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-1- SA818S


1. Descriptions............................................................................................................................................................ - 3 -

2. Features...................................................................................................................................................................- 3 -

3. Application..............................................................................................................................................................- 3 -

4. Internal block diagram............................................................................................................................................- 4 -

5. Specification........................................................................................................................................................... - 4 -

6. Typical Application Schematic...............................................................................................................................- 5 -

7. Protocol...................................................................................................................................................................- 5 -

8. Pin definition........................................................................................................................................................ - 10 -

9. Mechanism Dimension(Unit:mm)........................................................................................................................- 11 -

10. Order information............................................................................................................................................... - 11 -

11. FAQ.....................................................................................................................................................................- 11 -

Appendix 1:DEMO Board.....................................................................................................................................- 12 -

Appendix 2:Mute on the interface display and send correspondence table..........................................................- 13 -

Appendix 3:Analog subtone comparison table..................................................................................................... - 16 -

Appendix 4:SMD Reflow Chart............................................................................................................................- 17 -

Note: Revision History

Revision Date Comment
V1.0 2021-07-12 First release
V1.1 2021-8 Update RXD Pin description

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -2-

[email protected] SA818S
1. Descriptions

SA818S is a cost-effective integrated professional walkie-talkie module, built-in high-speed

microcontroller, high-performance RF transceiver chip and RF power amplifier, and provides a
standard serial port to communicate with the module, so that the relevant parameters of the module and
the transceiver can be set quickly and easily. Function to control. Users only need to connect an audio
amplifier, microphone, and speaker to this module to work as a small walkie-talkie. The simplified
interface and ultra-small size enable this module to be widely used, and it can also be easily and
quickly embedded in various handheld devices to improve the overall performance of the terminal
product. SA818S strictly uses lead-free technology for production and testing, and meets RoHS and
Reach standards.
The SA818S walkie-talkie module adds an LNA circuit on the basis of SA818, and the sensitivity is
increased by 4dBm. For the entire frequency range of 400-470MHz, the power output fluctuation is
less than 1dB, and the low power can achieve an error of 27dBm+/-1dBm from 400-470MHz. Note:
The software and hardware interfaces are the same as before and are compatible with each other.

2. Features

 UHF band frequency: 400~480 MHz  Sensitivity:-124 dBm

VHF band frequency: 134~174 MHz  38 CTCSS
350 band frequency:320-400MHz  166 CDCSS
(3 frequency bands are optional)  8 level squelch
 Tx and Rx frequency, Tx and Rx CTCSS,  8 adjustable volume
CDCSS can be set alone.  High/ low power is optional(500mW/1W)
 Band width 12.5KHz / 25 KHz  Wide range of working voltage:3.3-5.5 V
 Output power up to 1W  High-integrated, Small Size
 Distance up to 4-5km in open area  1 ppm KDS TCXO crystal, Stable performance

3. Application

 small walkie talkie 

 Invisible intercom system  Outdoor Sport products
 building community security system
 audio surveillance system

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -3-

[email protected] SA818S
4. Internal block diagram

5. Specification
Parameter Test condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Power supply 3.3 4.2 5.5 V
Working Temperature range -30 25 70 ℃
Current Consumption
Sleep current ≤1 uA
RX current 60 mA
TX current(High power) 650 750 mA
TX current(low power) 450 550 mA
Transmitting RF Parameters
Frequency range UHF 400 480 MHz
Frequency range VHF 134 174 MHz
Out power(high power) 28 29.5 31 dBm
Out power(low power) 25 26.5 27 dBm
Modulation frequency 10 mV
frequency deviation
Audio modulation distortion 2 5 %
frequency deviation
SignaltoNoiseRatio 38 40 45 dB
frequency deviation
adjacent-channel power @12.5K offset -60dBc dBm
CTCSS Modulation frequency 0.35 0.5 0.75 KHz
Receiving RF Parameters
Receiving sensitivity -124 dBm
Receiving SNR 45 50 dB
frequency deviation
Audio output amplitude 700 mV
Audio Output impedance 200 OHm

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -4-

[email protected] SA818S
6. Typical Application Schematic

7. Protocol
The module provides a good user interface (standard serial port), users can send commands through
the serial port to adjust and read the module's parameters. The memory is integrated inside the
module, and the related parameters of the configuration can be stored when the power is off.
 Command sending format:
All commands begin with "AT" and end with <CR><LF>.
After the module is running, the standard settings of the communication serial port are:
Rate: 9600 bps Data bit: 8 bit Stop bit: 1 bit Parity bit: none
 Command return format:
Returns the character string related to the sending command, all ending with <CR><LF>.
 Frame format definition:
All commands in the communication protocol are transmitted in ASCII code.
The terminal-to-module communication adopts the form: AT+DMOXXX
The module adopts the form of terminal communication: +DMOXXX (Note: the terminal does not
need to return)
 AT+DMOCONNECT handshake command
Description: The handshake command is intended to prove that the module is connected and

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -5-

[email protected] SA818S
operating normally. Each time the terminal is sent, the module will respond after receiving this
Multiple response command; if the module does not respond to the 3-way handshake command, the
terminal should restart the module.
 +DMOCONNECT handshake response command
Description: Module handshake response command, the module must respond immediately after
receiving the DMOCONNECT command.
Example: +DMOCONNECT:0
Parameter description: 0 —> Normal working state
 S+ sweep command
Description: Set the frequency to be scanned.
Format: S+scanRF
Example: S+455.2250
Parameter Description:
scanRF: the frequency to be scanned
 S=Sweep frequency response command
Description: Sweep response command, the module will go to sweep after receiving the sweep
command, and return the sweep result after sweeping the frequency
Format: S=X
Parameter X description: 0—>the frequency to be swept has a signal 1—>the frequency to be swept
has no signal
 AT+DMOSETGROUP set group command
Description: Set the working parameters of the module.
Example 1: AT+DMOSETGROUP=0,415.1250,415.1250,0012,4,0013
Example 2: AT+DMOSETGROUP=0,415.1250,415.1250,754N,4,445I

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -6-

[email protected] SA818S
Parameter Description:
GBW: bandwidth setting (0: 12.5K 1: 25K)
TFV: Transmit frequency value (134.0000M~174.0000M,400.0000M~480.0000M)
RFV: Receiving frequency value (134.0000M~174.0000M,400.0000M~480.0000M)
(Note: The transmitting frequency and receiving frequency can be the same or different, but the set
frequency must be 12.5K and 25K.
Integer multiples)
Tx_CXCSS: Transmit CXCSS value
SQ: Squelch level (0~8) (0: monitor mode, scan mode cannot be used 0)
Rx_CXCSS: Receive CXCSS value
(Note: different CXCSS values can be used for transmitting and receiving, 0000: no coding
0001-0038: CTCSS
Followed by letters: CDCSS, coding see appendix 1)
 +DMOSETGROUP Set group response command
Description: After the module receives the setting group command, it returns the operation result
Parameter X description: 0 —> success, 1 —> data setting out of range
 AT+DMOSETVOLUME set volume command
Description: Set the volume level of the module
Parameter X Description: The value of the volume level parameter is 1~8
 +DMOSETVOLUME volume setting response command
Description: Set the volume level of the module and answer the result
Parameter X description: 0—>setting successful 1—>setting failed
 AT+RSSI read signal strength command

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -7-

[email protected] SA818S
Description: Read the signal strength of the module
Format: AT+RSSI? Example: AT+RSSI?
 RSSI=XXX Read signal strength response command
Description: Read the signal strength result response of the module
Format: RSSI:XXX
Example: RSSO:010
Parameter X description: the current signal strength value, the larger the value, the stronger the signal
 AT+SETFILTER Set filter command
Description: Set the filter of the module
Example: AT+SETFILTER=0,0,0
Parameter description: PRE/DE-EMPH, 0 means pre-emphasis/de-emphasis is on, 1 means
pre-emphasis/de-emphasis is off;
HIGHPASS, 0 means the high-pass filter is turned on, 1 means the high-pass filter is turned off;
LOWPASS, 0 means the low-pass filter is turned on, and 1 means the low-pass filter is turned off;
 +DMOSETFILTER filter setting response command
Description: Set the filter result response of the module
Description of parameter X: 0—>setting successful 1—>setting failed
 AT+SETTAIL Set tail command
Description: Turn on/off the emission tail tone of the module
Parameter description: X, 0 means turn off the tail tone, 1 means turn on the tail tone;
 +DMOSETTAIL End tone setting response command
Description: Set the end tone result response of the module

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -8-

[email protected] SA818S
Example: +DMOSETTAIL:0
Description of parameter X: 0—>setting successful 1—>setting failed
 +DMOSETGROUP Read group command
Description: Read the working parameters of the module AT+DMOREADGROUP
 +DMOREADGROUP Read group response command
Description: Read group command response
Example 1: +DMOREADGROUP:0,433.5000,433.5000,0000,1,0000
Parameter Description:
GBW: bandwidth setting (0: 12.5K 1: 25K)
TFV: Transmit frequency value (134.0000M~174.0000M,400.0000M~480.0000M)
RFV: Receiving frequency value (134.0000M~174.0000M,400.0000M~480.0000M)
Tx_CXCSS: Transmit CXCSS value
SQ: Squelch level (0~8) (0: monitor mode, scan mode cannot be used 0)
Rx_CXCSS: Receive CXCSS value
(Note: different CXCSS values can be used for transmitting and receiving, 0000: no coding
0001-0038: CTCSS
Followed by letters: CDCSS, coding see appendix 1)
 AT+VERSION read version number command
Description: Read the software version number of the module
 +VERSION Read version number response command
Description: Read version number response command
Format: +VERSION:X
Example: +VERSION:SA818_V5.0
Parameter description: X —> module software version number

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 -9-

[email protected] SA818S
8. Pin definition

Pin NO. Pin name I/O state

Connected to audio power amplifier. When the module worked, it can
1 Audio ON control the extra audio amplifier automatically, it will output low level to
turn on the amplifier and high level to turn off the amplifier.
2 NC Not connected
3 AF_OUT Audio output
4 NC Not connected
Module Input, Transmitting/receiving control, "0" force the module to
enter TX state; and "1" to Rx state

6 PD Power Down control, "0" for power down mode; "1" for the normal work

high/low output power control; Leave open for high output power ,low
7 H/L level to low output power. (Please kindly note: this pin can NOT be
connected to VDD or high level of cmos output)
8 VBAT Connect power positive
9 GND Grounding
10 GND Grounding
11 NC Not connected
12 ANT connect 50 ohm antenna
13,14,15 NC Not connected
RXD of the module and connect to external TXD
16 RXD *Before enter sleep mode, user need to pull low RXD Pin
to prevent current leakage or poor reset in the next time.
17 TXD TXD of the module and connect to external RXD
18 MIC_IN Microphone or line in

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 - 10 -

[email protected] SA818S
9. Mechanism Dimension(Unit:mm)

10. Order information

Product Name Description
SA818S-U Working frequency :400~480 MHz
SA818S-V Working frequency: 134~174 MHz

11. FAQ

a) Why module can not communicate properly?

1) Check if there is power connection error;
2) Check if Module is in normal communication mode;
3) Check if frequency, channel, and mute are same;
4) Check if module is damaged;
b) Why transmission distance is not far as it should be?
1) Power supply ripple is too large;
2) The antenna types do not match, or not installed properly;
3) The same frequency interference;
4) The surrounding environment is harsh, strong interference sources.

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 - 11 -

[email protected] SA818S
Appendix 1:DEMO Board

In additional, we provided DEMO Board for customers to debug the software program, test all the
function and measure the distance. The figure shows as below:

User can set related parameters through the buttons:

1) Tx frequency:400 ~ 480 MHz
2) Rx frequency:400 ~ 480 MHz
3) Channel Bandwidth:12.5 KHz / 25KHz
4) CTCSS:0 ~ 38
5) CDCSS: 0—166
6) Squelch:0 ~ 8
7) Volume:1 ~ 8

 Button Operation:
1) SET button
Press to enter setting mode.
2) UP /Down button
In setting mode, press to increase/decrease the setting item.

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 - 12 -

[email protected] SA818S
3) PTT button
If Not in setting mode, Press to talk,( Listen state when released)
4) High/Low slide switch
Switch to high/low output power
Note: With data FLASH inside, all the setting parameters are saved and keep
unchanged even power off.

Appendix 2:Mute on the interface display and send correspondence table

★ Note: N code is inverted corresponding to I code, such as 023N code is 023I code is

Code Transform Bit Pattern Hex Bit Pattern

023I 11001000000111000110111 640E37

025I 10101000000111101101011 540F6B
026I 01101000000110111010011 340DD3
031I 10011000000111111000101 4C0FC5
032I 01011000000110101111101 2C0D7D
043I 11000100000101101101101 620B6D
047I 11100100000110111111000 720DF8
051I 10010100000101010011111 4A0A9F
054I 00110100000100101111011 1A097B
065I 10101100000110001011101 560C5D
071I 10011100000110011110011 4E0CF3
072I 01011100000111001001011 2E0E4B
073I 11011100000101100111010 6E0B3A
074I 00111100000111100010111 1E0F17

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 - 13 -

[email protected] SA818S
114I 00110010000101111010110 190BD6
115I 10110010000111010100111 590EA7
116I 01110010000110000011111 390C1F
125I 10101010000111011110000 550EF0
131I 10011010000111001011110 4D0E5E
132I 01011010000110011100110 2D0CE6
134I 00111010000110110111010 1D0DBA
143I 11000110000101011110110 630AF6
152I 01010110000100110111100 2B09BC
155I 10110110000110110010001 5B0D91
156I 01110110000111100101001 3B0F29
162I 01001110000100111101011 2709EB
165I 10101110000110111000110 570DC6
172I 01011110000111111010000 2F0FD0
174I 00111110000111010001100 1F0E8C
205I 10100001000110010111011 508CBB
223I 11001001000101110001011 648B8B
226I 01101001000100001101111 34886F
243I 11000101000111011010001 628ED1
244I 00100101000101011111100 128AFC
245I 10100101000111110001101 528F8D
251I 10010101000111100100011 4A8F23
261I 10001101000111101110100 468F74
263I 11001101000100010111101 6688BD
265I 10101101000100111100001 5689E1
271I 10011101000100101001111 4E894F
306I 01100011000111110011000 318F98
311I 10010011000110110001110 498D8E
315I 10110011000101100011011 598B1B

NiceRF Wireless Technology Co., Ltd. Rev 1.1 - 14 -

[email protected] SA818S
331I 10011011000101111100010 4D8BE2
343I 11000111000111101001010 638F4A
346I 01100111000110010101110 338CAE
351I 10010111000111010111000 4B8EB8
364I 00101111000110100001011 178D0B
365I 10101111000100001111010 57887A
371I 10011111000100011010100 4F88D4
411I 10010000100101101110111 484B77
412I 01010000100100111001111 2849CF
413I 11010000100110010111110 684CBE
423I 11001000100110011101001 644CE9
431I 10011000100110100011011 4C4D1B
432I 01011000100111110100011 2C4FA3
445I 5248EF
464I 164BF2
465I 564E83
466I 364C3B
503I 614B1E
506I 3148FA
516I 394EC1
532I 2D4E38
546I 334BCC
565I 574F18
606I 30CCDD
612I 28CC73
624I 14CD78
627I 74CFC0
631I 4CC8A7
632I 2CCA1F

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[email protected] SA818S
654I 1ACE19
662I 26CF12
664I 16CE4E
703I 61CEA2
712I 29CDE8
723I 65C8CE
731I 4DC93C
732I 2DCB84
734I 1DCAD8
743I 63CD94
754I 1BCF82

Appendix 3:Analog subtone comparison table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
67 71.9 74.4 77 79.7 82.5 85.4 88.5 91.5 94.8
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
97.4 100 103.5 107.2 110.9 114.8 118.8 123 127.3 131.8
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
136.5 141.3 146.2 151.4 156.7 162.2 167.9 173.8 179.9 186.2
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
192.8 203.5 210.7 218.1 225.7 233.6 241.8 250.3

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[email protected] SA818S
Appendix 4:SMD Reflow Chart

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[email protected]

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