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Final Examination
August 1, 2021

Family Name                                     Given Name                                                                            MI

C A N D O N E S , J O E M A R K B .

General Direction:

1. The final examination is good for three hours. It will start at 8:00am and will end at
2. All answers should be written in the Microsoft Word and submitted via the google
classroom. Write your answers below each question
3. Make sure that you are able to submit your answer before 11:00am closing time;
4. For those having problem submitting their answers in the google classroom, you may
submit it to my email account ([email protected]) on or before 11:00am; 
5. Goodluck and Godbless everyone

Problem 1 (20pts)

As a future holder of a degree of Master in Public Administration, discuss the importance and
significance of the Civil Service Laws and Guidelines in ensuring efficient and effective delivery
of government services.


Through studying this course, as an employee of government institution where public

welfare has been the primary mandate, I must say that it is very important to apply all civil
service laws and guidelines related to us because it gives us knowledgeable about our rights as
a worker. In particular, I am being able to know how to maintain a harmonious relationship
with my employer and my co-employees as well. And also know the basic principles, processes
and guidelines whether you are for the position of personnel manager or may put up a
personnel department in a new office anytime. Through the topics learned on public personnel
administration, I will be able to work effectively and efficiently because I am equipped with the
right knowledge and eventually apply them in the workplace.

Problem 2 (20pts)

Assuming that after completing you masters degree in public administration, you were
appointed as the head of the human resource office. Your first task is to develop a Human
Resource Management Plan that will ensure employee growth and development from the first
day of Entry to Retirement.


As a public servant, as part of my Human Resource Plan, as the head of human resource
office, hiring and termination must be done properly, First, I must carefully select and hire
competent and qualified workers for a specific job. The hiring process must be comprehensive
with the thinking that the people that the top management will hire will be working in the
organization in a long-range setting. I should use the best techniques to carefully assess if these
persons will fit the qualifications set by the organization, if these persons will be an asset to the
organization and if these persons will serve as elements in achieving the organizational goals
and objectives. Same is true with termination, which in my own opinion is a very tough decision
to make. Before terminating an employee, I must carefully assess the grounds for termination of
that person. I should weigh the positive and negative sides of the employee, like taking into
account what contributions did the particular employee did for the organization, what are his
competencies, etc. Likewise, the negative side must also be studied upon, like what his
weaknesses, shortcomings or faults are in the workplace and if these cannot be remedied
anymore or there are no more means for the employee to be more productive. There should be
considerations given and termination should have basis, but if and when there is no more
remedy or no more reasons to retain, then the top management can terminate said employee.

In addition, it is also my duty, to strictly implement and render the service of eight hours
a day, whether rank-and-file or officer. We need to follow the mandate what the law is
prescribed. We should not use our position to make any decision for our persona interest. It
should be fair and not bias to everyone. If a person comes late, he/she faces sanctions for
disciplinary actions or he must undergo counseling and conduct seminars to remind the
employees about R.A. No. 6713. As a head of the office, conduct a meeting to all employees for
some reminders or conduct evaluation for verification how far each employee achieves and
performs in the office. A minute of tardiness is a form of corruption that could also spark doubt
towards commitment to public interest and responsiveness to the public.

Problem 3 (20pts)

Public office is a public trust and public officers and employees must at all times be accountable
to the people. As a student taking up Masters Degree in Public Administration, explain this
policy in a manner that it can be easily understood even by an ordinary government worker.
Cite at least two examples to emphasize important points of the policy


For me, as a public servant, practicing political neutrality in particular is the means of
being impartial with a high sense of objectivity on the practice of our profession in the
government service. It doesn’t require a politician or political appointee to experience such
political favors. As an ordinary employee of a government institution, it is also inevitable that in
some ways, there are people who will be asking for my favor just to make their transaction with
the Fund easy and fast despite of those hundreds of people waiting in line just to be served. By
practicing political neutrality, it is my task to inform them of the step-by-step process in their
respective transaction and make them understand that their transaction can be attended to at
the shortest possible time.

Problem 4 (20pts)

The development and retention of a competent and efficient work force in the public service is
a primary concern of government. If it happens that you are the Head of the Human Resource
Office, what are you going to do or implement to ensure that this primary concern can be
achieved in your organization?


Being professional requires certain standards in terms of capacity, specialized skills,

knowledge and behavior. To become more professional, I should suggest to my subordinates to
acquire, enhance and harness expertise in the workplace and perform task with dedication and
passion so that they will be able to give their best more than what is expected. Therefore, as the
Head of the Human Resource Office I am mandated, in particular, to enforce the law by visiting
employers and conducting orientation/ fund briefing/ seminars/ other working group
campaigns/ loyalty card capturing within office hours or even weekend if the employers would
request me to do so. I will be using the provided vehicle by the office for our official marketing
and enforcement activities so that I can easily deliver the basic services of the office. Moreover, I
intend to teach them with my proposed plans and strategies as well as to accept their ideas, if
there might be, on what are suggestions to what the best is. Hence, it will pave a great help for
us to grow and be competent enough to attain the goals and objectives in the public service.

Problem 5 (40pts)

Explain the importance of having and implementing Career and Personnel Development Plan to
achieve organizational goals and objectives.


It is very important to have an implementing career and personal development plan to

achieve organizational goals and objectives, in particular, we need to have public relations to
obtain favorable publicity, build a good corporate image and handle crisis management issues.
Because through public relation, we can ultimately build a supportive community especially in
the undertakings of the organization.
Likewise, we aslo need personnel management, as part of personnel development plan,
in the organization first and foremost because it is concerned with the proper use of human
factors. Its primary concern is the human constituents of an organization. Personnel
management is concern with the hiring of qualified employees, capacitating them in order for
them to do their respective functions and responsibilities and evaluating them. If an
organization manages its personnel well, then there will be a harmonious employee-employer
relationship, aside from the expected output from the employees will be met.

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