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Offense/Incident Report Case/CFS/RD #: 000200-0029

SP4500 8/2003 s. 110.07(2m) Wis. Stats. Form Status: Reviewed

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Print-Friendly Version
Division of State Patrol
Find all forms with this CFS/RD #

Court Date Court Time Traffic Charges Optional Court Memo


# Offense/Incident Section # Bond Amount Date Time

1 Assist Other Agency - Criminal Offense - Assist Other Agency - Criminal Offense - Assist Other Agency $0.00 11/21/2021 04:45 PM
AOA Waukesha Parade Incident (Mass Casualty Event)

Offender/Subject - Last, First, Middle, Address,City, ST, Zip Code Alias

SSN Area Code - Telephone #


Sex Race Height Weight Hair Eyes Birth Date Driver License # State Expires

Custody Custody Location Referred To


Offense Location

City/Town/Village County

Veh. Year Make Type Body Style Color VIN Plate # Plate Type State

Vehicle Location

Narrative Summary

AOA- City of Waukesha - Mass casualty event at Christmas Parade down town Main Street. (N. BARSTOW ST 148 FT

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Offense/Incident Report Case/CFS/RD #: 000200-0029
SP4500 8/2003 s. 110.07(2m) Wis. Stats. Form Status: Reviewed
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Print-Friendly Version
Division of State Patrol
Find all forms with this CFS/RD #


On 11/21/2021, at approximately 4:45pm, I was on duty, in casual attire (not in uniform) operating an unmarked squad on I94
in the area of CTH F when I observed numerous squad cars pass my location with their lights and siren activated. I placed a
phone call to Waukesha State Patrol dispatch. Waukesha State Patrol dispatch advised Waukesha just had a someone drive
though a parade and advised the driver was shooting out the vehicle. Dispatch also advised this was a mass casualty incident
with various levels of injuries. I responded, and I arrived on scene along with Trooper Schopp. I attempted to call out on D2
channel that I was on scene but was unsuccessful. I immediately put on my tactical vest, grabbed my medical bag and
deployed with my rifle in call ready. I joined up with an unknown officer on scene. The unknown officer and I began checking on
the injured in the roadway and inside the local shops in the area. We assisted many people, with a wide range of injuries, into
ambulances and squad cars that were helping transporting people to local hospitals.

At some point while assisting people, I placed a call to dispatch to advise them I was on scene and did not have radio
communication. I also advised dispatch there were three known fatalities on scene with a large number of injuries and
requested them to send me information via text to my cellphone.

At 5:15 pm, I transported two subjects to Waukesha Memorial Hospital. One female subject, 10-years-old, advised she had
been run over and was complaining of pain to her leg and head. I also provided transport to an unknown male subject, who
had unknown injuries, and he was also assisting me with the transport of the 10-year-old.

Once at the hospital, I made contact with the girl’s family who advised me most of her family was transported to the hospital
already but were unable to locate their son. I advised the family Waukesha more than likely has a reunification center set up
and to check with them.
While leaving the hospital, I had a car flag me down, and a man advised me he needed to get his wife to the hospital because
she was bleeding severely from the pelvic area after being run over. The man and I carried the female into the hospital where
hospital staff quickly assisted us. I then proceeded to go back out the family’s vehicle as they had two small children in car
seats still inside the vehicle. I remained with the children until their dad returned. I proceeded back to the scene and assisted
in clearing the remaining buildings for any injured parties.

At approximately 6:00 pm, I made contact with Trooper Schopp, who advised me everyone was meeting at Waukesha City
Hall. I responded and made contact with Sgt. Wolfe. I debriefed Sgt. Wolfe, and other units on scene what the current situation
was. I coordinated with Sgt. Wolfe, Sgt. Gouin, and Sgt. Kinderman on what resources were needed, while working with units
on scene to complete those demands.

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Offense/Incident Report Case/CFS/RD #: 000200-0029
SP4500 8/2003 s. 110.07(2m) Wis. Stats. Form Status: Reviewed
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Print-Friendly Version
Division of State Patrol
Find all forms with this CFS/RD #

Evidence Control Number : None 11/21/2021 Yes

(Report Date) (On Duty)

Report Supplement
Kaminskis, J 2619
NO (Reporting Officer Name) (WSP #)
NO Property Report/Receipt Martin A 11/25/2021
NO Witness Victim (Reviewed By) (Review Date)
NO WIN Subject
NO Subject Management
NO Juvenile
NO Domestic Violence
NO Video Taped
NO Photos Taken

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