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1). GIS stands for _______. 5

Geographic Information system Ans
Geographic internal system 8). GIS represents X-coordinate in _______ direction.
Global Information System Horizontal
None of the above Vertical
Ans Tangentially
2). GIS captures and analyses ______ data. None of the above
Spatial Ans
Geographic 9). GIS represents Y-coordinate in _______ direction.
Both a and b Horizontal
None of the above Vertical
Ans Tangentially
3). GIS applications are ________ tools. None of the above
Mobile Ans
Computer 10). GIS represents Z-coordinate in _______ direction.
Machinery Horizontal
None of the above Vertical
Ans Tangentially
4). GIS tools allow the user to perform which of the following None of the above
task? Ans
Create searches 11). Which of the following parameters using GIS are
Store data correlated to represent an earth’s physical location?
Edit data Location
All the above Spatial-temporal
Ans Extent references
5). Which of the following is a branch of the study of GIS All the above
concepts? Ans
Geographic information science 12). GIS was coined by ________.
Geographic science Roger Tomlinson
Geographic data Roger James
None of the above Richard
Ans None of the above
6). GIS represents unrelated information of location using Ans
Key index 13). GIS was coined in the year ________.
Key index variable 1986
Key 1968
None of the above 1982
Ans 1990
7). GIS represents a location in dimensional coordinates. Ans
2 14). The scientist Roger Tomlinson who coined GIS was
3 given ______ title.
Father of GIS Modulation
Father of Globe Demodulation
Doctorate None of the above
None of the above Ans
Ans 21). The program used in the digitization technique is
15). The scientist Roger Tomlinson firstly implemented GIS _________.
work on _______ geographic information system. CAD
Canada GPS
India JAVA
China Ans
Ans 22). CAD in CAD tool stands for ________.
16). The scientist Roger Tomlinson created ______ for Computer-aided design
analyzing and storing a large amount of data. Computer alters design
Database Control aided design
SD card None of the above
Pen drive Ans
Computer 23). CAD is also named as ________.
17). Modern GIS technology uses ______ type of CADB
information. CCAD
Analog None of the above
Digital Ans
Both a and b 24). CADD is abbreviated as ________.
None of the above Computer-aided design drafting
Ans Computer alter design drafting
18). Digital data in GIS is represented using ______ data Computer-aided develop drafting
creation methods. None of the above
Analog Ans
Digital 25). A CAD tool graphically represents the information in
Both a and b ______ dimensions.
None of the above 2D
Ans 3D
19). Which of the following are the digital data creation Both a and b
methods used for GIS data creation? None of the above
Digitization Ans
Orthorectified imagery GIS Exam Questions & Answers
Demodulation 26). Which of the following are CAD programs?
Both a and b Auto CAD
Ans Auto CAD LT
20). A process where a survey plan or hard copy is a map and Both a and b
is represented digital medium using geo-referencing None of the above
capabilities and CAD tool is called ______ technique. Ans
Digitization 27). The process of capturing satellite image is called
Orthophoto 3
Ortho photograph 4
Ortho image 5
All the above Ans
Ans 35). Head up digitizing traces geographical data _____ way
28). Ortho rectified imaginary collects data from which of the on top of aerial imagery.
following. Directly
UAV Indirectly
Helikites Separately
Aircraft None of the above
All the above Ans
Ans 36). A traditional method traces geographical form using
29). UAV stands for _______. _______.
Unmanned aerial vehicle Directly
Uni aerial vehicle Indirectly
Unmanned air vehicle Digitizing tablet
None of the above None of the above
Ans Ans
30). Does UAV have a pilot driver? 37). Head down digitizing is also called as ________.
Yes Digitizing tablet
No Manual digitizing
Maybe Stylus
Ans Both a and b
31). UAV has _______ number of major components. Ans
2 38). Head down digitizing tablet uses ______ component to
3 feed information into the computer.
4 Stylus
5 Special pen
Ans Special magnetic pen
32). An aircraft flies using _______ support. Both a and c
Air Ans
Water 39). What is the next step after feeding information to a
Land computer in down digitizing?
None of the above It creates data
Ans It creates an identical digital map
33). Which of the following are the examples of natural It creates report
satellites? None of the above
Moon Ans
Star 40). A digitized tablet uses which of the following peripherals
Planets to feed data?
All the above Magnetic pen
Ans Puck
34). Digitizing of ________ types. Mouse
2 All the above
Ans Manipulates global data
41). A puck has a ______ size window with crosshairs. Manipulates spatial data
Big Manipulates local data
Small None of the above
Medium Ans
None of the above 49). The input to geoprocessing is _______.
Ans Datasheet
42). A puck has small size window with _______ hairs. Alphanumeric
Straight Numeric
Cross Alphabets
Vertical Ans
Horizontal 50). Geoprocessing operation includes which of the following
Ans process?
43). What is the function of the puck? Defining
Allows greater precision Management
Pinpoints map features Analyses information
Both a and b All the above
None of the above Ans
Ans GIS Interview Questions & Answers
44). Which type of head digitizing is most commonly used? 51). What is the first step of geoprocessing?
Heads up Processes
Heads down Management
Head vertical Analyses information
None of the above All the above
Ans Ans
45). Which type of head digitizing is rarely used? 52). GIS uses ______ as a key index variable for all other
Heads up information.
Heads down Space time
Head vertical Spatio temporal
None of the above Both a and b
Ans Space
46). Which of the following digitizing provides poor quality? Ans
Heads up 53). A rational database contains ________.
Heads down Numbers
Head vertical Texts
None of the above Images
Ans Both a and b
47). Which of the following is a GIS operation? Ans
Geodata 54). GIS either unrelated or relates location information using
Geoprocessing ________.
Global processing Index
None of the above Key Index variable
Ans Index pointer
48). What is the function of geoprocessing? None of the above
Ans Satellite imagery
55). The key index is the extent in ______ time. Topographical maps
Space All the above
Orbit Ans
Satellite 62). Topography deals with _______ of earth surface.
Earth Shape
Ans Characteristic
56). Earths location can be recorded in terms of _______ Location
parameters. Both a and b
Date Ans
Time 63). Topographic map is also called _________.
Calendar Topographic sheet
Both a and b Topographic module
Ans Topographic paper
57). Earth's location recorded in terms of time and date None of the above
parameters are based on which of the following reference. Ans
Latitude 64). Aerial photography is also called as ________.
Longitude Airborne imagery
Elevation Airborne sheet
All the above Air imagery
Ans All the above
58). A GIS coordinates can represent which of the following Ans
systems? 65). What is the function of airborne imagery?
Highway mile marker Takes photographs from aircraft
Surveyor benchmark Observes aircraft
Entrance gate Monitors data
All the above All the above
Ans Ans
59). GIS accuracy depends on _______. 66). Airborne imagery takes aerial photographs using
The encoded process _________ resources.
Source data Balloons
Both a and b Aircrafts
Location Blimps
Ans All the above
60). Which of the following surveys provided high accuracy Ans
with GPS derived positions? 67). __________ can remotely trigger special photographs.
Land Mounted cameras
Water Cameras
Farm areas Digital device
None of the above None of the above
Ans Ans
61). Which of the following are considered while developing 68). Is air-to-air photography and aerial photography similar?
a digital topographic database for GIS? Yes
Aerial photography No
Mybe High
Ans Low
69). _______ determines the fidelity of the represented colors Perpendicular
in raster graphics. None of the above
Color depth Ans
Color brightness 76). If an oblique photograph is taken at a high angle relative
Color dimensions then it is called as ________ oblique.
All the above High
Ans Low
70). _______ determines the range of the color coverage in Perpendicular
raster graphics. None of the above
Color space Ans
Color brightness 77). A high oblique is also called _________.
Color dimensions Steep oblique
All the above Evaluate oblique
Ans Upper oblique
71). Air to air photography uses _________ number of Both a and b
aircraft. Ans
0 78). Vertical photographs are taken in ________ direction.
2 Straight up
3 Straight down
1 or more Vertically
Ans Horizontally
72). A chase plane is a _______. Ans
Satellite 79). Which of the following are the applications of vertical
Aircraft photography?
Boat Photogrammetry
None of the above Image interpretation
Ans Both a and b
73). Which of the following are the types of aerial None of the above
photography? Ans
Oblique 80). ______ is technology and science of obtaining reliable
Vertical information regarding environment and physical objects.
Horizontal Photogrammetry
Both a and b Image interpretation
Ans Both a and b
74). Oblique photographs are taken in an _______ direction. None of the above
Horizontal Ans
Vertical 81). Which of the following process are included in
Angled photogrammetry?
None of the above Recording
Ans Measuring
75). If an oblique photograph is taken at a low angle relative Interpreting
then it is called as ________ oblique. All the above
Ans None of the above
82). Photogrammetry interprets which of the following data? Ans
EM radiation 89). ______ is a case of estimating 3D coordinates of points
Photographic images on an object employing measurements made in 2 or more
Both a and b photographic images taken from different positions.
Radiation Stereophotogrammetry
Ans Geometry
83). Photogrammetry was proposed by __________. Coordinate photogrammetry
F. Arago All the above
Flemings Ans
Harvard 90). Which of the following are the applications of
Henry stereophpotogrammetry?
Ans Culture heritage
84). F. Arago was a _______ surveyor. Police investigation
French Architecture engineering
German All the above
Indian Ans
Dutch 91). Which of the following are the applications of web
Ans mapping?
85). Photogrammetry methods include which of the following Google maps
data _______. Bing maps
Projective Open street Maps
Optics All the above
Geometry Ans
All the above 92). GIS represents data of ________.
Ans Trees
86). 3D coordinates defines object location in ______ space. Water bodies
3D Lands
2D All the above
1D Ans
Both a and b 93). Do GIS represent a non existing object?
Ans Yes
87). _______ orientation of camera defines the space location No
and view direction. Maybe
Inner orientation Ans
Exterior orientation 94). Which of the following are traditional methods to store
Both a and b GIS data?
None of the above Vector graphics
Ans Raster images
88). ______ orientation defines geometric parameters of the Both a and b
imaging process. None of the above
Inner orientation Ans
Exterior orientation 95). Raster graphic in GIS represents data in _______ data
Both a and b structure.
Plane matrix
Continuous matrix
None of the above
96). Raster graphic in GIS represents data in ______ grid of
All the above
97). Raster graphic in GIS stores image files with varying
_______ formats.
All the above
98). Which of the following industries knows raster graphic
as contones?
Both a and b
99). A bitmap image is represented as ________ grid.
All the above
100). Which of the following are common pixel formats in
Raster graphics?
Full colored
All the above

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