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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Impact of Media Text in Improving Academic

Performance of Grade 10 in English at Peñaranda
National High School
Arnold M. Bianzon
English Department, Peñaranda National High School
Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Abstract:- Reading is rarely paid attention to by students. literary text is closely related to the media text, you can use the
They only read for academic needs. They usually find following sources of instruction: The novel Telenovela /
reading literary works boring and difficult to understand Teleserye. Song for Poetry; Short Story Video Clip / Music
because of artistic practices. Literature classes will not be Video.
interesting to them. As observed, they find themselves
reading as a boring task. Instead, they spend a lot of time in From this perspective, students will be entertained and
front of the computer. With the fastest growing means of relaxed with variations of other technical elements such as
information on the World Wide Web, they are becoming movies, sound clips, sound effects, and environment/location.
more dependent on this technology. They are also very This is a good orientation for literature lessons because it quickly
interested in the sound and images of electronic media in becomes positive. The reaction from the students in the literary
slim and attractive packages. Therefore, they consider texts would become interesting.
multimedia to be more attractive and accessible than
printed matter. Media technology is not only intended for II. RELATED LITERATURE
commercial or entertainment purposes but can also be seen
in another aspect of learning in a digital environment where A. Digital Technology
everything progresses over time. We cannot deny that the Technology sometimes changes our way of thinking and
media is saturated now. Instead of balancing the negatives, our way of life in ways we don't even think about. "In 2008, Carr
tackle the global challenge of using technology in education noticed that his thoughts were being reshaped into something
in response to the continued growth of digital learning tools. new, which he attributed to the conditioning effects of using
The fact gave the researchers an idea to tackle the digital technology. Carr (2008), has suggested that the internet
importance of media text forms in improving the academic plays an important role in our lives today and therefore has a
performance of Grade 10 students at Peñaranda National greater impact on our thoughts and actions than previous
High School, particularly in Literature. Literature as a communication systems, but how does it make so? Little is
subject is considered important because it is a springboard thought about whether to reprogram or to restore this.
to learn other subjects and be taught an international
language; mastery enables the students to be globally B. Benefits of Media Production
competitive in the near future. Goodman (2003) argues that one of the most effective ways
to give important media literacy is to use student-created media.
Keywords:- Media Text, Academic Performance, Technology, However, little is known about the actual impact of learning
Grade 10. media production on the ability to understand and critically
analyze similar forms of media produced by others. Renee
I. INTRODUCTION Hobbs (1998) suggested that the role of media creation is one of
seven major debates among media literacy scholars. However,
Integrating information and communication technology in most of these scholars believe that media production is an
the classroom demonstrates clear accessibility to digital integral part of complete media education, as evidenced by the
activities to meet modern technical challenges. With the advent inclusion of "creation" in the media literacy framework.
of technology, education will undoubtedly receive connections
from the computing world, and information will be transmitted C. Student-Created Video Projects
in just seconds. Electronic media provides students with new Although digital video production technology has become
learning methods. Multimedia features actively contribute to the increasingly available since the early 1990s (Rubin, 2000), the
effectiveness of the educational learning process in various lack of Literature on digital video projects created by college-
aspects of learning. level students (Hofer & Swan, 2005). In most areas of higher
education, digital technology has been gradually introduced as
Given the technology with great learning opportunities, an effective communication medium. If students have
don't be surprised that literary education seriously impacts educational experience in digital video production, Schmidt
learning due to its negative effects, as traditional teachers have (2010) found that they were more likely to participate in video
pointed out. Using media texts in audio and video clips in the projects during high school than college courses. In a literature
classroom opens up new perspectives in literature lessons. search on video assignments, video project assignments ranged
Printed matter can find a close affinity in the media world. If the from two weeks (Greene & Crespi, 2012) to the entire semester

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
(Ludlow, 2012; Calandra & BrantleyDias, 2010) and typically B. Data Collection and Procedure
took about five weeks to complete the video. Tasks (Lichter, This experimental research entitled "The Effects of Using
2012; Jarvinen, et al., 2012). Media Text in Literature in Improving the Academic
Performance of Grade 10 Students in English Subject at
D. Conceptual Framework Peñaranda National High School S.Y. 2019-2020" adopted the
This paradigm showed the competencies covered in the 4th testing method to collect necessary data needed in their study.
grading period of Grade 10, the media texts the researchers used
to launch the instruction, and the kind of outputs expected to be C. Statistical Treatment
produced as proof of learning. The test results have gauged the The researcher used statistical tools such as mean,
students' performance improvements to validate the authenticity standard deviation, and t-test to analyze ad interpret the data and
of their outputs. results of the study. In determining where most of the scores of
the learners were grouped, the mean was used.

The formula to this is:

m= 𝑛

m= mean
∑x=sum of the learner’s score
n= number of the learners

In determining the variability of the student's score,

standard deviation was used.

The formula to this is:

sd= √𝑛 ∑(𝑥 − 𝑥)²
Fig 1: Research Paradigm
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY sd= standard deviation
x= student’s score
The design of this research is the Experimental Method x= mean
which means "an experiment where the n= number of students
researcher manipulates one variable, and control/randomizes the
rest of the variables. It has a control group, the topics have been In determining whether the students who were taught
randomly assigned between the groups, and the researchers using the improvised instructional materials performed well and
tested only one effect at a time. It was also important to know achieved better than those who were taught using the traditional
the variable(s) tested and measured." In this method, researchers method, independent t-test was used.
found out the effectiveness of media text to improve the
academic performance of the Grade 10 students of Peñaranda The formula to this is:
National High School S.Y. 2019-2020. It produced positive
outcomes on the students' literary skills. ∑𝐷
√𝑛∑𝐷2 − (∑𝐷)²
The Grade 10 students belonging to sections 10 Diamond 𝑛1
and 10 Amethyst of Peñaranda National High School S.Y. 2019-
2020 were the participants/respondents. They were exposed to Where:
media texts throughout the conduct of the study, such as motion t=t-test
pictures, sound clips, and variations of other technical elements ∑D= sum of the standard deviation
such as sound effects and settings/locations. ∑D²= sum of the square of the standard deviation
n= number of students
A. Instrument
The researcher prepared thirty (30) non-standardized tests: IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
pre-test and post-test using the testing method in Literature
subject as the main data-gathering instruments in this study. Pre- A. Level of Media Text Awareness
test and post-test were used to confirm the validity of the Table 1 shows the result of the tests before and after
research work on the said school, which focuses on carefully teaching Literature using media text in experimental and
studying English lessons via media text. controlled groups in Peñaranda National High School prior to
the conduct of the study. The Mean, Standard Deviation, and

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Variance of the Experimental Group and Controlled Group in experimental group leading a 21.6 SD against the control group
the pre-test are the same. Based on the post-test results, there with only 13.55 MEAN. Deletion: Delete the author and
was a significant difference between the control and affiliation lines for the second Affiliation.
experimental groups in terms of their MEAN, with the

TOTAL 213 432 219 213 271 58
MEAN 10.65 21.6 10.95 10.65 13.55 2.9
SD 2.758241 3.50037592 4.5011694 2.758241 3.940010687 2.573140616
VARIANCE 7.607895 12.25263 20.260526 7.607895 15.52386 6.62105263
Table 1. The Result of the Tests of the Two Groups Before and After Teaching Literature with the Use of Media Text

B. Significant Improvement in Academic Performance pink column represents the post-test scores. Comparing the
Figure 2 shows the significant improvement in the mean scores in Table 3 above data showed both groups
academic performance of the students after using the media text. increased from pre-test to the post-test.
The table compares the pre-test and post-test of students in each
section the blue columns represent the pre-test scores while the

Academic Performance of the Students after Using Media Text

Experimental Pre-Test Post-TestControlled

Fig 2: Significant Improvement in Academic Performance

V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The researcher analyzed this study by evaluating the
pre-test and post-test mean scores and compared individual
Based on the study's findings, the researcher found out student scores. Interestingly, a large percentage of the
that media text is a big help in teaching Literature. Students students made improvements from the pre-test to the post-
are more motivated to learn as it caught their attention as the test.
lesson presented to them. This helped not only the students
but also the teacher. This enhanced the creativity of the There was also a significant difference between the
teachers as they gathered the materials needed for the media achievements of Grade 10 Diamond, who received
text. Students comprehended the lesson more through the instruction using media text, over those who were taught
audio-visual presentation. It widens their imagination as they using the traditional method, the Grade 10 Amethyst.
view the literary piece. The improvement level of students
increased after the study was conducted, and there was a Based on the findings and conclusions, the following
significant the difference in the mean scores of the recommendations are offered:
experimental group learners compared to the controlled
group.  English teachers should use media texts materials similar
to the ones created by the researcher to further improve
their teaching.

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Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The teachers must consider the use of media texts [11]. Schmidt, H. (2010). Media creation and the net
materials in English lessons combined with ICT so that generation: Comparing faculty and student beliefs and
teaching and learning situations will be enjoyable. competencies regarding media literacy within higher
education. (Doctoral dissertation)
 Future studies must be considered on the effect of
collaborating media texts and ICT in the attitude of
learners in English.


The researcher would like to express his deepest

gratitude to the following people:

Dr. Vivian P. Maducdoc, School Principal IV of PNHS,

for giving him more time and chances to finish this article.

To his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Rowell and Elizabeth Diaz,

his friends in both academe, in Higher Education, and Basic
Education Institutions, for allowing him to explore the field of
International Publications.


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