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20.10.21 18:37 Crime and punishment – maturitní otázka z angličtiny (3) | Anglictina-maturita.

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Crime and punishment – maturitní otázka z angličtiny


Otázka: Crime and punishment

Jazyk: Angličtina
Přidal(a): Tariel

1.     Intro
crime is an action which is against the law
punishment serves for restricting crime
people need to be punished for their crimes so they won’t commit them again
and others will be aware of those rules

2.     Legal systems of different countries

police, federal police (FBI), intelligence (CIA, MI6)
proceeding of the bill:

bill is proposed – goes to Chamber of Deputies – is discussed and voted on – then it

is submitted to the Senate – if it passes in Senate it is submitted to the president –
president has veto right
judicial branch
the highest courts – Supreme or Constitutional
in ESC – based on Common Law 1/4
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3.     Types of Crime

minor crimes and serious crimes

Minor offences
petty theft
driving offences
parking tickets, speeding, accidents, going through a red light

Serious crime = Felony

hijacking – similar to kidnapping, object – plane etc
arson (ársen) – setting things on fire on purpose
drug pending / drug dealing / drug possession
forgery – making fake money
mugging – violent attack and robbery
burglary – stealing from someone’s house
robbery – taking property from a person using force
white collar crime
cheating in tax payments
computer crime
whistle blowing, hacking
political crime – corruption (David Ráth)
child abuse, child pornography
manslaughter x murder
manslaughter is killing without intention
terrorism (9.11)
war crime

4.     Types of Punishment

imposing a fine 2/4
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community service
to be imprisoned
suspended sentence
corporal punishment
capital punishment / death penalty
for – potential murderers would think twice before committing the crime,
safer for society, retribution – murderers should get what they deserve, less
taxpayers money would be spent
against – innocent people are sometimes wrongly convinced, state has no
right to take anyone’s life, religious reason

5.     Steps of investigation

clues, fingerprints, bloodstains, CCTV records, alibi
professions connected to investigation
coroner, detective, forensic specialist, secret agent, pathologist

6.     Trial
what does it look like at the court?
The person who committed a crime is taken to custody by a police officer – at
the court he is charged with his crime and a case is presented to a jury –
during the trial evidence is explored and witnesses speak – at the end person
is convicted – jury makes a decision, suspect can appeal later on.
defendant (obžalovaný), defence (obhájce), witnesses /( an eye witness),
prosecutions, judge, the jury
proving the defendant is guilty (as charged), to sentence someone (sentence)

7.     Known criminal cases

F. Kennedy Assasination
political murder
conspiracy theories
September 11 attacks
terrorist attack on The World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York
Al Qaida terrorist group 3/4
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2001, followed by the War in Iraq

Corruption of David Ráth
former minister of health from The Social Democratic Party
7 million Czech crowns in a wine box
Whistleblowing of Julian Assange (wikileaks)
exposure of secret government information on the non profit website
currently staying in London on an Ecuadorian Embassy, charged with
pedofilia in Sweden
helped Edward Snowden
International Court for Human Rights found violation of his rights

8.     Crime in popular culture

Beggar’s Opera – John Gay
Arthur C. Doyle – Sherlock Holmes
Agatha Christie – Hercule Poirot
Ian Fleming – James Bond
TV shows
CSI Miami, Hawaii 5-0, The Mentalist, Sherlock, Elementary, The Professionals,
Law and Order, Dexter, The Good Wife, Bones, Colombo

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Crime and punishment – maturitní otázka z angličtiny
Crime and punishment – maturitní otázka z angličtiny (2)
Crime and Punishment
Terrorism – angličtina

Angličtina, Other

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