgothic Cults take different forms, separately from their higher-ranking associates, often
depending on their proximity to their god. The highest housed in humble quarters disguised as infirmaries,
ranking priests are all undead, whether by blood, slaughterhouses, or abandoned fisheries. Once these
ritual, or infection. More obscure affiliates conduct Dregs and Shivers prove useful, they are raised to the
unauthorized worship among mortal congregations, station of Hollow Harbinger and allowed into the
teaching necromantic arts and admiring the monsters underwater temples in which the most foul practices of
that would tear them apart like hungry wolves. Such the order are revealed to them.
outsiders are largely ignored by vampires of the Several strange phenomena have been connected
respected kindreds. with the Yáloin over the years, including the Nemelethe,
Since the cult is newly established in Vinramar, an aggressive sickness that attacks the mind and
little is known about its inner workings, but memories of the victim. Mass abductions and sacrifices
investigations by the Mozralchic order hint at research are common in areas where the order holds power.
into new forms of blood magic and necromancy. If the Their seafloor temples are reputedly filled with tortured
cultists’ atrocities in Wellusk are any indication, their and mutated victims, brought closer to the “perfect”
ambitions lie well beyond the ancestral lands of the form of Maruma’e through unspeakable rituals.
vampires. Vinramar had better prepare for bloodshed. Typical Quests. Quests typical of the Yáloin
Typical Quests. Common quests within the include making a deal to absorb a mimessarch colony
Volgothic Cult include gathering components as members of the order, capturing powerful creatures
necessary for necromantic rituals, searching the for sacrifice, investigating manifestations of psionic
wastelands for spies and vampire hunters, courting the energy, and negotiating alliances with aberrations.
favor of influential vampires or demons, and scouting
holy ground to desecrate in the name of Volgothyde. Ranks of the Yáloin
Rank Prerequisites
Ranks of the Volgothic Cults Dreg Renown of 1
Rank Prerequisites
Shiver Renown of 3
Bloodless Renown of 1
Hollow Harbinger Renown of 10
Dusk Caller Renown of 3, ability to cast
Anemnestic Renown of 25
one necromancy spell
Astral Host Renown of 50
Eidolon of the Renown of 10, ability to cast
Animate animate dead
Redeemed of the Renown of 25, undead
Gascon of the Renown of 50, undead or
Butchered Pledge fiend

174 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Monsters in Vinramar
Most inhabitants of the world only hear of monsters are often called the Children of Sowm, tracing their
and magic in half-believed legends. Such things hide roots back to Jharus and Daemoth.
beneath the mundane surface of life, coming into Many world regions have strong associations with

Monsters in Vinramar
contact with mortals who dig too far in their search for a particular creature type. In Syrikhal, for example,
knowledge. In forgotten forests, deserted slums, and dragons and the reptilian humanoids that descend
buried ruins, the unnatural threats that populate this from them nest throughout the mountainous jungle.
hidden world fester and thrive. Goltaraim’s connections to the ancient maahiset people
make its deserts a playground for elemental creatures.
Origins Motta and Arrochule are both regions whose history is
There are three broad categories of creature in the steeped in the endless conflict between celestials and
Darkplane universe: primordial descendants, children fiends. These associations aren’t meant to be restrictive,
of the goddess Sowm, and aberrations native to the but can help you populate your adventures with
Darkplane. Most life forms can trace their ancestry, even creatures that are thematically appropriate.
distantly, to one of these three sources.
Beasts, dragons, elementals, giants, oozes, and Adapting Keywords
some humanoids (including the dragonborn, gugrum, Certain keywords and tags presented in this book have
heathfolk, sarrow, telmatra, and goblinoid races) were mechanical equivalents elsewhere. Orc, for example, is
spawned or created by the Irvallath, the uncomely synonymous with the telmatra race. Any game material
primordial deities that labored to shape the four worlds. that references orcs can also be applied to telmatra, and
Many monstrosities and constructs likewise owe their vice versa. Likewise, the sarrow are interchangeable
existence to primordials and the dark arts they practice. with both dwarves and halflings. Unlike these above
Celestials, fey, fiends, and some undead are the examples, however, werekin are not interchangeable
product of Sowm and her sons, whose godly forms with lycanthropes.
more closely resembled their humanoid creations:
elves, daemons, humans, and the jharethil. These races

New Monsters
Austere Tutelar Alien Poets. Despite their repulsive appearance,
austere tutelars have deeply artistic souls. They
Few Darkplane entities have communicated with
consider dream shaping a creative endeavor,
mortals as often as the tholgar, commonly called
composing potent, complex narratives that leave the
austere tutelars. These powerful psionic creatures have
dreamer forever changed. Austere tutelars often form a
bodies shaped like a clam or beak, about the size of a
profoundly intimate understanding of those that they
large dog. Though naturally invisible, they can usually
observe. This bond, however, should not be mistaken
be seen because of the lumpy sludge that pours out
for affection. To them, mortals minds are merely an
of the orifice on the crown of the beak. This acid-
artistic medium through which the austere tutelar’s
like substance is visible, giving a vague suggestion of
virtuosity can be expressed.
the austere tutelar’s shape and size as it runs off the
Terrifying Truth. The exact motives of the austere
creature’s hovering form onto the ground below.
tutelars remain mysterious, but this voyeuristic urge
Voyeurs of Mortal Dreams. From unseen recesses,
to shape dreams and learn secrets means they often
austere tutelars watch and shape the dreams of living
harbor vast reservoirs of cosmic lore. Such forbidden
things, learning their most intimate secrets while
knowledge has a tendency to leak into their dealings
navigating the mindscape. Normally they are content
with mortals, causing hideous reactions and damaging
to idly watch the visions unfold without alerting the
the fragile sanity of those that begin to grasp the truth.
dreamer to their presence. Sometimes, however, their
need to mold and create turns these dream incursions
into something more.

Austere Tutelar Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The austere tutelar’s innate spellcasting
Medium aberration, unaligned ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks).
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 212 (22d8 + 113) At will: charm person, dancing lights, detect thoughts, fog cloud,
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) major image, poison spray, prestidigitation, vicious mockery
2/day each: hallucinatory terrain, hypnotic pattern, locate
creature, phantasmal killer, suggestion
1/day each: plane shift, telekinesis, wall of force
8 (-1) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 23 (+6) 18 (+4) 25 (+7)
Invisibility. The austere tutelar is always invisible, but it can be
Saving Throws Wis +8, Cha +11 seen because of the visible sludge that oozes from the outlet at the
Skills Deception +11, Performance +15 crown of its beak. If the austere tutelar takes a level of exhaustion,
Damage Resistances radiant becomes poisoned, or its current hit points are below half its hit
Damage Immunities acid, cold point maximum, the orifice stops emitting the sludge, making the
Condition Immunities charmed, prone austere tutelar invisible at the end of 1d4 rounds. This invisibility
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 14 lasts for 1 minute, or as long as the condition persists.
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Magic Resistance. The austere tutelar has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.
Dreamweaver. The austere tutelar can shape the dreams of all
unconscious creatures within 10 miles. It can exercise complete Stench. Any creature other than an austere tutelar that starts its
control over what they dream, even if the austere tutelar itself turn within 5 feet of the austere tutelar must succeed on a DC 18
is unconscious, and learns their deepest secrets after 8 hours of Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of the
utilizing this control. creature’s next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is
immune to the stench of all austere tutelars for 1 hour.
Dripping Sludge. Creatures that touch the austere tutelar, begin a
turn grappled by it, or hit it with a melee attack while within 5 feet Actions
of it take 27 (6d8) acid damage. If the austere tutelar has one or
Clamp. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
more levels of exhaustion, is poisoned, or its current hit points are
Hit: 14 (3d8) bludgeoning damage plus 27 (6d8) acid damage. The
below half its hit point maximum, it loses this trait.
target is grappled (escape DC 16).

176 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

New Monsters
Caprice of Ethis points. To effectively reduce its current hit points, it must take
Gargantuan elemental, unaligned damage to its crystal vein.

Armor Class 16 Seismic Susceptibility. The caprice of Ethis can be targeted with
Hit Points 220 (11d20 + 104) the earthquake spell. If it is, it takes 5d6 thunder damage at the
Speed 0 ft. beginning of its turn as long as the spell lasts.

Siege Monster. The caprice of Ethis deals double damage to objects

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and structures.
28 (+9) 3 (-4) 24 (+7) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Str +19
Skills Arcana +5, History +5 Lumber. The caprice of Ethis spends this turn and its next two
Damage Vulnerabilities cold, thunder turns moving. During that time, all creatures in its space must
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or tumble across the
nonmagical weapons shifting landscape, taking 18 (5d6) bludgeoning damage and
Damage Immunities fire, poison landing prone 3d100 feet from where they stood. Creatures that
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, roll a 1 fall off the caprice of Ethis onto the nearby terrain. At
prone, unconscious the end of the third turn, the caprice of Ethis moves 80 feet, and
Senses darkvision 600 ft., tremorsense 600 ft., passive Perception 13 all creatures and nonmagical objects in the space it entered are
Languages Primordial automatically destroyed. The caprice of Ethis leaves gaping craters
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) in spaces it once occupied.

Volcanic Geysers. Each creature in the caprice of Ethis’s space must

Elemental Flesh. Most of the caprice of Ethis’s mass can be
make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take 18 (5d6) fire damage.
damaged or destroyed without reducing the creature’s current hit

Caprice of Ethis To reach the crystal vein, creatures must either

rend the very rock from which the primordial is made,
Few living souls remember the last time the caprices
of Ethis rampaged across Vinramar. Once, these or traverse the tortuous passages of the caprice of
mountains of churning magma dominated the world, Ethis’s body until they reach its buried heart. Often
riving the landscape with every thundering step. the terrain includes narrow crevasses and blistering
In war, Ethis was known to conjure them from the volcanic rivers. The entire space it occupies is difficult
raw intelligence of the Primordial Realm as titanic terrain, and may require players to make Strength
champions that none but the gods could subdue. (Athletics) checks or Dexterity saving throws to climb,
Lumbering Volcanoes. A caprice of Ethis measures jump, or escape the hazards of its shifting passageways.
between 2,000 and 5,000 feet across. Its body is made The blood-red crystal in the vein is razor-sharp
of jagged rock, shards of hot glass, and half-submerged and hotter even than the magma that surrounds it.
magma rivers. The creature’s sole internal organ Those who have been able to salvage the material
is a crystal vein that runs through the center of its find it light, sturdy, and well suited as a component
elemental flesh. This mineral formation, measuring 10 for weapons, armor, and fire-based enchantments.
feet at its narrowest and as much as 60 feet at its widest, In its natural state, however, the crystal vein is the
runs from the creature’s rear to its front, but never only vulnerable spot on the caprice of Ethis. When
emerges on the surface of its stone body. It is the only damaged, the crystal violently trembles and shatters.
area where enemies can harm the caprice of Ethis.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 177

Hrildovolk Hrildovolk
The origin of the hrildovolk, or forbidden watchers, Large aberration, unaligned
lies far beyond the memory of even the gods
themselves. Similar to golems, they were somehow Armor Class 12
Hit Points 16 (2d10 + 5)
fashioned from the waste and scoria of aberrant Speed 60 ft.
creatures long extinct. The hrildvolk are able to
capture light in a way that both sustains their horrific STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
bodies and preserves within them a perfect record of 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)
all that they see. Skills Perception +10
Alien Hybrids. A hrildovolk’s body consists of Damage Immunities radiant
a hulking mass of limbs, tentacles, claws, and other Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 20
appendages fitted together in complete disorder. Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
At the crest of this agglomeration hovers a 5-foot
eyeball with six to twelve lobes, each facing a different Light Absorption. While the hrildovolk is in bright light, its armor
direction. Although fearsome to behold, these class increases by 2 and it gains a +5 bonus to initiative rolls. If
aberrant constructs are relatively weak and clumsy. blinded, it can use its action to automatically end the condition. If
the hrildovolk remains in darkness for 5 days, it dies.
Sentinels of the Darkplane. The eye of a
hrildovolk absorbs all light that passes through its Star Mongrel. The hrildovolk is considered a construct as well as
retina, giving energy to its limbs and storing a perfect an aberration. It is immune to any spell or effect that would alter
its form.
imprint of every sight it beholds. The creature itself
remembers, in exact detail, everything it has ever Actions
seen. This capability makes hrildovolk uncommonly Multiattack. If it is in bright light, the hrildovolk makes two
useful as sentries and watchdogs, though their anomalous limbs attacks.
combat ability is limited. Some claim to have Anomalous Limbs. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
discovered a way to transfer a hrildovolk’s past sights target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) damage. Roll a d6 to randomly determine
to another creature in vision, but such stories are the damage type: 1 is bludgeoning, 2 is piercing, 3 is slashing, 4 is
often dismissed. acid, 5 is cold, and 6 is necrotic.

Kierkani other orifices, the beak-like mouth is airtight when

closed. This physiology makes the kierkani uniquely
In the coldest reaches of the Darkplane, the kierkani
sing their mind-melodies amidst the starless void. suited to transporting other life forms through the
These serpentine aberrations nest in nothingness, Darkplane, assuming their digestive acids can be
requiring only an occasional feast to fuel their massive neutralized.
bodies. Although their wrath in greater numbers is World Breakers. Kierkani are often called the
terrible to behold, the kierkani usually dwell alone or Cyclopean Disciples because of how many aberrations
with a mate, unless they have pledged their destructive and demigods have utilized them as living vehicles
capabilities to the service of a greater aberration. and engines of destruction. Stories of their
Flying Battering Rams. Measuring around a implacable wrath have trickled back to
thousand feet long, the kierkani are among the most Vinramar from the unfortunate
colossal beings in the universe. Their iron-tough worlds destroyed at their hands.
exoskeletons protect them during flight from weapons, While such a threat has not yet
blunt force, and environmental vicissitudes. In combat, descended on the four worlds,
this protective organ is equal parts armor and weapon, it’s only a matter of time
allowing a kierkani to mow down most things in its path. until the cosmos aligns
Vessel to the Stars. Protruding from the sides of and the Cyclopean
the exoskeleton are dozens of tentacles, more than 30 Disciples feast on
feet in length and several feet in diameter. A kierkani’s natural reality.
head is reinforced by the thickest armor, and like its

Kierkani to the kierkani’s body. Creatures clinging to the kierkani move
Gargantuan aberration, unaligned with it, and can climb 10d100 feet into its mouth and become
swallowed (see the swallow action below).
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 270 (12d20 + 144) Siege Monster. The kierkani deals double damage to objects and
Speed 0 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (hover) structures.

New Monsters
25 (+7) 5 (-3) 28 (+9) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) Multiattack. The kierkani makes four tentacle attacks and one bite
Saving Throws Str +17, Con +14
Skills Athletics +17 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target.
Damage Immunities cold, radiant Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
Condition Immunities prone is grappled (escape DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the target is
Senses darkvision 1,000 ft., passive Perception 11 restrained, and the kierkani can’t bite another target.
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 1 mile Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature
and is within 15 feet of the kierkani, it is grappled (escape DC 19).
Exoskeleton. Creatures inside the kierkani’s body can attack it
as though its armor class were 14. It takes double damage from Swallow. The kierkani makes one bite attack against a Huge or
attacks that target its internal organs. smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes
the bite’s damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends.
Ramming Flight. The kierkani can move through creatures and
While swallowed, the creature is considered prone, its speed
objects, which take 20d10 bludgeoning damage and are pushed 20
is reduced to 5 feet, it has total cover against attacks and other
feet, falling prone. When this damage is rolled, any die results of
effects outside the kierkani, and it takes 35 (10d6) acid damage
10 are also dealt to the kierkani as bludgeoning damage. Creatures
at the start of each of the kierkani’s turns. A swallowed creature
it moves through can make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to
can crawl out of the kierkani’s mouth (a distance of 10d100 feet,
either escape being damaged or to take half damage and cling
determined separately for each swallowed creature).

Olkyari Still, olkyaris are not the most intelligent of
creatures, and their behavior seems to emulate that of a
Syrikhali folk legends tell that olkyaris are the rotting
simple apex predator. It hovers menacingly in dark areas,
pits of dead stars, left too long in the fetid heavens
waiting for unsuspecting creatures to approach. When
before they were cast down to Vinramar. The jharethil
its chance comes, the olkyari projects a long, barbed
called them the Unnameable Casket-Bearers—sentient
tendril from the dark orb, snagging victims one by one.
receptacles for some long-misplaced relic from the
Once they are worn down, these unfortunate souls are
Darkplane. Their original charge forgotten, they crop
absorbed into the olkyari’s extradimensional gullet.
up now and then, hunting for creatures to imprison in
Bearers of Hidden Worlds. The creatures that live
their extradimensional innards.
within the olkyari’s extradimensional gullet quickly settle
Living Wormholes. An olkyari is an orb of absolute
into organized societies. They are deeply convinced that
darkness about the size of a fist. It might be easy to
their lives are normal, that the olkyari is their divine
miss one in a shadowed alleyway, but those who do see
benefactor, and that only hard work will make them
the olkyari never forget the dread of it, nor the absolute
happy. This is convenient for their host, which is fed
stillness with which the patient spot stares at them like
and invigorated by any energy expended within the
a hole in the fabric of reality.
demiplane. The more populous and active its prisoners,
Olkyaris each contain a demiplane into which they
the stronger and more potent the olkyari becomes.
can absorb other creatures. The size and complexity of
The physical nature of the olkyari’s demiplane is
the demiplane depends on the age of the olkyari and
as varied as the absorbed creatures that inhabit it. The
how many creatures currently reside in it. A younger
environment and terrain tend to reflect the olkyari’s
olkyari’s innards are the size of a small room, but the
mood, if such an incomprehensible creature can be
demiplane of an olkyari that has absorbed thousands of
described as having moods. Indeed, it can use its
creatures over eons is essentially infinite.
actions to innately cast the control weather, mirage
Hunters in Shadow. Even those encompassed by
arcane, and project image spells at will to target any area
an olkyari never truly understand its motives. Their
within its demiplane—although it can’t concentrate on
blasphemous perception of reality is likely so foreign to
more than one at a time, and it can’t perceive what’s
the understanding of natural creatures that to know its
happening within itself without the use of project image.
mind would be death.
Some olkyari aggressively police their demiplanes.

Olkyari While charmed, the creatures living in the gullet believe

Tiny aberration, neutral evil with all sincerity that they must remain busy and work hard to be
happy. A creature that enters the olkyari’s gullet by planar travel
Armor Class 13 isn’t charmed by it, and can make a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion)
Hit Points 100 (24d4 + 40) check to end the charm on another creature there. The olkyari
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) can’t be attacked or damaged from inside its gullet.

Regeneration. The olkyari regains 3 hit points at the start of its

turn if it has at least 1 hit point and if there is at least one creature
1 (-5) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)
that remains absorbed.
Skills Deception +5, Stealth +5 Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the olkyari can
Condition Immunities prone take the Hide action as a bonus action if it isn’t grappling a creature.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 20 ft. Actions
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Barbed Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Death Burst. When the olkyari dies, it vomits every creature it has target. Hit: 22 (3d8 + 8) piercing damage. If the target is medium
ever absorbed in a heap (see Extradimensional Gullet below to or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 14).
determine the number of unconscious creatures that are released). Absorb. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature
Each creature within 10 feet of the olkyari must succeed on a DC grappled by the olkyari. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8) force damage, and the
14 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d4 bludgeoning damage. target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pulled
Extradimensional Gullet. Inside the olkyari’s tiny body is an 10 feet toward the olkyari. If this damage reduces the target to 0
extradimensional space, the size of which depends on the number hit points, it is absorbed into the extradimensional space inside
of creatures it has absorbed. An olkyari has absorbed 1d10 the olkyari. Creatures absorbed this way are returned to their
creatures, each of which is charmed by it. To determine the size of maximum hit point value and are charmed by the olkyari as long as
the extradimensional gullet, begin with a 10-foot cube and double they remain inside it, as described under Extradimensional Gullet.
its size for each creature the olkyari has absorbed.

180 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Although an olkyari isn’t automatically aware This logic has led some metaphysicists to the notion
of what’s happening inside it, it can sense a relative that all existence is in fact the gullet of an unimaginably
drop or rise in energy. If the demiplane’s population ancient olkyari whose demiplane is so infinite that it has
shifts up or down by one-third, the olkyari will know. lost touch with the minds of its occupants. If true, such
Similarly, the creatures within its gullet can’t suddenly an epiphany would be of little comfort.
cease working without their host feeling it.

New Monsters
Despite occasionally bizarre conditions, the
societies that form among creatures absorbed into Elder Olkyari
the olkyari are industrious. They often find ingenious Follow these instructions to alter the basic olkyari
and absurd ways to employ scant natural resources on page 174 into a more mid-range version
and found objects to support life in the demiplane. (raising its challenge rating to 10).
The charm over these creatures has them completely • Double the olkyari’s hit points and speed.
convinced that life couldn’t be better (as long as they • Add a +2 bonus to its AC, attack rolls,
stay busy). saving throw DCs, and its Dexterity and
An olkyari with no creatures absorbed is theorized Constitution modifiers.
to have a demiplane measuring 10 feet in each • Make its regeneration 10 hit points per turn.
dimension. This cube doubles in size each time a • Increase the number of creatures it has
creature is absorbed, making it about 1 cubic mile at absorbed to 5d100.
10 occupants, 31 miles at 15 occupants, and more than • Change its death burst to deal an additional
1 trillion miles at 50 occupants. After absorbing 70 2d4 bludgeoning damage for every 100
creatures, the demiplane is the size of a large galaxy. creatures that are vomited when it dies.
Once it reaches 100 occupants, it is basically limitless. • Change the damage dealt by its Barbed
At such a vast size, the olkyari’s demiplane might Tendril to 35 (6d8 + 8) and the damage dealt
contain its own stars, planets, and galaxies. by Absorb to 53 (10d8 + 8).

Immemorial Olkyari While charmed, the creatures living in the gullet believe with
Tiny aberration, neutral evil all sincerity that the immemorial olkyari is a god that created their
world and deserves to be worshipped. They believe with all their
Armor Class 13 might that they must remain busy and work hard to be happy. A
Hit Points 275 (62d4 + 120) creature that enters the immemorial olkyari’s gullet by planar travel
Speed 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) isn’t charmed by it, and can make a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
check to end the charm on another creature there. The immemorial
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA olkyari can’t be attacked or damaged from inside its gullet.
1 (-5) 25 (+7) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 19 (+4) 17 (+3)
Regeneration. The immemorial olkyari regains 10 hit points at the
Skills Deception +9, Stealth +14 start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and if there is at least
Condition Immunities prone one creature that remains absorbed.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the immemorial
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 20 ft. olkyari can take the Hide action as a bonus action if it isn’t
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) grappling a creature.
Death Burst. When the immemorial olkyari dies, it vomits every Actions
creature it has ever absorbed in a heap (see Extradimensional
Gullet below to determine the number of unconscious creatures Barbed Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
that are released). Each creature within 10 feet of the immemorial target. Hit: 62 (12d8 + 8) piercing damage. If the target is medium
olkyari must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or take or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 18).
2d4 bludgeoning damage, plus an additional 2d4 for every 100 Absorb. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature
creatures that burst out. grappled by the immemorial olkyari. Hit: 98 (20d8 + 8) force
Extradimensional Gullet. Inside the immemorial olkyari’s tiny damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving
body is an extradimensional space, the size of which depends on throw or be pulled 10 feet toward the immemorial olkyari. If this
the number of creatures it has absorbed. An immemorial okyari damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is absorbed into the
has absorbed 25d100 creatures, each of which is charmed by it. extradimensional space inside the immemorial olkyari. Creatures
To determine the size of the extradimensional gullet, begin with a absorbed this way are returned to their maximum hit point value
10-foot cube and double its size for each creature the immemorial and are charmed by the immemorial olkyari as long as they remain
olkyari has absorbed. inside it, as described above under Extradimensional Gullet.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 181

Panacorum resistant to the plague may lose control of their bodies
as the living contagion transforms them into maniacal
Formless and incomprehensible, the panacorum is a
puppets. These victims glow yellow, gain the ability to
sentient plague that passes through all matter like a
levitate, and vomit new panacora every day.
yellow-hued shadow. Once used to wipe out a world’s
Chromatic Form. The mysterious nature of the
native organisms in preparation for colonization,
panacorum makes it difficult to harm. To hurt it, one
panacora have drifted into obscurity and near-
must either attack the creatures or objects that are
extinction. But at rare times, the living contagion
shrouded by its two-dimensional form, or else find a
emerges to spread its horror from world to world.
way to damage it through psychic assault. Anything that
Living Contagion. Rather than move through
is purple in color remains unchanged and unaffected
three-dimensional space, a panacorum moves along
by the panacorum, and weapons that are purple seem
the surface of objects, creatures, and terrain like light or
to do it the most harm. When it flies, a panacorum
shadow. All that remains in its two-dimensional grasp
appears like a yellow mist or luminescence in the air.
becomes putrid and jaundiced, acquiring the distinctive,
indescribable reek of the panacorum. Creatures least

Panacorum colored in shades of sickly yellow, with one exception: any part of a
Gargantuan aberration, chaotic evil creature or object that is purple remains unchanged.
The panacorum can move along the surface of creatures and
Armor Class 13 objects, and can end its turn in the same space as them, but cannot
Hit Points 50 (2d20 + 29) move through anything that would obstruct light, such as solid
Speed 80 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) walls or enclosed spaces. If the panacorum’s entire 50-foot sphere
remains in darkness for 30 days, it dies.
1 (-5) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) Actions
Blood Boil. All creatures within the panacorum’s space must
Saving Throws Dex +5 succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 7 (1d12)
Skills Stealth +7 poison damage.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, poison,
radiant, thunder Possession. All creatures in the panacorum’s space must succeed
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or become poisoned for 1
nonmagical weapons that aren’t purple in color hour or until the panacorum dies. If a target fails its saving throw
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned, prone by 5 or more, it is possessed by the panacorum, losing control
Senses blindsight 20 ft., passive Perception 13 over its body. The panacorum controls the bodies of all possessed
Languages — creatures while they remain in its space, and can act through them
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) on its own initiative. This doesn’t deprive the targets of awareness
or grant the panacorum additional actions.
Chromatic Aberration. The panacorum has advantage on attacks, While possessed by the panacorum, a creature gains a fly
ability checks, and saving throws against anything that is colored speed of 30 feet (hover), and immunity to being charmed and
yellow. It likewise has disadvantage on these rolls against anything frightened. Its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
that is colored purple. scores become those of the panacorum. It sheds dim light for 10
feet in a sickly yellow hue. Every sunset, the creature vomits a
Damage Transfer. The panacorum can be targeted normally as
yellow bile that soaks into anything it touches and becomes a new
long as the action doesn’t require physical interaction. To target it
panacorum after 1 hour if it doesn’t take psychic damage before
physically (including attacks that deal damage other than psychic),
that time passes.
creatures must instead target a creature or object within its area.
The possession lasts until the creature drops to 0 hit
Any damage dealt to such a target is also dealt to the panacorum.
points, leaves the panacorum’s space, or the panacorum is turned
Relentless (1/Day). If the panacorum takes 10 damage or less that or forced out by an effect like the banishment, dispel evil and good,
would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead. or plane shift spells. When the possession ends, the target remains
poisoned for 1 hour, but is immune to this panacorum’s possession
Two-Dimensional. The panacorum can’t move in three- for 24 hours.
dimensional space like a creature normally would. It moves along
the surface of objects and creatures within a 50-foot sphere. Any Puppeteer. Up to five creatures possessed by the panacorum each
creature or object within the panacorum’s space is magically take an action.

182 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Slonavald Once the slonavald’s stalks have fully emerged, if they remain
Gargantuan aberration, chaotic evil unmoved for 1 hour they begin to seed. Stationary surfaces and
objects (including buildings and terrain) within 1 mile of a seeding
Armor Class 16 stalk will grow their own stalks after 10 days. Once per month, each
Hit Points 100 (6d20 + 47) stalk secretes a proto-slonavald that matures to full size after 20 days.
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 20 ft. A slonavald’s stalk dies if it takes 10 damage or is subject to

New Monsters
an effect that harms plants.
Living Lake. A slonavald cannot be pushed or pulled. It can move
5 (-3) 8 (-1) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)
past other creatures without impediment and through a space
Skills Perception +5 as small as an inch wide without squeezing. A single, full-grown
Damage Vulnerabilities cold, fire slonavald forms a pool measuring 30 square feet.
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Soluble. When a slonavald is completely submerged in any liquid,
from nonmagical weapons it dissolves and is killed. The liquid it dissolves into becomes
Condition Immunities poisoned, prone poisonous, dealing 3d10 poison damage to any creature that
Senses blindsight 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 15 drinks it on a failed Constitution saving throw (DC 16).
Languages —
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Actions
Collection. Two slonavalds that touch one another become Ego Strain. Creatures within 5 feet of the slonavald must succeed
a single creature, fusing all memories and sentience into one on a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw or take 24 (3d12 + 3) psychic
consciousness. The size of the resulting creature is equal to the damage.
combined mass of both. Host Body (Recharge 6). One creature in the same space as the
Crawling Sower. The slonavald leaves a trail of spores on every slonavald that it has poisoned, and that has blood, must succeed on
surface, object, and creature it touches. Surfaces and objects affected a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become the slonavald’s host as
by the spores become difficult terrain after 1 minute as 2-foot stalks it seeps into the creature’s veins and replaces its blood. While hosted
spring from them like fast-growing plants in a density of one stalk by the creature, the slonavald controls its actions with the exception
per square foot. A creature that touches the slonavald or hits it with a of its speech. The slonavald remains in the creature’s veins for 1 hour.
melee attack must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw to avoid After this time has passed, the host can repeat the saving throw. If it
being affected by the spores for 24 hours. Creatures with resistance succeeds, the slonavald drains out of its orifices and coalesces on a
to poison damage or immunity to the poisoned condition have surface beneath it. A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is
advantage on this saving throw. If the creature fails, it is poisoned for immune to the slonavald’s host body action for 24 hours.
1 hour and 2d6 stalks spring from its body. The stalks fully emerge A slonavald can maintain one host body for each 15-square-
after 1 minute, at which time the creature’s speed is reduced by half. foot area it covers. While the host body lasts, it loses that much of
its size for each host it controls.

Slonavald a creature, a building, or an entire countryside in a

veritable grove of slonavald stalks, each one tipped with
In the remote villages of Syserach, common folk all
a seed-pod that can give birth to new slonavalds.
know the tale of the slonavald, a living lake that drifts
With each seed-pod laid by a slonavald secreting a
slug-like through the countryside. In its wake grow
proto-slonavald once every month, the potential for this
eerie, drooping stalks whose seed-pods produce more
liquid aberration to envelop large areas is staggering.
of the silvery, sentient liquid. Entire settlements are
Fully grown slonavalds often meld together, combining
said to have been swallowed up by the slonavald and
their consciousness, memories, and size into a single
its offspring.
fluid body. After two months of undisturbed seeding,
Herald of the Darkplane Gods. In the legendry of
a single slonavald can fuse with its offspring to become
the jharethil, the slonavald is known as the Unction of
miles wide.
Four Oblivions. It is considered a scout or herald of the
When a slonavald’s spores take root in the body
deities that lurk in the lightless abyss beyond the four
of a creature that has blood, the slonavald’s liquid
worlds. The elders write that it is sent to a world in order
form can seep into the host’s veins, replacing its blood.
to cleanse and subdue the planet in preparation for the
While the slonavald occupies the creature’s veins, it
descent of these unfathomable aberrations.
can manipulate the body like a puppet, controlling
Exponential Growth. The spores that a slonavald
how it moves and acts. The host retains its ability
leaves behind take root in any solid material it touches—
to speak, but is otherwise under the control of the
terrain, surfaces, objects, even creatures. Plant-like stalks
aberration for an hour or more.
grow from wherever the spores have nested, covering

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 183

Tenebrous Centurion Bone-Built Nests. Tenebrous centurions build
nests in dark and deserted places, often constructed
The very nature of the tenebrous centurions remains
a mystery to those who have encountered them. Their from the bones of humanoid creatures. Most of their
naturally obscured form and tendency to hunt living hunting occurs during the nesting period, which
creatures has earned them many names in many can last up to a year. Once a sizeable roost is formed
mythologies. Whatever they are called in local folklore, (between 30 and 50 feet in diameter), the tenebrous
tenebrous centurions are skulking nesters that fixate on centurion hunts every 30 days or so, ranging many
a particular prey, stalking it for days or weeks before miles from its nest in search of nourishing meat.
pouncing. How these cunning aberrations pick their prey is
A Hundred Eyes, a Hundred Legs, a Hundred not known, but the criteria are specific enough that a
Mouths. Those who have faced a tenebrous centurion tenebrous centurion will refuse other offerings until its
in open combat have some idea of their size and target is dead. Once its quarry is selected, it stalks the
shape, but no clear record has ever been preserved. creature until it can corner it alone. If desperate, the
The most obvious reason is that a tenebrous centurion tenebrous centurion might begin to pick any stubborn
is invisible to any creature looking directly at it. Most companions off one by one, killing them quickly and
often it is spied in the corner of the eye or through quietly so it can feast in solitude upon the one it has
a reflection. Such glimpses are brief and terrifying, chosen.
since the tenebrous centurion’s anatomy is composed While nesting, a tenebrous centurion might leave
of hundreds of eyes, fanged mouths, and fearsome, all of the carcass behind but the bones, which it adds
tentacular legs. to the ringed structure where it dwells. In contrast,
Cosmic Soldiers. Many of the legends surrounding when the monster hunts for meat, it will likely discard
the tenebrous centurions paint them as warriors, the stripped skeleton, savoring every fleshy morsel
either originating in a cruel, isolated world within it can find on the bones. These carcasses are often
the Darkplane, or else molded by Darkplane deities found covered in raking wounds from the devourer’s
as the perfect soldier species. Survivor accounts seem hundreds of teeth, and the ground around them
to confirm this narrative, but always describe the churned by the passing of a hundred heavy legs.
actions of a single creature rather than an organized
force. Perhaps most tenebrous centurions that reach
Vinramar are deserters, as anxious to stay alive as those
they hunt.

Tenebrous Centurion avert its eyes at the start of its turn, allowing it to use its peripheral
Large aberration, lawful evil vision or a reflective surface to see the tenebrous centurion until
the start of its next turn. The creature is still effectively blinded
Armor Class 13 with respect to the tenebrous centurion during that time, however,
Hit Points 107 (10d10 + 52) since it cannot look directly at it. This trait remains in effect even
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover), swim 40 ft. after the tenebrous centurion is dead.

A Hundred Eyes. The tenebrous centurion cannot be surprised, and

has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
19 (+4) 16 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)
A Hundred Legs. At the start of each of the tenebrous centurion’s
Skills Investigation +4, Perception +9, Stealth +6, Survival +9 turns, each creature within 5 feet of it takes 11 (2d6 + 4)
Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing bludgeoning damage. A creature that touches the tenebrous
from nonmagical weapons centurion or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it
Damage Immunities cold, fire, lightning, poison takes 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Condition Immunities poisoned, prone
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 Actions
Languages Deep Speech
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Multiattack. The tenebrous centurion makes three melee attacks.

A Hundred Mouths. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

Unseen Hunter. The tenebrous centurion is invisible to any
one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage.
creature looking directly at it. Unless surprised, a creature can

184 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Threnody mentally designates. This sphere retains its magic for one use after
Gargantuan elemental, chaotic neutral the threnody is destroyed.

Armor Class 15 Treasure Trove. A creature in the threnody’s space can roll on the
Hit Points 180 (8d12 + 128) Junk table once per turn to discover an object within reach.
Speed 0 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lumber. The threnody spends this turn and its next two turns
18 (+4) 7 (-2) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) moving 25 feet each turn. While it is moving, all creatures in the
threnody’s space must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
Saving Throws Int +7, Cha +6 On a failure, a creature becomes buried in junk, taking 18 (5d6)
Skills Arcana +7 bludgeoning damage and becoming restrained. The creature can
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison use its action to make a Strength (Athletics) check with a DC of
Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, 16, ending the restrained condition on a success.
prone, unconscious
Senses truesight 100 ft., passive Perception 13 Temporal Flicker. One creature in the threnody’s space must make
Languages Primordial a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw. If it fails, it takes 28 (5d10) force
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) damage and vanishes until the end of its next turn, at which point
it reappears in the space it previously occupied. If that space is now
Inanimate Body. Most of the threnody’s mass can be damaged or occupied by a creature or object other than the threnody, the creature
destroyed without reducing the creature’s current hit points. To takes 6 (1d10) force damage and appears in an unoccupied space
effectively reduce its current hit points, it must take damage to its within 5 feet.
temporal core. A creature in the threnody’s space can burrow through
Time Shift (1/Day). The threnody disappears, dragging all
the trash by expending 10 feet of speed for every 1 foot of movement.
creatures it has restrained and every loose object within 20 feet of
Temporal Core. A creature touching the 5-foot sphere at the center it through a time portal. Restrained creatures that succeed on a
of the threnody’s space can use an action to transport itself and DC 14 Strength saving throw can avoid the pull of the time portal
anything it is touching (including the threnody) up to 100 years and remain behind. Everything else affected by the time shift is
into the past or future, appearing in the same space at the time it taken 1d100 years into the past or future, as the GM chooses.

Threnody Junk
A threnody is a primordial soul embodied within a
temporal anomaly, allowing it to travel back and forth d100 Injury
in time. Since a threnody bonds with nearby objects 1-20 Nothing functional or remarkable
as it moves through the timestream, most appear like
21-35 An item from the Tools list
mountainous junkpiles, carrying the refuse of forgotten
civilizations across the centuries. 36-50 An item from the Adventuring Gear list
Chronal Prisoners. During the captivity of the 50-55 An item from the Armor list
primordials, most elemental beings were barred from 56-57 An item from the Weapons list
leaving their own one-dimensional realm. Under
58-59 An item from the Firearms list
the direction of Ruethas, the primordial god of time,
many of these beings experimented with ways to slip 60-66 An item from the Firearms list under
between two points in time as a means of escaping Futuristic Items
their dimensional prison. Thousands broke through the 67-69 An item from the Waterborne Vehicles list
bounds of reality and simply ceased to exist, but some of 70-72 An item from the Tack, Harness, and Drawn
the more successful intelligences encased themselves in Vehicles list
temporal cores that could safely traverse the timestream. 72-80 An item from the Trinkets table
Hoards of Ageless Relics. As creatures of pure soul
81-85 An item from the Poisons list
essence, threnodies do not grow old, but the thousands
of objects that form their bodies accumulate over time 86-90 An item from the Explosives list
into a staggering size. The smallest span no less than 20 91-94 A gemstone
feet, while the largest are hundreds of feet in breadth. 95-96 An art object from a lost civilization
This material is a trove of eclectic items from the past, 97 An art object from a contemporary civilization
present, and future—futuristic tools, ancient artifacts,
98 A cursed magic item
and a plethora of ordinary junk from every era of
history. As the GM, you have final say on what might be 99 A common or uncommon magic item
found amongst the threnody’s junkpile, using the Junk 00 A rare or very rare magic item
table as a guide.

186 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Vimbaba Swamp-Dwelling Shapeshifters. Vimbabas
commonly burrow and nest in damp climates, such
Many people have seen human shapes in a dark street
as swamps, catacombs, or wet caverns. Occasionally,
or hallway, only to realize they were a trick of the light
however, they choose to live in more populated areas,
playing across perfectly normal objects. But sometimes
where their ability to adjust their shape provides a
the form that limps or stares from a shadowed corner
clever means of avoiding detection. More than once, a
is an intelligent form, furtively hoping to be mistaken

New Monsters
watchman has approached a drunken figure in the dark,
for a crate, an armchair, or a passerby. Vimbabas are
only to discover the clothes filled with writhing tendrils.
malformed aberrations that can twist their bodies into
Repulsive Mimicry. Insightful observation helps a
a variety of shapes, hiding among mortals long enough
vimbaba to successfully pass unnoticed as a particular
to lay their spawn.
creature it has seen. It imitates the movements and
Piles of Wriggling Tendrils. A vimbaba’s body is
patterns it sees in creatures around it, attempting
made of a gooey mass of twisted string resembling wet
to blend in among large numbers. Perhaps it covers
pasta. Their silvery flesh is entirely prehensile, allowing
itself in wool and passes as part of a flock of sheep.
them to move quite fast, despite a clumsy gait. Portions
The boldest or most ingenious manage to assume an
of their form can be pinched off into 1- or 2-foot
identity in human society.
tendrils, which continue to move freely once severed
Locals might mistake such creatures for a diseased
from the main body.
old hermit or a distant relative—that is, until they
When one of these silver tendrils senses a
get a good look. Though it can form an approximate
breathing creature nearby, it leaps toward the air
Small or Medium shape with its mass of tendrils,
movement and tries to lodge itself in the mouth or
the vimbaba cannot actually change its physical
other respiratory orifice. Once there, the tendril
immediately extends the needle-like quills nested in its
Moon Worms. Some refer to these fibrous
flesh, injecting the creature with a poison that causes
aberrations as the Bodkin of the White Goddess, since
it to fall unconscious. Meanwhile, the tendril engorges
they are said to have long infested the surface of the
itself on any moisture it can absorb, usually swelling to
moon. Baturach’s celestial body was burrowed through
fill the throat of the unconscious creature.
with vimbabas until she plucked them out and cast
them down toward Vinramar in the days of prehistory.

Vimbaba return to its natural form. While disguised or lightly obscured, the
Medium aberration, neutral evil vimbaba strongly resembles the creature, but on closer inspection
its features are clearly a gooey mass of twisting string.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 28 (4d8 + 7) Actions
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft. Multiattack. The vimbaba makes one attack with its engorged
tentacles. If the attack hits, the vimbaba makes a second engorged
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA tentacles attack against a different creature.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Engorged Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Saving Throws Int +5, Cha +4 one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) acid damage.
Skills Deception +5
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Silver Tendrils (Recharge 5-6). The vimbaba pinches off two silver
Languages Deep Speech tendrils, which become tiny aberrations with 1 hit point, an AC of
Challenge 2 (450 XP) 10, and a speed of 10 ft. The tendril can make a long jump up to 10 ft.
Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of one of the
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The vimbaba’s innate spellcasting vimbaba’s silver tendrils must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the throw or fall unconscious as the tendril slips into its mouth and
following spells, requiring no components: down its throat, swelling to several inches in diameter. If the
character succeeds, the tendril drops to the ground at its feet.
At will: Detect thoughts Creatures that fail the Dexterity save begin to noticeably
1/day: Barkskin, hold person, inflict wounds, phantasmal force suffocate. After a number of minutes equal to its Constitution
modifier, the character dies and the tendril emerges to seek a new
Shapechanger. The vimbaba can use its action to take the rough
victim. Another creature can use its action to make a DC 14 Wisdom
physical shape of a small or medium creature it has seen, or
(Medicine) check or Strength (Athletics) check to remove the tendril.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 187

Void-Cradle tentacles extend from the underbelly, each tipped with
a fanged mouth.
Native to some infinitely distant world, the khulmaruk,
or void-cradle, is a heartless sycophant that hunts Soul-Trapping Sorcerers. Those void-cradles
living creatures for their souls. When the void-cradle that have feasted well might have six, ten, even fifteen
digests a creature it has eaten, it rapidly grows a new tentacles, the mouths of which all cradle an orb of
tentacle, with the victim’s consciousness hovering at black fire. When it casts a spell, one of these orbs
the tip of the appendage in the form of a dark flame. is consumed, destroying the consciousness of the
Spidery Behemoths. Void-cradles have a bulbous creature whose soul was trapped within it. If a void-
underbelly with four long, bowed legs protruding from cradle is killed with all its tentacles intact, the orbs of
the top of the thorax in a cross pattern. A large eye is dark flame remain lit, preserving the consciousness
nestled in the soft flesh between each leg, allowing it inside. Perhaps some vile loremaster still knows the
to see in four directions, and where the four legs meet forbidden method of extracting the soul from the dark
on its crown sits a gaping, toothless maw. A number of flame so it can be reincarnated within a new body.

Void-Cradle it reduced to 0 on its last turn (see Soul Drain below). For each
Huge aberration, chaotic evil tentacle grown this way, it regains 20 hit points. Constructs or
undead reduced to 0 hit points do not cause a tentacle to grow.
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 108 (12d12 + 30) Innate Spellcasting. The void-cradle’s spellcasting ability is
Speed 20 ft. Intelligence (spell save DC 14). It can cast a total number of spells
each day equal to the number of soul-bearing tentacles it has. Each
time it grows a new tentacle, it gains a new spell use. The void-
cradle can expend a spell use to cast any of the following 2nd-level
15 (+2) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0)
spells, requiring no components:
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +2 Darkness, detect thoughts, phantasmal force, shatter
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft. Actions
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Multiattack. The void-cradle makes as many soul drain attacks as
Anima Thief. The void-cradle has four soul-bearing tentacles it has tentacles.
that each represent one spell use. Whenever it takes 25 or more
Soul Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
damage in a single turn, it loses one of its tentacles, along with the
creature. Hit: 6 (1d10) necrotic damage. The target must succeed
spell use associated with that tentacle. If all its tentacles die, the
on a Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is
void-cradle dies.
reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction
At the beginning of the void-cradle’s turn, it grows a new
lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
soul-bearing tentacle for each creature whose maximum hit points
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Yuriph Yuriph
In the dark gaps between dimensions swim the
Medium celestial, lawful neutral
yuriphim, deformed celestials who wield the supernal
signs of planar travel. Wherever beings traverse the Armor Class 14
boundaries of reality, these sentinels watch in vigilant Hit Points 125 (22d8 + 26)
Speed 30 ft.
silence. Their existence in the Darkplane has left the

New Monsters
yuriphim with a haunting appearance: sallow skin, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
misshapen faces, and eight twisted arms. 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)
Servitors of the Ivory Keys. During the creation,
Saving Throws Int +7
these creatures were imbued with the light of the Damage Resistances radiant
Ivory Keys, celestial artifacts that reinforce natural Damage Immunities cold
reality and can open or close passages between the Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12
planes. As bound minions of any who holds the keys, Languages all (see Innate Spellcasting below)
the yuriphim can transport themselves and others Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
anywhere in existence with a simple gesture. Aberrant Gatekeeper. The yuriph is considered an aberration as
The yuriphim seldom appear alone. In groups, they well as a celestial.
can easily overpower most planar threats, though they Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The yuriph’s innate spellcasting
are always beholden to the Keys (and whoever controls ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the
them) as the source of their power. following spells, requiring no verbal or material components:
Celestial Captives. Sowm first created the
At will: gate, levitate, light, telepathy
yuriphim as celestial guardians of the planes, sentinels
tasked to ensure that all living things remain in their Actions
proper dimensions. When Gallister wrested the Ivory Multiattack. The yuriph makes eight fist attacks.
Keys from Loragg, however, he carried the yuriphim
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
into the Darkplane, after which they became known as (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
the Pinioned Keepers—merciless aberrations pressed
into Gallister’s service. Superior Invisibility. The yuriph turns invisible until its
concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment
Wardens of Planar Travel. The yuriphim the yuriph wears or carries is invisible with it.
continue to carry out their duty as cosmic gatekeepers.
Creatures that travel between the Realms of Existence Void Stare. The yuriph targets one creature it can see within 60
feet of it. If the target can see the yuriph, it must succeed on a DC
are often observed or escorted by these stoic figures 15 Intelligence saving throw or take 28 (5d10) psychic damage and
(whether they know it or not), and those that threaten become stunned until the end of the yuriph’s next turn.
the laws of dimensional integrity should expect swift
and stern reprisals.

System Options
This section contains optional rules to aid in creating For the purposes of this option, close contact is
an atmosphere of danger, fear, and mystery in your defined as being within 5 feet of the aberration, being
campaigns. with an aberration in an enclosed space no larger than
a 20-foot sphere, or ingesting or touching an open
Vorruc Infection wound with material from the aberration’s body.
If your characters spend any significant time in Wellusk You can also call for this saving throw when
or Perrith Gorr, they’re likely to come into contact a character is affected by a psionic spell cast by an
with the vorruc infection, a disease that transforms aberration (using 8 + the spell level as the save DC)
its victims into quasi-vampiric cannibals. It targets and once every day that a character spends in the
animals, humanoids, and most other living creatures. Darkplane. In the latter case, the save DC is 15.
Once per day, when a creature ingests organic As the GM, you determine what mechanical
material that is tainted by the vorruc infection, it must changes to implement on a character that gains a
make a Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 1 Darkplane mutation. Some will have no noticeable
plus the number of times that character has previously effect, while others might require small adjustments,
made this saving throw in the last month. On a failure, or perhaps even change the character’s race to
the creature contracts the vorruc infection at stage 1. mimessarch.
The effects of each stage are cumulative. Once a
creature has advanced to the next stage, add that stage’s
effects to those above it.
Stage 1. Every dawn, the infected creature makes
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. After a number
of failures equal to 3 × its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 1), it advances to the next stage.
Stage 2. The creature wakes up once an hour while
sleeping, requiring it to rest for 4 additional hours to
gain the benefit of a long rest.
Stage 3. When the creature eats food uninfected
by the vorruc disease, it becomes poisoned for 1 hour.
Stage 4. Each dawn, if the creature hasn’t eaten live
flesh or drunk fresh blood, it takes a level of exhaustion.
Stage 5. The creature becomes unnaturally
aggressive, and its alignment changes to chaotic good,
chaotic neutral, or chaotic evil.
Stage 6. The effects of the previous stages end, and
the creature gains all the traits of the vorruc race, with
the exception of the ability score increase.

Darkplane Mutation
A brush with the distorted abyss beyond natural
reality can have far-reaching consequences in the
life of an adventurer. This option drives home the
infectious nature of the Darkplane, teaching your
players to truly fear the beings that dwell there.
When a character spends at least 1 minute in
close contact with an aberration, you can call for
that character to make a Constitution saving throw.
The DC for this save is the challenge rating of the
aberration. On a failure, the character must roll on
the Darkplane Mutation table.

Darkplane Mutation
d100 Mutation d100 Mutation
1-2 Your body grows one or more slimy stalks. 56-57 You grow extra fingers or toes.
3-4 The crown of your head elongates and grows 58-59 Your limbs or digits become webbed.
bony spurs or a crustaceous carapace. 60-61 Your digits elongate into sharp claws.

System Options
5-6 Your hair becomes prehensile, with a Strength 62-63 You grow a frill or set of horns, spikes, or
score of 1. Cutting it is tremendously painful. plates somewhere on your body.
7-8 Your eyes begin to swell, glow, or take on the 64-65 Your body develops one or more extra joints.
appearance of an animal or monster.
66-67 One or more extra orifices opens somewhere
9-10 One or more additional eyes emerge from on your body.
somewhere on your body.
68-69 One of your limbs or extremities gains a full
11-12 The flesh of your face becomes transparent. 360-degree range of motion.
13-14 Your breath begins to carry a putrid odor. 70-71 One of your limbs withers, falls off, or
15-16 One or more additional mouths open up recedes into your body.
somewhere on your body. 72-73 Your gait becomes shambling and unnatural.
17-18 You grow insectoid or cephalopod mouthparts. 74-75 Your interior organs mutate until they are
19-20 Your tongue becomes forked, barbed, or unrecognizable.
strangely long. 76-77 You gain a frighteningly unnatural beauty.
21-22 Your mouth, neck, or limbs grow a radula. 78-79 You regress in age, looking much younger
23-24 Your hair grows at an accelerated rate. than you are.
25-26 Your hair falls out or changes to a strange color. 80-81 You accelerate in age, looking much older
27-28 You grow glands that give you a foul stench. than you are.
29-30 Your skin produces a slime or mucus that’s 82-83 Your blood is replaced by an odd or vile
left on everything you touch. substance.
31-32 Your skin changes to a strange color. 84-85 Your saliva is replaced by an odd or vile
33-34 Your skin gains a new texture in places, such as
scales, tentilla, an exoskeleton, or stony plates. 86-87 You excrete ink, acid, or bile on yourself
when you’re scared, nervous, or surprised.
35-36 Your skin hangs loosely from your body,
giving you a wrinkled, sagging appearance. 88-89 You always know the exact time.
37-38 You shed your skin once a month. 90-91 Your body is wracked with constant pain.
39-40 Your body becomes emaciated. 92-93 You vomit uncontrollably every hour.
41-43 Boils and sores spread across your body. 94-95 When you touch gold, iron, silver, or steel,
you become poisoned for 1 minute.
44-45 You grow a fin, flap, or gills.
96-97 Wherever you go, all vegetation within 5 feet
46-47 Your back arches violently, leaving you with a
of you withers and dies.
large hump.
98-99 Your flesh peels away to reveal an oozing
48-49 You grow an extra arm, leg, or head.
mass of mouths and eyes. You become a
50-51 You grow one or more tentacles. They may gibbering mouther. All of your statistics
replace an existing limb or emerge from are replaced by the gibbering mouther’s,
somewhere else. including your alignment.
52-53 You grow one or more insectoid limbs. They 00 Your body swells and mutates into a large,
may replace an existing limb or emerge from tentacled amphibian. You become an aboleth.
somewhere else. All of your statistics are replaced by the
54-55 You grow a prehensile tail. aboleth’s, including your alignment.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 191

Dynamic Critical Hits 17: Area gains an injury. In addition to all of the
above effects, the attacker rolls on the Injury chart and
This section outlines an alternate method for resolving
applies the result to the victim. As the GM, you decide
critical hits, called Dynamic Critical Hits. The intent
what additional effects might come into play once
of this option is make combat more frightening
the area is injured, such as disadvantage on Wisdom
and unpredictable in a way that’s appropriate to the
(Perception) checks after losing an eye.
setting’s tone. Under this system, critical hits are
18: Roll damage dice a third time. Instead of
capable of inflicting serious wounds, making their
rolling damage dice twice before adding modifiers, roll
consequences reach beyond the battlefield and into the
the dice three times.
story of the adventure.
19: Target cannot regain hit points until it
Because combat is slightly more dangerous for
recuperates. Record the number of hit points the
creatures on the receiving end of Dynamic Critical
target has remaining after the damage from the critical
Hits, you probably want to avoid making it available
hit is applied. That number becomes the creatures hit
just to the player characters. It’s only fair if their
point maximum (at a minimum of 1 hit point) until
enemies have the same edge. That being said, you
it spends three days recuperating as per the rules
should discuss with your players before implementing
for downtime activity. The target can, however, gain
this option. If the instant death effect seems too
temporary hit points.
extreme, consider replacing it with the target simply
In addition to this effect, the lingering injury
dropping to 0 hit points.
inflicted becomes permanent. The GM determines any
Using the Crit Chart specific flavor surrounding the injury—if the area is
When a player rolls a critical hit, immediately roll a d10 severed, crushed, gored, melted, frozen, or whatever
and a d20 and consult the Dynamic Critical Hits chart. terrible fate makes the most sense.
The d10 will determine the affected area of the critical 20: Instant death. This effect operates as if the
hit, and the d20 will determine the critical effects. target took damage that dropped it to 0 hit points,
The affected areas on the chart account for and the remaining damage was equal to its maximum
humanoids, beasts, and other creatures. The critical hit point value. It dies instantly. You can ignore the
hit might affect a wing, limb, appendage, or other affected area roll and simply have the player who rolled
body part, depending on the nature of the creature. the critical hit narrate their kill.
Remember that you as the GM have final say. If For example, if Culathra rolls a natural 20 while
it makes more sense for the critical hit to strike a attacking a succubus, she rolls a d10 for the affected
different area, you can choose a result rather than have area (a result of 4) then a d20 for the effect (a 17). The
the player roll it. affected area 4 could either be the succubus’s right arm
The critical effects are cumulative, meaning that or its right wing. Together with Culathra’s player, the
whatever result the player rolls includes all the effects GM determines that the critical hit struck the succubus
for lower rolls as well. The higher the roll, the more in the right wing.
critical effects there are. The effects are as follows. The effect roll of 17 means the succubus’s wing is
1-5: Roll damage dice twice. This effect is injured until a long rest. The GM interprets this to mean
identical to the normal effect of a critical hit. that it loses its fly speed for the near future. In addition to
6-10: Knock target prone. In addition to the extra that effect, the succubus is knocked prone, stunned, and
damage, the target is knocked over. its speed is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
11-14: Target’s speed is 0 until end of its next Culathra rolls her damage dice twice before adding the
turn. In addition to the previous two effects, the modifiers. Her longsword normally deals 1d8+2 slashing
target’s speed is reduced to 0, which prevents it from damage (2 being her Strength modifier), so her critical
standing up or crawling until its speed is restored at damage in this example is 2d8+2 slashing damage.
the end of its next turn.
15-16: Target stunned until end of its next turn.
The Injuries chart can be used in connection with the
To all of the above is added the stunned condition,
Dynamic Critical Hits option, or on its own. You might
preventing the target from acting effectively and
bestow an injury after a creature falls a long distance,
making it vulnerable to attacks and environmental
takes damage from one source equal to half its hit point
maximum, or drops to 0 hit points without being killed
outright. You can roll an affected area on the Dynamic
Critical Hits chart or choose one that makes sense.

192 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Dynamic Critical Hits
d10 Affected Area d20 Critical Effects
1 Tail, left leg, or lower left area 1-5 Roll damage dice twice

Dynamic Critical Hits

2 Tail, right leg, or lower right area 6-10 Knock target prone
3 Left arm, wing, or flank 11-14 Target’s speed is 0 until end of its next turn
4 Right arm, wing, or flank 15-16 Target stunned until end of its next turn
5-6 Abdomen or middle area 17 Area gains an injury
7-8 Chest or middle area 18 Roll damage dice a third time
9 Throat or upper area 19 Target cannot regain hit points
10 Head, face, or upper area 20 Instant death

Injuries can be healed with a regenerate spell, or Injuries

a number of successful Wisdom (Medicine) checks
equal to the d20 result you rolled when determining d20 Injury
the injury. Each of these Wisdom (Medicine) checks 1-4 Stinging Wound. Lose 1 hit die.
has a DC of 15. The injured character must take a 5-6 Scar. Lose 1 hit die. Once the injury is
long rest between each check. If more than 30 hours healed, it leaves a scar.
pass between checks, or if the administering character
7-9 Debilitating Wound. Your total number of
fails a check, the process must start over from the
hit dice drops to 0. It goes up by 1 at the end
of each long rest until it returns to normal.
Injured Player Characters 10-12 Hideous Scar. You gain a Debilitating Wound
While the prospect of having limbs and organs (above). Once the injury heals, it leaves a
torn from their bodies may not seem immediately gruesome scar that, when visible, imposes
appealing, remember that receiving injuries is a great disadvantage on your Charisma (Persuasion)
opportunity to roleplay and heighten the stakes of the and Charisma (Performance) checks.
adventure. As the GM, don’t force an injured player to 13-14 Putrefying Wound. Your hit point
sit out or feel useless. Find a way to help them continue maximum is reduced by 1 at the end of each
to participate in the action. Perhaps there’s a trap long rest. When it reaches 0, you die.
or hazard they notice that must be dealt with, or an
15-16 Broken Bone. You have disadvantage
NPC looking for a verbal confrontation rather than a
on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
physical one.
throws that require the use of the affected
Be sure to frame follow-up scenes that emphasize
area. If such an action causes you to deal
the story ramifications of the player character’s injury.
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage,
Who tends to his or her wounds? How does this affect
you immediately take the same amount and
their relationship? How does the injury change the
type of damage you dealt.
party’s plans? Answering these questions through
roleplay will enhance the adventure and player 17 Internal Bleeding. Before you take an action
investment. that requires the affected area, you must
Player character injuries are also a great hook for make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If
future adventures. Your wizard lost an eye in a fight you fail, you lose the action.
with a zombie? Time to make plans for a new one— 18 Crippled. The affected area loses its function
maybe a magical crystal that can peer into other planes or mobility. You cannot perform actions that
of existence. Your fighter’s leg is lame? Begin a search require it. This injury cannot be healed with
for the best surgeon in the kingdom, perhaps even Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
one depraved enough to graft an ape’s leg or kraken’s 19 Maimed. The affected area is destroyed. It
tentacle in its place. Losing a body part may close one cannot be healed with Wisdom (Medicine)
or two doors, but it’s your job as the GM to make sure checks.
it opens far more. 20 Grave Injury. Roll on the table twice,
rerolling results of 20, and gain both injuries.

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 193

Trauma examples of each level of trauma, and what effects they
might have on a character.
Many adventures include sights, experiences, and
revelations that assault the mind and weaken its hold If a character rolls a 1 or fails a saving throw
on what is real. You can use the following optional against the effects of trauma by a margin of 10 or more,
rules to determine when and how your players handle the effect of the trauma increases to the next level.
trauma in a Darkplane campaign. Only certain types of monsters or spells constitute
Madness grips characters who face a sudden trauma. If a character sees, touches, or speaks with an
and unexpected blow to their understanding of aberration, elemental, fiend, or undead, the DC for
reality. They might stumble into a den of terrifying the Wisdom (or Sanity) saving throw is equal to 5 +
aberrations, suffer a psionic attack that damages their the monster’s challenge rating. Likewise, if a character
psyche, or learn a hideous truth about the nature of witnesses, casts, or is targeted by a sorcerer or warlock
the universe. Such traumas have a chance of eroding a spell, a spell of the necromancy school, or one that
character’s sanity. used blood as a material component, the DC is equal
When a character experiences a trauma, you can to 8 + the spell’s level. The effect of a failed save occurs
call for a Wisdom (or Sanity) saving throw. The DC after the spell’s casting is complete.
depends on the level of trauma and the character’s Constructs, plants, and oozes cannot experience
current mental state. There are 5 levels of trauma, trauma, nor do creatures experience trauma if they
ranging from slight to severe. The Trauma chart lists encounter a monster with which they share a type.

Level Save DC Examples Effect
Slight 10, spell level + 8, or A haunting, witnessing black arcane magic, seeing Frightened until the
monster CR + 5 a corpse without mental preparation, hearing Deep end of your next turn
Speech, or encountering a monster of CR 1-9
Minor 15, spell level + 8, or A fear effect, gaining the frightened condition, Short-term madness
monster CR + 5 taking 40 or less psychic damage, casting or being that lasts only 1d4
targeted by black arcane magic, forbidden lore rounds
epiphany, or encountering a monster of CR 10-14
Moderate 20 or monster CR + 5 Taking more than 40 psychic damage, being tortured Short-term madness
for several hours, witnessing intense butchery or
depravity, or encountering a monster of CR 15-19
Serious 25 or monster CR + 5 Being tortured for days, participating in intense Long-term madness
butchery or depravity, being isolated for several
months, seeing into the Darkplane, or encountering
a monster of CR 20-24
Severe 30 or monster CR + 5 Being isolated for 10 or more years, experiencing Indefinite madness
a Darkplane mutation, prolonged or intimate
contact with an aberration, being raised from the
dead, entering the Darkplane, or encountering a
monster of CR 25 or higher

194 Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns

Spell Failure
This option deals with the truly dangerous effects
of arcane magic, and the ghastly repercussions of
using or misusing it. Whenever a character fails a
Concentration check on a sorcerer, warlock, or wizard
spell, or when one of these spells fails to cast for any
reason, you can call for the spellcaster to make a saving
throw with its spellcasting ability. The DC for this save
is 8 + the spell’s level. A natural 1 on this save always
counts as a failure. When the spellcaster fails, he or
she rolls a d20, adds the spell’s level, and suffers the
corresponding effect on the Spell Failure table.

Spell Failure
d20 Effect
1-4 Compulsion. For 1 week, the caster gains
the urge to eat or bathe in something
strange, such as dirt, blood, or rotting flesh.
5-8 Arcane Feedback. The caster takes 1d6
psychic damage.
9-10 Trauma. The caster and all creatures within
60 feet must make a saving throw as if
encountering a Moderate trauma.
11-12 Nausea. The caster becomes poisoned for
2d4 rounds.
13-14 Blinded. If the caster is not in darkness, he or
she is blinded for 1d4 rounds.
15-16 Dimensional Rift. A portal to a random
plane opens within 5 feet of the caster.
17 Prescient Surge. All creatures within 60 feet
of the caster gain telepathy in a range of 120
feet. It lasts 6d6 hours.
18 Wild Magic Surge. A wild magic surge
19 Rage. The caster flies into a wanton rage,
attacking whatever creature is closest for 1d6
20-22 Unholy Possession. A number of ghosts
equal to the spell’s level appear beside the
caster and attack any creatures in sight. The
caster is targeted by a Possession attack.
23-26 Darkplane Mutation. The caster
experiences an effect on the Darkplane
Mutation table.
27-29 Abomination. The caster is permanently
transformed into an elemental or fiend with
a CR equal to or greater than the spell’s level.
All of his or her statistics are replaced by
those of the demon, including alignment.
Skill Options Forbidden Lore
A character’s Intelligence (Forbidden Lore) check
With elements of advanced technology and the occult
assuming a position of importance in this setting, you covers their knowledge of the dark arts. While Arcana
may wish to play a character whose expertise extends focuses on general magical understanding, Forbidden
into these areas. You can use the following skill options Lore deals with dangerous knowledge that has been
to represent such specialties. hidden from those who would abuse it. It includes
the secrets of necromancy, blood magic, rune magic,
Engineering fiends, aberrations, and primordials.
You might call on players to make an Intelligence Such understanding doesn’t come without cost,
(Engineering) check when dealing with any sort of however. At your discretion, when a character with
machinery. Characters proficient in this skill are adept proficiency succeeds on an Intelligence (Forbidden
enough with mechanical devices to repair, design, Lore) check, you might impose disadvantage on saving
and fabricate anything from wooden looms to steam throws to avoid the effects of trauma for 1 hour.
engines. Engineering is useful in the crafting of Characters that choose proficiency in Arcana,
vehicles, clocks, siege equipment, and even firearms. History, or Religion may instead gain proficiency in
Characters that choose proficiency in Arcana, Forbidden Lore.
History, or Investigation may instead gain proficiency
in Engineering.

Measuring Time
Across the world of Vinramar, different cultures use comprised of nine watches, or 10-day periods, a
many methods to measure the passage of time. Some, term referencing the 10-day rotation customary for
like the jharethil of old, keep exhaustive written castle watchmen in early Motta. When a soldier had

Measuring Time
records with complex seasons, years, and dates. completed a watch, he had been posted at each of the
Others, such as the werekin clans of Arwest, simply 10 stations over the course of 10 nights. The 10 days of
watch the patterns of predictable natural phenomena. each watch are named (in order) Junas, Delias, Mertolas,
The most common calendar in Vinramar was Hundas, Scapas, Trolas, Tepas, Vindas, Bonas, and Selas.
developed in the early years of the Mottan Empire. In addition to the 36 watches of the year, the
Called the Renizian calendar, or the Mortal Reckoning, Renizian calendar preserves five festival days, which
it was officially implemented in Motta by Emperor are not assigned to a particular season. Between the
Renizi II, and has been widely adopted throughout the last day of one season and the first day of another, these
West, as well as in the Empire of Arrochule and the high days mark the transition with frenzied revelry.
nations of the Goltari League. Between the end of the Fallow and the beginning of
In the Renizian calendar, the year is composed of the Sowing, the new year is ushered in with two days of
365 days divided into four seasons: the Sowing, the uninterrupted merriment: Ochi etAndocculos, the
Growing, the Harvest, and the Fallow. Closing and the Opening.
Each of these seasons is

Chapter Three | Darkplane Campaigns 197

Chapter Four

F irst there was an ocean, a vast concourse of water that grew and
stretched the bounds of all existence. The jharethil call it Norahaltath, which by
interpretation is the Sea in the Void. There was no air, no land, no life; just the
endless churning of a drowned universe.
In time the whirlpool lurched and Norahaltath divided at its heart. The water
steamed and became a roaring hurricane thrashing out from the center and
encircling the sea. Where the pressure from the tempest was great enough, the sea
froze solid and became earth. The air wrapped the sea, the sea wrapped the earth,
and in the center of the earth was lit the first light.
The sacred flame seared the slag and detritus, sparking it into life and
consciousness, burning and yet not consuming. In the heart of the wreckage
loomed Salvendum, Source of our Joy and Sorrow, the First of Four Worlds.
About Her girdle swirled the other three worlds, orbs of reckless dross hurtling
through the tenebrous abyss. Between and around these orbs is a void, the gap
of nothingness that the jhareth elders name Nieshalar, which by interpretation is
called the Darkplane.
As the ashes plunged into the seas of the four worlds and cooled, they awoke.
Many remained below, but nine rose into the light and, marveling, were refined
into living souls. They are called Irvallath, the Primordial Laborers. When
Salvendum saw the Nine had awoken, she spoke through the Darkplane so that
all could hear and feel her thought.
She said: I am Sowm; from the heart of the Fire I command the winds and the
seas and the earth. Ye have your being through me; I command you to rise and build.

—The Labors of the Irvallath by Bram Genning

* * *
Vinramar represents the center of the known cosmos in the Darkplane setting.
It is itself one of the four worlds, a cluster of spheroidal planets that contain most
of natural reality. Beyond the surface of these worlds lies the Darkplane itself, a
fathomless abyss that mocks the delicate understanding of mortals.
Three of the worlds follow an elliptical orbit around Salvendum, the fourth
and largest planet. The light of Salvendum, called mahat by the jharethil, radiates
across the Darkplane, protecting the four worlds from its infectious touch and
making natural life possible. Closest to Salvendum is Iltallach, the world of the
Fey Kindreds and their mad queen. Next spins Vinramar, the mortal world,
followed by Morvugol, where the light of Salvendum is faintest and shadows
gather through the ravenous eons.
This chapter discusses the cosmology of the Darkplane universe,
including various worlds, planes of existence, and the deities that rule them.
What is presented here is only the beginning of the strange diversity of the
cosmos. Many gods, real and imagined, are worshipped throughout the four
worlds. Those described in this chapter are only the most prominent.

The Four Worlds
All of the four worlds shelter unique life forms, In Mardelthwaide dwell Jharus, Loragg, their
creatures whose origins are connected to the history descendant Altrear (patron god of the jharethil), and
of their given home. The environments they dwell in those celestials that serve them. Jharus himself is
surpass the diversity of Vinramar, reaching into the bound to the throne of Salvendum, forbidden to move,
splendid and horrific realm of the supernatural. Gods lest the light of Salvendum extinguish and mahat be
and monsters rule these places directly, making them lost from the four worlds.
perilous for mortals to enter.
Salvendum The planet that orbits closest to Salvendum is Iltallach,
The central world, Salvendum, is native to the celestials. the world of the eternal sunset, sometimes called
Though few remember it, Salvendum is the sun itself, the plane of Faerie. Its vast lands are the haunts of
a massive planet whose radiant glory can be seen from fey, centaurs, giants, gnomes, goblinoids, and other
anywhere in the four worlds. The most pure beings creatures that followed mad Forlortha there in the
dwell here, including the dead that have been judged dawn of history. Of the four worlds, Iltallach is the
worthy to enter the presence of the Jharric Gods. most mysterious and perilous.
Various areas of Salvendum might correspond to one of Forlortha’s madness has long poisoned Iltallach,
upper planes, such as Elysium. thinning the boundaries between its dimensions and
All things in Salvendum shine with an overpowering locking its inhabitants in a mercurial cycle of mania,
light. Non-celestial creatures that enter this world take wantonness, and melancholia. Mortals that come here
20 radiant damage every minute unless they carry sacred find all their experiences dream-like, and those that
tokens of protection, or are under the effect of one of the greet them always on the edge of laughter, tears, or
following spells: resistance, sanctuary, or shield of faith. bitter rage. Because the dimensions weave in and out of
Those who remain for 100 days or more gain the Elder one another, the operation of time and physical space
Form trait, as described on page 36. is erratic and unclear. Upon coming home, they often
Salvendum contains Athalun, Ithaldun, and find the journey to have lasted far shorter or longer
Mardelthwaide, the dominions of the Jharric Gods. than they had supposed. Few return unchanged.
Hundreds of fey courts hold sway in Iltallach,
Athalun including that of Nanbaladhui, the immense tree that
Iala, goddess of light and healing, makes her abode in contains the spirit of Forlortha herself. The bizarre
Athalun, the Valley of Four Hundred Rivers. There the politics of the fey courts confound mortals, seeming
waters run clear and sweet, and the light of her healing both petty and magnanimous in turns.
is free for all to enjoy. With her dwell the Ialhalil, whose
sacred hands heal all maladies and bind all wounds. Nanbaladhui
At the heart of the world, Forlortha’s consciousness
Ithaldun lives within a great tree, larger than the mightiest
The island city of Ithaldun is home to Ava and her castle. Burrowed within its trunk and perched upon
consorts. Set in the golden sea of Meira, the island’s its branches are thousands of fey dwellings. This
shores extend their reach wider as Ava’s power grows. is Nanbaladhui, the Court of the Deranged. Here
With her dwell the souls of mothers, orphans, and Forlortha’s closest children wade in madness while the
those who die young, making Ithaldun largely a city of weeping of their captives resounds from root to bough.
children. Travelers here are often surprised by the wit Rising from the mountainous roots of
and wisdom of its cherubic denizens. Nanbaladhui are two stone rings whose apertures
Mardelthwaide were once dimensional gates into Vinramar. Though
The palace of Jharus is not a single structure, but in Vinramar their companion portals rest half a world
an arrangement of gigantic, free-standing columns from one another, the two Fey Gates sit nearly side
suspended high above the surface of the world. Each by side in Iltallach. Long ago, the Fey Kindreds could
of these towers floats in complex harmony with the enter Vinramar by the east or west gate, but after the
others, their windows and doors passing alongside one passages were sealed during the High Apostasy, the Fey
another in an endless dance of shifting rooms. Gates fell into disrepair in both worlds. Still, residual
crossings between the worlds are known to open, even
hundred of miles from the ruined stone rings.

200 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Vinramar For much of Morvugol’s history, the world was lush
with inky-black vegetation and semi-ethereal creatures
The third world, Vinramar, orbits Salvendum just
that worshipped Ulmhasa, primordial goddess of
beyond Iltallach. Natural creatures and mortal life forms
dreams and shadow. Some 2,000 years ago, however,
are native here. Perhaps by happenstance, Vinramar

The Four Worlds

the disembodied consciousness of Volgothyde found its
became the stage of the battle between the Creators and
way to Morvugol and seized control. Using the distant
the primordials after the creation, and has continued to
world as a foothold in which to amass new power,
witness divine conflict throughout its history.
Volgothyde transformed Morvugol into a wasteland
Several gods dwell in Vinramar, including
and populated it with hordes of the undead.
Sterianon, Volgothyde, and most of the Irvallath.
Under the rule of the undead emperor, the creatures
Caraveh native to Morvugol were brought nearly to extinction.
Little can be told of Volgothyde’s seat of power, Two shadowborn races—the humanoid Amikhad
Caraveh. The titanic fortress sits on the eastern coast and the insectoid Hana—survived as slaves and blood
of Perrith Gorr, where once the Lord of Bloodthirst chattel for two millennia. At Volgothyde’s ascension to
ruled his people as an undead emperor. Its windowless godhood, he abandoned Morvugol, ending the dark age
bulwarks stare impassively down upon the ashen with a chaotic power struggle that continues to this day.
wastes, while deep within, the malice of ages plots its
revenge upon old enemies.
According to the legends of the shadowborn, Ulmhasa
Toluratha sleeps, bound beneath the ruined city of Ekhmarai.
This tower, likewise hidden within the Eternal Realm There the Amikhad that outlived their captivity gather,
of Vinramar, is the throne of Sterianon, god of nobility hoping to be present at her waking.
and justice. From the high promontory of Toluratha,
he surveys the nations of Vinramar, advising the
Mozralchi, the goddess of cunning, dwells in a
leaders of the Patriarchy by direct visitation.
hidden ziggurat called Haroth, located on one of the
Morvugol seven moons of Morvugol. Tales speak of its sparse
halls, untended grounds, and libraries bursting with
Morvugol, the Plane of Shadow, is a bleak world,
eternally darkened as a result of its distance from forbidden arcane knowledge.
Salvendum and the barrier created by its seven large Bruhdath
moons. This dearth of light forced all living things Bruhdath is the unassailable fortress of Gallister, god of
that developed in Morvugol to draw sustenance from war—the largest of Morvugol’s moons. Peopled by dead
hair-thin fractures between the Material and Shadow crusaders and the mutated celestials called the yuriphim,
Realms. The resulting creatures and vegetation bear an it serves as an orbiting watchtower for Daemoth.
uncanny connection to the substance of shadow.

The Elements of Being body, causing it to lose that which kept it living and
At its most fundamental level, the universe is made to become as the inanimate dust once more.
of four types of matter called the Elements of Being. The fourth element, deity, is developed over the
All living things are composed of one or more of course of millennia through hidden and supernal
these elements: soul, spirit, body, and deity. means. It allows a being to manipulate reality on
The Elements of Being interact as components the fourth dimension by controlling the expression
of all living things, existing simultaneously in the of the other Elements of Being. Relatively few
same space, but on different planes of existence. individuals have gained deity over the course of
Often a creature’s soul is housed within its spirit, the history, and among those who have, only the most
spirit within its body, and (if it is a god or demigod) prominent are worshipped as actual gods. Scholars
the body within its deity. postulate that the fourth-dimensional expression of
A being’s soul is its life force, the raw intelligence a deity in the High Realm warps its experience of
that animates it and creates consciousness. This time so that it is eternally present through all points
element isn’t limited to creatures. Plants, fungi, of time as an unchangeable being.
and other life forms not considered sentient still While the average humanoid consists of a soul,
contain souls of varying intelligence. The one- spirit, and body connected across the Primordial,
dimensional matter of which a soul is formed exists Spirit, and Material Realms, there are some beings
in the Primordial Realm, making it imperceptible to that exist without one or more of these elements.
mortal eyes. Many undead creatures, for example, are soulless,
Spirit is a two-dimensional element that allows their spirits or bodies animated instead by negative
a being to take a visible form, which often reflects energy. Ghosts, banshees, and other ethereal
its inward nature. Some spirits are comely and creatures lack a body, while the souls of primordials
wholesome, others horrific and grisly. Since it exists inhabit inorganic matter in crude imitation of a body.
in the Spirit Realm, a spirit’s matter is intangible to There is a fifth fundamental force in the
creatures with a body. four worlds, known simply as shadow. Though
Bodies are made of material substance, metaphysicists recognize it as intrinsically present in
allowing them to interact physically with the three- everything in the universe—living and nonliving—
dimensional elements of the Material Realm. They they likewise propose that shadow by its very
grow through natural means, attaching themselves nature is the absence of matter. In other words, it is
to a soul and spirit through the process of birth. At the energy that exists in the absolute nothingness
death, the soul and spirit are separated from the between the Elements of Being.

Realms of Existence
The planes of the Darkplane universe are infinite, encompassing every
The Black

Realms of Existence
conceivable form of reality. Some appear as separate planets, hovering
within the Darkplane itself, while others are alternate dimensions that
overlap one another and occupy the same physical space. The five
The primordials offer followers
planes most fundamental to the operation of natural life are known as access to the latent power
the Realms of Existence: the Primordial Realm, the Spirit Realm, the within the soul. Necromancy,
Material Realm, the Eternal Realm, and the Shadow Realm. blood magic, rune magic, and
Within the four worlds, these realms operate as layers or reflections shadow magic are all forms of
of reality, each one corresponding to one of the Elements of Being that primordial power, collectively
make up everything in existence. Through magical means, characters called the Black Arcane. All
can perceive or travel between the realms, opening their eyes to invisible come at serious cost to the
forces that operate in the world around them. practitioner, and are met with
extreme prejudice by both the
Primordial Realm religious and the secular.
The Primordial Realm is made up of energy and intelligence, the forces The Black Arcane
that power the world and allow its creatures to experience consciousness. should be terrifying, even to
Memories, dreams, and thoughts float in the infinite ether, warping in its practitioners. Not all its
and out of literal or metaphorical forms. You might watch a creature’s manifestations are downright
dream unfold in a series of bizarre flashes, or pluck an object out of your evil, but they are dangerous,
own memory to examine it. and come at a price too dear for
Those who enter the Primordial Realm see it as a shifting panorama most. Wizards and sorcerers
of surreal imagery. Paths may consist of translucent ribbons that encircle should bear permanent,
pulsing, gelatinous orbs, or stepping stones made of forgotten ideas. tangible marks of their work
When a creature casts the astral projection spell, this is the realm they that stand as witness to the
appear in. As in the Astral Plane, color pools dot the Primordial Realm burden of their power, such
and psychic winds tear across the protean firmament. as madness, deformities,
Everything that exists within the Primordial Realm is made of soul compulsions, curses, or plagues.
matter, meaning that it is all, to some degree or another, conscious. The Such devices can be subtle, but
landscape, its pliable forms and visions, as well as any structures or objects when used they differentiate a
that might be found there, are really subjugated souls being shaped into Darkplane story from generic
such features by more dominant intelligences. By that token, characters in fantasy.
the Primordial Realm, as in the plane of Limbo, can use the power of the To that same end, it’s
mind to move and alter such objects that aren’t being worn or carried. also effective to keep displays
Primordial Power of arcane magic bizarre,
The labor of Sowm’s Creation was performed by powerful primordial unpredictable, or enigmatic.
beings made of pure soul essence. When these raw intelligences realized Spells should have flavorful
they weren’t meant to inherit the work of their hands, they rebelled, and side-effects, differing from
Sowm confined them to the Primordial Realm. Here their disembodied caster to caster, that amp up the
souls joined the dross of creation, and over eons nursed a fiery hatred for feeling of surreal dread. Visions,
Sowm and Her children. odors, and other unsettling
The Primordial Realm remains the home of such beings, whose imagery go a long way toward
presence in other realms causes elemental phenomena such as fire preventing the use of magic
storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Black Arcane magic manipulates the from being a non-event.
sentient matter of the Primordial Realm to alter other realms’ reality in Consequences and mystery
unnatural ways. Primordial beings nearly always have some knowledge are your two best friends when
of this practice, and even teach it to those mortals they can seduce into establishing the fearsome nature
their service. of the Black Arcane.

Spirit Realm The Dead and Unborn
Creatures dwelling on the ethereal plane are often
The Spirit Realm is the dwelling of ethereal creatures,
most of them awaiting birth or recently deceased. awaiting mortal birth or recently deceased. Some
Reality here has more visual integrity than in the undead creatures, such as ghosts, specters, and
surreal expanse of the Primordial Realm, meaning wraiths, are spirits trapped in this realm by forces
that places in the Spirit Realm correspond to physical beyond their control. It is rare for the dead to remain
locations within the Material Realm. The hazy in the Spirit Realm forever. In time, their souls are
landscape resembles that of the physical world, but is claimed by one of the gods, and they must enter
perpetually swarming with ethereal personages. whatever afterlife this judgment appoints for them.
Only spiritual beings exist in the Spirit Realm. There are rare examples of reincarnation within the
Objects and structures are rare, leaving the land empty Darkplane universe. In such cases, the spirit of the
but for the spirits themselves. Everywhere the dead creature usually awaits its rebirth in the Spirit Realm.
and unborn wander about between the spirits tethered
to material bodies. Sometimes unbound spirits Material Realm
influence those connected to the Material Realm, The Material Realm is the dimension built of physical
whispering messages and temptations, bolstering matter. Bodies of mortals and immortals alike exist
strength, or making themselves visible to the in this realm. Unless specified otherwise, most of a
physical plane. Such interactions manifest as magical campaign takes place here. Since the Material Realm
phenomena in the Material Realm, where clerics, is more a state of being than a physical location, every
paladins, druids, and some wizards channel the help of place in the universe has a Material Realm reflection.
the spirits for specific spells and effects. The term Material Realm rarely refers only to the
The Spirit Realm is equivalent to the Ethereal world of Vinramar.
Plane, including the presence of ether cyclones and use
of the etherealness spell.

204 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Realms of Existence
Eternal Realm cities of the jharethil, taken away from Vinramar during
the Great Forsaking, are believed to now occupy such a
The Eternal Realm is a fourth-dimensional reality in
which all points of time exist simultaneously. While sanctuary within the Eternal Realm, where the mortals
in this realm, beings made of the element of deity can pledged to destroy them cannot enter.
move freely through time as though it were physical
space. Likewise, divine beings can access and manipulate
Shadow Realm
Just as the light of the sun casts a shadow behind all
all Realms of Existence and Elements of Being from
things it illuminates, the substance of materiality creates
here. For lesser life forms that cannot interpret the
a dimensional shadow composed of complete void. The
sensory cacophony around them, the Eternal Realm is
Shadow Realm is this cosmic shadow, a layer of reality
disorienting, resembling the plane of Pandemonium.
in which the nothingness is so absolute that it can exert
This realm is more a state of being than a physical
force on other forms of matter. While in this dimension,
place. Gods, demigods, their exarchs, and other chosen
material creatures fade into intangibility, their bodies
servants operate in this dimension—ordering the
vanishing from perception in the Material Realm.
universe, pursuing divine agendas, and waging wars
Light is anathema to the Shadow Realm, unable to
across time and reality. Those whose minds are opened
enter this plane at all. Those who come here find that it
to the Eternal Realm’s higher level of consciousness often
is darker than they imagined was possible. Its landscape
slip away from mortal concerns, discovering harrowing
is a dim reflection of the Material Realm, where the
secrets about the nature of existence and godhood.
dimensional shadows of all living things ripple in the
Sanctuaries and Hidden Cities nothingness. Creatures with darkvision can see up to
Deities have been known to usher lesser creatures in and 60 feet into the Material Realm with truesight.
out of the Eternal Realm, opening their understanding Few creatures are native to the Shadow Realm.
to the sublime dance of fourth-dimensional reality. The primordial goddess Ulmhasa, her son Imbakhao,
Often these guests are protected from certain knowledge and their attendants are rumored to sleep there, buried
or senses in order to maintain their sanity. The secret under the ruined city of Ekhmarai.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 205

Shadow Energy Ley Lines
The Shadow Realm is an infinite pool of dormant The movements of certain powerful points through the
energy that can be tapped to create powerful magic. Its cosmos create ley lines: intricate paths drawn between
influence is clearest on the world of Morvugol, where locations of geometric and primordial significance.
fractures in the bounds between dimensions cause the Closely associated with rune magic, ley lines can be
energy of the void to spill into the Material Realm. Life used to travel long distances in a few steps.
forms imbued with that energy emerged early on in its
history, while the surge of shadow essence often forms Mindscapes
terrifying visions that play out in the twilit wastes. Psychics have been known to venture into another
Little is known about this power source. It carries creature’s psyche, where their mind forms an
with it the same peril as any other Black Arcane magic. environment similar to a dreamscape. Rather than
Mistakes can result in madness, death, or worse. Those a direct embodiment of thought, a mindscape is a
who frequently delve its secrets find their bodies metaphorical representation of the psyche, its nature
slipping more and more readily into the intangibility and terrain organized according to the creature’s
of the Shadow Realm. particular identity, memories, and impulses.
Locations within a mindscape correspond
Other Dimensions to pieces of the creature’s identity. Simple minds
Beyond the five Realms of Existence are infinite are reflected by straightforward or sparse terrain.
dimensions more foreign to the inhabitants of Intelligent or troubled minds are more likely to involve
Vinramar. Some may never come into contact with meandering paths, intricate layouts, and sealed rooms.
the four worlds, while others await a time when the A mindscape cannot be entered physically. It
cosmic alignment will allow them to descend on the is a transference of one psyche to another, during
succulent mortal world like wolves. which the bodies of the respective creatures remain
Some demiplanes are nested within other unconscious in the Material Realm. A creature using
realms, especially those connected to the mind and the astral projection spell can, with effort, find another
senses. These “scapes” are not fully part of any other creature’s mindscape within the Primordial Realm,
dimension, yet strongly tied to activity in one of the entering it psychically as an action.
Realms of Existence. Mirrorscapes
Dreamscapes A mirrorscape is a demiplane that exists within a
Dream shapers and illusionists are intimately familiar reflective surface. Glass, water, and polished metal are
with dreamscapes: the nonsensical realities in which ideal doors into such dimensions for those who know
the dreams of living creatures are confined. Usually the the secrets of planar travel. A gate or plane shift spell
entrance to a dreamscape opens within the Primordial can carry a creature from one side of the reflection
Realm as a sentient being dreams. Creatures present into the mirrorscape behind it, provided the caster can
at the threshold of the dreamscape can enter it like see the reflection of the mirror.
passing through a veil, at which point they become Each reflection contains its own mirrorscape, a
dreamwalkers—outsiders aware that they are in a series of crystalline alleys and caverns. Every small
dream. Within the dreamscape, images and events surface of these corridors connects to a different
seen by the dreamer play out vividly. mirror or reflection somewhere in the universe. From
The aspects of a dreamscape, called shades, change here, travelers can peer into and access every reflective
from moment to moment depending on the dreamer’s surface in existence.
state of mind. Objects, locations, people, and other Journeying between locations in a mirrorscape is
sensory illusions appear or disappear in an instant, extremely dangerous, however. Most of this labyrinthine
interacting with or ignoring the dreamwalkers in turns. demiplane is uncharted and unpredictable. Entire
The dreamer and its shades are usually charmed by the tunnels and passages wink out of existence when their
dreamscape itself, believing in the reality of the dream. assigned reflections no longer exist, and new passages
The more often a shade appears in a dreamscape, open when a new reflection is made or one is broken
the more permanence it gains. Shades representing into pieces.
creatures can end their charmed condition with time, Creatures within a mirrorscape when it collapses
becoming aware of their figmentary nature—and take 25d6 force damage and appears at the location
perhaps seek to escape. There have been cases of a connected to the closest reflection in the mirrorscape.
shade exiting a dreamscape and becoming, essentially, If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it
a sentient illusion that cannot be dispelled. simply ceases to exist.

206 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

The Darkplane
In the abyss beyond the four worlds, alien horrors The Abyssal Throne
reign. This is the Darkplane, the vast space that Daemoth’s abode is a banished world called the
surrounds natural reality. It’s populated and ruled by Abyssal Throne. It exists between the universe and the
mysterious aberrant powers so unnatural that their full Outer Realms, wholly enveloped by the Darkplane.
comprehension is beyond mortal minds. Darkplane Here the fiends, monstrosities, aberrations, and
influence is always connected with madness, physical countless slaves of Daemoth carouse and wallow in the
anomalies, and the overarching fear that the universe’s filth of eternity. It is a place of unimaginable misery
true nature is malignant and alien. and grueling dark, where pleasure can only be found
There are several deities connected to the Darkplane, in depravity and contempt for what is wholesome.
most notably Daemoth, his mutant bride Maruma’e, Areas of the Abyssal Throne might resemble some
Senfaer, and the unknowable horror Igundadosh, of the Lower Planes, such as Hades or the Abyss.
sometimes called the True Mother. All four have dealings
both in and outside the four worlds. This perilous traffic Dolodiri
to and from the Darkplane brings aberrant life forms to The god Silphenor dwells in Dolodiri, a tumultuous
the mortal world, where they infect, distort, or otherwise nebula deep within the Darkplane. This domain is also
threaten the very integrity of reality. called Limbo, the Dross, or the Reap of the Unwanted.
Mimessarchs—mortal beings that have been It is the resting place of the unclaimed dead, whose life
physically and mentally twisted by the infectious and loyalty were unworthy of another god’s domain.
influence of the Darkplane—can be found scattered Girutze
about Vinramar. Their alien deformities bear witness Girutze, the wandering star, is home to Senfaer, the
to the fate of unfortunate souls who enter the primordial god of order. His followers depict Girutze
Darkplane or cross paths with its denizens. as a great silver horse, on which Senfaer wanders the
Several locations within the Darkplane have entered universe in search of truth and hidden mysteries.
into Vinramar’s legendarium, such as Dolodiri, the From this mobile domain, he places stars within the
chaos-nebula, and Daemoth’s Abyssal Throne. Little is Darkplane, waypoints that protect natural creatures
told of such places, but those who dwell there are known from the oppressive void.
to occasionally influence events in the four worlds.
Once a great orb that powered the sun and housed
Darkplane Imagery Sowm’s spirit, the Hiyorugh became a desecrated
In a campaign driven by mystery and exploration, vessel for the soul of Daemoth after he killed the
the realization that humanity and its domain Mother that Was. It now lies in the possession of
are anomalies in a universe of nightmares has Gauren, Daemoth’s prodigal child. Using the Hiyorugh
terrifying potential. This concept provides the as a titanic body, Gauren steers the planet through the
canopy of inevitable dread that overshadows Darkplane, exploring the Outer Realms and serving
every aspect of the setting. Illustrating it through Daemoth’s pleasure.
encounters and imagery is the best way to make a Devils and their minions live on the surface of the
Darkplane campaign stand out. Hiyorugh, eternally plotting to seize control of it from
Monsters, locales, and effects connected to the their infernal progenitor. This plane is equivalent to
Darkplane defy our fundamental assumptions about the Nine Hells.
nature. Creatures have sense organs and methods
of communication that natural creatures would The Outer Realms
never dream existed, and their bodies disobey the Daemoth’s explorations in the Darkplane have revealed
laws of physics in unsettling ways. When dealing the presence of many worlds and planes far beyond
with Darkplane imagery, it may be helpful to look the reach of mortal conception, which seem to house
for inspiration in the works of H.P. Lovecraft, China aberrations of infinite variety. Daemoth has slowly
Miéville, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Lord Dunsany, Arthur conquered vast stretches of these Outer Realms, and
Machen, and Clark Ashton Smith, all of whom have thus introduced many aberrant life forms to the four
contributed to the weird fiction genre. worlds. Gods, slaves, and refugees from the Outer
Realms have poured into some areas of Vinramar,
inciting horror and madness wherever they appear.

208 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

The word god can invoke many different concepts. In The Ascended
the Darkplane universe, gods are beings that have This pantheon is predominantly composed of
achieved a higher level of awareness. Some resemble gods in humanoid form who once lived in the four

classical gods, with bodies that can take various forms. worlds. Some time in their history, each experienced
Others are powerful spirits, visible only when they a moment of apotheosis in which they ascended
wish to be. Still others manifest as elemental forces. to godhood. Ascended deities are known for their
What these beings have in common is incredible constant meddling in mortal affairs, and their
intelligence and the ability to perceive all forms of investment in those who worship them.
matter at once, including much not seen by mortals.
Vinramar, the mortal world, has become the The Irvallath
battleground for many divine conflicts. Mortals can The Irvallath are primordial deities not descended
thus find themselves in the service of various gods from Sowm. Though they sprung from her to perform
through religious organizations, personal spirituality, the labor of the Creation, these elemental beings
or occasionally by force. The gods rarely manifest rebelled against the Four Creators and were bound in
themselves openly, even to those who serve them, but the Primordial Realm for an age.
you can make their presence felt in any story through Now almost all the Irvallath have escaped, and are
the actions and agendas of their followers. Maybe thought to roam the more deserted parts of the world,
a priest with ulterior motives becomes the party’s where mortals enticed into their service form cults and
employer, or perhaps player characters become the covens in exchange for primordial power. There is little
quarry of zealots looking for souls to feed to their god’s humanoid about these deities. The physical forms that
graven image. compose their bodies are diverse and bizarre.
Some religions worship real beings and channel Racial Gods
real divine magic. Others can turn out to be a sham. Many lesser deities exist that are worshipped
Look through the popular religious factions in Chapter exclusively by one race or culture. These Racial Gods
Three for inspiration when incorporating gods and are well known to neighboring settlements, but their
their servitors in your campaigns. Such sects can be an power over the world pales in comparison to other
endless source of mystery and conflict. deities. Some may not even exist at all.
Pantheons Divine Allegiances
The gods and deities of Vinramar are numerous. This The deities of the Darkplane setting have a web
chapter classifies them in pantheons based on their of intertwining loyalties that form a hierarchy of
origin and level of influence over the universe. allegiance, servitude, and rivalry among them. Most
gods have at least one sworn enemy, and many
The Four Creators
participate in one of the following divine factions.
Supreme among the gods are the Four Creators, Sowm
and her three heirs. Before the Creation, Sowm was The Court of Daemoth
the embodiment of all existence, and the gods shaped Sowm’s murder began a chain of cosmic events that
by Her power—Daemoth, Jharus, and Loragg—are divided the gods into two factions: those who sided
unmatched in their ability to create, destroy, and warp with Daemoth, and those who pledged themselves
reality. Since Her apparent death, Sowm has remained to Jharus. The Court of Daemoth includes Gallister,
absent from all affairs tied to Vinramar, but there are Gauren, Maruma’e, and Volgothyde. These insidious
those who continue to worship Her. deities benefit greatly from their allegiance to
All of the Four Creators, with the exception of Daemoth, whose worship remains the dominant
Daemoth, have complete control over their physical religion in most regions of Vinramar.
and spiritual forms, appearing however they wish.
In their limited interactions with mortals, they tend The Jharric Gods
to take humanoid shapes. Such occurrences are rare, Those deities that sided against Daemoth in the
however, since the Four Creators are also the most War of Eternity are known as the Jharric Gods:
distant of the gods. Their actions remain unseen and Jharus, Loragg, Ava, and Iala. Their worship (with
misunderstood by most inhabitants of Vinramar. the exception of Ava) is united in a single religious

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 209

organization, called the Jharric Faith. Although
powerful in their own right, the Jharric Gods are
seldom worshipped in large numbers, due to the
persecution they receive for embracing the Old Faith.

The Vjornil
A faction of deities worshipped by the Ansë humans
of Iljudheim, the Vjornil are cold gods of war. They are
Guddrek, Hjotra, Ingvidr, Skjarlunn, and Thrandull.
Each is a patron of a different facet of life in the
tumultuous southern peninsula. The Vjornil are rarely
worshipped outside the region of Iljudheim.

The Triune Fathers

The Triune Fathers are telmatra deities, worshipped in
areas where the traditional tribal practices of the pre-
human telmatra culture are observed.

Divine Servitude
The primary function of deities in a roleplaying game is
to provide some characters with a religion and a sense
of reverence for something greater than themselves. Not
all characters need this, but if you want to play a cleric,
druid, paladin, or warlock, you may be interested in the
belief system associated with the source of your power.
Whether you represent one of the gods as a vested
servant or simply revere its persona, commitment to
a deity or religion can help define your character’s
philosophy and temperament. Your GM can help you
determine what code or responsibilities accompany this
decision. Most deity descriptions in this chapter list
the god’s associated religious factions. Many of these
factions are detailed in Chapter Three.
The religions of Vinramar exhibit a wide range of
philosophies and cultural trappings. They might be
orthodox in their beliefs, with worshippers displaying
little flexibility of interpretation, or they might have a
liberal approach in which the teachings and practices
of congregations vary. Some religious sects are strictly
monastic, their practitioners cloistering themselves in
like-minded communities. Others forms of worship
may have no administrative structure at all, treating the
most devout members as elders or teachers.
A religion’s culture is often determined by its source
of truth. Dogmatic belief systems emphasize written
scripture and divine laws, while more personal faiths
might allow adherents to determine for themselves
just what the gods desire of them. Communal and
tribal religions find power in the bonds formed
within small religious societies, while militant orders
employ strength of arms to prove their faith. Using the
information in this chapter, you can decide how your
character interprets his or her religious expression.

The Four Creators
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbols
Daemoth, god of politics, revenge, and winter Lawful Evil Aberration, Blood, Darkness, Bound wheat, caverns, snow, stone
Death, Knowledge, War
Jharus, god of artisanry, bravery, and justice Chaotic good Life, Light, War Eagles, precious stones, the sun, swords
Loragg, god of records, shelter, and travel Neutral good Knowledge, Trickery Boots, parchment, quills, ruins

Sowm, goddess of life, sky, and wind Lawful good No clerics Candles, mountains, the color white

The Ascended
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbols
Ava, goddess of freedom, love, and nurturing Chaotic good Life, War Birch trees, swords, thorned roses
Forlortha, goddess of fertility and night Chaotic neutral Life, Nature, War Beasts, mistletoe, the moon, stars
Gallister, god of planar gates, slavery, and war Chaotic evil Death, War Elephants, hammers, keys, the color red
Gauren, god of covenants, devils, and fate Lawful evil Knowledge, Trickery Eyes, horns, solar eclipses, tomes
Iala, goddess of forgiveness, healing, and light Neutral good Life, Light, Water Auroras, sunrise, springs, waterfalls
Mozralchi, goddess of cunning and diplomacy Neutral good Darkness, Trickery, War Eyes, maps, staves, the color black
Silphenor, god of chaos, purification, and war Chaotic neutral Light, Pestilence, Tempest Fire, harvest, storms, whips
Sterianon, god of judgment, loyalty and truth Lawful good Knowledge, Life Crowns, gavels, orbs, scepters
Volgothyde, god of the hunt and the undead Chaotic evil Blood, Death, War Bats, blood, bones, soil

The Irvallath (Primordials)

Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbols
Baturach, mistress of death and the moon Neutral Blood, Death, Water Glaciers, the moon, rain, skulls
Ethis, mistress of deceit, runes, and volcanoes Chaotic neutral Light, Stone, Trickery Deserts, igneous rock, masks, runes
Imbakhao, master of poison and slavery Neutral evil Darkness, Pestilence Chains, serpents, shadows, venom
Jukai, master of stone and the grotesque Neutral Stone Dark elves, standing stones
Lakhi, mistress of blood magic and the sea Lawful neutral Blood, Water Blue dragons, fish, seaweed, silver
Maruma’e, mistress of madness and deformity Chaotic evil Aberration, Tempest Aberrations, pearls, slime, tentacles
Rinshari, mistress of fire and tarnished beauty Neutral Blood, Light Dance, flames, harps, songbirds
Ruethas, master of lore, strategy, and time Neutral Knowledge, Trickery Carnival masks, hourglasses, wool
Sarnoss, master of beasts and the wild Chaotic neutral Nature Lions, wolves, spears, trees
Senfaer, master of order and the stars Lawful neutral Aberration, Knowledge Crystal, diamond, hands, horses, stars
Ulmhasa, mistress of shadow and dreams Neutral evil Darkness Black lotus blossoms, nightmares
Zho-hau, mistress of birds, carrion, and storms Neutral Nature, Tempest Bones, drums, lightning, wind

Other Deities
Deity Alignment Suggested Domains Symbols
Emriel, elf god of hunting, music, and venom Chaotic neutral Nature, Pestilence Antlers, drums, red arrows, thorns
Guddrek, human god of fate, fire, and runes Neutral Light, War Axes, holly bushes, phoenixes
Hjotra, human goddess of fertility and harvest Neutral Life, War Apples, oxen, wheat
Ingvidr, human god of industry and night Lawful neutral Darkness, War Anvils, bears, stars
Skjarlunn, human goddess of magic and wind Neutral Knowledge, Tempest Flutes, horses, ravens
Thrandull, human god of hunting and trickery Chaotic neutral Trickery, War Serpents, spears, wolves
Altrear, jhareth god of ancestors and valor Neutral good Tempest, War Crowns, stags, swords, thunder
Bekjhal, telmatra god of artisans and merchants Neutral Light Knowledge Runes, sickles, the sun
Duhulatt, telmatra god of clan rule and travel Lawful neutral Nature, Trickery Insects, springtime
Hodramesh, telmatra god of storms and winter Neutral evil Tempest, War Axes, coins, and ships
Fimbuleth, werekin god of bloodsport Neutral evil Nature, Pestilence Bones, swamplands, wolves
The True Mother, supreme entity of aberration Unaligned Aberration A black circle

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 211

The Four Creators
Daemoth In the midst of the first war against the
primordials, Daemoth imprisoned Rinshari, the most
God of creation, politics, revenge, and winter
beautiful of the elemental laborers, in the Vice of
Alignment: Lawful evil Winter. By force she conceived his most powerful sons,
Suggested Domains: Aberration, Blood, Darkness, the arch-demons Gauren, Iarmov, and Arrochimeir.
Death, Knowledge, War From these three spawned the legions of fiends and
Symbols: Bound wheat, caverns, snow, stone monstrosities that populated the West of Vinramar in
Titles: Daemoth, Lachmarum, Lord of the Fallow, its infancy. Last of all, Daemoth fathered the daemons
Lord of the Hills of Vinramar, Lord of Winter with Atiakha, the daughter of the moon. Their empire
Abode: The Abyssal Throne Mohtra became the longest-reigning nation in
Enemies: Jharus Vinramar’s history before it fell into ignominy.
Allegiance: The Court of Daemoth (Gallister, Gauren, The Court of Daemoth is attended by many
Maruma’e, Volgothyde) of the foulest gods in the four worlds: Gauren the
Religious Factions: The Eitharmos, Etholchan Dismembered Son, Maruma’e the Mutant Bride,
Church, Order of Illiantri, and Urrothic Church Gallister the fallen jhareth, and Volgothyde the Twice-
Born Emperor all serve him. His other great attendants
Daemoth is the greatest of the living gods, an avaricious are demon-lords such as Murthos, Tacigon, and
tyrant and resentful heir of creation. His will commands Hepthades, elsewhere called Envy, Reason, and Silence.
the winds and snows, and in ancient days he taught Daemoth is associated with the Fallow season, his
mortals vengeance, deception, and the arts of oration. presence presaged with heavy snow. The Etholchan
Like the frost, he kills the weak and keeps hidden that temples to Daemoth are adorned with onyx, and their
which is strong. His followers entrust their salvation to holy symbol is a bound stalk of wheat cleft in two by
the clergy, often unaware that their blood sacrifices are a sword. The Illiantri, on the other hand, brandish the
performed in worship of monstrosity. Night Heralds as their holy symbols: onyx morningstars
When Sowm, the supreme Creator, saw the passed down within the order for centuries.
finished work of Her primordial laborers, She was
pleased. Her two sons She fashioned with air and clay
wrapped around sparks from Salvendum’s flame. These
sons descended to the four worlds as emissaries to
treat with the primordials on Sowm’s behalf. Daemoth
was proud and charming then, a master of forms and
words. But even in his immortal infancy, obsession
and ambition ruled him, eventually driving him to
murder his mother Sowm.
Since his exile from the four worlds, Daemoth
has become mutilated and engorged with Darkplane
energy. Pustules composed of mortal souls bulge from
his eternal flesh, and wisps of dark mist enshroud him
like eon-spanning tendrils. His eyes are cold and his
hands clawed with cruelty.
Daemoth has tried time and again to subdue the
world to his will. After many failed conquests, he has
resorted to more subtle means and found success.
Though his Abyssal Throne resides far from Vinramar,
the Lord of Winter’s servants have accompanied the
expansion of human civilization and dotted the land
with temples to him. Daemoth worship is now the
most common religion in Vinramar. Through its
influence, his servants rise to power, extending his
hidden reach like a canker beneath the world’s skin.

212 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

The Four Creators
God of artisanry, bravery, creation, and justice body, the sun, was extinguished. Jharus and his son
Loragg ascended the dark heavens with a great stone
Alignment: Chaotic good to craft the sun anew. In order to give life and light
Suggested Domains: Life, Light, War to it, Jharus joined himself to the stone and became
Symbols: Eagles, precious stones, the sun, swords Salvendum, the source of all light and natural life.
Titles: The Artisan, the Eagle Helm, the Host Lord, Mardelthwaide, the Hall where Jharus sits bound,
Lord of Mardelthwaide, the Sword of Life, Ureleth lies at the center of creation and can be seen from all
Abode: Mardelthwaide (Salvendum) the four worlds. There dwells his son Loragg, last of the
Enemies: Daemoth Creators, and the celestials that remain in their service.
Allegiance: The Jharric Gods (Ava, Iala, Loragg) Most notable among these are Altrear, Jardothus,
Religious Factions: The Jharric Faith and Ulthoroch, whose names translate as Triumph,
Jharus is the younger of the Sons of Sowm. Though a Majesty, and Vigilance. Near Mardelthwaide lie
powerful warrior and cunning strategist, his dominion Athalun and Ithaldun, the sister domains of the Jharric
has declined with the centuries, forcing him further goddesses Iala and Ava.
and further into shadow and obscurity. Where once he As the liege lord and namesake of the Jharric Faith,
was depicted as a soldier in his vernal youth, Jharus is Jharus is a symbol of the old world, one in which the
now more often cast as a war-wounded king bound to worshippers of Daemoth held less sway, and human
a broken throne. civilization had not yet infested Vinramar. Those who
Known as the Eagle Helm and the Host Lord, cling to his ways believe in altruism, harmony, and
Jharus commands the dwindling legions of the self-purification. They look to Jharus as the source of
celestials, whom he shelters in the shadow of his great mahat, that which sustains balance, justice, life, purity,
golden wings. His armor is resplendent, and while he and truth. They call on him to throw down tyranny
wears it he himself is redoubtable, invincible. To the and corruption. Jharus values followers who are bold
jharethil, he is Ureleth, their First Father—a master of and ambitious, a quality that at times strains their
tactics, a peerless engineer and artisan. To Daemothites relationship with the other Jharric orders.
he is the Oathbreaker, a predator and sire of heretics. Eagles are the indelible symbol of Jharus. They
Before the histories were written Jharus joined accompany his influence and have been said to speak
Daemoth in subduing the primordials, and built his as if from his own mouth. He named and planted the
citadel Anarthos in the highest peaks of present-day precious stones and metals beneath the earth before
Arrochule. When Daemoth murdered Sowm, Her all recollection. The mystery of shaping them, and of
swordcraft, is his art.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 213

God of creation, records, shelter, and travel

Alignment: Neutral good

Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
Symbols: Boots, parchment, quills, and ruins
Titles: The First Word, the Great Rover, the Lord of
Records, the Pilgrim, the Roofless Sage
Abode: None
Enemies: Silphenor
Allegiance: The Jharric Gods (Ava, Iala, Jharus)
Religious Factions: The Jharric Faith

Loragg is the masterwork of Jharus, created in his

father’s image as a son and heir. The jharethil, his literal
descendants, describe him as a weatherworn traveler
clad in a wide-brimmed hat and grey coat. As the
Great Rover, Loragg knows all roads and has trodden
all paths. The ancients called to him in places where
three roads met. Untiring in the pursuit of knowledge
and eternally vigilant in its preservation, he vests his
servants as prophets, scholars, and record keepers.
Loragg was the first being in the four worlds who
wasn’t created by Sowm. After Jharus formed him,
he yearned for companionship—for balance between
the masculine and feminine. Inspired by the Mother
of Creation, Loragg formed Forlortha from the fallen
dust of the stars, and the two became lovers.
For ages, Loragg and Forlortha dwelt together:
she sowing, he cataloguing the things of creation and
naming them. When the fallen paladin Silphenor
attacked their dominion, Forlortha was driven mad
and her disembodied spirit fled Vinramar. Estranged
from his love, Loragg became a wanderer and speaker
of ill omens.
Loragg remains tightly bound to his father Jharus.
Together they fought Daemoth in the earliest memory
of creation. They withstood the treachery of Silphenor,
guided the empire of Ardon, and continue to direct
their children of the Jharric Faith.
Loragg’s favor is with the hermit, the sage, and all
who seek shelter. He holds no court and compels no
creature to obey him. Those priests that volunteer their
service to Loragg carry runestones and staves etched
with words of power. Historically these priests built
majestic abbeys to house their writings, but such sites
were one by one destroyed or put to other use. Their
ruins are still found in many nations, and the records
themselves preserved in hidden enclaves.

214 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Goddess of creation, life, sky, and the wind

Alignment: Lawful good

The Four Creators

Symbols: Candles, mountains, the color white
Titles: The Mother that Was, the Mother of Creation,
the Lost Creator
Abode: Unknown
Status: Dead
Religious Factions: Cults of Sowm

Sowm was the Mother of Creation, the first known

soul in existence. By Her will, the elements and
worlds were assembled. With the sun itself as Her
physical body, She personified majesty, perfection,
omnipotence, and balance. But such light, it seems,
was not meant for the four worlds.
Before the first records were inscribed, Sowm was
slain. What ultimate fate has befallen the Mother that
Was remains a mystery. Unlike other gods killed in
the history of the four worlds, Sowm left no spirit or Each of the cults is unique in structure and
consciousness behind. In death, She simply vanished, practice. The most radical of them employ strange rites
leaving Her great cosmic plans to unravel in the hands and sacrifices, believing that early death is a doorway
of lesser gods. to higher consciousness. Others stick to ceremonies
Some theosophists claim that Sowm, having that closely resemble those of the Jharric Faith. Most
created or discovered new elements of being, is now too Jharric leaders disavow the Cults of Sowm, but it
powerful to be housed by a spiritual or material form. would be naive to claim that no overlap exists between
Far from absent, they believe her existence and influence the two religions. Even high-ranking Jharric clergy
over the universe has expanded beyond even the gods’ have been disgraced as their hidden ties to a Cult of
comprehension. The authenticity of such beliefs has Sowm were revealed.
scarcely been explored, but most scholars agree that Contact with the Cults of Sowm is often colored by
Sowm’s death rendered Her either unwilling or incapable suspicion, hostility, and unsettling discoveries. Their
of vesting her worshippers with divine power. candlelit sanctums are almost always encircled by
Though the Daemothites forbid anyone to write standing stones carved with weathered, leering faces
of her, the secret image of Sowm is worshipped by and festooned with ghastly oddments. Though their
veiled sibyls in forgotten mountain shrines. These cult rituals may attempt to contact the Lost Creator, the
worshippers believe that She watches the four worlds cults deny that Sowm might ever actually visit them.
from a higher existence, and will one day return. Their For them, Her traditional symbols must suffice: white
priests are celibate men, symbolically married to the veils, candles, and towering stone mountains.
Mother that Was.

The Ascended
Goddess of freedom, love, motherhood, and nurturing

Alignment: Chaotic good

Suggested Domains: Life, War
Symbols: Birch trees, crossed swords, pregnant
women, thorned roses
Titles: Our Lady of the Rose, Sacred Mother,
Abode: Ithaldun (Salvendum)
Enemies: Daemoth, Gallister, Imbakhao
Allegiance: The Jharric Gods (Iala, Jharus, Loragg)
Religious Factions: Avan Enclaves, the Jharric Faith

First goddess of the Jharric Faith, Ava is the patron of

love and a fierce defender of freedom. Her influence
extends over romance, chivalry, and familial bonds.
She is a protector of children and a liberator of slaves,
often depicted as a beautiful, dark-skinned woman
with green eyes. At times she is represented with child,
her swollen belly girded in fine armor.
Followers of Ava seek her aid in finding and Forlortha
sustaining love, bearing children, and treating illness.
They operate from hidden enclaves, fighting slavery Goddess of fertility, the fey, Iltallach, medicine, and night
and defending the weak. Her servants value life above Alignment: Chaotic neutral
all else, regularly laboring beside priests of Iala for Suggested Domains: Life, Nature, War
its preservation. They call her Our Lady of the Rose, Symbols: Mistletoe, the moon, stars, woodland beasts
whose lips are petals and whose swords are thorns. Titles: The Fey Queen, the Green Maiden, the Lady of
There are likewise those who associate Ava with Tempering, Oakheart, the Star Matron
Sowm, calling her the Mother Reborn, but there is no Abode: Nanbaladhui (Iltallach)
evidence that she has ever affirmed the claim. Enemies: Volgothyde
Ava was the first human to ascend to godhood. Allegiance: None
During her mortal life she escaped slavery and led the Relgious Factions: The Solace
rebellions that toppled the empire of the daemons.
While freeing the Captive Mothers—whose rape had Forlortha is the Fey Queen, a perfect embodiment of the
perpetuated that demonic civilization for thousands of unique brand of madness shared by all fey creatures. Her
years—Ava died, heroic and selfless. arm is over the mysterious and forgotten lands that once
Since her apotheosis, the Sacred Mother is believed housed her children: ancient woodlands, echoing valleys,
to have frequently reincarnated herself as a mortal of and abandoned isles. In these places, the memory of
one race or another. In this diminished form, she often Forlortha and her children haunts the land, sometimes
marries and raises children who, along with her mortal piercing the veil between Vinramar and Iltallach, where
husband, join her in Ithaldun as celebrated exarchs. her spirit inhabits the titanic tree called Nanbaladhui.
Sterianon, the Great Father, has loved Ava since Like many of the fey, Forlortha is said to be by turns
first he saw her. His archangels have borne proposal bitterly sad and perilously merry. Her moods are as
after proposal to her throughout the millennia—but changeable as the drifting fog in Iltallach. She is a giver
since they are contingent upon her forsaking Ithaldun of fertility and hider of nature’s secrets. At times she
and her mortal consorts, Ava remains silent and will takes the form of a doe or songbird to roam her lands
not answer his affections. unmarked, while at others she appears openly as a lovely
Birch and aspen groves are considered sacred to the maiden with green eyes, hair, or skin. According to
Avans. It is there that Ava herself is most likely to give tales, her greatest delight is to play with mortal children,
sanctuary or seal a marriage vow with divine approval. whom she often forgets to return to their homes.

216 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Before written history, Forlortha was created by
Loragg to be his perfect mate, but theirs was a doomed
union. Upon the onslaught of Silphenor, the young
goddess tempered the murderer’s madness with her

The Ascended
own sanity. Both she and Silphenor were sent raving
from Vinramar, forever changed.
It was then, the jhareth elders write, that Forlortha
came to dwell in Iltallach in the form of a great oak.
Around her sprung a forest of rowans, in which she
set two Fey Gates to lead her children to her. One by
one they came, nesting a magnificent city in her roots
and branches. A remnant of Silphenor’s forbidden
magic remained within her, and Forlortha became a
brooding font of disquiet, her melancholy only allayed
by flashes of giddy cruelty.
Those that worship Forlortha pray to the stars and
the wind and the wood. Their druidic cult, the Solace,
maintains an intricately structured hierarchy within
its female membership. Driven to protect the domain
of the Ancients, the Ladies of the Solace eagerly
defend the sacred wild. Many animals and plants have Gallister
symbolic significance within the Solace, but none so
God of courage, planar gates, slavery, and war
much as mistletoe, whose poisonous white berries are
an omen of both life and death. Alignment: Chaotic evil
Suggested Domains: Death, War
Symbols: Elephants, hammers, keys, the color red
Titles: The Archwarrior, the Gatekeeper, the Lord of
Battle, the Red Hand, Winebane
Abode: Bruhdath (Morvugol)
Enemies: Altrear, Ava
Allegiance: The Court of Daemoth (Daemoth,
Gauren, Maruma’e, Volgothyde)
Religious Factions: The Gallister Cults

Gallister is the right hand of Daemoth. He is the Lord

of Battle, a dread sovereign over those who conquer by
strength of arms, whether singly or in numbers. Slaves
won in war are his currency, and the red-iron maul
Guhara his constant companion. His icons bear the
shape of a titanic soldier armored in crimson, white-
bearded, with muscles knotted like cords across his
stout body.
In life Gallister was a jhareth emperor, an
infamous tyrant whose prowess on the field won him
power and scorn. He succeeded Mozralchi, whom
he murdered, to the throne of Irrachos during the
first age of recorded history in Vinramar. His exploits
won him thrones and slaves beyond count, as well as
several of the Stones of Daemoth. Their influence led
him on a heinous quest for immortality in the twilight
of his rule. When at last he performed the death ritual
that granted him godhood, he left the known world in
a dark age that lasted nearly 2,000 years.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 217

Shortly after the Great Forsaking—when the cities
of the jharethil were taken up into the Eternal Realm—
it is believed Gallister succeeded in wresting the Ivory God of covenants, devils, fate, and perversion
Keys from Loragg’s keeping. The Keys command all
Alignment: Lawful evil
planar gates between the four worlds and their realms,
Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
granting Gallister control over magical travel across
Symbols: Eyes, horns, solar eclipses, tomes
physical space and between dimensions. The wardens
Titles: The Archdevil, the Eternal Eye, the Forsaken,
of these paths are the yuriphim, mutated celestials now
the Hellheart, the Infernal Wanderer
under Gallister’s dominion. None can pass between
Abode: Unknown
worlds or planes without their knowledge, including
Enemies: Gallister, Iala
those who enter or depart a jhareth city. No greater
Allegiance: The Court of Daemoth (Daemoth,
blow has been struck in all the War of Eternity.
Gallister, Maruma’e, Volgothyde)
Gallister’s followers look to him in preparation for
Religious Factions: The Infernossos
war, as well as in times of revelry. He fortifies the failing
heart, strengthens the burdened back, and delights Born into abomination, Gauren is the master of the
in the destruction of his peoples’ enemies. Above all, Hidden Hells and a collector of souls. As a formless
he exalts those who laugh at death. Soldiers of many spirit he has wandered the darkest corners of the
different nations are known to keep votive idols of known universe, gathering any who will pledge their
Gallister, each set with a red candle. Before embarking obedience to him in return for the pleasures, praises,
for battle, these warriors light the candle so that the and riches of the four worlds. He is a shaper of doom,
Archwarrior will keep them alive as long as it remains twisting the fates of living creatures to suit his schemes.
lit. Once they return from the field, such worshippers Gauren’s servants discover their darkest desires within
begin their revels by dramatically extinguishing the reach, and enemies of his cause are drawn toward
candle in token of victory. foul ends. It is said that death is merciful for one who
The Cults of Gallister are as varied in practice as crosses the Eternal Eye.
any other religion in Vinramar. His chaplains aren’t Gauren’s allegiance has shifted several times
ordained or sanctioned by any system of leadership. since the creation of the four worlds. Though a son of
Those who choose the path of the Red Hand simply Daemoth, he was separated from his kin during their
don the crimson robes and volunteer to serve under father’s exile in the Darkplane. At Daemoth’s return,
one banner or another, fighting alongside men and resentment became betrayal as Gauren turned on
helping them to live or die as Gallister sees fit. Like his father in order to obtain possession of Atiakha,
the Daemothites, these chaplains preach against the daughter of the moon. For this treachery he was
compassion for the weak. dismembered and cast down, but his miserable spirit
The rampaging elephant is associated with resisted annihilation. Searching the Darkplane for
Gallister, and the largest bands of his chaplains might the remains of the Hiyorugh, the great stone which
carry medical camps from battle to battle on the backs once housed the spirit of Daemoth himself, Gauren
of such beasts. harnessed the unholy rock as a body. To this day, the
Hiyorugh appears in the Heavens from time to time,
a living moon possessed with the soul of the Infernal
Wanderer himself.
After founding the Order of Illiantri and
engineering the fall of New Ardon, Gauren was returned
to Daemoth’s good graces, but not without creating
enmity between him and the rest of the Court. Gallister
in particular remains a bitter rival of the Archdevil.
Those that bargain their souls to Gauren are
collectively known as the Infernossos, a diabolic cult
of signatories that gather in covens to hear the will
of their spectral master through the mouth of a goat,
bull, or other horned beast. As holy symbols they bear
pendants fashioned with the emblem of the darkened
sun. Tales of the signatories’ perverse rites have become
legend among the people of Motta and Arrochule.

218 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

None predicted that Iala’s indomitable spirit
would return to her body and give it life once more.
Exalted through her act of selfless mercy, Iala became a
goddess and was admitted among the Jharric Gods as

The Ascended
the Lady of Healing.
Iala’s indomitable belief in forgiveness and mercy,
and her selfless death for that principle, has inspired
generations of the Jharric Church. She is favored by
those who believe in repentance and healing above all
else. Her servants, who bear crowns and staves adorned
with the image of the rising sun, teach that even in the
darkest of hearts can be found a spark of salvation.

Goddess of arcana, cunning, diplomacy, and politics
Goddess of forgiveness, healing, light, and water Alignment: Neutral good
Suggested Domains: Darkness, Trickery, War
Alignment: Neutral good Symbols: Eyes, maps, staves, the color black
Suggested Domains: Life, Light, Water Titles: Hamzara, the Pale Eye, the Ravenwife, the
Symbols: Auroras, sunrise, springs, waterfalls Spymaster, the White Widow
Titles: The Chalice, Dawn-Maiden, the Lady of Abode: Ithaldun (Salvendum)
Healing, Nivani, the Pureheart, the Vessel Enemies: Daemoth, Gauren, Maruma’e, Ulmhasa,
Abode: Athalun (Salvendum) Volgothyde
Enemies: Daemoth, Gallister Allegiance: None
Allegiance: The Jharric Gods (Ava, Jharus, Loragg) Religious Factions: The Mozralchic Order
Religious Factions: Avan Enclaves, the Jharric Faith
Mozralchi is an enigmatic figure among the gods.
The second and younger goddess of the Jharric deities, Often called the Ravenwife, she is a negotiator and
Iala is a patroness of healing and purity. The dawn itself collector of lore and a delver into hidden places.
is formed by the radiance of her crown, and all streams Many arcane and forbidden secrets sleep safely in her
she touches run with healing water. She visits the keeping. Despite dabbling in the dark arts, retribution
afflicted and dying to shelter them beneath her wings. against the unnatural forces that besiege Vinramar
It is said that when the final battle between Jharus and is Mozralchi’s utmost obsession. Her image is often
Daemoth is concluded, Iala will command the grave embodied in one of four likenesses: the assassin, the
to yield up the spirits of the virtuous dead and guide demonologist, the diplomat, and the spy. Whichever
them to Athalun. In the iconography of the jharethil, form she takes, Mozralchi’s image always bears her fair
Iala is depicted as a white- or copper-haired jhareth skin, black hair, and a symbolic third eye.
woman, wearing the blazing sunrise as her headdress.
Iala’s mortal life before her ascension was well
recorded. Born in exile and raised in a Loraggite
monastery, she gained fame in her youth for her
healing hands. After the death of Ardoth Intillanum in
the great Battle of Noremium, she made a pilgrimage to
Rhuminos where his body was held, raised the emperor
from the dead, and won the undying love of her people.
After a brief betrothal to the emperor, Iala gave her
heart to a mysterious man whom history remembers
only as the Vagrant. A reformed crusader, the Vagrant
had once hunted the jharethil as a member of the
Eitharmos. With his identity exposed, the Vagrant was
captured and brought to trial for his past murders. Iala,
invoking ancient laws of atonement, consigned herself
to execution on his behalf.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 219

Haroth, Mozralchi’s frigid abode, lies hidden
on one of Morvugol’s seven moons. About the
shrouded ziggurat hang the dismembered witches
and abominations of 20,000 years, evidence of the
goddess’s hatred for otherworldly interlopers and
their servants. Haroth itself houses immortal agents
and scholars who have pledged themselves to the
destruction of such beings.
As an ascended goddess, Mozralchi is a Pale Eye
in the heavens, restlessly opposing those that threaten
the natural order. This single-minded concern makes
her participation in divine conflicts sporadic and
unreliable. While she is a former queen of the jharethil,
credited with having dealt serious blows to Daemoth’s
power, she is not numbered among the Jharric Gods.
Those who seek Mozralchi’s favor pray for her
cunning, scholarship, and discernment to be with
them. The most devoted join the Mozralchic Order,
a widespread hierarchy of agents pledged to defeat
unnatural threats. Priests within the order act as
emissaries, investigators, and warriors, often using
their specialized knowledge to deal with monsters and
practitioners of the Black Arcane. The Hamzara, a seal In the years before recorded history, Silphenor
bearing the likeness of Mozralchi herself, is their sigil. was a devoted paladin of Jharus. When he came into
Mozralchi is often associated with ravens, and possession of the Stones of Daemoth, he was driven
the tradition of learning the Ravens’ Speech is still into a mad rage. Besieging the tower Anarthos,
maintained within the order. The aviaries of the Silphenor defeated Loragg and slew countless jharethil.
Mozralchic sanctums keep scores of these intelligent In a final, desperate struggle, Forlortha sacrificed her
creatures, who make useful messengers and spies. own sanity to wrest a portion of the stones’ power to
herself, pacifying Silphenor’s bloodlust and rending
Silphenor both their minds in two. The fallen paladin went into
God of chaos, madness, opportunism, purification, and war hiding to bide his time and amass new strength.
Silphenor seems to fall out of Vinramar’s history
Alignment: Chaotic neutral entirely until the last century, when preachers began
Suggested Domains: Light, Pestilence, Tempest to emerge in Ittador practicing strange rites. The
Symbols: Fire, the harvest, storms, whips Anotrossi, as they call themselves, venerate the name of
Titles: The Culler, the Lord of Havoc, the Refiner, Silphenor. Their wagon caravans set out from the Silfana
the Smiter, the Tempest Lord au Ittador to roam the known world in search of the
Abode: Dolodiri abject and downtrodden, whom they purify through
Enemies: Loragg, Senfaer pain. Bloodletting, branding, and thumbscrewing are
Allegiance: None common methods for sanctifying the penitent, but none
Religious Factions: Silfana au Ittador is so relished as whipping with the tempest lash, the
Silphenites’ holy symbol. Whether these sadistic public
Silphenor is the ruler of the unclaimed dead. As the rituals are for entertainment or enlightenment is not
patron of pestilence, he commands the storm and wholly clear.
plague. Locusts obey him, sparing or devouring The Silfana teaches that Silphenor’s abode Dolodiri
according to his whims. Those that pray to Silphenor lies beyond the four worlds. There the dead that are
do so in fear of his wrath, and a lost harvest. His favor claimed by no other god join the eternal storm.
is with the outcast beggar and the repentant criminal,
whom he delights to purify by pain. The Lord of
Havoc is depicted as a throned corpse wearing furs
and crowned with autumn leaves. In his right hand he
holds Yali, the tempest lash, and in his left he bears a
garland of cypress.

220 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

God of fatherhood, judgment, loyalty, and truth

Alignment: Lawful good

The Ascended
Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Life
Symbols: Crowns, gavels, orbs, scepters
Titles: The Archon of Crowns, Helundus, Holy Judge,
Majestic Father, the Martyr Above All
Abode: Toluratha (Vinramar)
Enemies: None
Allegiance: None
Religious Factions: The Patriarchy
Impartial and aloof, Sterianon is the embodiment of
paternal wisdom. Deceit and ornamentation dissolve
beneath his penetrating insight. No lie can cloud his Volgothyde
understanding. In his tower Toluratha, the Archon God of bloodthirst, the hunt, murder, and the undead
of Crowns sits in earnest judgment over mortal
lives, discerning all truth and preparing for the final Alignment: Chaotic evil
confrontation between the gods. He is depicted as a Suggested Domains: Blood, Death, War
white-bearded king in lavish blue robes. Symbols: Bats, blood, bones, soil
In the spring of his godhood, Sterianon went Titles: The Immortal Hunter, the Lord of Bloodthirst,
forth to every court and high seat in the four worlds— the Lord of Caraveh, the Untold One
visiting, advising, and grooming the leaders of mortal Abode: Caraveh (Vinramar)
kingdoms. The elders of the jharethil tell that he was Enemies: Forlortha, Gauren, Mozralchi
convinced a common kinship could be achieved among Allegiance: The Court of Daemoth (Daemoth,
their peoples. This hope is regarded as the only folly Gallister, Gauren, Maruma’e)
of Sterianon’s divine reign, if folly it was. Division and Religious Factions: The Volgothic Cult
misjudgment seem to inevitably plague all mortals.
Mysterious and fearful, Volgothyde is the Lord of
Once the mediator of all divines, Sterianon’s
Bloodthirst, a powerful embodiment of undeath and
respect and status among the Ascended crumbled as
corruption. Spectral lights and a chorus of agonies
Daemoth’s Court rose to power in recent millennia.
accompany his presence. He himself is depicted as a
Now he is mocked, ignored, flouted, and disdained by
winged vampire whose pale wounds flow like limitless
many nations, and his Patriarchs have been reduced to
fountains of blood. He makes his abode in Caraveh, the
figureheads, where previously they held great prestige.
ancient capital of Perrith Gorr. Although believed to have
ascended to godhood just ten years ago, in that brief time
Volgothyde has changed the face of Vinramar forever.
In life, Volgothyde was the most dreadful
vampire ever to plague the earth. He ruled Perrith
Gorr some 7,000 years ago, until he was destroyed
and his vile spirit driven to Morvugol. In that dim
world, Volgothyde amassed new strength, building a
necromantic empire that paved his way to godhood.
When he returned to Vinramar, words scarcely
describe the horrors he brought. Vampire armies swept
through Wellusk, leaving the entire region in ashen
ruin as payment for the killing stroke they dealt him.
With Volgothyde’s resurgence, whispers abound
of the Dark Atonement, a reconciliation between the
vampire bloodlines and their demonic forefathers.
Daemoth, they say, has admitted the Lord of Bloodthirst
into his unholy court. Only time will tell what miseries
such an alliance might bring to the mortal world.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 221

The Irvallath
Mistress of death, ice, the moon, rain, and tides

Alignment: Neutral
Suggested Domains: Blood, Death, Water
Symbols: Glaciers, the moon, rain, skulls
Enemies: Lakhi, Maruma’e, Rinshari
Allies: Senfaer

Mistress of age and death, Baturach sits above the

earth in the great white throne of the moon. Her
light both restores life and takes it away. As the moon
waxes, her power over mortals grows. It is her gaze
that causes them to age, weaken, and die.
Baturach’s reach is long. She controls the rain
and the tides, regularly replenishing the waters of
Vinramar so that Ethis’ fires do not scorch the earth
too deeply. Though Baturach does not control the
cold itself as Ulmhasa does, she can transform rain
into snow, and the rivers and seas to ice. She is often
blamed for the Great Winter that buried so much of Ethis
Vinramar beneath titanic glaciers. Mistress of deceit, rune magic, sexuality, and volcanoes
Baturach’s daughter was Atiakha, the second most
beautiful of the Irvallath. When Atiakha was trapped Alignment: Chaotic neutral
by Daemoth and torn into two beings, Baturach Suggested Domains: Light, Stone, Trickery
turned on her daughter and swore to destroy boh Symbols: Deserts, igneous rock, masks, runes
Lakhi and Maruma’e. Apart from her rivalry with Enemies: Rinshari, Sarnoss
the two halves of her daughter, Baturach has largely Allies: Senfaer
kept out of the great affairs of the four worlds. She is
A shapeshifter and trickster, Ethis is embodied in the
shy and private much of the month, hiding her skull-
shifting sands of the desert and twisting eruptions of
emblazoned throne in darkness.
magma. She has a colorful history with many of the
Those who seek Baturach’s favor become inured to
gods, among whom she has found lovers and enemies,
the ebbing life of all creatures. They sense the nearness
but Ethis has always feuded most with her mother
of death, and seek to bring peace to those it claims,
Rinshari. Perhaps her most lasting mark on the four
though they rarely live in the company of others. With
worlds was to teach mortals the ways of rune magic.
headdresses and fetishes fashioned of mortal remains,
When the primordials escaped from their
they conduct unsettling rituals in swamps, caves, and
captivity, Ethis bore many children in the following
other deserted lands. When folk trespass within these
centuries. The maahiset—ancestors of the heathfolk,
fearful lairs desiring the restoration of life, the boon
gugrum, sarrow, and telmatra—were among her
can be far more hideous than death itself.
earliest litters. Expertise in rune magic led the
maahiset civilization to great heights and unutterable
blasphemies. Many magical creatures were likewise
born of Ethis, such as the giants, goblins, phoenixes,
and some of the unseelie fey.
At times Ethis has intervened in mortal affairs,
particularly when there is an opportunity to explore
shapes she has not yet taken. Her favored forms vary
dramatically in the mythology, from living geysers to
fiery beasts or humanoids. However she appears, it is
with a mind to make mischief.

222 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Master of deformity, the grotesque, solitude, and stone

Alignment: Neutral

The Irvallath
Suggested Domains: Stone
Symbols: Dark elves, hunchbacks, standing stones
Enemies: Ethis, Forlortha, Rinshari
Allies: Lakhi, Senfaer

When Ethis seduced Sarnoss, Lord of Beasts, in the

dawn of creation, she conceived and bore Jukai the
Malformed. Not wanting a child, she dashed him
against the rocks and left him a cripple. He takes the
form of a jagged, sentient mountain whose crags and
foothills ripple with weary dejection.
Jukai’s disfigurement misshapes all he touches.
All the works of his hands lurch and crumble into
grotesque ruin. Outcasts and reprobates revere him
as a symbol of the despised and misused things of
Imbakhao the world. Over the millennia, dark elves became
Master of poison, rage, sickness, slavery, and war fascinated with Jukai, worshipping him in preference
to Forlortha. Under his hand they found solace in the
Alignment: Neutral evil unyielding stone.
Suggested Domains: Darkness, Pestilence As his mother draws magma from beneath the
Symbols: Barbs, chains, serpents, shadows, venom earth, Jukai hardens it into immutable rock. Much of
Enemies: Lakhi, Sarnoss her work in the creation was thus spoiled. None can
Allies: Ulmhasa tell whether Jukai takes pleasure in his marring touch
or weeps for the ruin he has wrought on so many
Imbakhao is the drowned serpent, a son of Ulmhasa.
pretty things.
Though his history is closely connected to the world
of Morvugol, he is worshipped by the name of
Rimgorgh among some dragonborn clans. He is an
avatar of pestilence, battle, and slavery. For ages he
has lain quiet beside his mother in the sunken city of
Ekhmarai, in the form of a colossal, black snake.
Poisons and venom came into being as a
manifestation of Imbakhao’s hatred. He is considered
the father of all serpents, snakes, vipers, and
monstrosities such as the basilisk, behir, and purple
worm. His cults call on him to bind their enemies,
spread plagues, and wither fields and woodlands.
Ulmhasa, the primordial goddess of dreams
and shadow, gave birth to Imbakhao in Morvugol’s
primeval infancy. When she became imprisoned
within the Shadow Realm of that world, Imbakhao
laid himself beside her as a watchman and protector.
In time, the shadow-touched inhabitants of Morvugol
built a formidable city over their resting place, known
today as Ekhamarai.
From the well of sleep where they lie waiting,
Imbakhao and his mother traverse the dreams of mortal
creatures, calling to those who might serve them,
preparing for the time when they will again take physical
form and unleash shadowy horrors on the mortal realm.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 223

Mistress of deformity, madness, the sea, and strong drink

Alignment: Chaotic evil

Suggested Domains: Aberration, Tempest
Symbols: Aberrations, pearls, slime, tentacles
Enemies: Baturach, Lakhi, Rinshari, Senfaer
Allies: Daemoth

The most sinister of all the Irvallath is Maruma’e, the

Horror that Should Not Have Been. She is the half of
Atiakha’s soul that was carried by Daemoth into the
Darkplane, where as his lover she became a twisted
echo of her former beauty. A queen of madness and
revulsion, Maruma’e treasures nothing but the form
and likeness of aberration.
On her return to Vinramar, Maruma’e ushered
countless unnatural and abominable things into the
Lakhi mortal world. Beings whose very shape defies physical
Mistress of blood magic, dragons, the sea, and self-rule law crept into shadowed places. In the darkest depths
of the waters, entire civilizations thrived under the
Alignment: Lawful neutral nurture of Maruma’e. The Spawn of Lakhi began to
Suggested Domains: Blood, Water disappear in the Deep, or emerge with mysterious
Symbols: Blue dragons, fish, moss, seaweed, silver wounds and mutations. Before long, it was war.
Enemies: Baturach, Maruma’e, Rinshari The shambling priests that worship Maruma’e in
Allies: Jukai, Senfaer ocean-floor temples believe that nature is the true
aberration in the universe. In terrible rites they mutate
When the soul of Atiakha was rent in two, the
their captive sacrifices beyond recognition, “cleansing”
daughter of the moon became two separate beings,
them to gain favor with the Mutant Bride. These
the sister goddesses of the sea Lakhi and Maruma’e.
devotees of aberration prize fermented and distilled
Lakhi remained below and took the form of a titanic
drinks as a path to making their minds one with
blue leviathan. Nesting in the heart of Mount Fayrlin,
she rules the deepest waters and their inhabitants.
The secrets of blood magic were always her domain,
though this birthright was stolen by mortals long ago.
Like the ocean-depths that are her domain, Lakhi
is a wellspring of life, eternally laying eggs in her wake.
She is credited as the mother of all fish, serpents, and
dragonkind. By virgin birth, she hatched the Three:
colossal monstrosities whose might and intellect
nearly rivaled her own. The Three remain nameless
within the legendarium, but are often depicted as the
whale, the crocodile, and the kraken, or else as three
great sea-dragons. The Ten were born to Lakhi by
Imbakhao, father of serpents. These mythic dragons
of varying colors and codes would become the
forefathers of metallic and chromatic dragons.
Lakhi is said to be locked in continual war
with her sister Maruma’e, whose connection to the
Darkplane brought the first aberrations to Vinramar.
To her ardent followers, and the dragonborn most of
all, Lakhi is a symbol of clarity and freedom from the
slavers and tyrants that rule the land.

224 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Mistress of art, beauty, fire, jealousy, and music

Alignment: Neutral

The Irvallath
Suggested Domains: Blood, Light
Symbols: Dance, flames, harps, songbirds
Enemies: Baturach, Ethis, Lakhi, Maruma’e, Jukai
Allies: None

Once Rinshari was celebrated as the most beautiful

being in all of creation. She disdained all others,
spurning their fellowship and deeming them unworthy
of her concern. Then Daemoth captured her in the
Vice of Winter, and while the Irvallath were bound in
the Primordial Realm for time immemorial, Rinshari
was forced to bear children to Daemoth.
When at last she was released, Rinshari wandered
the four worlds, begging relief. But all things
remembered her proud words to them in the dawn of
creation. The Irvallath revisited her malice upon her Ruethas
own head, putting out her eyes in vengeance. Since Master of lore, memory, strategy, and time
that time she has remained a broken vagabond hated
by all—herself most of all. Alignment: Neutral
As an embodiment of fire, passion, and beauty, Suggested Domains: Knowledge, Trickery
Rinshari taught the first creatures of the four worlds Symbols: Carnival masks, hourglasses, wool
to make music. Poets and painters invoke her name as Enemies: None
a patron of all art, and the avatar of sorrow. In many Allies: Senfaer
places, tears are still called the Rain of Rinshari.
Best known as the patron deity of the heathfolk,
The children Rinshari conceived with Daemoth
Ruethas is the primordial god of time and strategy.
were the first fiends, creatures that went on to sire
Little is known of him. To the knowledge of the
demons, devils, vampires, and werekin. Estranged
loremasters, he has claimed no domain and takes no
from both father and children, Rinshari finds no
physical form. The heathfolk represent him with an
solace, even with those that worship and entreat her,
image of a carnival mask and a feathered hat, but even
truly earning her the title Inconsolable.
the chronomancers deepest in his counsel claim no
knowledge of where in the fabric of time he can be
found. Despite this enigmatic relationship, Ruethas has
had an enormous influence on heathfolk culture.
When the maahiset were abandoned by Ethis and
driven into hiding, Ruethas took the most educated of
the creatures under his wing. As a bodiless voice from
the center of all time, he kept the tradition of magic
alive among them. Today, the values and practices of
their culture reflect this close tutelage. Many festivals
openly celebrate Ruethas as the ultimate artist, scholar,
and tactician, a hidden benefactor to his chosen people.
Ruethas is a steward of the timestream, but the
myths also portray him as a rake, using clever tricks to
get what he desires. Often his own ends conflict with
those of the other gods, but he has also been known
to come to their aid when it suits him. Alliances mean
little to the master of time, and he honors or dismisses
such obligations without shame.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 225

Master of beasts, strength, and the wild

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Suggested Domains: Nature
Symbols: Lions, wolves, spears, trees
Enemies: Altrear, Ethis, Imbakhao, Volgothyde
Allies: Forlortha, Senfaer

Sarnoss is the father of beasts and guardian of the wild.

He stalks the untamed lands beyond civilization in the
form of a great black lion. Animals of the forest, desert,
mountain, and plain obey him, and the very trees bow
as he passes. Most sacred to Sarnoss and his followers
are those places that remain unseen by civilized
creatures. Such sanctuaries hold great power for them.
Though born to Ulmhasa in the shadows of
Morvugol, Sarnoss quickly departed for greener
pastures. When he came to Vinramar, he filled the
lands with beasts of every variety. During this early
work, Sarnoss was seduced by Ethis. When in her
passion she unmasked herself, Sarnoss was repulsed Senfaer
by her plainness, and his hatred for her endures even Master of balance, discipline, order, psionics, and the stars
now. When their child Jukai was born, Ethis discarded
him and he was left estranged from both parents. Alignment: Lawful neutral
Sarnoss is said to be brutal and unforgiving in his Suggested Domains: Aberration, Knowledge
defense of the living things of the earth. To him, those Symbols: Crystal, diamond, hands, horses, stars
who spoil the land without recompense are usurpers Enemies: Maruma’e
worthy of death. His worshippers, most commonly Allies: Many
human and gugrum tribes, perform elaborate rites at
From the distant stars, Senfaer watches over Vinramar.
the taking of any animal or plant life. THrough these
He is the lord of order, and a patron of the psionic arts.
penitent displays, they seek to escape the wrath of the
He dwells far beyond the bounds of the four worlds,
black lion. The High Chief of Sarnoss leads such tribes
ploughing through the abyss on his silver steed Girutze.
as a religious and political head.
During the creation Senfaer oversaw the labor
of the Irvallath, planting the stars as waypoints in
the Darkplane, protective beacons between which he
could pass in a single step. When aberrant powers
interfere with the four worlds, he and his wayfarer
monks wage war for the defense of reality.
In fulfillment of his oath to expel all aberration
from the four worlds, Senfaer’s monks care for
those who have been corrupted by the Darkplane,
fortifying their minds and bodies against the spread
of the unnatural. Hermitages lie scattered throughout
Vinramar, where the Silver Hand is all that stands
between the mimessarchs and aberrant deformity.
The worship of Senfaer has given birth to some
of the greatest philosophers of Vinramar’s history,
including Humenhi and We-Tzuhael. Such monks
traditionally dwell in monasteries, training to use the
latent energy of existence to combat threats from the

226 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

Mistress of birds, carrion, fury, and the storm

Alignment: Neutral

The Irvallath
Suggested Domains: Nature, Tempest
Symbols: Bones, drums, feathers, lightning, the wind
Enemies: Imbakhao, Rinshari
Allies: Sarnoss

Born of Sarnoss and Lakhi long after the creation,

Zho-hau is the tyrant of the winds. Her wings stir the
stormclouds and her diving talons are the lightning.
The skies of the four worlds belong to her alone, but
no mortal can tell where her eyrie lies. Manifesting
the qualities of her two primordial parents, Zho-hau is
both nursing mother and bird of prey.
Long had Zho-hau gestated in the Primordial
Realm, held within an egg that Lakhi laid in the height
Ulmhasa of her power. It is said that Loragg found it, warm and
Mistress of dreams, fear, Morvugol, and shadow magic trembling, and took the egg to carry in his wanderings.
When Zho-hau hatched, a violent tempest erupted from
Alignment: Neutral evil the broken shell, carrying her feeble, serpentine form
Suggested Domains: Darkness toward the distant earth. Loragg reached out his hand
Symbols: Black lotus blossoms, nightmares, vultures and gave her feathered wings to sail above the torrent.
Enemies: Sarnoss Zho-hau keeps no companions. In her youth, she
Allies: Imbakhao populated the mountains of Vinramar with winged
creatures of every size and shape: the griffon, the
Deep within the earth of Morvugol sleeps the goddess
harpy, the roc, the sphinx, and all varieties of birds.
of dreams and shadow, Ulmhasa. Her tomb is beneath
She herself is depicted as a three-headed white eagle,
the ruined city Ekhmarai, built by her devotees the
feasting on fallen soldiers. In some legends, she and
Amikhad. There she slumbers, confined to that part of
her eldest children take the form of imperious sphinxes
the Primordial Realm where the dreams of all living
guarding primordial secrets.
things congregate in horrid, primal splendor.
Ulmhasa’s influence lies over these dreams in
silent malice. According to legend, she traverses the
infinite night-visions unchecked, hunting those whose
hidden thoughts most delight her. Nightmares plague
her victims, sometimes for years, until at last their very
souls are consumed by the mistress of shadow.
Before her eternal sleep began Ulmhasa possessed
one of the stones of Daemoth, a powerful fragment
of the stone that once housed the creator’s spirit.
Wielding the stone, she shaped every dream in
Morvugol, torturing the Amikhad into submission.
Some claim that Ulmhasa’s reign ended with
an invasion from the Darkplane, the mistress of
shadow sacrificing herself to protect her people.
Others contend that Maurathel daughter of Mozralchi
ventured into Morvugol to depose her. A few even
hold that the shadow beneath the foundation of
Ekhmarai sapped her strength until she yielded to
eternal sleep. Whichever version is true, Ulmhasa
diminished into a figment of dreams, faceless and
without the strength to rule the world she shaped.

Chapter Four | The Cosmos 227

Other Deities
Emriel The Triune Fathers
Elf god of hunting, music, venom, the wild, and woodcraft Telmatra pantheon worshipped among traditional tribes

Alignment: Chaotic neutral Bekjhal, god of artisans, merchants, summer

Suggested Domains: Nature, Pestilence Duhulatt, god of clan rule, couriers, springtime, and travel
Symbols: Antlers, drums, red arrows, thorns, toads Hodramesh, god of profit, storms, and winter

Unknown to much of the wider world, Emriel is an The Triune Fathers are a pantheon connected to the
elk-headed woodland spirit worshipped by many wild traditional patriarchal warrior culture of the telmatra.
elves throughout Vinramar. Believed to be an archfey Each personifies one of the three traditional seasons
launched into godhood by his followers’ faith, Emriel of the telmatra tribes: spring, summer, and winter.
is a master of bargains. Many unseelie fey are in his Though they form a single pantheon, Hodramesh is
service, including several powerful hag covens. considered an enemy to Bekjhal and Duhulatt. More
information on the Triune Fathers can be found on the
The Vjornil Other Deities table on page 211.
Human pantheon worshipped in Iljudheim
Guddrek, god of fate, fire, and runes Werekin god of bloodsport, the hunt, and lycanthropy
Hjotra, goddess of fertility and the harvest
Ingvidr, god of industry and night Alignment: Neutral evil
Skjarlunn, goddess of magic and wind Suggested Domains: Nature, Pestilence
Thrandull, god of hunting and trickery Symbols: Bones, swamplands, wolves
The Vjornil pantheon, favored among the Ansë According to legends, Fimbuleth dwells at the heart of
humans, is considered primitive and inferior to the the Hessawood, a terrible avatar of the hunt, and the
other gods of Vinramar. Many loremasters believe source of all lycanthropy. Some say he takes the form
they are fictitious, or else based on bare memories of of a great male lamia, while others describe his face as
older gods. All are great patrons of war in addition to a fleshless wolf skull. The terror of the Sorcerer in the
any other areas of influence. More information on the Wood still lingers among the humans of the region,
Vjornil can be found on the Other Deities table on some 9,000 years later. Nowhere do the stories evoke
page 211. more horror than in the city-state of Faerras, which
lies scant miles from the Hessawood.
The True Mother
Jhareth god of ancestors, thunder, and valor
Supreme entity of aberration
Alignment: Neutral Good
Suggested Domains: Tempest, War Alignment: Unaligned
Symbols: Crowns, stags, swords, thunder Suggested Domains: Aberration
Symbol: A simple, black ring
Altrear is worshipped as an ancestral deity by certain
jharethil, predominantly outliers from the hidden No deity represents a greater threat than the cosmic
cities. In history, Altrear was a powerful jhareth entity that is called the True Mother. Originating in
emperor, the son of Sterianon. Worship of him began some eldritch profundity of the Darkplane, her nature
after the Schism of Ardon, when the Jharric Faith was and form are utterly unfathomable. While those that
rife with corruption and the jharethil looked elsewhere worship her pretend to grasp the nebulous enmity
for divine help. As an explorer and tamer of beasts, she holds for the natural universe, their profane,
Altrear symbolizes the subjugation of the wild and the hedonistic rituals are merely the crude attempts of
intrepid spirit of adventure. mortal minds to comprehend that which in every way
The cults of Altrear do not look to vested priests exists outside of sanity or apprehension.
for guidance. Any may worship the images of the
jhareth father, which are carved into ceremonial
wooden masks.

228 Chapter Four | The Cosmos

F irst there

The Jhareth Myths

was an ocean, a vast concourse As the ashes plunged into the seas of the four
of water that grew and stretched the bounds of all worlds and cooled, they awoke. Many remained
existence. The jharethil call it Norahaltath, which by below, but nine rose into the light and, marveling,
interpretation is the Sea in the Void. There was no were refined into living souls. They are called
air, no land, no life; just the endless churning of a Irvallath, the Primordial Laborers. When Salvendum
drowned universe. saw the Nine had awoken, she spoke through the
In time the whirlpool lurched and Norahaltath Darkplane so that all could hear and feel her thought.
divided at its heart. The water steamed and became She said: I am Sowm; from the heart of the Fire
a roaring hurricane thrashing out from the center I command the winds and the seas and the earth. Ye
and encircling the sea. Where the pressure from have your being through me; I command you to rise
the tempest was great enough, the sea froze solid and build.
and became earth. The air wrapped the sea, the sea * * *
wrapped the earth, and in the center of the earth was The Nine laborers of the creation were Rinshari,
lit the first light. Ethis, Ulmhasa, Sarnoss, Imbakhao, Jukai, Baturach,
The light burst through the earth and sea and Ruethas, and Senfaer.
storm, sending showers of flame and ash into the Rinshari was the first to rise, an orb of beautiful
naked cosmos. All things bathed and were purified flame that swept in the youthful air and boiled the sea.
in the light of creation, which the jharethil call Of all the Irvallath, Rinshari was the most beautiful,
Mahat. The sacred flame seared the slag and detritus, and the quickest to employ others on her behalf. She
sparking it into life and consciousness, burning and first labored in Iltallach, where her fiery passion fueled
yet not consuming. In the heart of the wreckage the spirit of the earth and made it hungry.
loomed Salvendum, Source of our Joy and Sorrow, the The second to rise was Ethis, who is the daughter
First of Four Worlds. of Rinshari, a wanderer and trickster. When Rinshari
About Her girdle swirled the other three worlds, boiled the sea so that bulwarks of stone were exposed
orbs of reckless dross hurtling through the tenebrous above the tide, Ethis delved deep into the earth, where
abyss. The closest world is called Iltallach, or Nearest her stony flesh melted into dripping fire. She burst
Fire, by the jharethil. The second they call Vinramar, holes in many places along the world’s skin, sending
Bones Beneath the Heavens. The third is Morvugol, showers of magma into the air. Rinshari ran about to
Farthest Sight. Between and around these orbs is a contain the showers of Ethis, but her fires only further
void, the gap of nothingness that the jhareth elders scorched the land, leaving Iltallach warped and
name Nieshalar, which by interpretation is called the charred. In time, Rinshari caught Ethis and brought
Darkplane. her to Vinramar where they continued their labors.

Ulmhasa was the third eldest of the Irvallath. Vinramar into crags of immutable rock. When
She sank deep into the waters of Morvugol, and did Ethis saw how her work was spoiled she returned to
not rise to hear the call of Sowm until much later. Iltallach, where she perfected her craft and wrought
Shrouded from Salvendum’s light, Morvugol was a her greatest works, safe from the marring of Jukai.
dark world, and Ulmhasa cooled almost to death as The seventh of the Irvallath was Baturach, the
she slept submerged in the sea. lady of death, who dwelt in the sky as a white light to
Her son Sarnoss bathed with her in the shape of Vinramar. The moon is her throne. Her work was to
a black lion until the call of Sowm came, and then replenish the waters of Norahaltath. When Sarnoss
he rose to the surface and began to drink the waters drank from them, she caused the seas to rise again
of Morvugol. When he had drunk his fill, Sarnoss toward her. When Rinshari boiled the seas and rivers,
plunged his great paws into the earth, and sent forth Baturach sent rain upon the face of the earth to fill
seeds and roots to tend the ground and give it strength. them again.
But as he raised forests and gardens his dreams were Baturach was always the shyest of the Irvallath,
tormented with the shadow of his mother, and all his loathe to speak or be spoken to. When Salvendum’s
labors turned to darkness and night. light strikes Vinramar, Baturach counters to the
When at last she woke, Ulmhasa rose from the farther side and hides so that none can call to her.
bottom of the inky sea to find a lush land full of rich, At night she peeks out from behind the black of the
black trees and midnight flowers. Sarnoss was wroth Darkplane, growing bolder with each setting of the
that his labors had been thus tarnished, and departed sun. When she is full, her hideous face can be seen
for Vinramar. in the light of the moon’s throne like an emblazoned
The fifth of the Irvallath was Imbakhao, skull until she again creeps into shadow.
Ulmhasa’s second child whom she bore after the Ruethas was the eighth of the Irvallath to rise.
departure of Sarnoss. Imbakhao is a vast serpent, Angered that he had not risen sooner, he wrenched
made of the black magma of Morvugol. Ulmhasa the worlds to a halt and finished his work while all
gorged him on her own creations and the remaining else stood still. Once done, he hid and watched the
dross that fell to Morvugol from Salvendum. other laborers toil in their work.
When Sarnoss came to Vinramar, he found As Ethis danced alone in Iltallach, Ruethas stole
Ethis burrowing and shaping the stone into soft, one of her masks and wooed her in disguise, but she
elegant forms. Her face was like the flame of creation would not give herself to him. The two danced and
itself, and her beauty infatuated him. Entranced, he dueled across Iltallach until the rest of the Irvallath
approached her, but while they lay with one another finished their work. Iltallach was thus left incomplete
Ethis shed her mask, and the coarse plainness of the at the final call of Sowm, and was—until the coming
sand was revealed in her true countenance. Then of Forlortha—a barren land of strange rocks and fires.
Sarnoss knew she had not the beauty of her mother, The ninth of the Irvallath is Senfaer, the greatest in
only masks and false shapes she could wear. He power. His breath drove the winds until they encircled
departed into other lands of Vinramar, where he built the four worlds in protection from the void. He was
jungles and palaces in the trees. appointed by Sowm to oversee the others’ work, and to
Ethis conceived and bore Jukai, the sixth of the delve into the Darkplane in search of all unreachable
Irvallath. Not desiring to raise a son, Ethis dashed knowledge. He was Her messenger and steward to
Jukai against the rocks and left him a cripple. From the Irvallath. He placed the stars in the midst of the
that time his back was hunched and twisted, his face Darkplane as waypoints to guide his servants safely
cloven in two. As he grew, he too learned to shape the through the Abyss.
earth, but his stone was clumsier and tougher than
—The Labors of the Irvallath
that of his mother.
by Bram Genning
Seeking his mother’s affection Jukai followed Ethis
across the land, but everywhere his path roughened
her elegant magma, turning the mountains of

230 Appendix A | The Jhareth Myths

When S owm saw the finished
work of Her primordial laborers, She was pleased.
Together Loragg and Forlortha bore children.
Jhareth the firstborn took his sister Erelatha to wife. Their
Two sons She fashioned with sparks from Salvendum’s children became the jharethil, radiant souls that settled
flame, wrapped in air and clay: Daemoth and Jharus. the valleys and woods at the feet of Anarthos. Culfirith

The Jhareth Myths

These two descended to the four worlds as emissaries married his sister Feiren, who bore the Fey Kindreds that
to treat with the primordials on Sowm’s behalf. crossed the Sea of Tacarros into Orucolantra.
Daemoth was proud and charming then, a master In the time that Loragg and Forlortha first bore
of forms and words. But even in his immortal infancy, their own children, the Irvallath began to escape their
obsession and ambition ruled him, eventually driving confinement in the Primordial Realm. Fire, floods,
him to bloody deeds. Jharus matched his elder brother winds, and rending of the earth accompanied their
in dignity and ostentation, a magnanimous lordling liberation, wreaking havoc in the lands north and
who brooked no dissent from the will of Sowm. east of Anarthos. Baturach’s ascension captivated the
The sons of Sowm were powerful beyond the children of Forlortha as the pale beauty of her throne
imagining of the Irvallath. Descending upon the work was lit again for the first time in eons. With her emerged
of the elementals, they declared themselves lords of the Atiakha, born to Baturach in the primordial depths.
four worlds and began to build themselves dominions. Daemoth set his throne Maromutalcoth in
The Irvallath, angered that Sowm had given the fruit of the highlands of Tuluro in the farthest West. From
their labor to others, made war on the young gods. his high seat flowed two rivers: Zedcaramul and
For time incomprehensible, battle raged between Cildcothach, which are now called Panata and
Sowm’s children and the nine Irvallath. The war has Zoltari. From the height of Maromutalcoth, Daemoth
since been named Gulthim ach Mirvallath, which was already filling the western valleys with bestial
has been translated as both “the restraining of the corruptions born of captive Rinshari.
Irvallath” and “the crippling of the elements.” The One day it chanced that Atiakha passed
beasts and elements that had sprung from the labor of by Maromutalcoth in the form of a great flood.
the Irvallath gathered in great numbers to challenge When Daemoth witnessed the might of the storm
Jharus and Daemoth. approaching his land, he reached out and caught the
Little is told of the Gulthim ach Mirvallath, primordial maiden as he had Rinshari. Frozen in the
but this much is known: in the midst of the conflict Vice of Winter, Atiakha bore Daemoth’s second brood:
Daemoth imprisoned Rinshari, the most beautiful of the white-faced daemons. The firstborn of these was
the primordials, in the Vice of Winter. By force she Omuel, pale as the moon and cold as frost.
bore him powerful sons, the arch-demons Gauren, It was Forlortha who first discovered Daemoth’s
Iarmov, and Arrochimeir. rape of the primordials. Leading a concourse of
When at last the Sons of Sowm were victorious her daughters across the River Zedcaramul and
they cast the Irvallath into the Primordial Realm, past Maromutalcoth, she witnessed the salacious
where their souls were made naked. Jharus, in symbol corruptions braying on the riverbanks.
of victory, fashioned a son and heir to aid in the When word of this reached Jharus, he traveled to
flowering of the four worlds. He named his creation Maromutalcoth and entreated his brother to leave the
Loragg, Son of Victory. The Creators were now four: primordial offspring and live with him in Anarthos.
Sowm, Daemoth, Jharus, and Loragg. Daemoth smiled sweetly, but instead of avowing
exodus, he called his brood to war.
* * *
From the lowest gates of Maromutalcoth,
In the eons after the Creation, Jharus settled in
thousands of unspeakable things issued forth and
Anarthos and the surrounding mountains. There the
engulfed Jharus while Daemoth and his eldest children
young god and his son designed thrones, walls, towers,
fled with the captive Rinshari and Atiakha into the
and cities, forges and workshops in which the crafts
North. Jharus alone slew the vile army and returned
of civilization were born. Jharus’ hand was skilled
to Anarthos, enraged by his brother’s rebellion.
above all in the shaping of metal and precious stones.
It wasn’t long before Atiakha’s daemon-spawn
Anarthos radiated with the light of his workmanship.
were seen in the South and the East, where Daemoth
While Jharus delighted in craft, his son Loragg
sent them wandering in a hungry rage. As they fell
desired most to emulate the beauty of Mother Sowm by
on the fey settlements and burrowed into the feet
creating life. From the earth he shaped a woman and
of the mountains around Anarthos, Jharus began a
called her Forlortha. At her creation Forlortha was more
great work of armament among the jharethil, forging
beautiful than Rinshari and wise as Loragg himself.
swords and lances for the hunting of Daemoth’s brood.

Appendix A | The Jhareth Myths 231

With each passing year the assailing creatures from his stronghold Throlugaur. By the falling of the
grew more hideous. The fey children took the brunt stones of Daemoth, the shadow-dwellers that first
of the assault, having no protection from the North. inhabited Morvugol were mostly gone, displaced by
Many of them crossed the Sea of Ivorlost to the island the unspeakable fruit of Iarmov’s loins.
now called Telgard for escape. In time, however, the It was at this time that, far off in the Darkplane,
brood of Daemoth learned to fare the waters, and the great rock that held Daemoth’s imprisoned spirit
besieged all the South. collided with something and sent a hail of stones
When the raids became unbearable, Jharus and plummeting to the surface of the four worlds. The
Loragg mounted a great legion of their children to put Stones of Daemoth held terrible power, sowing chaos
an end to Daemoth’s blasphemous craft. Jharus’ host and bloodshed in their wake.
drove the demons back to Maromutalcoth, where he Two of these shards landed on Morvugol. The first
and Loragg found Daemoth’s high seat empty. The sky struck ground in the jungles near Throlugaur, and the
above went dark, the light of Salvendum extinguished. second plummeted into Ulmhasa’s stronghold Ekhmarai,
A rain of immortal blood fell across the worlds, and blasting the great city at its center and carving a deep
Jharus knew that Sowm had been slain. pit at its heart. From this tunnel the pure shadow
At Maromutalcoth, Jharus and Loragg awaited that brooded beneath Morvugol’s surface erupted and
the return of the godslayer. The colossal stone of awakened the primordial goddess of shadow from
Salvendum, its heart and core that was now without her wrathful sleep. When Ulmhasa claimed the Stone
light, descended toward Vinramar. Above it hovered of Daemoth, her power over the Primordial Realm
Daemoth, engorged from feasting on the body of was magnified. The dreams of all living things were
Sowm Herself. His flesh had grown bulbous and shadowed by a great malice, and many souls across the
putrid. Jharus and Loragg fought Daemoth with all four worlds turned from fitful sleep to waking death as
the might of their deity, and at last forced his very soul Ulmhasa devoured their minds.
into the stone of Salvendum as a prison. Jharus and Sensing the great power that had arisen
Loragg rolled the stone, now called the Hiyorugh, into beyond his lands, Iarmov bore his own stone to the
the far abyss of the Darkplane, where Daemoth would foundation of Ekhmarai. The black magma sat in
lie imprisoned for time unmeasured. steaming pools where it had erupted from the pit.
* * * Marveling at the scene, Iarmov was set upon by
The years following Daemoth’s banishment are not Imbakhao son of Ulmhasa, who slithered around his
recorded. The elders of Irrachos speak vaguely of the throat and caught him in a deadly grip.
Days of Stars, when the heavens stood absent of the Fat with her supper, Ulmhasa rose from the pit and
sun and unwelcome things came to dwell on Vinramar. tortured Iarmov, dipping him in the raw, black magma
Sowm’s death, they write, irrevocably tarnished her until his body was shriveled and his flesh covered
creations and fated the remaining worlds to ruin. in weeping sores. Iarmov’s metamorphosis left him
But Jharus, hoping to salvage what survived, maimed, but not powerless. The elders do not record
formed a new world to replace Salvendum and set it how, but the Stone of Daemoth itself became a part of
in the heavens. The elders tell that he bound himself Iarmov’s putrid form, and his power was only amplified.
eternally to the High Seat there so that its light would A desperate duel laid waste to much of Morvugol
never dim again; the jharethil he tasked to protect as Ulmhasa and Iarmov struggled for control of
Vinramar in his absence. With their father in exile, the remaining stone. In the end, the second son
Daemoth’s sons divided his dominions, establishing of Daemoth was driven from Morvugol into the
tribes and kingdoms to rival the jharethil’s. Darkplane, where his connection to the stone guided
Daemoth remained imprisoned for years him to the Hiyorugh and a reunion with his father.
unnumbered. During this time his sons and their Upon discovering Daemoth’s prison, Iarmov set to
fiendish offspring dispersed across the four worlds, work drawing out his father’s essence.
bringing misery and avarice in their wake. * * *
Gauren and Iarmov, his eldest sons, sojourned in The earliest recorded histories remember a
Morvugol, the planet farthest from the new-made sun. jhareth named Silphenor who rose to prominence
There the shadow-children of Ulmhasa dwelt in black as a high priest among his people. While traveling
jungles. Gauren disappeared on obscure paths through westward Silphenor came upon the ruined tower of
the wilderness, while Iarmov became a hidden terror Maromutalcoth, its valleys blanketed in the bones of the
to the sunless beasts as he hunted and raped them second brood of Daemoth. Whether by design or chance
it is not known, but in the moment that Silphenor

232 Appendix A | The Jhareth Myths

approached the tower, eight Stones of Daemoth fell to The fall of the Hiyorugh was only a herald of
the ruins about him and overthrew his mind. the vengeance with which Daemoth now descended
Silphenor returned to Anarthos in a tempest on Vinramar. Fetid aberrations followed him and
of murder. Hearing of the oathbreaker’s bloody infested the waters and deep places. The jharethil

The Jhareth Myths

work, Loragg hastened there to find him in battle and their fey cousins were all but obliterated in a
with Forlortha and many hundreds of the jharethil. rancorous vortex as the souls of countless living things
In a haunting echo of Jharus slaying the brood were dragged howling from their bodies into the void.
of Daemoth at Maromutalcoth, Silphenor alone Daemoth’s victory would have been absolute but for
besieged Anarthos, massacring its people in a thirty- the betrayal of his eldest son.
year siege. In all those years he never ate or rested. He At his father’s onslaught, Gauren emerged from
alone butchered its armies and scattered the jharethil the jungles of Morvugol and fought alongside him.
to the coasts of present-day Arrochule. He brought no armies of his own, but had learned in
The siege ended with a desperate struggle in his exile to bind the souls of the dead into his service,
the highest chamber of deserted Anarthos. Loragg thereby turning fallen enemies into soldiers. When
was slain and cast bodiless back to Mardelthwaide, the initial incursion was done and all the lands near
leaving Forlortha alone to withstand Silphenor. Seeing Anarthos stood in smoking ruin, Gauren demanded
no other hope, she wrenched a part of the stones’ Daemoth grant him a boon for his service. He coveted
influence to her own mind. With its will divided, Atiakha, the daughter of the moon, who by force
Daemoth’s enmity dissolved from the stones, but the had borne Omuel and the daemons. As condition
fracture drove both Forlortha and Silphenor mad. for his service, Gauren demanded Daemoth free the
In deranged flight from the ruins, Silphenor primordial and grant him her hand.
let fall the eight stones of Daemoth and they were Daemoth was enraged at the request. He opened
scattered across the West. Little is told of him from his maws to consume his insolent son, but Gauren
that time, but some whispers hint that he fled into the and his bound souls resisted. When at last the
Darkplane, where his madness was seen as wisdom. traitor was taken, Daemoth’s wrath was turned from
Forlortha fled formless to the world Iltallach, Vinramar and he abandoned his conquest. Gauren
which she now claimed as a refuge for herself and her was carried to the ruins of Maromutalcoth and
children. A great tree sprang from the rocky desert to dismembered in punishment for his insolence.
house her spirit, and beside it she raised two gates to
—The Stonewar: An Assembled History
Vinramar—one opening in Orucolantra and another
by Bram Genning
in Talanbir. Over the following centuries the fey
children migrated to Iltallach in droves, where they
tended the obstinate stone until water and life filled
the deserted world.
It has been told that Ethis deceived Sarnoss
and later bore Jukai. After the Irvallath escaped
The madness of Forlortha estranged her from her from their imprisonment in the Primordial Realm,
husband Loragg, who searched Iltallach for her in she frolicked in the open North of Vinramar, where
vain, not perceiving that the deranged malice within Ruethas returned to again try his suit with her. In her
the tree was his wife’s own spirit. This malice began wanton mood she accepted, she wearing the shape of
at once to poison the land of Iltallach itself, making fire and him the shape of water.
its people wanton and cruel. Elsewhere are told many Ethis conceived and bore the first genies in the
tales of the mad elves and their dealings with the mountains north of Vunhaeg. Enamored of her power
mortals of Vinramar. of creation, she bore hundreds more of Ruethas’
* * * young in a hundred different forms. The remnants
The records of the elders tell that 7,000 years of their brood are still to be found scattered about
after the sack of Anarthos, the jharethil saw the sun the wilder regions of Vinramar, but the djinn she hid
darken and knew the Hiyorugh had returned. The within the Primordial Realm so that Ruethas could
colossal stone plummeted toward Vinramar and the not claim them.
heart of their empire. All that remained of Anarthos But Ethis wished more and more to make
was obliterated, never to be rebuilt. Many thousands children after the manner of the Sons of Sowm—an
of jharethil were slain at its fall, and the wave of intelligent offspring like the daemons that were
destruction tore across half the world. Nothing was settled nearby. Leaving Ruethas in secret she came
left where Jharus once dwelt but a barren crater, to Vunhaeg, where she found the king’s harem,
which today men call Vitollos. composed of his own daughters. Using her mask to

Appendix A | The Jhareth Myths 233

take the form of the daemon king Hilutos, she lay * * *
with each of his daughters and departed. But in her Settling the mountains north of present-day
haste she left behind the mask. Trentsmund, the maahiset flourished as one of the
Each of the daughters of Hilutos bore a child from great ancient civilizations. During the height of their
Ethis, stocky and fire-eyed with bright runes that power, the demon-legions of Mohtra ravaged the
burned beneath their skin. These stunted creatures maahiset lands, causing them to scatter far across the
were raised among the kindred of Hilutos, but were West and flee into the mountains.
shunned and mocked. Their mothers called the litter Four thousand years later their descendants,
Maehisath: the charred ones. called Maahisites, began to emerge: the heathfolk,
After lying with Ethis, the daughters of Hilutos sarrow, gugrum, and telmatra. While sealed off, each
conceived only her children, no matter the father Maahisite race had grown apart from the others,
of the child. Within 50 years the maehisath, developing different physical and cultural attributes.
outnumbering their cruel kindred, turned the sword The sarrow, for instance, remained short like their
on the daemons and drove them from Vunhaeg. Bereft ancestors, while the gugrum grew much taller. The
of his station and offspring, Hilutos departed into the heathfolk preserved some of the maahiset’s arcane
wild as a vagabond, carrying only the mask of Ethis. traditions, and the telmatra became able seafarers.
By this time Ethis had lost interest in her Along with humans, Maahisites have become
children, and the Maehisath called upon her for one of the largest and most diverse racial groups.
succor in vain. But after some years Ethis chanced Thousands of years of separation have estranged these
to pass Vunhaeg again, and there found a thriving four races, and it’s doubtful that any kindred loyalty
body of her children, who now called themselves the remains between them.
maahiset. Her arrival was trumpeted from the walls At its height, the maahiset empire covered much
of the city, and she walked with the maahiset again, of the regions of Trentsmund, Chayrshellech, the
teaching them powerful runes both for speech and Norlythe, and Goltaraim. Though their monumental
for primordial magic. Though Ethis gloried in her cities have been buried and ground into dust, there
children, her mischief and cunning soon embittered are still artifacts, ruins, and places of power to be
the maahiset. She dwelt in Vunhaeg for a short time found in these regions—remnants of the runemages’
before tiring of them and departing. forgotten art. But those who can discover the secrets
of the forbidden relics may live to regret it.

Today, the Maahisite races have little memory The release of their mother Atiakha was a death-
of their ancestors. They take for granted the folklore, knell for the daemons of Mohtra. Every one of them
nursery rhymes, and symbols of power that survive for hundreds of generations had been born by her.
from that era. Even the heathfolk, who inherited a Without the moon-daughter as vessel for their unholy

The Jhareth Myths

tradition of simple rune magic from the maahiset, spawn, no daemon would be born for more than
know very little of the ancient practices. Time 7,500 years.
swallows secrets, and the mysteries of the maahiset are When Daemoth claimed Maruma’e, he cast
no exception. Rinshari out of the Winter’s Vice in the heart of
* * * Mohtra, her beauty extinguished. Starving and in
Daemoth’s influence in Vinramar was particularly ruin, the goddess of beauty wandered Vinramar in
distant at this time. His energies were focused on the search of shelter and sustenance. She visited each of
shaping of his dominion in the Darkplane, a mockery the Irvallath, begging to be given some regard, but as
of the worlds born of Sowm. Gallister, the newly she approached, her brothers and sisters remembered
deified lieutenant of the Abyssal Throne, ruled in her haughty and vain words when first she traversed
Vinramar on behalf of the Lord of Winter. He was a the young worlds. For one hurt or another she had
warmaker, an iron hammer in Daemoth’s hand. The done each of them, Rinshari was turned away by
Sons of Daemoth took it hard that they were now all the Irvallath. To this day she remains a broken
subservient to a former jhareth. Gallister’s power kept vagabond searching the four worlds for comfort.
them quelled, but did nothing to relieve their jealousy. Lakhi was sheltered in the deepest rifts of the
Omuel held his mother Rinshari and cousin seafloor by Jukai. While in the embrace of his
Atiakha in captivity at Mohtra, where for millennia underwater canyons, she conceived and laid eggs. Her
they languished in the Vice of Winter. Gauren, who children are the beasts of the waters: fish, whales, and
had pitted himself against his father and brothers sharks. The dragons she bore to Imbakhao, the serpent
for possession of Atiakha, was now a formless spirit, son of Ulmhasa. Twelve great dragons she nursed in
but his obsession with her was greater than his fear the depths of the sea, who would later rule the empire
of Gallister’s wrath. During the Imperial Age, when Daragoch.
the vigilance of Mohtra was weakened by failing As the dragons multiplied over the centuries, they
wars against the jharethil, Gauren took possession of diminished by generation until the youngest of the
Atiakha’s elemental body so that it was shared between brood of Lakhi were closer to the size of the jharethil.
their two spirits. Together they broke the bonds of ice They ruled the waters of Vinramar, and in time
and fled Mohtra, but left Rinshari captive. emerged into present-day Chayrshellech and Syrikhal.
Gallister and Omuel prepared a vicious pursuit, Of Maruma’e little is known until her return from
and in the cliff-coasts of northern Chayrshellech the Abyssal Throne many years later. Her time in
they and their hunters overtook him. Omuel, driven the Darkplane had twisted her form and mind into
begrudgingly by the lash of his father’s lieutenant, hideousness. The vaguest accounts of her shape are
dueled Gauren—who had control of Atiakha’s horrifying—tentacles, eyes, fibrous spindles protruding
powerful primordial body. In the midst of the combat, from her flesh. The waters where she descended are
Daemoth appeared and bitterly chastened his children called the Black Ocean in most tongues for the vile ink
for bickering over his possessions. Gauren was again she left behind there.
dispersed, and Omuel sent smarting back to Mohtra. It was later known that Maruma’e returned to
Daemoth seized Atiakha to return her to the Abyssal nurse her spawn in the waters of Vinramar. They were
Throne, but her will was set to stay. likewise beasts of the sea, but unnatural and alien
Bending all her strength to remain, Atiakha to the brood of her sister Lakhi: octopi, great squids,
contested Daemoth’s hand and was divided in two. aboleths, and aberrations bearing many eyes and
One half of her plunged into the sea, disgraced and tendrils. Maruma’e’s return began a bitter war in the
terrified, taking the shape of a white serpent to hide ocean. The natural brood of Lakhi assail Maruma’e
in the water’s foam. This part of her was after called and her aberrant spawn at every turn. At the end of
Lakhi. The other half was drawn with Daemoth into the Imperial Age, Vinramar’s waters seemed to be
the black unknown of the Darkplane. It is called divided between them.
Maruma’e, the Horror that Should Not Have Been. —The Labors of the Irvallath
by Bram Genning

Appendix A | Jhareth Myths 235

THE CREATION TO THE SACK OF ANARTHOS 1790 WA Gauren brokers the Covenant of Ichoroth
(Years Unnumbered) Ichoroth Empire established
1802 WA The Witchplague appears
THE STONEWAR (13,049 Years) 1804 WA The Ichoroth driven into hiding.
117 ST Forlortha opens the Feywild Gates (AW, IL) 2272 WA Werekin organize into kingdoms
7000 ST The Fall of the Hiyorugh 2273 WA Fimbuleth ascends to godhood
Gauren dismembered and cast down 3144 WA Heathfolk discovered in Chayrshellech
7004 ST Iarmov settles in Parothgaur (PG)
9395 ST The Maahiset born in Vunhaeg (TR) THE INTILIAROS (2,531 Years)
9663 ST Sterianon slain by the daemon Hilutos 1 IN Ardoth Intillanum crowned in New Ardon
10,202 ST Mozralchi slain by Gallister 994 IN Chayrshellech established (CH)
11,347 ST Gallister enacts death rite, ascends to godhood 1019 IN Yarcarrach established (CH)
12,996 ST Sterianon and Mozralchi ascend to godhood 1021 IN First Queen of Welluxia crowned (WE)
13,049 ST Jardothus unites the jharethil 1396 IN Civil war ignites among the gugrum (CH)
1602 IN Volgothyde lays waste to Arwest
THE IMPERIAL AGE (8,495 Years) 1637 IN Humans occupy Arwest, imprison werekin
1 IA Ardon established (AR) 1654 IN The War on the Fells begins (PG)
3405 IA Ulmhasa imprisoned by Maurathel 1661 IN Werekin overthrow humans (AR)
5004 IA Daragoch established (CH) 1663 IN Kinlands established in Arwest
7893 IA Atiakha split into Lakhi and Maruma’e 1705 IN Volgothyde takes the Fells (PG)
7929 IA Altrear ascends to godhood 1706 IN Volgothyde slain by Arhuzimel (PG)
8492 IA Girthonnach Dendoros rules Ardon 1895 IN Rule of Welluxia falls to Welluxian Republic
Dendoros unleashes war on all fronts (AR) 2531 IN Gauren organizes the Order of Illiantri
8495 IA The Schism of Ardon (AR) Ardoth Intillanum betrayed, New Ardon falls

THE EPOCH OF DAROGOCH (2,012 Years) THE ANNOLOTH (1,350 Years)

50 ED Ardon Kingdoms besieged by Daragoch 1 AN The Great Forsaking
583 ED Mohtra besieged by Daragoch Gauren readmitted into Daemoth’s court
905 ED Maahiset besieged by Daragoch 47 AN Empire of Arrochule established
1693 ED The Great Winter Begins 98 AN The Summer’s War kills countless sarrow (TR)
1998 ED The Great Winter Ends 144 AN Onkhid lands in Goltaraim
The Maahiset make a final march on Daragoch 145 AN First colony from Syrikhal in Goltaraim
2012 ED The Fall of Daragoch 182 AN Sudurikhal established (GO)
189 AN Myr Soriah established (GO)
THE ELDER DARK (4,933 Years) 225 AN Trentsmund established (TR)
290 EL Mohtra marches on Ardon Kingdoms 380 AN Gallister wrests the Ivory Keys from Loragg
887 EL Telwyn and his apostates abandon the elves 661 AN The Goltari League brings peace to Goltaraim
1426 EL Confederacy of Daelgorog established (MT) 1002 AN Dragonborn slave trade resumed
The Maahiset go into hiding 1222 AN Silphenor emerges as a god
1490 EL Humans first appear 1253 AN First trappers and explorers enter the Norlythe
1677 EL Ancestors of telmatra settle Qur Dolakh (GO) 1277 AN Ykhel established (NO)
2355 EL Widespread human revolts 1281 AN Holtolluth established (IL)
4933 EL Ava leads the sack of Motta 1294 AN Gunpowder invented in Wellusk
The Confederacy of Daelgorog falls (MT) 1311 AN Trentsmunder colonists arrive in the Norlythe
Daemon Mohtra becomes human Motta 1322 AN The Mare firearm invented and soon outlawed
1325 AN Terratorumme colony established (NO)
THE WILD AGE (5,510 Years) 1330 AN Peace between Maricuälatán and Terratorumme
4 WA Ava ascends to godhood 1334 AN Sundered Valley settled by humans (NO)
First Daemon changeling birth Etholchan Council reestablishes Daelgorog
223 WA Syrenos established in early Syrikhal Motta occupies Talatún and nearby islands
520 WA Sarrow settle the Waelslayg desert (CH) Motta occupies Onderrich (CH)
688 WA Sarrow exodus to Coron’s Run Mountains (TR) Mottan rebellions
932 WA Gugrum settle the Forlorn Marches (CH) Sovereignty established in Pirotolon,
1007 WA The human Ansë arrive in Iljudheim Emelduron, Ittador, Erecald, and Peraton (MT)
1153 WA The jharethil reemerge in ruined Ardon 1340 AN Volgothyde’s Dark Atonement and ascension
1418 WA Fimbuleth begets the werekin in Arwest Vampire legions enter Barlom Schoe (WE)
1428 WA Theidhas razed to the ground (AW) 1345 AN Desolation of Wellusk complete

AR: Arrochule CH: Chayrshellech IL: Iljudheim NO: The Norlythe SY: Syrikhal WE: Wellusk
AW: Arwest GO: Goltaraim MT: Motta PG: Perrith Gorr TR: Trentsmund

236 Appendix B | History of Vinramar

The Stonewar The jharethil, regrouping at Anarthos after
Silphenor’s bloody siege, remained at the tower until
Vinramar’s written history begins with Foltrussor’s
the year 7000, when the Hiyorugh fell from the
Account of the First War, a chronicle recording the
Darkplane and turned the land of their birthright into
events between Forlortha’s flight to the world of

History of Vinramar
a desolate crater. Spreading northward, they founded
Iltallach and the establishment of the jhareth empire
the kingdoms of Bheirvos (on the northern coast
Ardon (a period believed to be 13,049 years). This first
of present-day Arrochule), Llôg (present-day Sea of
age of recorded history is referred to as the Stonewar.
Hazakh), and Palucadium (present-day Aldalar).
More than ever before, the Stonewar was a time
Sterianon, the grandson of Jhareth himself, ruled
of divine absence. Jharus was bound upon his new
his 3,000 descendants in the river valley south of
throne, and Daemoth off staking his claim within the
ruined Anarthos. With the eldest generation dead at
Darkplane. For the first time since the creation, the
Silphenor’s hands and the people bitterly divided along
world was left to its own devices.
lines of kinship, Sterianon named himself High Priest
This age saw five cradles of civilization thrive
of all the jharethil, a claim which he was forced to
amidst the brutal wilderness of Vinramar. Each race
vindicate in battle. His kingdom Irrachos fought bitterly
was mired in tribal conflict. Clans and families wrestled
with the others to remain the cultural center of jhareth
one another for dominance as daemons, jharethil,
and vampires slew their own. Little contact was made
Tensions broke out into full-scale war when
between peoples until the latter half of the Stonewar.
the king of Llôg arrived on the field wielding the
The daemons thrived in the West. Their society
Celdommoth, a powerful artifact thought to be one of
sprawled around the ruins of Maromutalcoth, where
the stones of Daemoth scattered in Silphenor’s flight.
Omuel, youngest son of Daemoth, founded the realm
The war for control of the Celdommoth gives this
of Mohtra on the bones of his dissident children. With
period its name. It began in earnest in the year 8721
bloodshed growing in the heartlands, many daemon
and continued until the stone was lost in 11,347.
settlers trekked north and south to escape the callous
The Stonewar saw the reign of several important
rule of their father. A colony called Ilithia formed along
jhareth kings: Sterianon, who would later ascend
the southern peninsula. In present-day Trentsmund,
to godhood as the Great Patriarch; Mozralchi,
another company established the settlement of Vunhaeg.
Iarmov the Maimed abandoned his fortress unrivaled in lore and destined to become the goddess
Throlugaur and returned to the world of Vinramar, settling of cunning; and Gallister, the fallen jhareth whose
in the farthest northeast, which he called Parothgaur. suicidal death rite earned him a throne of darkness at
Arrochimeir, eldest son of Daemoth, delved secretly in the the right hand of Daemoth.
earth and fell out of knowledge until the Elder Dark.

Stonewar Settlement

Appendix B | History of Vinramar 237

The Imperial Age The Epoch of Daragoch
At the close of the Stonewar, the jharethil were The dragon-spawn's conquest is corroborated by
scattered. The progeny of Sterianon were taken into most of the ancient records in Vinramar, but little
slavery, and his heirs (Mozralchi’s children) went into is told of their reign. Whatever records the dragons
hiding. Gallister’s inner circle maintained control over themselves might have made remain lost. What began
the jhareth kingdoms for nearly 2,000 years before as a surprise invasion on jhareth lands expanded to
Jardothus, grandson of Mozralchi, emerged from the become a 2,000-year occupation of the western world.
jungles of the East to claim both the throne and the Fifty years after the Schism of Ardon, its estranged
Celdommoth stone. His crowning in Irrachos marks kingdoms were beset on several fronts by the Spawn
the beginning of the Imperial Age. of Lakhi. Reptilian and amphibious armies appeared
During the rule of Jardothus, all the lands of the seemingly from nowhere. To the jharethil they
jharethil were united under a single banner—the appeared grotesque and blasphemous. The numbers
kingdom of Ardon. Two lines of kings, the Oridians of the dragon-kin were enough to pour through the
and the Axillerunds, ruled Ardon throughout what jhareth lines like water through a sieve.
has come to be considered the golden age of jhareth Before long, the daemons and maahiset were
culture. Under the rule of these monarchs, Ardon grew also driven far back from their established borders.
into a centerpiece of law, philosophy, art, and science. Corpses lay heaped across the land, and for two
It was during this nearly 8,500-year period that a millennia the doom of Vinramar was decided from the
communal sense of jhareth society developed, with Wyrm's Eyrie on Mount Fayrlin.
many of its most iconic cultural and religious features It is written that in the year 1693 of that age, the
taking shape. The kingdom became remarkably multi- Great Winter began. Merciless cold brought glaciers and
cultural, as jharethil from many disparate areas were ice sheets deep into the territory claimed by the dragons.
incorporated one by one. Worshippers of Daemoth welcomed it as a cleansing
Meanwhile, the daemons’ empire continued to from the Lord of Winter himself. Others regarded the
swell. The wide western lands claimed by Mohtra, change as a curse sent by Baturach to freeze the waters
which had remained unsettled during the Stonewar, and drive the sea-spawn of Lakhi from the earth.
were now cultivated by the descendants of Omuel. Whatever the cause or intent of the Great Winter,
Hostile encounters forced some maahiset communities it slowly took the lives of more than half the world
north and east, where both races came into contact population and irrevocably weakened Daragoch, so
with the fourth of the great pre-human civilizations. that when the hardy maahiset marched on them, only
It was during the Imperial Age that the dragons first a pathetic echo of the dragons’ forces was left. They
appeared in Vinramar. Their dominion began in the were soon driven back into the deep. The Epoch of
heart of the Sea of Lorelannon and eventually spread Daragoch ended as strangely and suddenly as it began.
across its coasts and even further inland. The jharethil
called this dragon empire Daragoch, though it would The Elder Dark
be some 3,500 years before the two powers would clash Perhaps the least affected by the Great Winter, the
in earnest. For most of the Imperial Age, the dragon- daemons of Mohtra were perfectly positioned to
spawn feuded with the maahiset in Chayrshellech. make a conquering sweep across the lands that had
Ardon’s golden age under Axillerund rule been under dragonborn control. Marching forth from
came to an ignominious end with the succession of warmer climes in the heartland of Mohtra, they seized
Girthonnach Dendoros in 8492. The foster son of the opportunity to rule the West for a turn.
Fastus Axillerund, Dendoros employed draconian First the Fey Kindreds were overthrown. At
policies to dramatically expand the borders of Ardon. Mohtra’s assault, the archfey Telwyn led many
Leveraging widespread public approval from his early apostates back to Iltallach through the two Fey Gates.
military victories, the young king went unchallenged Once through, Telwyn’s followers sealed the gates,
as he repudiated jhareth traditions of tolerance and abandoning thousands of the elves to hide from the
inclusivity. His reign was marked by rampant slavery, daemon forces in the woods of present-day Iljudheim.
war, and religious hypocrisy among the jharethil. After conquering much of the South, the daemons
In stretching every resource of the kingdom past swept westward and threw down the kingdoms of
its extremity, Dendoros lost control of the Ardon the jharethil, divided and weakened since the Schism
territories. In 8495, the kingdom fractured as cultural of Ardon. In the North, the maahiset vanished. The
and religious factions renounced the rule of Dendoros. daemon emperor Daelgorog established a confederacy of
This Schism of Ardon, as it is now called, marks the puppet kingdoms across his conquered lands, all pledged
end of the Imperial Age. to the worship of Daemoth and subservience to his heirs.

238 Appendix B | History of Vinramar

For nearly 5,000 years the daemons ruled the West unquenchable spirit. Though some believe a few human
and Midlands of Vinramar, a dark age infamous for specimens may have existed previously, it wasn’t until
its technological regression and dramatic disparity of the Elder Dark that the daemons first begot humans on
wealth between Mohtra and its ancillary kingdoms. a large scale. The particular vile method by which the

History of Vinramar
The jhareth lands were organized into a kingdom short-lived humans were born is not remembered. Most
their oppressors called Arrochule. There Daelgorog’s likely it was a failed attempt to produce new offspring
own brother ruled by the lash, branding the jhareth thousands of years after losing their own method of
“heretics” and working them nearly to extinction. reproduction. In any event, once the humans existed
It was during this time that the first humans were in sufficient numbers, they were bred throughout the
born, mongrel children of the daemons who lacked empire as disposable slaves. It was on their sweat and
their creators’ unholy power, but were gifted with bones that Mohtra’s golden age was built.

Imperial Age Settlement

Epoch of Daragoch Settlement

Appendix B | History of Vinramar 239

Daelgorog underestimated the indomitable This age likewise saw the rise of the werekin,
heart of humankind. Beginning in 2355, widespread bestial shapechangers descended from the sorcerer-
human revolts forced the Confederacy into decline. god Fimbuleth. Their hunting grounds encircled the
After losing lands to humans and other so-called Hessawood in Arwest, where no human has ever set
barbarous creatures beyond their borders, travel and foot. In 1428, the werekin sacked the dark elf city of
communication within the Confederacy became Theidhas, solidifying their claim to those lands.
expensive and dangerous. Daelgorog’s only living The year 5510 saw the rise of perhaps the greatest
son, Quycholog, proved incapable of ruling an leader of the jharethil in written history. Ardoth
insubordinate world. In the year 4933, an army of Intillanum rallied the dwindling jharethil, overturned
escaped human slaves marched on Mohtra and put an the daemon king Levidian, and restored his people
end to the paltry remnants of the daemon empire. to power under the Empire of New Ardon. The
establishment of a jhareth nation ended the Wild Age
The Wild Age and marked the beginning of what is called the Intiliaros.
With Vinramar’s third great empire toppled almost
overnight and no civilization strong enough to take up The Intiliaros
rule over the empty lands, wealth and technological Ardoth Intillanum reigned in New Ardon for 2,531
progress stagnated, then regressed. New forests years. New Ardon became a dominant world power,
overwhelmed the ruins of three fallen empires, and the though its borders never reached their former extent
world forgot them. during the Imperial Age. The Intiliaros is nonetheless
To later historians, this era would be considered considered a time of enlightenment and great
the transition point between the elder world and the technological progress.
new. All three pre-human races vanished just as human In the East, the vampires crowned an emperor
cultures came into their own. Disillusioned with the whose villainy would outshine the glory of New
worship of both Daemoth and Jharus, many people Ardon. Volgothyde’s reign of terror bathed the East in
turned to cruder gods: primordials, dragons, and blood and dusted it with the ashes of all living things.
images carved in insensate stone. Sarnoss, Lakhi, and He slaughtered werekin, elf, and human alike in his
Jukai rose to become important figures in the Wild Age, feckless pursuit of vampire supremacy. The Black
turning much of Vinramar back to its primeval roots. Coast of Welluxia grew dense with human settlements,
It was during this period that the children of placing the piteous mortals on a path that would
the maahiset emerged, greatly changed during their eventually lead them to destruction at the hands of the
exile. The first to be seen were the sarrow: stocky and undead predators in the north.
stalwart, clever in stone-lore. Second were the gugrum: From east to west, humans continued to expand and
strapping athletes, their slate skin patterned with blue establish small sovereignties. In the southwestern lands,
veins. Fourth to appear were the heathfolk, who dwelt the Ansë peoples settled the region of Iljudheim. These
in high cities built along the faces of cliffs. Last found doughty humans pressed deeper into the sacred forests
were the telmatra, brutish and warlike. They settled the of the elves, where they began to experience the full
islands around Arrochule and present-day Goltaraim. cruelty of the fey hunters. It was in this age that the first
Humans, bred in Mohtran territories all across seeds of hatred between these two races were planted.
Vinramar, now took up the lands of their fallen After more than two millennia in power, Ardoth
masters. Small tribes and kingdoms arose in present- Intillanum fell to treachery. In a bold scheme to regain
day Iljudheim, Trentsmund, Wellusk, Arwest, and favor with his father Daemoth, Gauren organized the
Arrochule, but the greatest seat of human power was Order of Illiantri, whose terrible first act was to slay the
at the heart of their former slavery. Mohtra had fallen, immortal emperor. In recompense, Daemoth indeed
but in its ashes the conquering humans established readmitted Gauren to his court and gave him the great
the empire of Motta, which stood alone as a bastion of Hiyorugh stone as a vessel for his errant spirit.
light and civilization. At the death of Intillanum, the jhareth cities of
Jhareth culture began the Wild Age in gravest New Ardon fled the face of Vinramar. There are those
peril. Reduced to desperately low numbers, and those who believe Jharus took them into his presence as a
splintered into rival factions, many of the jharethil last defense against the faithless world he had so long
took refuge from the Etholchan inquisition in the defended. Others claim the 12 cities simply ceased
deepest wilderness. Scattered in woodland camps, they to exist with the death of the last jhareth emperor.
turned to strange gods and ancestor worship. Whatever its cause, the Great Forsaking marks the end
of the Intiliaros and the beginning of the Annoloth.

240 Appendix B | History of Vinramar

The Annoloth Wellusk was plunged into five years of horror.
With unexpected war advancing southward from
If the Intiliaros taught humans just how feeble they were
in comparison to the ancient races, the era following it Perrith Gorr, the people hardly had time to gasp before
assured them of their own greatness. Fourteen centuries their homes were drowned in the bloodshed of the

History of Vinramar
of unchecked proliferation, war, and subjugation have vampire legions. Many were slaughtered and others
carried this hubris to climactic heights. Few have captured. Those lucky enough to escape the death-
managed to challenge the spread of human cultural squads found the very earth beneath them corrupted
dominance. The speed with which their industrious by the vorruc blight.
civilizations mapped and settled the world of Vinramar In 1345 the desolation ended as suddenly as it had
during this age has caused historians to refer to it as the begun. Five years of carnage turned into five years of
Age of Man, but the jharethil and their Faithful have hellish quiet as the blight crept ever southward and the
always called it the Annoloth, or Years of Woe. vorruqun ferret the living out from blasted city ruins.
The price of progress was never steeper than in But from Perrith Gorr comes only tense silence. Few
the case of the human race. Their intolerance toward know what broods within the vampire wastes, nor
other peoples forced many wondrous things into the where Volgothyde’s next blow may strike.
shadows. Elves and their fey ancestors all but fled the The West has seen dramatic developments in
waking daylight. The jharethil and daemons became technology during the Annoloth. Though inventions
myths, even as mortals inherited the lands where their such as the clock, printing press, and steam engine
forgotten cities once stood. have revolutionized the industry of Trentsmund and
Because the daemons left a more lasting imprint its closest trade partners, these innovations haven’t yet
on the world, or perhaps because humans owed become available to the rest of the world. This disparity
their very existence to them, the young race clung to enables Trentsmund (and, to a lesser extent, Motta)
Daemothite philosophies and religious imagery. The to preserve its grip on the world with little challenge.
human diaspora during the end of the Intiliaros and Production, armament, and the speed of transportation
early centuries of the Annoloth carried the Etholchan and communication have reached levels hitherto
Church and its traditions to the four corners of unimaginable.
Vinramar. Ironically, the invention that might have most
The first century of this age ended with the radically changed the world remains a well-kept secret.
Summer’s War, which saw Drael humans spread Gunpowder was invented almost by accident in 1294,
northward and slaughter the sarrow wholesale. Once in the hands of Carthaxian mining excavators. When
clear of their native peoples, the lands surrounding the first royal demonstration of the “arm-fired cannon,”
the Coron’s Run mountains became important human or “firearm,” resulted in the queen of Welluxia’s death,
holdings, including fiefdoms that would eventually development of these weapons was banned.
develop into the Kingdom of Trentsmund. To the Underground markets continued to research
south, the old daemon empire was renamed Motta firearm technology, however. Several models were
under a human emperor, though little of its culture developed after 1322, particularly among heathfolk
or policy changed. In the following millennium, artificers. Still, the expense and labor required to
Motta and Trentsmund would rise as transcontinental produce them, combined with a virulent social stigma,
colonial powers, casting long shadows across the rest keep firearms sequestered to the black markets. After
of the world. the Desolation of Wellusk, the number of living
In the East, the Omhatra humans thrived after gunsmiths might only be counted on one hand.
the death of the vampire emperor Volgothyde. From It has now been 1,350 years since the Great
strong ports in Wellusk and Syrikhal, their navigators Forsaking. The jharethil, dragonborn, elves, gugrum,
brought settlers to both Arwest and Goltaraim. With and sarrow are dwindling beneath the tide of
the establishment of the Goltari League in 661, they humanity. Demonic spirits possess the bodies of
seemed prepared to rival Motta’s own trade empire. unborn humans to sow thorns among the wheat and
Their influence, however, would prove short-lived. In enact the will of a merciless god. Beneath it all lurk
1340, Volgothyde reappeared as a god-king to wreak primordial and aberrant horrors that would swallow
vengeance on the human race. up the mortal world without a second thought. For
now, history moves forward like a blind man, and only
time will reveal where it ends.

Appendix B | History of Vinramar 241

APPENDIX C: Non-Player Characters
What follows is a list of non-player characters that of the NPC stat blocks. Special thanks go out to our
you can inject into a Darkplane campaign. Some Kickstarter community that backed at Tenebrous
use a combination of features and traits like a player Centurion level or above for creating many of the
character, while others simply add racial traits to one characters found in this appendix.

Non-Player Characters
Name Stat Block Backstory
Aindriú Coileain Heathfolk enchanter As the College of Sonnactfel’s Professor of Arcane Folklore and Historical Practices
of Magic, Aindriú Coileain is much sought after for his knowledge of forgotten
arcana. His efforts to piece together the true history of Vinramar by recovering lost
artifacts and manuscripts have become his life’s work. Fiercely opinionated and
with little regard for policy or procedure, Professor Coileain has been entangled in
more than one dangerous plot. In such circumstances, his training in swordplay and
marksmanship make the difference between life and death.
Arassius Ocaros Human warlock of the General Arassius Ocaros had been left to die on the battlefield when his life was
fiend spared by a demon calling herself Histallach of the Broken Crown. Believing her to
be an avatar of the One True God, he embarked on a quest to destroy all other fiends
and heretics.
Ashinatos Human war priest Ashinatos, High Inquisitor of Daemoth and Ouleithir of the Eitharmos, is known
to the inhabitants of Arrochule as a fanatical religious judge and crusader. He
commands the Eithalim of that region to hunt, torture, and execute the jharethil
without mercy. Among his many delusions is the belief that Daemoth has chosen
him, and that his exaltation is already assured.
Ashran Firebrand Daemon, 3rd-level Ashran Firebrand venerates Ruethas, the forgemaster and keeper of arcane secrets. As
cleric (arcana domain) a young daemon, he enraged his father by turning down the Dark Herald’s tutelage,
and has spent the rest of his life on the run from both family and demonic powers.
He currently occupies himself by tending his forge, relying on illusions and wards to
keep out of harm’s way, and imagining the day he can take revenge on his father.
Avindar Human necromancer In an attempt to bring his lost love Maldia back from death, Avindar reached
beyond his arcane instruction to terrible results. Maldia’s body and soul were split,
both trapped in the boundary between life and death. Since that day, her body has
pursued him as a soulless revenant by day, and her spirit haunts his dreams by night.
Perhaps by reuniting the two halves and destroying the combined creature, Avindar
and Maldia could be freed from their torment, but such a solution has not occurred
to him. He only knows that she is always chasing him.
Balthazar Thames Human spy A devious merchant with a reputation for fulfilling contracts to the letter of the law,
Balthazar Thames is a master of getting what he wants no matter the cost, and his
clients never seem to receive exactly what they bargained for.
Banga Gugrum gladiator Raised in the pit arenas of Motta, Banga first killed at age six. In time he won
(Spells known: enough in the pit fights to purchase his freedom and rejoin the hunter-sorcerers of
true strike, the Saethym tribe. But his language and manners were foreign to them, and he was
blade ward) soon driven off. Now he wanders the West, belonging to no one and doing what he
has always done best—kill for money.
Bastioth Mimessarch, 5th-level As the ruthless leader of a cult that worships aberrant entities, Bastioth has wormed
cleric (aberration his way into becoming the vizier of Myr Soriah. Seeking to purge the court elite of
domain) those he deems unfit for transcendence, his followers are hidden among influential
families and willing to do almost anything to increase the cult’s standing. With their
weak leadership in the palm of his hand, he expects to earn himself an apotheosis to
the Darkplane itself. Illustrated on page 131.
Betra U-fasod Telmatra commoner Betra U-fasod is an itinerant merchant whose single wagon of wares always seems
to hold exactly what a visitor wants. She sells such items eagerly, and grins at the
wonder on her customers’ faces. According to rumors, patrons maddened by Betra’s
uncanny shop have killed her many times over the years, but she always reappears to
sell her mysterious goods.

242 Appendix C | Non-Player Characters

Name Stat Block Backstory
Bram Kaulter Human necromancer Bram Kaulter is a power-hungry necromancer who seeks to understand and control
the power of the Primordial Realm for personal gain. Despite this, his closest friends
know that he fears what the gods of that domain might do if they broke through

Non-Player Characters
to the mortal world. In such an event, Bram believes his knowledge of dark magic
could be used to defend Vinramar.
Caitlyn Human commoner Daughter to King Fergjur’s master mason, Caitlyn is an excitable young girl whose
best friend in the world is her pet bunny Lord Pufheind. She knows most of what
transpires in the city of Jorgund, but is deathly shy with men.
Cinlase Ibrecht Heathfolk enchanter A renowned glassblower and artificer, Cinlase Ibrecht is known for the beauty
of her stained glass, but the most wondrous of her creations are light-projecting
devices. From her curiosity shop in Remmish, she sells emerald swords, lamps that
illuminate hidden aberrations, blunderbusses that produce brilliant purple flashes,
and a dozen other strange gadgets.
Clement Maelstrom Human warlock of the Clement Maelstrom considers himself a seeker of lost knowledge, though that
great old one which he has learned may have best been left hidden. In the service of a mysterious
being that communicates with him through a fallen meteor, he is routinely asked to
perform unsavory acts in exchange for hideous secrets.
Count Meinrad XII Daemon noble As the king’s Minister of Justice, the twelfth Count of Meinrad holds a position of
extraordinary political influence in Trentsmund. He resides primarily in Ordramar,
where his influence all but invisibly commands the affairs of the city. With strict
anonymity, his dealings expand the power of the Etholchan Church and lead him to
research and expeditions that might uncover eldritch mysteries buried by time.
Daemos Magen Daemon, warlock of It’s been years since the Dark Herald visited Daemos Magen as a child and tutored
the fiend him in the dark arts. Working as an assassin in the service of the Infernossos, he
spends the intervals between missions obsessing over old tomes in a tower ruin east
of Arosedium.
The Demise Bereft Mimessarch assassin In the dark alleys of Motta, the urchins whisper about the near-mythical assassin
of Visage they call Sagliero vin Ance, the Demise Bereft of Visage. The few that have
had dealings with this killer are never sure of his or her exact nature, but their
nightmares are seldom free of that loathly, haunting face.
Dusan Milutin Human swashbuckler Once a rakish ne’er-do-well with a penchant for swordplay and an interest in the
occult, Dusan Milutin was the lone survivor of a Syrikhali expedition. He returned a
changed man. Now periodic fits send him into manic ravings of cyclopean temples
in the umbrous jungle recesses, and of the grisly rituals he claims were conducted by
their builders.
Frank Hart Human blackguard Frank Hart was once a Knight of the Thorn serving the goddess Ava. Succumbing
to wrath and forswearing his oath to preserve life, Hart fell from Ava’s grace and
became a broken man. He travels aimlessly through Trentsmund, misguided by poor
judgement and harsh reactions.
Golka Hachiwara Human champion Golka Hachiwara is a famous ronin from Syrikhal. As a young man, he made a name
for himself by killing the corrupt bushi of Jessik. Refusing training, he went into the
shadows and legends of that region. He sometimes appears to cause trouble or spoil
some opportunity for those he opposes, then disappears into the night.
The Harbinger Unknown The Harbinger is the name for a figure often seen in and around the jungles of
Syrikhal. It comes in the form of a child, happy and carefree, but those who tell the
stories ramble incoherently of nightmares, arcane power, and its otherworldly eyes.
Such visitations from this emissary of woe are becoming more common. What they
signify is still anyone’s guess.
Harkin Alberon Human transmuter Harkin Alberon, by some called “the Cure,” is a human alchemist, often seen dressed
in a plague doctor's attire. An adventurer who obsessively seeks a universal cure to all
aliments, Alberon is willing to sacrifice anything in the pursuit of that elusive goal.
I’nehpt Mimessarch mage I’nehpt was a middle-aged man living with his mother, working for (and enrolled
in) a mail-a-date service. When he received a letter from the woman of his dreams,
he took his chances and attended an initiation ceremony for the odd cult where she
worshipped. To his horror, he discovered that the initiation involved summoning
aberrations from the Darkplane, and in his case sprouting tentacles from the mouth.
Upon returning to the mail-a-date establishment, I’nehpt entered the back room in
search of his beloved’s address, where he found only a small army of underpaid imps
writing false love letters for suckers like him. Illustrated on page 14.

Appendix C | Non-Player Characters 243

Name Stat Block Backstory
Inglebard Quasimodo Gnome, 8th-level Inglebard Quasimodo is a gnome illusionist and con artist who traversed hidden
rogue (arcane paths from Iltallach into Vinramar many years ago. Long past his adventuring prime,
trickster) he makes a living doing tricks for gullible marks in taverns along the docks of Imsund.
The Lord of Prosperous Human scout Many have heard of the odd hermit that lives in an abandoned jungle monastery
Suffering north of Eliasikh. Few guess, however, that he is the man known in the black market
as the Lord of Prosperous Suffering, an arms dealer and one of less than 30 living
people who know the art of gunsmithing. His mine, smelter, and workshop are
cleverly hidden among the ruins.
Malcolm Averus Tiefling, 3rd-level Descended from an ancient house of Daemoth worshippers, Malcolm Averus
sorcerer (wild magic) inherited a striking, fiendish appearance as a result of a pact his ancestors made
with the Archdevil Gauren. Two horns protrude straight back from the crown of his
head, and his eyes are solid black. Though Malcolm is impatient and hot-headed, he
has gathered a small following of acolytes who believe him to be a sacred scion of
the Infernal Wanderer.
Mezzo Sarrow commoner Boarded up in a small hermitage north of Aldalar, Mezzo is a young sarrow whose
unconscious body was found floating in the Darkplane itself. Since the monks of
Senfaer revived him, he won’t or can’t speak of how he came there, or the horrors he
witnessed before mercifully fainting.
Miming Human tribal warrior The infamous headhunters of Ossawachu are led by a towering female chief known
to the outside world as Ming. In Welluxia, where her reputation for slaughtering
trespassing settlers has gained her notoriety, she was often called Empress Ming.
Few know that her true name is Miming, and that despite her fearsome persona, she
harbors deep affection for a young Carthaxian noble. Since the Desolation of Wellusk
her heart has become torn between protecting her people and investigating the fate of
her distant love.
Munhro Euward Human, 6th-level Once the most celebrated scholar of Carthaxis, Munhro Euward was badly wounded
rogue (mastermind) in the Desolation of Wellusk. He survives in the wasteland, thanks to steam-
powered machinery—provided by his contacts in the Sounding—which acts as
both life support and weaponized prosthetic. Munhro spends his days braving the
surrounding desolation in search of artifacts and manuscripts that hint at the origins
of undeath and the vampire blight that descended upon his people.

244 Appendix C | Non-Player Characters

Name Stat Block Backstory
The Nighdenners Human spies and Notorious in the east country of Trentsmund, the Nighdenners are a band of roving
commoners traders and fortune-tellers that make their home in the wilds of Wyrgoth. Often
they emerge to treat with the more civilized folk across the border. Rumor tells

Non-Player Characters
that the Nighdenner family was once among the most powerful noble houses in
Trentsmund, but that must have been centuries ago. More than most of his family,
Luke Nighdenner and his wife Becky have a hospitable reputation. Their children
Isabelle, Lily, Nicholas, and cousin Alberto are frequent visitors in Nattleburgh.
Illustrated on page 244.
Nishaa Half-elf sorcerer Cast out as the bastard half-elf child of a noble family, Nishaa spent 12 years as a
(blood magic) slave in an underground pleasure palace for the rich and decadent. Scarred and
broken, she turned to blood magic to exact her revenge and slaughter the overseers.
Cutting out a place for herself in the underworld over the following years, Nishaa
became a powerful information broker in the city of Thrud. While her time in
captivity has left her detached and hedonistic, Nishaa has found a confidant in Vóreia
Asteron, whose child-like innocence chips away at the jaded sorcerer’s guarded
persona and heightens her struggle between corruption and redemption. Illustrated
on page 139.
Nivani Revcallath Jhareth, 8th-level Raised in the libraries of a secluded abbey, Nivani knew from a young age that she was
paladin (oath of different. In the century before she reached adulthood, the priests of Loragg taught her
devotion) theology and medicine from the best books. After leaving the abbey, she was quickly
initiated into the Avan Enclaves. As a Reverant of the Order of the Rose, she leads
missions to liberate slaves and escort them to freedom. Above all, Nivani believes in
mercy and redemption for those whose hearts can be changed. Illustrated below.
Nomedd Human mage The wizard known as Nomedd, a telmatra word for “idiot,” can be found traveling
the coasts of Hazakh in Goltaraim. The locals see him as a raving fool, but there are
those who catch a glimmer of genius in his eyes.
Olivia Penderghast Human, 3rd-level A special investigator for paranormal crimes, Olivia Penderghast comes from a long
rogue (mastermind), line of heroic stalwarts. Over time, the darkness has tainted her and she has become
1st-level paladin more Machiavellian in her pursuits. She believes what she does is for the greater
good, but there are those who are troubled by her inflexible interpretation of justice.
Her black hair is accented by golden eyes, which blaze from staring into the souls of
creatures no mortal should see.

Name Stat Block Backstory
The Prince of Pigeons Human, 5th-level Leader of a mysterious collective of beggars and paupers in the city of Forteth, the
psychic (clairsentient) Prince of Pigeons is rumored to have psychic gifts that help him shield his identity
and ensure the compliance of his flock.
Relnor Belasum Human, 3rd-level Relnor Belasum is an agent of the Mozralchic Order, specializing in the tracking and
ranger (hunter), 2nd- apprehension of witches practicing the Black Arcane. Though driven by a sense of
level rogue honour, he has a taste for drink and an eye for women.
Ravennia Carachun Human sorcerer Born to a human concubine within the empire of Perrith Gorr, Ravennia has lived
(vampire bloodline) in fear of her heritage for as long she can remember. When her father Unvoliath left
their ancestral homeland to hide himself among the living, she followed, swearing to
protect the streets from his malice.
The Soul Collector Dark elf archmage His real name unknown, the immensely powerful necromancer known as the Soul
(favored spells: Collector is an imperious dark elf said to have mastered the arts of necromancy
ray of sickness, and evocation. Rumor has it that the Soul Collector has a heroic heart, though
witch bolt, his willingness to commit atrocities in the fight against evil has made him bitter
create undead, enemies on all sides.
finger of death)
Talaman Moon elf swashbuckler Raised in the islands south of Arwest, Talaman shipped out to sea when he was a
young elf. As a privateer, he has sailed the Wolkwine Sea for many generations of
men, building a reputation as a rake and a goldhunter. At times, though, his heart of
gold shines through.
Tiberius Cecil Human veteran Tiberius Cecil is a retired mercenary and current keeper of Ordramar’s shrine to
Baturach. Kind, giving, and just a little eccentric, he’s not afraid to get his hands
dirty to help those in need.
Tobias Orindel Human, 12th-level One of the few humans privileged to live among the heathfolk of Athelshoth, Tobias
psychic (telepath) Orindel is a powerful psychic interested in astronomical phenomena and the hidden
paths of the universe. His research led him and his wife Lyda through many dangers
before eventually causing her imprisonment and death at the hands of the Yáloin. Now
he has forsaken high-minded pursuits and begun a perilous descent into the most
dangerous reaches of the mind and cosmos to enact revenge. Illustrated on page 151.
Tristan Capri Vampire lord The last of a venerable vampire family, Tristan Capri’s encounter with a succubus
resulted in the two creatures sharing minds for a time. Both of them were changed
forever. Dedicating himself to honor and virtue, Tristan became a hunter of his own
kind, eventually succeeding in ending his family once and for all. In the hundreds of
years since, he has become a noble cavalier, traveling the East in search of souls in need.

Name Stat Block Backstory
Non-Player Characters
Travis Baxton III Human, 3rd-level As a young man, Travis Baxton was seen throwing himself from Mile Bridge after
cleric (death domain) the murder of his wife. Fifteen years later, he’s back, having been sighted on the
Steamrail in Trentsmund. The rumor goes that Travis was saved from death by
a tribal priest. Living as a hermit in the swamps of Wyrgoth, he converted to the
worship of Baturach, whose cold light commands the living and the dead. Illustrated
on page 246.
Tuoch Fayrth Mimessarch assassin Born in the Darkplane itself to two Senfaerist monks, Tuoch Fayrth was never truly
of this world. His aberrant physiology (tentacles, masses of eyes, and a layer of
silvery mucus o his skin) made him a target for the Yáloin, who soon caught him and
imprisoned his mind. The 20 years Tuoch spent as an assassin under their control were
a phantasmic nightmare of depravity. In time he managed to escape, but what little
sanity remained in him had long ago been deformed by the dreadful things he was
forced to do. He wanders the West, searching for a way to salvage his broken mind.

Appendix C | Non-Player Characters 247

Name Stat Block Backstory
Twilah Jhareth, 2nd-level Twilah, the One that Watches, is an Avan paladin who stands guard over the
paladin secluded mimessarch commune that once saved her life. As a jhareth on marachel,
she was brutally wounded by Daemoth worshippers and left for dead. When
the mimessarchs took her in and healed her, she witnessed their mistreatment
by the outside world and vowed to protect the malformed hermits from further
The Vagrant Unknown Legends of the Vagrant are told in every corner of the world. He roams the forgotten
paths of Vinramar, they say, as a robed vagabond. In some versions of the legend
he is a kindly wizard, or a wicked sorcerer, but the most compelling tale claims he
is a forgotten god who, if his name is discovered and invoked, will bring about the
destruction of the world.
Vergad Mergulle Human priest A traveling minister of the Jharric Faith, Vergad Mergulle has seen things no mortal
ever dreamed. His powers of deduction have saved lives and rooted out horrors
from the shadows. Schooled in both science and religion, he is nonetheless a humble
man that disapproves of superstition and believes that the natural world of Sowm’s
creation will triumph over the forces that seek to overthrow it.
Vóreia Asteron Wood elf martial arts As a member of the Solace, Vóreia Asteron has always seen males of all races as
adept troublesome and limited in use. Nevertheless, she has a reputation for altruism that
often finds her sacrificing her needs for the sake of others. Her unlikely bond with
Nishaa the blood mage has led her many times into danger for the sake of honor and
Xoco Human warlord Xoco is the mitzoloya, or Chosen of the Lion. Raised in an influential Quitzál family
that had converted to the worship of the telmatra god Duhulatt, Xoco embarked on
a spirit quest that culminated in her ascension as ruler of Maricuälatán. As High
Chief of the Cult of Sarnoss, she speaks with the primordial beast in dreams, and
seeks to unite all of the Norlythe under the banner of the black lion. Illustrated on
page 45.
Yurda Szgol Mimessarch spy Within the mimessarch colony west of Thrud, Yurda Szgol is a figure of influence.
While most consider her a helpless victim of her deformity, she has learned to sense
vibrations through the needles that grow from her skin, a useful skill in her efforts to
infiltrate the strange cult whose rituals first caused her mutation. Illustrated above.

248 Appendix C | Non-Player Characters

Index and Pronunciation Guide
A B sons of Daemoth. See Arrochimeir; See

Index and Pronunciation Guide

also Gauren; See also Iarmov the
aberration 9, 14, 176, 178, 179, 180-181, 182, Ba’areth 48. See also gugrum Maimed; See also Omuel
183, 184, 187, 188, 189, 191 pronunciation: bay-AR-eth Daemothite 91
Abríanach University 80 Ba’areth Mountains 71, 72 Etholchan Church 91
Absorption (Psychic Devotion) 155 backgrounds 118–130 Urrothic Sect 108
Abyssal. See Zhoroch Baeltor script 114 Danmirat, first queen of Welluxia 111
Abyssal Throne 208. See also Daemoth barbarian 130 Daraghun 65, 115. See also dragonborn; See
Accelerate/Decelerate (chronomancy spell) bard 130–131 also Spawn of Lakhi
145 Baturach 222, 230 Daragoch 64, 238
Achald 107, 108 Bazamir Island. See Erelasht; See Dark Athiktos 72
pronunciation: AH-kald also Syserach; See also Syservol dark elf 40
adventuring gear 160 Bekjhal. See Triune Fathers Darkplane 9, 14, 208
Afflicted 13, 17, 22 Bister Mountain 96 Darkplane mutation 16. See
Aladekh Zair 84. See also Gardens at Aladekh Bjuthilgard 88 also mimessarch
Zair pronunciation: BYOO-thil-gard Darkplane mutation 190–191
pronunciation: AH-la-deck / za-IR Black Arcane 203. See also primordial D’arthel 72
Aldalar 104 Black Dans 164–165. See also Trentsmund Days of Stars 232
Alfyrstock 88 blood magic 138–139. See also Lakhi deities 211
alternate enemies (paladin) 137 Brangard 88 Delay (chronomancy spell) 147
alternate tenets (paladin) 137 Brennunsvid 88 Deltalamir 84
Altrear 228 Bridges of Heseriah 104 pronunciation: del-ta-la-MEER
pronunciation: ALL-tree-ar Bruhdath 201. See also Gallister Desolation of Wellusk 45, 111
Amerov 100 Bryffaze 93 Despair of Infinite Agency (chronomancy
Anarthos 231 spell) 147
its destruction 233 C devil’s grin 21
the siege of Anarthos 233 Divine Domains (cleric) 131–136
Andelomov family 76 calendar 197 Dolodiri 208. See also Silphenor
Animate (Psychic Devotion) 155–156 caprice of Ethis (monster) 177 Dorgard 88
Annoloth 241 Caraquetularác 96 Doryn, Ansë noble house. See Dorgard
Ansë 13, 43, 87. See also human pronunciation: car-ah-keh-too-la-ROCK Draconic. See Daraghun
pronunciation: ON-suh Caraveh 100, 201. See also Volgothyde Dradun 112
Antalumme 96 Carthaxis 112 Drael 13, 44. See also human
pronunciation: AN-ta-loom Carthossos 72 pronunciation: DRY-el
Anul, jackalwere clan 28. See also Kinlands; Castle Brekta 76 dragonborn 13, 62–65
See also werekin Caves of Heja Afhaan 84 dragon-spawn. See Spawn of Lakhi
pronunciation: ah-NOOL Chayrshellech 13, 78–81 dreamscape 206
Arcane Tradition (wizard) 144 heathfolk nation of Chayrshellech 80 druid 136
Ardon 71, 238. See also Arrochule; See pronunciation: chair-SHELL-eck Duhulatt. See Triune Fathers
also New Ardon children of God. See Elder Kindreds pronunciation: doo-hoo-LAT
Ardoth Intillanum 71, 240. See also the Chronal Exile (chronomancy spell) 145 dwarf. See sarrow
Intiliaros Chronal Shift (chronomancy spell) 145–146 Dwarvish. See Dyraneff
Arhuzimel 99 Chronomancy 144–149 Dyraneff 56, 115. See also sarrow
pronunciation: ar-OO-zim-el Chronomantic Eye (chronomancy spell) 146
Arroch 71, 115. See also Arrochule cleric 131 E
pronunciation: AR-ock Compressed Oration (chronomancy spell)
Arroch script 115 146 Eidr, Ansë noble house. See Eosade; See
Arrochule 13, 70–73 Confederacy of Daelgorog 91, 238 also Erolost; See also Errolheim; See
Empire of Arrochule 71, 72 Consecutive Loop (chronomancy spell) 146 also Holtolluth
pronunciation: AR-oh-kyool Convergent Strike (chronomancy spell) 146 Eitharmos 73, 165–166. See also Daemoth
Arwest 13, 74–77 Cordain. See Quoda'en Ekhmarai 201. See also Imbakhao; See
Ascended 209, 211 pronunciation: COR-dine also Ulmhasa
Ash Downs 100 Cosmic String (chronomancy spell) 146 pronunciation: eck-ma-RYE
Astral Plane. See Primordial Realm Court of Daemoth 209 Elannin script 114
Athalun 200. See also Iala Creation of the four worlds 229–230 Elder Dark 91, 238–240
Atiakha 231. See also Lakhi; See critical hits 192–193 Elder Kindreds 13. See also daemon; See
also Maruma'e Crommos. See Quommoch also jhareth
her division into Lakhi and Maruma'e 235 Culfirith, father of the Fey Kindreds 231 Elements of Being 202
austere tutelar (monster) 176 Elemthord 111, 112
Ava 216 D elf 13, 38–41
Avan Enclaves 164. See also Ava; See half-elf 41
Daelgorog, daemon emperor 91, 238–240 Eliasikh 104
also Jharric Faith daemon 13, 30–33
Axanitlacoa 96 pronunciation: el-ee-AH-sick
Daemoth 8, 212, 231 Elvish. See Sylvandrae
Axillerund dynasty 238 his betrayal of Jharus 231
Axis of Eternity (chronomancy spell) 145 Emelduron 92
his murder of Sowm 232

Index and Pronunciation Guide 249

empire 6 Goltaraim 13, 82–85 Iljudheim 13, 86–89
Emriel 228 pronunciation: gol-ta-ra-EEM pronunciation: ILL-yood-hime
Enga Mubata 96 Goltari League 83 Iltallach 38, 200. See also Fey Kindreds; See
Eosade 88 Great Forsaking 71, 240. See also jhareth; See also Forlortha
Epoch of Daragoch 238 also secretsworn pronunciation: ill-TA-luck
Erecald 92 Great Winter 64, 87, 238 Imbakhao 64, 223, 230
Erelasht 76 Grettgard 88 pronunciation: EEM-buh-cow
Erelatha, mother of the jharethil 231 Gridiron 108 Imezekh 84
Erolost 88 gugrum 13, 46–49 pronunciation: EE-muh-zeck
Errolheim 88 Gulthim ach Mirvallath 231 Impeldium Sea 72
Esgoth 72 Imperial Age 238
Eternal Realm 205 H Infernossos 167–168. See also Gauren
Ethereal Plane. See Spirit Realm injuries 193
Ethis 222, 229 Haggwine 88 Intiliaros 240
children of Ethis 233–234 half-elf 13, 41 pronunciation: in-till-ee-AR-ohs
pronunciation: EE-this halfling. See sarrow Irrachos 237
Etholchan Church 91, 166–167. See Halfling. See Dyraneff pronunciation: EAR-uck-ohs
also Daemoth Hallowed Tongue 37, 115. See Irvallath 209, 211, 229–230. See
Existential Paradox (chronomancy spell) 147 also Salvendum; See also jhareth also primordial
Haracuraquét 96 pronunciation: EAR-va-lath
F pronunciation: ha-ra-koo-ra-KET Isle of Muloch 100
Haroth 201. See also Mozralchi Isle of Thandre 108
Faerras 76, 77 Harrincroft Steamrail 108 Issos 72
pronunciation: FAIR-us heathfolk 13, 50–53 Ithacol 80
Far-Alaid 84 origins of the heathfolk 79 Ithaldun 200. See also Ava
pronunciation: far-ah-la-EED political system 79 pronunciation: ith-AL-doon
Farlithia 76 heðbearas 87 Ittador 92
Feiren, firstborn of the Fey Kindreds 231 pronunciation: heth-BEAR-us
Fey Gate 39, 76, 87, 88 Hemiliadh 88 J
Fey Kindreds 13. See also elf; See also Iltallach pronunciation: hem-EEL-ee-ath
fighter 136 Heseriah 104 Jardothus 238
fighting styles 136, 138 Bridges of Heseriah 104 Jaskow Island 112
Fimbuleth 17, 228 pronunciation: hez-er-EYE-uh Jessik 104
pronunciation: FIM-byoo-leth Hessaria, werewolf clan 29. See also Kinlands; jhareth 13, 34–37
firearms 161–162, 241 See also werekin history in Arrochule 71
artillery weapons 162 pronunciation: hess-AH-ree-uh secret cities 36. See also secretsworn
firearm proficiency 138 Hessawood 76 pronunciation: JAR-eth
Folds of Time (chronomancy spell) 147 Hickorog Plateau 112 Jhareth, firstborn of the jharethil 231
Forbidden Speech 131 Hilutos, daemon king of Vunhaeg 107, 234 jharethil. See jhareth
Force Projection (Psychic Devotion) 156 pronunciation: HEEL-oot-ohs Jharric Faith 168–169. See also Ava; See
Forlorn Marches 47, 80 Hissicah, werespider clan 29. See Kinlands; also Avan Enclaves; See also Iala; See
Forlortha 216–217, 231 See also werekin also Jharus; See also Loragg
her sacrifice and madness 233 Hiyorugh 208. See also Daemoth; See Jharric Gods 209
Formungard 88 also Gauren; See also Sowm Jharus 213, 231
Forroth 13, 44, 71, 72. See also human pronunciation: hi-YOR-ug Jongu Vulmeros, warlord of Issos 72
Four Creators 209, 211. See also Daemoth; Hodramesh. See Triune Fathers Jukai 223, 230
See also Jharus; See also Loragg; See Holthirien Jungle 72 pronunciation: jook-EYE
also Sowm Holtolluth 88 Juraktai 105
four worlds 198, 200–201 Hourglass (chronomancy spell) 147 pronunciation: joo-rock-TIE
Creation of the four worlds 229–230 hrildovolk (monster) 178
Fyrenvol 88 human 13, 42–45 K
pronunciation: FEER-en-vole cultural dominance of humans 10
origin of humans 43, 239 Kaiervol 63, 80. See also dragonborn
G Humenhi Wayfarers 167. See also Senfaer pronunciation: KYE-er-vol
pronunciation: hoo-MEN-eye Kanari, werecat clan 28. See also Kinlands;
Gallister 217–218, 235 Hunderspol. See Oruna See also werekin
before his ascension 237 Hurskoll, Ansë noble house. See Yrivor Khivmat 26, 115. See also werekin
Gardens at Aladekh Zair 84 Hypnosis (Psychic Devotion) 156–157 pronunciation: KIV-mot
Gauren 71, 218, 232 kierkani (monster) 179
his betrayal and dismemberment 233 I pronunciation: keer-KA-nee
pronunciation: GORE-en Kinlands 25–26, 75, 76. See also werekin
Gilgard 88 Iala 219 Konikhlun script 114
Girthonnach Dendoros 238 pronunciation: ee-AH-la pronunciation: CON-ee-kloon
Girutze 208. See also Senfaer Iarmov the Maimed Kurophtu 105
pronunciation: gee-root-SAY his maiming and undeath 232
gods 211 pronunciation: YAR-mov L
Golomyren 84 Ichoroth (the Twelve Traitors) 71
pronunciation: gol-oh-meer-EN ildanun. See dark elf Lachmarum. See Daemoth
Goltalaid 115. See also Goltaraim Iljerkr 115. See also Iljudheim Lakhi 64, 224, 235
pronunciation: gol-ta-la-EED pronunciation: ill-YER-ker pronunciation: LOCK-hee

250 Index and Pronunciation Guide

Layarshoth 107, 108 Mundinn, Ansë noble house. Precipitous Relativity (chronomancy spell)
pronunciation: LIE-er-shoth See Formungard; See also Menvolad; 147–148
ley lines 206. See also runes See also Modgard Precognition (Psychic Devotion) 158
Library of Arosedium 72 Mundjarric 88 primordial 203. See also Irvallath
Lonakhezaht 84 pronunciation: moon-DYAR-ick The Primordial (warlock's Otherworldly

Index and Pronunciation Guide

pronunciation: Lo-na-kez-OT Murachba 108 Patron) 143
Loragg 214, 231 Muted Forest 100 Primordial Realm 203
Losandrae 40, 115. See also Iltallach; See Myr Soriah 84 Priory of Occsilana 93
also Fey Kindreds pronunciation: MEER / so-RYE-uh psychic 150–159
pronunciation: lo-SAN-dray Psychic Devotions 155–159
lycanthropy 17, 26. See also werekin N psychic spell list 153
Psychic Impressions (Psychic Devotion)
M Nanbaladhui 200. See also Forlortha 158–159
pronunciation: non-ba-LA-dwee Psychic Journey (Psychic Devotion) 159
maahiset 107, 234 New Ardon 71, 240. See also Ardon; See Punt Maard 109
pronunciation: MA-hiss-et also Ardoth Intillanum Pyramid of Yutashu 76
Maahisites 13, 49, 234–235, 240 Nieshalar. See Darkplane
Maahivek script 114 Norahaltath 229 Q
madness pronunciation: nor-uh-HAL-toth
as a result of aberration 15 Norlythe 94–97 Quitzál 13, 115. See also Norlythe
Maehisath. See maahiset region of the Norlythe 13 pronunciation: keet-SAL
magic 8. See also Black Arcane the Norlythe forest. See Olmeníhue Quoda’en 72, 83
Manta du Lon 93 wilderness of the Norlythe. See Olmeníhue pronunciation: kwo-DYE-en
marachel 36. See also jhareth; See also secret Nusalmatma 169–170 Quommoch 83, 84
cities pronunciation: noo-sal-MOT-muh pronunciation: KWO-muck
pronunciation: MA-ra-kel Qur Dolakh 84
Mardellom script 114 O pronunciation: KOOR / DO-lock
Mardelthwaide 200. See also Jharus Quycholog, last emperor of Mohtra 240
Maricuälatán 96 Odhuris, jackalwere king 76 pronunciation: kwee-CULL-ug
pronunciation: ma-ree-koo-ah-la-TAHN pronunciation: oh-DOO-ris
Maromutalcoth 91, 231 Okatatu 103 R
pronunciation: ma-ro-moo-TAL-koth pronunciation: oh-ka-TA-too
Maruma’e 64, 224, 235 olkyari (monster) 180–181 ranger 138
pronunciation: ma-roo-MA-ay Olmeníhue 95 Rawth 111, 112
Material Realm 204 pronunciation: ole-men-EE-whay Realms of Existence 203–206
Matter Manipulation (Psychic Devotion) 157 Olmeníhuec script 115 religion 6
Medeghar 63, 80. See also dragonborn Omasala 92 Renizian calendar 197
Mental Projection (Psychic Devotion) 157 Omhatra 13, 45. See also human Riljad 88
Menvolad 88 Omuel 231 pronunciation: RILL-yad
Metabolic Shift (Psychic Devotion) 157 Onkhid 83 Rinshari 225, 229
Metamorphosis (Psychic Devotion) 157–158 pronunciation: on-KEED her captivity 231, 235
Mhelthep 19, 115. See also vampire Onkhid’s Temple 84 Roccurish 53, 115. See also heathfolk
mimessarch 13, 14–17. See also aberration orc. See telmatra pronunciation: ro-KOO-rish
mimessarch colonies 16 Orcish. See Salohusaid rogue 138
mindscape 206. See also psychic Order of Illiantri 71, 170, 240. See Ruethas 225, 230
mirrorscape 206 also Daemoth pronunciation: roo-AY-thus
Miskawassech 112 Ord’essos 72 runes 139–140. See also Ethis
Modgard 88 Ordramar. See Gridiron Ruvanif, chieftain of Syserach 76
Mohtra 71, 91, 238–240. See also Motta Oridian dynasty 238
pronunciation: MO-trah Oruna 40, 88 S
Monahuttat 84 Ossawachu 112
Otherworldly Patrons (warlock) 142–143 Saethym 79, 96. See also gugrum
pronunciation: mon-ah-huh-TOT pronunciation: SAY-thim
Monastic Tradition 137 Outer Realms 208. See also Darkplane
Ozhma 104 Salohusaid 60, 71, 115. See also telmatra
monk 136–137 pronunciation: sal-oh-hoo-sah-EED
Morum, wereraven clan 29. See pronunciation: OSH-muh
Ozhrasala 104 Salvendum 200, 229. See also Jharus; See
also Kinlands; See also werekin also Sowm
Morvugol 201. See also Ulmhasa pronunciation: osh-ra-SA-la
Sar Kaziah 84
Motare 115. See also Motta pronunciation: SAR / ka-ZYE-uh
pronunciation: mo-TAR-ay P
Sarnoss 226, 230
Motta 13, 90–93 paladin 137 sarrow 13, 54–57
Empire of Motta 92 panacorum (monster) 182 desert tribes 79
Mottan Rebellions 91 Patriarchy 170–171. See also Sterianon Scan Timethread (chronomancy spell) 148
Mottan script 115 Peraton 92 Schism of Ardon 238. See also Ardon
Mount Fayrlin 80 pronunciation: pair-uh-TONE secret cities 36. See also Great Forsaking; See
Mozralchi 219–220 Perrith Gorr 13, 18, 98. See also vampire also Eternal Realm
before her ascension 237 Pirotolon 92 Senfaer 226, 230
pronunciation: moze-RAL-kee pronunciation: peer-oh-toh-LONE pronunciation: SEN-fair
Mozralchic Order 169. See also Mozralchi Pool of Qel-Yusim 84 Senfaerism 104. See also Humenhi Wayfarers
Muloch 100 pronunciation: kel-yoo-SEEM Shadow Realm 140–141, 205–206

Index and Pronunciation Guide 251

Shrine of Onaya 72 Temporal Tether (chronomancy spell) 149 vorruc infection (disease) 190
Silfana au Ittador 93, 171. See also Silphenor Temporal Winch (chronomancy spell) 149 pronunciation: VOR-uck
Silnorod 88 tenebrous centurion (monster) 184 vorruqun. See vorruc
Silphenor 220, 232–233 Terratorumme University 96 pronunciation: vor-oo-KOON
skills 196 pronunciation: tare-uh-TOR-um Vunhaeg 107, 233–234
Skolgradn, Ansë noble house. See Brangard; Thandre 108 pronunciation: VOON-hie-g
See also Haggwine; See also Riljad; See Theidhas 40, 75
also Ulfyrstock threnody (monster) 186 W
slonavald (monster) 183 Throlugaur 232
Solace 172. See also Forlortha Time Dilation (chronomancy spell) 149 Waelslayg Desert 56, 80
Sonnactfel, College of 80 Timelike Curve (chronomancy spell) 149 pronunciation: WAIL-slay-g
sorcerer 138–142 Toluratha 201. See also Sterianon Waelslayg Mountains 79
Sorcerous Origins 138–142 Tomai, wererat clan. See Kinlands; See warlock 142–143
Sorminka 76 also werekin War on the Fells 99
Sounding 173 tools 160–161 Wayfarer Temple 105
Sowm 8, 215 trauma 194 Wellusk 13, 21, 110–113. See also Desolation
death of Sowm 232 Trentsmin 115. See also Trentsmund of Wellusk
Spawn of Lakhi 13, 64, 235. See Trentsmund 13, 106–109 Welluskud 115. See also Wellusk
also dragonborn Kingdom of Trentsmund 107, 108 Welluxia
Specious Relativity (chronomancy spell) 148 Triune Fathers 60, 210, 228 Queenship of Welluxia 111
spell failure 195 Bekhjal 84 werekin 13, 17, 24–29, 75. See also Anul,
spells 145–149 Duhulatt 84 jackalwere clan; See also Hessaria,
Spirit Realm 204 Hodramesh 84 werewolf clan; See also Hissicah,
Sterianon 221 True Mother 228 werespider clan; See also Kanari,
before his ascension 237 Tsyandesh 105 werecat clan; See also Morum,
Stones of Daemoth 232 Tuhr 72 wereraven clan; See also Tomai,
Stonewar 237 Twilight Apostates 173. See also daemon wererat clan
Sudurikhal 84 Wild Age 240
pronunciation: soo-DOO-rick-all U Witchplague 71
Summer’s War 107 wizard 143–149
Sundered Valley 96 Ulfyrstock 88 Wøgensgrunn 89
Supernal. See Hallowed Tongue Ulmhasa 17, 227, 230 pronunciation: WOO-guns-groon
Svilden 88 universe map 207 Wyrgoth 107–108
Swill 112 Urrothic Sect 108 pronunciation: WER-goth
Sylvan. See Sylvandrae Wyrm’s Eyrie 80
Sylvandrae 40, 115. See also elf V
pronunciation: sil-VAN-dray Y
vampire 17, 18–19
Syrenos. See Syrikhal constrasted with vorruqun 23 Yaelcar 51, 79. See also heathfolk; See
Syrikhal 13, 102 Pureblood Vampire racial option 141 also Yarcarrach
city-state of Syrikhal 104 ruling families 18 pronunciation: YALE-car
pronunciation: SEER-ick-all Vampire Bloodline (Sorcerous Origin) 141 Yaelchalas script 114
Syriod 115. See also Syrikhal vehicles 163 pronunciation: YALE-call-us
Syriod script 115 Vexxin Goghob 72 Yáloin 174. See also Daemoth; See
Syserach 76 Vice of Winter 231 also Maruma'e
pronunciation: SISS-er-ack Vijeck Mare 111 pronunciation: YA-lo-in
Syservol 76 Vilvolad 88 Yarcarrach 79, 80. See also Yaelcar
pronunciation: SISS-er-vole vimbaba (monster) 187 pronunciation: yar-CAR-uck
Vinramar 201 Ykhel 56, 95, 96
T common races in Vinramar 12 pronunciation: ee-KEL
Talanbir 75, 76 political map of Vinramar 68–69 Yrivor 88
pronunciation: TAL-an-beer timeline of Vinramar's history 236 pronunciation: EE-ri-vor
Tarberan II, Empress of Arrochule 72 Vitollos 72, 233. See also Anarthos yuriph (monster) 189
technology 9 Vjornil 88, 210, 228
steam power 9 pronunciation: VYOR-nil Z
Telepathic Field (Psychic Devotion) 159 void-cradle (monster) 188
Volgothic Cults 174. See also Volgothyde Zedakhmir 84
Telgard 88 pronunciation: zed-OCK-meer
Teljud, Ansë noble house. See Telgard Volgothyde 18, 99, 221
initial reign in Perrith Gorr 75, 99, 240 Zho-hau 227
telmatra 13, 58–60 pronunciation: jo-HOW
Telwyn 87, 238 vorruc 13, 17, 19, 20–23
contrasted with vampires 23 Zhoroch 115. See also daemon
Temporal Barrier (chronomancy spell) pronunciation: ZOR-ock
148–149 rite of blood exchange 21–22
vorruc blight 20

252 Index and Pronunciation Guide

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