Daily Routine: 1. Translate Into Spanish

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1. Translate into spanish

Wake up = Despertar Leave home = Salir de casa Talk on the phone = Hablar Download music and films =
por teléfono Descarga música y películas
Get up = Levantarse Go to school= Ir al colegio Work on the computer = Play computer game= Jugar
Trabajar en el ordenador juego de ordenador
Get dressed/put the shoes on = Arrive at school = Llegar a la Feed the cat/dog = Alimenta Surf the net = Navegar por la
Vístete / ponte los zapatos escuela al gato / perro red
Go to the bathroom = Ir al Start school = Empezar la Read = Leer Update my status on the
baño escuela facebook = Actualizar mi estado
en facebook
Have a shower = Tomar una Finish school = Terminar la Write = Escribir Check my e-mail = Revisa mi
ducha escuela correo electrónico
Brush my teeth = Cepillarme Do the homework= Hacer la Do the housework = Hacer las Get undressed = Desvestirse
los dientes tarea tareas domésticas
Comb my hair = Peinarme Come back home = Vuelve a Walk the dog = Pasear al Say the prayers = Decir las
casa perro oraciones
Have breakfast = Desayunar Help my mother at home = Watch TV = Mirar televisión Go to bed = Acostarse
Ayuda a mi madre en casa
Make the bed = Hacer la cama Have lunch/dinner = Almorzar Listen to music = Escuchar Go to sleep/fall asleep = Ir a
música dormir / quedarse dormido

2. Write a Full paragraph about the routine of each one of them

She is victoria. She has a dailly routine. She gets up at 6:00 am and she feeds her cat. She makes her breakfast
at 6:30 am ans she brushes her teeth. She tidies her room at 7:00 am and has breakfast. She leaves to work at
8:15 am.
In the afternoom, she finished work at 5:00 pm and she goes shopping. She has a ligth dinner at a café and she
goes to her aerobics lesson.

In the evening, she arrives home at 8:00 pm and she call her friends. She has a shower at 9:00 pm and she
watches tv. She goes to bed ar 10:10pm.

He is Brian. He has a deally routine. He arrive home at 7:00am and he has breakfast. He has shower at 7:30 am
and he goes to sleep.

In the afternoom, he has lunch at 1:50 pm and he washes up. He reads the newspaper and he does his job
around the house at 4:00pm. He helps his wife with the housework and he takes the dog for a walk 5:30pm

In the evening, he has dinner at 7:15 pm and he has a shower. He goes to work by car and he work all nigth.

She is Anna. She has a deally routine. She gets up at 5:30 am and she washes her face and teeh. She gets
dressed at 6:30 am and she makes breakfast. She cleans the house and cooks lunch at 12:00pm.

In the afternoom, she looks after her grandchildren and she prepares dinner for her daughter’s family at 6:30
pm. she knits and she listens to the radio at 5:00pm.

In the evening, she does the laundry and she irons the clothes at 7:00pm. She has dinner and she reads
magazines at 8:00pm. She has a shower and she goes to sleep at 9:15pm.

3. Fill in the blanks with the simple

Peter (1) __ started _ (start) his day at 7.oo. He (2) __ has __ (have) breakfast in the
kitchen with all the family. Each member (3) __ fixes ___ (fix) his own breakfast. Peter
(4) __ like ___ (like) orange juice, toast and milk. He always(5) __ has __ (have) an
apple: his mother (6)__ believes __ (believe) “an apple a day (7) __keeps___ (keep) the
doctor away”. After breakfast Peter (8) __makes__ (make) his bed and (9) __tidy__
(tidy) up his bedroom. He (10) __gets__ (get) ready for lessons. He mustn’t be late,
mother (11) ____is___ (be) very strict.
At 8.00 the Hanson kids (12) __started__ (start) their lessons. At midday they (13)
__have__ (have) lunch. Then it’s sport time: they (14) __love___ (love) playing
basketball, in-line staking and skate-boarding. After a refreshing shower the Hanson
brothers (15) _ rehearse __ (rehearse) till dinner, because their fans (16) ___are___ (be)
very demanding: they (17) __want__ (want) every detail to be OK.
Peter and his brothers (18) __haven’t__ (not/have) dinner with their parents as their
father is always late. Their mother (19) __not like__ (not/like) it very much. So, at
weekends they (20) __are__ (be) always together.

Mary (1) ___wakes__ (wake) up at 7.00. Then she (2) ___gets__ (get) up at 7.30 and she
(3) ___goes___ (go) to the bathroom. She (4) __has____ (have) a shower, (5)
___brushes__ (brush) her teeth and (6) __combs___ (comb) her hair. Afterwards she
(7) __has__ (have) breakfast. Ten minutes later she (8) ___takes__ (take) her satchel,
(9) ___kisses__ (kiss) her mother and (10) __catches___ (catch) a bus to school with
her friend Diana. They (11) __start__ (start) school at 9.00. They (12) ___don’t have__
(not/have) lunch at the school canteen. At three o’clock they (13) __return___ (return)
In the afternoon, she (14) ___studies__ (study) her lessons and (15) __rides___
(ride) her bicycle. In the evening she (16) __helps___ (help) her mother prepare the
dinner. After dinner she (17) __watches__ (watch) TV, her mother (18) _reads___
(read) a magazine and her father (19) __goes___ (go) to bed earlier since he (20)
___is____ (be) always the first in the family to get up.

4. Answer the following questions about your daily routine7

1. What t time do you get up in the morning?

r/ I always get up at 7:00.
2. What do you do after you get up?
r/ I usually take a shower
3. What do you do in the afternoon?
r/ I often have lunch at 1:50 pm
4. What do you do on weekday evenings?
r/ I always watch TV at 7:30pm
5. How often do you go to the gym? Do you like it?
r/ I rarely go to the gym, don’t like much
6. How often do you read a newspaper?
I always reed the newspaper in the morning
7. What do you like to do in your free time? Explain.
I usually watch movies on netflix
8. What do you do at weekends?
I usually help with the housework
9. How often do you go out on Saturday nights?
I rarely go to dance
10. Who do you usually party with?
I usually go out with my best friend
11. What time do you have lunch on Sundays?
I always have lunch at 3:00pm on Sunday
12. How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth after every meal

5. Write a paragraph using the information of activity 4, then record an audio where you
are reading your daily routine.

I always wake up at 5:00 am, prepare my breakfast with my daughter, take a shower at
6:00 am, take my daughter to school at 7:00 am and go to my work at 8:00 am. in the
afternoon I finish work at 5:00 pm, I go home and prepare dinner at 7:00 pm, I go to bed
at 10:00 pm

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