Art Appreciation: Lesson 4 Activity

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Let us start this topic by conducting a simple debate and discussion of the
following agendas. Divide the class into groups of three to four. Select a topic that
each group wants to discuss. The group then will be divided into two: opposition and
government (according to how formal debates are conducted). The group will also
decide on any related motion for each topic. Limit the debate to only 10 minutes per
Example: (On displacement of Filipinos) "This house believes that nurses should be
compelled to work for two years in public or private hospitals in the country before
going abroad."
1. Environmental issues. 6. Dictatorship
2. War on drugs. 7. Activism
3. Displacement of Filipinos. 8. Cybercrimes
4. Corruption 9. Human Trafficking
5. Poverty. 10. Commercialization and capitalism
After immersing yourselves in these topics, answer the following questions:
1. What do you think are the roles of artists in the issues presented?
 Cybercrime is a topic that is both current and significant in our
society today. Certain groups and even government bodies
advocated for the prevention of cybercrime. Artists can play a
role in campaigning for kids and other technology-based
individuals to be protected from media-related crimes that may
damage them. They may alleviate the hardships of the victims
of such by spreading awareness thru their artworks, and they
can also improve people's knowledge of how to use technology
and media properly.

2. What are your suggestions for them to become socially relevant or active in the
solution and awareness of such pressing issues?
 I believe everyone should be open-minded and socially
conscious in order to have a better understanding of what is
going on in our nation and throughout the world. They must
devote time to researching important topics that impact
individuals, particularly young people.

1. Why do you think the arts can be an avenue for the discussion and
dissemination of these realities in our country? How can the recipients of
artworks be more involved?
 Art is a means of expressing one's feelings and thoughts. It can
also serve as a forum for advocacies aimed at effecting
change. It is critical to value the work of our local artists.
Viewers can get a clearer understanding of problems and
concerns facing the country by looking at the concepts offered
in the art, and they may get an idea of how they can contribute
in resolving the issues as hope for the future.

The growth of the art scene after modernism has become fast paced,
propelled more by the effects of globalization. Given the changes that happened after
the revolution together with the decentralization, Filipinization, and diversification of
modes and media in the arts, write a short essay about your opinion about these
events in our contemporary art scene.
Guide Questions:
1. How has the Internet age affected the works of artists?
 Technology and globalization have radically changed the way
many people do business, but do such concrete considerations
also drive creative undertakings? Economist Tyler Cowen
discusses the brave new world of cultural production and the
increasingly demanding consumer on the receiving end. The
internet has had a significant impact on art by making it far
more accessible to people from all walks of life all over the
world. It has removed geographical barriers that previously
prevented people from consuming art and made it easier to find
and view.

2. What are the factors taken into consideration in the life of an artist? What do
you think are the implications of these in their lives?
 Artists are influenced by almost everything, their life, their
environment, their childhood, school, work, television, cinema,
other artists, etc. I believe that everything we see and
experience in life affects our art in some way, either directly or
indirectly. All artists have influences, whether we admit it or not.
Of course, some things can influence our art more than others.
My personal influences come from my environment, past and
current experiences, and my favorite artists.

3. What can you say about artist validation systems? (awards and competitions)
 I think this is particularly poignant for all artist including self-
taught artist and those who are not or who do not wish to be
aligned with the gallery agenda. Where There a few interesting
things to take away from this in terms of thinking about
validation and how artists receive it, seek it, and ultimately
whether they need it at all. Traditionally, one of the key
characteristics of the ‘outsider artist’ is their ability to create for
themselves; because they need to, because they want to,
rather than creating a saleable object or a commodity item. So
where do they get their validation from? It may even be more
difficult for them to find validation, with many not having not
had the ‘rite of passage’ that is art school. Does validation
come with a price tag? Is work of a higher monetary value
confirmation of a valid and successful artist? It, thankfully,
seems not. In the report, artist Joshua Sofaer is quoted as
saying: “Amongst me and my peers, we might consider
somebody that goes towards gallery representation, starts
making discrete objects, as somebody who has sold out.”
Although he does go on to say that “other people might think
they’ve arrived.” Additionally, many respondents felt that gallery
backing was “more meaningful to others than to the artists
themselves,” with many claiming that “the commercial
numbers-led art world was potentially detrimental to the
development of a high quality and original artistic practice.”

4. How has diaspora and displacement affected the and modified artistic
 Diaspora is a term used to describe population movements
from one country to another and is often cited in discussions of
identity. In relation to the arts, the term diaspora is used to refer
to artists who have migrated from one part of the world to
another (or whose families have) and who have expressed
their diverse experiences of culture and identity in their work;
often expressing alternative narratives and questioning the
ideas and structures of the established art world.

5. How do you think individual art bodies or organizations are shaping our attitudes
toward the arts?
 Our planet has developed over ages, and with it, the people
and our way of life. We've worked with media and other
internet-based services and websites. Our civilization and
progress are inextricably linked to the expansion of our
knowledge and competence. However, not all of the effects of
this development are positive or produce well-developed
results. The internet, as a digital-based medium, is changing
the processes of art creation in the realm of art. Some artists
may find these alterations "alarming and underwhelming" since
the work put in throughout the creation process was not as
rigorous, particular, or valuable. Meanwhile, some artists
support the embrace of a modernized art production method.
Due to the huge demand for digitally generated arts, artists
who are not into digital art may have to close their doors. If art
creation is their first-hand work, they will be unable to provide
for their families' fundamental needs. They can't even buy
digital-based equipment to hone their skills and recoup their
losses. Regardless of the ongoing development that we are
seeing today, we should still be patronizing what previous
artists have accomplished, regardless of the mediums through
which they have expressed their artistic work

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