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So, You Want to Be a

Crypto Bank?
Deloitte Center for Regulatory Strategy
April 2021
So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

I want to be a Crypto Bank, now

what do I do?
In the fourth point of view in our series, “so you
want to be a bank”, we focus on how banks
and FinTech companies can engage in crypto
“banking” or engage in a range of activities related
to cryptocurrencies. In July 2020, the Office of
the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) provided
guidance that federally chartered banks and
thrifts (collectively “national banks”) may provide
crypto custodial services for FinTech using
crypto assets and stablecoins.1 For national,
state-chartered banks and trust companies, and
other FinTechs looking at the US banking system,
these regulatory actions signal an opportunity to
generate new revenue streams and provide crypto
asset services to clients who want exposure to,
and to engage with, this new asset class. This OCC
issuance follows actions from a number of states
authorizing crypto custodial and other services
at their state-chartered banks.2 These regulatory
actions come in response to the rapid pace of
innovation and the entrance of new players and
intermediaries to the traditional financial services

This information is presented as of a point in time. Due to the evolving regulatory

and industry landscape, analysis may need to be updated.

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

With increasing regulatory interpretation At the center of this growing convergence (of custody, exchange, trading, staking, lending,
for existing license type and permissible traditional banking regulators and charters, tokenizing, or issuing new digital assets will
activities, and broader industry adoption, with crypto service providers) are financial be made available. The pillars of the financial
many FinTechs and banking organizations products and services—such as lending, system today will likely be challenged (i.e.,
are moving rapidly into the crypto banking deposits and payments—enabled through the use of a trusted intermediary to move
space and exploring what products and crypto assets. With the growing interest money). Fintechs, bank and boards, and
services to offer. At the same time, a of major institutions and individuals alike, management teams can benefit from leaning
number of crypto service providers are funds continue to flow into the digital asset in, studying the underlying blockchain
trying to enter the traditional banking market, with Bitcoin drawing significant technology, and plotting out a long-term
system through the pursuit of bank or trust attention. As noted in Deloitte's 2020 strategy to navigate this transformational
charters. Several cryptocurrency companies Blockchain Survey, Corporate Executives moment in financial services. As institutional
have been approved for charters by the OCC highlighted the increasing trend of using demand for these assets accelerates, a
or State banking regulators including New crypto or evaluating crypto/blockchain. in growing number of custody and compliance
York, Wyoming and South Dakota. OCC and core business processes.4 systems are permitting institutional
State banking regulators have set licensing investors secure and compliant access to
Stepping back, this initial adoption of crypto/
standards for crypto bank approvals crypto markets. Approaching the space in
blockchain is the tip of the iceberg. It is
around ownership, management, capital, a safe/secure manner, many major global
less about how you respond to the current
viable business model, and comprehensive financial institutions and companies are
trends and how you keep focused on the
compliance and risk management starting to show interest in cryptocurrencies
bigger picture of where the underlying
capabilities and have required extensive and other digital assets that enable
blockchain technology is heading. As
post-approval capabilities (e.g., IT/security programmable money.
interest in digital assets grows, new revenue
risk management, Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) /
streams related to services, including Interest and activity have also extended
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)).3
beyond traditional banking institutions, to
Figure 1: Deloitte 2020 Blockchain Survey across Industry 5
• Credit card companies (e.g., Mastercard)
are enabling settlement using crypto on
their networks.6
• Custodial banks such as Bank of New
York Mellon have announced plans
to custody cryptoassets on behalf of
its clients7 and have recently taken an
equity stake in cryptoasset provider
• PayPal Holdings Inc. acquired a rival
of Fireblocks, Curv.; investment banks
(e.g., Goldman Sachs9) are also showing
movement in the cryptoasset market.
• Non-financial services industries (such
as Tesla), are putting Bitcoin on their
balance sheets and signaling that they
plan to accept it as payment10 for goods
and services.

While unanswered questions remain

regarding regulation of these assets and
how financial institutions will engage with

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

them, the guidance and actions from the Many Central Banks around the world are
OCC and state banking agencies have taking actions in an attempt to keep pace.
opened the door to opportunities and A January 2021 study of 60 Central Banks
innovation. We also expect other US by the Bank of International Settlements
regulators to quickly catch up and attempt found that 86% indicated they were
to address the patchwork of regulatory engaged in some work on Central Bank
guidance that exists today across banking Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and 60% were
and securities regulators. Other countries either running experiments or proofs of
like Singapore and Switzerland11 are in concept, with 14% of Central Banks moving
the process of implementing licensing forward to development and pilot. Central
frameworks to address and regulate new Banks representing 20% of the world's
and traditional payment and digital currency population are likely to issue CBDCs in the
businesses, putting further pressure on US next three years.13 As this happens and
federal and state legislatures and agencies CBDCs become the norm, we expect that
to further develop and clarify regulatory banks and FinTechs will be compelled as a
policy. commercial matter to accept digital assets
as payments. In the US, the Federal Reserve
Switzerland – Boston recently announced testing with
• In February 2018, the Swiss Financial Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Market Supervisory Authority on a prototype for a US digital currency
(FINMA) published guidelines for that they could preview in Q3 2021. In
initial coin offerings (ICOs) and some respects, Central Banks view CBDCs
categorized crypto assets based on as a mechanism to ensure their control
the underlying economic function; continues over monetary policy, while their
applies the already existing financial actions likely further accelerate the level of
market regulations to the crypto blockchain adoption.
asset itself and its issuance and
transfers; and differentiates between "…banks should think about
payment tokens (cryptocurrencies),
utility tokens, and asset tokens. the core competencies they
• In August 2019, Switzerland’s Federal
Tax Administration (SFTA) issued
have today vs. those they will
guidance that cryptocurrencies are
to be considered assets subject to
need to offer crypto services.
the Swiss wealth tax and must be
declared on annual tax returns.
That combined, with the
Singapore desired speed to market,
• In January 2020, the Payment Services
Act (PSA) went into effect to regulate can help determine whether
traditional as well as cryptocurrency
payments and exchanges. The PSA you partner, acquire, or build
provides a framework to obtain a
license to operate a cryptocurrency those capabilities."
business in Singapore, and outlines
money laundering requirements — Tim Davis, Principal, Deloitte & Touche LLP
to be met by cryptocurrency

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

I want to be a Crypto Bank, now what do I do?

Opportunity exists for those who are able to navigate the current regulatory dynamics
and uncertainty, and who can position themselves strategically in market. Boards and
management teams should focus on what they do well and the assets and strengths they
can deploy. At a minimum, boards and management teams should understand the potential
changes that blockchain and crypto may have on financial services. We have outlined a
roadmap to help engage and unpack the potential crypto opportunities and risks.

Figure 2: Crypto Banking Roadmap

Payments and

Confirm understanding
Define strategy and
of business, regulatory Custody
how you will win
and market risks


Foundational steps Crypto banking products

Define your strategy and how system.14 As the regulatory framework

you will win: becomes clearer, it is likely that the ability
to offer a wider range of services may also
Business decisions around crypto banking
grow. Banking entities engaging in crypto
should be anchored on what the banks
banking activities should anticipate high
and FinTechs are good at, and how crypto
levels of supervisory interest and scrutiny.
banking aligns to the overall strategy of the
Broker-dealer entities have the authority to
company. Key decisions around build vs. buy
act as custodian of digital asset securities
(re technology), and the overall strategy are
if the broker-dealer meets the “special
defined here.
purpose broker-dealer” criteria set forth in
The initial starting point should consider the US Securities and Exchange Commission
your existing legal entity set-up and overall (SEC) statement15 of “Custody of Digital
infrastructure capabilities. Financial services Asset Securities by Special Purpose Broker-
holding companies that control a full-service Dealers”. Both banking and broker-dealer
banking entity, a trust banking entity and entities also offer a range of payment,
a broker-dealer entity will likely have the lending and trading options. Recently, most
greatest flexibility to offer the widest range pure play crypto companies have pursued
of crypto related products. Products will the route of a broker-dealer entity and a
range from the ability to accept FDIC-insured state or national trust company charter,
deposits, to provide custody of crypto assets providing the capability to custody crypto.
and continue to access the Fed payment
See Appendix B on charter types.

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

Figure 3: Strategy Questions Banks and FinTechs should ask a institution strategy. Various market and
fundamental question: "If we decide to business risks should be discussed at the
enter crypto banking, do we need to build management and board levels to balance
it all?" Significant technology developments the perspectives on the opportunity and
have enabled quicker adoption of digital disruptive forces of blockchain technology
banking platforms, which can now be built and cryptoassets:
What does your organization and implemented in hybrid operating
exist to do, and are you • Regulatory uncertainty: Since the
models. An increasing number of companies
positioned to win (both now introduction of Bitcoin in 2009, US
and in the future)? today are looking to tap partnerships with
regulatory authorities have developed
crypto service providers. Some existing
a patchwork of guidance to keep pace
banks are also looking to leverage FinTech
with crypto and blockchain innovation.
firms’ advanced technology and popularity
This emerging crypto economy crosses
for launching certain new products and
boundaries between banking and
services. Significant opportunities exist to
Which customer segments, securities activities and across state and
markets, products and leverage sub-custodian relationships and
federal oversight. Due to the fractured
geographies should you other crypto service providers to enable
and complex nature of the US regulatory
consider and prioritize to offer crypto banking services.
framework, cryptocurrencies in the
digital assets?
Another key consideration when offering US fall under the regulatory mandate
various products is the sophistication and of different bodies, depending on the
nature of your customer base (institutional crypto asset’s intended function and
vs. retail), and what the overall expectations characteristics. For instance, Bitcoin is
of customers are relative to crytpo. One considered a commodity and falls under
Customer experience and
expectations. How can the bank by-product of the pandemic has been that the oversight of the US Commodities and
deliver services between crypto retail banking customers, across a range Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This
products and traditional assets, of age groups and income brackets, have division of regulatory responsibility has
and how does this align to shown increasing willingness to use on-line led to concerns regarding compliance
expectations? “digital” banking products and services. As with conflicting or ambiguous rules. One
the willingness of end users to embrace example of this is the debate around
digital banking services continues to evolve, whether a digital asset (token or coin)
one of the key areas of differentiation will be constitutes a security, a commodity, or
how banks can offer a seamless customer a payment, which in turn drives which
How does your infrastructure experience across existing banking products regulatory agency or agencies have
and talent capabilities align to and new crypto offerings. jurisdiction over the asset. In the US, the
crypto opportunity?
current regulatory approach to date is to
Confirm understanding of
distinguish between crypto assets that
business, regulatory and
qualify as a “security”, and those that do
market risks:
not. The SEC has issued guidance on this
An understanding of market risks and question, in the context of long-standing
regulatory and governance impacts is precedents for determining what is a
essential before entering crypto banking. “security” but that guidance has not
The board and management should ended the debate or been embraced in
consider how crypto banking aligns to the all quarters.16 Also, the IRS has confirmed
bank’s existing risk appetite, and what that cryptocurrency is property for tax
capabilities and enhancements will be purposes. However, the Internal Revenue
required to deliver on strategy. The board Code has many definitions of commodity
should consider what skillsets exists to and security requiring an analysis of each
understand these emerging trends and risks specific digital asset for tax purposes.
associated with this business given current

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

We have outlined below key steps taken since 2019 by various US regulatory agencies to begin to shape this landscape:
Figure 4: US Financial Regulators Key Announcements and Guidance (Feb 2019 – Sep 2020)17

Regulatory guidance Regulatory announcements

February October November December

The 2019 Blockchain Promotion The IRS releases updates Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Financial FRB Governor Lael Brainard
Act directed the Department of related to its 2014 tax guidance Stability report identifies stablecoins speaks on digital currencies,

Commerce to develop a standard focused on cryptocurrency as introducing challenges and risks stablecoins, and the challenges
definition of "blockchain” and transaction characterization related to financial stability, monetary ahead for digital developments in
other specified recommendations and reporting guidance policy, safeguards against AML, and financial services.
regarding this technology. consumer and investor protection.

January February July August September

The SEC issued guidance that FRB Governor Lael Brainard OCC issues an interpretive FRB Governor Lael Brainard OCC issues an interpretive
cryptocurrency exchanges speaks on the digitalization letter authorizing US national provides a look into the letter providing clarifying
offering trading of coins or of payments and banks to provide future of retail payments guidance to US national banks
tokens are subject to federal currency and some issues cryptocurrency custody in the US, including how and federal savings associations
securities laws and policy for consideration. services for customers. stablecoins have raised on their authority to hold

requirements for fraud and fundamental questions stablecoin reserves.

market manipulation about legal and
regulatory safeguards. Officials with the SEC’s Strategic
Hub for Innovation and
Financial Technology published
a statement on the OCC’s
interpretive letter on
stablecoin-related activities.

It remains unclear as to whether the US will

continue this piecemeal guidance effort, or
whether the SEC, the banking regulators,
and the CFTC will join forces and coordinate,
or whether Congress will act to establish
an end-to-end regulatory framework. In
the near term, we expect US regulators
to continue to issue additional guidance
focused on concerns such as cybersecurity,
AML, securities registration, anti-fraud,
and transaction reporting risks that are
associated with cryptocurrencies.

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

Figure 5: Types of Digital Assets in the Marketplace Today

Algo-driven General asset backed Utility tokens Equity tokens

Autonomous algorithm executing Tether ZRX, Filecoin (FIL) Digital representations
buy and sell transactions of equity

Specific asset backed Derivative tokens Decentralized Security tokens

Gold, diamonds, precious metals, Oil rights; derivative of cryptocurrencies Expected return; debt
real property traditional security Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH) instrument

Enterprise-controlled Fiat currency backed Central Bank Wrapped

Virtual world and in-game US Dollar Coin (USDC) to, Digital Currency (CBDC) Bitcoin (BTC)
currencies Gemini Dollar (GUSD)

• Security concerns: Many financial You may be just a username and password equal. Some are stable coins, some are
services institutions are wary of away from complete control over those asset-backed, some have a propensity
entering into the cryptocurrency space assets and that, for most companies, is for more volatility. Consequently, it
simply because of security risks are an unacceptable level of risk for potential is incumbent on banks to conduct
not fully understood. This is shown by fraud or accidental loss. rigorous due diligence regarding
recent incidents like the Decentralized • Rate of change: The number of new individual asset / coin operations,
Autonomous Organization (DAO) entrants, evolving customer demands, related market vulnerabilities, as well
Attack18 that further demonstrated increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies, as associated terms and conditions.
the vulnerability of blockchains. There and new technology being deployed • Accounting implications:20 When
are no central authorities responsible at a high rate of change are increasing companies use digital assets that are
for confirming, clearing, settling, and pressures on banks and some FinTechs accounted for as intangibles for business
accounting for crypto transactions on to begin to place some bets on how this transactions, such as paying vendors,
public blockchains. Because of this, an framework will evolve. these transactions will require a different
asset that is accidentally transferred • Cryptocurrency Volatility: There are accounting treatment, which is more
cannot be recovered. Due to risk aversion concerns regarding the protection of complex. That is a consequence of the
and regulatory complications, institutional existing customers from extreme volatility intangible asset now being used as
culture and hesitancy toward change associated with cryptocurrency. Such a tangible one (i.e., a financial versus
may present a hurdle for change and volatility may present complications in a nonfinancial asset). The resulting
innovation, especially in the absence both maintaining liquidity ratios as well as financial reporting oftentimes doesn’t
of secure technical infrastructure or customer confidence. align or “make sense” and may result
adequately trained personnel. Authorizing • Risks unique to each digital asset:19 in different aspects of the transactions
and executing transactions and transfers, The risks of underlying digital assets, being accounted for in different parts
such as the cross-border transfers to including cryptocurrencies, vary of the financial statements. Companies
subsidiaries, may create a series of risks. considerably. Not all cryptocurrencies are may want to consider what disclosures,

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

beyond required disclosures, may be (KYC) regulations, measures related to – Enterprise Risk Management
meaningful. That said, more and more counterterrorism, the Financial Action including Risk Appetite: Enhance risk
mainstream financial services and Task Force (FATF) Travel Rule21, and rules appetite statements and limits where
FinTech companies are now offering set by the Office of Foreign Assets Control necessary and implement risk policies,
customers the possibility of holding or (OFAC). In addition, as part of the due processes and frameworks to govern
exchanging bitcoin. Audit procedures for diligence, companies and the service and manage financial and non-financial
banks serving cryptoassets will require providers they choose to work with should risk. Ensure the application of clear roles
unique methods for validating existence, have a process to evaluate whether and responsibilities across the Business,
ownership, and control of assets. certain digital assets may be securities as Risk, Compliance and Internal Audit for
• Tax Considerations: When used defined under the Securities Exchange Act managing risks associated with crypto/
for transactions like fund transfers of 1934.22 Specific areas of focus include: blockchain activities.
or vendor payments, digital assets – New Product Approval: Demonstrate – Talent Capabilities: Ensure people
should be segregated into separate that the product/service has gone and talent are in place to manage and
addresses or wallets to maintain a through new product approval, including support the crypto banking activities.
clear distinction between digital assets senior level management approval Risk and Compliance should be hired
used in the operation of the business and challenge. Management should along with product lead.
(ordinary assets) and digital assets ensure ongoing product risk reviews/ – Third-Party Risk Management:
held for investment (capital assets). monitoring occur relative to the product Define a safe and sound third-
Segregation is also needed to support approval. Through this process, the party risk management program
specific identification of the assets and board will also need to demonstrate to effectively assess and manage
underlying tax basis of each tranche. active and ongoing oversight. the risks posed by third-party
Naturally, if digital assets are being used – Information Technology & Security relationships (affiliated and unaffiliated),
in place of fiat currency, such actions will Risk Management: Develop and commensurate with the level of risk
generate a gain/loss recognition event demonstrate a comprehensive written and complexity of the relationship.
for tax purposes under the umbrella of a IT risk and control framework and – Intercompany transactions: Ensure
barter transaction. That’s the case every information security program that that all contracts, agreements, and
time digital assets are used in a business adequately addresses IT and information transactions between the bank and any
transaction. This has a related impact on security risk with the implementation affiliate, are fair and equitable to the
accounting as well, and the process can of key controls supporting bank, are in the bank’s best interest,
become very complex on both fronts. safeguarding sensitive information and are conducted in compliance
• Compliance, Governance, and – Compliance Management including with applicable federal laws (e.g.,
Controls: Governance structures will BSA/AML: Develop compliance Regulation W or section 23A and
need to be refined to account for crypto management program including 23B of the Federal Reserve Act).
assets and blockchain. This will result written BSA/AML and OFAC compliance
in a realignment of risk appetites and programs that are consistent with
controls. Controls frameworks have been the bank’s products, services and
designed to manage risks associated customer base and reasonably
with traditional currencies. As new asset designed to assure and monitor
classes are introduced, frameworks will compliance with applicable laws and
need to be recalibrated to account for regulations, including the suspicious
new risks. It is critical that the company activity reporting requirements
be able to ascertain that all stakeholders
(including the bank, a third-party, or other
service provider) in question are abiding
by all relevant laws and regulations. Items
on the regulatory radar for exchanges
and custodians include: compliance
with AML and know-your-customer

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

Crypto Banking Specific Product Offerings

Payments and on-ramps to crypto adoption and new
Settlements payment rails using crypto for on-chain Key Considerations
transactions. Large payment providers
Banks may choose to join or establish a
are enabling customers to make online • While not directly a high margin
blockchain-enabled payments platform to
purchases at millions of online merchants endeavor, by providing a near
move funds between participants on the
using cryptocurrencies, supported by crypto real time payments / settlement
network allowing for 24/7/365, near-real-
banking entities as liquidity providers (e.g., capability, a bank can entice an
time, low to zero-fee transfers. This would
Paxos and Anchorage). This is creating a increase in fiat deposits as they
require the bank to seek authorization to
role for cryptobanks to provide crypto come along with banking the crypto
settle transactions facilitated by its affiliates,
settlement capability/liquidity capability to company
other third-party brokers, and by clients
existing payments infrastructure with stable • International cryptocurrency
themselves. Clients or their brokers may
coins (e.g, USDC). This will allow movement payments will settle in real time at
direct the bank to receive digital assets into
between legacy payments infrastructure any time of the day, in contrast to
and to transfer digital assets out of their
and new evolving blockchain infrastructure. traditional correspondent banking
“vaults” from and to external accounts or
digital asset addresses controlled by third Wider cryptoasset adoption and networks that can take much longer
parties, including but not limited to transfers implementation in banking is the likely to settle
made in connection with the settlement of a next step, and it appears it will soon be • Potential to eliminate third parties
purchase or sale of digital assets. underway. Numerous large banking firms such as payment processors from the
have filed patents involving blockchain transaction process can help banks
Existing payment systems are being
technology for payment rails, internal to stay competitive by offering lower
transformed by advances in instantaneous
payments, and other forms of payments. fees
payments for commercial clients. Using
To capture opportunity associated with
public blockchains for cross-border • Further evolve and enable KYC/AML
this trend, banks can establish or leverage
payments and settlement, especially capability for ongoing compliance and
an existing service provider to provide a
with stablecoins, is a new low-friction risk management monitoring
blockchain-enabled payments network that
mechanism for transferring value outside
uses deposit tokens to move funds between
of traditional payment systems. Integration
clients in near-real-time. Options exist to
of cryptoassets into established FinTech
build vs. outsource this capability.
payment platforms has introduced new

Case Study
Recently, Visa noted it’s direct acceptance of payments in USDC to settle transactions,
forging new connections between digital and traditional currencies. Visa collaborated
with Anchorage, the first federally-chartered digital asset bank to launch the pilot that
allows to send USDC to Visa to settle a portion of its obligations for the Visa card program. Anchorage’s platform and Application Programming
Interface (API) have been designed to launch new products in crypto that can help
crypto native companies evaluate fundamentally new business models without the need
for traditional fiat in their treasury and settlement workflows. Visa’s ability to successfully
integrate with Anchorage infrastructure will help accelerate their process to directly
support new CBDC as they emerge in the future.

Source: Businesswire

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

Building this new architecture from the of accidental loss, who conducts
ground up is necessary for the secure transactions, and how transactions are
storage and handling of cryptocurrencies. monitored and recorded.
State and federally-chartered banks
and trust companies have long had the Crypto custody models take a variety of • Given the inherent risks associated with
authority to custody customer tangible forms. Recently licensed crypto banks/trust self-custody, more and more companies
and intangible property. These broad companies offer fully managed custody are turning to third-party custodians.
powers are reflected in the extensive services to institutions that own and trade Then, it’s a matter of evaluating the
product offerings of a number of US money cryptoassets. Crypto exchanges, such as strengths and weaknesses of different
center “custody banks”. Even with their Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini, and Binance, custody companies, processes, and
broad custody powers and long histories offer digital wallets to enable retail investors procedures. Crypto balances are not
of custody activities relating to complex to hold, protect, and trade cryptoassets. covered by Federal Deposit Insurance
assets, cryptoassets are new and, like any Third-party custody providers such as BitGo Corporation (FDIC) insurance. If the
new thing, present new risks to bank and and self-custody models such as Ledger custodian goes out of business or
trust company custodians. This novelty also and Casa are technology solutions that loses the crypto, customers have no
presented potential regulatory uncertainty. store and protect cryptoassets. Broader government-backed guarantee of being
On the regulatory side, we have seen a custody services may also include providing made whole. While trust companies and
number of states act to get in front of on-chain governance services to allow bank trust departments are required to
this wave. These states include New York, clients to participate in the governance of segregate customer assets and not bring
which has chartered a number of trust the underlying protocols on which assets them “on balance sheet” or otherwise
companies with business plans focused operate, and to provide staking services. co-mingle the assets with those of the
on cryptoassets. In July 2020, the OCC custodian, this protection is only as
• Self-custody is the simplest and most
issued guidance confirming the authority good as the operations of the custodian
direct form of custody, as the crypto
of national banks and trust companies and the oversight of the custodian’s
owner holds its own private keys and
to act as cryptoasset custodians and to auditors and banking supervisors.
therefore maintains complete control
engage in related activities.23 This federal While the risk of crytoassets being
over those assets. But self-custody
confirmation of national bank authority may pulled into the custodian’s bankruptcy
also presents additional risk in terms
also help address any remaining uncertainty
at the state level, especially in those states
where the state-chartered banks and trust Key Considerations
companies enjoy “parity powers” with their
national counterparts. • Custody—the management of assets and the underlying cryptographic keys that
cryptoasset owners use to execute transactions—is a critical capability of the
Banks and trust companies seeking to “get crypto economy. It allows banks to engage with the crypto ecosystem and add
going” face the typical risk identification adjacent operations and services, including cash management, collateralized
and mitigation tasks at the heart of the lending, leveraged trade execution, and other white-glove support.
business of banking. At the operational
level, this will include deploying the technical • Generate fee income from the stored assets, and own the
infrastructure to provide that custody and crypto banking relationship—to attract new clients.
integrating these new capabilities with • Reputational uplift of being a “custodian” and offering virtual assets
existing systems. The required technical to the customers will help both institutional and retail investors
infrastructure can be established in house, to diversify their portfolio and acquire crypto assets.
or through a third-party sub-custodian.
• Linkage to provide loans and other lending services, which
Growing numbers of institutional clients—
can generate additional interest income.
just like all crypto-market participants—are
seeking ways to safely provide custody • Custody of crypto assets that are used in staking will create additional
and use cryptoassets. Custodying complexities and focus for custodians that can be managed. Specific
cryptocurrencies, as opposed to other processes and controls will need established to ensure interest/rewards
assets like publicly traded securities, require are recorded and adjusted per the range of practices deployed by crypto
a new kind of technical infrastructure. exchanges and service providers. This is against a backdrop of increasing
regulatory and tax authority focus on how these processes are managed.

11 11
So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

estate are likely to be remote, they smart contracts24 dictate the terms and
are not non-existent. Appropriate due enforcement of lending agreements. The
diligence and vendor management rise of DeFi has been driven by technology
Key Considerations
oversight do not hurt in this space. advancements enabling more effective
• Regulatory framework around
• For a bank or trust company custodian, decentralized governance. The most
crypto based lending is not yet fully
engaging a sub-custodian may help notable DeFi applications to date focus on
established or mature, with some
mitigate risk and can also avoid the decentralized peer-to-peer exchanges and
remaining uncertainty around lien
need to build the ground up systems lending of crypto assets. In this context, first
perfection, collateral, tax treatment
to support these new assets. Here, the movers including Uniswap, MakerDAO and
and margin regulatory expectations
custodian’s focus can be on integrating Compound have exploded in growth and
user adoption throughout 2020. • Volatility will require significant focus
these services with their existing
on risk management that is calibrated
architecture. And, of course, conducting In both centralized and decentralized
to the type of underlying crypto
appropriate due diligence and vendor crypto-borrowing and lending models,
management practices and oversight crypto users can deposit or lend • Returns can substantially outperform
are important for subcustodians. their cryptoassets to generate yield. existing lending products
Yield generation has proven to be a • Continuing developments at the
Lending: critical value-added service layer for state level relating to the treatment
participants who have taken investment of cryptoassets under their
It is in the area of lending that banks face positions with long horizons. commercial codes, including those
the fiercest competition from crypto Banks are exploring asset-based sections addressing the creation and
service providers (e.g., major exchanges/ approaches (where cryptographic assets perfection of security interests
platforms), custodial platforms (including would be used as collateral under the OCC’s • Ownership of crypto assets
hardware wallets); and the cryptographic Asset Backed Lending framework 25 for can be retained through loan
asset networks themselves (decentralized making those loans)”. Banks will, as always, collateralization as Banks will not lose
finance (DeFi)). This is where the crypto have to contend with the supervisory ownership of their crypto to take out
service providers who are not supervised at focus on core credit and underwriting a loan
a consolidated level by a banking regulator risks, and safety and soundness concerns
likely have the upper hand. Crypto service regarding asset-based lending. Potential
providers are leveraging existing securities- implementations of either approach should
based lending frameworks and applying be viewed in conjunction with custody
them to crypto. (custodian/sub-custodian) dynamics,
Growing in popularity, DeFi protocols collateral volatility and liquidity, and the
(decentralized lending & borrower networks) creditworthiness of the borrower. Note
allow users to lend cryptocurrencies that the established norms of accounting
without the involvement of a third and tax implications of lending may not be
party (Compound, Aave, PanCakeSwap, applicable to loans of digital assets.
PolkDot, Uniswap, etc.). In this instance,

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

What to expect going forward

"To reach this potential The recent confirmation hearings for the into their risk assessments, and developing
SEC Chair appointee (Gary Gensler) and mitigating controls for these new risks.
and for public confidence, the confirmation of Treasury Security
As we look forward to Central Banks
blockchain technology and (Janet Yellen) reflected the reality that the
responding to blockchain/crypto, we could
regulatory framework around crypto and
the world of crypto finance blockchain is now a top priority. Gensler,
reasonably expect the pace of adoption
of CBDCs to increase. CBDC has a high
it has birthed has to come the former chairman of the CFTC during
potential to disintermediate the existing
within the norms of long- the Obama Administration, is set to be
paradigms of the banking model. Banking
the new administration’s pick to take over
established public policy the SEC. It is anticipated, given Gensler’s
customers might choose to hold their
money directly at the Central Bank. If that
frameworks. Bringing the background in crypto and the priorities
occurs at scale, it would disrupt legacy bank
he noted in recent testimony,26 that this
crypto world within the will be a top priority that for him. It is also
business models. Credit card volumes,
interchange fees, payment transaction
long-established public anticipated that Gensler will seek to balance
fees, and deposit interest margins could
policy frameworks, though, investor protection with promotion of
be impacted. This would impact existing
capital formation using crypto-assets, and
will promote greater to ensure crypto does not become a side-
Compliance responsibilities at the Central
Bank and bank level, and force more of the
innovation and competition, door or back-door to circumvent regulatory
responsibility to sit with the Central Bank.
frameworks. If Gensler is confirmed as the
allowing blockchain Chair of the SEC, he will likely drive the SEC
Commercial banks need to consider how
to react to a prospective loss of deposit
technologies to be explored to issue guidance providing greater clarity
funding and start to prepare for this
to their fullest potential. on market infrastructure for crypto-assets
potential shift.
and a regulatory framework that will help
It also will be critical that the US take a step forward to provide We also expect the rapid pace of innovation
sufficient resources be clarity on central regulatory landscape to increase with more product and service
efforts made by other countries such as offerings developed, and more crypto
provided to the CFTC, SEC Switzerland and Singapore. service providers looking at entering or
and other agencies to Regulators will also begin conducting
accessing the banking system. This will
include further innovations in the areas
adequately oversee crypto examinations for those organizations
around non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
markets, especially as these that custody crypto (including issuers and
This should further accelerate the
exchanges) to ensure that these areas are
markets have continued to adequately addressed and, if not, take convergence and competition of traditional

grow.” 27 enforcement actions for non-compliance. banking entities and crypto service
providers competing for a share of crypto/
Banks and trust companies planning to
— Gary Gensler, SEC Chair Appointee, provide crypto-custodial services for crypto blockchain enabled financial products and
July 18, 2018 assets should prepare for heightened services— lending, deposits and payments.
scrutiny and potential examinations by
incorporating additional, crypto-related risks

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

How can Deloitte help?

We can help clients translate the implicit

and explicit capabilities of engaging Viability Analysis
in crypto banking while aligning to the
company’s overall strategy by bridging • High-level business strategy and value proposition
the gap between regulatory requirements • Assessment of potential options and pros and cons assessment
and a company’s existing business model. • Detailed understanding blockchain & digital assets leveraging our in-depth
We can also help support business model coverage of the emerging industry, players and developments
and licensing decisions on what charter • Preferred product, operations and strategy options based on qualitative and
or product offering may make sense. quantitative considerations
Part of our process enables an end-to-
end view of what it will likely cost and Capability Assessment
take to deliver your preferred operating
model. Deloitte offers a suite of out-of- • Comprehensive assessment of business, cyber, financial risks and more,
the-box capabilities across operational leveraging our deep understanding of traditional and emerging risks related to
and technology solutions. In doing so, digital assets
we bring together our deep regulatory, • Early and continuous focus on regulatory compliance, identifying proper
accounting, tax and technical knowledge considerations and relations are in place to increase the probability of success.
and experience with our extensive • Governance structure and operating model
understanding of financial services. • Talent and staffing model considerations to inform the operating model design and
financial impacts
• Detailed business plan considering the established vision, business model, and
identified charter options
• Detailed guidance on accounting for digital assets including analyzing complex
contracts, performing accounting research, developing accounting policies, and drafting
relevant disclosures

Readiness and Implementation

• Brand launch and value proposition support by gaining depth insight around
customer behaviors and attitudes and developing customer journeys and Minimum
Viable Product (MVP) roadmap
• Commercialization of the experience, marketing campaigns, and coordination with
customer support
• Technology and platform development support via Global Blockchain Labs with
in-house development capabilities and relationships with major technology providers
Provide understanding of operations and reporting requirements across the entire
digital assets lifecycle to help mitigate potential impacts including the application of
COSO to blockchain
• Established tax optimization process by structuring value capture systems across
trading, custody, asset servicing, and funding to not only navigate tax uncertainties but
also evaluate tax treatment of various models
• Audit Readiness by providing insights to companies preparing for a financial statement
audit on accounting policies, financial reporting procedures, and controls documentation
• Financial statement review and auditing prior to regulatory submission
• Digital asset classification navigating through the rules and standards set forth to
classify digital assets for tax purposes

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?


1. Deloitte, “The OCC’s recent interpretive letter clarifying stablecoin-related 17. Deloitte, “Deloitte analysis of recent US financial regulatory announcements
activities for national banks and federal savings associations may further on stablecoin-related activities” accessed on December, 2020.
encourage these activities amidst growing public interest” accessed on • 2019 Blockchain Promotion Act -
December, 2020. congress/house-bill/1361/text
• IRS 2019 updated Cryptocurrency guidance –
2. Wyoming state regulators authorized the chartering of special purpose virtual-currency-irs-issues-additional-guidance-on-tax-treatment-and-
depository institutions (SPDIs), NYDFS issued its virtual currency regulation reminds-taxpayers-of-reporting-obligations
and South Dakota approved state licensed trust banking charters to attract • November 2019 FRB Financial Stability Report -
companies engaged in digital asset activities. gov/publications/files/financial-stability-report-20191115.pdf
3. Deloitte, “So, you want to be a bank”, accessed on January, 2021. • December 2019 FRB Speech: Update on Digital Currencies, Stablecoins,
and the Challenges Ahead by Governor Lael Brainard -
4. Deloitte, “Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey” accessed on
December, 2020. • January 2020 SEC Spotlight on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) -
5. Ibid
• February 2020 FRB Speech: The Digitalization of Payments and Currency:
6. Mastercard, “Why Mastercard is bringing crypto onto its network” - accessed Some Issues for Consideration by Governor Lael Brainard -
on February, 2021.
• July 2020 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) News Release:
7. Forbes, “$2 Trillion Banking Giant BNY Mellon Reveals Bitcoin And Crypto Plans Federally Chartered Banks and Thrifts May Provide Custody Services For
– ‘Digital Assets Are The Future’” accessed on February 2021 and “Bitcoin Crypto Assets -
Welcomes Tesla, Mastercard, BNY Mellon, Venmo To The Cryptocurrency nr-occ-2020-98.html
Party” accessed on February 2021. • August 2020 2019 FRB Speech: The Future of Retail Payments in the
United States by Governor Lael Brainard -
8. Forbes, “BNY Mellon Investment in Fireblocks” accessed on March 2021.
9. Bloomberg, “Goldman Sachs Explores Entering Crypto Market, CoinDesk • September 2020 OCC Interpretive Letter #1172 – 9/21/2020 OCC Chief
Reports” accessed on January 2021. Counsel’s Interpretation on National Bank and Federal Savings Association
Authority to Hold Stablecoin Reserves -
10. CNBC, “Tesla buys $1.5 billion in bitcoin, plans to accept it as payment” and-licensing/interpretations-and-actions/2020/int1172.pdf
accessed on February 2021. • September SEC FinHub Staff Statement on OCC Interpretation -
11. Global Legal Insights, “Global Legal Insights – Singapore” and “Global Legal
Insights – Switzerland” accessed on March 2021. 18. Coindesk, “The Dao Attack” accessed on December 2020.
12. Ikigai Law, “ 19. Deloitte, “Corporates investing in Crypto” accessed on January 2021.
regulation-in-singapore-challenges-and-opportunities-ahead->“ accessed on
January 2021. 20. The Wall Street Journal “
holdings-why-tax-and-accounting-matter/” accessed on March 2021.
13. Bank for International Settlement, “
bispap114.pdf “ - accessed on January 2021. 21. FATF, “Outcomes FATF Virtual Plenary” accessed on June 2020.

14. Ibid. 22. SEC, Digital Asset Security Definition accessed on February 2021 & Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 accessed on July 2017.
15. SEC, “SEC Statement Regarding the custody of Digital Asset Securities”
accessed on December 2020. 23. OCC press release and underlying Interpretive Letter 1170, and
16. SEC, “Statement on “Framework for ‘Investment Contract’ Analysis of Digital
Assets” and “Framework for Investment Contract Analysis of Digital Assets” actions/2020/int1170.pdf accessed on July 2020.
accessed on April 2019.
24. Smart contracts generally refer to small applications stored on a blockchain
and executed in parallel by a large set of validators and DeFi uses smart
contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a
more open, interoperable, and transparent way.

25. OCC, OCC Asset Based Lending Framework accessed on January 2017.

26. Gary Gensler Testimony, “Gensler’s Testimony on Oversight of New Assets in

the Digital Age” accessed on July 2018.

27. Ibid.

So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

Reference materials
A. FSI Blockchain Digital Ecosystem

Bank Crypto service providers

Services: Envisioned Services:,

Custody, Financial Asset Servicing, Sub-custodians
products, dealing, payment rails, Equity/
trading, lending, staking Token raise

Digital assets
(e.g., dealing, Corporates
trading, lending) Cryptocurrency Utility token Stablecoins (Treasury)
Asset-backed Asset Managers
Equity token CBDC
Staking as a token (funds, family
Service offices,
individuals, etc.)

(equity holders,
founders, VC, PE)

Miners Innovators
Public Protocols (protocol launch,
(Ethereum, Bitcoin, EOS) applications,
Node operators equity raise,
token sales)


So, You Want to Be a Crypto Bank?

B. Charters and Product Permissibility

B. Charters and Product Permissibility Permissible Activity Non-Permissible Activity

Saving Checking OTC Card Custody of
Loans Payments ncy/Digital
Deposits Account Derivatives Issuance Assets

National Bank/
State Bank Charters

National banks are chartered and supervised

by OCC (primary) and FDIC (secondary) and
are subject to federal but not state banking
laws regarding their permitted “banking”
activities. State Banking institutions are
chartered and supervised by their home state
regulator and FDIC or FRB (if a “member”)
and generally have “parity” provisions that
allow them to engage in any activity permitted
for national banks. The holding company of
both national banks and state banks must
register with FRB as a BHC and be subject to
consolidated supervision and regulation

Money Transmitters

Licensed by State Regulators

State laws govern money transmitter activities
by non-banks and their license requirements.
FinCEN also acts as a federal regulator for all
money transmitters


Approved and supervised by state regulator

and FDIC NOW and Not
Not Not
These are FDIC-insured and supervised MMDA typically
typically typically
institutions which do not trigger the federal (savings) booked to
custodians custodians
Bank Holding Company Act, so theoretically accounts ILCs
/fiduciaries /fiduciaries
may be controlled by a commercial firm permitted
(activities beyond financial in nature/closely
related to banking). ILCs cannot accept
demand deposits if hold > $100M in assets

Branch (Foreign Branch) Federal or State


Federal Branch is licensed and supervised by

OCC and state Branch is licensed by host
state and supervised by state and FRB.
Cannot obtain FDIC insurance. subject to
Foreign banks’ presence in the US can be limitations
through a branch, representative office or
agency. Licensing for US bank subsidiary of a
foreign bank entity can be federal or state

Finance/Other Entity

Licensed by State Regulators

State licenses required to engage in
originating, servicing and collecting on lending
activities. License depends on activity and
regulations of state

Special Purpose National Bank Charter for

Fintechs 1

Chartered and supervised by OCC

OCC regulations govern activities and
corporate structure. Would enjoy national
bank preemption. Not allowed to accept retail
deposits. None approved to date; OCC
chartering power in litigation

National or State Chartered Trust Company

Trusts Companies can be chartered and

supervised by State Regulators or OCC
National and state trust companies exercise
only trust powers and do not accept FDIC-
insured deposits. (See row 1-- FDIC-insured
banks may also exercise custody and trust
powers. This row is specific to limited purpose
trust companies that do not have FDIC-

This license and product permissibility table provides a directional view of key underlying federal and state authorities. It is not intended to be a legal
• Guidance regarding national bank powers can be found at
activities-permissible-for-nat-banks-fed-saving.pdf and
• Guidance regarding state-chartered banks, trust companies, licensed money service businesses and licensed lenders is not uniform and should be
reviewed on a state-by-state basis. Entities should review their specific situations-- which may differ based on the product, client, and type of available
legal entities (bank and non-bank)-- with counsel
1. Not approved as of now

Rob Massey Richard Mumford Brian Adams
Global Tax Leader - Blockchain and Contractor in Risk and Financial Advisory Manager
Cryptocurrency Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte & Touche LLP
Deloitte Tax LLP [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
John Graetz Richard Mumford
Tim Davis Principal Manager
Principal Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP
Deloitte & Touche LLP [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Gina Primeaux Prateek Saha
Richard Rosenthal Principal Senior Consultant
Senior Manager, New Bank Lead Deloitte & Touche LLP Deloitte & Touche LLP
Deloitte & Touche LLP [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Jann Futterman
Irena-Gecas-McCarthy Manager
FSI Director, Deloitte Center for Deloitte & Touche LLP
Regulatory Strategy, Americas [email protected]
Deloitte & Touche LLP
[email protected] Nicholas Campbell
Richard Walker Deloitte Transactions and
Principal Business Analytics LLP
Deloitte Consulting LLP [email protected]
[email protected]

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of this document, rendering accounting, business, financial, investment, legal,
tax, or other professional advice or services. This document is not a substitute
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