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Exercise 1: Metacognitive reading report

1. Difficult concepts:
A, Luddite challenge
B. the age of spiritual machines and giving robots the authority to rule over humans
C. Theories engaging human extinction
2. Learning insights
a. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought – that the possibility of
human’s extinctions is just theories and can only be seen through movies. However,
reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize – that it is somewhat
possible because of us. The fact that we want to develop ourselves, live as long as
we want, to do all the things that we desire through technology, makes that theory of
human extinction, exist. Because when our world becomes technology based, like
everything that we do manually, will be gone, the way we live is fully automatic, that’s
the time that humans might go extinct for the reason that only humans are left of
being not merged with technology. Like are systems, will be programmed. Our
actions, feelings, everything.
b. Before reading the article/understanding the lesson, I thought – that there is no
possibility that robots will take over earth. That they will rule man-kind. However,
reading the article/understanding the lesson, I now think/realize – that there is a
possibility. Because based on the article, as time goes by, robots will get more and
more intelligent in a sense that humans might depend on them. Whether it’s their
decision on a specific thing or even their lives. Therefore, the chance of us being
ruled by robots exists. But also based on the article, people can have their private
robots to use them depending on their attitudes. Assumingly, high class of persons
for they are the prioritized ones when it comes to technology. Whether they will use it
against humanity, or they will use it for the humanity
c. The article is titled ‘Why the Future Doesn’t Need us?” Do you agree that the future
won’t indeed need us? Explain your answer. For me, the future still needs us people
from the past. But not in all ways. They need us to remind them of the happenings
from the past. The cultures, traditions, lifestyles, and all the aspect of living naturally.
How life exists without that much technology in our systems. They need us because
a future will never exist without its past. But to be honest, I can foresee that the
future will be technology-based. That’s why; I can’t say that I’m a hundred percent ok
with us not being needed in the future. For me, there is still a difference between the
digital way of showing and seeing things to showing things and letting them
experience it and have it for the rest of their lives, and giving things from other
sources, not just technology.
3. Discussion questions
1. Is there a way to change the future? A future that there is not that much technology
2. How can we prevent the vast developments in science and technology when it says
that it’s for us but it can still harm us?
3. What will be the future without humans?

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