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7/8 (Dressmaking)
Quarter 1

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The Editors

Grade 7/8

Schools Division Office Management Team: Elpidia Bergado, Noel Ortega, Belen B.
Sabalas, Clarissa B. Amulong, Andres B. Sabalas

TLE-Dressmaking Grade 7/8

PIVOT IV-A Learner’s Material
Quarter 1
First Edition, 2020

Published by: Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON

Identifying Sewing Tools and Equipment
and Their Uses
In every task or activity you should be familiar with the needed tools
and equipment. This is necessary for you to perform well and to be productive.
And when you encounter problems in performing the task you already know
you can use such tools to fix it and avoid work disruptions.
It is very important to know the different tools and equipment in sewing.
Sewing tools are those which don’t require the use of electricity. There are tools
that are used manually by hand and there are also equipment that would be
heavy items such as sewing machine itself.

Tool is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out
a particular function.

Equipment are materials, devices, and appliances that are used as a part of, or
in connection with an electrical installation.

Sewing Kit is small package containing items such as needles and thread
that you need to sew.

Sewing Equipment—those are more complicated tool, it provides to carry out

particular function or process

Sewing Machine is a machine used to sew fabric and materials together
with thread. Sewing machine were invented during the first industrial revolution
to decrease the amount of manual sewing performed clothing companies.
The sewing machine was created in September 10, 1846. It was used for
making blankets, and clothing. It is made sewing much easier and faster. The
sewing machine greatly impacted the textile industry and women. This is allowed
clothing to become mass produced item which increased the social acceptance of
the sewing machine. Besides the commercial sewing machine, the household
machine became very popular when it became electric. The sewing tools and
equipment categorize into; Marking tools, cutting tools, and sewing tools.
1. Measuring Tools
L-square. It divides the garment into the desired measurement. It is perfect
squares and is useful in making straight lines and numbers.
Tape measure. It is used in taking body measurements. Fiberglass tape is
commonly used by professional dressmakers.
Yardstick. It is used for general marking and for measuring fabric
grainline when laying out the pattern.
Ruler. It is used for general marking. It aids in connecting l lines.
Seam gauge. This measuring tool helps make quick, accurate
measurements for hems, buttonholes, scallops and pleats.

Hip curve. This tool is used in connecting and shaping curve points.
French curve. This is used to shape the depth of the neck hole and
armhole of the pattern.
2. Cutting Tools
Trimming scissors. Five to six inch long which are for clipping threads
Cutting shears. These are made of quality steel and hold a sharp cutting
edge. Shears have the length of 7- 12 inches and are
satisfactory for most apparel fabrics.
Seam ripper. Hook quickly rips seams, opens buttonholes and removes
stitches. This should be used carefully to avoid piercing the fabric.
Pinking shears / scalloping shears. This is popular in zigzagging or
scalloped edge or for seam finishes. This is used to finish seams and
raw edges or many types of fabric.
Thread clipper. It is used for snipping threads
Stitch ripper. This is smaller than seam ripper, and it can cut stitches close
to the fabric.
Embroidery scissor. It has 4-5 inches finely tapered blades. Both points are
sharp for use in working with fine details in delicate fabrics and in
embroidery work.
Leather shears. These are used for cutting leather and suede. It has heavy
serrated edge.
Rotary cutter. It is an adaptation of the giant rotary cuter used by the
garment industry. It works like a pizza cutter and can be used by
left or right-handed sewers. The rotary cutter is available in different sizes
with different blades. When using a rotary cutter, work on a cutting mat to
protect the blade and the cutting surface.
Bent-handled dressmaker’s shears. These are made of quality steel and
hold a sharp cutting edge. The blades move easily and cut smoothly along
the entire length and the points should come together. Shears have the
length of 7- 12 inches and are satisfactory for most apparel fabrics.
1. All steels, chrome-plated shears are for heavy duty cutting
2. Stainless steel blades and plastic handles are fine for
lightweight fabrics
3. A serrated edge shears, give maximum cutting control and is
used for synthetic fibers and slippery knits
3. Marking Tools
T a il or’s c ha lk . T h is is ess ent ial a s a m ar k er fo r us e on
m at er ia ls. Ta ilor ’s c h a lk is ava ila b le in a r an g e of
co lors a nd is r emov ed b y b r us hin g.
D r essm a ke r’s pe n cil. T h is is av ailab le in w h it e or pa st el
s ha d es. T h is c ha lk p en c il is used to ma k e f in e lin es o n
fa b r ic. I t has an er as ing b r us h a t o n e en d .
T ra ci ng w he el. I t is a saw -t ooth w ith a s ha r p p o in t. Th is to o l is
u s ed t o t ra nsf er pat t ern ma rk in gs to t h e wr o ng s id e of
t h e f ab r ic. T h is is us ed w it h t he dr essma k er’ s ca rb o n
p a p er .
D r essm a ke r’s ca rb o n pa pe r. Th is t yp e of t rac ing p ap er is
a va ila b le in a n um b er of c o lo rs in c lud ing w h it e, r ed,
a n d b lu e. It is u s ed in ma rk ing a ll ty p es of fa b r ic in
co mb ina t io n w it h a tr ac ing w h eel. T h is w or k is b est o n
p la n e, f lat - su rf ac ed fa br ic s.
L i qu id Ma r ki ng P e n. T h is is f elt -t i p l iq u i d m ar k i ng p en . Ma rks
m ay disa pp ear aft er 4 8 h o urs , a n d t h e ot h er wa sh es o ut.
4. Sewing Tools
Pins - they hold pattern pieces in place, anchor seam allowances as you sew,
fit fabric on the body, and secure all sorts of squirmy trims, delicate sequins,
and miniscule beads.
Pin cushion – It is used to keep pins and needles when not in use.
Thimble- A small hard pitted cup worn for protection on the finger that push-
es the needle in sewing.
Sewing Needle Threader - It aids in putting the thread to the needle.
Sewing Machine Needle. Sewing machine needles are graded according to
diameter and length. In the sys tem of sewing machine needle sizes, the nee-
dles for the 96-87 machine are of a class and variety known as 16 x 231 and
are furnished in sizes 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, and 23 .
Hand Needle - It used for hand-sewing, is a long slender tool with a pointed
tip at one end and a hole (or eye) at the other. The earliest needles were made
of bone or wood; modern needles are manufactured from high carbon steel
wire and are nickel.

Classification of Sewing Machine Based on Machine Type

Well-selected sewing machine is essential for achieving good results. It
should be used correctly in accordance with the job requirements.
1. Lockstitch Sewing Machine. This is usually used in homes and sometimes
in school and also called “Domestic Sewing Machine”. It is run
by foot and may also be converted to electric power machine.
2. Hi-Speed Lockstitch Sewing Machine. This is sometimes
called ‘straight stitching machine” or industrial sewing ma-
chine. It has automatic lubrication and is used by tailors and
3. Over Edging Machine. Other companies call it “small machine”. It finishes
the raw edges of the pattern for construction.
4. Embroidery Machine. This is used in making fancy stitches and in making
different kinds of embroidery stitches on fabrics for the Barong Tagalog, pillow
cases, linen, and other novelty items.
5. Button Holer Machine. This is used in making buttonholes on garments.
6. Button Attachment Machine. This is used in attaching buttons
to the garments.

7. Double Needle Machine. This is used in the construction of the different

kinds of clothing especially for the inseam, out
seam and side seam.

8. Bartacking Machine. This is used in reinforcing the opening and closing of

pockets and plackets of garments

Two Major Parts of the Lockstitch Sewing Machine

The two major parts of the lock stitch sewing machine are the Upper and Lower

The Upper Parts is composed of:

1. Head is the complete sewing machine without a cabinet or stand.

2. Arm is the curve part of the head containing mechanism for operating
the needle.
3. Bed is the flat portion of the machine and beneath is the feed dog where it
is mounted, and the shuttle and lower thread are placed.

Parts of the Sewing Machine in the Arm

1. Spool Pin is the thread holder.

2. Thread Guide keeps the thread in position.
3. Thread Take up Lever releases the thread and interlocks with the bobbin
4. Presser bar lifter moves the presser foot high.
5. Tension controls the looseness and tightness of stitches.
6. Needle Bar holds the needle in place.
7. Needle Clamp holds and tightens the needle.
8. Presser Foot holds the fabric in place while sewing.
9. Needle is a slender tool attached in the needle clamp used for sewing.
10. Bobbin Winder controls the bobbin while winding thread.
11. Stitch regulator checks the length of the
12. Balance Wheel sets the mechanism in motion.
13. Belt connects the balance wheel to the drive wheel.
14. Stop Motion Screw hinders moving when loosened and starts moving when

3 2 1

6 11 14

7 13


Parts of Sewing Machine under the Bed
1. Feed Dog moves the fabric while sewing.
2. Throat plate is the windows of the feed dog and it is where the bobbin threads
come out.
3. Slide plate is a movable plate that covers the
shuttle and bobbin case.
4. Shuttle holds the bobbin case while sewing.
5. Bobbin is a metal spool for winding thread.
6. Bobbin Case holds the bobbin.

Learning Task 1: Analyze the sentence below. Choose your answer on the box
below. Write your answer in your quiz notebook.
1. When you make a mistake in sewing, what essential tool might you need?
2. One way to finish a seam and keep the fabric from raveling is to trim them
with what special type of shears?
3. What sewing tool is used to hold the fabric together temporarily?
4. What part of sewing machine that holds the fabric while sewing?
5. What kind of machine that makes sewing easier and faster?

Pins Running stitch Pinking Shears

Presser Foot Needle Seam ripper Sewing Machine

Learning Task 2: Crossword Puzzle. Write in the crossword puzzle the term being
described by the statements below.

1. This is used to as a marker on the materials 1

2. It is essential in sewing.
3. This is use as device for particular process with
powered by electricity.
4. It is used in inserting thread to the needle. 4

Learning Task 3 : Identify the numbered parts of Lock stitch sewing
Machine. Write your answer on your paper.

Learning Task 4: Identify the parts of Hi-Speed lockstitch sewing machine and
write function of each parts.



Learning Task 5: Read the statements and select the letter of the correct answer.
Write the letter on you answer sheet.
1. These are used for cutting leather and suede. It has heavy serrated edge.
a. rotary cutter b. pinking shear c. seam ripper d. leather shear
2. The equipment that makes sewing easier and faster is _________.
a. electric iron b. iron board c. sewing machine d. working table
3. The size of sewing machine needle used for general sewing is __________.
a. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 16
4. A machine that is run by foot which may also be converted to electric power
machine is known as __________.
a. hemmer machine b. high speed over edger
c. lockstitch machine d. over edging machine
5. It is a cutting tool with one handle larger than the other handle.
a. leather shear b. seam ripper c. cutting shears d. seam ripper
6. It is 3 – 4 inches long and is used for trimming and clipping threads and
snipping slashes
a. trimming scissors b. buttonhole scissors

7. This cutting tool is popular in zigzagging or scalloped edge or for seam finishes
a. rotary cutter b. pinking shear c. seam ripper d. leather shear
8. It is used to keep pins and needles when not in use.
a. Pins b pincushion c. sewing kit d. emery bag
9. It is used for general marking and for measuring fabric grainline when laying
out the pattern.
a. ruler b. meter stick c. tape measure d. Yard stick
10. A machine used in making fancy stitches and in making different kinds of
embroidery stitches on fabrics is _____________.
a. button oler machine b. double needle machine
c. embroidery machine d. lockstitch sewing machine

Learning Task 6: Match the types of the sewing machines from Column A with
their descriptions in Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in your

_____1. It aids in putting the thread to the needle. A. French Curve
_____ 2. A small hard pitted cup worn for protection B. Thread Clipper
on the finger.
C. Needle Threader
_____3. This is used to shape the depth of the neck
D. Thimble
hole and armhole of the pattern.
E. Tracing Wheel
_____4. It is a saw-tooth with a sharp point.
_____5. It is used for snipping threads.

Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Grade 7
Quarter 1 Dressmaking
First Edition, 2020

Learning Activity Sheets

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Diana Rose R. Cantero, Dianne B. Dimailig, Elreen I. Caparas, Glorie Joy
M. De Villa, Jelyn E. Balbanida, Maria Jessica V. Marasigan, Marife P. Pulhin,
Mary Ann G. Oyos, Melanie C. Ditaonon, Rina A. Gonzaga, Vichelle P. Laruta
Evaluator: Victoria Aranda
Layout Artist: Elizalde L. Piol

Management Team: Mario B. Maramot, CID Chief

Rosalinda A. Mendoza, SDO EPS In-charge of LR

Macaria Carina C. Carandang, EPS Subject Area In-charge

Department of Education Region 4A CALABARZON

Office Address: Gate 2 Karangalan Village, Cainta Rizal
Landline: 02-868-257-73 Local 420/421
Email Address: [email protected]

Directions: Look at the given picture. Identify the tools, materials and equipment use
in sewing and then write your answer in your journal using the format of the table

Tools Uses


Directions: Read and understand the situation below then answer the guide questions
that follow. Write your answer in your journal.
Rina got bored during this General Community Quarantine because of COVID-
19 pandemic. She wanted to divert her boredom in doing something new, so she thinks
of designing washable face mask.

Post Activity Questions:

1. If you were Rina, how will you start your project?

2. What are the tools and materials needed? List down your answer.
3. How will you accomplish your project?

Short Answer Rubric:

Criteria 5 3 1 POINTS

The learner
The learner
provides a not
provides a very The learner provides
so precise
precise and a quite precise and
Accuracy and
meaningful meaningful answer
answer that is that is suited to the
answer that is
suited to the question.
suited to the
The learner
The learner
explains their
explains their The learner explains
Clarity answer
answer with two their answer with one
without any
(2) supporting (1) supporting details.

Types of Sewing Machines and their Stitches

1. Lockstitch Sewing Machine.

2. Hi-Speed Lockstitch Sewing Machine.

3. Over Edging Machine.

4. Embroidery Machine.

5. Button Holer Machine.

6. Button Attachment Machine

7. Double Needle Machine.

8. Bartacking Machine.


Directions: Based on the information sheet 1.3, identify the type of sewing
machine produces by the given output. Choose your answer from the words listed
inside the box. Write your answer in your journal.

Lockstitch Hi-Speed Lockstitch Over Edging

Embroidery Button Holer Button Attachment
Double Needle Bartacking

1.______________________ 2. ______________________

3._____________________ 4. ______________________


Post Activity Question

Directions: Base on Activity 6, describe the stiches produced by each sewing
machine in your own words. Write your answer in your journal.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________


Directions: Identify the measuring tools needed in each situation below and explain
briefly why you choose it. Write your answer in your journal. You will be graded based
on the rubrics below.

SITUATION 1: James felt that his pants did not fit well on his waist due to community
quarantine so he thinks of buying a new pants. What do you think will he need to use
to measure his waist? Why?

SITUATION 2: Sheila is trying her new uniform and noticed that her blouse is a bit
loose to her liking. She wanted to add some tucks to it. What do you think is best tool
to use? Why?

Situation 3: Mr. Reyes asks his students to make a pattern for pants. What do you
think is the best tool needed to make the construction line for the pattern? Why?

Situation 4: Johana and David are trying to start their project in TLE about constructing
a pajama. What essential measuring tools are needed in making the pattern for it?

Situation 5: During this pandemic, Aling Lita is engage in altering various garments,
most of which are pants and shorts. What measuring tool is most likely to be used for
this particular job? Why?


Directions: Fill in the missing letters to identify the correct classification of sewing
machines. Write your answer in your journal.
1. It finishes the raw edges of the pattern for construction.
o e d i g m c i e

2. It is use in making buttonholes on garments.

b t o o e a h n

3. It is use in reinforcing the opening and closing of pockets.

b r c i g m c i

4. It is use in making fancy stitches and in making different kinds of embroidery

on fabric.
e b o e y a i e

5. It is run by foot and may also be converted to electric power machine.

l k s i c m c n



Congratulations for reaching this point of your study! You can now proceed to
your activity known as “I Know You!” All you have to do is to name the tools
correctly. Write your answer in your journal.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.


Directions: Identify the following. Write your answer in your journal.

1. A flexible tape with different type of measurements essential for taking body
2. A small hard pitted cup worn for protection on the finger that pushes the needle
in sewing.
3. This is sometimes called straight stitching machine or industrial sewing
4. This is used to shape the depth of the neck hole and armhole of the pattern.
5. This is also called ―Domestic Sewing Machine.

LEARNING TASK 10 – “Follow Job Order”

Directions: Read, understand and follow the instructions to do this activity. Write
your answer on your journal.

Job Order # 1 - Prepare the following tools: pencil, tape measure, ruler, meter stick,
scissors and manila paper.
Job Order # 2 – Using attachment drawing # 2 trace the pattern using appropriate tools
and materials on a sheet of manila paper. Use illustration A if you are a male and
illustration B if you are a female.
Front Bodice Pattern Back Bodice Pattern


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