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STATE OF GEORGIA (OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ATLANTA 30334-0000 Brian P. Kemp ‘GOVERNOR, November 17, 2021 Via Runcreontc Matt. Ms. Rebecca N. Sullivan, Acting Chair Ms. Sara Tindall Ghazal 200 Piedmont Avenue SE 4880 Lower Roswell Rd Suite 1804, West Tower Suite 165-328 Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Marietta, Georgia 30068 ‘Mx. Matthew Mashburn, Ms, Anh Le P.O. Box 451 P.O, Box 4008 Cartersville, Georgia go120 Decatur, Georgia 3003 Dear Members of the State Election Board, I write to refer the following matter to the Board for its review and consideration. As you know, I ealled on Georgians with information about inconsistencies or complaints, regarding the 2020 election to notify the proper state authorities. To date, the complaint ‘outlined below is the only instance where a complainant has referred an issue to my office ‘and provided all requested information for me and my staff to fully evaluate its veracity. On September 3, 2021, Mr. Joseph Rossi a retired executive from Houston County, Georgia, contacted my office. Mr. Rossi presented an analysis of the 2020 Risk-Limiting Audit Report ('RLA Report’) data, noting 36 inconsistencies reported by Fulton County. ‘The analysis was created by him and attorney Jack James who volunteered their own time, without compensation, to review thousands of ballot images, audit tally sheets, and other data to double-check the work of the county. Their dedication to this immense task is commendable. “The 36 inconsistencies noted by Mr. Rows are factual in nature, poae no underlying theories outside of the reported data, and could not be explained by my office after a thorough review detailed below. The purpose of this letter is to convey these inconsistencies to the Board and request them to be explained or corrected. ‘To be clear, this etter does not purport to dispute or contest the outcome of the 2020 lection, but rather to highlight apparent inconsistencies discovered in the RLA Report data, *Speifially, Mr. Rosi analyzed the dacment ited “Detiled Adit Report with Rests from al Hach Sheets (Get which published on the Seren of State west State Metion Board [November 17,2021 Page of Mr. Rossi requested my office review his findings and take whatever action may be appropriate to address his concerns. Mr. Rossi never alleged the outcome of the election was in question or asked me to act beyond my constitutional or statutory powers as Governor - the authority to oversee elections in Georgia lies with the State Election Board and the Secretary of Stat. ‘To determine whether it was appropriate to refer Mr. Ross's claims to you, my office tested the veracity of his work by independently repeating the research Mr. Rosei ea each of his 96 claims. My office analyzed cach of Mr. Rossi's 36 claims the RLA Report data, This process was extensive, required a manual review of thousands of allot images and audit ata, und took weeks to complete. ‘Based on that analysis, as evidenced in the attached report, I believe a referral to the Board is warranted. "Thedata that exists in public view on the Secretary of State's website of the RLA Report does not inspire confidence. Iti sloppy, inconsistent, and presents questions about what processes were used by Fulton County to arrive at'the result. Though reasons for, or ‘explanations of, Mr. Rossi's concerns may exist, they are not apparent in the RLA Report, data, In reviewing this matter, I believe the Board should consider the following actions: 1. Direct investigators to review Mr. Ross's findings, just as my office has, tnd order corrective action as needed to address any verified ertors. 2, Determine whether any changes should be made to the RLA Report. If s0, the Board should determine whether such changes adversely impact the integrity of the RLA Report as originally reported. 3. Review the audit methodology used in counties across Georgia and create a prescriptive and uniform set of rules that ensure one process is followed by all counties that result in a clear presentation of data, ‘As you know, I chaired this Board for nine years. During that time, we tackled many tough issues to ensure the integrity of Georgia's elections and make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. It is the responsibility of this Board to safeguard the confidence I and all my fellow Georgians must have in our elections, This is one issue where I believe this Board must act swiftly, and I urge you to do so in this case. Sincerely, Bil Brian P, Kemp ce: Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State

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