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20 De Ponce vs.

G.R. No. L-2836. December 6, 1949

Petitioner Engracia G. de Ponce, legitimate mother of Lt. Genaro G. Ponce, USAFFE,
who was killed in line of duty sometime in May, 1942, at Bacolod Grande, Lanao, filed a
claim for the arrears in pay and allowances due the said deceased Lieutenant Ponce. The
Claim was predicated upon the allegation that Lieutenant Ponce was unmarried and had no
legitimate or acknowledged natural children. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 136 and after the
reception of the necessary proofs from petitioner, the Claims Branch of the Judge Advocate
General's (JAG) Office made an adjudication and award in favor of petitioner in the amount
of P7,200. This amount, however, was not paid because of a claim filed by respondent Alicia
Vasquez Sagario, who alleged that she was the legal wife of the deceased Lt. Ponce, and had
a minor daughter by him born on May 24,1942, after his death. Upon the conflicting claims,
hearing was had before Capt. Ramon V. Diaz, Chief of the Claims Branch of the JAG’s
Office. Both parties present evidence in support of their respective contentions upon which,
the JAG held that the alleged marriage was sufficiently established under Republic Act No.
136 and that his office would adjudicate the arrearages to respondent Alicia Vasquez Sagario
and her daughter, to the total exclusion of petitioner.
The lower court held that there was a dispute within the meaning of the above
provision. It said that there were conflicting claims made to the same property.

1. Whether real dispute exists under Republic Act 136
2. Whether the determination of the existence of conflicting claims can be given by
the Judge Advocate General
3. Whether RA No. 136 has given the Judge Advocate General quasi-judicial powers

1. Yes, A fact is properly said to be in dispute when it is alleged by one party and denied
by the other, and by both with some show of reason. Good Faith and some showing
on the part of opposing claimants are the sole test of the existence or non-existence of
dispute under Republic Act No. 136. It is immaterial that the dispute is, in the opinion
of the Judge Advocate General, only apparent, or that he is convinced that one claim
is well founded and others are not.
2. No, The weighing of opposing evidence and a decision on questions of law and fact
when conflicting claims under Republic Act No. 136,are presented, requires the
exercise of judgment or discretion. This function is eminently judicial and devolves,
as it should, on the courts of law.
3. No, the Judge Advocate General's role under Republic Act No. 136 is purely
administrative and ministerial. This is manifest from the language of the Act, from
the nature of his office, from the express provision of section 3 that his power to
investigate is "subject to the limitations imposed by section 8," and from the fact that
the investigation he is authorized to make is summary.
For recit:
● Contentions:
1. Petitioner herein predicated her claim on the allegation that the deceased Lt. Genaro G.
Ponce was not married to respondent Alicia Vasquez Sagario.
2. Upon the other hand, oral and circumstantial evidence was presented tending to show
that the deceased Lt. Genaro G. Ponce and Alicia Vasquez Sagario were really married,
although the marriage certificate or other documentary proof of marriage could not be
This was accepted by the judge advocate because accdg to him Marriage Cert are
“things that may be lost” and accdg to the well established presumption of law
that a man and woman deporting themselves as husband and wife have entered
into a lawful contract of marriage. (wife followed Lieutenant Ponce "through the
Visayas to Mindanao,suffering moral, physical and financial deprivations to be
with him because he could not bear such separation any longer," and to the fact that
"Lieutenant Ponce's co-officers and superiors knew that she was his wife and
treated her as such)
The respondents rely on section 3 of the aforementioned Act which reads:"The
Judge Advocate General or his representative shall proceed to ascertain by the best
means within his power the names and residences of the persons who are lawfully
entitled to the monies referred to in this Act, and pursuant to the evidence submitted
shall summarily distribute the same to said legal heirs as of the time of final decree of
distribution in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code…”
● RA 136 SECTION 8:
"Whenever a dispute arises as to who of two or more claimants are the legal heirs
of the deceased, the Judge Advocate General or his representative shall suspend,
the summary distribution of themonies until the courts shall have finally decided
the controversy in an action for interpleading under Rule fourteen of the Rules of
Court: Provided, however, That complaints for interpleading presented pursuant to
this section shall be exempt from the payment of all filing fees, legal fees, and
● SC ruling anchored on this:
It would be illogical to suppose that the legislature allowed the adjudication of
contentious matters involving title to monies in a proceeding devoid of formality before an
administrative officer whose decisions are final and unappealable, according to the
respondents. That would run counter to the universal policy which secures to the parties the
right to have reviewed all judicial determinations which are to be reached only after a regular
and fair trial in which full opportunity to present evidence was given to the litigants.What
section 3 of Republic Act No. 136 envisages is the situation where only one or no claim is
filed for monies due.In the first case, it is the duty of the Judge AdvocateGeneral "to ascertain
by the best means within his power the names and residences of the persons who are entitled
to the monies." In the second case, it is his duty to see that the claimant is not an impostor or
that no others have a better right to, or are entitled to share in, the benefits..
● The decision of the TC is affirmed. The determination should be decided by the
courts not the JAG

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