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CHEMISTRY - Code (0-il)
Class: XII Max. Marks: 35
Date: 21/1012021 Time: 90 Minutes
General Instructions:
- --- - ---- - - - -------------------
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A has 25 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
3. Section B has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions.
4. Section C has 6 questions. Attempt any 5 questions.
5. AJI questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

This section consists of 25 multiple choice questjons with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions . In
case more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for
I.Mg/Ether, ii. H30 "
i . In the following re;.;;ction , ½HsC~

5 . C 2HsCH3
C. C2H~H.zCH2C2Hs
X The product X is:


2 · Chloro derivative of benzene among the following would undergo hydrolysis most readily with
,.:ir,·_:,._-ous sodium hydroxide to furnish the corresponding hydroxy derivative?
NO .

-~... -.ffe. . .
~ -




-5. Which defect lowers density of the cryst2i?

A Schottky defects
B. Frenkel defects
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above.
4. The structure shown below represents:

Cetion : ,...
Anion : a·

A Schottky defects
B Frenkel defects
C. Metal excess defects
D. Metal deficiency defects.
5. The atomic radius of strontium {Sr) is 215pm and it crystallizes with a cubic closest packing . Edge
length of the cube is: , 1 · '\ v'
430 pm J ,. J.,,.,. '.,. 1
\ • 1 J.
r/) \
A. ' '' v ' •

B 608 .2 pm ) · , . '! - , Ju.,

C. 496 .53 pm , ' - "...
D. 512 pm /r •· .,.,
i ' .t

6. The nul'l)ber of octahect?fivoids present in a lattice is 8,. The number of closed packed particle~~~
number of tetrahedral voids generated is B the number of closed packed particles r <..
A A- equal, 8- half n 1.· ..., fT ..
8. A- twice, 8 - equal
C. A- twice , 8- ha!f
D. A- equal, 8 - twice
7. How many FCC unit cells are present in 14 Bravais Lattices?
A 1
B. 3
C. 2

8. Cl 2 acts as a good bleaching agant because in moisture it gives

A Nascent Chlorine
B. Nascent Oxygen
C. Nascent Hydrogen
9. Tertiary alkyl haiides are practically inert to substitution by SN2 mechanism because of
A steric hindrance
B. inductive effect
C. instability
D. insolubility
10. With excess am_m onia, chlorine gives
A NH4 CI + NCl 3 _,,,
8. NCl3 + N2
C. NH4CI + N2
P.' NCl3 +Cb

21 Pa g c-
C)() (0 QJ
11 . Kti val~~ for ~(g), CO2(~), ~~HO(g) and C~ (g) are 40:39, 1.67, 1.8Jx1ff-5 and 0.413 respectively. The
order of their increasing solubility 1s. ·
A. HCHO < CH4 <CO2< Ar
B. HCHO < CO2 < CH4 < Ar
C. Ar < CO2 < CH4 < HCHO
D. Ar< CH 4 <CO2< HCHO
12. XeF 6 with excess of water gives a solid compound X and with limited quantity of water gives liquid
compound Y.
A. X: XeO3 , Y: XeOF4
B. X: XeO2F2, Y: XeOF 4
C. X: XeOF,.. Y :XeO3
D. X: XeOF,., Y: XeO2F,
13. The IUPAC name of the ether CH2 = CH-CHrO-CH3 is
A. Alkyl methyl ether
B. 1-Methoxy-2-propene
C. 3-Methoxy-1-propene
D. Vinyl methyl ether

14. The brown ring is formed when nitrate salt is added with freshly prepared acidified FeS04 solution. The
• formula of the brown ring is:
A. FeSO •. NO2
B. [Fe (H2O)4.(NOhf
1... . FeSO •. HNO3
D. fFe (:-i2O)s(NO)] 2•
15. The Henry's law constant for the solubility of N2gas in water at 298K is 1 x 105 atm. The mole fraction
of N 2 in air is 0.8. Calculate the number of moles of N2 dissolved in 10moles of water at 298K and Satm.
A. 5 X 10..c
3 x 10-5
4 x 10..c
e- l< v- 'f i, (})\
4 X 10-5 O·
,, - ,.., ,or
6 ..,,

·12 A black compound ,.: f manganese reacts with a halogen acid to give greenish yellow gas. When excess
of this gas reacts with NH 3 an unstable tri-halide is formed . In this process the oxidation state of nitrogen
changes from: ·
A. -- 3 to +3.
0. -3 to 0.
C. - 3 to +5.
D. 0 to-3.
17. Elimination of bromine from 2-bromobutane results in the formation of
A. predominantly 2-butyne
B. predominantly 1-butene
C. predominantly 2-butene
D. equimolar mixture of 1 and 2-butene
18. Which of the following is NOT correctly matched?
A. Acidic oxides: P2O 5 , NO 2 , Cl2O1
B. Basic Oxides: Na 2O , MgO, CaO

31 P a ge
C. Neutral Oxides: BeO, CO2, CO
D. Amphoteric Oxides: ZnO, Al2O3, SnO
,::;;_...._ Which one of the following equations is correct?
2 2
5SO 2 + 2MnO 4- + 2H 2O --- SO4 + 4H• + 2Mn •

' 8. SO2 + 2MnO 4- + 2H 2O --- + 4H• + 2Mn 2·•

C. 5 SO2 + 2MnO4- + 2H 2O --- + 4SO3 2. + 4H + + 2 Mn 2•
D. 2 SO2 + 3MnO4- + 2H2O --- + 4H + + 3Mn 2•
20. Among the following compounds which can be dehydrated very easily?



21 . The compound that doesn't react with NaOH is:

A .'=thanol
8. henol
C. Acetic acid
':-J . Diethyl ether
2 L. Which one of the following statement can be written correctly?
A. Electron gain enthalpy of fluorine is less than Chlorine.
B. HF is the strongest hydrohalic acid of all other hydrohalic acids.
C. All halogens show variable oxidation states.
U. F2 bond dissociation energy is less than Cl 2

22 . On mixing a certain alkane with chlorine and irradiating it with ultraviolet light, it forms only one
rnonochloroalkane . This alkane could be
A propane
B. pentane
C. isopentane
D. neopentane Tl
24 . IF1 + A+ B
B. A: HOF B: H 104
Ji). A: HF B: HIO4

4 IP ;:i ge
4 3
25. . L 0.0 M aqueous solution of
solution Is.
H2SO.. was diluted by adding 2L of water. The molarity of the resultant
~ o· ld
'I ) -4 3;.
,'V\ - 1 0....1 4
A. 0.016M (VI :. _,-;- .,,, . 1 7' c. ,.
(( 6,
B. 0.02M v9 '.A-'
C. 0.04M ?- )_) ,,
D. 0.01M

Section B
This section consists of 24 multiple choice questions with overall choice to attempt any 20 questions. In case
more than desirable number of questions are attempted, ONLY first 20 will be considered for evaluation.

26. It is possible to oxidize many alcohols to carboxylic acids by oxidation with acidic potassium
dichromate. This method of synthesis will work for which of the following alcohols?

A. U""


27. Glucose is a reducing sugar, which means that it will give a positive Benedict's test. A positive
Benedict's test is the formation of a red precipitate of Cu2O, which forms as the sugar undergoes oxidation
by Cu +. The following equilibrium is present in all glucose solutions:

11 UH Cl l :llH l"H: <ll-1

110 II


M O il Ii llll II OH


The ring forms will not give a positive Benedict's test. In one solution, 4_3% of th~ _glucose i~ i~ the ·~traight9
chain form. What percent of the glucose in this solution will react to give a positive Benedict s te st ·
(HINT: Apply Le-Chatelier's principle)
A. 0%
B. 57%
C... 43%
D. 100%

28. If 6.02x1a2° molecules of urea are present .in 100 mL Of its solution · Then the molarity of the
solution is :

SI P a g e
A. 0.1 M
B. 0.01M
C. 0.002 M

30oc is 121.8 mm. By adding 15 g of non-vo a, e sou e

D. 0 04 M I t·1 I t ·
· in 250g of
29. The vapour pressure of ?enzene at d t 120 2 mm The molecular weight of solute is:
benzene, its vapour pressure Is decrease o · ·

A. 156.4
B. 267.4
C. 356.3
D. 467.4
30. Raoult's law states that:
A. the lowering of vapour pressure of a solution is proportional to mole fraction of solute in solution.
B. the relative lowering of vapour pressure is proportional to amount of solute in solution.
C. the vapour pressure of the solution is equal to mole fraction of the solvent.
D. the relative lowering of vapor pressure of nonvolatile solute is equal to the mole fracti_o n of solute.

31 . Which mole sample of the solids below is best for melting a 500-gram sheet of ice on a sidewalk?
A. NaCl
B. CaCl2
C. KBr
D. NaC2~~1O2
32 . Osmotic pressure method is preferred for the determination of molar masses of macromolecules such
as proteins and polymers because.
A. Osmotic pressure method involves accurate measurements.
8. Macro~olecules are collec~ed on_semi permeable membrane and easy to determine the molar mass.
C. Osmotic pressure method in~olves measurements at room temperature
D. Macromolecules are soluble in water and hence osmotic pressure method · d
--. --- ·
\....onversion of R-CH 2OH to R-CHO Is use .
B. KMnO 4
C. K2Cr2O 7
D. CrO 3

34 . Conversion of Ethane to Ethanol is achieved by

A. Br2/hv, ale. KOH
B. Br2/CCl4, aq. KOH
C. Br2/CCl4, LiAIH 4
D. Br2~CCl4, NaBH 4

OcH 2


6 I r;) g e

(Y' OH


D. ex
36. In DNA the linkages between different nitrogenous bases are:
A., Phosphate bond)(,
B. Glycosidic linkage ·¥..
C. Peptide linkage '/--
D. H-bonding.~

37. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT for secondary structure of proteins?
A. The alpha helix, beta pleated sheet and beta turns are examples of secondary structure of protein.
B. The ability of peptide bonds to form intramolecular hydrogen bonds is important to secondary structure.
C. The steric influence of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure
D. The hydrophilic/ hydrophobic character of amino acid residues is important to secondary structure.
38. The shape and hybridization of BrF 5 is
A. Octahedral and SP3d2
B. Square planar and dSp2
3 2
C . Square pyramidal and SP d /
D. Trigonal bi pyramidal and SP d
39. The di sulphide bonds in proteins contain which of these functional groups:
A. thiols
B. esters
C. thiocyanides
D. thioethers

40. Which one of the following used as a bleaching agent?

A. CbO
8. CIO2
C. Cl2O1
f D. Cl2O6
41 . The colorless gas produced_ by heating Ammonium nitrate
A NO 1:::, · ,
8. N02 NHA-~ '!J
C. N20
D. N20s ,
42. Se2Cl 2 disproportionate to form

A. SeCl2 + SeCL,
B. SeCl2 + Se
C. SeCl4 + Se
D. All the above

71 Pa ge

! ..
. ber of lone pair of electrons:
43. Which of the following molecules have maximum num I
A. XeF2 s
B. Xe03
C. XeF6
D. XeF 4
44. The C-N bond in peptide linkage is shorter than normal C-N bond : D
A. CONH 2 has a planar arrangement.
B. There is a back bonding between Carbon and Nitrogen in CONH2. 4~
C. The lone pair of electrons on nitrogen are involved in resonance .
D. None of the above
45. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
Assertion (A) : Tertiary halo alkanes are more reactive than primary halo alkanes towards elimination
reactions. A
Reason (R): The + I effect of the alkyl groups weakens the C-X bond. 8.
Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below: D.
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
8 . Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. - A is true but R is false ..
0. A is false but B is true.
'. han
' 46. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R) 50
Assertion (A): Methoxide ion is a stronger nucleophile than hydroxyl ion. \
Reason (R): Due to +I effect of methyl group; the C-0 bond is more polarizable.
Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A. P.oth A gnd Rare true and R is the correct explanation of A
8. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true. A.
\ 47 . Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
Assertion (A): Among the trihalides of Nitrogen, NF3, NCl3, NBr3 and NI NF is least b ·
Reason {R): In NF~, due to high electronegativity of Fluorine, the lone p~ir 0 / electrons ~~cNitro en are
strongly bound to 1t. 9 51.
Select the most appropriate answer from· the options given below:
A Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. B~th A and R ~re true but R is not the correct explanation of A d
C. A IS true but R IS false. .
D. A is false but R is true
48. Given below are two statements labelled as Assert· (A) D.
ion and Reason (R)
Bl P ag e
Assertion (A): Ozone is ther~~dynamically unstable than Oxygen.
Reason (R): The decomposition of Ozone to Oxygen proceeds with decrease in Gibbs free energy.

Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
o. A is false but R is true

49. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R)
Assertion (A): CCl4 is a nonpolar molecular solid
Reason (R): The intermolecular forces of attraction in molecular solids are London dispersion forces.

Selei:-t the most app1 opriate answer from the options given below:

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false .
0. A\~ fa\~~ bu\ R is true

This section consists of 6 multiple choice questions with an overall choice to attempt any5. In case more
'.han desirable numbers of questions are attempted, ONLY first 5 will be considered for ~valuation.

50. Match the following:

I i
,__A.(CNh i. Hvdrooen bondino
ii. Deacon's process __
8. IF1
iii. Pseudohaloaen
C. Cl2
iv. SP 3 d3 hvbridization
E. HCI04

A. A- iv, 8-1, C-iii, D-ii

a. A-ii,, 8-iii, C-iv, D-i
C. A-iii, 8-iv, C-ii, D-i
D. A-1, 8-ii, C-iv, 0-iii

51. Which of the following analogies is correct? Vt,.. -1,; c ' '
A. 1
Ebullioscopic constant: K Kg mor :: Henry's constant: ~ ! o r ~ighly s~e 9~_ses. .
. · • .. Phenol and amhne: negative
B. A plant cell in saturated salt solution: Shrinks due to exosmosts ..

deviations from Raoult's law. d tone· A-A B-B interactions are

C. Lowering of vapour pressure: colligative property:: chloroform an ace . ,

more than A-8 .. . . Henry's law: Lowering of vapour pressure

D. HN03 & H20: minimum bothng azeotrope ..

52. Complete the following analogy:

9I P J ge
FeO composition Fe 093 t, 0_950: A:: 8: anionic sites with unpaired electrons

A A: Metal excess defects 8: non-stoichiometric oompound

B. A: Farbi centre 8: Frenkel defects
C. A: Non stoichiometric oompound 8: Metal deficiency defects
D. A: Metal deficiency defects B: Farbi centre

CASE 1: Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:

The SN2 reaction can be used to detach part of a molecule called a functional group from a central carbon ato
while _sin:iultaneously, another functional group adds to t~e opposi~e side ~f the carbon at~m._T his st~uctural flip\
can significantly change a compound's chemical properties. "It's hke turning an umbrella inside out, calle'1
Walden Inversion.
Alkyl halides on alkaline hydrolysis form alcohols. In Kl, iodide ion being larger in size , have greater
polarizability. Due to which it tend to replace other halogen from alkyl halide to form a new bondage an l
intermediate .Latter Hydroxide ion come to attack on the site .If alkyl group is tertiary, then it follows SN1 and

53. 2~::::::::::::100s are m~ltiple c:i~::::o:0::,~:::::n:~:.:::::::~e:~swer
in -ase of :-1crmal al~yl group_ reaction follows SN2. I

A. 11
8. I2'Na0H I

I Nal/KOH i
D. Nal/Ac-etone r
\ Addition of Kl or Nat c..~ ccelerates : !·:r--' ~ydrolysis 1A primary alk:yl halide~ because :
Kl is soluble in organic solvents
B. Iodide ion is a wP.ak nucleophile and a poor leaving groui.,
C. Iodide ion is a strong base
D. Iodide ion is a strong nucleophile and a good leaving group.
55. Which of the following compounds undergo racemization when KOH solution hydrolyses

I -

... c~

A. i&ii
B. ii & iv
C. iii alone
D. ii alone
****** ************

10 IPage

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