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EE 200 – Electronic Circuits Implementation

Lab #2

Poyraz Emel
Session E


Spring 2020/2021
The purpose of this experiment is to make the circuit as simple as possible by
calculating the current in the short circuit and thevenin resistance of the circuit
using the norton and thevenin equation in the first part. The other purpose is to
make comments by comparing the results we found in the simulation with our
hand solution. In the first part, using node analysis as a method, Voc was found.In
the second part, to find the time constant by creating a transist, changing the
frequency of the circuit we have created, and observing the movements of the
formed waves.

Data / Results


Part 1

• Set up the circuit shown in Figure 2 with four different resistors you select for R1, R2, R3, R4 (Make
sure that resistors are in 1-20 kΩ range) and a load resistor RL =1 kΩ.

• Connect the DC power supply and set it to 10V (Vin is the DC power supply).

a) Calculate the VOC, ISC and Rth of the circuit that you built across node A and B without RL.
In this figure R2 and R3 in parallel and R2 and R3 both them in series with R5 and R1 is in parallel all
Req(R2,R3 and R5).

Rth= (((8k//12k) + 16k)//8k) => (8x12/12+8)+16k // 8k ==> (4.8k+16k) // 8k ==> 20.8k//8k==>

20.8x8 / 20.8 + 8 == 5.77k ohm

Node Analysis on Point Va and Voc:

For Point Voc:

Voc-Va/16 +Voc-10/8 =0 3Voc – Va =20

For Point Va:

Va/12 + Va-Voc/16 + Va-10/8=0 26Va = 120 + 6Voc

Combining two equations

3Voc-Va=20 6Voc = 40 +2Va

26Va = 120+ 6Voc 26Va = 120 + 40 + 2Va 24Va=160 Va=6.66V

3Voc – Va = 20 3Voc -6.66 =20 Voc = 8.88V

For Finding Isc:


Isc=Voc/Rth 8.88/5.77x10e3 1.54mA

b) List your simulation results and compare them with the values that you calculated before. Do they

My Results Simulation Results

• VOC: 8.88 V 8.8888893 V

• ISC: 1.54 mA 1,538462 mA

• Rth: 5.77k ohm 5.77777631k ohm

Part 2:

• Set up the circuit in Figure 3. Take R = 1 kΩ and C = 47 nF.

• Using the voltage generator, apply a 5 Vpp square wave at whatever frequency you like.

• Simulate the Vpp and frequency values with the transient simulation.

• Observe the waveforms at the input and at the output.

• Change the amplitude and frequency settings on the voltage generator. See the waveform at the
input and at the output.
a) Expand the rising edge and the falling edges closely by expanding the time axis. Calculate the time
constant. Determine the time constant of the circuit experimentally. What is the time constant? How
can you determine it experimentally?. Is it same with the calculated value? Sketch all the waveforms
necessary, show all your calculation method explicitly.

Time constant= R.C

1000 ohm x 4,7.10e-8 Hand Calculations Simulation Result 4,8150886 ms

T= 4.7 e-5 4.7 ms

b) Play with the frequency of the square-wave and write down what you observe. What happens at
high frequencies?
When we increase frequency(T will drop because T=1/f) Vout will decrease and capacitor will be almost
short circuit and voltage can be 0.

When we decrease frequency(T will increase because T=1/f) Vout will increase.
Discussion / Analysis
Part 1:
In the first experiment, to find Rth, the overall resistance of the circuit was
calculated by removing the voltage from the circuit and turning R1 into an open
circuit. This resistance value we found also gave us Rth. Then, by analyzing the
circuit at two different points and combining the equations, we reached the Voc
value. Finally, we reached the Isc value by using the Voc = Isc.Rth equation. We
placed our circuit in the simulation and compared the values we found with the
values in the simulation.
Part 2:
In the second experiment, our aim was to create an pulsed DC circuit. In order to
create this circuit, we took the normal voltage source and transformed it into
"PULSE" from the voltage settings and entered values such as frequency, voltage,
period and examined the waves created by the circuit. Our aim in the circuit was
to observe the movements of the wave in part b by playing with the frequency
value in the circuit.

Post-Lab Assignment
1. What is the practical use of Thevenin Equivalent circuits?
To determine the voltage across the load resistors we use thevenin equivalent
and we don’t need to re calculate whole circuit with different load resistors.
2. Do the function generator and oscilloscope always give us the same values? If
not, why could it be, and which one must we trust, why?
Could be in case oscilloscope is calibrated properly. We should trust function
generator since it provides defined signal of function.
3. What must one do if you want to see only the AC part of a signal on the
Select "AC" from input Chanel selection mode.
4. Explain what trigger is. Also explain the reason why signal is not steady with
some settings of the trigger.
Oscilloscope provides a trigger function. When the repetitive waveforms occur in
the oscilloscope trigger helps to see that waveforms in steady form in
oscilloscope. If oscilloscope has not enough trigger capability, signal can be seen
as unsteady because oscilloscope will start to acquire datas in random way and it
will not be synchronized way.
5. How can the inductor have a voltage that exceeds the input voltage at the
instants when the pulse switches sign?
Since the magnetic field that occurs momentarily when the circuit is first closed,
induces voltage in the inductor.


As a result, we found the Norton and Thevenin resistances, short circuit current
and Thevenin voltage by using "node analysis" and V = ir in the first circuit we
made. Then we compared the results we found by simulating the Norton and
Thevenin circuit through the Ltspice and the results we found are very close to
the results obtained in the simulation.

In the last phase, we created a pulsed Dc circuit in the simulation and examined
the resulting signals. Then, we made a comparison by looking at the Vin and Vout
results of the circuit we created. In the last part, we changed the frequency values
of the circuit and observed the changes of the signals generated by the circuit
depending on the frequency.

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