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Nosocomial Fungal

Epidemiology, Infection Control, and Prevention

a b,
Geehan Suleyman, MD, MLS (ASCP) , George J. Alangaden, MD *

 Nosocomial  Fungal infection  Candida  Aspergillus

 Invasive candidiasis and mold infections are a common cause of hospital-acquired infec-
tions often related to the use of invasive lines, immunosuppression, and a contaminated
 Traditional culture methodologies may be insensitive for the diagnosis of fungal infections
and may require the use of more sensitive nonculture-based testing.
 The control and prevention of invasive fungal infections require a combination of tradi-
tional infection control practices, as well as the use of antifungal prophylaxis in high-risk
 There has been an increase in the rates of invasive fungal infection during the COVID-19
pandemic as a result of gaps in infection control practices and use of immunosuppression
for treatment of COVID-19 infection.


There has been an overall increase in fungal health care–associated infections (HAIs).
The increase is partly due to the increased population of immunocompromised pa-
tients at risk for invasive fungal infection as a consequence of the wider use of treat-
ment modalities, such as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), solid organ
transplantation (SOT), and newer immunomodulatory agents (Table 1).1–3 Moreover,
the increasing use of invasive devices, especially central venous catheters (CVCs),
has resulted in an increase in nosocomial central line-associated bloodstream infec-
tions (CLABSIs) due to Candida spp.1,3,4 Exposure to airborne molds such as Asper-
gillus spp. within the hospital environment has caused outbreaks of nosocomial
aspergillosis in severely immunocompromised patients such as allogeneic HSCT re-
cipients and neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies.5

Infection Prevention and Control, Henry Ford Hospital, Wayne State University, 2799 West
Grand Boulevard, CFP Suite 317, Detroit, MI 48202, USA; b Division of Infectious Diseases, Henry
Ford Hospital, Wayne State University, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, CFP Suite 316, Detroit, MI
48202, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Infect Dis Clin N Am 35 (2021) 1027–1053
0891-5520/21/ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Suleyman & Alangaden
Table 1
Risk factors associated with invasive fungal infections

Candida Aspergillus Mucorales Fusarium Scedosporium

 Acute necrotizing pancreatitis  Alemtuzumab  CMV disease  Corticosteroid  Corticosteroid
 Abdominal surgery; anastomotic  Allogeneic HSCT  Corticosteroids  Myeloma  Neutropenia
leak; or repeat laparotomies  Anastomotic complications  Diabetes mellitus  Severe GVHD  Severe GVHD
 Broad-spectrum antibiotics in lung transplantation  Echinocandin use
 Central venous catheters  Aspergillus colonization  Iron overload
 Hemodialysis  CMV disease  Malnutrition
 HSCT  Corticosteroids  Myelodysplasia
 Immunosuppression including  Infliximab  Neutropenia
corticosteroids, chemotherapy  Neutropenia  Older age
 Malignancy  Older age  Renal failure
 Mechanical ventilation >3 d  Prolonged ICU stay  Severe GVHD
 Multifocal candida colonization  Renal failure requiring dialysis  Voriconazole use
 Neutropenia  Retransplantation
 Prolonged ICU stay  Severe GVHD
 Prolonged hospitalization  T-cell depleting agents
 SOT (kidney and liver)
 Total parenteral nutrition

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; GVHD, graft-versus-host disease; HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; IA, intraabdominal; ICU, intensive care
unit; SOT, solid organ transplantation.
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1029

Candida spp. are associated with serious HAIs, especially in patients in intensive
care units (ICUs)1,3,4,6 and are one of the most common causes of nosocomial blood-
stream infections (BSIs) in US hospitals.3,4 It is estimated that approximately 25,000
cases of invasive candidiasis (IC) occur in the United States each year.7,8 The true inci-
dence of candidemia is likely higher because of the poor sensitivity (approximately
50%) of blood cultures (BCs) for detection of Candida spp. Newer automated rapid
nonculture-based test (NCT) molecular platforms have improved the diagnostic yield
in patients with IC.3 Candida auris, an emerging multidrug-resistant species that is
difficult to identify, has been associated with nosocomial outbreaks and IC globally
and in the United States.7 The attributable mortality for IC, including candidemia, is
significant, and the excess health care cost ranges from $35,000 to $68,000 for
each episode of candidemia in the United States.3,9
The incidence rate of invasive aspergillosis (IA) per million persons rose from 32.8 in
2000 to 46.0 in 2013, especially in SOT recipients.10 Aspergillosis accounted for 59%
of all invasive fungal infections and was associated with a 6-week mortality rate of
22% in severely immunocompromised patients.11,12
Thus, the overall burden of disease caused by nosocomial fungal infections is sub-
stantial. Limitations of the current diagnostic tests, the emergence of resistant fungal
pathogens, and significant mortality make the prevention of fungal HAIs increasingly
important. The epidemiology, risk factors associated with nosocomial fungal infec-
tions, and control and prevention strategies are discussed in the following


Candida spp.
Candida spp., especially Candida albicans, are part of the human microbial flora;
hence, most candidal infections are endogenous in origin. IC, namely, candidemia,
disseminated hematogenous infections, or deep-seated infections can occur in
immunocompromised patients, such as those with neutropenia, and in critically ill
patients. In patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and mucositis, candi-
demia may originate from the gastrointestinal tract. However, in critically ill patients,
the source of candidemia is most likely a CVC colonized by Candida spp. from the
patient’s endogenous microflora or acquired from the health care environment.1,3
Candida spp. have been isolated from environmental cultures of the floor, counter-
tops, and other inanimate surfaces in the hospital.16,17 Patient acquisition and colo-
nization with Candida spp. found in the hospital environment and food has been
demonstrated.8,16 The propensity of Candida spp., especially Candida parapsilosis,
to cause CLABSIs is likely related to this pathogen’s ability to form biofilms on
Overall, Candida spp. accounted for 6.4% of 356,633 HAIs reported to the National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) between 2015 and 2017.4 Approximately, 11% of infections in North American
ICUs were due to Candida spp.19 Notably, Candida spp. were the most common
cause of CLABSIs in the ICU and hospital wards, accounting for 25% and 16.7% of
CLABSIs, respectively.4 The increasing proportion of patients with candidemia in non-
ICU settings is possibly due to the presence of long-term CVCs.3 Additional risk fac-
tors for nosocomial candidemia are listed in Table 1. Candidemia-related
hospitalization per 100,000 population rose by 52%, from 3.65 to 5.56 cases between
2000 and 2005.20 However, from 2009 to 2017, the change in incidence of IC-related
hospitalizations remained low at 1.3%.21
1030 Suleyman & Alangaden

A study of IC from 203 centers in the United States between 2009 and 2017 identified C
albicans (48%), Candida glabrata (24%), C parapsilosis (11%), and C tropicalis (7%) as the
most common Candida pathogens.21,22 The overall 90-day crude mortality rate associ-
ated with candidemia was 39%. Overall, there has been an increase in the proportion
of infections caused by nonalbicans Candida spp.22,23 In the United States, nonalbicans
Candida spp. were reported to cause most candidemias.22 Most of the nonalbicans spe-
cies, particularly C glabrata, are reported from cancer centers in the United States.22 In
contrast, higher rates of C parapsilosis and C tropicalis are reported from Latin America.24
Nonalbicans Candida spp. have an increased likelihood of resistance to fluconazole: 16%
of C glabrata, 78% of Candida krusei, and 11% of C guilliermondii.24
Although most cases of IC are endogenous, exogenous transmission of Candida
spp. may occur. Characteristics of specific Candida spp. may influence the risk for
exogenous transmission and nosocomial infections in certain patient populations.
In molecular epidemiologic studies, C albicans has been implicated in nosocomial
transmission among patients in burn units.25 Person-to-person transmission has
also been reported from geriatric short-stay units.26
C parapsilosis candidemia is common in the neonatal population18,22 and transplant
recipients.18 C parapsilosis is commonly isolated from the hands of health care
workers (HCWs), and a review of molecular epidemiologic studies of outbreaks sug-
gests horizontal transmission from HCWs to neonates.18 The ability of C parapsilosis
to produce biofilms and its selective growth advantage in glucose-rich hyperalimenta-
tion solutions in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) may explain its propensity to cause
outbreaks associated with CVCs.18 Hence, the frequent isolation of C parapsilosis
should prompt measures to enhance hand hygiene and appropriate care of CVCs.
Emerging Candida spp. that are relatively resistant to fluconazole such as C auris,8
C guilliermondii,27 and Candida rugosa28 have also been associated with nosocomial
outbreaks, some involving CVCs. C auris first isolated from the external ear canal of a
hospitalized patient in Japan in 2009 has since been associated with nosocomial out-
breaks in health care facilities globally.8,29 Its ability to persistently colonize patients
and survive on surfaces for months has contributed to outbreaks.8,29–32
The first C auris case in the United States was identified in New York in 2013.30 As of
March 19, 2021, there have been 1708 confirmed clinical cases in the United States,
most of which have occurred in New York City, New Jersey, and Chicago, Illinois.8
More recently, an outbreak was reported in patients with coronaviorus disease 2019
(COVID-19) who received care in a dedicated COVID-19 unit.31 Infection and coloni-
zation have been detected mainly in critically ill patients with comorbidities and expo-
sure to healthcare facility (HCF). Risk factors for C auris are similar as those for other
Candida infections and include prolonged ICU stay, recent surgery, antibiotic and anti-
fungal use, CVCs or indwelling urinary catheters, TPN, hematological malignancies,
SOT, HSCT, and immunosuppression.30,32
C auris has been misidentified as C haemulonii when using conventional diagnostic
methods.8,29,30,32 It has been cultured from blood, urine, bile, wounds, and rectum.8,30,32
Most of the reported C auris cases are BSIs, but pericarditis, otitis, and wound infections
can occur.30,32 C auris is often resistant to one or more classes of antifungal agents.31–33
Of 35 isolates in the United States, 86% were resistant to fluconazole, 43% to amphoter-
icin B, and 3% to echinocandins,29 which is the drug of choice in clinical infections.8,29
Despite geographic variability, overall mortality rates range from 35% to 72%.32

Other Yeasts
Malassezia spp. are lipophilic yeasts that are frequent skin colonizers and the cause of
pityriasis. Outbreaks of Malassezia fungemia have been reported in premature
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1031

neonates and immunocompromised patients.34,35 Prolonged use of CVCs and TPN

were important predisposing conditions.34,35
Trichosporon spp. fungemia has been reported in patients with hematologic malig-
nancies and HSCT and SOT recipients.36 Systemic disease has also been reported in
premature neonates, diabetics, nonneutropenic ICU, and burn patients.36,37 Common
risk factors in cases of nosocomial trichosporonosis are the presence of a CVC and
exposure to prior antibiotics.37 Waterborne outbreaks have also been reported.38
The reported mortality rate ranges from 42% to 83%.36,37
Most outbreaks of nosocomial IC and invasive infections with other yeasts have been
associated with CVCs. Hence, infection control strategies targeted to improve adher-
ence to hand hygiene recommendations, including avoidance of long nails and artificial
nails, adherence to guidelines for insertion and care of CVCs, and prompt removal of
unnecessary catheters are important in the prevention of these infections.39


Unlike IC, which can affect relatively immunocompetent patients, invasive disease
caused by Aspergillus spp. and other molds generally involves severely immunocom-
promised patients. Aspergillus spp. account for most mold infections: 76% among
HSCT recipients and 81% among SOT recipients.1 Although several outbreaks of envi-
ronmental airborne fungal infection within hospital settings have been reported,5 most
cases of IA are sporadic. At present, there is no uniform definition of what constitutes
nosocomial aspergillosis. One of the primary reasons for the difficulty in defining
hospital-acquired aspergillosis is that the incubation period of IA is unknown.2 More-
over, the prolonged period of immunosuppression in high-risk patients such as HSCT
recipients and frequent hospital admissions and discharges make it difficult to deter-
mine if exposure to Aspergillus spores occurred during hospitalization or within the
community. Generally, invasive disease that occurs after 1 week of hospitalization is
considered nosocomial.2 Although most hospital outbreaks have been caused by
Aspergillus spp.,5 other airborne molds have also been implicated, including Zygomy-
cetes spp.,5,40 Fusarium spp.,5 and Scedosporium spp.5,41 The risks factors for mold
infections and vehicles of transmission are summarized in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 2
Reported vehicles of transmission in invasive mold infections and associated types of

Mold Reservoir or Source Type of Infection

Aspergillus Contaminated air, ventilation system, Invasive pulmonary and
air filters, false ceilings and insulation disseminated aspergillosis,
material, water supply, plumbing, cutaneous disease
showers, food, ornamental plants,
arm boards, dressing package
Mucorales Contaminated air, Elastoplast adhesive Cutaneous infections,
dressing, karaya ostomy bag, wooden sinopulmonary disease,
tongue depressor, ventilation systems, gastrointestinal mucormycosis
water-damaged plaster, cornstarch,
Fusarium Contaminated air, contact lens solution, Keratitis, disseminated fusariosis
showers, sink drains and faucets,
water tanks
Scedosporium Contaminated air Pulmonary and disseminated
disease, cutaneous lesions
1032 Suleyman & Alangaden

Aspergillus spp.
Aspergillus spp. are ubiquitous molds found widely in the environment. Exposure to
airborne spores of Aspergillus occurs frequently in the environment, especially near
decaying organic matter. Although these conidia (2.5–3.0 mm in diameter) are
frequently inhaled, invasive pulmonary disease is rare in immunocompetent persons.
Opportunistic IA occurs primarily in high-risk severely immunocompromised patients
namely allogeneic HSCT and neutropenic patients with hematologic malignancies.
Aspergillus fumigatus is most often associated with invasive disease, although Asper-
gillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, and Aspergillus terreus have also been isolated from
patients.1,42 Aspergillosis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality ranging
from 65% to 92% in this high-risk population.2,43
SOT recipients,2,44 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and
those with chronic granulomatous disease are also at risk for IA.2 There are increasing
reports of IA in critically ill patients in the ICU, including patients with chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease, severe influenza, COVID-19, liver cirrhosis, and those
receiving corticosteroids.2,45–47

Aspergillus outbreaks
The information on the environmental exposures and the association with infection
has been derived from investigations of outbreaks of aspergillosis in hospital set-
tings. An extensive review of nosocomial aspergillosis identified 53 reported out-
breaks involving 458 patients.48 Of these, 33 outbreaks involving 299 patients
(65%) occurred in HSCT recipients or patients with hematologic malignancies. Other
patient populations involved in these outbreaks were SOT recipients (10%), predom-
inately renal transplant recipients; patients without severe immunodeficiency (8%);
and patients on high-dose steroids (3%).48 Aspergillosis was associated with mortal-
ity greater than 50% in patients with hematologic malignancies, HSCT and SOT re-
cipients, and patients with severe immunodeficiency. The lung was the most
common site of infection, with 5% involving the surgical site or skin. A fumigatus
and A flavus were the most identified species. Volumetric air sampling performed
during epidemiologic investigations in 24 of the outbreaks noted spore counts
ranging from 0 to 100 spores per cubic meter. Outbreaks were primarily attributed
to airborne infections related to construction or renovation activities in about 50%
of cases and to compromised air quality in 17%.48 The various environmental vehi-
cles implicated in the transmission of Aspergillus spp. and other molds have also
been detailed in the CDC guidelines for environmental infection control in HCFs
(see Table 2).14
The most frequent nosocomial source of Aspergillus infection is contaminated air,
but Aspergillus has also been recovered from the hospital water supply and plumbing
systems.2,38 The highest airborne Aspergillus spore counts were detected in patient’s
bathrooms, suggesting possible aerosolization of Aspergillus spores from the shower
facilities.2 The clinical implications of this finding remain to be defined.
Although the association between construction and IA has often been reported,
there is poor correlation of the Aspergillus spp. recovered from the hospital environ-
ment and species isolated from patients with aspergillosis.2 One explanation for this
discordance between hospital and patient strains of Aspergillus might relate to the
lack of a clearly defined incubation period for aspergillosis and the relationship to
exposure within the hospital environment and subsequent infection.2 Other factors
include the methods of air sampling used, the broad diversity of Aspergillus spp. in
the environment, and the various methods used for typing of Aspergillus and other
pathogenic molds.49,50
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1033

Zygomycetes are ubiquitous molds found in the soil and decaying organic matter in
the environment. Infection often occurs via inhalation of fungal spores, resulting in
sinopulmonary disease, but systemic infection can result from inoculation of the
skin or gastrointestinal mucosa.51 Although infection caused by Zygomycetes is un-
common, it is often a fatal disease. In a review of 929 patients with zygomycosis, mor-
tality was 76% with pulmonary zygomycosis and 100% with disseminated and central
nervous system diseases.52
Nosocomial infections caused by Zygomycetes have been recently reviewed.40
Clusters of cutaneous infections have occurred in orthopedic and cardiothoracic pa-
tients, children with leukemia, and burn patients. These infections were associated
with Elastoplast adhesive dressings possibly contaminated with Rhizopus and Absidia
spp.40 Outbreaks in patients with hematologic malignancies have resulted from
airborne transmission associated with contamination of hospital ventilation systems.5
Use of negative pressure rooms during construction has also been implicated in a
cluster of invasive mucormycosis infection among SOT recipients during a 12-month
period.53 Water-damaged plaster has been associated with Rhizomucor pusillius
outbreak in patients with leukemia.40 Unusual routes of transmission have been traced
to the use of contaminated wooden tongue depressors, nonsterile karaya (plant-
derived adhesive) for securing ostomy bags, and wooden tongue depressors.40 An
outbreak of gastrointestinal zygomycosis caused by Rhizopus in 12 patients with he-
matologic malignancies was traced to contaminated cornstarch used as an excipient
in the manufacture of allopurinol and ready-to-eat foods.54 Additionally, hospital linens
have also been implicated in outbreaks.55

Fusarium spp.
Fusarium is a soil saprophyte and causes keratitis and onychomycosis in humans.56
Outbreaks of keratitis caused by possible contamination of contact lens solutions
have been described.56,57 Invasive disease has been reported in patients with pro-
longed neutropenia, especially in HSCT recipients56,58 and to a lesser extent in
SOT recipients.56 The incidence of fusariosis is estimated to be 4 to 5 cases per
1000 matched allogeneic HSCT recipients to as high as 20 cases per 1000 mis-
matched recipients.59 Fusariosis in HSCT recipients has a bimodal distribution,
with a peak before engraftment and later during the period of graft-versus-host dis-
ease (GVHD), and is associated with an actuarial survival of 13%.58 Most infections
are believed to be caused by airborne transmission; however, contamination of the
water system in the hospital has been reported to result in dispersal of airborne

Other Molds
Several other pathogenic molds have been associated with HAIs. Nosocomial out-
breaks caused by Scedosporium spp. during hospital reconstruction have been re-
ported.60 Phialemonium spp. have been linked to outbreaks of intravascular
infections in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD), resulting from contamination
of water distribution systems.61 A multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis, parame-
ningeal, and joint infections occurred in 753 patients who received injections of
contaminated methylprednisone acetate solutions, resulting in 64 (8.5%) deaths
across 20 states. The predominant pathogen detected in this outbreak was
1034 Suleyman & Alangaden

Pneumocystis jiroveci
Opportunistic pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii has been traditionally
attributed to reactivation of latent infection during periods of severe T-cell–mediated
immunosuppression, particularly in transplant recipients and patients with AIDS. How-
ever, recent data suggest possible person-to-person transmission or common envi-
ronmental source as a potential mode of transmission.63 Molecular evidence has
also identified nosocomial person-to-person transmission of Pneumocystis jiroveci
to be the likely cause of outbreaks of Pneumocystis pneumonia, particularly among
renal transplant recipients.63 In a meta-analysis of 30 outbreaks, more than 80%
occurred among renal transplant recipients. None of the patients received appropriate
antipneumocystis prophylaxis.


Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Candidemia
Guidelines for the prevention of CLABSI have been published.13 Although randomized
clinical trials have shown that daily 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) bathing of pa-
tients in the ICU decreases the incidence of nosocomial multidrug-resistant bacterial
BSIs, few studies have evaluated the impact on candidemia.64,65 A meta-analysis of
five randomized controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of CHG bathing in reducing
BSIs showed that CHG had no effect on fungal BSIs.65 However, a more recent
meta-analysis of 26 randomized and nonrandomized studies demonstrated that
CHG bathing was associated with a significant reduction in BSIs, including those
due to Candida spp.64 A multicenter, randomized, crossover study also found that
the incidence of fungal CLABSIs was 90% lower during the CHG intervention period
compared with the control period.66 Despite the conflicting results, use of daily
CHG bathing in patients in the ICU is a simple and effective strategy to decrease
the overall rate of primary BSIs.
Additionally, the use of disinfection caps, which include alcohol or alcohol/CHG
combinations, placed on needleless connectors or access ports has demonstrated
decreased CLABSI rates.67,68
Unlike other Candida spp., C auris can spread rapidly in HCFs and lead to nosoco-
mial outbreaks that can be difficult to contain. Patients can remain colonized even af-
ter a year, leading to environmental shedding where it can survive and persist on a
wide range of surfaces.32 A single case of C auris requires rapid implementation of
infection control measures and investigation. When C auris is suspected or confirmed,
the patient should be placed in a single room under contact precautions with rein-
forcement of hand hygiene practices. Additional infection prevention and control mea-
sures include daily and terminal cleaning and disinfection of patient care areas using
an Environmental Protection Agency–registered hospital-grade disinfectant effective
against Clostridioides difficile spores, contact tracing and testing, prospective labora-
tory surveillance to identify other potential cases for at least 1 month until there is no
evidence of ongoing transmission, and interfacility communication during patient



Aspergillosis is primarily acquired by inhalation of fungal spores and subsequent

invasive disease in immunocompromised patients. Hence, the primary infection con-
trol strategy is to minimize exposure to airborne environmental fungal spores within
HCFs during the high-risk period. Exposure to fungal spores of Aspergillus spp. and
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1035

other pathogenic molds after hospital discharge may occur in high-risk patients,
such as allogeneic HSCT recipients with chronic GVHD who are administered corti-
costeroids. Patient education to minimize exposures to fungal spores and chemo-
prophylaxis with antifungal agents may be necessary. Guidelines for the use of
antifungal agents for prophylaxis against IA have been previously published15 and
The CDC and Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee have pub-
lished recommendations regarding environmental infection control measures to pre-
vent nosocomial mold infections in HCFs.14 These recommendations include
infection control strategies and engineering controls directed primarily for the preven-
tion of exposure of immunocompromised patients to environmental airborne fungal
spores of Aspergillus and other molds.14
Because opportunistic Aspergillus and airborne mold infections occur primarily in
severely immunocompromised patients such as HSCT recipients; one of the main
components of these prevention strategies is the provision of a protected environment
(PE) for these patients within the HCF.

Protected Environment
A PE is a specialized patient care environment in acute care hospitals for the care of
allogeneic HSCT recipients.13,14 The benefit of a PE for other immunocompromised
patients such as autologous HSCT or SOT recipients remains undefined.14,60 A PE
is designed to minimize HSCT patient exposure to airborne environmental Aspergillus
and other fungal spores. The essential features of a PE are shown in Box 1. Additional
infection control measures for patients housed in a PE include (1) daily monitoring and
maintenance of a positive pressure in PE areas, (2) minimizing exposures to activities
that can cause aerosolization of fungal spores (eg, vacuuming), (3) minimizing the
length of time that the patients are outside the PE for procedures, and (4) provision
of high-efficiency respiratory protection (eg, N95 respirators) when outside the PE if
there is ongoing construction activity in the HCF.14 The effectiveness of respirators
in the absence of construction or the use of surgical masks to prevent fungal infection
has not been evaluated.
The other infection control strategies and engineering control recommendations
that reduce exposure to environmental airborne Aspergillus and other fungal spores
emphasize the provision of safe air during routine care and importantly during hospital
construction.14 These strategies are outlined in Table 3.

Box 1
Protective environment

Requirements of protective environment rooms

 Central or point-of-use high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters with 99.97% efficiency
for removing particles 0.3 mm or larger
 Directed airflow, air intake occurs at 1 side and air exhaust occurs at the opposite side of the
 Positive air pressure differential between the room and corridor (2.5 Pa)
 Maintenance of 12 or more air changes per hour
 Well-sealed patient rooms

Data from Sehulster L, Chinn RY. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care
facilities. Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
Committee (HICPAC). MMWR Recomm Rep 2003;52(RR–10):1–42.
1036 Suleyman & Alangaden

Table 3
Environmental infection control measures in healthcare facilities to minimize exposure to
fungal spores

Recommendations Rating Category

Air handling systems
Use the American Institute of Architects (AIA) guidelines or state 1C
regulations for design and construction of ventilations systems164
Conduct ICRA and provide adequate number of PE rooms for the 1A, 1C
HSCT population
Monitor ventilation systems for removal of particulates and excess 1B, 1C
Proper location and maintenance of air intake and exhaust outlets,
for example, removal of bird roosts from near air intake outlets
to prevent entry of fungal spores
Appropriate installation, maintenance, and disposal of HVAC
Monitor PE areas for ACH, filtration, and pressure differentials
Develop a contingency plan for backup capacity in case of a power 1C
Coordinate HVAC system shutdowns with infection control staff to 1C
allow for safe air handling to PE areas and to relocate
immunocompromised patients if necessary
Infection control measures during construction projects
Set up a multidisciplinary team that includes infection control staff 1B, 1C
to coordinate proactive preventive measures to reduce exposure
to fungal spores and monitor adherence
Provide education to HCWs and the construction crew in 1C
immunocompromised patient care areas regarding airborne
Perform an ICRA to assess potential exposure of high-risk patients 1B, 1C
to high ambient air fungal spore count
Develop and implement measures to keep airborne spores from 1B, 1C
construction areas away from patient care units
Dust control measures (eg, dust barriers, safe air handling,
negative pressure in construction work zones)
Water damage response plan to prevent fungal growth
Maintain surveillance for cases of HCF-associated aspergillosis and 1B
mold infections in immunocompromised patients
Undertake an epidemiologic investigation if a case of nosocomial 1B
Aspergillus or other mold infection is detected
Surveillance for additional cases
Determine appropriate air handling in the PE and in construction
areas. Conduct environmental assessment to identify the
Take corrective action to improve deficiencies identified and to
eliminate the source of fungal spores
Environmental service recommendations to minimize exposure to fungal spores
Avoid carpeting and upholstered furniture and furnishings in areas 1B
housing immunocompromised patients

(continued on next page)

Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1037

Table 3
(continued )
Recommendations Rating Category
Avoid cleaning methods that disperse dust 1B
Wet dust horizontal surfaces using EPA-registered hospital
Equip vacuums with HEPA filters
Close the doors of rooms of immunocompromised patients when
Dry carpeting immediately if wet to prevent growth of fungi,
replace if wet after 72 h
Avoid fresh flowers and potted plants in areas housing II
immunocompromised patients

Abbreviations: ACH, air changes per hour; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; HCW, health
care worker; HSCT, hematopoeitic stem cell transplantation; HVAC, heating ventilation air condi-
tioning; 1A, strongly recommended for all hospitals and supported by well-designed experimental
or epidemiologic evidence; 1B, strongly recommended for all hospitals and viewed as effective by
experts because of strong rationale and suggestive evidence; 1C, required by state or federal regu-
lation or representing an established association standard; ICRA, infection control risk assessment;
II, suggested for implementation in many hospitals, supported by suggestive clinical or epidemio-
logic studies with a strong theoretical rationale or definitive studies applicable to some but not all
hospitals; PE, protected environment.
Data from Sehulster L, Chinn RY. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care
facilities. Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Com-
mittee (HICPAC). MMWR Recomm Rep 2003;52(RR–10):1–42; and Tablan OC, Anderson LJ, Besser R,
et al. Guidelines for preventing health-care–associated pneumonia, 2003: recommen- dations of
CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. MMWR Recomm Rep

Infection Control Risk Assessment

Infection control risk assessment is a multistep process that determines the potential
effect of construction within an HCF on the environment and exposure of at-risk pa-
tients to infectious agents, particularly fungal spores.69 Implementation of recommen-
ded infection control strategies during hospital construction has been successful in
the prevention of fungal contamination of air in patient care areas in prospective envi-
ronmental surveillance studies using cultures and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
assays for detection of airborne fungi.70,71 Newer mobile nonfiltration-based air treat-
ment systems that use exposure to electric fields and electrostatic nanofiltration to
destroy airborne organisms have also been effective in preventing fungal contamina-
tion during construction.72,73 Additional recommendations for the prevention and con-
trol of nosocomial aspergillosis are included in Table 4.



To implement strategies to prevent fungal infections in the severely immunocompro-

mised population, it is important to define the high-risk periods. In the allogeneic HSCT
recipient, the risk of infections is related to the time from transplant.15 The post-HSCT
period is generally divided into 3 phases:
 Phase I: the preengraftment period (<30 days after HSCT). Risk of infection is
related to prolonged neutropenia and disruption of the mucocutaneous barriers
1038 Suleyman & Alangaden

Table 4
Recommendations for prevention and control of healthcare–associated pulmonary

Recommendations Rating Category

Staff education
Educate HCWs about infection control procedures to reduce II
Conduct surveillance for HCA-PA in severely immunocompromised 1A
Monitor for HCA-PA by surveillance and periodic review of II
microbiologic and histopathologic data
Do not perform routine surveillance cultures of patients or devices 1B
Monitor ventilation status of PE and maintain appropriate standards 1B
Specialized care units for high-risk patients
Provide a PE for care of allogeneic HSCT recipients 1B
Do not routinely use LAF in the PE 1B
No recommendation for a PE for autologous HSCT and SOT UR
Minimize the time high-risk patients are outside the PE for II
High-risk patients to wear N95 respirators outside the PE
during ongoing construction.
No recommendation for type of mask outside the PE when no
When case of aspergillosis occurs
Assess if health care related or community acquired
Determine if there is an increase in the number of cases of HCA-PA 1B
and IB length of hospital stay
Determine if there is ventilation deficiency in the PE 1B
If not health care related, continue routine maintenance as
mentioned earlier
If health care related, conduct epidemiologic investigation to 1B
identify and eliminate source
Use EPA-registered antifungal biocide for decontamination of
structural materials

Abbreviations: EPA, Environmental Protection Agency; HCA-PA, health care–associated pulmonary

aspergillosis; HCW, health care worker; HSCT, hematopoeitic stem cell transplantation; 1B, strongly
recommended for all hospitals and supported by well-designed experimental or epidemiologic ev-
idence; 1b, strongly recommended for all hospitals and viewed as effective by experts because of
strong rationale and suggestive evidence; II, suggested for implementation in many hospitals, sup-
ported by suggestive clinical or epidemiologic studies with a strong theoretical rationale or defin-
itive studies applicable to some but not all hospitals; LAF, laminar airflow; PE, protective
environment; SOT, solid organ transplantation; UR, unresolved, practices for which insufficient ev-
idence or consensus regarding efficacy exists.
Severely immunocompromised patients, those with absolute neutrophil counts less than 500/
mm3  2 wk or less than 100/mm3  1 wk, for example, HSCT and SOT recipients and patients on
prolonged high-dose steroids.
Data from Sehulster L, Chinn RY. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care
facilities. Recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Com-
mittee (HICPAC). MMWR Recomm Rep 2003;52(RR-10):1–42; and Tablan OC, Anderson LJ, Besser R,
et al. Guidelines for preventing health-care–associated pneumonia, 2003: recom- mendations of
CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. MMWR Recomm Rep
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1039

because of cytotoxic chemotherapy. Infections during this period are generally

caused by bacteria, Herpes simplex virus, Candida, and Aspergillus spp.
 Phase II: the postengraftment phase (30–100 days after HSCT). Risk of infection
is related to impaired cell-mediated immunity based on the severity of GVHD and
the intensity of immunosuppressive therapy used for treatment. Infections during
this period are caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV), Aspergillus spp, and P jiroveci.
 Phase III: the late phase (>100 days after HSCT). Risk of infection is dictated by
chronic GVHD and its treatment. Pathogens are primarily CMV, varicella-zoster
virus, encapsulated bacteria, and Aspergillus spp.
As a general measure, avoidance of certain foods has been recommended to
reduce exposure to fungi, primarily during the high-risk period of neutropenia (such
as during receipt of conditioning therapy).15 These foods include unpasteurized dairy
products, cheeses made from mold cultures, uncooked eggs, meat, fish, tofu, un-
washed vegetables, and fruits.15
IA displays a bimodal distribution, with increasing number of cases of late-onset dis-
ease (>40 days after HSCT) that is associated with immunosuppression for chronic
GVHD.12 A similar pattern of late-onset disease has also been noted with invasive
infection with Zygomycetes and Fusarium58 spp. in HSCT recipients. Educating the
patient in minimizing exposure to Aspergillus spp. and pathogenic molds outside
the hospital is important. However, because the risk of exposure within the hospital
and community settings cannot be eliminated, strategies such as the use of antifungal
prophylaxis may be necessary.

Prevention of Invasive Candidiasis

Antifungal chemoprophylaxis during the preengraftment period of neutropenia and
mucositis can prevent the dissemination of endogenous Candida spp. from the
gastrointestinal tract of patients. The antifungals are outlined in Table 5.

Diagnosis of Invasive Candidiasis

Although BCs are positive in about 50% of patients with IC, they are considered the gold
standard for the diagnosis of candidiasis.3,74 Thus, the true incidence of nosocomial
candidemia is often underestimated. This has resulted in the increasing use of fungal
biomarkers for the detection of candidemia and IC. These assays are used in the clinical
management of patients with suspected IC in situations where BCs may be negative.
However, the use of these assays for routine surveillance of nosocomial IC is yet to
be defined. 1,3 b-D-Glucan (BG) assays and PCR-based assays are some of these tests
used to aid in the diagnosis of IC (Table 6).3 Although b-D glucan has high false-positive
rates and is not specific, it has been shown to have a high negative predictive value in
the ICU setting.3,75 In-house PCR assays are not validated or standardized.3,74
NCT molecular platforms, including fully automated multiplex T2 Magnetic Reso-
nance (T2MR) and T2Candida Panel (T2 Biosystems, Lexington, Massachusetts),74,75
have the potential to improve early diagnosis and management of IC in high-risk pa-
tients and outbreak settings. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved
T2Candida Panel detects the five most common Candida spp. from whole blood by
category: C albicans and/or C tropicalis (A/T); C parapsilosis (P); C krusei, and/or C
glabrata (K/G).75,76
C auris, a nationally reportable pathogen, is difficult to identify and has been often
misidentified as C haemulonii, C famata, C sake, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula
mucilaginosa, and Saccharomyces or less commonly as C catenulate, Candida lusita-
niae, C guilliermondii, or C parapsilosis or only to the Candida spp. level when using
Suleyman & Alangaden
Table 5
List of antifungal agents used for the prevention and treatment of invasive fungal infections

Antifungal Agent Spectrum of Activity Expected Resistance Adverse Events Drug Interactions Clinical Considerations
Conventional and Most yeast Dimorphic Candida lusitaniae, Infusion reactions Increased risk of Lipid formulations are
lipid-based fungi C guillermondii, (hypoxia, fever, nephrotoxicity with associated with less
formulations of Molds: Aspergillus C rugosa, chills), phlebitis, other nephrotoxic agents nephrotoxicity and
amphotericin B fumigatus, non-fumigatus nausea, vomiting, and hypotension with infusion reactions
Aspergillus lentulus, Aspergillus anemia, blood pressure lowering
Mucor spp., (Aspergillus nephrotoxicity, agents
Rhizopus spp., terreus, A. ustus), elevated liver
Fusarium spp. Trichosporon spp., enzymes,
Scedosporium hypersensitivity
apiospermum, reaction
Fluconazolea Most yeast, including Candida krusei Nausea, vomiting, Inhibits CYP1A2, CYP2C19 Dose adjustment required
most Candida spp. Increasing resistance diarrhea, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4 and if GFR is < 50 mL/min
Dimorphic fungi in C glabrata headaches, may increase the Excellent oral
Molds hepatitis, concentration of several bioavailability
Dematiaceous fungi cholestasis and classes of drugs, Highest penetration in CSF
fulminant hepatitis, including, and vitreous among
allergic reactions anticonvulsants, azoles
antiarrhythmics, steroids, High urine concentration
QT-prolonging agents, and preferred for cystitis
immunosuppressant and Step-down therapy in a
antineoplastic agents, critically ill patient who
anticoagulants, ergot becomes stable
alkaloids, HMG-CoA Alternative initial therapy
reductase inhibitors in noncritically ill
(statins) patients
Isavuconazole Yeast, including all Fusarium spp. Nausea, vomiting, Moderate inhibitor of Excellent oral
Candida spp. Scedosporium diarrhea, CYP3A4 and inhibits the bioavailability
Mold: most Aspergillus prolificans abdominal pain, metabolism of sirolimus, Large volume of
spp. and Mucor spp. constipation, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, distribution with long
Dimorphic fungi headache, rash, mycophenolate mofetil, half-life
peripheral edema, and other drugs Newly approved extended
dyspnea, cough, metabolized by CYP3A4 spectrum triazole for
hepatotoxicity, invasive aspergillosis and
hypokalemia mucormycosis
Dose-dependent Use with caution in patients
QT shortening with severe hepatic
Itraconazoleb Most yeast Dimorphic Candida krusei, Nausea, vomiting, Potent CYP3A4 and No IV formulation available
fungi Molds: most Aspergillus diarrhea, P-glycoprotein inhibitor Not well studied for
Aspergillus spp. lentulus, abdominal that increases the invasive candidiasis
Dematiaceous fungi Aspergillus discomfort, concentration of several Primarily used in dimorphic
terreus, peripheral and classes of drugs, fungi infections
Fusarium solani, pulmonary including calcium Therapeutic drug
Rhizopus spp., edema, CHF, channel blockers, monitoring required
Mucor spp., hypertension, antiarrhythmics, Use with caution in patients
S apiospermum, hypokalemia, immunosuppressant with liver and renal
S prolificans hepatotoxicity agents, anticoagulants, failure
ergot alkaloids, HMG-

Nosocomial Fungal Infections

CoA reductase inhibitors
Contraindicated in patients
with ventricular failure
Posaconazolea,b Yeast Scedosporium Nausea, vomiting, Potent CYP3A4 inhibitor Indicated for
Dimorphic fungi prolificans, diarrhea, fever, Concomitant use of drugs oropharyngeal but
Molds: Aspergillus S apiospermum headache, that are metabolized not primary
spp., F solani, coughing, through CYP3A4 candidiasis
Mucor spp., hypokalemia, (sirolimus, ergot Primarily used for invasive
Rhizopus spp. and liver enzyme alkaloids, HMG-CoA Aspergillus and Candida
Dematiaceous fungi elevation reductase inhibitors) or prophylaxis in high-risk
CYP3A4 substrates that patients
prolong the QT interval Oral suspension has
(pimozide, quinidine) is unpredictable
contraindicated bioavailability

(continued on next page)
Suleyman & Alangaden
Table 5
(continued )
Antifungal Agent Spectrum of Activity Expected Resistance Adverse Events Drug Interactions Clinical Considerations
IV formulation should be
avoided if GFR <50 mL/
Voriconazole Yeast Aspergillus lentulus, Skin rash, Inhibits CYP2C19, CYP2C9, IV formulation:
Dimorphic fungi Rhizopus spp., photosensitivity, and CYP3A4 and cyclodextrin vehicle can
molds: most Mucor spp. hepatic toxicity, increases the accumulate if GFR
Aspergillus spp. transient visual concentration of several <50 mL/min
Dematiaceous disturbances, classes of drugs, Dose adjustment required
fungi hallucinations, including steroids, in hepatic impairment
periostitis, anticonvulsants, Good CSF and vitreous
antiarrhythmics, QT- penetration
prolonging agents, Therapeutic drug
immunosuppressant and monitoring required
antineoplastic agents, First-line therapy for
anticoagulants, ergot Aspergillus infections
alkaloids, HMG-CoA Step-down oral therapy for
reductase inhibitors patients with
Candida spp.
Anidulafungin Candida spp. Cryptococcus spp. Nausea, vomiting, No major drug interactions Only available in IV
Aspergillus spp. Trichosporon spp. diarrhea, fever, formulation
Dimorphic fungi Aspergillus lentulus rash, insomnia, Does not penetrate the eye,
Fusarium spp. infusion reaction, CNS, or urine
S prolificans edema, elevated Fist-line therapy in invasive
Mucor spp. liver enzymes, candidiasis
Dematiaceous fungi hypokalemia,
Caspofungin Candida spp. Cryptococcus spp. Nausea, vomiting, May decrease the serum Only available in IV
Aspergillus spp. Trichosporon spp. diarrhea, headache concentration of formulation
Dimorphic fungi Aspergillus lentulus edema, chills, tacrolimus Does not penetrate the eye,
Fusarium spp. rash, phlebitis, Cyclosporine may increase CNS, or urine
S prolificans hypotension, and rifampin may Dose adjustment in
Mucor spp. hypokalemia, decrease the patients with moderate
Dematiaceous fungi anemia, elevated concentration of hepatic impairment
liver enzymes caspofungin Fist-line therapy in invasive
Micafungina Candida spp. Cryptococcus spp. Nausea, vomiting, Micafungin may increase Only available in IV
Aspergillus spp. Trichosporon spp. diarrhea, the serum concentration formulation
Dimorphic fungi Aspergillus lentulus abdominal pain, of sirolimus Does not penetrate the eye,
Fusarium spp. headache, CNS, or urine
S prolificans insomnia, Fist-line therapy in invasive
Mucor spp. phlebitis, skin candidiasis
Dematiaceous fungi reactions,
hemolytic anemia,
renal failure
FDA-approved for candidiasis prophylaxis.
FDA-approved for aspergillosis prophylaxis.

Nosocomial Fungal Infections

1044 Suleyman & Alangaden

Table 6
Nonculture-based microbiologic tests for detection of invasive fungal infections

Assay 1,3 b-D-Glucan (BG) Galactomannan (GM) T2MR Assay

Method Protease zymogen- Anti-GM monoclonal Amplification and
based colorimetric antibody detection of
assay Candida DNA by
PCR and T2
Clinical Early detection of IFI Early detection of Early detection of
application invasive aspergillosis candidemia
(C albicans,
C glabrata,
C krusei,
C parapsilosis,
C tropicalis
Specimen Serum Serum, BAL Whole blood
Result Negative < 60 pg/mL Negative <0.50 Negative
Interpretation Intermediate Positive >0.50 Positive
60–79 pg/mL Indeterminate
Positive >80 pg/mL
Sensitivity 67%–84% BAL: 72%–92% 91.1%
Serum: 59%–83%
Specificity 80%–90% BAL: 78%–92% 99.4%
Serum: 92%–94%
Cross-reactivity Pneumocystis jiroveci, Aspergillus spp., Candida bracarensis,
Coccidioides immitis, Fusarium spp., C metapsilosis,
Histoplasma Paecilomyces, C orthopsilosis,
encapsulatum, Penicillium spp., Saccharomyces
Candida spp., Alternaria spp., cerevisiae
Acremonium, Histoplasma
Fusarium spp., encapsulatum,
Trichosporon spp., Blastomyces
Aspergillus spp. dermatitidis,
False positives Semisynthetic b-lactam Semisynthetic b-lactam Cross-contamination
antibiotics antibiotics
Hemodialysis with Mucositis or GI tract
cellulose membranes, GVHD
Bacteremia Multiple myeloma
Transfusion given Plasmalyte used in BAL
through cellulose Cotton swabs
and albumin

(continued on next page)

Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1045

Table 6
(continued )
Assay 1,3 b-D-Glucan (BG) Galactomannan (GM) T2MR Assay
False negatives Concomitant use Concomitant use Insufficient blood
of antifungals of antifungals volume, clotted
blood sample,
specimen not
at room
presence of
technical error,
infection caused
by an organism
not detected by
the panel

standard laboratory methods.8,29,32 If the aforementioned species are identified or

species identity cannot be determined, the CDC recommends further characterization
using alternative methodology, including matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
time-of-flight or molecular-based methods. The GenMark ePlex BC Identification
Fungal Pathogen Panel is the first FDA-approved multiplex molecular panel that de-
tects 16 fungal targets, including C auris, from positive BC with a high sensitivity
and specificity.77 The T2Cauris Panel, available for research use, is able to directly
detect several Candida spp. from skin, blood, and environmental samples.78 Various
other PCR methods have been developed for the detection of C auris.
The use of newer NCTs such as T2Candida could impact the reporting of CLABSIs to
NHSN. A positive NCT result may meet the laboratory-confirmed BSI (LCBI) criteria
regardless of the BC result. In response to concerns from reporting health care institutions,
NHSN revised reporting criteria starting January 1, 2020: If an NCT is positive but the BC is
negative 2 days before, the day of, or 1 day after for the same organism, the NCT result is
disregarded. However, if no BC is collected within this timeframe, the NCT result is used for
LCBI surveillance determination and will be reported as a CLABSI if criteria are met.79

Prevention of Aspergillosis
Given the prolonged duration of the risk for aspergillosis in HSCT recipients with
chronic GVHD, guidelines recommend the use of an antimold prophylaxis (see
Table 5).2 The duration of prophylaxis is not clearly defined but is generally dictated
by the severity of GVHD and the intensity of immunosuppression used to treat
GVHD. Antimold prophylaxis has also been recommended for patients with acute my-
elogenous leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes during periods of prolonged
neutropenia.2 Among patients receiving SOT, lung transplant recipients are at the
greatest risk for IA. Current guidelines recommend prophylaxis with an antimold azole
agent or inhaled amphotericin B product for 3 to 4 months after lung transplantation.2
Reinitiation of prophylaxis is also recommended after intensification of immunosup-
pression for episodes of rejection.2 Antimold prophylaxis may be considered in
high-risk patients during institutional outbreaks of mold infection.2

Diagnosis of Invasive Aspergillosis

The true incidence of community-associated or nosocomial IA may be underestimated
as BCs are almost always negative. Diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
1046 Suleyman & Alangaden

(IPA) has traditionally relied on the isolation of fungi in culture in combination with
compatible histopathologic or radiographic findings. Moreover, it is often difficult to
perform invasive testing in the severely immunocompromised patients to obtain spec-
imens for microbiological testing. This has led to the increasing use of fungal bio-
markers for the detection of IA, including the BG and the galactomannan (GM)
assay (see Table 6). These assays are increasingly used in the clinical management
of patients with suspected IA. Serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) GM and BG
are recommended for the diagnosis of IA in patients with hematologic malignancies
and HSCT recipients. However, GM is not recommended in nonneutropenic patients
given its low sensitivity, and BG is not specific for Aspergillus spp.2 Historically, mo-
lecular assays such as PCR were excluded due to lack of standardization and valida-
tion. However, recent efforts have been directed at addressing these limitations and
optimizing assay performance using various specimens.80–82 The use of these NCTs
for routine surveillance of nosocomial IA is undefined.

Prevention of Pneumocystis Pneumonia

Pneumocystis pneumonia prophylaxis is recommended for HSCT and SOT recipients
during high-risk periods of immunosuppression, especially the first 100 days after
transplantation.15 Although there is potential for person-to-person transmission of P
jirovecii leading to nosocomial outbreaks, current guidelines do not recommend
specific isolation measures for the care of these hospitalized patients.14 However,
they do recommend avoiding cohorting infected patients with those who are

Diagnosis of Pneumocystis Pneumonia

P jirovecii cannot be cultured, and microscopic visualization of cysts and/or trophozo-
ites in lower respiratory samples (LRSs) such as induced sputum and BAL fluids is the
gold standard for diagnosis, despite the low sensitivity and specificity.82 In recent de-
cades, molecular diagnostics such as PCR are increasingly being used for detection of
P jirovecii in clinical respiratory samples; although the sensitivity (91%–100%) is high,
specificity is much lower (86%) and false-negative results can occur in LRSs.81
Conversely, PCR of oropharyngeal wash fluid has a higher specificity (93%) compared
with LRSs.82 As such, quantitative PCR is preferred to qualitative PCR to establish
probable disease. However, threshold for positivity has not been determined.80

Coronavirus Disease 2019–Associated Candidiasis

Candidemia is increasing reported in critically ill patients with COVID-19, a condition
termed COVID-19–associated candidiasis (CAC).83–86 No specific underlying COVID-
19–associated immunologic defects that predispose to IC have been identified. The
incidence of CAC ranges from 0.7% to 24% in case series reported from various
geographic regions.83–86 The median time from the hospital or ICU admission to diag-
nosis of CAC was 10 to 15 days, indicating that CAC is likely an HAI. The overall 30-
day mortality in patients with CAC was 50% or higher.83,85,86 Non-C albicans species
including C auris were frequently isolated, and infection with non-C albicans spp. was
associated with worse outcomes.83 Potential risk factors included extended ICU stay,
cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus (DM), mechanical ventilation (MV), HD
and prolonged CVC dwell time, and use of tocilizumab.83–86 Traditional risk factors
such as cancer chemotherapy, neutropenia, or transplantation were uncommon.
These reports suggest that CAC predominately results from CVC infection, and the
increased incidence may reflect the unique challenges of caring for critically ill patients
in the ICU during a pandemic. It also highlights the importance of strict adherence to
Nosocomial Fungal Infections 1047

infection control measures in ICUs to prevent CLABSIs in critically ill patients with


Critically ill patients with influenza can develop secondary influenza-associated pulmo-
nary aspergillosis.46 Similarly, there have been increasing reports of pulmonary asper-
gillosis among critically ill patients with COVID-19, a condition termed COVID-19–
associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA).47,87–92 It is believed that CAPA occurs as
a consequence of direct damage to the airway epithelium, impaired immune function
caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and
increased susceptibility to aspergillosis as a result of the use of immune modulatory
therapies such as corticosteroids and IL-6 blockers.92 The incidence of CAPA ranges
from 4.8% to 33% in reports from various geographic locations, among ICU and
non-ICU settings.87–91 The wide range in incidence may be primarily due to the varying
definitions used and the difficulty in establishing the diagnosis as sampling of the lower
respiratory tract was limited due to the risk of aerosolization during bronchoscopy.92 A
recent study from 17 countries, done between March and August 2020, described 186
patients with CAPA defined using established standard criteria.47 The incidence of
CAPA among these patients with COVID-19 ranged from 0.1% to 9.7%, with increasing
incidence of 1.0%–39.1% in patients in the ICU and 1.1%–47.4% in patients requiring
MV.47 In this study, the median time to diagnosis of CAPA was 10 days from diagnosis of
COVID-19 (Interquartile range, IQR: 5–16 days) and 8 days from ICU admission (IQR: 3–
14 days). The time to diagnosis of 7 or more days suggests that most of these cases of
CAPA might be HAIs. CAPA was significantly associated with worse outcomes
compared with patients with COVID-19 without CAPA.88 The overall mortality has
been in excess of 50% with worse outcomes in intubated patients,47,88,89 with CAPA
attributable mortality of 33%.47 Treatment with voriconazole was associated with
improved outcomes.47,89 A fumigatus was the most commonly isolated species, fol-
lowed by A flavus.47,87–89 Unlike the traditional risk factors of prolonged neutropenia
or transplantation reported with IPA, the underlying comorbidities associated with
CAPA include COVID-19–associated acute respiratory distress syndrome, CVD, renal
failure, DM, chronic lung disease and obesity, and use of cortocosteroids.47,89 Similarly,
the clinical and radiographic features differ from those previously described for IPA. The
diagnosis was established using fungal cultures and NCTs, including BG, GM, asper-
gillus PCR, and lateral flow assays.91 In order to standardize reporting, consensus
criteria have been proposed for CAPA.91 The diagnosis of CAPA requires entry criteria
of laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia in an ICU patient and then
stratifies CAPA as proven, probable, or possible using a combination of histopathology,
clinical features, imaging, and microbiology.
From an infection prevention perspective, the increasing incidence of CAPA in crit-
ically ill patients with COVID-19 emphasizes the need for surveillance for nosocomial
aspergillosis in this population and strict adherence to standard measures for miti-
gating risk for nosocomial aspergillosis as previously described.


Nosocomial fungal infections, especially IC, including candidemia and IA, can result in
significant morbidity and mortality in critically ill and severely immunocompromised
patients. Implementation of recommended infection control strategies can prevent
catheter-related candidemia and minimize exposure of severely immunocompro-
mised patients to airborne Aspergillus spores within the hospital environment. In select
1048 Suleyman & Alangaden

patient populations at high risk for invasive fungal infections, antifungal prophylaxis
should be considered during the periods of intense immunosuppression. Newer
nonculture-based methods have the potential to improve the diagnosis of nosocomial
fungal infections.


 Surveillance for new entities of COVID-19–associated invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis

and emerging fungal pathogen C auris is important.
 Thoughtful application of newer nonculture-based fungal diagnostics can improve
identification of nosocomial infections.
 Adherence to established infection prevention and control practices is essential to minimize
risk of nosocomial fungal infections.


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