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SITXHRM003 Lead and Manage People &

SITXMGT001 Monitor Work Operations

Student Must Fill this Section

Student Name:
Student ID: Term: Year:

Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the

Clause: auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”.
“I declare that:
Authenticity  The material I have submitted is my own work;
Declaration:  I have given references for all sources of information that are not
my own, including the words, ideas and images of others”.

Student Signature: Date:

Assessment Outcome

Assessor Name:

Not Yet Assessor

Attempt Competent Date
Competent Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the student.

General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The student must
attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
 If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to interpret the
 Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Re-assessment of Result& Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter, clearly
stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after completion of the subject
and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.

Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
 Academic Manager will delegate another member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed comprising
the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager or if need be an external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The decision of
the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, he / she has the right to seek independent advice or follow
external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in that

The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement based on
principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and valid.

Academic Appeals:
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal through
academic appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision form
with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The completed Request for
Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard copy or electronically via the
following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
[email protected]
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted within seven
days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a medical
certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three working days of
the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as detailed in the
students’ complaint / grievance policy.

Comments/ feedback to student:

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

You must answer all questions below correctly.

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 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)
 Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in
class (where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will make arrangements with you about
resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or
you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your
assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.


 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program –
your assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit
the file on a USB drive or hand in a hard copy. If there are tables included in your task that you
need to fill out, you may choose to recreate them in a word processing application. If you have
been provided with an electronic version of this booklet, you may prefer to type your answers
directly into the document. (Keep this bullet point for Cert IV and above levels.)


(Delete bullet points not used in questions.)
The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’.
These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell
you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’.
 Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable
qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in
 Discuss – when a question asks you to ‘discuss’, you are required to point out important issues or
features and express some form of critical judgment. Generally, you are expected to write a
response of one or two paragraphs in length.
 Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or
three sentences in length.
 Identify – when a question asks you to ‘identify’, you will need to briefly describe the required
information. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
 List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a
list format, often with a specific number of items indicated.


 Your answers to each question.

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a) Explain the purpose of a work schedule, and why it is important.
b) Explain the difference between a work schedule and a jobs checklist

a) It guarantees that you do your tasks throughout the time given. Sure. There may be
instances till you need to work extra or end early. Maintaining a strong project timeline, on
the other hand, motivates workers to complete their tasks successfully and properly. A
timetable assists you in defining your interests so that you really can spending the
appropriate amount of time on the appropriate chores. It also serves as a reminder of any
upcoming commitments. Considering this, one can schedule enough plans to talk with
b) A work schedule applies to the days and times that a worker is assigned for paid
employment. It contains information about your individual shift, such as the days of the
year and durations of the day that you are scheduled to work in this industry.
Job checklists are a simple method to communicate important job characteristics to field
employees without having to write document after article of position explanation. Checklists
display on employees' iPhones and iPads as a list of tasks they must complete as part of
the process.

Describe what happens during the following three procedures undertaken at the end of a service
a) Station and equipment cleaning
b) Post service debrief
c) Storing and disposing of food

a) The goal of decontaminating food preparation areas is to eliminate the nutrients that
microorganisms require to develop and to destroy microorganisms that are here. If done
near the ending of the product life term, it may harm the food and its nutrients. To avoid
bacteria development, it is critical that clean, sterilized apparatus and surroundings drain
completely and be kept dry.
b) Debriefing an event is as simple as telling oneself and the colleagues pointed queries well
about activity. Spending the trouble to evaluate allows you to have a clear picture of what
occurred and however you may improve on that study in the hereafter.
c) Improper food storage may result in a variety of issues, including virus and moulds
development, food spoiling due to natural disintegration, and then even household waste,
which represents huge amounts of money globally each year. The following are also few of
the regions which have been impacted by inappropriate food storage.

What organisational documentation shows how to present dishes for service?

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 Ensure that potentially dangerous food is kept at a suitable degree
 Make use of drawers or windbreaks.
 Food should be kept away from the hot ports, windows, ventilation, and synthetic
substances or wasps’ nests.
 Store things from out child's grasp.
 Food should be protected with nutritional plastic wrap, envelopes, parchment strips, or
 Fully prepared portions

Explain the purpose of a mise-en-place list and how it helps staff to manage their workload and meet
organisational procedures.

Ans: A Mise En Place is a visual representation of all the components you've made for a dinner.
Unless one of the components is lacking, you immediately recognize and avoid hurrying or cutting
off from the furnace to get it. It organises and systematically presenting all the required materials
and instruments that a chef will use to prepare their or her cuisine in some of the most effective and
timely way. All items will be on the table until you initiate baking. It refers to the preparation
necessary beforehand to preparing and is frequently used in restaurant settings to refer to making
regular the supplies that a chef will need for the side dishes that are anticipated.

Belle is the head chef at a small bistro. Part of her role is to monitor the progress of junior staff and
apprentices, along with reporting on staff performance in general. Explain what kinds of records she
will need to keep regarding their progress.

 Staff preparing food,

 Food Standards for Workers

 Junior staff hygiene guidelines,

 Processed Foods Prepared by Employees,

 Basic Kitchen Appliances,

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 Description of Menu Options,

 Additional Skill documents

a) Explain the concept of quality assurance.
b) What procedures and policies used in a commercial kitchen contribute to quality assurance?

a) Quality assurance seeks to avoid faults by focusing on the manufacturing method. This is a
hygiene procedure that is reactive. The purpose of Quality Assurance is to enhance
research and deployment procedures so that faults do not occur throughout the product
lifecycle. The goal of quality control is to detect (and remedy) flaws in the completed
product. The goal of quality assurance is to complete front- and back-end operations as
efficiently and fluidly as possible, providing the desired goods or services on schedule & so
forth cost, and continuing further than just all engagements and contacts with the user.
 Food waste and trash must be eliminated as soon as humanly possible from
locations where nourishment is represented.

 But if you can convince your city government that alternative container is
permissible, fresh food must be placed in barrels that can be locked.

 Receptacles for waste must be of appropriate structure and maintained clean

throughout all instances.

 Companies could have enough methods for storing and disposing of all garbage in
a pest-free environment.

 All garbage must be thrown off in a sanitary and eco-friendly manner.

 Pollutants must not occur because of waste contacting food preparation facilities or
recruiting insects.

a) Describe how you can identify quality issues when issuing food?
b) Discuss how you would manage the following issues to ensure they have a minimum impact on
operations and service levels?
 Delays in production
 Equipment breakdown

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 Poor rostering of staff
 Poor staff performance
 Procedural inadequacies or failures
 Unrealistic or impractical product development

 Consider out the layout of your premises and where they will be located.

 Know your equipment and manufacturing lines.

 Take effective stance when it comes to servicing.

 Put pest-control procedures in place.

 Assist with proper garbage disposal.

 Clean on a regular basis.

 Keep an eye on the surroundings.

 Delays in production: We may assume about our expected arrival time. A schedule is just
for organizing performance. It is critical to pay attention to effectiveness in order to meet
 Equipment breakdown: The first step in maintaining the lifespan of goods is to properly
install it. Make it a habit to go through and examine your technology on a daily basis. Up
any company data in a timely manner and consider bringing it off-site or in the cloud to
assist assure no security breaches or simple recovery if anything happens to the machine
itself. Train your employees on the proper application, storing, and upkeep of the facility's
 Poor rostering of staff:
o Use Role Redraft leagues

o Provide Your Own Shifts.

o Redraft leagues Tasks Can Be Automated

o Allow employees to plan of time.

o Allow employees to review the itinerary without having to call in.

 Poor staff performance:
o Hold difficult discussions.
o Following further.
o Each step should be documented.

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o Enhance your own effectiveness.

 Procedural inadequacies or failures: Examine the aim of the corporate strategy, although it
may seem clear. Work through the whole thing and would then evaluate if it is delivering
the desired result. That was the only way to recognize issues and work toward a solution.
 Unrealistic or impractical product development
 Analyse the prospect rather than the competition.
 Eliminate a few fresh concepts.
 Locate the sore spots.
 Users' prices.
 Get consumers engaged as soon as possible.
 Devote a team to the task
 Consider what happens after launching.

While at a recent trade fair you see demonstrations of a new technology/equipment that really excites
you and you think that your workplace would benefit from it. You can think of plenty of ways it would
cut down on cooking times and how you could create innovative new dishes with it. Explain how you
would tell your colleagues about it and get their agreement to trial the new technology/equipment.

Ans: New technological endeavours should need as little training as possible. They should really be
visually appealing and straightforward. When executing activities, well-designed electronics makes
it far easier and instinctive for customers to move between tools and capabilities. Try to find a
solution that seem to be simple to understand and use. Workers may feel forced to master new
technology only for the benefit of the organization or to defend the actions of others. If this is the
case, people will be significantly less inclined to interact with the new technologies and reap their
full advantages. Examine your HR and management rules to ensure that the new equipment is
embedded and not just an alternative.

You have been asked to contribute ideas for new menu items to an upcoming planning meeting with
other chefs and management at the upscale restaurant where you work. Explain how you will prepare
for the meeting so that you can provide good, evidence-based information and suggestions that will
support the ongoing success and improvement of the restaurant.

o A demonstrated capacity to lead.
o Superior interpersonal abilities.
o Excellent drawback abilities.
o Excellent strong work ethic.
o Capable of working under pressure.
o Excellent mediator abilities are required to resolve conflicts amongst members of staff or
between members of staff with visitors.

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o Capable of motivating oneself.

Explain how managers/supervisors/team leaders can ensure their day-to-day workplace activities
assist the business in achieving its organisational goals.

Ans: A competent supervisor makes your product simpler by offering clear direction, appropriate
instructional alternatives, and leadership development counselling that is aligned with your
professional objectives. The most effective managers understand the impact of engagement,
counselling, teaching, and improvement on job satisfaction. Give comments, mentoring, and
training. The greatest workers want to learn and grow, and they seek growth and mentoring from
their supervisors. Keep an eye out for chances to instruct, give further assistance, or encourage
appropriate training in your personnel.

List three ways supervisors can learn about current and emerging trends which might present
opportunities for their business/department/team?

o Enhanced strategic alliances with product marketing businesses.

o Increase in technological productivity.

o Participants' online cooperation has expanded.

a) There are three important reasons why restaurants should make every effort to minimise food
waste. List and explain why they are so important.
b) Discuss one way you can reduce how much food is wasted in the day-to-day operations of a
commercial kitchen.

o Food waste should be measured. Sometimes hotels discover possibilities to
reduce output while still fulfilling customer needs by simply analysing food use and
waste. A "kitchen waste survey" may assist you in determining when and how
much whereabouts energy is wasted so that you can make improvements (e.g.,
pre portioned, menu modifications, or alternatives) and track your success.

o Food orders may be predicted. Possessing a system to ensure to assist you

effectively estimate food orders, whether mechanically or with digitalisation,

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provides more precise figures, a better knowledge of food order trends, and
greater control throughout your restaurant, which eventually leads towards less

o Recruit personnel. When this pertains to decreasing organic waste, street food
vendors are invaluable tools. Perhaps one of the most creative suggestions for
minimizing wasted food come through for front restaurant personnel, not
administrators. Engaging in employee training and certification is now one of the
valuable assets you can do company firm.

b) One way is Proper portion management are among the most critical elements to minimize
waste production. Establishments generally utilize scales to measure out the exact portion
quantity before donating food out of the preparation, because they utilize lesser portions.
With correct serving sizes, less food will really be squandered.

Explain the key elements of successful delegation.

 Define whatever you will assign. Delegation of authority starts with outlining your roles.
Mark down all daily tasks and obligations.

 Select the correct individual to allocate the work to. Another key to identifying the correct
individual to allocate a project to is matching talents and attitude to the tasks at hand.

 Emphasize the intended outcomes. When such outcomes are obvious, it empowers the
individual to utilize his who has her own ingenuity and resources to attain the goal

 Explicitly describe the worker lines of authority as it pertains to the assigned job. Clearly
convey the expectation, duties, and timetable. Be careful to ask your person to express his
or her perspective.

 Schedule a status update conference or capacitive sensors. The follow up sessions should
indeed be concentrated on different and something progression and identifying necessity

Read the case study and answer the following questions.

Jeff is the manager at Evolutions Restaurant, an up-market dining space in one of the Marino gaming
The room has a reputation for fine food and drinks at competitive prices but is especially known for its
super-fast service enabling players to return to their gaming machines or tables quickly. Orders are
currently taken person-by-person at the table by waiters and then taken to the kitchen by hand where
they are given to the Head Chef at the Pass.
Both management and guests appreciate this aspect of the dining room and market research has
consistently shown this is the main reason people come to the room to eat. Evolutions is open 18

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hours every day, seven-days-a-week.
Jeff knows the value of good staff in maintaining the room’s reputation and constantly monitors their
work to evaluate their performance so issues can be readily detected and addressed.
He is about to enter a team meeting he has organised as a result of monitoring which has indicated
service times have slowed, guest waiting times have increased, customer complaints about slow
service have spiked and patronage and revenue is starting to decline.
Jeff mentioned his concerns to several of the staff and they told him the answer was to hire more
waiters but his budget simply will not accommodate this suggestion.
Jeff hopes his team meeting will help resolve the issue.

a) Jeff has data indicating that a problem with service and waiting times exists. Give four
examples of the monitoring he might have done to obtain this data to become aware of the
b) How might Jeff have determined there was a decline in sales and patron numbers?
c) What are three techniques Jeff might use to share the information he has about the looming
d) Identify three pieces of information about the issue Jeff could/should share with the team.
e) How might Jeff challenge the suggestion that all he needs to do to improve things is hire more
f) What are three examples of critical thinking techniques Jeff could suggest to his team to
encourage them to generate fresh ideas to address the identified problematic situation?
g) List three actions Jeff could take to support individual staff members to improve their service

a) four examples: inspection, administration, profitability, and environmental consequences
b) The root cause of Jeff's dropping sales may be a new advertising strategy, a lower pricing,
or a new offer. To determine the cause of his sales decline, he might examine competitor
data such as price patterns and discounting activity.
c) Three techniques:
Virus protection for Jeff's PC.
Make sure Jeff's online habits are safe....
Upgrade his search algorithm.
d) Three information:
timetable for sessions
processes and policies
code of ethics

 Jeff's needs to develop a great image of the organization.
 He must move as rapidly and as effectively as possible.
 He should concentrate on improving his employment contracts....
 He should engage technology and digital trends....
 There should be a match between the temperament and the profession.
 He should concentrate on enhancing the quality of his employee interview.
f) Three examples:
Problem-solving ability.

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Posing intelligent inquiries.
Promoting a collaborative problem-solving strategy.

g) Three actions:
Strengthen his time management skills.
Prioritize the most crucial activities....
Make a list of objectives that he wants to achieve.

a) Identify the key elements of coaching you can use improve the performance of your team.
b) When mentoring staff, it is important to uphold certain ethical principles. Describe these
c) Explain the key communication skills required for effective mentoring and coaching and why they
are important.

a) Three key elements:
Understand Your Workers
To be an effective manager, one would first understand your staff. Make a determined
effort to learn more about each of your staff. Understand about another person's skills and
limitations; what they succeed at and what they struggle with; what drives individuals and
what discourages them.
Make a list of goals and targets.
Without strategy implementation, it is almost difficult to define goals and objectives
precisely. Begin with massive brainstorming after collecting your team and urge members
to debate and explore approaches to reach your longer-term objectives.
Inquire about feedback.
Coachability is a trait shared by the finest and therefore most successful coaches. In
presentations but one encounters with workers, inquire about ways users can strengthen
your position as a coach to assist your colleagues in attaining the performances and
analysis and finding you've established together. Require an open mind, flexibility, and
perspectives even during dialogue.

b) Ethical principles:
HONESTY: Be truthful in all your words and activities.
INTEGRITY: Leave your personal authenticity.
PROMISE-KEEPING: Keep your pledges and follow through on your obligations.
LOYALTY: Be dedicated while keeping other ethical guidelines in mind.
FAIRNESS: In all your transactions, strive too somehow be fair and more just.
CARING: Showing sympathy and compassion and care for others' well-being.
HAVE Responsibility Others For. Everyone should be treated with dignity.
OBSERVING THE LAW. Follow the rules.
EXCELLENCE IS A COMMITMENT. Always strive for perfection in everything that you do.
LEADERSHIP. Demonstrate honour and integrity.

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1. strong credibility: A teacher who loses believability loses the opportunity to lead, which
may result in job loss. It's horrible to lose your reputation.
2. positive evaluations: A successful mentoring process is a teaching moment for both
parties, enabling sharing and studying across generation and/or jobs.
3. rich in information: Management and leadership provide workers opportunities to
interact, learn, and develop by allowing established coaches and mentors to pass on their
expertise to future top management.
4. A consistent message implies that all your staff are on the same page.
5. extremely excellent listener: Being an understand and comply entails concentrating on
the information being presented, rather than interrupting or responding, and just hearing
them listen.
6. strong in instruction: pupils have access to tools and resources. To best meet the work
at hand, the learning environment may be designed in a variety of ways.
7. Positive thinking is the presentation of a desirable or pleasurable stimulus following a

Discuss how providing feedback to staff can help improve their performance.

Ans: Team members may be motivated to fulfill goals and objectives if they get positive feedback.
Feedback may also help us in understanding your team's strengths and flaws, enabling you to
improve on them and inspire team members even more. Constructive feedback is essential for
workers' continued growth. Feedback explains expectations, assists individuals in learning from
their errors, and boosts their self-esteem. Most of the most valuable things executives would
provide their staff is constructive criticism.

List and explain the seven steps of decision making

 Determine the choice.
To make a choice, someone must first understand the issues or question that needs to be
addressed. Summarize your choice in detail.

 assemble pertinent data

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Once you've made up your mind, it's time to acquire the facts you'll need to make that
decision. Make an internal review to evaluate where your company has excelled and where
it has failed in relation to your choice.

 Remedies should be identified.

Identify viable solutions to your issue now that you have relevant information at your
fingertips. When attempting to achieve a goal, there are generally many options to

 Consider the facts.

Once you've found many options, assess the facts in favour of or against them. Examine
what enterprises have done for decades to achieve in these areas and examine your own
company's successes and failures.

 Choose from a variety of options.

This is the stage in the judgement call stage when you, well, make the choice. Hopefully,
you've recognized and clarified the choice that needs to be taken, acquired the necessary
data, and formulated and examined the many options available to you.

 Act now.
Execute on your choice after you've chosen it! Create a strategy to help you make your
choice a reality. Create a project strategy for your decisions, and then delegate work to the
team after the plan is implemented.
 Reconsider your choice.
Take a long hard look backward at your choice after a certain length of time—which you
established in step being one the judgment call approach.

a) Explain how the key elements of the Restaurant Industry Award 2010 inform how you plan
shifts, workflow, and other day-to-day planning.
b) List and explain the ten minimum entitlements listed in the National Employment Standards
c) When planning and organising work and tasks for your team, it is important to account for how
that work can impact on their health and safety. Discuss how you can ensure that your workplace
systems and procedures reduce hazards and risks associated with commercial kitchens.

a) This industry's most prevalent accolade is the Restaurant Industry Award. To learn more
about your occupational privileges and duties under this award, use our interactive tool.
Employers may not ask any apprentice underneath the age of 18 to undertake overtime as
well as shift work, unless specifically indicated in the National Restaurant association
 Working hours are limited to 38 hours a week every week, plus acceptable overtime.
 Applications for flexible work options - some workers have the right to request a
modification in their work schedule.
 Parental leave and associated benefits - up to 12 months of unpaid leave with the option to
request an additional 12 months. Especially in the context leave is also included.
 Holiday leave consists of four weeks of paid vacation every year, with an extra week for

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shift employees.
 10 days paid personal/leave carer's (pro rata for part-time workers), 2 days unpaid carer's
leave as necessary, 2 days unpaid compassionate leave as required, and 5 days
obligatory family and domestic violence absence (in a 12-month period).
 Unpaid leave for volunteer emergency actions and jury duty, with a right to be paid for up
to 10 days of jury service.
 Long service leave is a kind of paid leave available to workers who have worked for the
same company for a long period.
 Public holidays– a paid week off on a federal holiday (unpaid for casuals) unless
reasonable requests to work are made.
 Termination notice and redundancy pay - depending on length of employment, you may
get up to 5 weeks’ notice of termination and up to 16 weeks’ severance compensation.
 Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement and a Casual Labour Information
Statement - All new workers must be given a Fair Work Address Concerns. The Casual
Working Information Statement must also be issued to casual workers.
 The option for temporary workers to become permanent employees is known as transient

c) Avoid crowded in the restaurant; spills often occur because of direct touch with another
person. Ascertain that employee are properly trained in the handling of hot goods and
machines. To minimize unintentional spills by passers-by, bend pot paddles inwards keep
them away from space heaters. The process of eliminating the danger from the workplace
is known as reduction. Since this threat is no longer there, it would be the most effective
technique to control a risk. It is the recommended method of hazard control and should be
employed wherever feasible.

Describe how the following methods of monitoring team performance can provide you with information
about how they act to achieve the team’s goals.

It boosts your capacity to engage with people and to react in a suitable way.
Both of these are essential to succeed at business and at house.

Sampling output (visual Sampling is very useful in researching. It is amongst the most critical
appearance, tasting) aspects in determining the correctness of your investigation results.

Reviewing wastage A evaluation is required to collect information about your company's wastes,
and costs control procedures, and estimated expenses. Without a review, it would be
very impossible to enhance present practices, save expenses, and maintain
rigorous compliance with legal requirements.

Timing Because of the decrease in roughness, the appropriate timing is a critical

part of business, allowing you to do even more in a shorter time period.
Thus, scheduling is a key part of profitability and stress management.

Customer feedback It is critical for determining satisfaction level across existing consumers.
Understanding how consumers perceive your offering, assistance, and
organization is priceless.

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Discuss why it is important for supervisory/managerial staff to model positive workplace behaviours.

Ans: Role models increase morale by leveraging their characteristics to make the workplace a
pleasant environment to work. Their demeanour motivates people to give it their all, especially
when circumstances are difficult. In the workplace, its most basic use of positive psychology
interventions is to sit quietly with workers and physically demonstrate them how to do job duties
correctly. Employees may start asking questions and acquire ideas from individuals who have first-
hand knowledge when conduct is modelled in this manner.

An important part of the roles of supervisory/managerial staff is to show support for and commitment
to organisational goals. Explain how you would model the following behaviours.

Not criticising management to other Keep your emotions under check

staff Know not to take things too seriously.
Take the time to think about what you've been told.
Allow yourself to be kind with yourself.
Extend gratitude.

Not talking negatively about plans Inquire inside yourself.

or goals Keep emotional conflict to a minimum
Prepare yourself.
Please be specific
As quickly as feasible, deal with lack of success
Recognize external influences.
Provide the necessary training.
Recognize the factors that drive your workers' motivation.

Helping others to move towards Make a list of your objectives (in a diary).
achieving the goals Accept the fact that you've had good as well as terrible days.
Recognize your limits.
Keep an eye on what you're saying to yourself.
Begin slowly and gradually adjust to the new situation.
Don't get too worked up over your blunders

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Verbally aligning with goals The company's objectives are well-defined....
Leadership competencies the group's strategies and objectives.
Within the confines of the organization, employees determine
their own objectives.
Avoid incentives and instead concentrate on achieving your
Only hire people that are culturally compatible.

Ensuring body language aligns with

verbal commitment To get their message through, they gesture in different places
and make various signals. Hand gestures have this kind of
force. As a result, when you accompany your words with proper
hand motions, your verbal interactions with people become a
little more effective.

Making sure actions demonstrate Determine your long-term objectives.

movement towards goals Get everything down on paper.
Make a list of what probably happened.
Make a strategy for moving forward.
Make it quantifiable.
Make a move!
Considering your skills and knowledge.
Outsource duties that aren't as vital to you.

a) Explain the key features of open and supportive communication
b) Explain how engaging staff in open and supportive communication can enhance their
engagement with organisational goals.

a) Key features:
 Rather of offering counsel or direction, pay attention to what is being stated.
 Show that you're interested by staring at the individual and nodding your head in
 Allow the individual universes to speak.
 Verify your comprehension by summarizing and providing feedback or ask
questions or further information.
 Require the person to talk freely and share their thoughts and ideas.
 Accept that sentiments may surface suddenly, and that this is perfectly normal.
 Allow for the airing of underlying difficulties and the raising and investigation of
possibilities. Try to focus on the key parts rather than being side-tracked by a slew
of little concerns.
 Allow for the elucidation of solutions and the setting of a deadline for their
b) Many of these signals may transmit important details that cannot be expressed in words.

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You may increase your option to speak nonverbal signals by paying more attention
towards other person's unstated behaviour. A warm grin tossed your way when you're
attempting to apologize need something, a subtle shimmer on the arm while you're
discussing anything tough, a soft tone of voice, or even a stride toward you are now all
instances that body language may promote intimacy amongst two people in relationships.

Discuss how you would communicate the following plans and objectives to your team.

Contingency/emergency management The goal of any contingency plan is to raise enough

plan money to resume normal operations as soon as feasible
following an unanticipated occurrence. The backup plan
safeguards resources, reduces customer discomfort, and
specifies essential personnel, giving particular roles of
the restoration.

Requirements for increased productivity Effective communication helps workers to get clear and
unambiguous commands, allowing them to operate in
accordance with what is wanted of them. Increased
responsibility leads to increased workplace productivity.
If there is no responsibility inside a company, no one
else will feel motivated to change.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) KPIs may be included in an email summary.

A PDF with KPIs should be sent.
Use a slide chance to address KPIs.
On a TV interface, present KPIs.
A KPI display allows you to understand KPIs.
Mobile reports as well as dashboards may be used to
share KPIs.
Use monitoring software to create their customized KPIs.

Organisational strategies for achieving Begin with your goals.

profitability Make sure your goals are specific and quantifiable.
Make a list of the inputs to your approach.
Make a list of defined milestones.
Determine who owns what.

Performance targets for a particular Place a premium on organization above speed.

project Investigate the specifics.
Your team should be respected....
Ensure that everyone is aware of what is going on.

A Workflow is a series of activities that process a

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collection of data. Workflows exist in many types of
businesses and industries. A process is generated
whenever data is exchanged between people and/or
technologies. Batch processing are the routes that define
how this all gets from unfinished to completed, or from
raw to processing.

Discuss how the following approaches to leadership can foster innovative teams.
a) Question and listen
b) Encourage experimentation
c) Open and honest communication
d) Coaching and mentoring

a) It promotes cross-departmental collaboration and constantly looks for alternate solutions,
which you should urge your staff to do as well.
b) Fostering an experimentation mentality assists high performing teams in opening a range of
options and allowing for a free flow of information. To fail well, experiments must be fail-safe,
small enough already to repeat often, and have a framework in place for data collecting and
decision-making regarding future steps.
c) Open and honest communication leads to a common ground for differing points of view,
interests, and requirements more swiftly. Simply, becoming open and honest helps people feel
good about themselves. This is about being responsible and honest in yourself and everyone.
d) Coaching and mentoring is a pleasant leadership approach that allows you to establish
productive teams. Though there should really be a clear line of communication, training and
mentoring assist workers develop their abilities and prepare them for higher-level tasks.

Describe three ways in which leaders/supervisors can model and encourage open and supportive
communication within their teams.

 Involve your staff in the process.
Regrettably, many supervisors will reply to an employee's desire to provide feedback by
stating they do not even have opportunity. Make it obvious that executives must set aside
time to solicit recommendations from their staff.

 Reflectively listen to your staff.

Enable organizations to demonstrate that they would have listened to their workers'
concerns. One method to do so is to wait for a moment before responding, possibly
repeating back to the individual what they had said, rather than quickly responding by your
own viewpoint without indicating that you should have acknowledged or acknowledged
their point of view.

 Always treat your staff with respect.

Making it apparent to your staff that they would have your complete attention whenever

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they approach to you with concerns or recommendations; stop how you're doing, look
someone in the eyes, listen, as well as ask any questions about what they're saying.

a) Explain why it is important for managers/supervisors to share information from management
with their teams, including information regarding organisational performance (actual and
targets), policy changes, marketing information and performance targets.
b) It is also important for managers/supervisors to keep abreast of developments in the wider
business context and share this information with their teams. List five ways that you would gather
this information and explain how you would share it with your team.
c) A key role of supervisors/managers is to represent the team and communicate their interests,
needs and ideas to management. Your team has recently excelled in achieving quality and
timeliness goals in presentation and service. How would you tell you management about this

a) We can better understand your team's wants and desires if we communicate efficiently and
clearly with them. As a manager, this will assist them in properly managing each co -
worker as well as provides necessary evaluation and rewards. Supervisors build various
departments alliances by sharing information, ideas, and suggestions with their colleagues.
As a result, each government’s, and the company's ’s objectives improve.
 Examine the knowledge that already exists
When opting to start gathering data, many individuals overlook existing documents. If you
do want to understand so much about your organization, start with aggregate records,
meetings note, vote records, and work diaries.

 Look for ways to entice comments.

Obtaining detailed feedback has become one of the fastest and most straightforward
methods of gathering data in the workplace. Written feedback allows participants to remain
anonymous, allowing the data to be more honest and transparent.

 Have a Data Gathering Team Observation Watching is an underappreciated data collection

tool in the business. Viewing how things evolve throughout projects or events may provide
you with a wealth of information about your firm.

 When considering what data to collect, test values and assumptions.

When gathering data, one of the most beneficial things you can do is use the information to
help your firm better. Instead, utilize data to validate your beliefs and identify opportunities
for improvement.

 Be Ready to Act Based on The Results of The Survey

When it comes to online collection, probably one of the hardest things you can do is
neglect to act on the findings. It's critical to adjust so you can assess how reliable your data
collecting procedure is. If you've asked individuals to contribute their time to partake in a
survey, it's equally critical to make improvements.


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 Describe what you're up to.
 Notify your manager that you've achieved and, if applicable, the grade you received.
 Please express gratitude to your supervisor.
 Thank you to the business.
 Inform your supervisor how even more useful you will then be now that you have earned
your certification.

You are working as a kitchen manager at a suburban pub. Management is considering implementing
a Sunday brunch service to bring in a new demographic of patron and broaden the appeal of the
venue. You have been briefed on the plan, why they want to do it and the benefits it should bring to
the organisation. You have been tasked with communicating this information to all kitchen staff, and to
gain their feedback and buy in. You organise a meeting with all staff at a time that is convenient and
that won’t interrupt service or exclude any staff. Discuss how you will ensure how all staff have the
opportunity to provide feedback, and how you will gain their support for this new initiative.

 Staff satisfaction questionnaires are available.
 Employee satisfaction surveys.
 Pulse polls are a kind of poll that is used to find out what people are thinking
 Stay for the interviews.
 Sites that provide reviews.
 Suggestions box for employees
 Follow - up interviews are conducted at the end of a project.

You have noticed that the final year apprentice is showing particular interest in desserts and pastries.
They are in the final months of their apprenticeship, and you want to encourage them to develop their
skills and knowledge and contribute further to the team with their speciality. Discuss ways in which
you can provide opportunities for them to further develop their skills.

Ans: While taste is subjective, a dessert is deemed superb (or worth the calories) if it leaves the
palate with a warm sensation of fulfillment. It might be the strong sweetness, the perfect balance of
smooth and gritty texture, or just the fact that it tastes unlike residence. Final year apprentice
should try following things:
 Toss in some appetizing garnishes.
 Maintain a minimalistic approach.
 Make sure your toppings are appropriate for the dessert on the platter.
 In your dessert, layer tastes and textures.
 Varying plates of various types and sizes should be tried.

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One of your senior chefs has continuously exceeded the goals and quality expectations outlined in the
organisation’s mission, vision and values, and in their KPIs and job description. Explain how you
would acknowledge and reward their achievement.

 Use a competition to display the performance of your salespeople.
 Recognize the accomplishments of co-workers.
 Recognise personal records.
 Provide low-cost or no-cost incentives....
 Make a team award or similar emblem for top achievers.

Provide a definition for the following styles of leadership:
a) Bureaucratic
b) ‘Laissez faire’
c) Autocratic
d) Democratic

e) Bureaucratic: Bureaucratic leadership is based on a precise management hierarchy, rigid
rules, and the following' compliance. The distinction amongst administrative and autocratic
governance, that might share certain qualities, can be a source of misunderstanding. A
commander who uses his or her standing in a well-structured framework to sway
subordinates, who follows established norms and processes, and who is typically dogmatic
and wary of progress. Leader with charm is a good comparison.
f) ‘Laissez faire’: Leaders that practice laissez-faire management have a trusting and reliant
attitude toward their personnel. They really shouldn't monitor or get too engaged, and they
don't provide excessive advice or direction. Laissez-faire leaders, on the other hand, allow their
staff to utilize their creativity, resources, and expertise to assist them achieve their objectives.
Laissez-faire executives might cost their organizations crucial chances by becoming indecisive
and emotionally unavailable at the administrative level.
g) Autocratic: Autocratic leadership, often known as strong leader, is defined by identify possible
over all outcomes and limited involvement from organisational members. Autocratic leaders
seldom take input from adherents and make judgements on their own views and opinions. The
autocratic leadership method is best suited to circumstances requiring total control, typically
with minimal room for mistake. When the situation is perilous, strict restrictions can keep
individuals safe.
h) Democratic: Democratic leadership, also referred as participatory leadership or collective
leadership, is a kind of command structure in which group members participate more actively in
judgement call. This form of leadership may be seen in a variety of settings, including private
organizations, schools, and government. A participative leadership encourages other members
of the organization to voice in the development process. All are invited to contribute under their
direction, resulting in enhanced sentiments of participation, recognition, and fulfillment.

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a) Discuss how the following characteristics contribute to an effective team.

Good/strong People are more inclined to appreciate you and benefit your
leadership neighborhood. To be a good leader may boost your self-esteem. When
you succeed in leading others, you gain confidence and self-esteem. A
stronger degree of self-assurance may pay dividends in many aspects of

Clear and achievable Strategic planning process may help you initiate new habits, manage
goals and plans to your concentration, and maintain your movement in life. Goals also
reach them assist to concentrate your attention and build a strong sense of self.
Goal-setting not only drives us, but it may also enhance our general
wellbeing and degree of individual and professional achievement.

Good communication Effective communication skills guarantee that everyone appreciates you
skills and that you recognize themselves. You will be self-assured and
forceful. There will be fewer misunderstandings, but you'll have fewer
challenges as a result of bad communication. It will be simple for you to
develop and maintain friendships.

Willingness to help Mentoring anything is not only beneficial to them and a nice deed, but it
each other also makes ourselves happier and more productive. Giving strengthens
organizations and contributes to the creation of a happy society for
everybody. We may also provide our time, thoughts, and energy, which
is not limited to monetary contributions.

b) Explain how the following attributes make an individual a good team member.

Reliability You can rely on a dependable team leader who gets the job done and
performs his fair proportion of personal effort and obligations. He or she
completes duties with a high level of accuracy. The most important thing
is to maintain a level of consistency. You can rely on him or young
person to operate admirably all of the day, not just sometimes.

Positive attitude It will take time and patience to instill a positive attitude in your team.
With continuous enthusiasm, curiosity, and, most essential, their
conduct, a good leader keeping morale up, improves efficiency, and
fosters progress.

Honesty One of the most critical attributes of a successful group member is

integrity, since honesty fosters an atmosphere of clear communication.
Everybody else in the business benefits when managers and staff feel
free to discuss their issues, inquiries, and criticism.

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Willingness to share Conduct the debate like a genuine leader by providing direction. Help
the load other associates who are perplexed. Keep separate favors to a minimum.
Allow outside players to participate in addition to providing your unit
members an opportunity.

Engaged and They inspire you to give your all at business. Develop difficult objectives
committed for your group members, but make damn sure those are reasonable and
reachable. This keeps your employees interested and committed at

c) Discuss how the following common problems can contribute to the breakdown of a team.

Poor Managers that are unable to properly communicate find it challenging to

communication lead. Employees look on their supervisors for input, guidance, and
appreciation. Personnel find it challenging to work hand in hand,
cooperatively, and effectively as a team when communication breaks
down or non-existent.

Personality clashes Workers that have unsuitable characteristics, different cultural origins,
between team competing work styles, or just a different attitude on life will have a
members personality clash in the workplace.

Groupthink When you think about what groupthink is and where it happens, you
can see how it might lead to organizational failing. Cooperation and
surrender are the two most apparent approaches. Social conditioning is
when a squad member conceals his or her own ideas in order to
maintain group peace.

Lack of team This form of identification fosters a collective mindset that brings people
purpose and together along team concerns, making it easier for workers to
identity communicate. Participants that share similarities with their particular
teams have been proven to be more inclined to share expertise and
assist peers.

Procrastination Procrastinating teams' representatives will experience increased worry

and tension, particularly as the time approaches which as the team
must do the activities they have planned.

d) Discuss at least one technique you would use to overcome each of these problems if your team
was underperforming.

Poor Make a communication-friendly environment: Workers must feel free to

communication express their thoughts, provide suggestions, file complaints, make
suggestions, and share feedback.

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Personality clashes Concentrate on the another person's abilities: Whenever something
between team doesn't go well, we have a propensity to concentrate on what does not
members always work along with all the downsides. Concentrating on the good
allows us to return to a neutral position and look at the world more

Groupthink Arrange Your Living Area: Organizations that are tearing down cubicle
boundaries and promoting individuals to communicate to each other as
well are using the phrase "participatory workplace." Employees in
workplaces need a place to go when they have to be alone, which is
wonderful for team development.

Lack of team Establish a Trusting Relationship: Everything here is built on a trusting

purpose and basis. The openness to be transparent with one another is a sign of
identity trust. To make an appearance as your real self and let others
understand who you are and what inspires you, you must have some

Procrastination Get Rid of Diversions

Clearing all interruptions sounds simple initially, but it requires some
serious thought to eliminate all the sophisticated ways in that make
things easier for you to delay.

e) List and explain the stages in the cycle of team formation

How does motivation assist when leading and managing people?

Ans: Motivation is an objective trait that assists a person in achieving his or her goals. It motivates
a person to work hard to achieve his or her objectives. The desirable leadership characteristics will
ensure optimized in influencing organizational productivity. Leadership as the process of inspiring

a) What are the three categories identified by Alderfer’s ERG theory of motivation?

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b) Herzberg developed the ‘Two factor theory of motivation’. What are the two factors?

a) Three categories are:

b) It asserts that some workplace characteristics contribute to job happiness while others
contribute to job discontent. All of which operate autonomously of one another.

Trainer & Assessor Assessment Record Checklist


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If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the student’s understanding and knowledge?
If ‘yes’ to the above, have arrangements have been made for reassessment?

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¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the student has
satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of these units.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure feedback is
provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken to correct the gaps.

Assessment Task 1 outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

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