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On Monday, just as I (TRY) _________________________ to wind down after a long working

day, the telephone (RING) _________________________: “Is that you, Helen?” someone
asked on the phone. “Yes, this (BE) _________________ me,” I replied. “Sandra speaking, my
friend. I need to talk to you right now,” she said in a desperate voice. She was a quiet girl who
always tried not to call you when you (just/ ARRIVE) _________________________ from work.
She never wanted to disturb her friends, so I knew something serious (GO)
_________________________ on. “I (not/ HEAR) _________________________ from you in
a week. What (you/ DO) _________________________ lately?” I asked Sandra. “To tell you
the truth,” she said “I (HAVE) _________________________ a lot of problems with my
boyfriend recently,” she continued. “(you/WANT) __________________ to talk about it?” I
asked. I (not/ FINISH) __________________ saying the phrase that she started crying.
“You (not/ BELIEVE) _______________________ what happened to me last week,” she said.
“It was Saturday morning and my boyfriend (TELL) _________________________ me
he (PICK) _________________________ me up at 8 pm to go out for dinner at a fancy
restaurant downtown. Eight o’clock arrived. I was at home, ready to (PICK)
_________________________ up. It was nine o’clock and my boyfriend (not/ APPEAR)
_________________________ or (CALL) _________________________. I (BEGIN)
_________________________ to get worried when my telephone (RING)
______________________: “Your boyfriend is cheating on you! You can catch him red-handed
at this very moment. Go to Rodham road and Sixth and you’ll see...” I could not believe what
I (just/ HEAR) _________________________ buy anyway, I went to the place the female
voice (INDICATE) _________________________ and there he was: he (KISS)
_________________________ a girl as he (never/ KISS) _________________________ me
before. When he saw me he said that he (BE) _________________________ sorry and
promised he (never/ DO) _________________________ it again. I don’t know what to do. I
love him but he (really/ HURT) _________________________ my feelings. Tell me, Helen,
what (you/DO) _________________________ if you were me?” Sandra asked me. “Look, if
I (BE) _________________________ you, I (FORGIVE) _________________________ him
temporarily until I (GET) _________________________ a new, better candidate,” I replied. “I
don’t know,” she said. “I think everything will depend on his next move. If he (CALL)
_________________________ me and apologizes for what he (DO)
_________________________, I guess I (GIVE) _________________________ him a second
chance. I love him and I want to be happy with him. What do you think, Helen?” she asked me.
“I think you (not/ NEED) _________________________ my opinion; you (already/ MAKE)
_________________________ a decision. I just hope it (BE)
_________________________ the right one,” I said.

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