Improving Students' Tenses Mastery Through Tenses Symbol Technique (TST) in Class X4 at SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

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Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery through Tenses Symbol Technique

(TST) in Class X4 at SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
email: [email protected]

Student‟s Tenses mastery is an important competence to support the major
English skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Beside, the tenses mastery
is also important to have another grammar materials that need Tenses mastery as
the basic knowledge. However, in reality, students‟ tenses mastery is very
minimal that they are not able to call out the names of the tenses, mention the
formulas, let alone to understand meaning and the usage in sentences. To solve
this problem the resercher has created a teaching technique, namely, Tenses
Symbols Technique (TST) that covers four steps of tenses mastery: memorizing
tenses names, formulating tenses patterns, understanding tenses meanings, dan
applying in context. Clasroom Action Research is the research method applied in
this research because the aim of this research merely to solve the problem the
researcher has in her own class. From the two cycles of Classroom Action
Research that consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting, and from
data analyzing , it was proven that Tenses Symbols Tecnique (TST) could
improve the students‟ tenses mastery as 81% in cycle 1 and 95% in cycle 2
because the application of symbols in this technique could simplify of the process
of decoding the meaning of each tenses. So, the result of this research is TST
could improve students‟ tenses mastery.

Key words : Student’s tenses mastery

Meningkatkan Penguasaan Tenses Simbol Teknik (TST) di Kelas X4 SMA

Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
Penguasaan Tenses pada siswa merupakan pengetahuan yang sangat
penting baik untuk mendukung keterampilan mendengar, berbicara, membaca,
dan menulis. Disamping penguasaan Tenses adalah kemampuan dasar yang harus
dimiliki siswa untuk mempelajari materi-materi grammar yang lain yang
berkaitan dengan penguasaan Tenses. Namun masalah di lapangan adalah siswa
memiliki pengetahuan Tenses yang sangat minim dimana mereka tidak mampu
menyebutkan nama-nama Tenses, menyebutkan rumus-rumusnya, apalagi
mengerti makna dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.Untuk itu peneliti
menciptakan suatu technique penguasaan tenses yang diberi nama Tenses
Symbols Technique (TST), yang meliputi 4 langkah yaitu; memorizing tenses
names, formulating tenses patterns, understanding tenses meanings, dan applying
in context. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam


penelitian ini karena hakikat penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki masalah
yang dihadapi peneliti sebagai seorang guru di dalam kelasnya sendiri. Dari dua
siklus pengajaran yang terdiri dari tindakan merencanakan pengajaran (planning
& revising), melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar (acting), melakukan observasi
(observing), dan merefleksikan hasil pengajaran (reflecting), dan dari instrument
penelitian didapat hasil penelitian yaitu Tenses Symbols Technique (TST) dapat
meningkatkan penguasaan Tenses siswa mencapai 81% pada siklus 1 dan 95%
pada siklus 2 karena faktor-faktor penggunaan symbol dalam TST yang
mempermudah proses decoding dan pemaknaan pada siswa.Jadi hasil penelitian
ini adalah bahwa Tenses Symbols Technique (TST) dapat digunakan untuk
meningkatkan penguasaan tenses siswa.

Kata Kunci : Penguasaan Tenses Siswa

I. INTRODUCTION provided can not be comprehended

Tenses knowledge, as the maximally because their grammar
main knowledge in English grammar knowledge is not available to lead
by which sentences can be built up, them to understanding. Refering to
by which variety of sentence what Thornbury (2002) said that
formation can be formed, or by which grammar is a “sentence-making
jumbled words can be arranged machine”. It means that, even though
orderly does not get an appropriate one has sufficient number of
attention in EFL syllabus . In the vocabulary, without having good
previous curriculum mandated in grammar mastery, he will find
Indonesia (KTSP), there is no problem in arranging those
material that aims the students to be vocabularies into good sentences. As
able to master grammar, morever, what is said by Ur (2006), one cannot
tenses. The mastering of text types use words unless he/she knows how
was the most focus, instead. those words should be put. Therefore,
On the other hand, the need to it can‟t be denied that Grammar
master Tenses knowledge among teaching, especially Tenses mastery is
students does not show the similar very important in EFL class not only
tendency. Supposed if the curriculum as a knowledge of sentence rules, but
aims students to be able to write a also as the base of communication
type of the text correctly, students where understanding to sentences is
couldn‟t do it due to lack of grammar acquired.
knowledge, especially, Tenses. Or As long as my experience
when the students want to speak and being a teacher, Tenses is an easy
already know what to speak, but material to be taught, but hard to
when they are speaking, their understand. It is easy in the part of
accuracy is minimal because they do teachers because we only teach the
not know how to organize the rules that are already provided, drill
sentences well. It is also happened them with the pattern and ask them to
when the students need to listen or to apply the same formula to the
read a text where the information sentences that is formally arranged by

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

us (teachers). In this respect, Gokhale system in English is quite confusing

(2010) claims that in most cases, for mostly Indonesian students.
grammar is taught as an end in itself Concerning the problems
rather than as a means to an end. stated above Harmer (2007:137) said
Ideally, the teaching of grammar must that there are three groups of
help our students to produce grammatical mistakes. Two of them
utterances that exemplify the are “slips”, and “errors”. When it is a
grammatical rules, but it seems that “slip”, students usually understand
generally the teacher focuses on that they have made a mistake and are
teaching the rules of grammar and therefore able to correct themselves.
ignores the communicative aspect of On the other hand, „Errors‟ require
language. This can cause boredom correction and explanation as learners
among students and disability of do not have the language knowledge
understanding. needed to correct these types of
In part of students, it is quite mistakes yet. In this case, Indonesian
difficult to be studied since there are students might have both of the
so many technical terms in Tenses grammatical mistakes. They might
that should be recognized, beside the already know the rules, but they „slip‟
complicated formulas that are almost when applying them, or they do
the same to each other that students „errors‟ because of misconception of
should memorize and apply to their the grammatical knowledge. In order
sentences. The technical terms such to correct them there should be a
as Tenses, Perfect, Progressive, practical method that can make
Continous, and so on will be hard to students easily memorize the
memorize. These technical terms, technical terms as well as apply them
then become more complicated if correctly in their sentences.
they are mixed to refer to kinds of As a teacher, I think I should
time sequences. solve this problem because this is my
The interference of mother responsibility to help my students to
tongue, Indonesian language, is also be more aware of the knowledge that
identified as the cause of the is actually very important for them,
difficulties of Tenses mastery. that is the knowledge of Tenses. I
Indonesian language is a language should find a wayout that can make
that doesn‟t have Tenses system my students do not do any „slips‟
where all the verbs are used in all or „errors‟ especially when using
time sequences. Someone says, “Saya Tenses.
sedang belajar sekarang” (I am After sufficient teaching
studying now), has the same meaning experiments, I have found that
with “Saya belajar sekarang” (I teaching Tenses by using Tenses
study). For both sentences in English, Symbols that I create myself could
there is significant difference between improve the students‟ ability in
Simple Present Tense and Present Tenses Mastery. According to
Continous Tense that affects the Salomon (1977) to summarize, the
meaning as a whole that in Indonesian symbol systems of media affect the
language it doesn‟t distinguish acquisition of knowledge in a number
anything. Therefore, the tenses of ways. First, they highlight different

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

aspects of content. Second, they vary memorizing the technical

respect to ease of recoding. Third, terminologies and the formulas used
specific coding elements can save the in Tenses rules and to what extent the
learner from difficult mental Tenses symbols as media of teaching
elaborations by overtly supplanting or can improve the students‟ Tenses
short-circuiting specific elaboration. mastery.
Fourth, symbol systems differ with The importance of the
respect to how much processing they research is mainly for the students to
demand or allow. Fifth, symbol improve their ability in Tenses
system differ with respect to the kinds mastery so that theirr performance in
of mental processes they call on for the four major skills, writing,
recording and elaboration. Thus, speaking, reading, and listening will
symbol systems partly determine who be better. By using Symbols of
will acquire how much knowledge Tenses as the media of teaching,
from what kinds of messages. (p.226- students will memorize the technical
227). In short, it can conclude that by terms and Tenses formula easily so
using symbols to teach Tenses, that they can apply them in their
students could get many advantages sentences correctly.
of the simplification that symbols can For teachers, the using of
do as a media of teaching as they can Tenses Symbols is expected to be an
include so many information just in alternative technique of teaching that
simple symbol that represent them. can motivate students to study Tenses
Based on the discussion and reduce their boredom of studying
above, I have identified the problems formal rules of conventional teaching.
that my students experience related to For other researchers, it is
Tenses mastery. Firstly, they find it hoped that this research will enrich
very difficult to memorize the the teaching techniques that have ever
technical terminologies and the existed in EFL study. And, I am as
complicated formulas used in Tenses the creator of this technique realize
rules due to the inexistence of Tenses that this technique is far from
system in mother tongue, in this case perfection that I invite for other
Indonesian language. This is affecting researchers to investigate this
their performance in the four major technique more deeply to get more
skills, writing, speaking, reading, and advantages from it.
listening. Secondly, my students The Tenses Symbols
frequently do „slips‟ and „errors‟ in Technique as I stated before is created
applying Tenses rules in their by me myself as the result of
sentences that need to be improved. sufficient teaching experiments and a
Therefore, there should be an deep thinking in the purpose of
effective method to teach them solving the difficulties in students‟
Tenses. Tenses mastery. This is in line with
The purpose of this research is what Deacon, T.W. (1997) cited that
to investigate whether the Tenses human is called a symbolic species,
symbols Technique(TST) created by the creative and flexible use of a vast
the researcher is effective to solve the array of different types of symbols is
problems of students‟ difficulties in unique to humans. The emergence in

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

evolution of the symbolic capacity division that when we want to

irrevocably transformed our species compose a text or utter an expression,
(Corballis, M.C. 1999), vastly we should concern the Tenses of the
expanding our intellectual horizons sentences if not we will make errors
and making possible the cultural in meaning or miss information,
transmission of knowledge to instead.
succeeding generations (Vygotsky, Furthermore, Sidney
L.1962). These are to say that the use Greenbaum (1990) defines Tense as
of symbols to transfer information, grammatical category that is realized
knowledge, and culture in human is as verb inflection. The inflection of
very natural and it is as old as the the verbs indicates the changing of
history of human itself. the Tense. Verb that is positioned as
Symbols is defined as the predicate in a sentence is the key
something that someone intends to to determine the Tense of the
represent something other than itself sentence. It is in line with Graver
(DeLoache, J.S. 2002). Symbols are (1986,p.50) who said that the term
general. It means that the very "tense" is used to refer to a verb form,
indefinite term „something‟ is quite not to chronological time. English
deliberately in the above definition to verbs are used to express the aspect
emphasize that virtually anything can (simple, continuous or perfect) of an
be used to represent virtually action or event. To some linguists,
anything else: spoken words, printed structurally speaking, there are two
words, pictures, video images, main tenses; present and past. Future
numbers, graphs, a block of wood, a is included in the present. On the
chair in a store window, maps, and an other hand, most of the linguists state
infinite list of other possibilities can that there are three tenses in English;
be exploited to stand for something present, past and future. Here, we find
that someone wants to symbolize. In that there are two grammatical terms
this case, tenses symbols in the form we should notice in the discussion of
of arrows, circles, dashes, and lines Tenses mastery; Tenses and aspects
will represent the tenses both the which both of them are different but
names and the formulas of the 12 closely related.
tenses. By using these symbols the Based on the theories stated
process of memorizing, above, I can draw conclusion that the
understanding, and applying will be term of Tenses cover two aspects;
done more easily. Tenses ( present, past, and future) and
The word „Tense‟ is derived Aspects ( simple, continous, and
from Latin word „Tempus‟ meaning perfect). In Tenses teaching, we
„Time‟(Lyon,1995). It means that recognize the combination of the two
traditionally, the Tense is defined as categories. The Present Tenses are;
the term of time. In practice, English simple present, present continous,
is indeed a language that specify present perfect, The Past Tenses are
every events according to when it is simple past, Past Continous, and Past
happened. It means that different Perfect, and The Future Tenses are
from Indonesian language, English simple future, Future Continous, and
has a much more structured time Future Perfect. While the

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

combination of Perfect and Symbols is defined as

Continous, we have Present perfect something that someone intends to
continous, Past perfect continous, and represent something other than itself
Future Perfect continous. So, there (DeLoache, J.S. 2002). Symbols are
are 12 Tenses will be being discussed general. It means that the very
in this research paper. indefinite term „something‟ is quite
The indicators of Tenses deliberately in the above definition to
mastery used in this research is based emphasize that virtually anything can
on what Nunan (2003) argues that be used to represent virtually
tenses will be mastered if the students anything else: spoken words, printed
are able to memorize, understand, and words, pictures, video images,
apply the tenses rules in their numbers, graphs, a block of wood, a
communicative activities. chair in a store window, maps, and an
Memorizing is important to do since infinite list of other possibilities can
there are many technical terms and be exploited to stand for something
complicated formulas in Tenses that that someone wants to symbolize. In
might be strange for most students this case, tenses symbols in the form
whose mother tongue doesn‟t have of arrows, circles, dashes, and lines
tenses system. While understanding is will represent the tenses both the
the main goal by which students can names and the formulas of the 12
apply the tenses rules in tenses. By using these symbols the
communication orally or in written. process of memorizing,
The Tenses Symbols understanding, and applying will be
Technique as I stated before is created done more easily.
by me myself as the result of There are 12 tenses will be
sufficient teaching experiments and a represented by the tenses symbols;
deep thinking in the purpose of The Present Tenses are; Simple
solving the difficulties in students‟ Present, Present Continous, Present
Tenses mastery. This is in line with Perfect, and Present Perfect
what Deacon, T.W. (1997) cited that Continous, The Past Tenses are
human is called a symbolic species, simple past, Past Continous, Past
the creative and flexible use of a vast Perfect, and Past Perfect Continous,
array of different types of symbols is and The Future Tenses are Simple
unique to humans. The emergence in Future, Future Continous, Future
evolution of the symbolic capacity Perect and Future Perfect Continous.
irrevocably transformed our species While the combination of Perfect and
(Corballis, M.C. 1999), vastly Continous, we have Present perfect
expanding our intellectual horizons continous, Past perfect continous, and
and making possible the cultural Future Perfect continous.
transmission of knowledge to 1. The Basic symbols are;
succeeding generations (Vygotsky, : to represent PAST
L.1962). These are to say that the use TENSES
of symbols to transfer information, : to represent PRESENT
knowledge, and culture in human is TENSES
very natural and it is as old as the
history of human itself. : to represent FUTURE

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

TENSES ● : to represent SIMPLE

2. The Aspects symbols are; ------- : to represent FUTURE

--------- : to represent : to representFUTURE

--------- : to represent FUTURE
:to represent PERFECT PERFECT
-------- : to represent PERFECT
CONTINOUS a. The steps in Tenses Symbol
3. The Tenses Symbols are; The steps should be followed
A. THE PAST TENSES in teaching Tenses Symbols are:
● : to represent SIMPLE 1. Memorizing the names of the
PAST TENSE symbols
Here, the students are
--------- : to represent PAST introduced to the names of the basic
CONTINOUS TENSE symbols, the aspects symbols, and the
combination between them. Drilling
: to represent PAST orally without allowing the students
PERFECT TENSE to write the names of the symbols is
the best way to do that because it will
-------- : to represent PAST make them spontanously recognize
PERFECT the visual of the tenses. This is done
CONTINOUS several times until all students can say
TENSE the names fluently.
2. Formulating the symbols
B. THE PRESENT TENSES This is the step which is done
by exposing the students with the
● : to represent SIMPLE formula of each tenses. Verb
PRESENT TENSE inflection is the most focus in this
step. The students are asked to
------ : to represent PRESENT memorize the verb inflections as the


--------- : was/were + V ing
: had + V3
---- : to represent PRESENT -------- : had been + V ing


Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

: means ENDED
------ : is/am/are + V ing BEFORE...
-------- : means STARTED
: have/has + V3 CONTINUED

3. The Tenses Symbols

------ : have/has been + V ing A. THE PAST TENSES
● : means ENDED IN THE
● : will + V1 THE PAST
:means ENDED
------- : will be + V ing BEFORE PAST TIME
-------- : means STARTED
: will have + V 3 BEFORE PAST AND
--------- : will have been + V ing
It‟s better in doing this step, students
also are not allowed to write or record ● : means ENDED IN THE
the formulas in order to make them PRESENT
memorize the formula authomatically.

3. Understanding the symbols ----- : means OVER TIME IN

To understand the symbols, THE PRESENT
the students are given to short, and
simple explanation of each symbols :means
and their meanings. ENDEDBEFORE
The meanings of The Tenses PRESENT
1. The Basic symbols
: means PAST, LAST ...., ------ : means STARTED
: means PRESENT, NOW,
● : means ENDED IN THE
...., TOMORROW, etc.
------- : means OVER TIME IN
2. The Aspects symbols THE FUTURE
● : means ENDED IN ...
. : means ENDED
--------- : means OVER TIME IN BEFORE FUTURE

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

mental processes happened while the

--------- : means STARTED learning process in which the learners
BEFORE FUTURE will be able to visualize the principle
AND CONTINUED concepts to be planted in the students,
in this case tenses mastery.
4. applying Tenses in context There are many researches
After being certaint of have been done on the use of symbols
students‟ understanding, the next step in language learning assistant.
is to apply the formulas to the Researchers have explored the use of
sentences. It can be done by asking language and symbols (signs and
them to change verbs in brackets into drawings) by students in the process
the suitable forms of the verbs in a of reasoning (Robotti, 2002; Radford,
single sentence or by giving them a 2001). Judy S. DeLoache (University
text in which they can decide which of Virginia, Psychology Department,
tense will macth the given context. 2004) in his paper “Becoming
As stated by Salomon (1977) symbol-minded” has found that using
using symbols in learning process has symbols is very useful in children
some significant advantages; to learning due to the relation
summarize, the symbol systems of between symbolic objects and their
media affect the acquisition of referents and using those relations to
knowledge in a number of ways. acquire information. What we have
First, they highlight different aspects been learning about symbolic
of content. Second, they vary respect development in the first years of life
to ease of recoding. Third, specific has important practical implications,
coding elements can save the learner such as how to tailor educational
from difficult mental elaborations by materials to children‟s fledgling
overtly supplanting or short-circuiting symbolic skills (Uttal, D.H. et al.
specific elaboration. Fourth, symbol 1999).
systems differ with respect to how
much processing they demand or b. The Advantages of using
allow. Fifth, symbol system differ Symbols
with respect to the kinds of mental As stated by Salomon (1977)
processes they call on for recoding using symbols in learning process has
and elaboration. some significant advantages; to
In line with this Marqulies ( ) summarize, the symbol systems of
also cited that using symbols make media affect the acquisition of
ideas become more visible, help knowledge in a number of ways.
communication, record ideas, and First, they highlight different aspects
engage experience more memorable. of content. Second, they vary respect
As proposed by D. Hyerle (1996) to ease of recoding. Third, specific
“The use of visual tools creates a shift coding elements can save the learner
in classroom dynamics from passive from difficult mental elaborations by
to interactive learning for all to see.” overtly supplanting or short-circuiting
In conclusion, it is very beneficial specific elaboration. Fourth, symbol
using symbols in the process of systems differ with respect to how
teaching and learning due to the much processing they demand or

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

allow. Fifth, symbol system differ especially in the applying the tenses
with respect to the kinds of mental step (the fourth step). The writing test
processes they call on for recoding is assumed will be more suitable since
and elaboration. the grammar rules are applied mostly
In line with this Marqulies in written text.
also cited that using symbols make Tenses mastery is the stuff
ideas become more visible, help will be tested in this research that
communication, record ideas, and covers the mastery of the twelve
engage experience more memorable. tenses in English; The Present Tenses
As proposed by D. Hyerle (1996) are; Simple Present, Present
“The use of visual tools creates a shift Continous, Present Perfect, and
in classroom dynamics from passive Present Perfect Continous, The Past
to interactive learning for all to see.” Tenses are simple past, Past
In conclusion, it is very beneficial Continous, Past Perfect, and Past
using symbols in the process of Perfect Continous, and The Future
teaching and learning due to the Tenses are Simple Future, Future
mental processes happened while the Continous, Future Perect and Future
learning process in which the learners Perfect Continous. While the
will be able to visualize the principle combination of Perfect and
concepts to be planted in the students, Continous, we have Present perfect
in this case tenses mastery. continous, Past perfect continous, and
Future Perfect continous.
2. METHOD The indicators will be used is
The participants/subjects of as suggested by Nunan (2003) that
this research are the students of the tenses will be mastered if the students
second semester of class X at SMAN are able to memorize, understand, and
1 Pekanbaru. There are 33 students in apply the tenses rules in their
this class who will be investigated. communicative activities. The
This is the class in which the following table shows the relation
speaking problems has been identified between the variable to be tested and
and need solutions. its indicators:
The test will be used to
measure the tenses mastery of the
students in this research is writing test

Table 1. Indicators of Tenses Mastery (Nunan, 2003)

No Variable to be Indicators Sub-indicators
1 Students‟ Tenses Memorize/ - Memorize the tenses names
2 Formulate the - Memorize the formulas of
tenses the tenses

3 Understand the - Understand the three basic

tenses tenses (past, present, and
- Understand the aspects

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

(simple, continous, perfect,

and perfect continous)

4 Apply - Apply the tenses in a

communicatively sentence.
in written form. - Apply the tenses in vary of
not difficult for the students to do
Having a one and half month research comparing with the conventional
a the class X4 of SMAN 1 Pekanbaru, technique that to memorize the
the required data that lead to the formula of the tenses, the students
significant findings, have been found should mention the complete formula
and here is the description and the of subject, predicate, object, or
analysis of them. complement that need more time and
boredom among students.
1. The first step of memorizing the After some drilling of the
symbols then continued by combining class, the teacher then tested the
the basics and the aspects that students to mention the names of the
become the 12 tenses; simple past symbols and their formula one by one
tense, past continues tense, past in front of the class. In doing this the
perfect, past perfect continues, simple teacher took a sample of the low
present, present continues, present students to test them whether they had
perfect, present perfect continues, already memorized the names as well
simple future, future continues, future as the formula of the symbols or not.
perfect, future perfect continues. This It was done succesfuly that without
was also done easily by the students any obstacles one by one students
that they looked enjoy and unstressful mentioned the names and the formula
even the teacher drilled them by of the symbols fluently. Because of
jumbling the order of the symbols. time limit, only five students who got
The drilling was done in faster and turns while to have more vivid data,
faster tempo to make the students the teacher gave written test that
authomatically recognize the symbols asked students to draw the symbols
whenever they see them. based on the sentences given.

2. The second step of formulating 3. The step of understanding then

the symbols then was started by was continued at the second meeting.
focusing on the inflection of each After some review, the teacher
tenses that is by only focusing on the displayed the symbols of the 12
predicate (verb forms) without tenses and mentioned the meaning of
mentioning the subjects or objects of each symbols. When in conventional
the sentence patterns. It is to symplify way, the teacher explains the meaning
the process of decoding by only have of the tenses in long explanation, in
a short form to remember. When the TST the meaning of the tenses is
teacher pointed one symbol the given shortly and simple by exposing
students directy called the formula of the use of verbs and prepositions such
the predicate and so on.This was also as, ended in, over time, etc. as

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

explained in Chapter 2 of this paper. quantitative data, as it is counted in

It was also easy for students to number, was formatted in the form of
comprehend because the two verb score rubric that the scale is also
words can cover the general meaning based on the indicators defined in
of each tenses, past tenses, present theories.
tenses, and future tenses. To make Tenses Symbols Technique
sure that the students had understood (TST) that is assumed could solve the
the meaning of the tenses, the teacher problem of difficulties in tenses
gave a written test containing a text mastery was employed in this
with the use of some tenses. The reserach in which the four stages in
students were asked to rewrite the text this technique; memorizing,
in their own words explaining the formulating, understanding, and
meaning of each sentences in the text. applying the tenses were
This was done half of the period. experimented in class X4 of SMAN 1
Pekanbaru to proof the assumption.
4. For the rest of the half period, Each of the four stages was observed
the final step of applying the tenses in three cycles of Action Research
was begun. Here, the students were that each cycle was done in three
asked to continue a sentence with meetings or 6 hours of teaching and
certain tenses to become a complete learning process. After gathering all
text that by concerning the formula of the data, it was analyzed qualitatively
the sentence given, students should by following the steps suggested by
know in what tense they should write. Gay (2000) as well as quantitatively
Below is the table of students‟ test that is by scoring students‟
result in the four steps of TST; performances in speaking by
3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The first cycle was started by
designing a lesson plan for the first
3.1. Description of Data Analysis meeting of teaching Tenses by using
There are two types of data TST (Tenses Symbols Technique).
got in this research; qualitative data The lesson plan consists of the
and quantitative data. Both of the two subject matter to be taught, the
kinds were taken by using such kinds standard of competence to be
of instruments and the data being achieved , the aims of teaching that
taken will match the purpose of the are based on the indicators of Tenses
research and will solve the problem of mastery, the media used, the
learning Englih tenses for the technique to be employed; in this
students. case is TST, the steps of teaching
The qualitative data was taken and learning process; Memorizing
by using observation check list that the 12 tenses, Formulating the
consists of indicators that are based pattern, Understanding the usage, and
on the appropriate theories, besides Applying the formulas in context, the
using field notes and interview; in this closing procedure, and at last the
case they are not formatted because of evaluation task.
the nature of flexibility of situation in This lesson plan was, then,
the field. On the other hand, the acted in the classroom and during the

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

teaching learning process. It was the way, teacher displayed the symbols,
2nd semester of class X4 of the mentioned the names, and asked
academic year of 2015-2016 in students to repeat. During the activity
SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. The researcher of drilling, students were very
started the class with some opening enthusiastic to repeat what the teacher
activities like praying, greeting, and mentioned and the process of
taking attendance of the class in about decoding was successfully done.
5 minutes. Warming up activity, then,
was done by asking the students about 3.2. The Findings
how far they know the 12 tenses in The participants/subjects of
English. The teacher asked; “Do you this research are the students of the
know tenses in English?” “Yeees...?” second semester of class X at SMAN
students answered in chorus. The 1 Pekanbaru. There are 33 students in
teacher then asked, “How many this class who will be investigated.
tenses do you know?” some said 12, This is the class in which the
others said 16. When the teacher problems has been identified and
asked three names of the tenses, need solutions.
nobody could answer correctlly; the The test was used to measure
answers such as simple perfect, the tenses mastery of the students in
present past, or continous simple this research is writing test especially
filled out the air. It showed that the in the applying the tenses step (the
students‟ background knowledge fourth step). The writing test is
about tenses is very minimal. assumed more suitable since the
And then, the teacher asked grammar rules are applied mostly in
again, “Do you think that studying written text.
tenses is difficult?” A student said Tenses mastery is the stuff
that it is the most difficult subject tested in this research that covers the
since he had English lesson. And the mastery of the twelve tenses in
teacher said that she would introduce English; The Present Tenses are;
a new way to master it. The teacher Simple Present, Present Continous,
asked the students to keep away all Present Perfect, and Present Perfect
the notes and only focused on her and Continous, The Past Tenses are
what she said because the activity of simple past, Past Continous, Past
drilling would be began. Perfect, and Past Perfect Continous,
It was started by displaying and The Future Tenses are Simple
the symbols of basic tenses; Past, Future, Future Continous, Future
Present, and Future. The teacher Perect and Future Perfect Continous.
mentioned the names of the three While the combination of Perfect and
symbols and the students repeated. It Continous, we have Present perfect
was easily mastered, nobody could continous, Past perfect continous, and
not answer when they were asked to Future Perfect continous.
mention the name of the symbols one The indicators used is as
by one. After several drillings, the suggested by Nunan (2003) that
teacher moved to the aspect symbos; tenses mastered if the students are
Simple, Continous, Perfect, and able to memorize, understand, and
Perfect Continous. With the same

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

apply the tenses rules in their Figure 2. the graph of students’

communicative activities. improvement in cycle 2
As stated above, there was
significant increase of students‟ score 120%
in cycle 2 after some improvement in 100%
planning and acting stages. The result 80%
of the tests in every steps of TST 60%
showed that students were able to 40% cycle 1
memorize the name of the tenses as 20% cycle 2
well as the formula, they were able to 0%
understand the tenses, and they were
able to apply the formula in context.
The result of students‟ score as

Figure 1. students’ tenses mastery The research of investigating whether

in cycle 1 Tenses Symbol Technique (TST)
found by the researcher is effective to
100% solve the students’ difficulties in
80% memorizing the names of the tenses
70% and the formula and to what extent
50% does TST improve the students’ tenses
40% mastery has found the answer that by
30% analyzing the data taken from the
10% observation check-lists, tests, field
0% notes, and interviews, it is very
obvious that TST improved the tenses
mastery of the students of class X4 in
SMAN1 Pekanbaru.
The improvement occured
because TST has promoted the use of
Comparing the result in cycle 1 and in symbols to stimulate students‟ ability
cycle 2 there was increase in about to remember information in long term
14%. It might be caused by the memory. It is in line with what
reinforcement done by the teacher so Deacon, T.W. (1997) argued that
that students became more understand human is called a symbolic species,
about the usage of the tenses. The that the use of symbols was as old as
comparison can be seen in the the history of human itself. It is also
following graph; known that it is much easier for
human being to recognize symbols
than words that symbols are used in
vast areas of human life. In brief, TST
has effectively worked to improved
students‟ tenses mastery that for so
long has been the troublesome in
many English classes.

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

TST as a new technique As the conclusion of this

certainly has many weaknesses even research paper is Tenses Symbols
this research is also not so valid to Technique (TST) is effective to
proof its effectiveness. The improve the tenses mastery of the
weaknesses might be on the theories students of class X4 of SMAN 1
supporting it or the way this research Pekanbaru. It is shown by the
was handled, and so on. So, the next qualitative and quantitative data got
researches are badly needed in order during the action research. It is also
to get more advantages from this concluded that the use of symbols in
technique. TST is appropriate to the nature of
This is due to the thought that human as the symbolic species that
tenses mastery in EFL class can help the symbols can be remembered long
teachers and students to be skilful in lasting than words. It is to answer to
the four major skills of writing, what extent does TST improve
speaking, reading, and listening. students‟ tenses mastery.
There is also no objection that tenses
mastery is very important to master Implications
English grammar as a whole that most Based on the conclusion
English structured language are above it is said that TST is
produced by the knowledge of tenses. recomended to be one of the
technique to master English tenses in
4. CONCLUSION EFL classes in Indonesia. This has
been tested to my students of class X4
Student‟s Tenses mastery is an of SMAN 1 Pekanbaru that
important competence to support the significant increase of students‟ score
major English skills, listening, in many forms of tasks testing their
speaking, reading, and writing. tenses knowledge has been made.
Beside, the tenses mastery is also And I believe this will also happen in
important to have another grammar other classes applying it.
materials that need Tenses mastery as
the basic knowledge. Suggestion
However, in reality, students‟ TST would be more effective
tenses mastery is very minimal that if in applying it, for the first time
they are not able to call out the names avoid using any notes or other
of the tenses, mention the formulas, recording tools because in the step 1
let alone to understand meaning and of memorizing names and step 2 of
the usage in sentences. To solve this formulating students only focus on
problem the resercher has created a the drill. The drill done by the teacher
teaching technique, namely, Tenses should be repeated by the students
Symbols Technique (TST) that covers loudly that speaking aloud can raise
four steps of tenses mastery: spirit among students. To make
memorizing tenses names, students understand the meaning of
formulating tenses patterns, each tenses, it‟s better for the teacher
understanding tenses meanings, dan to reinforce by a bit explanation so
applying in context. that students can use tenses in vary of

Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

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Improving Students’ Tenses Mastery Through

J-SHMIC, Vol 5, No 1, February 2018 Tenses Symbol Technique (Tst) In Class X4 At
Sma Negeri 1 Pekanbaru

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