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Explanation Essay Activity

I. Pre-writing
Before you write your explanation essay, fill in the table below:

What is the phenomenon About the creation of the SDGs or Sustainable Development
you are explaining? goals by the United Nations.

What explanations are you - It’s adoption in 2015

providing for the
- It’s history: agenda 21 and millennium development goals
phenomenon above?
- The 5p’s of sustainability
Give at least three.
- Overview of the agenda
- The 17 SDGs
- The 4 principles
- Review process and;
- Decade of action
How do you plan to Elaborate its origin with some relevant background
introduce your topic? information.

How do you plan to end the By summarizing the whole essay and elaborating the most
explanation essay? relevant information.

Did you research for your The explanations for the phenomenon are the ideas I
explanation essay? generated through research and they are already mentioned
If you did research, what above.
specific ideas in your essay
are generated through

If you did research what are

your sources? s
II. Writing
Write an explanation essay on any topic of your choice. You may need to do some research
about the topic in order to better explain it. The essay must be at least 500 words long and is
organized as follows:
● Introduction – one or two paragraphs
● Body – at least three paragraphs
● Conclusion – one or two paragraphs

Your essay will be marked using the following rubrics:

Content 70%
Have you substantially explained the phenomenon you chose to explain?
Did you provide convincing and adequate support for your explanations?
Organization 20%
Have you arranged the main points of your essay clearly and logically? Are
there order and logic in the ideas you presented in each paragraph and in
the entire essay?
Language and Mechanics 10%
Did you observe proper use of language forms (grammar) and mechanics
(punctuation, capitalization etc.)
Total 100%

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