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MCQ on Experimental Design

1) Experimental research is also known as causal research

a) True
b) False

2) Which variables are manipulated and whose effects are measured and
compared in experiments?
a) Independent Variable
b) Dependent Variable
c) Extraneous Variable
d) None

3) The primary goal of the analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) is to:

a) Control for treatment differences to determine if participant characteristics are
statistically different.
b) Determine differences among treatment groups while controlling for or removing
the effects of some participant characteristics
c) Increase the statistical power of experimental designs by increasing the error
d) Measure the differences in some participant characteristic after the experiment has
been conducted

4) If the impact of _______ is not controlled, then it is extremely difficult

to tease out the effects of the IV and the CV on the DV.
a) IV
b) DV
c) CV
d) None

5) In one-way ANOVA, the calculated F value is less than the table F

value then
a) Accept the hypothesis that the population means are equal
b) Reject the hypothesis that the population means are equal
c) Sometimes accept reject the null hypothesis
d) All of the above
6) Which of the following statements about MANOVA is correct?

a) MANOVA is appropriate for data that have one or more dependent variables and
more than two independent variables.
b) MANOVA is appropriate for data with two or more dependent variables and one
or more independent variables.
c) MANOVA is appropriate for data with two or more dependent variables and only
one independent variable.
d) MANOVA is appropriate for data with only one dependent variable and more
than three independent variables.

7) Experimental research can be classified into how many typologies

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

8) ANOVA is a statistical method of comparing the ________ of several

a) Variance
b) Standard deviations
c) Means
d) All of the above

9) In which of the following research designs, the test unit is measured

twice, once before the test unit is subjected to the treatment, and once
after the treatment
a) One-Shot Case Study
b) One group pretest post-test
c) Static group design
d) None

10) . In a factorial experiment

a) We test one factor at a time
b) We cannot estimate interactions
c) all possible combination of factor levels are tested
d) all of the above
11) Under which designs, the researchers assign participants/test units to
EGs or CGs through a randomized approach
a) True Experimental Design
b) Pre-Experimental Design
c) Quasi-Experimental
d) Statistical

12) What statistical procedure is used to assess the statistical significance of

the main effects and the interaction(s) in a factorial design?
a) Analysis of covariance
b) Correlation
c) T-test
d) Analysis of variance

13) ___________ are a set of experimental designs that allows researchers

the ability to statistically control and analyze external variables
a) Quasi Experimental Design
b) Pre-Experimental Design
c) Both
d) None

14) What must we include when reporting an ANOVA?

a) Standard deviations
b) Means
c) Degrees of freedom
d) All of these

15) Which one is appropriate when there are two or more dependent
variables that are correlated?
c) Both
d) None
10 C
11 A
12 D
13 D
14 D
15 A

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