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TechSpecs Durethane® G

Overview Benefits
Durethane® G uses our proprietary • Avoids the use of harmful
graphite technology to create a or messy lubricants
high-strength material with unique • Long component life and reduced
physical properties. The embedded maintenance requirements
graphite provides this material with • Quiet operation when used for
natural lubricity and enhances some moving parts (i.e. gears)
of the polyurethane’s physical prop- • High abrasion resistance and
erties. At a hardness of 70D (shore tolerance to tight surface finish
scale), Durethane® G approaches the
• Resistant to corrosive environments
hardness of some metals. Durethane®
G can be made into any shape or
machined to precise specifications. Applications
Durethane® G is ideal for products
or components that require flawless
performance, are difficult to maintain
or are in corrosive environments. Due
Physical Properties
to its unique properties, Durethane®
G has become a standard for Our trade-secret formulations allow
many mission-critical applications, us to achieve a wide range of physical
including: properties, including:

• Military & Defense • Abrasion Resistance

• Industrial Automation
• Tear Strength
• Robotics
• Chemical Resistance
• Automotive
• Heavy Machinery & Equipment • Elongation
• Exercise Equipment • And many more

Made in the USA

since 1965
Physical Properties for Durethane® G DG770D

Property Value

Hardness 70 Shore D

Specific Gravity 1.18

Tensile Strength 5000 PSI MIN

Compression Deflection 700 PSI MIN @ 2% Def.

Tensile Impact 300 FT-LB/SQ IN† (Type L Specimen)

Water Absorption 1.5% Max. (1 week at R.T.)

Elongation 150%

Compression Set 40%

Available for Durethane® Standard Shapes Yes

† These values are minimum averages. Seperate specimen values may not vary more than 25% under the specified minimum.

16 Western Industrial Drive, Cranston, RI 02921 USA

TEL: +1.401.946.4400 • eMail:[email protected]

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