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Opportunities & Threats

Despite being newer on the scene, Lyft has built its reputation on the basis friendly customer

service, as oppose to its rival competitor, Uber. While both companies are focused on

improving transportation, Lyft has made its goal more environmentally based by focusing on

having fewer cars on the road and filling up more seats. Some of the strengths lyft has in its

favor includes its “Pink Mustache” trademark on it vehicles, which makes it generally easy to

spot in traffic. In addition to this lyft, has partnered with Chevy and has tapped in the self-

driving industry. This gives them a futuristic appeal, and shows that the company is thinking

long-term in regards to remaining relevant in the transportation industry.


As a result of just joining the transport scene in 2012, Lyft is not as widely known as its

competitor, Uber, which has been around since 2009. This new appearance of Lyft also

translates to its smaller market share when compared to Uber. Apart from needing a smart

phone in order to utilize the Lyft service, Windows mobile users are also unable to use Lyft due

to the fact that the company only has iOS and Android apps.


The traditional taxi cab is still a relevant threat to Lyft. Given that most smart phones and

vehicles are equipped with GPS and traffic evade apps, traditional cab drivers can find efficient

traffic routes to satisfy their customers, by getting them to their destination on time. Other

transport services like the bus and train, still remain cheaper than the Lyft service, whereby
people might still see the bus and train service as a more economically favored option. Lower

fuel price is also a threat to Lyft due to the fact that individuals will be able to afford driving in

the comfort of their own vehicle.


Uber has been facing numerous law suits and bad press in regards to it customer service and

internal business structure. As a result of having their CEO resigning and being sued by big

named companies such as Google, Uber has loss some of its market share, marking it an

opportunity for Lyft. Since the loss of Uber’s market share, Lyft has been gaining more

popularity among customers and has capitalized on this opportunity. In addition to this, Lyft has

taken an environmental approach in branding its name, making the company aligned to the

environmental awareness status-quo of the world. This gives the Lyft company an opportunity

to be more like and socially responsible. Lastly, the technology of the world has been moving at

a rapid rate, with smart phone dominating the cellular phone and communication industry. This

technological growth is an opportunity for Lyft, to become more connected with this generation

of new aged technology. Given that Lyft is eventually leaning towards self-driven

transportation, to provides a certain degree of certainty for the relevance of the lyft company

for years to come.

Strength Weakness
 Friendly Customer Service  Does not have an app for windows
 Will deploy thousands of self-driving phones
Chevy bolts in 2018  If fairly new (2012) as compared to Uber
 “Pink Mustache” makes it easier to spot (2009)
Lyft cab in traffic  Smart phone is needed to operate Lyft
 Not as popular as Uber
 Smaller market share than Uber

Opportunity Threats
 Uber’s on-going legal issues  Traditional Cabs
 Smart phone technology is dominating  Lower Fuel price
the market
 Uber’s Market share has fallen from
84% to 77%
 Growing environmentally friendly

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