Technical Service Bulletin: Startup and Usage Guidelines For Hydrasub - MBR

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Technical Service Bulletin October 2013 TSB400.


Startup and Usage Guidelines for HYDRAsub®-MBR

The following precautions should be taken when using the HYDRAsub®-MBR

1. The concentration of mixed liquor suspended solids in the membrane tank shall be
kept below 12000 mg/l.
2. The temperature in the membrane tank shall never exceed 104°F (40 °C).
3. The pretreated feed water entering the system shall not contain more than 50 mg/l
of animal or vegetable oil/fat and not more than 3 mg/L mineral oil and/or grease. The
animal or vegetable oil/fat can be measured using n-hexane extraction.
4. Silicone-based anti-foaming agents should not be used for foam control in the
system (aeration tank or membrane tank).
5. The feed water shall not contain chemicals which can chemically degrade or
damage the membrane (please see HYDRAsub®-MBR Operating Manual for
chemical compatibility chart).
6. The feed water to the membrane tank shall be filtered with a 0.5 - 1 mm screen.
Certain types of screens with up to 2 mm openings may be allowable contingent
upon approval by Hydranautics technical department. The screen specifications
should be such that there is no passage of any particle or fiber with a dimension
(diameter or length) of more than 1 mm, through the screen or through the joints,
seams or any other portion of the screen mechanism.
7. Transmembrane pressure (vacuum) across the membranes shall not exceed 6
psig (0.41 bar).
8. Backwash pressure inside the membrane shall not exceed 2 psig (0.14 bar).
9. During air integrity tests on membrane elements, air pressure inside the
membrane elements shall not exceed 5 psig (0.34 bar), while typical integrity tests
should be done at 4 psig (0.28 bar).
10. Backwash water to the HYDRAsub®-MBR membranes should contain no
particles larger than 0.1 mm in any dimension before being sent to the membranes.
Backwash water holding tank should be covered and protect against algal and
bacteria growth.
11. The feed water pH shall be between six (6) and eight (8), the cleaning solution pH
shall be between one (1) and eleven (11).
12. The maximum continuous concentration of free chlorine during cleaning shall not
exceed 5000 ppm and the maximum duration of chlorine exposure shall not exceed 2
TSB400.06 Page 2

13. HYDRAsub®-MBR membranes filled with water shall not be exposed to freezing
14. HYDRAsub®-MBR membranes shall not experience water hammer or severe and
rapid changes in pressure during filtration or backwash.
15. Instructions in HYDRAsub®-MBR Technical Manual and Technical Service
Bulletins must be followed at all times when handling HYDRAsub®-MBR membranes,
during module commissioning, and any subsequent operations after plant startup.


Buyer acknowledges that the following provisions shall apply in connection with the
Membrane Integrity Testing:

a) The membrane modules integrity is indirectly monitored (by monitoring filtrate

turbidity). Air pressure decay test should not be used regularly for integrity testing the
membrane modules after they are operational.
b) Please refer to TSB410 for the detailed integrity testing procedure.


For the purposes of this document, the MBR “Startup” is defined as the process of
reaching a steady state for the biological and membrane systems. This process
begins after the system operating sequence, controls, interlocks, etc. have been
confirmed, after the membrane modules have been properly assembled and installed
according to TSB411, and after the system integrity has been confirmed according to

The first step in MBR startup is to ensure that the membranes have the correct
permeability. Please refer to TSB405 for detailed instructions about permeability

If the permeability is not in the correct range, it could possibly be due to loss of
hydrophilicity of the membranes. When the HYDRAsub®-MBR membranes are
shipped, they are rendered temporarily hydrophilic by coating a hydrophilic substance
onto the membrane surface. If this substance gets washed away or removed for any
reason, the membranes need to be wetted with a surfactant. Please refer to TSB401
“Hydrophilic Treatment Procedure for HYDRAsub®-MBR” for details on the
hydrophilization procedure.

Once the permeability of the new membrane is in the correct range, the membranes
can be used with activated sludge. When the membranes are first introduced and
operated in an activated sludge environment, it is important that the flux is increased
gradually. The ramp-up procedure for the flux increase depends on the type of
wastewater used. The following three scenarios are outlined.
TSB400.06 Page 3

Case 1: Startup with aged sludge with MLSS in the range of 5000-10000 mg/L in
the aerobic tank

For such a sludge, it is recommended to start at a flux of 4 gfd (6.8 lmh) and increase
it in increments of 4 gfd (6.8 lmh) until it reaches the target flux, which for municipal
applications should typically not exceed 18 gfd (31 lmh). If the transmembrane
pressure increases rapidly during transition to the next higher flux value in the ramp-
up, then it is recommended that the flux be lowered to the previous (lower) value until
the TMP is stabilized and then the next higher flux value should be tried.

An example of such a flux ramp up with aged sludge is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Flux Ramp Up With Aged Sludge

Day Flux (gfd) Flux (lmh)

1 4 6.8
3 8 13.6
5 12 20
7 16 27
9 18 31

Case 2: MBR startup using primary effluent feed and with seed sludge

Following is an example of a system that was started up by using primary effluent as

feed and with seed sludge from a municipal wastewater plant.

Table 2. Biological and Membrane Process Design for MBR Start Up with
Primary Effluent and Seed Sludge
Parameter Value
Flow rate 5 m3/day
Anoxic tank 0.72 m3
Anoxic tank HRT 3 hrs
Aerobic tank 0.72 m3
Aerobic tank HRT 3 hrs
Design F/M ratio 0.1 kg BOD/kg MLSS/day
Recirculation ratio 2
Membrane area 6.3 m2
Operating flux 0.8 m/d
Filtration time 7 minutes
Relaxation time 1 minute
CEB frequency Weekly
TSB400.06 Page 4

Cl2 concentration for CEB 300-500 ppm

Backwash flux during 0.1 m/d
Cl2 concentration for CIP 3000 mg/L
Backwash flux during CIP 0.1 m/d
Membrane aeration 100-150 Nm3/hr/m2 of projection area of
membrane module

This study was meant to simulate the startup procedure for an MBR by seeding it
with sludge from a conventional activated sludge plant followed by the growth phase
to achieve the target concentration of 10000 mg/L in the membrane tank.

The system was filled with sludge at a concentration of ~ 10000 mg/L which was
obtained from a parallel MBR study that was being conducted. Approximately 90% of
the system volume was removed and replaced by primary effluent. This brought
down the sludge concentration in the system to ~ 1000 mg/L.

The startup operation over a 66-day period is depicted Table 3.

Table 3. Parameters for MBR Startup with Primary Effluent and Seed Sludge

Day Flux HRT Recirculation Sludge Aeration Volumetric MLSS F/M

ratio removal (linear ratio of air ratio
velocity) flow to
feed flow
(m/d) (hrs) (%/day) m/hr (mg/L) (kg
0 0.10 54.9 6.3 0 100 229 1100 0.067
7 0.20 27.4 2.6 0 100 114 1200 0.123
17 0.30 18.3 2 0 100 76 2000 0.111
25 0.53 10.4 2 0 100 43 3760 0.104
27 0.60 9.1 2 0 100 38 4400 0.101
32 0.80 6.9 2 1.8 100 29 5810 0.101
35 0.80 6.9 2 3.6 100 29 6440 0.091
49 0.80 6.9 2 3.6 150 43 9240 0.063
66 0.80 6.9 2 4.4 150 43 11510 0.051

The feed entering the system was approximately equal to the filtrate drawn out of the
system (after considering the volume discharged as waste sludge). F/M ratio was
calculated assuming average feed BOD of 140 mg/L. As shown in Table 3, the F/M
(food to microorganism) ratio was maintained as stable as possible during the course
of the startup. This was achieved by adjusting the filtrate flux accordingly with the
increase in biosolids so that the F value (BOD entering the system) would increase
TSB400.06 Page 5

accordingly with the M value (mass of biosolids in the system). The target flux of 0.8
m/d was achieved on the 32nd day of the startup.

No sludge was wasted until the MLSS reached 5000 mg/L. Until the 7 th day after
startup, filtration was carried out such that filtration period was 7 minutes and soak
period was 7 minutes. After the 7th day, filtration/soak times were adjusted to the
regular values of 7 min/1 min, respectively. Linear aeration velocity was maintained
at 100 m/hr until the 35th day. After the 35th day, it was raised to 150 m/hr. The
volumetric ratio of feed flow (m3/day) to air flow (m3/d) reduced gradually with the
progress of the test due to increase in the feed flow.

Maintaining the system at a relatively constant F/M ratio of ~ 0.1 kg of BOD/kg of

MLSS/day helped degrade the soluble organic matter and reduce the membrane
fouling rate.

The MLSS was 7000 mg/L on the 40th day and that is when the startup was
considered to be completed. The TMP had started to increase on the 40th day of the
testing. This was primarily attributed to the winter season and the consequent low
feed water temperature. To counter the higher rate of TMP increase, the linear air
velocity was increased from 100 to 150 m/hr and the weekly CEB cleaning with 300
ppm Cl2 was started on the 44th day. CEB cleaning was not conducted when the
MLSS concentration was lower than the target MLSS. Conducting CEB cleaning with
chlorine at low MLSS concentration could have reduced the microbe population and
upset the biological system. The aeration velocity was initially maintained at a low
value of 100 m/hr so as to prevent the breakup of microbial floc due to the high shear
rate associated with high aeration velocity.

With respect to the effluent (filtrate) quality, the NO3-N reached the target value after
the 20th day from startup. This was due to the low MLSS concentration and also due
to the higher recirculation ratio in the initial phase of the startup due to the low filtrate
flow. The high recirculation ratio resulted in high DO (dissolved oxygen) liquor from
the nitrification (aerobic) tank being recirculated into the denitrification tank thus
reducing the anoxic environment in the denitrification tank. The PO4 value in the
filtrate dropped after the 40th day from startup.

Case 3: MBR startup by concentration of secondary wastewater from a

conventional wastewater plant

This procedure is used if a continuous stream of activated sludge from a conventional

wastewater plant is readily available. This activated sludge is concentrated with the
membranes until the target value of 8000-10000 mg/L in the aerobic tank is reached.
Then primary effluent is introduced as feed to the system. This procedure
significantly reduces the time required to reach the target concentration.

The activated sludge from a conventional wastewater plant operates at a high F/M
(Food to microorganism) ratio. This may result in higher rate of membranes fouling.
So, it is particularly important to monitor rate of increase of TMP and adjust the flux or
TSB400.06 Page 6

soak time between filtration cycles. An example of ramp up for such a procedure for a
module with a membrane area of 3 m2 is shown below. However, it should be noted
that the ramp up protocol with respect to increments and duration of flux increase
may change depending on the specific characteristics of the activated sludge. The
following table is just a suggested protocol.

MBR startup by concentration of secondary wastewater from a conventional wastewater plant

Membrane area 3 m2
MLSS in secondary WW 1400 mg/L
Total system volume 170 gal
Module cross-sectional area 0.038 m2
Measured air pressure 3.00 psig
Sludge bleed fraction 2 %

Calculated Operating Operating Operating Filtration Soak Net Net Total Recirc Recirc Sludge Aeration Air flow
Day MLSS flux flux flow time time flux flux Net flow HRT flow ratio bleed velocity required
(m3/hr/m2 of
(m/d) (lmh) gpm (min) (min) (m/d) (lmh) gpm (hrs) (gpm) (gpd) area) cfm@3psig
Begin test with secondary wastewater feed
1 1400 0.1 4.2 0.06 7 7 0.05 2.1 0.03 102.7 2.0 72 0.000 100 2.0
2 1727 0.1 4.2 0.06 7 7 0.05 2.1 0.03 102.7 2.0 72 0.000 100 2.0
3 2054 0.2 8.4 0.11 7 7 0.1 4.2 0.06 51.4 1.9 35 0.000 100 2.0
4 2708 0.2 8.4 0.11 7 7 0.1 4.2 0.06 51.4 1.9 35 0.000 100 2.0
5 3362 0.4 16.7 0.22 7 7 0.2 8.4 0.11 25.7 1.9 17 0.000 100 2.0
6 4670 0.4 16.7 0.22 7 7 0.2 8.4 0.11 25.7 1.9 17 3.2 100 2.0
7 5889 0.6 25.1 0.33 7 7 0.3 12.5 0.17 17.1 1.8 11 4.9 100 2.0
8 7683 0.6 25.1 0.33 7 4 0.382 16.0 0.21 13.5 1.8 9 6.2 100 2.0
9 9901 0.72 30.1 0.40 7 1 0.63 26.3 0.35 8.2 1.7 5 10.2 100 2.0
Switch to primary effluent feed after target MLSS is reached. Bleed sludge to maintain MLSS concentration

401 Jones Rd.
Oceanside, CA 92058
Tel# (760)901-2500
Fax# (760)901-2578
e-mail: [email protected]

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