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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT b) New technology and opportunities

HRM IN THE PHILIPPINES c) Efficient work structure and company policies

➢ Early in 1950’s allow employees and technology to interact.
➢ For it to gained acceptance and recognition, three CONTRIBUTING GROWTH FACTORS
conditions need to exist: 1. Increasing complexity of business operations –
1. Top management must be convinced the post-war period saw the birth of big
that personnel management is needed in corporations where the volume and variety of
business operation; Operations and the size of the labor force
2. Qualified personnel administration must demanded specialization in management. The
be available; personnel specialist was called upon to formulate
3. Personnel administrators must
and carry out the organization's personnel policies
demonstrate their capacity to contribute
to the company’s objectives and goals. and programs.
➢ Lack oof understanding of what personnel work is. 2. Government regularizations and labor laws
PERSONNLE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE promulgated in recent years – In order to
PHILIPPINES (PMAP) – a nationwide organization of all safeguard the workers, the government deemed it
personnel managers and human resource practitioners in Wise to enact a number of labor laws and
the country. government regulations such laws are the Woman
ACTIVITIES OF PMAP and Child Labor Law, the Minimum Wage Law, the
1. Training and developing personnel administration Eight-hour Labor Law, the Industrial Peace Act of
through seminars, lectures, workshop, meetings, 1953, and several other labor and social laws
national conferences and holding tripartite which are embodied in the labor code of the
conference. Philippines (November 1, 1974)
2. Participation in public hearings to voice support
3. Growth of Labor Unions – The passage of the
of, opposition to, proposed legislation affecting
Industrial Peace Act of 1953, otherwise known as
business and industry;
3. Dissemination of information to upgrade the Magna Carta of Labor, triggered the
personnel management, offering technical advice organization of labor unions and the strengthening
through its special committees and library of the workers' bargaining power: Collective
facilities; and bargaining negotiations and the administration of
4. Establishment of public relations program aimed union contracts may best be handled with the
at informing the public about the nature of technical resources of a personnel department.
personnel work. 4. Influx of new concepts in management – The
• DOLE, Employees compensation commission, SSS, employee welfare concept is not new; but its
TESDA & etc., usually consult with the association before nature has changed from one of paternalism to
taking a stand on matters affecting employer-employee that of employee's rights through practices that
relations. have become institutionalized, Employee benefits
THE CHALLENGES OF HUMAN RESOURCE have become varied and HR raging, making their
MANAGEMENT administration a complex function. The facilities of
1. The challenge of the global community – must the personnel department are here again utilized
compete with organizations not only in the place to handle such programs.
of operation but the global community; global THE DEFINITION OF HRM
markets. • function. of management, concerned with
2. The stockholders challenge – The companies are promoting and enhancing the development of
challenged to reach financial objectives through work effectiveness and advancement of the
meeting customers and employee’s needs. human resources in the organization.
3. The challenge of productivity – The HR became • These are accomplished through proper planning,
more “smart workers” with the aid of computer- organizing, directing, coordination and controlling
aided machines, internets and expert system. of activities related to procurement, development,
THE LINKS OF HIGH PRODUCTIVITY ARE motivation and compensation of employees to
a) Human resources and capabilities achieve the goals of the enterprise.
HRM AS SCIENCE AND ART (IMAGINATION AND ➢ Organization now recognized the important role
INTELLIGENCE) played by human resources in the company’s
SCIENCE – personnel management is a science because profit index.
it involves the systematic gathering of data derived from ➢ Companies now look at HR practices as a mean
surveys, statistics, interviews, and observations. to profitability, quality, and other business goals.
ART - Art is proficiency in the practical application of THE ROLE OF HR IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM
knowledge acquired through study, experience or ORGANIZATION
observation and formulate a good solution; it involves • Out-placement, labor law compliance, record
making of sound decisions. keeping, testing, compensation and some aspects
PERSONNEL/HRM – is a member of top executive group of benefits administration.
and responsible of personnel policies and programs. • Collaborate with company executives on
PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES OF THE employment interviewing, performance
PERSONNEL/HRM management, employee discipline and efforts to
1. Common misconception about his role improve quality and productivity.
and functions – “simple clerk” whose job is to keep THE ROLE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING
employee records. "power behind the throne'" has 1. Recruitment and Employment
full control of the workers and who can do just about 2. Interviewing, testing, recruiting and temporary
anything he wishes to make them happy and to
solve all problems involving personnel. employment
2. Inadequate recognition by management of the 3. Labor coordination
proper role of the personnel manager in the 4. Training and Development
organization – Some top management executives • Orientation of new and temporary
are unwillingly to give the personnel manager the employees
corresponding authority and responsibility for the • performance management training
job. There is hesitance on the part of business • Productivity enhancement
executives to let the personnel -manager 5. Wage and salary management
participate in personnel policy-making decisions.
3. In the area of labor relations – Some employers • Job evaluation
expect the personnel manager to keep the labor • Wage and salary survey
unions out or if there is one, to break or bust it. • Executive compensation
The personnel manager who is a conformist 6. Benefits Administration
becomes unstable and insecure in his position • Vacation and Sick 'leaves administration
because of lack of the necessary strength of • Insurance
personality and knowledge of his job. • Stock plans
4. Jealousy of the other executives regarding the
• Pension plan
personnel manager’s duty and authority – These
• Retirement plan assistance programs
problems can be avoided if top management
7. Employee Service and Recreations
defines clearly the extent and limits of authority
and responsibility of the personnel manager and • Bus service
enjoins the line executives and supervisors to • Canteens
cooperate with him. • Athletics
RESOURCES 8. Community Relations
Historically, personnel managers and their departments • Community project and relation
suffered from very low perceived position due to the 9. Record management
following factors: • Employment record
1. Disrespect for the position and those who perform • Information system
it; • Performance record
2. The low position in the organization;
3. Lack of expertise in performing their functions
10. Health and safety 6. Possesses the integrity, industry and courage
• Training, safety inspection, dental and to earn respect of the employees/employer.
medical services and drug testing 7. Possesses pleasing personality and personal
11. Strategic management warmth and approachable.
• Collaborative planning THE SKILLS NEEDED BY TODAY’S HR
• Out-sourcing manpower research PROFESSIONALS
• Organizational Planning 1. Higher degree of knowledge on management and
1. Supervisor – plans, organizes, directs, controls, 2. He must possess a high human and public
and coordinates the activities of his department. relations.
Manage and trains employee. 3. A great knowledge of human psychology and
2. Administrative official – He or his staff conducts or social relations.
directs certain personnel activities as provided or 4. A working knowledge of labor laws and
in the policies and programs entrusted to the regulations.
department. 5. A thorough knowledge of management and its
3. Adviser – serves as counselor, guide and relations to effective organization is a must for all
confidante to management supervision and HR managers to plan out strategic approaches to
employees; informed about employees’ attitude problems and their solutions.
and behavior. 6. A community relations officer. The HR manager
4. Coordinator – He brings into action, regulates and develops greater linkage with government and
combines diverse efforts into harmonious whole. other stakeholders.
5. Negotiator – representative of the management in REWARDS AND BENEFITS FOR THE PERSONNEL
negotiating labor contracts or to attend MANAGER
negotiations with unions in an advisory capacity. 1. Car plan or free use company transportation
6. Educator – He conducts or administers company’s 2. Unlimited/limited use of gasoline and free
training program; employees’ development. maintenance check-up
7. Provider of services – facilitate with government 3. Company cellular phone
agencies like SSS, Medicare etc., which can make 4. Representation Allowance/Meal allowance
their employment more satisfying. 5. Education Scholarship/Attending conventions and
8. Employee counselor – His knowledge and training seminars
in human relations and the behavioral sciences CAREER ADVANCEMENT/ OTHER PROFESSIONNAL
plus his familiarity with company operations. OPTIONS FOR PERSONNEL MANAGER “JACK OF ALL
9. Promoter of community relations – He is called by TRADES”
the management in helping the company project 1. College professor
favorable and positive image to the community; 2. Vice president of the company
must aware in the environment where the 3. Chief of executive officer (CEO)
enterprise operates. 4. Politician
10. Public Relations man – His require him to deal with 5. Entrepreneur
the general public, which includes the employees, 6. Businessman
the unions, and the community. THE CARREER PATH TO HR MANAGER
PERSONAL QUALITIES OF THE PERSONNEL 1. Entrance level – a new college graduate may start
MANAGER as personnel assistant in a medium size
1. Can communicate effectively, both orally and organization. The ff skills are necessary:
writing. a. Assisting in interviewing applicants
2. Possesses an above-average intelligence. b. Giving tests and scoring test results
3. Enjoys working with people c. Assisting in employee orientation and
4. Grasps the implication of a given situation, training program
understand individual attitudes and the d. Record keeping
problem of employees/employer. 2. Supervisory level – higher level depends on the
5. Aggressive, mature and capable in giving ability and capability of the personnel assistant.
advice on the employer/employees. The traits/skills are:
a. Skills in writing job description, job the need for competitive advantage if the
analysis, & job evaluations. economic development of this country is to be
b. Knowledge of employee benefit attained.
programs related to vacation, sick • We need to give credit for productivity but
leaves, pension etc. productivity cannot be attained with hungry
c. Skills in interviewing applicants and stomach.
counselling employees. CHAPTER 2
d. Skills in testing and interpreting test HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING (HRP) – process of
results and making recommendations. systematically reviewing human resource requirements to
e. Job evaluation and wage administration ensure that the number employees matches the required
skills and relating pay to the differences skills. Matching internal & external supplies.
in job requirements. STRATEGIC PLANNING – is the determination of the
f. Skills in determining training needs; overall organizational purpose and goals and how they are
develop training module to be achieved.
g. Skills in basic research related to man 2 IMPORTANT COMPONENTS OF HRP
power planning. 1. Requirement – determining the number and types
of employees needed.
3. The managerial level – acquired the above skills. a. Internal resources – refer to existing
The concentration of the HR is the effective manpower that could be re-assigned to
management of the different areas. new positions or be promoted to higher
a. Leadership and conceptual ideas vacant position.
visioning – HR manager are part of the b. External resources – refer to positions
strategic management team that that are not available inside the
participates in organization strategies organization and need to be sourced out.
planning; improves products and 2. Availability – determines whether there is a
services, productivity, technology surplus or shortage in manpower.
enhancement. ASPECTS OF HRP
b. Analytical of the facts as basis for 1. Systematic forecasting of manpower needs – on
decision making – His main concern is the basis of business conditions and forecasts,
how HR assets could be turned into manpower needs are planned and monitored
productive investments through a proper closely.
compensation and benefits program. 2. Performance management – analyzing, improving
c. Compliance administration and control – and monitoring the performance of each employee
include labors laws, environmental and the organization as a whole.
regulations, safety and security 3. Career management – determining, planning and
employee services; recreation monitoring of each employee and developed them
d. Interpersonal team work – team building for improved productivity.
and organizational interventions are 4. Management development – assessing and
needed to develop greater team work. determining the developmental needs of
managers for future succession requirements.
• The change in personnel values and orientation 1. Through a systematic planning of human
should match the changes in technology without resources, a company can be better assisted in
which competitive advantage could hardly be attaining its goals and objectives.
possible. 2. It helps the company determine its manpower
• Employees need to be trained and developed and needs and provides a method of meeting them.
we need to dismantle the bureaucratic structures 3. It can be an effective means of planning the
that limit employee’s ability to innovate and be development and growth of the employees.
creative. 4. It can assist in placing the employees properly in
• Employees should be empowered towards jobs where they can maximize the use of their
productive endeavor and be guided according to skills and potentials.
5. It can assist the company to attract and retain component of the organization on the identification
better qualified employees. of manpower needs.
5 STEPS IN HRP 6. Successor planning approach – takes into
1. Determining the workload inputs based on the consideration the different components of the old
corporate goals and objectives plan and increase them.
Several factors that should be considered in COMMON WEAKNESS IN HRP
determining work inputs: 1. Over-planning – a plan is likely to fail through an
a. Business development and assumptions inherent weakness of having covered too many
b. Corporate planning aspects.
c. Economic forecasts 2. Technique overload – the use of so many
d. Changes in plans and products techniques sometimes leads to the gathering so
e. New product lines much information. This makes techniques serve
f. Mergers and consolidations as a trap rather than a means for action.
2. Studying the jobs in the company and writing job 3. Bias for the quantitative – emphasizing the
description and job specifications quantitative aspects of personnel management to
3. Forecasting of manpower needs the neglect of the qualitative side.
a. Determination of the number and skills of 4. Isolation of the planners – top management give a
people required for the work. little encouragement to HRP activities, ignore the
b. Forecasting, knows as the planned and plan and withdrawn support for plan
logical method of determining both implementation.
quantitatively and qualitatively. 5. Isolation from organizational objectives – when
4. Inventory of manpower HRP is pursued for its own sake or for narrow
The net result of this operations is that you either viewpoint of concentrating on HRD, the effort
find: leads to the formulation of a plan that does not
a. Enough man power interphase with organizational development.
b. Excess in the number of available 6. Lack of line supervisor’s inputs – any plan to
manpower, but lacking the skills develop the personnel and to improve the
required. conditions of work must use the feedbacks from
c. The number of available manpower is the supervisors, since they are the ones who are
insufficient, and the skills are also handling the personnel in the org.
inadequate to meet the needs of work 4 BASICS TERMS OF MANPOWER FORECASTING
inputs. 1. Long term trend – is usually done for a period of
5. Improvement plans 5 years or more.
PLANNING TECHNIQUES IN HR MANAGEMENT 2. Cyclical variations – this refers to reasonable and
1. Skills inventory – listing of all the skills possessed predictable movement that occur over a period of
by the workforce and they are made to relate to one year or more.
the requirements of the organization. 3. Seasonal Variations – This covers firms who
2. Ratio Analysis – this is a technique wherein the manufacture seasonal products and hire
personnel who are promotable to the higher temporary workers for temporary increase in
positions are identified together with heir backup demand.
or understudy. 4. Random variations – This is one occasion where
3. Cascade approach – under this approach the there is no special pattern and it is quite difficult
setting of objectives flows from the top to bottom to predict or determine.
4. Replacement approach – under this approach, 1. The zero-base forecasting approach – It uses
HRP is done to have a body of manpower in the the organizations current level of employment as
organization that is ready to take over existing jobs the starting point for determining future staffing
on a one-to-one basis within organization. needs.
5. Commitment planning approach – this technique 2. The bottom-up approach – This forecast uses
involves supervisors and personnel in every the progression upward methods from the lower
organization units to ultimately provide the 3. Applicable – data and information must
aggregate forecast of employment needs. applicable in making hr decisions. ‘accuracy’
3. Use of predictor variables – This method uses 4. Result oriented – the end result must contribute
the past employment levels to predict future to greater company productivity and employee’s
requirements. satisfaction.
4. Simulation – It is a technique for the testing of 5. Time bound – relevant information for effective
alternatives on mathematical models decision-making.
representing the real-world situation. IMPORTANT REPORTS (HRIS)
THE IMPORTANT ELEMENTS IN STRATEGIC HUMAN 1. Routine reports – these are hr data summarized
RESOURCE PLANNING on scheduled bases, like current manpower
1. Organizational goals – The hrp process should status, regular employees, etc.
be tied up with the organizational strategic goals. 2. Exception reports - this information may contain
2. Human Resource forecast – forecasting of hr confidential data that are available only for
needs based on business strategies, production managerial decision-making and needs
plans and the various indicators of change in immediate attention.
technology and the organization’s operating 3. On demand reports - management may demand
methods. some reports for analysis. This may pertain to
3. Employee information – the third element in the productivity index, individual performance
planning process is maintaining accurate records, and other personnel actions.
information concerning the composition, 4. Manpower forecast - applies to predictive models
assignments, and capabilities of the current based on specific situations.
4. Human resource availability projections – 1. Staffing applications - common applications used
estimating the number of current employees and in the area of staffing include the ff.
those that could be available in the future. a. Applicant recruiting and tracking
5. Analyzing and evaluating human resource gaps – b. DOLE reporting requirements
comparing what is need with what is available in c. Developing a master employee data
terms of numbers, mix, skills, and technologies. base
STRATEGY EVALUATION AND CONTROL – it is d. Staffing applications for decision-making
extremely important for the company to constantly monitor 2. Human resource planning applications - this
the effectiveness of both the strategy and implementation involves company specific applications in
process. determining future employee turnover, growth
HUMAN RESOURCE ROLE IN PROVIDING rate and promotion patterns and other personnel
1. Emergent strategies – consist of strategies that a. Work force profile analysis - it refers to
evolves from the grassroots of the organization work-force labor supply and demand
and can be thought of as what the organizations analysis or work force profile analysis
actually do. review.
2. Intended strategies – are the results of the b. Work-force dynamic analysis - number
rational decision-making by the top management new hires, transfer and promotions,
as they develop strategic plans. number still needed in the future and
HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) – those employees who are available to fill
is any organized approach to obtaining relevant and timely up job openings in the future.
information on which to base human resource decision. It c. Human resource planning for decision-
is designed to provide information that is – SMART. making - this application pertains to
1. Systematic – information must be systematically information about employees who are
arranged and contain the needed data. about to retire, job classification of
2. Management oriented – the information are employees for promotions and those
essential tools for effective manpower planning, departments that lack basic skills for the
retention, development, and separation of job.
d. Performance Management applications a. Supervisors and managers want to promote
- employee performance ratings, someone from their department whom they have
disciplinary actions, work-rule violations groomed for the positions.
and the daily productivity index could b. Some management members may be upset with
now be stored in computer database as employees who apply job outside their
bases for management decisions. department and tend to take such a move
e. Training and development applications - personally.
these are used primarily to track down c. Losing employees to job posting may mean
the need for employees training having to wait for replacement that may not be as
programs, courses to attend, certified good.
skills, and educational qualifications. d. Some companies believe that it is better to bring
f. Compensation and benefits applications new blood rather than recycling existing ones.
- these includes payroll, job evaluation, THE SUCCESS OF JOB POSTING DEPENDS LARGELY
salary planning and analysis of ON HOW WELL IT IS DESIGNED AND MONITORED.
executive compensation planning and THE FF GUIDELINES MAY HELP IN ITS SUCCESSFUL
management benefits. IMPLEMENTATION:
CHAPTER 3 a. The employee must have been with the company
MEETING NEEDS OF HR for at least one year and must be in the current
• Recruitment is the process of attracting the best position for at least 6 months.
individuals to join the company on a timely basis b. The employee must have a rating of very
in a sufficient number and meeting the satisfactory before he can apply for the posted
qualifications requirements. vacant position.
• The process starts as soon as the need for c. The employee can only apply for not more than
additional personnel is identified is ideally the three times in one year.
result of good human resource planning. 2.THE WORD-OF-MOUTH SYSTEM – This method of
TWO MAJORS SOURCES OF CANDIFATES TO FILL recruitment is found to be effective in local situations. It is
THE VANCANT POSITION one of the least expensive recruitment systems.
1. The internal source – these are qualified 3. ADVERTISING MEDIA – one popular and often
candidates from the company and within the effective means soliciting applicants is advertising it
ranks of its present employees. through media, like newspaper, magazines, radio, or
2. The external source – hiring from the outside television.
source is a management option.
1. JOB POSTING – this is the process by which internal CLIENTELE AND IT SHOULD BE DESIGNED
recruitment is accomplished. Every time a position ACCORDING TO FF SITUATIONS:
becomes available it is posted in the company bulletin a) For special skills, the ad must clearly stipulate the
board for the information of all interested parties. skills required.
PROMOTING OR TRANSFERRING EMPLOYEES FROM b) In scouting for talent, the wording of the ad should
a. It creates an opening for a lower easy-to fill position. c) For applicants who want to know all about
b. The morale of the employee is boosted. specifics, the ad must contain the duties and
c. Hidden talent maybe uncovered and utilized. responsibilities of the positions.
d. It saves considerable time and money. d) Include the details where the applicant should send
e. Employees are already familiar with the company the resume or bio-data
policy and the job itself and therefore less e) Be direct and straight forward in wording the ad.
adjustment is necessary. f) Avoid cute and unprofessional phrases.
SOME COMPANIES WOULD NOT LIKE TO RESORT g) Hire an advertising agency if you are not sure what
h) For hiring executive positions, the services of a
consultancy agency may be employed.
BLIND ADS – these are ads that do not reveal the identity b) Immediate answers could be available through e-
of the company. mail.
The following are disadvantages: c) Other necessary information could be available
a) There might be a limited number of applicants for from the applicants.
the “hand to fill positions” where you want to d) Immediate needs of the company on manpower
interested applicants to immediately get in touch requirements could be answered in a short time.
with you. e) They are less costly and get immediate
b) Blind ads discourage some applicants to apply. response.
c) Some applicants may have applied for the same CHAPTER 4
position not too long ago and it is waste of time. SELECTION – tries to match the personal qualities of the
4.WALK INS AND UNSOLICTED APPLICANTS – these applicants with the job requirements. Begin with
unsolicited applicants could be a possible source of evaluation of the applicant; strength & weaknesses.
outstanding employees. SELECTION PROCESS
THE FF GUIDELINES MAY BE PUT INTO a. Preliminary screening – Initial interview; voice,
ADVANTAGES FOR WALK IN OR CALL IN physical appearance, personal grooming,
APPLICANTS educational background, professional training and
a) Applications should be categorized into different experience that need to be assessed.
skills or qualifications. STYLES OF INTERVIEW
b) A day of the week must be scheduled for the a. Structured interview – follows a set of procedures
interview of the applicants. and the interviewer sets the leads.
c) Unsolicited applications can also be reviewed b. Unstructured interview – is where the applicant
with the list of opening in mind. takes lead.
5.CAMPUS OR UNIVERSITY RECRUITMENT – colleges c. Panel or round table interview – is usually done for
are undisputable sources of the talent for an organization managerial and supervisory employees.
to tap. Recent graduates are considered highly desirable b. THE APPLICATION FORM – the company’s
for companies to select, groom and develop recruits from application forms contain more information that the
top schools in the country. company may need in MIS files or some information
6. JOB FAIR AND OPEN HOUSE – the organizational may be required during the in-depth interview.
representatives of the company gather and interview GRAPHOLOGY – the applicant requires to write not
several applicants over a period of one to two days in less than 200 words with his work or life experiences.
some specified fields. c. TESTING AND EVALUATION OF RESULTS –
7. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES - some local government commonly associated with the prediction and
units have their placement offices look for possible selection of subsequent performance on the job.
employments for their constituents. TESTS CAN BE CLASSIFIED ON THE BASE OF
8. Radio and television – since the coverage of the PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS SOUGHT FROM
advertisement is of great magnitude, more qualified THE APPLICNAT. THEY ARE THE FF:
applicants can be reached and could even tempt other a. Intelligence test – it is widely used to measure
applicants who are not actually looking for jobs. mental ability or general learning ability.
THINGS TO CONSIDER: b. Aptitude test – it measures the person’s
a) It is very costly capacity to learn a given job, provided there is
b) The message must be convincing and should be adequate training.
done by a professional. c. Interest test – it is derived from hereditary and
c) The message on the radio and television should environmental factors. It tries to predict the
be sincere and pleasing. success in the job if the person’s interest and
d) The name of the company must be repeated the job are properly matched.
including the telephone number. d. Personality test – it is considered as an
9.THE INTERNET – company profiles and job placement important instrument to test the personality of
could eventually come into the internet. the applicant especially for supervisory and
a) Applications letters or resume could immediately
be sent to the company.
e. Achievement or proficiency test – it tries to TYPES OF EMPLOYEES
measure the applicant’s knowledge of a given 1. Probationary – an employee is hired for regular
job. position based on an organizational staffing
d. In-depth interview – after passing all tests required, pattern.
the applicant is now ready to formally enter into the 2. Regular or permanent employee – an employee
selection process. who passed the probationary period and is
3 IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS THAT THE performing a regular activity in the business of
1. KNOWLEDGE – better understanding of the 3. Contractual employee – the employees is hired
psychology of the person is an important factor in for a fixed period or specific project of the
the interview. company.
2. EMPHATY – the interviewer must be able to 4. Casual or seasonal employee – an employee is
discover the inner behavior of the individual by hired for a particular work or service that is
understanding his own personality and relate this seasonal in nature.
with the feelings of the applicant. 5. Apprenticeship – is the development of the
3. Communication skills – this refers to the use of required skills for a particular type of work.
language, gestures, and voice infection.
5.EVALUATING REFERENCES – references to be
credible must be checked with utmost confidentiality if one
would like to get a true picture of the individual who would
like to join the organization.
1. Academic references – this may be requested
from applicants who are new graduates;
academic performance, TOR
2. Character references – this reference may come
from some persons in the community that are
familiar with the individual in their place of
residence; Barangay clearance.
3. Work or Experience reference – to get most valid
information about the applicant, the work
reference check must be mailed to the previous
employer stating the confidentiality of the
6. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION – this may be the last
hurdle in the selection process.
a. To screen out those physically incapable of
doing job.
b. To prevent employment of those with high
incidence of absenteeism due to illness or
c. To prevent hiring of people with communicable
diseases or who are influenced by drugs.
d. Ward off unwanted claims with worker’s
compensation laws, SSS, medical care and
suits for damages.
7. PLACEMENTS – the applicant who is cleared in all
requirements is finally offered the job. Approval;
manager or supervisor of the department.

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