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Solving Problems with Fractions!

Remember to use RUCSAC to help you decide what maths you need to use.

1. You give 1/3 of box of brownies to Ella and 7. A jug contains 3/4 pints of orange juice.
/6 of the pan of brownies to Nick. How After you pour 5/8 of a pint into a glass,
much of the box of brownies did you give how much is left in the jug?
8. Jackie has 1/3 of a Galaxy bar. Nathan has
2. James went out for a long walk. He walked 4
/12 of a Galaxy bar. How much do they have
/4 mile and then sat down to take a rest. together?
Then he walked 1/8 of a mile. How far did he
walk altogether? 9. At a class party 3/6 of a vegetarian pizza
and 1/3 of a meat-feast pizza were eaten.
3. Sam walks 7/8 of a mile to school. Alice How much pizza was eaten altogether?
walks 1/2 of a mile to school. How much
farther does Sam walk than Alice? 10. Amy ran 2/3 of a marathon. Beth ran 5/6 of a
marathon. Who ran farther? How much
4. Billy made two types of cookies. He used 2/3 farther?
cup of sugar for one recipe and 1/4 cup of
sugar for the other. How much sugar (in 11. Liam and Sam shared a chocolate bar. Liam
cups) did he use in all? ate 3/5 and Sam ate 4/10. Who ate more?
How much more?
5. There is 3/8 of a pizza in one box and 1/4 of
a pizza in another box. How much do you 12. A running track is one kilometre long. If I
have altogether? jog for 1/6km and run for 2/3km will I
complete the full distance of the track?
6. 1
/10 of the M&M’s in a bag are red and 1/5
are blue. What fraction of all the M&M’s
are red and blue?


These ones involve mixed numbers and are a bit trickier. See how many you can solve.

A. For the school’s sports day, a group of students prepared 12 1/2 litres of lemonade. At the
end of the day they had 2 5/8 litres left over. How many litres of lemonade were sold? 

B. 3 4/6 mini-pizzas were left in the fridge; the children ate 1 2/3 of them. How much pizza is
left for the adults? Give your answer as a mixed number and as an improper fraction?

C. Extension: Create your own mixed number/improper fraction multi-step word problem for
your partner to solve…
Solving Problems with Fractions!
Remember to use RUCSAC to help you decide what maths you need to use.

1. You give 1/3 of box of brownies to Ella and 7. A jug contains 3/4 pints of orange juice.
/6 of the pan of brownies to Nick. How After you pour 5/8 of a pint into a glass,
much of the box of brownies did you give how much is left in the jug? 1/8
away? 3/6 or 1/2
8. Jackie has 1/3 of a Galaxy bar. Nathan has
2. James went out for a long walk. He walked 4
/12 of a Galaxy bar. How much do they have
/4 mile and then sat down to take a rest. together? 8/12
Then he walked 1/8 of a mile. How far did he
walk altogether? 7/8 of a mile. 9. At a class party, 3/6 of a vegetarian pizza
and 1/3 of a meat-feast pizza were eaten.
3. Sam walks 7/8 of a mile to school. Alice How much pizza was eaten altogether? 5/6
walks 1/2 of a mile to school. How much
farther does Sam walk than Alice? Alice – 10. Amy ran 2/3 of a marathon. Beth ran 5/6 of a
4/8, so Sam walks 3/8 more. marathon. Who ran farther? How much
farther? Amy ran 4/6 so Beth ran further
4. Billy made two types of cookies. He used 2/3 by 1/6.
cup of sugar for one recipe and 1/4 cup of
sugar for the other. How much sugar (in 11. Liam and Sam shared a chocolate bar. Liam
cups) did he use in all? 11/12 of a cup ate 3/5 and Sam ate 4/10. Who ate more?
How much more? Liam ate 6/10, so 2/10
5. There is 3/8 of a pizza in one box and 1/4 of more.
a pizza in another box. How much do you
have altogether? 5/8 12. A running track is one kilometre long. If I
jog for 1/6km and run for 2/3km will I
6. 1
/10 of the M&M’s in a bag are red and 1/5 complete the full distance of the track?
are blue. What fraction of all the M&M’s No, you will run 5/6
are red and blue? 3/10

These ones involve mixed numbers and are a bit trickier. See how many you can solve.

A. For the school’s sports day, a group of students prepared 12 1/2 litres of lemonade. At the
end of the day they had 2 5/8 litres left over. How many litres of lemonade were
sold? 79/8 or 9 7/8 litres.

B. 3 4/6 mini-pizzas were left in the fridge; the children ate 1 2/3 of them. How much pizza is
left for the adults? Give your answer as a mixed number and as an improper fraction?
12/6 or 2 mini pizzas
C. Extension: Create your own mixed number/improper fraction multi-step word problem for
your partner to solve…

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