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Leading in an Organization; Competitive Conflict Management Style

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Competitive Conflict Management Style

Conflict management skills are vital in organizational leadership as they help leaders find

creative solutions to relationship issues amongst employees. Transformational leaders ought to

be effective in communicating their problems in an organization (Blanco, 2020). This act is

essentially helpful since the interpretation may determine how conflicting parties settle their

issues, preventing any work interference.

Leaders have used a competitive conflict management style in making unpopular

decisions to handle some vital issues in their organizations; hence their views are dominant in

achieving their goals. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg appears to use this style of conflict

management to run Facebook. When he started Facebook, he was accused of embarrassing his

employees by using foul language and physical violence in the recent past (Schulz, 2017). He

was young and demanded his employees to follow his direct orders rather than consultation. At

some point, Zuckerberg poured a cup of water on someone's computer after giving a

presentation, which did not go well with him.

When tension and demonstration were high on the "Black Lives Matter" slogan, mark

Zuckerberg chose to use an alternative method in solving that crisis at hand by publishing an

internal memo to his employees and replacing the saying with "All Lives Matter." (Schulz, 2017)

That way, he demonstrated his feeling about what was going on without directly taking any side

hence preventing any conflict of interest.

There was an accusation on how Facebook was spreading "fake news" that polarized

political stability, and Zuckerberg had not made any communication concerning the allegations

(Jewell, 2017). Instead, he chose to divert the attention and published a working manifesto on

controversial topics explaining steps to address them.

Conclusively, Zuckerberg has demonstrated that he likes dominating whenever there is a

crisis rather than collaboration and discussion in conflict management. This competitive conflict

management style may not go well with some employees and may make them feel alienated. In

addition, some Facebook users may feel uncomfortable with the decisions and positions he takes.

Schulz, M. (2017). An analysis of corporate responses to the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, 8(1), 55-65.

Jewell, J. (2017). If Facebook ruled the world: Mark Zuckerberg's vision of a digital future. The

Conversation, 2017(Feb 22).

Blanco-Gracia, A. (2020). Assange vs Zuckerberg: Symbolic construction of contemporary

cultural heroes. Organization Studies, 41(1), 31-51.

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