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Trust, loyalty and respect are few of the Ethics for eternal happiness.....

matter how much you love someone if you dont have these ingredients you will never

we all need trust to love, but first you need to love in order to trust.To love
someone is to understand each other, to laugh together, to smile with your heart
and to trust one another.Love is like a wonderful feeling of compassion and
satisfaction. It should be given respect and trust and it should receive that love
back.The best proof of love is trust.

True love is the greatest thing that you can experience it in any weather any
storm. Loving, trusting and respecting each other totally can bring you to true
love and happiness.

Relationships should never be taken for granted. The choice of being with another
life is an amazing thing. Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal
happiness for our future and you and i my dear...

No matter how much you love someone if you don�t have these ingredients you will
never succeed.To be in love means being patient but to be patient you must trust
him or her first.You can never find love through the eye or ear, so you must trust
the only thing that will never fade until you die, your heart.Love is like trust,
when you find your special someone it is as if you're trusting them with your

Trust is what you put in someone's hands and heart. Faith is what you hold on
to.Trust is what makes everyone realize that you are always there for them no
matter what happeneds. Faith is what makes everyone realize that you are always
there to help them in case they need some help. True Love makes life worth living
and complete.

You are the only one in my life as that special person now that i always think of
when i wake up, You are the first thing that comes my into mind when i open my eyes
and the last thought that goes through my mind before i go to bed is you.

This is what i know and i can call true love to be with you, to cherish

Trust is when you are confident on telling everything to someone without any

I tell you every single detail about me because I trust you

I may look like someone you cannot trust, but I tell you I can be trusted more than
anyone else around

I rather choose to be trusted than to be loved

Trust is a big word. Once you accept it, you are responsible to take care of it.

All you have to do is to trust your partner. Believe me; it would be less stressful
if you just stop overthinking.

Never be afraid to trust a new friend. Remember that the only way to find out if he
can be trusted is by trusting him

We gain and lose things everyday. But trust me on one thing. You�ll never lose me.
I will always be here

Trust enables you to put your deepest feelings and fears in the palm of your
partner�s hand, knowing they will be handled with care

When you start to wonder whether you can trust someone or not, that is when you
already know you don�t

Everyone experience being betrayed at least once in their life. The good thing is
that we are still capable to trust again. Just don�t let those bad experiences
affect your life today.

A life without anyone who trusts you is a life no one wants to live

Why would someone always say they trust but then they keep on doubting?

As i have to say what i know as True love and trust i continue by saying to cherish
her, to fulfill her dreams, to share with her and most of all, to make her realize
how much you really love her with everything of you.

Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your
honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.Without romance, love gets dry.
Without respect, love gets lost.. Without caring,

love gets boring.. Without honesty, love gets unhappy, and without trust, love gets
unstable. Love is a wonderful gift trust in it, believe in it, give it, and it will
be returned to you to give again and again.You can get advice from family, friends
and strangers,

But the best advice comes from your heart it never lies trust it.There may be many
people that are trustworthy, but only a few are worth trusting with your heart
choose wisely.To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. For you can
love many, but without trust you have nothing.

The heart already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance
cannot, and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual
respect, trust, commitment, and love.Jealousy is not a sign of true love it's
insecurities that comes in the way, cause love has just one important ingredient

Do you trust me....? Love means never doubting anything. It means trusting and
being honest with each other Someone can be as beautiful on the outside as they are
on the inside, but when he or she betrays your trust, they become the ugliest
person in the world us my ex wife did to some years a go...Love is patient.

Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It is not rude.
It is not self seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrong
doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects,
trusts, hopes,

Love takes many things trust, hope, wishes, dreams, and everything you've got, even
when you know it's not going be enough.Love is not always fireworks and shooting
stars sometimes it's a simple understanding and trust between two people.. Do You
trust me?
Trust, loyalty and respect are a must for eternal happiness... No matter how much
you love someone if you dont have these ingredients you will never succeed.To be in
love means being patient but to be patient you must trust him first.

sweet smiles love forever,, take good care...hope to hear from

you soon by that same smiles of yours......

Relationships have some adjustment periods, but being hurt shouldn't be part of
being in love why i am saying that is if i will keep on thinking about what
happened in my past life i will not even talk to any woman again in my life but i
have forgotting about all those things that happened in my past life and still
moving on with life.

Relationships have good qualities, such as support from your partner, a willingness
to communicate, a desire to compromise, and open an honest communication. When you
do not have these fundamental qualities in a relationship, that relationship isn't
likely to grow, and become something that you desire.

We all turn to our loved ones for support from time to time. When your loved one
does not offer you their support it may be time to look at your relationship. As we
all want to nurture those that we love.. We want the best in life for those that we
care about. If your partner is unwilling to listen to you, and to your problems,

they are not meeting your needs when you need support. Support can come in many
forms, someone lending an ear, someone going out of their way to help you, or
something as simple as a phone call to cheer you up. Make sure your partner gives
you support when you need it.When engaging in a relationship with another person
there is always going to be things that you do not agree upon. You want to have the
ability to compromise so both partners are getting their wishes met. This may mean
one night you watch football, and one night your partner watches a movie you enjoy.
It might mean that your partner can agree to try a dish that you enjoy cooking..

In any organization with more than one person in it, there will be more than one
opinion, work with your partner to see that both of you can compromise on different
subjects. If someone isn't willing to compromise, they are not willing to
acknowledge your wants and desires If they can not acknowledge your wants they are
likely not emotionally developed enough for you to have your needs met.Open and
honest communication is one of the more desirable qualities you want to have in a
relationship. Watch to see that your partner is not secretive, nor are they willing
to tell lies to avoid certain subjects. For example, if a partner is married, and
fails to tell you that, you can rightfully assume if they can lie about big things,
they can lie about small things. While you may not like everything your partner may
say, freedom to be honest should be there in your relationship. Likewise, you need
to be open and honest with your partner a relationship based upon false truths is
not likely to be successful, because both partners do not have the correct frame of
reference in the relationship. There are many qualities that make relationships
good support, compromise, and open and honest communication is just a few of these
qualities that you may desire in a relationship. Engage only in relationships where
both partners can openly discuss their wants and needs, this can take practice.
Remember loving relationships grow and only become better, eliminate those who do
not meet your needs when they continually fail to support you, will not compromise,
and will not be honest. These three qualities alone will help you nurture and
develop a deeper relationship with your partner.

Good morning my love I hope you slept well last night. my dear wife, i am sorry for
not been able to send email to you my dearest wife, i have been in pains and the
doctor have been taking care of me, i just think i should use the opportunity i
have now to send you email now my dear wife, i want you to know always that you are
in my heart, I love you forever my dear wife, you are so very caring and loving, I
always feel am so close to you and soon our body will feel like how the heart felt.
you are the one I can never forget you are the one my heart belongs to, because I
found real joy in you. I love you sweetheart

Questions About Date

1,What are you looking for in a potential mate?

ii,so if i may ask are you much on net and what are you up to on net and what is
your interest search?

2,How would you define a successful relationship? What does a good relationship
look like to you?

3,What do you think about online dating?

4,how was your last relationship like?

ii,What scares you the most about opening your heart to your partner?

5,Why did your last relationship end?

6,what is your view about age in a relationship?

ii,are interested to have kids..What is the thing you like best about being a

7,What is your current relationship status?

10, Do you know what went wrong in your past relationship?

11,Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs?

12,How many brothers and sisters etc. you have? How big is your family?

13,What's the year you were born and how old you are?

14, What types of music or movies or TV Shows you like?

15,What is your goals or dreams in life?

16 What's your favorite foods & drinks?

17,Can you drive a vehicle?

18, What's your religion and do you practice religion?

19,What languages you speak?

20,Are You left or right handed?

21,Do have any sexual transmitted diseases?

22,Do you any tattoos and body piercings?

23,what is your opinion about sex in a relationship? do you like sex?What is your
favorite Positing in Sex?

24,What's your interest and dislikes?

25,Have you learned something about yourself from every past relationship?

26,do you have interest in sporting activities?do you enjoy sports

27,What is the most annoying thing that someone could do to you?

28, If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? and right now what is
your profession situation..what do you do for living? do you enjoy doing that..

ii,How long have you been working? and does your work keeps you busy all the time?

29,What do you like to do for fun?at your leisure times..

30,What was your most embarrassing moment?

31,As you were growing up, what was unique about your family as compared to other
families in your neighborhood, or families of your friends?

32,What is your favorite memory of the two of us together before we met?

33,Name three things I do for you that helps brighten your day and make you feel
rested and happy?

34,When are you the happiest that you met me?

35,Do we show our love and affection to one another enough around when we are in

36,Do I tell you that I love you often enough? Too much?

37,Do I ever joke about things you wish I wouldn�t? Do I ever joke at times you
think are inappropriate?

38,Of all you�ve done in your life, what has made you feel the most proud?

39,What kind of small gifts can I give you to let you know how much I�m thinking of

40,What things can you always count on me for?

41,Do you feel like our marriage is a good example to other who never believed in
true love?

42,When did you first notice me? What was the attraction? Is attraction still

43,What have you experienced in life that helps you to believe there is a loving

44,What positive things have i added to our lives?

45,Do you ever feel insecure about my love?

46,What is your greatest motivation for getting up every day and going to work?

47,Think of all our married neighbors. What are some of the positive things you see
in their marriages that you�d like to see us do in ours?

48,What has been the toughest experience of your life?

49,What do you see as the area of greatest strength in your marriage?

50,How am I doing in communicating with you?

51,As a demonstration of my love for you, I would like to improve in the area of
your interest..

52,What is the area we most need to grow in, in our relationship?

53,What things did you see in me that made you want to marry me?

54,What is the happiest thing that has ever happened to you?

55,What are [your] secret ambitions, your goals for life?

56,What about me do you appreciate the most?


to me my personal life has nothing to do about being selective about people,i am

not racist,i dont judge people because of their race or color or their body
appearance and age,and life has nothing about age differences or distance barrier
with people is only matters the commitment one have to offer to the other,and after
that life must go on successfully,So far as you might count yourself older than me
but the fact of the matter is doesn't take anything from us to think about loving
life and i know it's going to be something beautiful if you can over come this age
differences ,i am not jugdemental about people status or their appearance,building
happy life for my future is what my heart always desire and i seek for the best
inner qualities that makes someone responsible which she is ready to share with a
man in any circumstances

life becomes sweetest no matter where love is finally found and which i believe
through internet that makes it easier and posible for people from far distance gets
closer knowing each other and then dream about one life,here I am to take my chance
and try to find someone with such great qualities as a man no matter the distance
or age differences,once love is finally found then the two couples can plan their
life to meet in person to become finally one soulmates,babe who knows i know
someday with brilliant technology a bird could fly me to you and that would be such
a biggest dreams to be fulfiled lets see what life can bring us,is been sometime
now since i spend life as single and i cant wait for my dreams to be fulfiled to
finally settle with my soul mate and share such great time in my love partner's


i have never dated online before but to my personal point of view and my great
interest Romance and personal relationships are very important for me. that is why
I value my true soulmate and partner very much. ,which i truelly believe that if I
am really lucky, to meet such a woman I will love to resettle with her no matter
what and once again spend the rest of my precious my life with. I really hope for
that very much.I am happy loving man, down to earth, have lots of interests and
hope to find someone to share the rest of my life with. I hope to meet someone who
compliments my life and I hope to compliment theirs too. To dream the same together
thats my ideal. I know she is out there somewhere.Of course we have to meet to see
if there is a spark, thats what makes things come together, naturally. I would
consider myself to be reasonably open minded, I'm trustworthy and honest,
hardworking, open hand and open heart cant wait to meet that special woman to me i
am New to Online dating just hoping it would work out for me ...I'm Looking for a
Caring , Honest , Kind , Open Hand , Open Heart Down to earth woman wanting to be
Loved for the rest of her Life .I'm Looking for a woman who's really Committed and
ready to go into a Long term relationship wich will leard us in to married .I'm
Honest , Caring , Kind , Romantic , Humble , God fearing .Just name it .eventhough
i am not a super human but i try to be simple and narural man in my daily
activities of life and I think you out there should be able to figure out if you're
right for me yet i believe in good moment that can set a history to bring love ones
together in any given time under any circumstances,i want to fine A true woman .A
woman of her words .a woman who can truelly love me as who i am under any
circumstances either ugly or beautiful.. that's what I want ...I'm ready to do
anything to keep my woman Happy always and forever . I know what it means to be
Loved and I think I know how to go about Loving a woman .. Doing My woman right ...
You could call me "perfect" hate Lies , game players and Deceive and I
automatically hates whoever get himself into it .believe life is sweet when the
true heart fines its right partner that is why i believe in looking for someone
who Loves to smile with his man, romantic, fun, happy, Loyal. am looking for
Someone that I can be his one and only man,then i can call her my true soulmate and
my right partner,so i can call her my sweet heart,my darling,my angel,my one and
only true love, able to talk to and laugh,smile and share every moment with.
Someone who is Honest, caring, sincere,loving open minded, open hand and one man
lover. I believe in treating someone like such a woman like she himselves want to
be treated with much respect and love. I do not expect a woman to be a servant to
me, spending all her time working and cleaning and doing all the house works thats
very bad I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize that at
times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and most of the house
works and I have no problem doing that.As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things
with the other significant person in my life, but I also encourage her to go out
and spend time with friends and pursue her own interests and hobbies as well.I
consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in
return I'm not wealthy and don't expect someone to attempt to deceive me or play me
with wealth but we can concentrate on brighter future


I love poetry books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners. I enjoy
movies, television, music, traveling, the desert, the quietness of the mountains,
the ocean, sunrises and sunsets.I am an active person who enjoys cycling and
running best. I believe keeping fit is important. I am interested in games or
drama.I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the
appreciation of good food. I am just as comfortable with my simple dressing that
makes me cute and beautiful,I generally try to live a somewhat healthy lifestyle,
exercising and some sort of jogging,2 days a week I'm a very outgoing person, who
loves to dine out travel and enjoy the simple life. Im a hopeless romantic and very
affectionate. I have a good sense of humor and I like to make you laugh I like to
chill out with a good book or watch a good movies and its even more fun when you
have a special someone to do this with. Im very easy to get a long with and a very
good listener,I would also like to find a like minded woman where we can
participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their
interests as well,I am a sucker for romance and really enjoy a nice quiet dinner
over a bottle of red and nice music. I like going to see live bands or shows. I
love a good laugh and try and find the funny side of things everyday...I am a happy
man and always the optimist and I enjoy waking up everyday and look forward to what
the day may bring.loves to be outside either running or walking along the beach,
but also enjoys being cozied up on the couch with a good book or a movie.


i enjoy cool romantic music,and celine dion is my favourite,i listen also to old
blues type of music,i like listening to phil collins,i do enjoy country music,Alan
jackson,Don williams are my favourite singers,i do enjoy listening to life guitar
playing and acapella songs mostly gospel musics and other romantic songs

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