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This CONTRACT OF LEASE is made and executed at the City of San Fernando City, this ___
day of August 2021 by and between:

CESAR P. RIMANDO, of legal age, married to Editha M. Rimando, Filipino, and with
residence and postal address at No. 47 Ven-Flor Road, Northville Subdivision, Dalumpinas
Este, San Fernando City, La Union, represented by his son Andrew Cesar Rimando
hereinafter referred to as the LESSOR.


XXXXXX with residence at 27A Ven-Flor Village, Dalumpinas Oeste, San Fernando
City, La Union, hereinafter referred to as the LESSEE.


WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner of THE LEASED PREMISES, a residential property
situated at Dalumpinas Oeste, San Fernando City, La Union;

WHEREAS, the LESSOR agrees to lease-out the property to the LESSEE and the LESSEE is
willing to lease the same for the period of one year only;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the LESSOR leases
unto the LESSEE and the LESSEE hereby accepts from the LESSOR the LEASED premises,
subject to the following:


1. PURPOSES: That premises hereby leased shall be used exclusively by the LESSEE for
residential purposes only and shall not be diverted to other uses unless there is a written
approval from the lessor. It is hereby expressly agreed that if at any time the premises are used
for other purposes, the LESSOR shall have the right to rescind this contract without prejudice
to its other rights under the law.

2. TERM: This term of lease is for ONE (1) YEAR starting from _______ and ending on ______or
at an earlier date if the LESSEE decides to move out with a one month advance notice or when
the LESSEE defaults in payment for fourteen (14) days or when the LESSOR will use the place
also with a one month advance notice. Upon its expiration, a new contract may be made and
signed under such new terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
A written notice of intention for another contract of lease shall be served to the LESSOR not later
than thirty (30) days prior to the expiry date of the period herein agreed upon. A new contract
may not be signed by the LESSEE or the LESSOR. In the absence of a new contract, the LESSEE
shall leave the premises on or before the end of the contract on ______.

3. RENTAL RATE AND DEPOSIT: That the monthly rental rate for the leased premises shall
be TEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php 10,000) paid in advance. All rental payments shall be payable
to the LESSOR or thru the authorized representative Andrew Cesar Rimando covered with an

The LESSEE shall have payed to the LESSOR before the signing of this contract the sum
of TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 20,000). The TEN THOUSAND PESOS (Php 10,000) shall
be applied as advance rent for one month. The other TEN THOUSAND PESOS is one (1) month
deposit (cannot be applied as rent) which shall answer partially for damages and any other
obligations for utilities such as Electricity that are billed after the expiration of the contract. Any
remaining amount after deductions shall be returned to the LESSEE as soon as all the unpaid
dues or cost of damages have been paid. The next rental payment shall be ONE MONTH after
the start of this contract or on ____ and every ___ day of the month thereafter to be paid at the
residence of Andrew Cesar Rimando at No. 27 Ven-Flor Village, Dalumpinas Oeste, San Fernando
City, La Union. There shall be no collector. If there is a new contract after the expiration of this
contract, there will be an incease in rent based on Republic Act 9653 that allows increase of rent
of 7% or more annually depending on the amount of rent.

4. DEFAULT PAYMENT: In case of default by the LESSEE in the payment of the rent, a 10%
surcharge shall be applied for the first six days of default. In case the LESSEE defaults in
payment seven days after the due date, including dishonored check, the LESSOR at its option
may terminate this contract and eject the LESSEE. The LESSOR has the right to padlock the
premises when the LESSEE is in default of payment and may forfeit whatever rental deposit or
advances have been given by the LESSEE following the provisions of the law under Republic Act
No. 9653.
5. SUB-LEASE: The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublet, allow or permit the leased
premises to be occupied in whole or in part by any person, form or corporation, neither shall the
LESSEE assign its rights hereunder to any other person or entity and no right of interest thereto
or therein shall be conferred on or vested in anyone by the LESSEE without the LESSOR'S
written approval.

6. PUBLIC UTILITIES: The LESSEE shall pay for community association dues (presently
P50/month), electric dues, garbage fees and other public services and utilities during the
duration of the lease.

7. FORCE MAJEURE: If whole or any part of the leased premises shall be destroyed or damaged
by fire, flood, lightning, typhoon, earthquake, storm, riot or any other unforeseen disabling cause
of acts of God, as to render the leased premises during the term substantially unfit for use and
occupation of the LESSEE, then this lease contract may be terminated without compensation by
the LESSOR or by the LESSEE by notice in writing to the other.

8. LESSOR'S RIGHT OF ENTRY: The LESSOR or its authorized agent shall after giving due
notice to the LESSEE shall have the right to enter the premises in the presence of the LESSEE
or its representative at any reasonable hour to examine the same once a month for any other
lawful purposes which it may deem necessary.

9. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR: That the LESSEE shall keep and maintain the house in good
and sanitary condition and provide for its preferred light bulbs or lighting system. The LESSEE
shall make all required replacement of electric light bulbs, and faucets and also repairs to
plumbing, drainage, water system, electric, floors, ceilings, walls, windows, screens, door knobs,
door locks, doors and other parts of the house. The LESSEE should not drill holes or put nails
on the walls or in any part of the house unless with written permision from the LESSOR after
the LESSEE has given a written request.

10. ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. All alterations, changes and improvements built,
constructed on or around the house by the LESSEE shall be approved by the LESSOR and shall
become the property of the LESSOR and remain after the expiration or earlier termination of this

11. EXPIRATION OF LEASE: At the expiration of the term of this lease or cancellation thereof
when the LESSEE decides to move out of the house with a one month advance notice, the
LESSEE will promptly turnover to the LESSOR the house with all corresponding keys and in
good condition or as is now. In the event of damage of the house cause by the LESSEE OR
LESSEE’S family, agents and visitors, the LESSEE should have it repaired before the expiration
or termination of the contract or the LESSOR will have it repaired and charge the LESSEE. The
same penalty shall be imposed in case the LESSEE fails to leave the premises after the expiration
of this Contract of Lease or termination for any reason whatsoever. The rental for one month
after the date of advance notice of moving out or cancellation of contract should still be paid by

10. This CONTRACT OF LEASE shall be valid and binding between the parties, their successors-
in-interest and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties herein affixed their signatures on the date and place above



Signed in the presence of:

ANDREW CESAR M. RIMANDO ______________________________


Republic of the Philippines)

_________________________) S.S

BEFORE ME, personally appeared:

Name CTC Number Date/Place Issued

CESAR P. RIMANDO _________________________ ______________________

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _________________________ ______________________

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