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America's Bureau of Investigation

Loving Intervention for our Nation's Children
PO Box 464. Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 396-8215

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

cia First Lady Michelle Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington. DC

RE: Our request for a Federal Grand Jury investigation. due to many young children of all races being
sexually abused, tortured. mind controlled and murdered by Army/Special Forces/CIA Lt. Col. Michael
Angelo (Michael the Angel) Aquino, a Nazi and Satanist, his wife, Lilith. and their FBI protected network
of Satanists for dozens of years in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Marin County, Mendocino County and
the San Francisco North Bay Area, California. (The FBI has notified police, including some I have met
and interviewed who had investigated hundreds of the Aquinas' identical crimes in at least eight states.
"Destroy sll records on the Aqulnosl This Involves nstlonsl securlty/" We trust that you and the
Obamas shall be as shocked by this evidence as we were, because two of the enclosed reports given to
me by the of one of the Aquinas' victim/survivors are titled:
Exhibit A: "Parade the nigger day" and Exhibit B: "Office of the District Attorney"

Dear AG Holder,

We are aaklng you to assign one of your best full-time Investigators (not a member of the FBI's
staff) and one of your finest and most trusted attorneys on your Washington, DC staff, plus one of
each who are In your San Francisco U.S. Attorney offices to help us, Immediately.

Purpose: To gain a Federal Grand Jury indictment of Aquino before October 1, 2010. 17th anniversary of
Polly Klaas from our county. as a way to intimidate our large, aggressive network of child advocates that
had been: Picketing the Sonoma County sheriff, DA and courts, plus the home that Aquino was
raised In: 828 Main St., San Rafael, CA. We also brought five nationally prominent speakers to both
Santa Rosa and Petaluma, Polly's hometown, the year before her kidnap and murder in our county.

Enclosed are dozens of pages of exhibits documenting the Aquinas' violent crimes against children being
covered up by law "enforcers." (Our Exhibit list and Exhibits are enclosed.)

As you will note, we have enclosed a new list of exhibits, plus many of the most important reports we
prepared for CA AG Dan Lungren, now a member of Congress from California, and dated 11/22193, the
30 anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Due to the lateness of the hour, I
was not able to deliver everything to AG Lungren's Sacramento office until 11/23, with a witness present.
(The security guard recognized me and acknowledged recalling my 6/93 delivery of a copy of former CIA
and 16-year Nebraska Republican State Senator John DeCamp's book, The Franklin Cover-up: Child
Abuse, Sstanlsm and Murder In Nebrasks (Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County, CA, and nationwide).

DeCamp and I have been working on many similar cases involving the Aquinas and their CIA network,
nationwide for the past 1 years. Aquino retired, with honors, after 40 years in the CIA and Army.

Although Exhibits A - Z+ were given to Lungren, we added seven new ones for you that are identified as
Exhibits 1-A through 2-D.

Since I am in Washington, DC, PLEASE CALL ME TODAY. r 3 ~0

Sincerely, ~~s R. Millar, founder
PS BEWARE: S n Francisco US Attorney Robert Mueller plea bargained a six-month house arrest and
no fine for Santa Rosa child pornographer David Aslmov, after Santa Rosa Police raided his home and
found 1,000 child porn videos/DVDs, 14 duplicating machines in a row, plus several cameras and evi­
dence proving he was selling them over the Internet, via the U.S. Post Office. Reward? Head of the FBI!

Delivery witnessed by:~exander Tscherneff, survivor of Dr. Josef Mengele's mind control
America's Bureau of Investigation
Loving Intervention for our Nation's Children
PO Box 464, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(107) 396-8215


1-A Target: Your Children & Grandchlldrenl Where have All the Children Gone? (page 1 of 20)

1-AA AQUINO: Male or Female? (Photo of Army/Special Forces/CIA Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino)

1-AAA Want the motives for the kidnap of Polly Klaas the Satan1st, DA Mike Mullins, covered up?
1-AAAA Doug Millar's & CIA's Project Monarch References (1 '94 list: None ever asked to be taken off.)\

2-B Cover letter to CA AG Dan Lungren, 11122193 (Additions added later, w/1,OOO+ handed out.)

2-C-1-3 REQUEST FOR A GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION (Originally given to Lungren, as 3 pages)


A Photo of the Aqulnos' In their Temple of Set (Egyptian for Satan) attire

B "PARADE THE NIGGER DAY" (Given to Millar by Dee Hartnett, Aquino victim's mother, typed it.)

C Sonoma County "Office of the District Attorney" letter documenting the Aqulnos' crimes

CC Mill Valley Record Messenger's 11/4/92 published story. "Parents - Our Only Hope" (Marin Co.)

0-1 & 2 Mill Valley Record Messenger's 8/19/92 story, "Satan in Mill Valley" (Exposing the Aquinos)

E-1-3 Record Messenger's 9/16/92 story, "Child Molestation Police Report" (SFPD exposing Aquinos)

F "Excerpts of a Ted l. Gunderson report" (Ex-LA FBI chief exposing the Aqulnos' crimes)

N-1-2 The National Conference on Crimes Against Children's speakers, 9/19-21/93, Washington. DC

R-1-3 SATANISM IN AMERICA: US Headquarters, San Francisco (Church of SatanlTemple of Set)

a (San Francisco) N. BAY DAYCARES & RITUAL ABUSE CRIMES (in the 3 N. Bay counties)


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