Summary of Module in Traffic

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Ma. Samantha O.

Garcia Traffic Management and

BS Criminology 3 Accident Investigation
Summary of Module

Traffic management is the organization, arrangement, guidance and

control of both stationary and moving traffic, including pedestrians, bicyclists and
all types of vehicles. Its aim is to provide for the safe, orderly and efficient
movement of persons and goods, and to protect and, where possible, enhance
the quality of the local environment on and adjacent to traffic facilities.
Transportation the word transportation was derived from the latin words “trans”
means across and another latin word “portare” means to carry. Therefore, the
word transportation is the movement or conveying of persons and goods from
one location to another. Transportation was first performed by the Nomads. We
have two types of Nomads, first is who wonder in search for foods, and second is
who observe annual cycle of pastures whose availability determined by the
alteration of hot and cold or wet and dry season.
Manpower is an early man who had no domesticated animals carry their
own burdens. It includes Carrying pole, Backload and Tumpline, Sledge on
Rollers, Sledge on Runners, and Travois. Animal Power is a domesticated
animals were used to carry loads. It includes Ox, Reindeer, Dog, Donkey, Llama,
Elephant, Horse, Camel, and Yak. Wind Power is when a man realized the
energy from the mass of moving air and learned to utilize such power to lift rather
than to drag. Origin of air lifted transportation. The Romans were the first road
builders in the history of transportation. Roman road networks reached a total of
about 50,000 miles (80, 000 km). Wheel was invented in Western Asia. It was
used in crude carts and wagons. It enabled to transport burdens beyond the
power of man or animals to carry or drag. Canals is a body of water used to be
channel of sea transportation. Railways are channel of transportation wherein a
parallel line of irons were used as roads. Wheeled Vehicles requires wider roads
for the movement. Bicycle wheels were made of wood with tire of iron and riders
puch themselves along with their feet on the ground. Pneumatic Tire is inflated
by air. Motorized Vehicle is the first transportation.
Traffic refers to the movement of persons, goods or vehicles, either
powered by combustion system or animal drawn, from one place to another for
the purpose of travel. Management refers to the skillful use of means to
accomplish an objective. Traffic Management refers to the combination of
measures that serve to preserve traffic capacity and improve the security, safety
and reliability of the overall road transport system. Traffic Way refers to the entire
width between boundary lines of every way or place of which any part is open to
the use of public purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
Roadway is part of a traffic way where motor vehicles pass. Shoulder is part of a
traffic way along the roadway. Island those structures on the road separate that
serve as guide to road users. Pedestrian Island is an elevated island usually
along the road intended for pedestrian use. Cross walk/ pedestrian lane is traffic
lanes intended for pedestrian crossing the road.
The five pillars of traffic; Traffic Engineering, Traffic Education, Traffic
Enforcement, Traffic Ecology/Environment, and Traffic Economy. Licensing
System is the system of issuing license to any person who is qualified to fulfill the
responsibilities required by the license. Driver’s License (DL) is an authority
granted to a qualified individual to operate a motor vehicle. Professional type of
driver’s license is issued to an individual whose means of living is driving. Non-
professional driver’s license is issued to an individual to drive MV without
compensation. Student Driving Permit is issued to an indivisual who desires to
learns to operate MV. International Driver’s License is for foreigners who are
professional drivers. The validity of a student permit is 1 year from the date of
issuance, while professional/non-professional driver’s license is valid for 3 years
but the latest update about DL is calid for five years provided that the licensee
did not incur any violations.
The requirements for Securing Driver’s License; Must be at least 18 for
prof; 17 for non-prof and 16 for SDP, Physically and mentally fit, Can read and
write Filipino/English, Valid license (SDP- 1 mo. For NPDL; SDP-5mo/NP-4mo
for PDL), Medical Certificate, Written and actual examination, License fee, and
(Drug Test). Administrative Order No. 84AO-003 provides the System of
Operation in the monthly staggered registration of motor vehicle.
Ma. Samantha O. Garcia Traffic Management and
BS Criminology 3 Accident Investigation
Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP) is when a driver’s license is confiscated for
traffic violation/s, he shall be issued TOP which serves as his tentative license
good for 72 hours. Road Marks/Signs are pavement marking that pertains to all
lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets set into the surface or applied
upon or attached to the pavement or curbing or to objects within or adjacent to
the roadway, officially placed for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding
traffic. Traffic Signs are sinages posted along the road used to convey
information needed by road users. Traffic Lights this refer to any power operated
traffic control device by which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific
actions. Steady Red means STOP at the designated line. Steady Green means
GO, vehicles goingstraight have the right of way. Steady Yellow means
PREPARE TO STOP, do not beat a yellow light. Flashing Red means bringing
vehicle to STOP at the designated line and proceed only when clear. Flashing
Yellow means Yield sign, proceed through the intersection with caution. Flashing
Green means vehicles facing this signal are permitted to turn left or go through
while opposing traffic faces red signal. Types of traffic control Device are Traffic
or Road Sign, Pavement Markings, Traffic Lights, and Traffic Islands.
Traffic Laws and the Role of Law Enforcement is to compel obedience
to traffic laws and ordinance regulating the use and movement of motor
vehicle for the purpose of creating a deterrent to unlawful behavior by all
potential violators. Traffic Law Enforcer is a person duly deputized by an agency
of government authorized by law to enforce traffic laws, rules and regulations.
There are number of reasons why people are violating traffic laws, these are
Physical infirmities, Ignorance, Mental disorder, Lack of training, Wrong attitude,
Habitual violators, PUV drivers are aiming for more compensation. Traffic arrest
is the taking of a person into custody of the law. Traffic citation is made to compel
violators to appear in court in absence of arrest. Traffic warning is an act
reminding the driver of his violation in order for him to not do it again. No arrest or
citation is made. Types of warning are Visual warning, Verbal warning, and
Written warning. Line patrol is assigned to a particular place. Area patrol is a type
of patrol assigned to an area of vicinity.
Traffic Jam is caused by such factors as vehicular accident, stalled
vehicle, absence of traffic enforcer and road construction. Drunken Drivers is a
driver who drives under the influence of alcohol with 10% of intoxicating level.
Accident is a sequence of events which usually produces unintended injury,
death or property damage. Traffic Accident is an accident involving travel
transportation on a traffic way. Motor Vehicle Accident is an event resulting in
unintended injury or property damage attributable directly or indirectly to the
action of a motor vehicle or its load. The five levels of activities in accident
investigation are Reporting, Scene Investigation, Technical Preparation,
Professional Reconstruction, and Cause Analysis. Skidmarks are tire impression
on road surface a result of sudden application of brakes. Non-motor Vehicle
Traffic Accident refers to any accident occurring in a traffic way involving person
using the traffic way or travel or transportation, but not involving a MV. MV Non-
traffic Accident is any MV accident which occurs entirely in a place other than a
traffic way. MV Traffic Accident is any MV accident occurring on a traffic way.
Possible cases in Traffic Accident are Reckless imprudence resulting in
Homicide; Reckless imprudence resulting in Serious Physical Injury; Reckless
imprudence resulting in Less Serious Physical Injury; Reckless imprudence
resulting in Slight Physical Injury; Reckless imprudence resulting in Damage to
Property; and Abandonment of One’s Own Victim. In an Accident, a justifying
circumstance where the accused is NOT criminally liable, but only civilly liable.
The person invoking this should have acted carefully & diligently, without
violating any traffic laws, rules and regulations. In Doctrine of the last clear
chance, a driver who has the last clear chance to avoid the accident but did not
do his part to avoid it is liable for the resulting injury and/ or damage to property.
Contributory negligence a defense of the accused that due to some negligence of
the victim, the accident had occurred. The liability of the accused is mitigated.
Hit and Run Investigation applies to drivers who failed to stop at a road
accident. Motor Vehicle is any device which is self-propelled and every
vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley
wires, but not operated upon rails. Debris are the scattered broken parts of
Ma. Samantha O. Garcia Traffic Management and
BS Criminology 3 Accident Investigation
vehicles, rubbish, dust and other materials left at the scene of the accident
caused by a collision. Skid Marks are marks left on the roadway by tires which
are not free to rotate, usually because brakes are applied strongly and the
wheels locked. Traffic Unit is any person using a traffic way for travel, parking or
other purposes as a pedestrian or driver, including any vehicle, or animal. Hazard
is generated when a critical space-motion relationships between a traffic unit and
another object develops due to the movement of either or both. Safe Speed is
the speed adjusted to the potential or possible hazards or the road and traffic
situation ahead. Strategy is the adjusting of speed, position on the road, and
direction of motion, giving signals of intent to turn or slow down, or any other
action in situations involving potential hazards. Right of Way refers to the legal
or customary precedence (priority in time and place) which allows one vehicle to
cross or pass in front of another.
The 10 Commandments of Traffic; Keep Right, Observe Road Courtesy,
Prohibited Parking, When in doubt do not overtake, The Bus Stop Rule, Rule to
prevent or Untangle Traffic Jams, Observe Traffic Management Measures, The
Philosophy of Pinoy Drivers, On pedestrian, and lastly Remember the
International Safety Reminder “Safety First”. Important Traffic Laws, Rules and
Regulations: R.A. 4136 – The Land Transportation Code, R.A. 6539 – The Anti-
Carnapping Law, R.A. 8749 – Clean Air Act, R.A. 8750 – Seat-Belt Law, R.A.
7924 – MMDA Law, P.D. 96 – Regulating use of sirens, bells, horns, etc, P.D.
612 – Compulsory insurance for all types of motor vehicles, P.D. 1729 – LTO to
dispose impounded vehicles if unclaimed for a certain period of time, L.O.I. 229 –
Early warning Device (EWD), E.O. 202 – LTFRB Law, E.O. 248 – LTO to
supervise Driving School.

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