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Jonathan D.

Tiglao 12- Ampere

PR Q1- W3
Activity: 1

1. In your own words, how can you differentiate a dependent variable from an
independent variable?
- Dependent variable is affected and is depending on the independent variable. If an
independent variable changes, it will automatically affect the result of the
dependent variable. On the other hand. Independent variable does not affect or rely
on the dependent variable. In other words, experiment are to determine the effect
of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

2. In your own understanding, what is a control variable?

- The factors that the researchers may alter, manage, or maintain are known as
control variables. Temperature, pressure, and any other controlled factors are
examples of control variables.

3. In your own understanding, what is a confounding variable?

- Researchers may be unaware of the presence of these confounding factors until the
investigations get muddled. Confounding factors are elements of an experiment in
which there may be certain variables that may or may not have influenced the
study's findings. These complicating factors make the experiment or research more
difficult to conduct or provide incorrect findings.

4. Identify the independent variable in the research title below

"The Effectiveness of Vaccine ABC Against Pathogen XYZ among Asians"
Explain why you identified it as an independent variable.
- In this research, the number of Asians who will get great results from the vaccine is
the independent variable. The vaccine's efficacy is determined on the number of
volunteers. The outcome will be significantly influenced if we limit the number of

5. Identify the dependent variable in the research title below

"The Effectiveness of Vaccine ABC Against Pathogen XYZ among Asians"
Explain why you identified it as dependent variable
- The dependent variable is the impact of vaccination ABC or XYZ on Asians. Because
each person is unique, we have to remember that various vaccinations will have
different effect and results on different individuals.
Activity 2:

1. Daily Attendance of Students

Nature of Variable
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
The nominal The absents Holidays, make up Children or teens who
variable is the sequence of days classes and have never enrolled in
students and in order are the cancelled days are the school and
teachers. They are ordinal variable. the interval students who have
the ones variable. never attended a class.
monitoring the

Kinds of Variable
Independent Dependent Intervening/Mediating Control Confounding
How much a The number The teacher's The It may be
student is of days in technique or strategy students’ difficult to
interested in which the of teaching the lack of learn
a subject. student students. It is the interest in especially if
This attended teacher’s responsibility the subject the teaching
determines within the to create a teaching will result to strategy is not
the school year. strategy that is them not effective. This
student’s effective and engaging attending has an impact
attendance. for the students. and class. on how long
students take
material and
how much
work a teacher
needs to exert
in order to
educate them.
2. Promotion to the Next Grade Level

Nature of Variable
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Students who were Ordinal refers to the When children Students who fail
enrolled and received order in which pupils move to the next a certain school
passing grades are are absent and grade level, they year will be
qualified to be present. mature and required to
promoted in the next become older as repeat that grade
grade level. well. level until they
pass and move to
the next grade

Kinds of Variable
Independent Dependent Intervening/Mediating Control Confounding
When Determining Surroundings, Even if the There are
students move whether or environment, and student is variables that
to the next not a financial state of the uninterested may have an
grade level, student is student plays a and impact on
their conduct, eligible to significant effect on his unmotivated whether or
grade, and advance to or her behavior and to attend a not the
qualities are the next characteristics. class, he or student
taken into grade level. she must passes.
consideration. still go to Common
school. This example are
emotion if the
that a students’
student feels parents are
results to related or
failure of the friends with
specific a principal or
class. someone
who has a
position in
the school.

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