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Shipwreck of the Sea Mephit

hipwreck of the Sea Mephit is intended The sun is about to set, so they head below deck to ȴnd a
for four characters with an average party way to pass the time until they feel tired enough to sleep.
level (APL) of 3. Characters who complete Each party member should choose where they want to
this adventure should earn enough spend the next few hours. They can choose from any of
experience to reach 4th-level. The the following:
characters are aboard a ship when it
wrecks in a storm and must survive until The Living Quarters
rescued.. This campaign takes place in Arden, although it
The Mess Hall
can be set in your own world. Any party composition
should be able to ȴnish the adventure with intelligent play. The Cargo Hold

Background The Captain’s Ready Room

The Captain’s Quarters

The Scattered Isles is a collection of small uninhabited
islands between Lustra and Dennmarsh. Merchant ships Attempts to gain access to the Captain’s Quarters
often navigate the waters between the two ferrying goods require a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If a
to and from both cities. The journey is usually peaceful, character fails this check, their entry is refused and they
although occasionally pirates do harass ships that stray are sent to either the Living Quarters, Mess Hall, or Cargo
too far from the normal shipping lanes. The weather in the Hold (choose randomly). Let the players roleplay a bit with
isles can be a tad unpredictable at times, and it’s not the crew and then, for each location, the party members
unheard of for a ship to go missing every now and then. will roll percentile dice to see how things proceed.
This is part of what drives the cost of goods between the
two port cities and makes the route such a proȴtable one.
Many merchant ships also act as passenger vessels, The Living Quarters
turning excess storage and crew space into bunks for
adventurers looking for quick and cheap transport across
The crew has begun to settle in for the night.
the sea. The characters ȴnd themselves onboard one such
Some have already climbed into their bunks
ship, the Sea Mephit. It’s currently in the heart of the
while others are reading, drinking, singing, or
Scattered Isles making its way to Lustra ȴrst followed by otherwise enjoying themselves. There are
Valhenge to the far south. No pirates have been seen, but spare beds for passengers, and they're comfy
there’s a hint of a storm brewing on the wind and things enough to allow for proper rest.
can take a bad turn rather quickly out here on the sea.

Adventure Hooks Have each party member in the living quarters roll
percentile dice.
A Leisurely Voyage. The party is headed for Valhenge,
but they have some time to kill so they opted for a cheap On a result of 0-25%... They dream of terrible things
but roundabout way to get there. They plan on stopping beneath the waves. Have them make a DC 15 Wisdom
o΍ in Lustra for a day or so before heading to their true save. If they fail, they make all rolls at disadvantage
destination. until they take a short rest to calm themselves down.
Hired Hands. The party was hired to protect the ship
against pirate attacks. They were granted free passage to On a result of 26%-50%...
Lustra and then Valhenge and promised a bonus if they The dreams are clouded, but a sense of doom still
repelled any pirates encountered along the way. manages to creep in. Have them make a DC 15 Wisdom
Guarding the Package The party was hired to escort a Save. If they fail, they lose any inspiration they may
package from Lustra to Valhenge. Their transport aboard have had.
the Sea Mephit was paid for in advance and they’re
On a result of 51%-75%...
supposed to meet up with a contact once the boat docks.
No dreams come to them. They sleep soundly rest
peacefully. Nothing happens.
Sailing the High Seas On a result of 76%-100%...
The characters ȴnd themselves on the main deck of a Beautiful visions dance in their heads. The sights sooth
cargo ship called the Sea Mephit. It’s currently on its way their souls and warm their hearts. They may each add
to Lustra where the captain plans on picking up a load of 1d10 to a roll they make in the next 24 hours.
Lustrian spice before heading south to Valhenge. The trip
all in all should take about two weeks so they have settled
in for a relaxing journey..
Th M
The Mess Hall
H ll Th Cargo
T C g Hold
Plates of food are passed around while Crates and barrels full of goods line the walls
barrels of water and oranges are emptied for of this space. Stacked to the ceiling and
all to enjoy. The crew sing shanties, share strapped to the walls, they are ready for the
bottles of rum, and tell tales of home and roughest of seas.
loves in ports far away.

Have each party member in the cargo hold roll percentile

Have each party member in the mess hall roll percentile dice. Reroll any duplicate results from the list below.
On a result of 0-25%...
On a result of 0-25%... Ouch! They stick their hand in a crate only for it to get
They got the food from the bottom of the barrel, and bitten by something inside. They take 1d4 piercing
their stomach knows it. Have them make a DC 15 damage.
Constitution save. If they fail, they are sickened for one
hour. On a result of 26%-50%...
Crash! They knock over a large barrel and it rolls on top
On a result of 26%-50%... of their foot. Reduce their movement speed by 5 ft.
The spice! Oh, it is hot! Their mouth burns from the until they have a chance to take a short rest and rub the
cook’s secret sauce recipe. Have them make a DC 15 bruised appendage.
Constitution save. If they fail, their tongue swells and
they cannot speak clearly for the next hour. On a result of 51%-75%...
They rummage about but do not ȴnd anything of
On a result of 51%-75%... interest. Nothing happens.
They feel full and their hunger is sated. Nothing
happens. On a result of 76%-100%...
Jackpot! They ȴnd a hidden cache under a loose
On a result of 76%-100%... ȵoorboard. They gain 4d6 Gold Pieces and a magical
They let out a loud and pronounced belch. The crew pendant in the shape of a seashell. It grants the wearer
approves. They gain 1 Inspiration and 5 temporary hit a swim speed equal to their normal speed.
Th Captain’s
The C p i ’ Ready
R ady Room
Rea R The
Th Captain’s
he C p i ’ Quarters
A large desk dominates this small space. On it, The captain is a rather large man. He walks
sea charts, logs, and other paperwork lie with a limp he claims he got ȴghting pirates
about. To the side
scattered about side, a large armoire ago, but the wink he gives at the
many years ago
stands bolted to the wall to keep it from end of the story leaves some doubt. He o΍ers
tumbling over in rough weather. Kegs of rum anyone present a drink as he tells of his plans
sit in the corner across from it. to take the spice and sell it along with his ship
to ȴnally retire.

Have each party member in the captain's ready room roll

percentile dice. Have one party member in the captain's quarters roll
percentile dice.
On a result of 0-25%... It seems the captain has been
using one of the logbooks to track his medical ailments. On a result of 0-25%... They o΍er up tales of future
There are even detailed drawings of the sores. The heroism. Ones that are clearly more dream than plan.
party member is blinded for 5 minutes from the sight of The captain simply shakes his head. Nothing happens.
it all.
On a result of 26%-50%...
On a result of 26%-50%... The future will write itself. They tell tales of home
Baɞed. They cannot make heads or tails of them. As instead. The party members present gain inspiration
they go to place them back, they slice their ȴnger on from the stories.
the edge of the map and take 1 damage.
On a result of 51%-75%...
On a result of 51%-75%... They say self-improvement is the goal. Admiring that,
From what they can tell, the ship is making good time. the captain gives them a magical book. The ȴrst time it
Nothing happens. is read, the reader can permanently increase one
attribute by 1.
On a result of 76%-100%...
They can tell exactly where they are based on the On a result of 76%-100%...
weather patterns, star charts, and maps. For the next The captain sees an utterly amazing future ahead of
24 hours, they get advantage on all knowledge checks them. He gifts them his +1 light crossbow. It shoots
about the area. magical water bolts, so it never needs ammunition or to
be reloaded.
These are the bare minimum needed to keep them alive
The Perfect Storm and get them o΍ the island. It is possible to survive this
adventure with just those things, but it will be very diɝcult.
As the characters have been passing the time, the ship has
If the players do not show signs of going after the other
slowly begun to rock more and more, and they suddenly
ȵoating cargo, suggest they might ȴnd more useful things
realize that it has begun to heave and rock rather violently.
out there that could aid them on their journey. Some of
This is not just rough seas; this is something else. As they
the other things they can acquire are:
climb up to the main deck to see what is going on, the
door is pulled from its hinges by the sheer force of the Valuable Cargo
wind. “Water devil!” cries the helmsman as he struggles to This can be found in the crate at 4D. Although it
keep the ship under control. Suddenly see a massive wave provides no immediate value, it could be useful for
comes at the ship. As it comes crashing down, the bartering for passage on a ship that is not inclined to
characters are knocked unconscious. They each take 1d8 pick them up.
bludgeoning damage.
Sometime later, they awake on a beach of a small island. Weapons
These can be found in the crate at 4E. The party
members will have their usual weapons on them;
“Good, you’re not dead. Need all the help we however, they may not be suited to ȴghting
can get if we’re gonna escape this damned underwater. This crate contains a trident, a spear, a
place.” He says, climbing to his feet. light crossbow and 20 bolts, ȴve javelins, and a net.

Fishing Gear This is in the crate at 4I. While the food

should last the trip on the raft, if something were to
They recognize the man as Bozek One-Hand, the ȴrst mate
happen to it, or if the trip took longer than expected,
of the Sea Mephit. Looking around, they see that they are
being able to ȴsh for food might save their lives.
on a small desert island. O΍ the shore, the remains of the
Sea Mephit lie smashed against some rocks, half sunk. Dinghy
Bozek explains to the party members that he pulled The ship’s dinghy is currently pinned under some
them from the sea, half dead. They have been wreckage at 9. If the party were to acquire it, they
unconscious for almost twelve hours. Each party member would not need the extra wooden planks from the
gains one level of exhaustion. In the meantime, Bozek Flotsam.
constructed a simple shelter and the beginnings of a raft
(not bad for a one-armed guy, huh?). By now though, he is
completely drained (three levels of exhaustion) so he will Just When You thought It
need their help if they want to get o΍ the island and have
any hope of being rescued. They are going to need a list of Was Safe to Go Back in The
things to accomplish this, but they do not know which
crates and barrels hold wha*. They are going to need:
As Bozek ȴnishes detailing what is needed to plan the
Potable Water
escape, they look out at what is left of the ship. It looks like
This can be found in the barrel at 4B. This is needed to
it split into two parts: The fore half of the ship is half sunk
remove the exhaustion from the party members and
upon some rocks while the back half is fully submerged a
Bozek so they can perform their tasks better.
distance behind it. Scattered between them and around
Dried Food the island are crates and barrels. If they have any chance
This can be found in the crate at 4C. This is needed to of acquiring what Bozek needs, it is probably going to
heal the party from the damage they sustained during require retrieving some of those containers.
the shipwreck. Let the players see the unmarked map of the islands
and the surrounding area. make a Dexterity (Stealth) check
Repair Tools with advantage for the ȴve Reef Sharks currently in the
These can be found in the crate at 4G. These are ȵotsam area. If any of the party members’ passive
needed to ȴnish construction on the raft so it will be perception beats it, read the following:

Wooden Planks As you glance out to sea, your eyes catch a

These can be found in the flotsam at 6. These are ripple on the surface. At ȴrst you think it is
needed to expand the raft to accommodate the party just debris, but then you see them: Fins. ȴve
members, Bozek, and the supplies they will need to of them. As suddenly as you spot them, they
bring along. vanish beneath the waves.

Sea Charts
These can be found in the crate at 4A. However, if
someone rolled 76% or higher in the Captain’s Ready
Room, they remember all the information needed to
set their raft on the right course.
Whenever a party member goes into the water, roll 1d8 A party member can leap from on rock to an adjacent one
(1d12 if they spotted the sharks). On a roll of a 1, the by making a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. Failure
sharks attack. Each time someone enters the water, roll means they fall short and end their movement in the
again for the sharks to see if they attack. The next time water in between them. Climbing onto the rocks takes 10
someone enters the water, the sharks attack on a 1 or 2, ft. of movement by oneself or 5 ft. if helped by another.
then a 1, 2, or 3, and so on. The sharks begin 40 ft. away Anyone looking for the sharks from atop the rocks gains
from the party member who triggered the roll. advantage on their roll.
If the sharks are defeated, another group will show up
once the party has collected half the required supplies. If 4A. Sea Charts
this has already occurred, continue to make rolls as above
to see if a new group of ȴve reef sharks show up and The remains of what appear to be the captain’s desk ȵoat
attack. amongst the smaller bits of debris. It is pretty banged up,
As the players explore the wreckage, ȵotsam, ȵoating but it appears mostly intact. One of the drawers has come
cargo, etc. use the paragraphs below to describe what they out and is ȵoating beside it. Numerous leather cases lie
see and see how to run that location. scattered around it as well.
The desk contains the waterlogged papers, logs, and
1. Island Camp journals of the captain. There are multiple map cases
ȵoating around it. One contains the sea charts the party
Bozek has erected a makeshift shelter here. There is needs. Checking a case is a standard action. roll 1d6. On a
enough room for everyone to sleep in the shade, albeit roll of a 6, they ȴnd the right case. For each subsequent
with little room between them. There are minimal roll to see if they ȴnd the right case, add 1d6. Any die
supplies, just enough to last them through the day. There showing a 6 means they succeed.
is also a ȴre pit, although it is currently out.
The party will not ȴnd anything useful here to start, 4B. Potable Water
although, this is where they will bring anything they ȴnd
out in the water. Long resting here can remove a level of A large wooden barrel ȵoats alone in the surf. They can tell
exhaustion. by the size and type that it holds drinkable water. Due to
its size, it will take some e΍ort to wrangle to shore.
2. Big Tree Island The barrel takes up a 5-foot square. It weighs about 350
lbs. Anyone trying to move it can do so by grabbing hold of
This island is dominated by a large palm tree almost 5 ft. it and swimming behind it. They can move it 10 ft. with a
thick. The tree is barren of coconuts or other food. It does single move action.
provide some shade from the blistering daytime sun,
however. Bozek has chosen a spot under the largest palm 4C. Dried Food
frond to rest.
If the party searches around the tree for anything useful, This large crate was in the mess hall last night. Clearly it
have them make a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) contains something food related. As they get closer, they
check. If they succeed, they notice one spot nestled can see it survived the wreckage pretty much intact. The
against the base of the tree looks as though it was rope that once lashed it to the wall of the mess hall is still
previously dug up. If they dig, they ȴnd a chest with the attached to it. They could use it to pull it back to shore.
following: The crate takes up a 5-foot square. It weighs about 250
lbs. Anyone trying to move it can do so by grabbing hold of
225 Gold Pieces the rope and pulling it behind them. They can move it 10
ft. with a single move action.
49 Silver Pieces

27 Copper Pieces 4D. Valuable Cargo

A Diver’s Torch (a sheathed torch with a Continual This crate is small, but heavy. It sunk to the ȵoor of the
Flame spell cast on it) ocean after the wreck. Something is glittering inside
through a hole in the top.
A Bottle of ȴne rum (Worth 100 Gold Pieces) The crate contains a massive pearl worth 1,000 gp. It is
15 ft. down on the seabed requiring someone to swim
The rum can be turned into an explosive by stuɝng the down to acquire it. The pearl is heavy.
top with a cloth and setting it alight. Treat it as a ȵask of
Alchemist’s Fire.
4E. Weapons Crate
3. Rock Outcroppings This large crate is ȴrmly set into the seabed 15 ft. down. It
is locked and its sides are reinforced.
Three large, alabaster spires rise out of the water.
This 5-foot crate is sealed with a padlock. It is not the
Between them, three fallen spires form a pathway of sorts
strongest though, so a DC 15 Strength check will break it
that runs from both islands out into the sea. They look
o΍. It contains an assortment of spears, tridents, nets, and
sturdy and seem like they would provide a good vantage
light crossbows with ammunition.
point over the wreckage.
This chest is from long, long ago. Its contents have not
4F. Empty Barrel seen the light of day in centuries. Inside is a golden idol in
The barrel ȵoating in the water here seems rather light. As the shape of a tentacle. Should someone touch the idol,
they go to check its contents, they unfortunately see that it they must make a DC 20 Wisdom save or else they are
is empty. cursed. While cursed, they refuse to let anyone else handle
the idol and at night they receive visions from creatures
The barrel here has no supplies in it: However, it can be
too terrible and horrifying to describe. Because of this,
used to stabilize the raft by providing additional buoyancy.
they only heal at half their normal hit points from long
Since it is empty, it can be pushed to shore without any
resting. A Remove Curse spell can end this curse.
movement penalty.
While travelling out over deep water with the idol, roll
percentile dice each day. On a result of 1 or 100, a Kraken
4G. Repair Tools appears ȴve hundred ft. out and begins heading for the
Once they get close enough, they can make out a stamp person holding the idol. If the party throws the idol into
on the wooden crate indicating it contains the assorted the ocean, ethereal tentacles sprout from the idol and
tools needed to repair a ship mid-voyage. It is nailed shut drag the monster back beneath the waves. Anyone who
so they have no way of opening it in the water without witnesses this permanently gains Feature: Touched by
everything inside plummeting to the seabed. the Far Realm. Those a΍ected must roll 1d20 whenever
This crate is smaller than the rest and reinforced along they sleep. If they roll a 1, they have dreams of an alien
the edges, most likely to keep the water out. It is small world full of monstrous and unknowable horrors. When
enough to drag or push without any movement penalty. they awake, they recover only half the normal amount of
hit points they would from a long rest. A Remove Curse
4H. Empty Crate spell can remove this feature.

As they grab onto this crate, it turns and tumbles with 5B. The Captain’s Ready Room
ease. Unfortunately, it's empty.
The crate here has no supplies in it: However, it can be The door to the ready room opens, but only slightly. You
used to stabilize the raft by providing additional buoyancy. can make out some barrels and furniture that have slid
Since it is empty, it can be pushed to shore without any back and jammed the door mostly shut. With enough
movement penalty. force, you might be able to push past it all.
To open the door, the party must succeed on a DC 20
4I. Fishing Gear Strength check to move everything back enough that the
door can properly open. Having a combined strength of 30
A wicker basket ȵoats along, the waves rocking it to and pushing at once reduces this DC by 5. If the party fails the
froe. When they reach it, they remove the lid and ȴnd check by 10 or more, the door slams shut dealing 1d4
tackle, lures, bait, and everything else needed to ȴsh out bludgeoning damage to anyone who was trying to move it
on the ocean. and knocking them into the water. If they successfully
The ȴshing gear cannot be used on the island: The make it into the room, they ȴnd themselves in what
sharks have scared away anything worth catching. It will, remains of the captain’s ready room.
however, come in handy once the raft is out on the sea as
ȴsh will be plentiful and the food supply will be ȴnite. 5C. The Captain’s Quarters
5. Main Shipwreck This door, unlike the last one, opens towards you:
However, it is currently locked. You do not see a key
The fore section of the ship looms over them as they anywhere nearby. If there is one, it is probably with the
approach. When the ship broke apart, this portion ran captain…. Wherever he might be.
aground on some large rocks just underneath the waves. The door is locked This can be handled with a DC 18
From what they can tell, the front half of the cargo hold, Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check if the party member has
the captain’s ready room, and his quarters are all still thieves’ tools. If not, then the door can be forced open
inside. They should be able to access them if they can with a DC 20 Strength check. anyone in front of the door
scale the angled deck. when it opens must make a DC 15 Dexterity save. If they
The rear sloping deck of the cargo hold is slick, and the fail, a piece of furniture from the room comes tumbling
boards are cracked and torn up. To scale it and reach solid down the sloped ȵoor smashing into them for 1d6
footing, a party member needs to make a DC 15 Dexterity bludgeoning damage and knocking them prone.
(Acrobatics) check. Failure means they fall in the water and Inside the room, the captain’s furniture is strewn about.
you roll for the sharks to see if they attack. In the corner, his lockbox lays dented against the wall.
Inside is his magical +1 light crossbow. It shoots magical
5A. The Sunken Chest water bolts, so it never needs ammunition or to be
reloaded. (if he gave it to the party already, then there are
This chest is old, far too old to be from the wreck of the 500 Gold Pieces inside instead.).
Sea Mephit. It is a dark onyx color with an emerald green
trim. Both colors have faded since the chest settled here.
Barnacles have begun to grow on it and some of the
debris from the ship has fallen on top of it.
6. The Flotsam 10. The Escape Raft
Assorted wooden planks, broken barrels and crates, and Bozek, as best he could, built the beginnings of a life raft
other debris ȵoat here. The corpse of a crew member lies here. It is comprised of wooden planks that washed
strewn across a ȵoating wooden beam. His body half ashore after the wreck along with one of the broken pieces
eaten. The wood looks usable, but it will take a few trips to of the main mast. To get it seaworthy will require some
bring it all back. materials and hard work.
The party needs the wooden planks here to expand the This is the party’s main goal during this portion of the
raft’s size. It takes one person four trips to acquire enough adventure. They will need to get the items mentioned
wood. When the crew awakens on the island, there are ȴve previously and then use them to build out the raft to a
Reef Sharks in this area. If the party chooses to investigate seaworthy state.
this area ȴrst and they do not trigger a shark attack, then Once the party has the repair tools and the wooden
the sharks attack as soon as they get here. If the party planks (or the dinghy), they can attempt a DC 15 Wisdom
spots the sharks, place them on the map at this location. (Survival) check to lash everything together to ȴnish the
raft. The party gets bonuses to this check for the following:
7. The Captain’s Body
+2 For having the Empty Crate from 4H.
Floating in the surf is the body of the captain of the Sea
Mephit, Phinneus Volus. Judging by the large gash on his +2 For having the Empty Barrel from 4F.
head he probably hit it on something when the wave hit
+2 For having the Wooden Planks from the Flotsam
and then died when he fell in the water.
OR the Dinghy from 9.
If the party search his body, they ȴnd the key to his
quarters (See area 5C.). If they succeed, the raft is completed and ready to sail. If
they fail, they waste time. Have each make a DC 10
8. The Cook’s Body Constitution save. If they fail, they gain a level of
At the bottom of the seabed, you can make out what
appears to be another body from the shipwreck. Oddly, it
is not ȵoating like the rest. Into the Wild Blue Yonder
The body is 15 ft. down on the seabed. It is currently When the party has successfully ȴxed the raft and
weighed down by the cook’s half-plate armor he wore collected enough supplies for the journey, Bozek
(against the rest of the crew’s advice). It can be removed approaches them.
from him, but it takes a full minute to do so.

9. The Dinghy All right looks like we’re ready to go. Load up
the raft with the food, water, and anything
A large piece of the ship’s deck is wedged against an else you might’ve found that could be useful.
underwear rock outcropping here. Pinned between the I’ll get to rigging the sail.
two is the ship’s dinghy. It appears to be in good shape
though and could be used to expand the raft Bozek has
been building. If the party found the sea charts, read the following.
It takes a DC 18 Strength check to wrench the dinghy
free from its current position. Doing so is loud, however,
so if the party succeeds, roll for a shark attack. With the charts in hand, I should be able to
plot us a course for the main shipping lanes.
Hopefully, a passing trader will see us and
come to the rescue.

If a party member memorized the charts in the captain’s

ready room, read the following instead:

Since the scholar here here was able to

memorize the ole captain’s charts, we should
be able to ȴgure out the best course to reach
the shipping lanes. Then all we have to do is
pray for a rescue.
The party help load the supplies while Bozek sets the sail
and readies the raft to leave. Once they are done, the
party has one last chance to scour the island or wreckage
Day 3: Merfolk Visitor
The seas are calm, and the wind is blowing a gentle
for supplies before they leave.
breeze. As they lay in the sun, they suddenly hear what
The raft is approximately 20 ft. by 45 ft. . It can easily
sounds like a giggle. If they look around they see a woman
hold the weight of all the party members, Bozek, and their
leaning against the edge of the raft. She has what appears
supplies. Once they set sail, it takes 5 days for the raft to
to be seaweed for hair and her skin is a light bluish green.
reach the shipping lanes where they are counting on a
The woman is a Merfolk. She speaks Aquan and common.
passing ship to rescue them. Each day, the party will have
She inquires as to what the party is doing so far out to sea
to deal with di΍erent issues as they battle hunger, thirst,
on such a small ship. If they tell her about the shipwreck,
the elements, and other living beings for their very
she empathizes with them. The mermaid advises them to
make an o΍ering to the god of the sea. She says if anyone
The party has enough food for 4 days and water for 5
can help get them home faster, it is she who watches over
days. If the party does not eat for a day or if they do not
the oceans. If they ask what a good o΍ering would be, she
drink water, they must make a DC 15 Constitution save
recommends something beautiful. She says there is a
each to see if they can endure. If they fail, they gain a level
temple beneath the waves she could take their o΍ering to
of exhaustion. If the party triggers the tentacle idol’s event,
if they would like. If they give her the pearl, she disappears
skip that day’s event, and run that one instead.
beneath the waves. Sometime later, a large wave appears
on the horizon behind them. As it gets closer and closer, it
Day 1: A School of Fish suddenly turns into the shape of a hand. It grabs hold of
the raft and pushes it forward across the water faster than
A large school of ȴsh can be seen swimming under the
any wind could have done. After what seems like hours, it
raft. Their scales glint in the sun, and they spin and glide in
ȴnally slows, and the raft once again begins to lazily drift
delicate yet complex patterns.
on. The hand waves before vanishing beneath the water.
If the party wants to try ȴshing, they can do so with a DC
The magical hand has pushed the raft a full day farther
20 Wisdom (Survival) check. If they have the ȴshing gear,
than it would have gone on its own. Skip the day 3 event.
the DC drops to 15. If they succeed, they gain 2d4 days of
food. If they fail, four Sahuagin are drawn up from the
depths by the attempt and attack the party. Day 4: Pirate Encounter
The characters are awoken in the early hours by Bozek. He
Day 2: Stormy Weather urges them to their feet and points to a small dinghy
coming their way. As it gets closer, they see a what
A ȴerce storm has picked up and Bozek is struggling to
appears to be two Goblins, a Bugbear, and a Hobgoblin.
keep the raft aȵoat. He instructs you to grab ahold of the
The goblins have shortbows leveled at you and the
supplies and shelter and make sure they do not end up
Hobgoblin has her sword drawn. “Surrender all ye have, or
overboard. He motions for one of you to grab the rudder
face death!” she cries.
and keep her steady.
The humanoids are pirates. They were dispatched by a
The party will need to complete several tasks here:
larger ship to investigate the raft while that ship went o΍
Protect the Food in search of more lucrative prey. If the party wishes to let
the pirates board, they can make a Charisma (Deception)
Protect the Water check to feign surrender (vs. the Hobgoblin leader). If they
succeed, the pirates come aboard, and the party gets a
Protect the Shelter
surprise round against them. If they fail, the pirates open
Protecting the supplies requires a relevant DC 15 ability ȴre from their dinghy. It takes one turn for them to reach
check. Let the players get creative on how they want to do the raft. The pirates ȴght to the death. On them, they have
so. If they fail to protect the food or water, they lose 1 day nothing of value, however, they have 2d4 days’ worth of
of each. If they fail to protect the shelter, it gets blown food and water in their dinghy.
away, and going forward party members only recover half
the normal hit points from long resting on the raft.
There are two ballistae on the elevated rear portion of the
Day 5: Shark Attack deck. They each ȴre steel tipped bolts that deal 4d10
piercing damage. The Kraken is immune to their damage,
The day is going quietly when suddenly you feel something
but the tips are soaked in oil and can be set alight to
bump into the underside of the raft. As you go to
convert their damage type to ȴre. Anyone can operate
investigate, you see it: O΍ in the distance, a giant ȴn
them. To ȴre one, a party member rolls 1d20 + Dexterity
breaks through the water. You watch it turn around and
modiȴer + 5. To load one, it takes a combined 30 strength.
head right for you!
The Kraken is too far out to use most of its attacks, so it
A Giant Shark has come across the raft and decides to
uses its lighting storm attack. On its initiative count, it
turn it and the party into its next meal. It cannot attack the
targets a random character. Have them make a DC 15
party members directly if they are on the raft. It can try to
Dexterity saving throw taking 4d6 lightning damage on a
attack someone standing on the edge square of the raft,
fail and half as much on a success. They get advantage on
however, it can only deal half its damage to them; the
the save due to the captain's deft piloting skills.
other half is dealt to the raft itself (if the attack roll would
Combat with the Kraken lasts 5 rounds. After that, the
have beaten the raft’s AC of 15, however).
captain manages to pilot the ship into a series of high
Each square of the raft has an AC of 15 and 20 hit points.
rocky islands just o΍ the coast. As he slips in between two
If a section is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, and
large formations, the Kraken slams into them, roaring with
anyone standing on it falls into the ocean. Once defeated,
anger, before slinking back into the depths from whence it
the shark’s body can be turned into 3d4 days of food with
a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check.
Alternatively, if the party has the tentacle idol and
throws it into the ocean, ethereal tentacles sprout from
Day 6: The Rescue the it and drag the monster back beneath the waves.
Anyone who witnesses this permanently gains Feature:
The characters awake to the sound of someone shouting
Touched by the Far Realm. Those a΍ected must roll
1d20 whenever they sleep. If they roll a 1, they have
“Ahoy! You seem to be in a bit of trouble!” dreams of an alien world full of monstrous and
unknowable horrors. When they awake, they recover only
half the normal amount of hit points they would from a
long rest. As a positive, they gain advantage on any saves
As they look up, they see a small trading vessel just o΍
to resist having their mind read or inȵuenced. A Remove
their starboard. There is a man, face roughened by years
Curse spell can remove this feature.
at sea, hanging from the rigging.
The captain pilots the ship through the rocky
archipelago, careful to avoid the deep water. When the
“Come aboard! We’ll get ye ȴxed up!” ship emerges from the rocks hours later, Valhenge can be
seen o΍ in the distance.

The man is Darius Cornwall, a trader out of Valhenge. He

The captain hands the wheel over to his crew
and his crew help the party and Bozek aboard their ship, member and comes down to speak with you.
The Lucky Gambit. They explain that they are headed back “You did good back there, but please don’t be
to Valhenge from Lustra and that they all are welcome to o΍ended when I say this: stay on dry land, for
ride along, although they will have to pull their own everyone’s sake.” He pats you on the shoulder
weight. They have no room for freeloaders, even ones and heads down below deck, more than likely
found drifting at sea. They are about a week out of to get extremely drunk and try to forget this
Valhenge, if the weather holds. The party will have to take day.
on various duties such as cleaning, cooking, and ship
maintenance to earn their way.

Day 11: The Beast from Aftermath

With the ship safely sailing into harbor the characters can
Below plan their next move. If they needed to head to Lustra for
work, they'll need to secure new passage. Although the
Six days have passed from the time the characters were
Sea Mephit is no more and Bozek is without a crew, he'll
rescued. On their 11th day at sea, they hear a massive
never forget what the characters did for him. If the
roar. If they investigate the sound and go up to the main
encounter him in the future, he'll have a friendly
deck, they see a Kraken rising out of the water in the
disposition towards them and may assist them with
whatever their current course of action is.

The captain immediately turns the ship hard

to port. As he does, the beast begins to swim
towards the ship. “Man the ballistae! Try to
slow it down!” He shouts back to you. “I’ll try
to lose it in the shallows!”
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 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System
Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James
Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. &RS\ULJKW

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