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Stephanie Joyce M. Empleo Grade 8 – Creativity

Let’s Try This

Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes

How do you study well?

Recall your study habits when you were in Grade 7. On a piece of paper, list down the steps and
strategies of studying lessons in your preparation for a quiz or exam. Share it with your family

Last year, when I had quizzes or tests, I would make a list of the
subjects that I would review the day before the exam. For
example, tomorrow's tests are in Science and English; today, I'm
simply going to review that topic so that I don't get confused
tomorrow, and so on. In terms of my modules, I'll only answer
the ones that I'm able to answer that day so that I don't become
fatigued and have to go over the ones I've already replied. If I'm
answering a module, I'll turn off my phone and listen to music
instead, so I'm not distracted and can focus on my work.

Processing Questions: On a piece of paper, write your answer to the following


1. Did you find it easy to share your study habits with your family member/s? Why?
Yes, they gave me guidance as well.
2. How do you plan to improve your study habits during this time of pandemic?
I intend to take notes on the topic I'm studying and have time management.
Let’s Explore This Suggested
Time Allotment: 20 minutes

My Study Habits: Effective or Not Effective

The following statements are some of the study habit practices. Check ( √ ) the Yes column if
you practice it and the No column if you don’t. Copy and answer it on a piece of paper.

Study Habit Practices Yes No

 Bringing everything including those you don’t need to /
 Cramming for a test or project /
 Getting a good night sleep /
 Having breaks in between study periods /
 Making a schedule on the things that need to be /
 Multitasking (ex. studying while taking care of younger /
 Using a single resource even if there is/are other available /
 Outlining and rewriting your notes /
 Practicing performance tasks by yourself and/or with /
 Staying awake late at night to review /
 Studying while the TV or radio is on /
 Utilizing memory games (mnemonic devices) /

Then categorize these study habits whether they are

a. Effective Study Habits or
b. Ineffective Study Habits
Effective Study Habits Ineffective Study Habits
Getting a good night sleep Bringing everything including those you
don’t need to school
Having breaks in between study periods Cramming for a test or project
Making a schedule on the things that need Using a single resource even if there is/are
to be accomplished other available material/s
Multitasking (ex. studying while taking Studying while the TV or radio is on
care of younger siblings)
Outlining and rewriting your notes -
Practicing performance tasks by yourself -
and/or with friends
Staying awake late at night to review -
Utilizing memory games (mnemonic -

Processing Questions: (Please answer on a clean sheet of paper)

1. Based on your answers above, what did you realize regarding your study habits?
I've realized that my study habits have really aided me in focusing and comprehending the topic
or subject I'm studying.
2. How do you feel about it? (Are you happy? A little bit sad? Contented? Worried? etc.)
Actually, I have mixed feelings about it; I'm glad because I've progressed so much in terms of
my study habits, but I'm also a little frightened about it since I'm so satisfied with it, and I often
wonder what will happen if my study habits fail one day.

Our Family’s Best Award!

Marilyn M. Empleo - Mother – 2ND HONOR & Most Responsible

Frances Angelica M. Empleo – Sister- 1ST HONOR & Best in English
Mickaella M. Empleo – Sister - Most Behave & Best in Math
Francheska Rose M. Empleo –Sister - Most Resourceful & Best in Arts
Cesar Jaime M. Empleo – Brother - Most Friendly
They said that they were studying as hard as they could. Be themselves,
concentrate, be motivated in life, appreciate what they have, be more responsible,
have confidence, and have faith in God.

Processing Questions: (Please answer on a clean sheet of paper)

1. Did the activity help you discover other effective study habits from your family
members/friends that suit your personal preference/personality? Yes, it helped me so much.
2. Is it important to have study habits which suit one’s personality? Why?
Yes, having a study routine that meets your preferences/personality is really important since
having a study habit that suits your preferences will make it much simpler for you to focus and
understand the things you're studying.

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7 A.M. Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Sleeping Sleeping
8 A.M. Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Breakfast Breakfast
9 A.M. Helping my Helping my Helping my Helping my Helping my
younger younger younger younger younger Cleaning Cleaning
brother in brother in brother in brother in brother in
school school school school school
10 A.M. Helping Helping Helping Helping Helping Helping Church
cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking cooking
11 A.M. Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
12 N.N Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
1 P.M. Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
Module Module Module Module Module Module Module
2 P.M. Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading
Module Module Module Module Module Module Module
3 P.M. Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering
Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets
4 P.M. Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering
Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets
5 P.M. Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering Answering
Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets Worksheets
6 P.M. Reviewing Reviewing Reviewing Reviewing Reviewing Reviewing Reviewing
7 P.M. Helping in Helping in Helping in Helping in Helping in Helping in Helping in
the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen

Processing Questions: (10 minutes)

(Please answer on a sheet of paper)
1. Was it easy for you to accomplish the activity or not? Why? Yes, for me, it’s very easy
because this is what I do every day.
2. Did you devote time in improving your school performance? Are you satisfied with it?
Why? I think yes, I improved devoting time in school performance, and I’m really satisfied with
it because it helped me a lot.
3. Do you have a plan to change or improve it? Why? Yes, I really want to change it to have
another improvement.

Session 3

Let’s Review
Suggested Time Allotment: (5 minutes)
Based on previous sessions, make a list of effective study habits which you think will work well
to improve your school performance.

 Take some notes

 Review
 Have some break every subject you’re done
 Have a daily schedule
 Listen to music (better when It’s just instrumental) to focus
You Can Do It!
Suggested Time Allotment: (20 minutes)

Do the Pointers to level up your Study Habits on a piece of paper. Get your Weekly Log and
Study Plan. Try to improve it using the things you learned from this module. Then, share it
with any family member.

Keep in mind your goals in school

Always have a schedule
Have some limits
Practice yourself everyday
Keep some notes

What I have Learned

Suggested Time Allotment: (15 minutes)

Activity No. 4: Study Habits Status Check

1. I know that my study habits work well if I’m already used to it and if I’m doing it
2. I know that my study habits do not work well if I don’t take those effective study habits
3. I know I am faithful to my study plan if my school performance change or improved.
4. My goal for making my study plan is to improve more and reach the goal I set.
5. For my study habits to work, I need to do it properly and get used to it.

Since you already revised your study plan, what makes it so responsive to the current
situation? It should be a top priority for me and I’m going to make it my goal in life.
What will be your steps to make sure that your plan will be realized? First, I’m going to
make sure my plan is effective in my study habits.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

Suggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes

On a sheet of paper, answer the following questions.

1. What are three possible problems which might block the application of your planned and
improved study habits?
2. How will you deal with these problems?
Follow this format:

Problem Solution
Being lazy I need to exercise to be energetic
If I don’t follow my schedule I need to think that if I don’ follow
my schedule it will ruin my
improvement in school performance
If I got distracted I need to always focus

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