45 Music LP - Nov 23

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Subject/Grade: 4/5 Music Lesson/Date: November 23rd

Clark: 12:30-1. Wanner: 1-1:30.

Stage 1: Desired Results

GOs: Through the elementary music program, students will develop:
• enjoyment of music
• insights into music through meaningful musical activities
• musical skills and knowledge
13. Use planned body movements to illustrate rhythmic and/or melodic patterns.
28. Recognize the following notes (tikati titika)
16. Duration concepts are extended to include sixteenth notes.
13. Use planned body movements to illustrate rhythmic and/or melodic
Learning  Sing and play Doggie Doggie game.
Objectives  Start learning travelling stick game song.
 Incorporate the stick rhythmic pattern into the song.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative FA: Observation of behaviour and Summative N/A
Assessment eagerness to participate Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Resources: -Lummi Sticks
Lesson: -Dog Bone
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
3  Q: How did yesterday go?
minutes  Q: How can today be better?
 Optional: Quick stand up and stretch session.
13 Learning Activity 1:
minutes  Review song and game for Doggie Doggie.
 Select students to come up to the front and select students to carry the
 Encourage students to use their best singing voices all throughout the
10 Learning Activity 2: Ensure that
minutes  Start learning the travelling stick game. Student A
 Sing through the song and have them listen. (visually
Explain that this is an indigenous song and game composed by Sherryl impaired) is
Sewepagaham, who is of Cree-Dene ancestry from the Little Red River Cree comfortable with
Nation in northern Alberta. She is an elementary music teacher who the movements
composes Indigenous drum songs. for the stick
 Begin learning the song by singing a line and having them repeat it. rhythm. Help her
 Explain how the game works. Everyone sits in a circle cross-legged. before handing
Subject/Grade: 4/5 Music Lesson/Date: November 23rd
Clark: 12:30-1. Wanner: 1-1:30.

It is called the travelling stick game because the sticks get passed out the sticks to
around. the rest of the
 Have everyone sanitize, then pass out lummi sticks and practice the class and use her
stick pattern. to demonstrate the
 If there is time, split students into partners and show them how to do technique to the
the pass. Do not move desks for today. class.
3minute Learning Activity 3:
s Sponge: Hide the Key Game while singing “Closet key.”
2 Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
minutes  Thank you for your participation!
 Have a good rest of your day!
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
Subject/Grade: 4/5 Music Lesson/Date: November 23rd
Clark: 12:30-1. Wanner: 1-1:30.

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