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WASH Program manager assistant/officer




You have 2 hours to complete this test. You can only use the materials provided (paper, pen,
calculative). Provide as much details as possible. If you don’t know the answer, we
recommend you pass quickly the question and try to come back again later if you have time.

1. Humanitarian background / 6 points

2. Water supply / 15 points
3. Civil enginery / 9 points
4. Project management / 10 points
5. Management (bonus for Wash officers) / 10 points

NB: The management part of the test is only bonus for the WASH officer: they will be noted
on 40 points (without the management part) but if you want to answer to the management
questions, points will count in your grade.

Good luck!
I. Humanitarian background (6 Points)

1. Define the Do No Harm and give an example of how to ensure this principle
during a distribution of Hygiene kit to IDP’s population
It means there’s no harm to do something or avoid activities that cause more
harm for people.
Ensure that the hygiene kit is suitable and known to IDP’s population

2. Define and give examples of accountability in humanitarian action:

- Toward Humanitarian donors:
Accountability to implementation interventions with the highest possible
Accountability to the validity of the data submit to the donor.
‫المسؤولية عن تنفيذ التدخالت باعلى المعايير الممكنة‬
- ‫المسؤولية عن صحة البيانات المرفوعة للمانح‬
- Toward the targeted communities:
Study their needs and raise them with credibility.
Set plan to distribute Aid in a fair, transparent, and orderly manner.
‫المسؤولية عن دراسة احتياجاتهم ورفعها بمصداقية‬
‫المسؤولية عن وضع خطة والية لتوزيع المساعدات بشكل عادل وشفاف ومنظم‬

II. Water Supply (15 Points)

1. What quality parameters you need to measure to ensure that the water
provided is safe to drink (provide the targeted value for each parameter)?
- Free from pathogens.)‫(خالية من مسببات االمراض‬
- Low concentrations of toxic chemicals.)‫(ذو تركيز منخفض من المواد الكيميائية السامة‬
- Clear.)‫(صافية‬
- No taste, color and odor (for aesthetic purposes) ‫ال طعم لها وال لون وال رائحة‬

2. Describe each step to implement in the process of water treatment using

chlorine powder (HTH 70%). (preparation, dosage and implementation)
.‫ رشح الماء‬-1
ً.‫لتر من الماء واخلطها جيدا‬1 ‫غم من هيبوكلورايت الكالسيوم الجاف إلى‬15 ‫ أضف‬%1 ‫ لتحضير محلول معقم بتركيز‬-2
10 ‫ مل لكل‬6 ‫ اي أضف‬,‫ لتر من الماء المراد تطهيره‬1 ‫ مل) من المحلول المحضر أعاله لكل‬0.6( ‫ قطرات‬3 ‫ أضف‬-3
.‫ لتر‬100 ‫ مل لكل‬60 ‫ وأضف‬,‫لترات‬
.‫ ثم افحص الماء بالنسبة للكلور المتبقي او رتئحة الكلور‬,‫ دقائق‬10 ‫ اخلطها جيدا وانتظر‬-4
‫ اي‬, 3 ‫ دقائق أو اذا لم تتمكن من شم رائحة الكلورأعد الخطوة رقم‬10 ‫لتر بعد‬/‫ ملغم‬5 ‫ إذا كان الكلور المتبقي أقل من‬-5
.‫ضاعف كمية المحلول المضافة‬
‫ دقيقة إضافية قبل الشرب‬20 ‫ دقائق أو بإمكانك شم رائحتة إنتظر‬10 ‫لتر بعد‬/‫ ملغم‬5 ‫ إذا كان الكلور المتبقي على االقل‬-6
Filtering water. -
- To prepare a 1% sterile solution, add 15 g dry calcium hypochlorite to 1 liter of water and
mix well.
Add 3 drops (0.6 ml) of the solution above for every 1 liter of water to be purified, ie, add 6
ml / 10 liters and add 60 ml / 100 liters.
Mix well and wait 10 minutes, then check water for residual chlorine or chlorine. .4
If the residual chlorine is less than 0.5 mg / L after 10 minutes or if you can’t smell the .5
chlorine, repeat step 3, ie, double the amount of the added solution.
If the remaining chlorine is at least 0.5 mg / L after 10 minutes or you can smell chlorine, .6
wait another 20 minutes before drinking
3. Explain what is the free residual chlorine? Provide the standard FRC for treated
drinkable water.
It means the residual chlorine in treated water.
The chlorine in treated drinkable water must be between 0.2 to 0.6 mg/l.

4. You are requested by your manager to assess the feasibility of a water network
from a water point to a villages in a rural area. List what are the most important
information you will try to collect:
- Available water quantity and coverage needs.
- Census and daily requirement of water.
- Levels and slop of gridlines from feeding point to distribution points.
- The distance from feeding point to village.
- Approximate lengths of gridlines suggested.
‫كمية المياه المتوفرة من نقطة التغذية ومدى تغطيتها لالحتياج‬-
‫التعداد السكاني واحتياج الفرد اليومي من المياه‬-
‫مناسيب وميول خطوط الشبكة من نقطة التغذية الى نقاط التوزيع‬-
‫المسافة من نقطة التغذية الى القرية‬-
.‫اطوال الشبكة التقريبية المقترحة‬-

5. In case of water point’s rehabilitation, list the stakeholders that you will have to meet
and explain the expected outcome for each meeting.
- Meeting with committee community.
Outcomes: Study of needs for rehabilitation, numbers of beneficiaries, and
previous plan for water distribution and how possible to improve it.
- Meeting with workers.
Outcomes: times of running, maintenance works, tools need for maintenance,
- Meeting with beneficiaries.
Outcomes: question them about their asks to improve the project and know how
is it useful and assess quality of the project.
‫ مقابلة لجان المستفيدين(ادارة المشروع المسئوليين عن نقاط التوزيع) والخروج من االجتماع بدراسة‬-
‫االحتياج العادة التاهيل وعدد المستفيدين و الية توزيع المياه السابقة وكيفية تحسينها‬
‫ مقابلة المشغلين لنقاط التوزيع والخروج من االجتماع بمعرفة اوقات التشغيل والية اعمال الصيانة‬-
‫الدورية ورفع االحتياجات من االدوات او المعدات للصيانة والتشغيل و توعيتهم بكيفية المحافظة على‬
. ‫المشروع‬
‫ مقابل عينة من المستفيدين وسؤالهم عن مطالبهم لتحسين ومعرفة مدى استفادتهم من المشروع وتقييم‬-
.‫جودة الخدمة المقدمة لهم‬

III. Civil enginery (9 Points) (Please indicates the calculations made to find the result
when necessary)
1. Using the annex 1, calculate the linear charge losses in a plastic pipe 2 inch”
diameter (7.62 cm) assuming the following characteristics:
- Water flow (Q): 10 m3 / hours
- Length: 2.5 km
Losses= 11.25m, Velocity=0.59m/sec

2. Using the annex 2, what pump needs to be used for this network assuming the
following characteristics and the charges losses calculated above?
- Depth of installation= 200 meters
- Distribution point elevation (highest point): 155 meters
h= 200+155=355m Q=10m3/h , pump needs to be used is SP 16A

3. What can be done to reduce these charge losses

- We can increase pipe diameter size
- Reduce the length of pipes by changing the path.

IV. Project Management (10 points)

1. What do you mean by project cycle management? /3

Programming, Identification, Formulation, Financing, Implementation and Evaluation.

POL Policy development, sector planning, and programme formulation

ID Programme and project identification
PREP Programme and project preparation
APP Programme and project appraisal and approval
IMP Implementation and monitoring
OP Operation and monitoring
NEXT Extensions or Next phase programme and project identification
EVAL Evaluation

‫ تطوير سياسة‬POL ‫وتخطيط القطاع وصياغة البرنامج‬

‫تعريف الهوية وتحديد المشاريع‬
PREP ‫إعداد البرنامج والمشروع‬
‫ برنامج‬APP ‫وتقييم المشروع والموافقة عليه‬
‫ تنفيذ‬IMP ‫والرصد‬
OP ‫التشغيل والمراقبة‬
NEXT Extensions ‫أو برنامج المرحلة المقبلة وتحديد المشروع‬
‫ تقييم‬EVAL

2. What is a coping strategy? Why is it relevant to monitor it? ‫استراتيجية التكيف‬

The ability to change and deal with different social conditions and respond to the
latest social life and the ability to coexist with the community
‫القدرة على التغير والتعامل مع الظروف االجتماعية المختلفة واالستجابة لمستجدات الحياة االجتماعية والقدرة‬
‫على التعايش مع الجتمع‬

3. Please give one objectively Verifiable Indicator (OVI) for each of following sector:
- water supply:
The provision of safe drinking water. )‫)االمداد بالماء الصالح للشرب‬
- sanitation:
The reduction of environment health risks. )‫)تقليل المخاطر الصحية التي تطرها البيئة‬
- hygiene promotion:
Good hygiene practices. )‫)اتباع قواعد النظافة الصحيحة‬ /3

V. Management (10 points)

1. Your team is very efficient, daily targets are respected and even exceeded, but you
found out that some task are filled in a very short time that sounds suspect. What are the
risks of such a situation? How do you look into the problem? How do you do to solve and
monitor it? [ /3]
The risk is to reduce the quality and workmanship of the work as required.
The speed with which certain items are implemented may affect the quality of outputs, lack
of focus in details and neglect of some important aspects.
The problem is resolved by reviewing the work and verifying it according to the criteria
required by an independent supervisory body on the team or reviewing and checking the
schedule items and their duration.
.‫المخاطر تتمثل في تقليل جودة واتقان تنفيذ العمل بالشكل المطلوب‬
.‫السرعة في تنفيذ بعض البنود قد تؤثر على جودة المخرجات وعدم التركيز في التفاصيل واهمال بعض الجوانب المهمة‬
‫يتم حل المشكلة بمراجعة االعمال و التحقق من صحتها طبقا للمعايير المطلوبة من قبل جهة رقابية مستقلة على الفريق‬
.‫او المراجعة والتحقق من بنود الجدول الزمني وفترتها‬

2. You noticed that one of the Field Workers you manage is not abiding by the rules set
by the manager regarding the behaviour with beneficiary and can sometimes be rude to them.
What would you do? /3
It shall be notified by an official memorandum of view to consider and explain the reasons
that necessitated the presentation of the consideration and the consequences of such
repetition of the conduct
If it is repeated, it is stopped and replaced by an alternate
‫يتم اشعاره بمذكرة رسمية بلفت نظر وعرض االسباب التي استدعت تقديم لفت النظر و النتائج المترتبة على تكرار‬
‫السلوك هذا‬
‫في حالة التكرار يتم ايقافه واستبداله بشخص بديل‬

4. You are the manager of a WASH team and have to plan for next week activities. How
do you proceed to organize the work of your team?
- Prepare a list of tasks to be performed
- Sort tasks by priority
- Distribute tasks to the team according to their abilities, skills and qualifications
- Make a schedule for the execution of tasks.
- Monitoring and supervision of implementation
‫اعداد قائمة بالمهام المطلوب القيام بها‬
‫فرز المهام حسب اولوياتها‬
‫توزيع المهام على الفريق بحسب قدراتهم ومهاراتهم ومؤهالتهم‬
‫عمل جدول زمني لتنفيذ المهام‪.‬‬
‫المراقبة واالشراف على التنفيذ‬

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