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Etiquette and

Definition of Sporting Etiquette:

The unwritten rules of conduct that performers should abide by.

Reasons for Sporting Etiquette:


Promoting Values

Safety of Participation
To make the sport
To enable a fair better to watch To avoid aggression
game between

Why should sports performers show good

sporting behaviour?
To be a (positive) role To encourage To promote positive
model for others participation values

To prevent injury/ensure
To win sponsorship. safety of participants
Definition of Gamesmanship:Gamesmanship; Testing the spirit of the rules/bending the rules

Reasons and examples of Gamesmanship in Sport:

To gain an advantage over an opponent a performer may time waste.
Sporting example: In Football they may take longer on a free kick.
To increase chances of winning at all costs.
Sporting example: In Football ‘bending’ the rules/trying to get away with fouling by shirt pulling.
Feeling that everyone needs to do it to win/ part of culture in (modern) sport.
Sporting example: In hockey appealing for a foul or decision even when you know you are wrong.
Try to ‘get even’ if you feel you have been cheated against.
Sporting example: In netball pretending to be injured to waste time or get the opponent in trouble.
Copying negative role models/other performers who have displayed gamesmanship.
Sporting example: In cricket ‘sledging’ (saying things to put off) the opposition before performing their
Coaches or parents encourage gamesmanship.
Sporting example: In basketball the coaches pressuring the performers from the sideline.
Negative impacts of Gamesmanship in Sport:
Other performers copying gamesmanship (displayed by role model will have a
negative effect on sport)

Spectators will stop attending/become disinterested in watching the sport

Gamesmanship stops the flow of the game

Players on the opposing team could become annoyed and adopt the same tactics.

Can distract the performer who is guilty of gamesmanship from their own

It’s against the spirit of sport and may result in sanctions/punishments.

Damage the reputation of the sport/give the performer a bad name

Definition of Sportsmanship: Fair play/ playing within the spirit of the rules.

Examples of Sportsmanship in Sport:

Playing within the rules of the game.
Sporting example: In hockey giving the ball back to the opposition after a stoppage for
an injury.
Showing respect for the opposition and others players.
Sporting example: In Netball 3 cheers at the end of a game.
Shaking hands before the commencement of the game/match.
Sporting example: In boxing touch gloves to start the match.
Applauding the winners of a sports match/competition.
Sporting example: In Rugby they walk through the tunnel players applaud and shake
Spectator Etiquette
Examples of Spectator Etiquette:
Quiet during National Anthem.
Sporting example: In Tennis when national anthem is played and the winner of the
competition is announced the crowd are quiet.
Quiet during play.
Sporting example: In snooker or golf when shots are being played out.
Do not use abusive language.
Sporting example: Rugby fans are supportive of their own team but respectful of
the other team.
Applaud fair play/opposition.
Sporting example: Applauding when performers show sportsmanship.
Practice Exam Questions

1.Give two examples of sporting behaviour by spectators at

sports events. (2 marks)
2.Describe what is meant by the terms Gamesmanship and
Sportsmanship. (2 marks)
3.Give an example of a sportsman showing gamesmanship.
(1 mark)
4.Give an example of a sportsman showing sportsmanship. (1
5.Give an example of good spectator etiquette. (1 mark)
Practice Exam Questions

1.Give two examples of sporting behaviour by

spectators at sports events. (2 marks)
Quiet during National Anthem
Quiet during play in sports like snooker and golf
Do not use abusive language
Applaud fair play
Applauding the opposition
Practice Exam Questions
2. Describe what is meant by the terms Gamesmanship
and Sportsmanship. (2 marks)
1. Testing the spirit of the rules/bending the rules (e.g.
aggressive play or deliberate time wasting)
2. Fair play/ playing within the spirit of the rules (e.g. putting the
ball out of play when a player is injured or shaking hand of an
opponent before or after an event)
Practice Exam Questions
3.Give an example of a sportsman showing gamesmanship. (1 mark)
1. Timewasting/slow play/ deliberately putting the ball out of play to waste time.
2. Breaking the flow of an opponents play.
3. Causing a player to take the game less seriously or to overthink his/her
4. Intentionally making a ‘mistake’ which gains an advantage over an opponent.
5. Feigning injury (e.g diving in football)
Practice Exam Questions
4.Give an example of a sportsman showing sportsmanship. (1 mark)
1. Giving the ball back to the opposition after a stoppage for an injury.
2. Showing respect for the opposition and others players.
3. Shaking hands before the commencement of the game/match.
4. Applauding the winners of a sports match/competition.
5.Give an example of good spectator etiquette. (1 mark)
1. Applauding the opposition/winners.
2. Being quiet for the national anthem.
3. Applauding good or skilled play.
4. Being quiet for sports that involve concentration from the performer. e.g. golf
or snooker.

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