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First Method

Type of Controller Kp Ti Td
PI 0.9T/L L/0.3
PID (1.2)T/L 2L 0.5L

Second Method

Type of Controller Kp Ti Td
P 0.5Kc
PI 0.45Kc (5/6)Pc
PID 0.6Kc 0.5Pc 0.125Pc
Polar (Nyquist) Plots

Integral and Derivative Factors (jw): The polar plot of G(jw) is the negative
imaginary axis.
1 1 1
G( jw)    j    90
jw w w
The polar plot of G(jw)=jw is the positive imaginary axis.

First-Order Factors (1+jwT): For the sinusoidal transfer function

The values of G(jw) at w=0 and w=1/T are respectively

1 1
G ( jw)     tan 1 wT
1  jwT 1  w2T 2
G ( j 0)  10
1 1
G( j )    45
T 2

If w approaches infinity, the magnitude of G(jw) approaches to zero

Quadratic Factors: The low and high frequency portions of the polar plot of the
following sinusoidal transfer function

G ( jw)  2
,  0
 w   w 
1  2  j  j 
 wn   wn 

The low frequency portion

 w   w 
G ( jw )  1  2  j  j  lim G( jw)  10
 wn   wn  w0

 w2   2w 
G ( jw )  1    j
2  
 wn   wn  The high frequency portion

lim G( jw)  180

General Shapes of Polar Plots

K (1  jwTa )(1  jwTb )...

G ( jw) 
( jw) (1  jwT1 )(1  jwT2 )...
b0 ( jw)m  b1 ( jw)m1  ...
G ( jw) 
a0 ( jw)n  a1 ( jw)n 1  ...

1. For λ=0 or type 0 systems: The starting point of the polar plot (which
corresponds to w=0) is finite and is on the positive real axis. The tangent to
the polar plot at w=0 is perpendicular to the real axis. The terminal point
which corresponds to w=inf is at the origin and the curve is tangent to one
of the axes.

2. For λ=1 or type 1 systems: the jw term in the denominator contributes -90
to -180 to the total phase angle of G(jw). At w=0, the magnitude of G(jw) is
infinity, and the phase angle is equal to -180. At low frequencies the polar
plot may be asymptotic to the negative real axis. At w=inf the magnitude
becomes zero and the curve is tangent to one of the axes.

The Nyquist stability criterion determines the stability of a closed loop system
from its open loop frequency response and open loop poles

C ( s) G( s)

R( s ) 1  G ( s ) H ( s )

F ( s)  1  G( s) H ( s)  0
G( s) H ( s) 
s 1
F ( s)  1  G( s) H ( s)
2 s 1
F ( s)  1   0
s 1 s 1
For example, if s=2+j1 the F(s) becomes
2  j 1
F (2  j )  2 j
2  j 1

Thus point s=2+j1 in the s plane maps into point 2-j1 in the F(s) plane
For the characteristic equation F(s) the conformal mapping of the lines
w=0,+1,-1,+2,-2,.. And the lines yield circles in the F(s) plane.

If the contour in the s plane encloses equal number of poles and zeros, then
the corresponding closed curve in the F(s) plane does not encircle the origin
of the F(s) plane. The foregoing discussion is a graphical explanation of the
mapping theorem which is the basis for the Nyquist stability criterion

If the contour in the s plane encloses the pole of F(s), there is one encirclement
of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s) in the counterclockwise

If the contour in the s plane encloses the zero of F(s), there is one encirclement
of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s) in the clockwise diretion
The contour in the s plane encloses both the zero and the pole or if the
contour encloses neither the zero nor the pole then there is no
encirclement of the origin of the F(s) plane by the locus of F(s)

1. There is no encirclement of -1 point. This implies that the system is stable

if there are no poles of G(s)H(s) in the right half s plane; otherwise the
system is unstable

2. There are one or more counterclockwise encirclements of the -1 point. In

this case the system is stable if the number of counterclockwise
encirclements in the same as the number of poles of G(s)H(s) in the right
half s plane; otherwise the system is unstable

3. There are one or more clockwise encirclements of the -1 point. In this

case the system is unstable
Consider a closed loop system whose open loop transfer function is given by

G( s) H ( s) 
(T1s  1)(T2 s  1)

Examine the stability of the system: Since G(s)H(s) does not have any poles
in the right half s plane and the -1 point is not encircled by the G(jw)H(jw)
locus this system is stable for any positive values of K, T1 and T2

Consider the system with the following open loop transfer function:

G( s) H ( s) 
s(T1s  1)(T2 s  1)

Determine the stability of the system for two cases: 1) the gain K is smaller and 2)
the K is large.

The number of poles of G(s)H(s) in the right half s plane is zero

For small values of K there is no encirclement of the -1 point. Hence the
system is stable for small values of K. For large values of K, the locus of
G(s)H(s) encircles the -1 point twice in the clockwise direction, indicating two
closed loop poles in the right half s plane, and the system is unstable. (For
good accuracy K should be large)

The stability of a closed loop system with the following open loop transfer
function depends on the relative magnitudes of T1 and T2.
K (T2 s  1)
G( s) H ( s) 
s 2 (T1s  1)
Plots of the root locus G(s)H(s) for three cases T1<T2, T1=T2, and T1>T2. For
T1<T2 the locus of G(s)H(s) does not encircle the -1 point and the closed loop
system is stable. For T1=T2 the G(s)H(s) locus passes through the –1 point
which indicates that closed loop poles are located on the jw axis. For T1>T2 the
locus of G(s)H(s) encircles the -1 point twice in the clockwise direction. The
close loop system has two closed loop poles in the right half s plane and the
system is unstable.

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