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11/27/21, 3:45 PM Coefficient of friction, Rolling resistance, Air resistance, Aerodynamics

Coefficient of friction, Rolling resistance and Aerodynamics


Coefficient of friction for many material combinations

Coefficient of friction in bearings

Coefficient of friction in screw joints

Rolling resistance

Air resistance, aerodynamics

Coefficient of friction for a range of material combinations

combination Static Dynamic
  dry lubricated dry lubricated
steel-steel 0.5...0.6 0.15 0.4...0.6 0.15
copper-steel - - 0.5...0.8 0.15
steel-cast iron 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.05
cast iron - cast iron 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.15
friction material - steel - - 0.5-0.6 -
steel-ice 0.03 - 0.015 -
steel-wood 0.5-0.6 0.1 0.2-0.5 0.05
wood-wood 0.4-0.6 0.15...0.2 0.2...0.4 0.15
leather-metal 0.6 0.2 0.2...0.25 0.12
rubber-metal 1 - 0.5  
plastic-metal 0.25...0.4 - 0.1...0.3 0.04...0.1
plastic-plastic 0.3-0.4 - 0.2...0.4 0.04...0.1
The coefficient of friction between two materials in relative sliding may depend on
contact pressure, surface roughness of the relative harder contact surface,
temperature, sliding velocity and the type of lubricant whether the level of
contamination. It's the reason that the data found in the many reference tables
available may show a large variation.

Coefficient of friction in bearings

Coefficient of friction [-]
Slide bearing, hydrodynamic 0.003...0.04
Slide bearing, sinter bronze, oil lubricated 0.04...0.07
Slide bearings, solid bronze, grease lub 0.07...0.12
Polymer slide bearing, polyamide, dry 0.2...0.3
Polymer bearing, composite, dry 0.05...0.15
Ball bearings 0.001...0.0015
Roller bearings 0.0018
Needle bearings 0.0045
Air bearings, pressurized 0.0
Hydrostatic bearings 0.001...0.002, ref viscous shearing

Coefficient of friction in screw joints

lubricated lubricated dry dry
oiled MoS2 Zn-plating RVS
0.12...0.18 0.08...0.12 0.12...0.18 0.3...0.8
screw lubricants / friction >>

Rolling resistance
  Cr [-]
Steel wheel on rail 0.0002...0.0010
Car tire on road 0.010...0.035
Car tire energy safe 0.006...0.009
Tube 22mm, 8 bar 0.002
Race tyre 23 mm, 7 bar 0.003
Touring 32 mm, 5 bar 0.005
Tyre with leak protection 37 mm, 5 bar / 3 bar 0.007 / 0.01
Calculator rolling resistance >>  

Air resistance
  Cw [-] Af [m2] Af·Cw [m2]
Modern car 0.25...0.35 1.8 0.54
MPV 0.4...0.5 3 1.35
Truck 0.7 6 4.2
Formula 1 0.75 1.6 1.20
Nuna Solar Car 0.07 0.86 0.06
Sports plane 0.12 5 0.60
Card 0.8 1 0.80
Grand pa bike 1.1 0.6 0.66
Racing bike 0.9 0.35 0.31
Horizontal bicycle 0.8 0.25 0.20
aerodynamic bicycle 0.4...0.15 0.25 0.07
Ball 0.5 πR2 0.5πR2
Half sphere 0.4 πR2 0.4πR2
Half sphere 1.3 πR2 1.3πR2
Flat circular disc 1.1 πR2 1.1πR2
Calculator air resistance >>      

Conversion of wind speed Beaufort to wind speed in m/s:

1: 1m/s 2: 2m/s 3: 4m/s 4: 7m/s 5: 10m/s 6: 13m/s
7: 16m/s 8: 19m/s 9: 23m/s 10: 27m/s 11: 31m/s 12: >36m/s

Conversion percentage of slope to slope angle

A 5% slope is a slope that rises 5 m for every 100 m horizontal distance, i.e. a
slope of atan(5/100)=2.86 degrees. A 100% slope is one of 45 degrees. 1/1

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