Operations & Financial Plan

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Hegemone's Haven Café


Samantha Joyce Dob Jullia Mae Isais

Khimberlie Anne Fuerte Hannah Joie Espelita

Chard Calvin Engalan Kyla Uniss Isles

Nechole Garcia Elaiza Cueto

Byrone De Leon Ma Kristelle Guerrero
11–ABM PACIOLI (Group 3)



For Hegemone's Haven, the manufacturing process of the products is one of the crucial thing that
may set it apart from its competitors. Managing the creation of the dishes offered by the business
is an important piece of responsibility, especially to us who advertise food as our main offering.


Manufacturing site: Commercial Space Purchase

Location: Nadres Street Poblacion Candelaria, Quezon (beside Ongville Complex and Hotel

Acquiring a commercial space through purchasing one is the option that we chose despite
requiring a big capital expenditure as it will provide us with substantial freedom that will allow
our visions to be brought to life. Due to the fact that Hegemone's Haven can be considered as a
medium scale business establishment, a large space where we can run the business freely and a
considerable amount of flexibility when it comes to designing its interior, is necessary. Design
efforts will be practically required because one of our goals is to create an instagrammable café
that’s worthy of its name. This erases the option of choosing to rent a commercial space instead
since we need the freedom to fully achieve this objective. Even if it is costly, we believe that it
will be worthwhile since we will be able to attract customers easier, making it faster for us to re-
earn the space capital that we spent on purchasing it. And of course, this can also be considered as
an investment because aside from being a commercial space that can be used for the café’s daily
operations, the building will also be one of the noncurrent assets that the owners will own.


Internal Layout: Product-based Layout (facilities are prearranged according to the manufacturing
process flow)

Manufacturing Process Flow:

Manufacturing elements of Hegemone's Haven's fruit and vegetable smoothies:



• Strawberries • Place all ingredients in a
• Banana blender, breaking them Strawberry Smoothie
• Greek Yogurt into pieces.
• Milk (or almond milk or oat • Blend until creamy and
milk) frothy, stopping and
• Honey scraping down the
• Ice sides as necessary. If
• Almond butter desired, garnish with a
• Vanilla frozen strawberry.
Serve immediately.



• Dragon Fruit (cubed and • In a large high-speed
frozen) blender, put the dragon
• Ripe Banana fruit, banana, milk, and Dragon Fruit Smoothie
• Plant-based Milk chia seeds into the
• Chia Seeds bottom.
• Starting on a low speed,
gradually increase the
speed of blending until
everything becomes
completely smooth and



• Milk (Dairy Or Non Dairy) • Place all ingredients in a
• Greek Yogurt blender in the order
• Ripe Bananas listed. Chocolate Banana Smoothie
• Ice • Blend until the banana
• Cocoa Powder breaks into pieces and
• Vanilla Extract the whole mixture
becomes creamy and



• Watermelon • Chop the watermelon.
• Ice • Place all ingredients in a
• Milk blender, and blend until Watermelon Smoothie
• Greek yogurt smooth and creamy.
• Honey • Serve immediately.



• Strawberry • Mix all the ingredients in
• Blackberry a blender and blend it
• Dragon fruit until smooth and Mixcy Smoothie
• Vanilla creamy.
• Ice
• Milk



• Greek yogurt • Add all ingredients to the
• Water blender, adding the
• broccoli florets liquids first and Broccoli Smoothie
• Apple breaking the banana
• Banana into pieces.
• Frozen pineapple chunks • Blend until smooth.
• Eat immediately or store
up to 1 day refrigerated
in a covered jar.



• Carrot rounds • Peel the carrots and slice
• Apple them into rounds.
• Banana • Chop the apple, keeping Carrot Smoothie
• Orange juice the peel on. Break the
• Pineapple or Mango banana into pieces.
• Ice cubes • Add all ingredients to the
• Optional mix in: fresh ginger, blender, adding the
cinnamon liquids first.
• Blend until smooth.
• Eat immediately or store
up to 1 day refrigerated
in a covered jar.



• Raw Beet • Peel the raw beet, then
• Apple dice it (be careful of
• Banana the beet juice, as it Beet Smoothie
• Pineapple Chunks Or Mango stains!).
• Water • Chop the apple, leaving
• Ice Cubes the skin on. Break the
banana into pieces.
• Add the beet, apple,
banana, frozen
pineapple, water, and
ice cubes.
• Blend until smooth.
• Eat immediately or store
1 day in a sealed jar; if
it separates, shake to
re-integrate it.



• Apple • Chop the apple, leaving
• Banana the skin on.
• Baby Kale Leaves • Break the banana into Kale Smoothie
• Water pieces and place them
• Ice Cubes both in the blender.
• Frozen Pineapple Or Mango • Add the water and baby
• Lemon Juice kale leaves.
• Blend until smooth.
• Add the ice, frozen
pineapple or mango,
and lemon juice.
• Blend again until smooth


• Celery • Roughly chop the celery.
• Apple • Chop the apple into
• Banana chunks, leaving the Celery Smoothie
• Ginger Root) peel on.
• Baby Spinach Leaves • Break the banana into
• Water pieces.
• Ice Cubes • Peel and grate or mince
• Lemon Juice the ginger.
• Place everything in a
blender and blend until
smooth, stopping and
scrapping as necessary
and adding a splash
more water if it’s too
• Drink immediately or
store for up to 1 day.

Manufacturing elements of Hegemone's Haven's fruit- and vegetable-filled snacks.



• Coconut Oil Or Extra • Heat the oil
Virgin Olive Oil • Put 3 or 4 popcorn kernels
• High Quality Popcorn into the oil Popcorn
Kernels • Add the rest of the
• Butter popcorn
• Salt • Cover the pot, remove
from heat and count 30
• Return the pan to the heat
• Once the popping slows to
several seconds between
pops, remove the pan
from the heat.
• Melt butter in the empty
hot pan
• Sprinkle the popcorn with
salt to taste


• Nonstick cooking spray • Line a 13x9x2-inch or a
• Cocoa Sugared Mix 15x10x1-inch baking
• Seasoning Mix (Variety of pan with foil; lightly Roasted Nuts
Flavors) coat with nonstick
• Peanut oil cooking spray. Set pan
• Pecan halves or Assorted aside. In a small bowl,
Nuts combine desired
seasoning mix and oil or
melted butter. Place nuts
in prepared pan. Drizzle
butter mixture over nuts,
tossing gently until well
coated. Spread nuts out
in an even layer.
• Bake in a 325 degree F
oven for 25 minutes,
stirring twice. Remove
from oven. Remove to a
paper towel-lined
baking sheet; cool.
Serve at room
temperature. Store any
remaining nuts in an
airtight container for up
to 1 week.

• All-purpose flour • Preheat oven to 450
• Parmesan cheese degrees. Place oven rack
• Sugar in lower third of oven. Cheese Crackers
• Salt • Mix together flour,
• Dried basil Parmesan, sugar, salt,
• Dried thyme basil, thyme, and garlic
• Garlic powder powder with a fork.
• Olive oil • Stir in olive oil and water
• Water until a ball of dough
• Parchment paper forms.
For Topping: • Place a sheet of parchment
• Poppy seeds paper on a flat surface;
sprinkle lightly with
• Sesame seeds
• Coarse or flaky salt
• Transfer half of the dough
to the parchment paper
and shape into a rough
• Using a rolling pin, roll
out dough until it's
about ⅛-inch thick (or
• Sprinkle dough with half
of the toppings, if using,
then lightly press
toppings into dough
using your hands. Prick
dough all over with a
• Use a pizza cutter to cut
the dough into
rectangles about 1 x 2-
inches. (No need to
measure and don't worry
if some of your crackers
aren't perfectly
rectangular. They'll still
taste great.)
• Transfer parchment paper
to a baking sheet, then
separate crackers
• Repeat process with
remaining dough.
• Bake crackers until
browned on edges,
about 12 to 15 minutes.
(If some of the crackers
on the outside of your
pan brown faster,
remove them so they
don't burn, then
continue baking other
• Cool crackers on baking
sheet, then serve
immediately or store in
an airtight container
until ready to use.



• Whole grain bread • Lay out your bread slices
• Almond butter (or any on a flat work surface.
type you prefer) • On one slice, spread the Fruit and Nut Butter Sandwich
• Strawberries nut butter.
• Ground cinnamon • On the other slice, spread
• Honey out the strawberries.
• Sprinkle either side with
cinnamon and drizzle
with honey.
• Put your two slices of
bread together and enjoy
your sandwich!


• Chickpeas (or sub any • BLEND HUMMUS: Place
bean) lemon juice, garlic
• Tahini paste cloves, tahini paste olive Rainbow Veggie Hummus
• Lemon juice oil and water in a food
• Garlic processor– whip this up
• Cumin (or coriander) until creamy. Then add
• Olive oil (optional) the salt, pepper, cumin,
• Salt chickpeas and blend
• Pepper (white pepper is until really smooth. Add
more cold water, a
delicious here)
tablespoon at a time
until it is the
consistency you like and
blend the heck out of
this! Blend for at least a
full minute or two!
Taste, adjust salt and
lemon. Add any
additions you like.
• PLATTER: Spoon the
ultra-creamy hummus
into a wide shallow
bowl or onto a plate or
platter, creating a “well”
for the olive oil (or other
sauces) with the back of
your spoon.

• Potatoes • Peel the potatoes. Use a
• Salt vegetable peeler to save
• Cooking oil time. Fries
• Flavoring • Slice the potatoes into
long thin pieces.
• Soak the potatoes in ice
water for 30 minutes.
• Drain the water and dry
the potatoes using a
paper towel.
• Deep fry the potatoes for
10 minutes or until the
color turns light brown.
Do not put too many
potatoes in a batch as it
will take more time for
it to be cooked.
• Remove the potatoes from
the deep fryer or
cooking pot and allow
to cool for 5 minutes.
• Put the fried potatoes back
in the fryer and fry for
another 3 minutes.
• Remove the fried potatoes
and transfer to a plate
with paper towels.
Sprinkle some salt to
taste and add the
customer’s preferred
• Serve. Share and enjoy!



• Oat Flour • You’ll start by chopping
• Old Fashioned Rolled your prunes, raisins and
Oats apricots in a food Fruit and Nut Bars
• Medjool Dates Or Prunes processor until well
• Raisins chopped. Then in a large
• Dried Apricots bowl, you mix the flour,
• Walnuts oats, fruit mixture, nuts,
• Cacao Nibs cacao nibs and water –
kneading together until
a dough forms. If
needed you can add
more water to
accomplish this!
• Lastly, press into a pan
lined with parchment
paper and then cut into
squares before baking (a
trick to easier cutting
after baking!). Bake the
bars for 25 minutes and
store in an airtight
container in the


• Tomatoes Or Plum • In a small bowl, mix
Tomatoes together the tomatoes,
• Onion onion, jalapeno, Salsa and Chips
• Jalapeno coriander. Season with
• Chopped Fresh Coriander salt and pepper. Cover
• Kosher Salt and Freshly with plastic wrap and
Ground Black Pepper set aside for 1 hour.
Tortilla Chips Serve with Tortilla
• Vegetable Oil Chips.
• 6-inch Corn Tortillas • Pour the oil into a large
• Fine salt heavy-bottomed pot to a
depth of about 2 inches.
Place a deep-frying
thermometer in the pot.
Heat the oil over
medium heat to 360
degrees F.
• Meanwhile, stack the
tortillas, and cut the pile
into sixths to make
• Raise the heat to high.
Working in batches, fry
the chips, turning them
with a skimmer or
slotted spoon, until
golden brown, about 2
minutes. Using a slotted
spoon, transfer the chips
to a paper towel-lined
pan to drain. (Return the
oil to the proper
temperature between
batches.) Cool and
season with salt. Serve.



• Desiccated Unsweetened • Preheat oven to 325°F.
Coconut • Spread the coconut flakes
• All-Purpose Flour onto a baking sheet in Orange Coconut Silver Dollar
• Granulated Sugar an even layer and bake, Pancakes
• Baking Powder stirring once halfway
• Salt through, until golden
• Unsalted Butter brown and toasted,
• Whole Milk about 3-5 minutes.
• Egg • Lower the oven
• Pure Vanilla Extract temperature to 200°F.
• Orange Juice • In a bowl, mix together
• Orange Zest the toasted coconut,
flour, sugar, baking
powder, and salt.
• In a large microwave-safe
bowl, melt 1 ½
tablespoons butter.
Whisk in the milk, egg,
vanilla, and orange
juice. Add the dry
ingredients to the large
bowl with the wet
ingredients, and stir to
combine. Fold in the
orange zest.
• In a large skillet or cast
iron pan over medium
heat, melt about 1
tablespoon butter and
swirl the pan to coat.
When the butter begins
to foam and sizzle, add
a tablespoon-sized
dollop of the batter to
the skillet, and continue
until the pan is filled,
but not crowded.
• Cook the pancakes until
they begin to bubble on
top and are golden on
the bottom, about 2
minutes. Flip each one
over and cook until the
other side is golden
brown, about another
• Keep the cooked pancakes
on a baking sheet in the
warm oven, and repeat
with the remaining
batter. Add more butter
to coat the pan as
• Top the pancakes with
additional butter, honey,
or your choice of
toppings. Serve


• Eggs • Place eggs in a saucepan and
• Puff pastry cover with water. Bring to
• Egg wash the boil then cook for 3
• Tomato relish or tomato minutes. Air-Fryer Mini Egg And Mince
sauce • Eggs should be soft boiled, so
• Beef sausage mince they don’t overcook in rolls.
• Onion Drain and immerse in cold
• Carrot water. Peel
• Potato • To make filling, place mince,
• Green Peas onion, green peas, potato,
• Garlic carrot, garlic, parsley and
mustard in a large bowl.
• Parsley
Season with salt and pepper.
• Dijon mustard
Mix well
• Divide mixture into six and
roll an egg into a portion of
sausage mince to enclose
• Place pastry sheets on a flat
surface and cut each sheet
into three even strips
• Place sausage covered eggs at
the end of each length of
pastry. Press down gently to
flatten slightly and shape
mixture into a rectangle to
fit pastry
• Roll up to enclose filling,
brush end of pastry with egg
wash to seal. Brush egg
wash over each roll. Place
rolls seam-side down
Preheat air-fryer to 180°C,
place 2 rolls in the basket
and cook for 20 minutes or
until cooked. Remove and
repeat with remaining rolls.
Serve warm with relish or
• OVEN METHOD: Preheat
oven to 200°C/180°C (fan-
forced) and line a large
baking tray with baking
paper. Place parcels onto
tray leaving a 2cm space
between them. Cook for
about 35 minutes, or until
pastry is golden brown and

Manufacturing elements of Hegemone's Haven's fruit- and vegetable-based desserts.



• Cream cheese • Cook blueberries with
• Mascarpone sugar until it has a jam-
• Sweetened condensed milk like consistency. Blueberry Lemon Icebox Cake
• Fresh lemon juice • Mix the cream cheese,
• Blueberries mascarpone, condensed
• Sugar milk, lemon juice, and
• Graham Crackers sugar together. Whip
until smooth and thick.
• Layer the graham
crackers, cream
mixture and berries to
create a cake-like
structure. Use the
crushed grahams as the
finishing layer.


For the Cupcakes: • Preheat the oven to 350°F
• All-Purpose Flour and line a 12-cup
• Cup Sugar muffin pan with Hummingbird Cupcakes
• Baking Soda cupcake papers.
• Cinnamon • In a large bowl, whisk
• Salt together flour, sugar,
• Pinch Grated Nutmeg baking soda, cinnamon,
• Egg salt, and nutmeg. Set
• Applesauce aside.
• Olive Or Vegetable Oil • In another bowl, whisk
together egg,
• Mashed Banana
applesauce, oil, banana,
• Crushed Pineapple
pineapple, and vanilla.
• Pure Vanilla Extract
Pour into dry
• Pecans (optional) ingredients and stir
For the Frosting: until well combined.
• Cream Cheese Stir in pecans, if using.
• Butter • Scoop batter into
• Pure Vanilla Extract prepared pan, filling
• Powdered Sugar cups about 3/4 full.
• Bake for 18-20 minutes,
until a toothpick
inserted in the center
comes out clean. Let
cool in pan briefly,
then remove to a wire
rack to cool
• To make the frosting,
using a hand mixer,
beat together cream
cheese and butter until
smooth. Add vanilla
and powdered sugar
and beat until light and
fluffy, adding more
sugar as desired. Pipe
onto cooled cupcakes
and top with a pecan
half, if desired.



• All-Purpose Flour • Place blackberries in a
• Powdered Sugar large pot over medium
• Almonds heat. Cook until berries Blackberry Curd Tart
• Salt pop and release their
• Chilled Butter juices, about 10
• Baking Spray With Flour minutes. Using the
• Blackberries back of a wooden
spoon, press berries
• Granulated Sugar
through a fine mesh
• Lemon
sieve set over a large
• Cornstarch
bowl to collect
• Egg Yolks approximately 1 cup
• Cream Of Tartar blackberry juice.
• Egg Whites Discard seeds and pulp.
• Water Allow juice to cool to
• Ginger room temperature,
• Honey about 30 minutes.
• Vanilla Extract • Preheat the oven to 350
degrees F (175 degrees
C). Lightly grease a 9-
inch tart pan with a
removable bottom.
• Combine flour, almonds,
and salt in the bowl of
a food processor; pulse
a few times until
everything is combined
and almonds are finely
ground. Add in melted
butter, honey, and
vanilla extract. Pulse
several more times
until mixture is
crumbly and resembles
wet sand. Pour mixture
into the prepared tart
pan, pressing it very
firmly and evenly into
the bottom and sides of
the pan.
• Bake in the preheated
oven until edges of the
crust are lightly
browned, about 20
minutes. Cool on a
wire rack while
preparing the filling.
• Whisk together sugar,
cornstarch, and salt in a
large heat-safe bowl for
the filling. Mix in the
cooled blackberry
juice, eggs, egg yolk,
lemon juice, and lemon
zest until smooth.
Bring a pot of water to
a low simmer. Place
bowl with blackberry
mixture over the pot of
simmering water,
making sure bowl does
not touch water. Cook,
stirring constantly,
until mixture thickens
enough to coat the back
of a spoon, about 10
minutes. Remove bowl
from heat and stir in
butter, 1 piece at a
time, ensuring each
piece melts before
adding the next. Strain
custard mixture
through a fine-mesh
sieve into the prepared
• Bake in the preheated
oven until filling is just
set, 20 to 25 minutes.
Allow tart to cool
completely before
removing from pan.
Top with additional
fresh blackberries just
before serving.



• Unsalted Butter • Brush a 9-inch spring
• Raw Pistachios form pan with butter.
• Granulated Sugar • In a food processor, pulse Double-Lemon Labneh
• Cheesecake the pistachios and Cheesecake
• Powdered Gelatin granulated sugar until
• Water mostly finely ground
• Labneh (it's OK to leave some
• Cream Cheese texture). Add the
• Confectioners' Sugar butter, and pulse to
combine. Place
• Lemon Zest
pistachio mixture into
• Lemon Juice
• Vanilla Extract prepared pan. Using the
• Kosher Salt bottom of a measuring
• Lemon Top cup, press crust firmly
• Granulated Sugar and evenly into the
• Egg Yolks bottom of the pan.
• Fresh Lemon Juice • In a small microwave-
• Whipped Cream safe bowl, whisk the
gelatin into the water.
Let sit 1 minute. Heat
in microwave, stirring
every 10 seconds, until
gelatin dissolves, about
30 seconds.
• In a large bowl using an
electric mixer, beat the
labneh with the cream
cheese, confectioners'
sugar, lemon zest and
juice, vanilla, and salt
until smooth and well
combined. While
beating, slowly pour
the gelatin mixture into
the labneh mixture.
Beat until well
• Pour the labneh filling
over the crust in the
prepared pan, and
smooth the top with an
offset spatula. Cover
pan with plastic, and
refrigerate until firm
and well chilled, at
least 3 hours and
preferably overnight.
• In a small saucepan,
whisk together the
sugar, yolks, and lemon
juice. Place over
medium heat. Cook,
stirring constantly,
until mixture is
combined and
thickened, about 5
minutes. Remove from
the heat, add the butter,
and stir until butter
• Gently spoon mixture
over top of chilled
cheesecake, and spread
into an even layer using
an offset spatula. Cover
pan with plastic, and
refrigerate until well
chilled, at least 1 hour
or overnight
• When ready to serve, beat
whipped cream with
confectioners' sugar
and vanilla until firm
peaks form. Run a
knife around edges of
pan, and release
cheesecake from spring
form. Dollop
cheesecake with
whipped cream, and
serve chilled.



• Ground Cinnamon • Preheat the oven:
• Salt • Preheat your oven to
• Ground Ginger 425°F. Pumpkin Pie
• Cloves • Make the filling:
• Large Eggs • Beat the eggs in a large
• Pumpkin bowl. Mix in the brown
• Evaporated Milk sugar, white sugar, salt,
• Nutmeg spices — cinnamon,
• Sugar ground ginger, nutmeg,
• Lemon ground cloves, and
lemon zest.
• Mix in the pumpkin
purée. Stir in the
cream. Beat together
until everything is well
• Mixing pumpkin pie
• Pumpkin pie ingredients
mixed well
• Adding cream to
pumpkin pie puree
• Pumpkin pie filling ready
to add to pie
• Fill the pie shell and
• Pour the filling into an
uncooked chilled or
frozen pie shell. Bake
at a high temperature of
425°F for 15 minutes.
• Then after 15 minutes,
lower the temperature
to 350°F. Bake for 45
to 55 minutes more.
The pie is done when a
knife tip inserted in the
center comes out wet
but relatively clean.
The center should be
just barely jiggly.
• (About half-way through
the baking, you may
want to put foil around
the edges or use a pie
protector to keep the
crust from getting too
• Note that the pumpkin pie
will come out of the
oven all puffed up
(from the leavening of
the eggs), and will
deflate as it cools.
• Pumpkin pie in dish
ready for baking
• Baked Pumpkin Pie From
• Cool the pie on a rack,
then serve:
• Cool the pumpkin pie on
a wire rack for 2 hours.



• Sweet Potato • Microwave the sweet
• Honey potatoes until softened.
• Almond Butter • Scoop the flesh into a Sweet Potato Chocolate
• Pure Vanilla Extract mixing bowl, and beat Brownies
• Avocado Oil until smooth. Beat in
• Cocoa Powder the wet ingredients.
• Sea Salt • Stir together the dry
• Baking Powder • Add the dry ingredients
• Oat Flour to the wet ingredients
• Raw Pecans • Stir to combine, then add
• Dairy-Free Chocolate Chips the chocolate chips.
• Transfer the batter to a
parchment-lined baking
pan. Bake at 350
degrees F for 25 to 30
minutes. Let the
brownies cool
completely, then



• Pecan Shortbread Cookies • In a small bowl, combine
• Melted Butter the cookie crumbs and
• Sugar butter; press onto the Peaches And Cream Dessert
• Peach Gelatin bottom of an ungreased Squares
• Cornstarch 13-in. x 9-in. dish.
• Lemon-Lime Soda • In a small saucepan,
• Cream Cheese combine the sugar,
• Confectioners’ Sugar gelatin and cornstarch;
stir in soda until
• Frozen Whipped Topping
smooth. Bring to a boil.
• Sliced White Fleshed Peaches
Cook and stir for 5-7
• Unsweetened Pineapple Juice
minutes or until
slightly thickened.
Cool to room
temperature, stirring
• Meanwhile, in a large
bowl, beat cream
cheese and
confectioners’ sugar
until smooth. Beat in
whipped topping until
blended. Spread over
crust. Combine peaches
and pineapple juice.
Arrange over cream
cheese layer. Pour
gelatin mixture over
top. Cover and
refrigerate overnight.


• Oil • Preheat the oven to 325
• Egg degrees.
• Buttermilk • Press or drain the excess Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini
• Baking Soda moisture out of the Coffee Cake
• Vanilla zucchini shreds. Mix
• Salt the cake ingredients in
• All Purpose Flour order given.
• Grated Zucchini • Combine the topping
• Orange Zest ingredients with your
fingers or in a food
• Sugar
processor to make a
• Cinnamon
crumbly topping. Pour
• Butter
half of the batter into a
• Brown Sugar greased 9×13 cake pan.
Cover with half of the
crumbs. Repeat with
the remaining batter
and topping.
• Bake for 45 minutes. The
top will be crunchy and
textured and the cake
will bounce back when
you gently press it.
And then it will be
gone fast.



• Red Cabbage • Preheat oven to 445
• Oats degrees. Combine
• Egg cabbage and oats in a Purple Cake
• Unsweetened Applesauce food processor until
• Cinnamon mixture resembles
• Light Cream Cheese coarse sand. Add egg,
• Potato applesauce, and
• Fat-Free Greek Yogurt cinnamon, and process
until just combined.
Pour batter into an 8-
inch square baking pan
and bake for 30
minutes or until a
toothpick inserted in
the center comes out
clean. Let cool
completely before
• While the cake is baking,
stir together cream
cheese and Greek
yogurt. Refrigerate
until ready to use.



• Heavy Cream • Whip fresh cream with
• Vanilla Extract hand blender on high
• Fruits of your choice speed for about a Fruit Cream Dessert
• Add vanilla extract and
sugar or sweetener
(optional) and continue
whipping for another
minute until the peaks
are hard.
• Mix the fruits and cream
or serve in a glass or
mason jar in alternate
layers of fruit and fresh


In-person purchasing of Hegemone's Haven's products:

• When the customers enter through the front door, the guard will check their temperature
and assist them in filling out an information that is necessary for contact tracing. This is
where they will be recommended to sanitize their hands using the sanitizer provided by
the business establishment.
• The customers will approach the counter where the cashier will inquire about their order.
Once the order is placed, the cashier will itemize and total the customers' purchases. They
are also required to help the customers with problems, concerns, and questions.
• The cashier will give the customers a receipt as a proof of the transaction. They will also be
handed a number card that will help in quickly locating and identifying them once their
food is ready.
• After the financial transaction is done, the list of items the customer ordered will be passed
to the responsible kitchen employee. Smoothies will be handled by our skilled Smoothie
Makers. The snacks will be done by the Chefs and Cooks, and the pastries such cakes,
pies, and cupcakes will be handled by the Pastry Chefs and Pastry Cooks. While the
cashier is busy passing the orders to the kitchen department, a Café Crew will direct the
customers to a vacant table. The customers may also choose where to sit.
• When the ordered meal is done, another Café Crew will serve it to our customers' tables
together with the utensils.

This service delivery process will be carried regardless of the customer’s choice of either
dining in or taking their order out.

Online ordering of Hegemone's Haven's products

• The customers will place their order via call, text, or via social media private message.
They will simply state the list of the food that they would like to order, the quantity, the
address where they’ll like it delivered, and their chosen mode of payment (via Gcash or
COD/Cash on Delivery).
• Upon receipt of the order, a Hegemone’s Haven’s Café Crew will pass it on to the cashier.
The cashier will calculate the total amount of the items purchased and prepare the receipt.
• Customers will receive a message from Hegemone’s Haven regarding the total amount of
money that they are required to pay. If the customer chose to pay with the use of Gcash,
the payment needs to be done first. Once it is verified that the customer has already
settled their accounts, the cashier will transmit the list of orders to the responsible kitchen
personnel who will handle it.
• Once the food has already been prepared, the food will be delivered to the customer's given
address within an hour by one of the Café Crews.
• The Café Crew who is responsible for delivering the order will message the customer again,
informing him or her that his or her food is on its way to being delivered.
• Once the given location is reached, the Café Crew will hand over the order along with the
receipt to the customer. If the customer’s mode of payment is COD, the delivery man will
ask for payment.


Distribution process and channel:

Hegemone's Haven’s products will be available at the purchased commercial space located at
Nadres Street Poblacion Candelaria, Quezon (beside Ongville Complex and Hotel Candelaria).
The customers are welcome to come and visit the shop from 8a.m to 8p.m, at any day of the
week. Hegemone's Haven will also offer delivery services to cater those who are not free to travel
all the way to our location and want to eat our offered menu only at the comfort of their own
homes. Customers can place their orders via text, call, or social media private message if
interested to make use of our delivery services.


a. For in-person transactions:

• CASH - Cash is one of the most common ways to pay for purchases. Customers of the
café will most likely choose this as their mode of payment.
• CREDIT or DEBIT CARD – The proponents will install POS machines in the business
establishment to accommodate and get payments from the cardholders.

b. For online transactions:

• VIA GCASH - GCash is an all-in-one app that allows users to safely make online and
in-store payments, as well as mobile top ups and bill payments. For those who will
patronize our delivery services, payment through the use of this application will be
made available for them.
• COD - Cash on delivery (COD) is a type of transaction where the recipient pays for a
purchased good at the time of delivery. This mode of payment will be available for
those who ordered online since most of them would probably be more comfortable of
finalizing the payment transactions once the product is delivered to them.


The management should know how to keep everything in control, especially when it comes to the
manufacturing of physical products and when offering our outmost services to loyal customers. A
capable workforce will serve as one of the business' foundations that will be the most
instrumental for its success. As having the right people encompasses a myriad of advantages,
Hegemone's Haven will be strict with the quality and capability of its employees.
Fig. 1: Organizational Chart of Hegemone's Haven



b. Compensation and Benefits Range

• Salary: ₱285,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities:

Needs to:
• Hire and train staff.
• Create and edit menus.
• Create marketing pieces
• Order ingredients and beverages.
• Keep a record of income and expenses.
• Collecting customers' feedback on the café's service.
• Open and close the restaurant daily.
• Motivate staff during busy shifts.
• Ensure that staff members are available for shifts.
• Pick up orders from the suppliers

d. Work Schedule
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)


b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱260,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities:

Needs to:

• Research new wholesale food suppliers and negotiate prices

• Assist in developing marketing pieces
• Calculate future needs in kitchenware and equipment and place orders, as needed
• Manage and store vendors’ contracts and invoices
• Coordinate communication between front of the house and back of the house staff
• Prepare shift schedules
• Process payroll for all restaurant staff
• Supervise kitchen and wait staff and provide assistance, as needed
• Keep detailed records of daily, weekly and monthly costs and revenues
• Arrange for new employees’ proper onboarding (scheduling training and ordering
• Monitor compliance with safety and hygiene regulations
• Gather guests’ feedback and recommend improvements to our menus.
• Pick up raw ingredients and supplies from the suppliers.

d. Work Schedule
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

a. Job Title: CHEF

b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱200,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities:

Needs to:

• Set up the kitchen with cooking utensils and equipment, like knives, pans and kitchen
• Oversee cooks and coordinate with them
• Study each recipe and gather all necessary ingredients
• Cook food in a timely manner
• Ensure appealing plate presentation
• Slightly modify recipes to meet customers’ needs and requests (e.g. reduce salt, remove
• Monitor food stock and place orders
• Check freshness of food and discard out-of-date items
• Experiment with recipes and suggest new ingredients
• Ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the kitchen area

d. Work Schedule
Chef 1:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Chef 2:
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

a. Job Title: COOK

b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱185,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities:

Needs to:

• Set up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment

• Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat
• Cook food in various utensils or grillers
• Check food while cooking to stir or turn
• Ensure great presentation by dressing dishes before they are served
• Keep a sanitized and orderly environment in the kitchen
• Ensure all food and other items are stored properly
• Check the quality of ingredients
• Alternate as a smoothie maker
• Monitor stock and place orders when there are shortages

d. Work Schedule

Cook 1:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)

• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cook 2:

• 4: 00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

a. Job Title: PASTRY CHEF

b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱200,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:
• Prepare a wide variety of goods such as cakes, cookies, pies, bread etc. following traditional
and modern recipes
• Decorate pastries using different icings, toppings etc. to ensure the presentation will be
beautiful and exciting
• Monitor stocks for baking ingredients such as flour, sugar etc. and make appropriate orders
within budget
• Oversee apprentice pastry chefs and coordinate with them
• Check the quality of material and condition of equipment and devices used for cooking
• Identify staffing needs and help recruit and train personnel
• Maintain a lean and orderly cooking station and adhere to health and safety standards

d. Work Schedule

Pastry Chef:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Saturday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday)


c. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱185,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:
• Prepare desserts and baked goods
• Clean food preparation areas
• Check and maintain stock of needed ingredients
• Oversee adherence to food safety and sanitation regulations

e. Work Schedule

Apprentice Pastry Chef 1:

• 4: 00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Apprentice Pastry Chef 2:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)
b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱165,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:
• Prepare beverages following the recipes
• Keep the respective area clean
• Check if the smoothie making types of equipment operate properly and report any
maintenance needs
• Comply with health and safety regulations

d. Work Schedule

Smoothie Maker 1:
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 6:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday-Saturday)

Smoothie Maker 2:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 6:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Saturday)

a. Job Title: CASHIER

b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱110,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Cashier Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:
• Manage transactions with customers using cash registers
• Ensure pricing is accurate
• Collect payments whether in cash or credit
• Issue receipts, refunds, change or tickets
• Cross-sell products and introduce new ones
• Resolve customer complaints, guide them and provide relevant information
• Communicate with customers
• Maintain clean and tidy checkout areas
• Track transactions on balance sheets and report any discrepancies
• Bag purchases for take-out
• Handle merchandise returns and exchanges

d. Work Schedule

Cashier 1::

• 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cashier 2:
• 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)
• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

a. Job Title: CAFÉ CREW

b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱120,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:

• Prepare restaurant tables with special attention to sanitation and order

• Attend to customers upon entrance and help them find vacant seats
• Serve orders
• Do the marketing materials including updating the sandwich chalkboard that customers see
as they walk into the facility.
• Assist in developing marketing pieces
• Answer customer questions either over the phone, in person, or via email.
in developing marketing materials that were distributed in the cafe.
• Monitor and accommodate online orders from customers.
• Collaborate with other café crews and kitchen personnel.
• Deal with complaints or problems with a positive attitude
• Alternate as a cashier
• Help in picking up the raw ingredients and supplies from the suppliers.

d. Work Schedule
Café Crew 1:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 2:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 3:
• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 4:

• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 5:
• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday-Saturday)


b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱130,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:

• Clean, stock and supply designated facility areas (dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping,
cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.)
• Perform and document routine inspection and maintenance activities
• Carry out heavy cleansing tasks and special projects
• Notify management of occurring deficiencies or needs for repairs
• Make adjustments and minor repairs
• Stock and maintain supply rooms
• Cooperate with the rest of the staff
• Follow all health and safety regulations
• Alternate as a dishwasher

d. Work Schedule

Cleaning Staff 1:
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cleaning Staff 2:

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cleaning Staff 3:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)
Cleaning Staff 4:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)


b. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱120,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

c. Duties, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities

Needs to:
• Monitor and authorize entrance of vehicles or people in the property
• Remove wrongdoers or trespassers from the area
• Secure all exits, doors and windows after end of operations
• Check surveillance cameras periodically to identify disruptions or unlawful acts
• Investigate people for suspicious activity or possessions
• Respond to alarms by investigating and assessing the situation
• Provide assistance to people in need
• Apprehend and detain perpetrators according to legal protocol before arrival of authorities
• Submit reports of daily surveillance activity and important occurrences
• Check the customer's temperature
• Direct customers to fill-up an information form needed for better contact tracing

d. Work Schedule
Security Guard 1:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 2:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Security Guard 2:

• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday- Wednesday-Friday)

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)



• Educational Background
Has a degree in business management or a master in business administration.
• Work Experience
Has prior experience in the café industry (or a similar industry).

• Specific Skills or Knowledge

o Has substantial knowledge of different business functions
o Strong work ethics
o Good interpersonal skills
o Ability to work for long hours (e.g. evenings, holidays, weekends)
o Knowledge of bookkeeping software.
o Excellent customer service skills.

• Work Attitude
o Highly organized
o Optimistic
o Confident
o Trusting
o Growth-oriented

• Educational Background
A K to 12 graduate

• Work Experience
Has work experience as an Assistant Manager or a similar role in the hospitality industry.

• Specific Skills or Knowledge

o Notable skills in leadership
o Communication and team management abilities
o Ability to work for long hours (e.g. evenings, holidays, weekends)
o Excellent customer service skills

• Work Attitude
o Responsible
o Humble
o Approachable
o Dedicated in his/her work.


• Educational Background
o A K to 12 graduate
o A culinary school degree or diploma is preferred

• Work Experience
Proven experience of working as a Chef or a Cook

• Specific skills or Knowledge

o Expert multitasking ability
o Good leadership skills
o Advanced knowledge of the culinary arts
o Ability to handle various kitchen equipment
o Familiarity with sanitation regulations

• Work attitude
o Positive attitude toward the job
o Ability to work with other people
o Eagerness to learn
o Dedication to quality

• Educational Background
o A K to 12 graduate
o A culinary school degree or diploma will be an advantage

• Work Experience
Proven experience of working as a cook

• Specific skills or Knowledge

o Expert multitasking ability
o Experienced in using cutting tools, cookware and bakeware
o Knowledge of various cooking procedures and methods
o Ability to follow all sanitation procedures
o Ability to work in a team
o Can alternate as a smoothie maker
o Excellent physical condition and stamina

• Work attitude
o Positive attitude toward the job
o Ability to work with other people
o Eagerness to learn
o Dedication to quality


• Educational Background
o A K to 12 graduate
o Had post-secondary training at a culinary institution
o Having a certificate in culinary arts, pastry-making, baking, or relevant field is

• Work Experience
Has prior experience in working within the food industry as a Pastry Chef, Baker, or a
relevant role.

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Great attention to detail and creativity
o Culinary Skills
o Multitasking
o Strong leadership and organizational skills
o Familiar with the different kitchen equipment relevant to their role
o Physicality
o In-depth knowledge of sanitation principles, food preparation and baking techniques
and nutrition
• Work Attitude
o Has the willingness to replenish professional knowledge


• Educational Background
o A K to 12 graduate
o A degree in culinary arts is preferred

• Work Experience
Has prior experience in working within the food industry in a role relevant to the desired
job position.

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Culinary skills
o Creativity
o Detail-oriented
o Multitasking
o Team player
o Organizational skills
o Strong verbal skills
o Ability to stand for long periods of time
o Familiar with various baking-related equipment

• Work Attitude
o Has the willingness to replenish professional knowledge


• Educational Background
A K to 12 graduate
• Work Experience
Must have 3 months experience in making smoothies.

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Ability to work with smoothie making equipment
o Familiar with sanitation regulations
o Great attention to details
o Ability to work in a fast-paced environment

• Work Attitude
o High energy and positive mindset
o Flexible
o Reliable and efficient


• Educational Background
A K to 12 graduate
• Work Experience
A proven experience to being a customer or being in a similar customer service role.

• Specific skills or Knowledge

o Basic math and Computation skill
o Is fluent or can speak in English
o Ability to handle transactions accurately and responsibly

• Work attitude
o Understanding
o Logical
o Well-presented
o Trustworthy
o Accurate
o Quick to Learn


• Educational Background
A K to 12 graduate
• Work experience
There are no work experience qualifications for this job position

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Ability to stand for long hours and work in a fast-paced environment
o Ability to perform at least the basic sanitation procedures
o Is fluent or can speak in English
o Able to multitask and is flexible
o Can alternate as a cashier

• Work Attitude
o Has a positive attitude
o Friendly
o Dependable
o Committed when it comes to achieving customer satisfaction

• Educational Background
A K to 12 graduate
• Work Experience
Proven experience in a similar role.

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Ability to use a variety of cleaning products and equipment
o Ability to stand for extended periods of time
o Ability to complete tasks on time with minimal supervision.
o Can alternate as a dishwasher

• Work Attitude
o Punctual
o Reliable and trustworthy
o Meticulous
o Willingness to comply with all food safety procedures


• Educational Background
Trained in self-defense and needs to be at least a K to 12 graduate (must be 20 to 40 years
• Work Experience
Must have an experience being a security guard for 1 to 2 years.

• Specific Skills Or Knowledge

o Able to work well in a busy environment
o Ability to handle conflicts and find a solution to them

• Work Attitude
o Polite
o Calm and Reasonable
o Always alert



After thoroughly reviewing the application forms and résumés of the applicants, the General
Manager will separate those who meet the basic job requirements and create a short list of the
candidates who are more likely to operate effectively and do their respective works efficiently
when they get hired.


To trim the list of qualified applicants, a reference or a background check for the short-list
candidates will be conducted. This will aid in the verification of the information given by the
applicants in their submitted résumés. It will help in generating feedback from former
employers of the candidate or their professional contacts. The General Manager may call up
the previous employer or any reference provided by the applicant in his or her résumé for a
brief interview to vouch for the character and the capability of the applicant.

This will help the General Manager in gauging the candidate's skills and knowledge about the
job. At the same time, the applicant gets the chance to know more about the job and the
company. This will give the applicant the opportunity to look for indicators on whether their
job expectations would be met or not.

Once the preliminary interviews are done, a final list of applicants will be generated. The
candidates will be interviewed once again during this phase.

Employment tests will be administered to gauge the applicant’s intelligence, aptitude,

personality, interests, tendency to comply with the rules, and work ethics. The General
Manager will test the applicants by asking them to do an actual demonstration of their skills
relative to the job position that they are applying into.


After the employment test, the General Manager will now discuss to the chosen applicant the
business' compensation rate and other benefits that will be provided, the nature of the job, and
other relevant work arrangements. If the offer is accepted, the contract signing will be done.
However, in a situation wherein the candidate rejects the offer. The General Manager will
contact the other job candidates in the refined short-list (those who also took the Employment


a. Rank or position of the Candidate: GENERAL MANAGER

b. Responsibilities or deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Hire and train staff.
• Create and edit menus.
• Create marketing pieces
• Order ingredients and beverages.
• Keep a record of income and expenses.
• Collecting customers' feedback on the café's service.
• Open and close the restaurant daily.
• Motivate staff during busy shifts.
• Ensure that staff members are available for shifts.
• Pick up orders from the suppliers

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱285,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Because the General Manager is also the owner of the business, no contract signing
will be done.

f. Resignation Procedure
A resignation procedure will not be prepared because the General Manager is the
owner of the business.

a. Rank or position of the Candidate: ASSISTANT MANAGER

b. Responsibilities or deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations
Needs to:

• Research new wholesale food suppliers and negotiate prices

• Assist in developing marketing pieces
• Calculate future needs in kitchenware and equipment and place orders, as needed
• Manage and store vendors’ contracts and invoices
• Prepare shift schedules
• Process payroll for all restaurant staff
• Supervise kitchen and wait staff and provide assistance, as needed
• Keep detailed records of daily, weekly and monthly costs and revenues
• Arrange for new employees’ proper onboarding (scheduling trainings and ordering
• Monitor compliance with safety and hygiene regulations
• Gather guests’ feedback and recommend improvements to our menus.
• Pick up raw ingredients and supplies from the suppliers.

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱260,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Because the Assistant Manager is also the owner of the business, no contract signing
will be done.

f. Resignation Procedure
A resignation procedure will not be prepared because the Assistant Manager is one of
the owner of the business.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: CHEFS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Set up the kitchen with cooking utensils and equipment, like knives, pans and kitchen scales
• Study each recipe and gather all necessary ingredients
• Cook food in a timely manner
• Ensure appealing plate presentation
• Slightly modify recipes to meet customers’ needs and requests (e.g. reduce salt, remove
• Monitor food stock and place orders
• Check freshness of food and discard out-of-date items
• Experiment with recipes and suggest new ingredients
• Ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the kitchen area

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱200,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Chef 1:
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Chef 2:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but for
efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace, we
encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in advance.
We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of resignation for
record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too. If an employee
verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of resignation letter within
[10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the moment an employee submits an
official notice, whether verbal or written. The General Manager will accept the
resignation as long as the employee has given it in accordance with the terms of the
employment contract.

a. Job Title: COOK

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Set up workstations with all needed ingredients and cooking equipment
• Prepare ingredients to use in cooking (chopping and peeling vegetables, cutting meat etc.)
• Cook food in various utensils or grillers
• Check food while cooking to stir or turn
• Ensure great presentation by dressing dishes before they are served
• Keep a sanitized and orderly environment in the kitchen
• Ensure all food and other items are stored properly
• Check quality of ingredients
• Alternate as a smoothie maker
• Monitor stock and place orders when there are shortages
c. Compensation and Benefits Range
• Salary: ₱185,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Cook 1:
• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)
• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cook 2:

• 4: 00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but
for efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace,
we encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in
advance. We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of
resignation for record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too.
If an employee verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of
resignation letter within [10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the
moment an employee submits an official notice, whether verbal or written. The
General Manager will accept the resignation as long as the employee has given it
in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: PASTRY CHEFS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Prepare a wide variety of goods such as cakes, cookies, pies, bread etc. following traditional
and modern recipes
• Decorate pastries using different icings, toppings etc. to ensure the presentation will be
beautiful and exciting
• Monitor stocks for baking ingredients such as flour, sugar etc. and make appropriate orders
within budget
• Check quality of material and condition of equipment and devices used for cooking
• Identify staffing needs and help recruit and train personnel
• Maintain a lean and orderly cooking station and adhere to health and safety standards

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱200,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Pastry Chef 1:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Saturday)
• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but
for efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace,
we encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in
advance. We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of
resignation for record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too.
If an employee verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of
resignation letter within [10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the
moment an employee submits an official notice, whether verbal or written. The
General Manager will accept the resignation as long as the employee has given it
in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: APPRENTICE PASTRY CHEF

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Prepare desserts and baked goods
• Clean food preparation areas
• Check and maintain stock of needed ingredients
• Oversee adherence to food safety and sanitation regulations
c. Salary and Benefits
• Salary: ₱185,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Apprentice Pastry Chef 1:

• 4: 00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)
• 6:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Apprentice Pastry Chef 2:

• 4:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but
for efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace,
we encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in
advance. We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of
resignation for record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too.
If an employee verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of
resignation letter within [10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the
moment an employee submits an official notice, whether verbal or written. The
General Manager will accept the resignation as long as the employee has given it
in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: SMOOTHIE MAKERS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:

• Prepare beverages following recipes

• Keep the respective area clean
• Check if the smoothie making types of equipment operate properly and report any
maintenance needs
• Comply with health and safety regulations
c. Salary and Benefits
• Salary: ₱165,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Smoothie Maker 1:
• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)
• 6:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday-Saturday)

Smoothie Maker 2:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 6:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but for
efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace, we
encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in advance.
We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of resignation for
record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too. If an employee
verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of resignation letter within
[10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the moment an employee submits an
official notice, whether verbal or written. The General Manager will accept the
resignation as long as the employee has given it in accordance with the terms of the
employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: CASHIERS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations
Needs to:

• Manage transactions with customers using cash registers

• Ensure pricing is accurate
• Collect payments whether in cash or credit
• Issue receipts, refunds, change or tickets
• Cross-sell products and introduce new ones
• Resolve customer complaints, guide them and provide relevant information
• Communicate with customers
• Maintain clean and tidy checkout areas
• Track transactions on balance sheets and report any discrepancies
• Bag purchases for take-out
• Handle merchandise returns and exchanges

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱110,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule
Cashier 1::

• 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cashier 2:
• 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)
• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but for
efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace, we
encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in advance.
We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of resignation for
record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too. If an employee
verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of resignation letter within
[10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the moment an employee submits an
official notice, whether verbal or written. The General Manager will accept the
resignation as long as the employee has given it in accordance with the terms of the
employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: CAFÉ CREWS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations
Needs to:

• Prepare restaurant tables with special attention to sanitation and order

• Attend to customers upon entrance and help them find vacant seats
• Serve orders
• Do the marketing materials including updating the sandwich chalkboard that customers see
as they walk into the facility.
• Assist in developing marketing pieces
• Answer customer questions either over the phone, in person, or via email.
in developing marketing materials that were distributed in the cafe.
• Monitor and accommodate online orders from customers.
• Collaborate with other café crews and kitchen personnel.
• Deal with complaints or problems with a positive attitude
• Alternate as a cashier
• Help in picking up the raw ingredients and supplies from the suppliers.

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱120,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Café Crew 1:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 2:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 3:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 4:

• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Café Crew 5:

• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Thursday-Saturday)
e. Duration of the Contract
Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but for
efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace, we
encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in advance.
We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of resignation for
record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too. If an employee
verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of resignation letter within
[10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the moment an employee submits an
official notice, whether verbal or written. The General Manager will accept the
resignation as long as the employee has given it in accordance with the terms of the
employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: CLEANING STAFFS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:
• Clean, stock and supply designated facility areas (dusting, sweeping, vacuuming,
mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc.)
• Perform and document routine inspection and maintenance activities
• Carry out heavy cleansing tasks and special projects
• Notify management of occurring deficiencies or needs for repairs
• Make adjustments and minor repairs
• Stock and maintain supply rooms
• Cooperate with the rest of the staff
• Alternate as a dishwasher
• Follow all health and safety regulations

c. Salary and Benefits

• Salary: ₱130,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule

Cleaning Staff 1:

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cleaning Staff 2:

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Monday-Friday-Sunday)

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Cleaning Staff 3:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Sunday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)
Cleaning Staff 4:

• 12:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)

• 4:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but for
efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace, we
encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in advance.
We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of resignation for
record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too. If an employee
verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of resignation letter within
[10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the moment an employee submits an
official notice, whether verbal or written. The General Manager will accept the
resignation as long as the employee has given it in accordance with the terms of the
employment contract.

a. Rank or Position of the Candidate: SECURITY GUARDS

b. Responsibilities or Deliverables and its Scopes and Limitations

Needs to:

• Monitor and authorize entrance of vehicles or people in the property

• Remove wrongdoers or trespassers from the area
• Secure all exits, doors and windows after end of operations
• Check surveillance cameras periodically to identify disruptions or unlawful acts
• Investigate people for suspicious activity or possessions
• Respond to alarms by investigating and assessing the situation
• Provide assistance to people in need
• Apprehend and detain perpetrators according to legal protocol before arrival of authorities
• Submit reports of daily surveillance activity and important occurrences
• Check the customer's temperature
• Direct customers to fill up an information form needed for better contact tracing.
c. Salary and Benefits
• Salary: ₱120,000 annually
• 13th Month Pay
• Holiday Pay
• Pag-Ibig

d. Work Schedule
Security Guard 1:

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Wednesday-Friday-Sunday)

• 2:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

Security Guard 2:

• 2:00 p.m – 8:00 p.m (Monday- Wednesday-Friday)

• 8:00 a.m – 2:00 p.m (Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday)

e. Duration of the Contract

Seven months subject to renewal.

f. Resignation Procedure
Our employees may not be obliged to give advance notice before resigning, but
for efficiency’s sake and to maintain the smooth operations within the workplace,
we encourage them to announce their intent to resign at least [two weeks] in
advance. We will ask the employees to submit a written, signed notice of
resignation for record-keeping purposes. We will accept verbal resignations, too.
If an employee verbally resigns, the employee will receive an acceptance of
resignation letter within [10 days.] The advance notice period starts from the
moment an employee submits an official notice, whether verbal or written. The
General Manager will accept the resignation as long as the employee has given it
in accordance with the terms of the employment contract.


Hegemone's Haven will be invested in training new employees as this will play a major role in
the strengthening of one of the backbones of the business. Through undergoing training,
employees will be presented with the best opportunities when it comes to learning the needed
skills that may help improve their day-to-day work and guide them towards achieving better
outcomes. A well-trained workforce will not only reflect a positive result towards the whole
business operation, but it will also increase the café's strong points and eliminate a considerable
amount of its weaknesses. By equipping our workforce with the tools and strategies that they will
need to have in order to do their jobs well, Hegemone’s Haven will enjoy several benefits that
will come from doing so. Through investing in our employees’ development, we will be able to
attract a greater number of potential employees, improve each employees' performance, and
increase their engagement and commitment in doing their respective tasks.


An Employee Orientation is a one- to two-day session that summarizes the history of the
business, its vision and mission, policies and procedures, culture, and norms. This also
includes the introduction to the co-employees and superiors, a tour of the workplace, and
the discussion of daily responsibilities and accountabilities.

• Provides the new employee with concise and accurate information to make him/her
more comfortable with the job;
• Since information about the nature, objectives, and goals of the business is incorporated
towards the new employee, it is expected to give them a boost in their work
• Encourages employee confidence and helps the new employee adapt faster to their job
and respective tasks;
• Contributes to a more effective and productive workforce;
• Improves employee retention; and
• Promotes communication between the General Manager and the new employee.


This will spare the business the cost of further classroom training because the employee
will already be productive and exposed to the real job. What the new employee
experiences from the on-the-job training will serve as a learning investment that may
contribute to their growth and further stimulate their potential. The General Manager will
closely supervise, train, and monitor the initial performance of the new employees and
provide them with constructive feedback on how to efficiently and effectively deliver
their tasks. All errors committed will also be rectified. Through identifying the areas of
failure and addressing the particular action or process, recurrences will be prevented.

• The new employee’s real work experience will guide them towards a fast improvement;
• It is a relatively cheap form of training as there are no travel costs. Training is also done
by another employee and an expensive external trainer will not be needed.
• It can be tailored to the needs of the business, such as using the specific machinery that
the business uses;
• Easy to organize and can be completed at short notice; and
• New employees will meet their new co-workers right away and will immediately start
becoming part of the team.

With the aid of these types of machinery, the production of goods and offering of services of
Hegemone's Haven will both be efficient and effective:


a. In front
1. Furniture and Décor

With these equipments' help, our café will achieve the instagrammable look that
we dream it to have. It will also aid in providing the customers a venue that is
comfortable, organic, and breathtaking at the same time.

• Tables and chairs

• Counters/bar seating
• Outdoor furniture and umbrellas
• Display/storage cases (for the desserts)
• Overhead menus
• Fake plant wall decorations
• Potted Mini-plants
• In-store menus and displays
• Interior/exterior lighting
• Framed photos/posters, etc.
• Audio systems

2. Air Conditioner

It goes without saying, but no business (be it within hospitality or not) should
open doors without a solid cooling system in place. We consider this element as
among our top must-have equipment.

b. In the Kitchen

Naturally, the preparation of beverages and food is at the center of our business, and so,
we’ll need a wide variety of equipment to ensure that we can provide our customers with
high-quality smoothies, snacks, and desserts.

• Water Filtration System

• Food Preparation Tables
• Commercial Blenders
• Oven and toaster
• Gas Range
• Ice Maker
• Microwave
• Industrial Mixer
• Baking Utensils
• Snack Preparation Utensils
• Drink Preparation Utensils
• Pots and Pans
• Popcorn Maker
• Deep fryer
• Air Fryer

c. Storage and Refrigeration

As we will be forced to handle a few perishable goods and a lot of different ingredients, a
comprehensive storage and refrigeration system is needed to make sure that our goods
and supplies adhere to the municipality's regulatory guidelines. These are the types of
equipment needed to provide good storage location to each of our purchased ingredients:

• Industrial refrigerators
• 3-door Freezers
• Insulated containers
• Food storage containers
• Industrial plastic wrap

d. Consumable Goods, Dishes, and Flatware

As a food establishment, these equipments cannot be forgotten:

• Napkins
• Straws
• Smoothie Cups
• Paper towels
• Plates
• Spoons
• Forks
• Take-out Packaging

All of these are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and reusable. We take pride in our goal of helping
the environment.

e. Cleanup and maintenance

To provide a great customer experience – and to conform to health codes – these

specialized equipment are needed:
• A 3-compartment sink for rinsing, washing, and sanitizing dishes
• Mop and dedicated mop closet/sink
• Rags and industrial cleaning spray
• Bus trays for dirty dishes
• Trash cans and bags
• Dumpster/trash compactor

f. Transportation

In order to deliver their orders to the customers' respective address, a motorcycle must be
owned. A delivery van needs to also be purchased since it will be used for picking up the
supplies and ordered raw materials from the suppliers.


a. For order-taking (and delivery service):

These are the equipments that will aid the customers when they are placing their orders
for Hegemone's Haven's products:

• Landline Phones
• Mobile Phones
• Laptop and desktop computers

b. For financial transactions:

These are the equipments needed to finalize financial transactions.

• POS Machine (Full Equipment)

• Smartphones/Laptop/desktop computers

c. For monitoring the business operations:

These are the equipments needed to monitor Hegemone's Haven's business operations

• Employee Management/Scheduling Software

• Payroll/Accounting/ Inventory Software
• Laptop And Desktop Computers
• POS System
• Mobile Phones

d. Security System:

These are the equipments that may aid in the creation of a safe environment for the
employees, customers, and the business' welfare as a whole.

• Burglar Alarms
• CCTV Cameras
e. WI-FI Connection

Customers spend more time in a business venue when the location offers free internet
connection, this is why we will introduce this feature to our customers. Students and
employees who have pending tasks to do will be welcomed to an exclusive room where a
free Wi-Fi connection can be accessed. This will keep them onsite longer, enticing them
to stay for another drink (or snack). Additionally, we will be able to inspire those who are
looking for a work lunch spot or meeting place to choose us over competitors who may
not have this functionality. However, although Wi-Fi connection in cafés are almost a
must these days, the internet connection offered by the business will not be available for
all. Only those who have proof that they have works to do are granted the right to connect
to Hegemone's Haven's Wi-Fi connection. Our goal to advertise the building of social
relationships among the majority of our customers will still be upheld.

f. Cellphone Charging Kiosk

The Cellphone Charging Kiosk will aid in stabilizing the customer’s satisfaction
regarding our venue and the services that it offers. Through their positive feedbacks, our
base customers will eventually grow. Their loyalty towards Hegemone's Haven will also
bear fruit and make them choose us over other food establishments.

g. Softwares
Software is an often-overlooked aspect of running a café shop. However, we placed
importance to this aspect since we know that selecting the right software for our business
is necessary for our continued success.
• A dependable security system
• A POS system
• Employee Management/Scheduling Software
• Payroll/Accounting Software


Option 1: Manufacture own products or offer own services
The owners (General Manager and Assistant Manager) decided to invest in manufacturing/service
business, manpower, machines, and materials on their own to achieve independence when
running the business. Option 1 was chosen to also promote and introduce a fresh business idea on
the market and to take advantage of the uniqueness of the business to successfully generate

Requisitioning of Manufacturing Ingredients and Supplies

For fruits and vegetables:
• Candelaria Public Market
For vegetables:
v Jean Vegetable (4:00 am)
v Rowena Veggie (4:00 am)

For fruits:
v Marisel Fresh Fruits (6:00 am)
v Susan Fruits ( 7:00 am )

• Legitimate Distributors and Wholesalers in Online Shopping Platforms such as Shopee and

For other ingredients:

• Stores and stalls located at Candelaria Public Market
• In supermarkets and grocery stores such as Puregold Candelaria, South Emerald
Supermarket, and Ongville Complex and Hotel Candelaria.
• Legitimate Distributors and Wholesalers in Online Shopping Platforms such as Shopee and

We will source raw ingredients such as strawberry, lemon, watermelon, banana, dragon fruit, and
more, at the Marisel Fresh Fruits that is located in the central area of Candelaria Public Market.
Meanwhile, the vegetable ingredients like broccoli, carrots, and celery will be bought at Jean
Vegetable that can also be found within the same location. These two shops are where the
freshly-produced fruits and vegetables are distributed from different provinces. They take pride in
their products being cheap but absolutely fresh. They also offer discounts if a customer buys a lot,
so Hegemone's Haven will buy supplies and raw materials in bulk. The ingredients will be
purchased around 4 in the morning so that the quality will be guaranteed. In an event where the
needed fruit ingredients are not available at the Marisel Fresh Fruits, we will buy them at the
Susan Fruits that is also located within the area. And if the vegetables we need can’t also be
purchased, we will buy them at the Rowena Veggie. Other ingredients such as sugar, flour, and
baking soda will be sourced from the stores and stalls at the said Public Market. For contingency
purposes, we will also consider acquiring it at supermarkets and grocery stores such as Puregold
Candelaria, South Emerald Supermarket, and Ongville Complex and Hotel Candelaria. If
problems arise and rare fruits and vegetables (e.g., strawberries, blueberries, blackberries,
broccoli) cannot be found within these areas, we will order the needed raw ingredients at the
legitimate distributors and wholesalers in online shopping platforms such as Shopee and Lazada.
This will also be done if the other needed ingredients are not available.

To deal with the raw materials that we purchased, a big freezer will be bought to store the
fruits and vegetables. Two 3-door freezers or chest freezers will suffice our needs. The
vegetables will be stored in a different part of the fridge than the fruits to prevent the latter
from ripening too fast. Furthermore, not all types of fruits and vegetables will be placed in the
freezer. Some may be stored in a plastic bag, a container in the crisper of the fridge, or a
paper bag, mainly depending on what is the best way to handle them. As for the dry
ingredients, they will be stored in a cool, dark and dry place to avoid harsh temperature
fluctuation and moisture. 10 - 20 kilos of fruits or vegetables will be allocated to every 2 days
of product manufacturing since it is estimated that it will be enough to cover all of our
advertised goods. We will buy at least 2-3 times a week because it is better to use fresh
ingredients. Selected suppliers may offer discounts because we will buy our supplies in bulk
which will successfully cut some of our expenses.

A delivery van will be purchased by the business to transport all the ingredients from the
suppliers to the manufacturing site. The van will be driven by the General Manager or the
Assistant Manager (1 or 2 Café Crews will be with them). If the business expands, we will
hire a driver. The General Manager together with the Café Crews should bring plastic bags
with tiny vents every time they go to the supplier to help keep the fruits and vegetables fresh
by releasing their moisture.


• Smoothie – The smoothies offered by the business need to always be freshly made. It is
ideal to manufacture the smoothie only when a customer orders one. It will be sold a few
minutes after it is made to maintain its freshness.
• Snacks – Some snacks will be precooked 2 or 4 hours before the opening hours. Once a
customer comes and orders one, the chefs and cooks will then proceed in fully cooking
the snacks. This will help in gaining customer satisfaction since the snacks that are
presented to them are newly cooked. Not only will the kitchen department’s workflow be
much more bearable, food waste will also be minimized.
• Desserts – Desserts can be stored in the refrigerator for a number of days. At least 2 boxes
of each dessert should be stored in the refrigerator to be sold for the succeeding days to
come. The workload for the pastry chefs will lighten due to this and customer orders will
be fulfilled immediately.

On the three product categories that we offer, only the desserts will be allowed to be stored for a
number of days in the refrigerator (maximum of 3 days only). By doing so, it will greatly reduce
the possibility of a surplus of ingredients and supplies. However, in cases wherein the fruit and
vegetables can't be used or eaten right away, they will be made into frozen fruits. Frozen fruits are
great for making smoothies, mixing with yoghurt, or making a fruit sauce for pancakes and
waffles. It will save us money and will help us avoid wasting food.



Expenses Report YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5

Cost of Raw Ingredients ₱ 4,800,000 ₱5,280,000 ₱5,808,000 ₱6,388,800 ₱7,027,680
Utilities ₱700,000 ₱770,000 ₱847,000 ₱931,700 ₱1,024,870
Salaries ₱3,250,000 ₱3,575,000 ₱3,932,500 ₱4,325,750 ₱4,758,325
SSS&PAG-IBIG Benefits ₱350,000 ₱385,000 ₱423,500 ₱465,850 ₱512,435
Property Tax ₱5,000 ₱5,500 ₱6,050 ₱6,655 ₱7,320
Equipment Maintenance ₱35,000 ₱38,500 ₱42,350 ₱46,585 ₱51,243
Advertising Expenses ₱120,000 ₱132,000 ₱145,200 ₱159,720 ₱175,692
Miscellaneous Expenses ₱10,000 ₱11,000 ₱12,100 ₱13,310 ₱14,641
Permit ₱3,500 ₱3,850 ₱4,235 ₱4,658 ₱5,124
ANNUAL EXPENSES ₱9,273,500 ₱10,200,850 ₱11,220,935 ₱12,343,028 ₱13,577,330

It is expected that with the increase in the number of needed materials for production, rise of the country’s
inflation rate, improvements made within the business as a whole, and the change in the purchased
commercial space's assessment level, there will be an annual increase of 10% in Hegemone's Haven’s

Note that the salary of the General Manager and Assistant Manager are not included in the salary
expenses projected above. This is due to them being the owners of the business. Their income will be
Hegemone's Haven's generated profit instead.



Products Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Strawberry Smoothie ₱55,260 ₱60,786 ₱66,865 ₱73,552 ₱256,463
Dragon Fruit Smoothie ₱57,600 ₱63,360 ₱69,696 ₱76,666 ₱267,322
Chocolate Banana Smoothie ₱43,920 ₱48,312 ₱53,144 ₱58,458 ₱203,834
Watermelon Smoothie ₱45,540 ₱50,094 ₱55,104 ₱60,614 ₱211,352
Mixcy Smoothie ₱65,520 ₱72,072 ₱79,280 ₱87,208 ₱304,080
Broccoli Smoothie ₱47,520 ₱52,272 ₱57,500 ₱63,250 ₱220,542
Carrot Smoothie ₱42,120 ₱46,332 ₱50,966 ₱56,062 ₱195,480
Beet Smoothie ₱44,100 ₱48,510 ₱53,362 ₱58,698 ₱204,670
Kale Smoothie ₱53,820 ₱59,202 ₱65,123 ₱71,635 ₱249,780
Celery Smoothie ₱43,560 ₱47,916 ₱52,708 ₱57,979 ₱202,163
Sales ₱2,315,686


Products Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Popcorn ₱35,160 ₱38,676 ₱42,544 ₱46,798 ₱163,178
Roasted Nuts ₱30,840 ₱33,924 ₱37,317 ₱41,049 ₱143,130
Cheese Crackers ₱40,320 ₱44,352 ₱48,788 ₱53,666 ₱187,126
Fruit and Nut Butter Sandwich ₱36,960 ₱40,656 ₱44,722 ₱49,194 ₱171,532
Rainbow Veggie Hummus ₱51,480 ₱56,628 ₱62,291 ₱68,520 ₱238,919
Fries ₱36,240 ₱39,864 ₱43,851 ₱48,236 ₱168,191
Fruit and Nut Bar ₱29,760 ₱32,736 ₱36,010 ₱39,611 ₱138,117
Salsa and Chips ₱56,760 ₱62,436 ₱68,680 ₱75,548 ₱263,424
Orange Coconut Silver Dollar ₱36,240 ₱39,864 ₱43,851 ₱48,236 ₱168,191
Air-Fryer Mini-Eggs and Mince ₱35,280 ₱38,808 ₱42,689 ₱46,958 ₱163,735
Sales ₱1,805,543


Products Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Blueberry-Lemon Icebox Cake ₱151,200 ₱158,760 ₱166,698 ₱175,033 ₱651,691
Hummingbird Cupcakes ₱141,480 ₱148,554 ₱155,982 ₱163,781 ₱609,797
Blackberry Curd Tart ₱154,440 ₱162,162 ₱170,271 ₱178,784 ₱665,657
Double-Lemon Labneh ₱156,600 ₱164,433 ₱172,655 ₱181,288 ₱674,976
Pumpkin Pie ₱140,400 ₱147,420 ₱154,791 ₱162,530 ₱605,142
Sweet Potato Chocolate Brownie ₱154,440 ₱162,162 ₱170,271 ₱178,784 ₱665,657
Peaches and Cream Dessert ₱162,540 ₱170,667 ₱179,201 ₱188,161 ₱700,569
Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee ₱155,520 ₱163,296 ₱171,434 ₱180,005 ₱670,255
Purple Cake ₱154,440 ₱162,162 ₱170,271 ₱178,784 ₱665,657
Fruit Cream Dessert ₱73,710 ₱77,396 ₱81,266 ₱85,329 ₱317,700
Sales ₱6,227,102

1. Hegemone's Haven expects to sell 720 units of smoothies, 480 orders of snacks, and 2,160 slices
(360 boxes) of desserts for the first quarter alone.
2. It is expected that the unit sales of Hegemone's Haven's smoothies and snacks will increase by 10%
per quarter, and Hegemone's Haven's desserts by 5%.
3. The selling price of each product for the first year is projected below:


Strawberry Smoothie: ₱76.75 Popcorn: ₱73.25 Blueberry-Lemon Icebox Cake:
Dragon Fruit Smoothie: ₱80 Roasted Nuts: ₱64.25 Hummingbird Cupcakes: ₱65.50
Chocolate Banana Smoothie: Cheese Crackers: ₱84 Blackberry Curd Tart: ₱71.50
Watermelon Smoothie: Fruit and Nut Butter Sandwich: Double-Lemon Labneh
₱63.25 ₱77 Cheesecake: ₱72.50
Mixcy Smoothie: ₱91 Rainbow Veggie Hummus: Pumpkin Pie: ₱65
Broccoli Smoothie: ₱66 Fries: ₱75.50 Sweet Potato Chocolate Brownie:
Carrot Smoothie: ₱58.50 Fruit and Nut Bars: ₱62 Peaches and Cream Dessert
Squares: ₱75.25
Beet Smoothie: ₱61.25 Salsa and Chips: ₱118.25 Cinnamon Sugar Zucchini Coffee
Cake: ₱72
Kale Smoothie: ₱74.75 Orange Coconut Silver Dollar Purple Cake: ₱71.50
Pancake: ₱75.50
Celery Smoothie: ₱60.5 Air-Fryer Mini-Egg and Mince Fruit Cream Dessert: ₱204.75
Parcels: ₱76.50

Note that the prices that were used for calculating the sales of Hegemone's Haven’s desserts are their
price per unit (or slice)

Sales Report YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5

Hegemone's Haven's ₱2,315,686 ₱2,547,255 ₱2,801,981 ₱3,082,180 ₱3,390,398
Hegemone's Haven's ₱1,805,543 ₱1,986,098 ₱2,184,708 ₱2,403,179 ₱2,643,497
Hegemone's Haven's ₱6,227,102 ₱6,849,813 ₱7,534,795 ₱8,288,275 ₱9,117,103
ANNUAL SALES ₱10,348,331 ₱11,383,166 ₱12,521,484 ₱13,773,634 ₱15,150,998

It is expected that through the years, with Hegemone's Haven's continuously growing customer base and
with the increase in the business' market scope, there will be an increase of 10% in its annual sales.


Profit Report YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5

Annual Sales ₱10,348,331 ₱11,383,166 ₱12,521,484 ₱13,773,634 ₱15,150,998
Less: Annual ₱9,273,500 ₱10,200,850 ₱11,220,935 ₱12,343,028 ₱13,577,330
PROFIT ₱1,074,831 ₱1,182,316 ₱1,300,549 ₱1,430,606 ₱1,573,668

Hegemone's Haven will be profitable for the next 5 years. Its generated annual profit will be better than
that of the preceding year.

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