Online Examination System

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An internship is a golden opportunity for learning and self-development. I consider

myself very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people that lead me through
in completion of this internship. It is my radiant feeling to place on record my best
regards, deepest sense of gratitude to my intern supervisor Mr. Ramesh Singh Saud,
HOD, Department of Computer Science for his judicious and precious guidance which
was extremely valuable for my study; both theoretically and practically. I wish to express
my indebted gratitude and special thanks to Er.Aadil Alam senior project manager of
HAMRO Technology Pvt. Ltd. who in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his
duties, took time out to hear, guide and keep me on the correct path and allowing me to
carry out my project work at their esteemed organization and extending during the

I extend my sincere thanks to Department of Computer Science and Information

Technology, Nagarjuna College of Information Technology.

At the end I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and others who
helped me directly or indirectly during this project work.

Santosh Pyakurel (T.U. Exam Roll No. 7702/072)

This report contains the details of the different activities carried out during the internship
conducted for the three months internship duration.

This report describes a Web Based Online Examination System. Online Examination
System is web based application for technical evaluation. OLES not only replace
paperwork but also release the workload of faculty. Most of e-examination system only
have fixed no of question without randomization, so they have pool Scalability. The
proposed system has a comprehensive test engine with randomization of questions and it
also allow users to give feedback of system The OLES overcomes the shortcoming of
existing online examination systems and has better extensibility and flexibility.

Online Examination System is an on-line test simulator is to take online examination, test
in an efficient manner and no time wasting for manually checking of the test paper. The
main objective of this web based online examination system is to efficiently evaluate the
student thoroughly through a fully automated system that not only saves lot of time but
also gives fast and accurate results. For students they give papers according to their
convenience from any location by using internet and time and there is no need of using
extra thing like paper, pen.

This internship program was conducted to gain real knowledge about an organization and
management system of today’s information technology world. This report includes basic
information of the organization where I have been interned. It includes organizational
structure, services. During internship I have found close relationship between employees
and the client so that personal relation is enhanced. The manpower with the computer
knowledge like us is essential who have managerial knowledge too. We have conducted
smooth relation with all employees and the visitor during the span.




TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................iii


LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................vii

LIST OF ABBREVIATION..........................................................................................viii

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................1

1.1. Background Study....................................................................................................1

1.2. Problem Statement...................................................................................................1

1.3. Objectives.................................................................................................................2

1.4 Scope and Limitation................................................................................................2

1.4.1 Scope.................................................................................................................2

1.4.2 Limitation..........................................................................................................3

1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization...........................................................................3

1.5.1 Organization Hierarchy....................................................................................4

1.5.2 Services Offered by Organization.....................................................................4

1.5.3 Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................5

1.5.4 Duration.............................................................................................................8

1.5.5 Contact Details..................................................................................................8


2.1 Functional Requirements.........................................................................................9

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements................................................................................11

2.3 Feasibility Study......................................................................................................11

2.3.1 Technical Feasibility.......................................................................................11

2.3.2 Economic Feasibility.......................................................................................12

2.3.3 Operational Feasibility....................................................................................12

CHAPTER 3: SYSTEM DESIGN.................................................................................13

3.1 System Design.........................................................................................................13

3.2 E-R Diagram...........................................................................................................14

3.3 Database Schema....................................................................................................15

3.3 Activity Diagram.....................................................................................................16

3.3.1 Activity Diagram for Students.........................................................................16

3.3.2 Activity Diagram for Administrator................................................................16

3.4 Sequence Diagram..................................................................................................17

CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND TESTING...............................19

4.1 System Implementation...........................................................................................19

4.1.1 Module Description..............................................................................................19

iv Admin Module..............................................................................................19 Interface Module..........................................................................................20 Department Module......................................................................................20 Examiners Module........................................................................................21 Students Module...........................................................................................22

4.2 Programming Tools.................................................................................................23

4.3 Testing Methodology..............................................................................................24

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND LESSON LEARNED........................................27

5.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................27

5.2 Lesson Learned.......................................................................................................27

References / Bibliography...............................................................................................29



Table 1.1: Responsibilities assigned by Organization…………………………..…...6

Table 1.2: Internship Duration……………………………………………….…...….7
Table 4.1: Admin Login Module……………………………………………...…....19
Table 4.2: Department Module of Online Examination system…………………….21
Table 4.4 Student Module of Online Examination System…………………………22
Table 4.2 : Unit Testing of the system…………………………………………… 23
Table 4.2 System Testing of the system…………………...……………………......24


Figure 1.1: Organization Structure of HAMRO Technology…………….…...……….4

Figure 2.1: Use Case diagram of Online Examination System…………...….…...…..10

Figure 3.1: System Architecture of Online Examination System…..……...………..13

Figure 3.2: E-R diagram of Online Examination System………….……..…..………14

Figure 3.3: Database Schema of Online Education System……………….………...15

Figure 3.4: Students Activity Diagram of Online Examination System……...…..…..16

Figure 3.5: Admin Activity Diagram of Online Examination System………….........17

Figure 3.6: Sequence Diagram of Online Examination System……………...…..…..18


AJAX Asynchronous Javascript And XML

API Application Programming Interface

Bsc.CSIT Bachelor of Science in Computer and

Information Technology

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

CV Curriculum Vitae

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

IT Information Technology

JPA Java Persistent API

JSF Java server Pages

MVC Model View Controller

SQL Structured Query Language

UML Unified Modeling Language

XML Extensible Markup Language


1.1. Background Study

Online Examination system is an online application developed in Java programming

Language. An Examination system enables students to appears for different types of exam
digitally. Along with students, teachers are also benefited as exam assessment gets faster
and easier with these types of smart systems. Such system also provides ‘space shift’ and
‘resource shift’. The system handles all the basic operation necessary for a online
examination to function as well as generates reports on successful completion of the test.
The question bank of the system consists of multiple choice question or True/False.

Online examination system helps students to offer a quick and easy way to appear for the
test. It also provides the results immediately after the examination with 100% accuracy and
security. Student can enter to perform exam only with their valid username and password.
This examination contains multiple choice questions and appropriate number of options.
There are no limitations on number of options and it can be randomized so same set of
question will not appear to all student so it prevent manipulation. More than one option can
be correct but the user can select only one option. This provides time limit. The user can see
their results after completing the exam. This helps the students to write the exam from far
distance and which can provide security and simplicity and other beneficial features to the

1.2. Problem Statement

In Hamro Technology Pvt.Ltd., the frontend and backend teams develop independent
components that interact with each other through APIs.This system is highly scalable and
profitable for the business model as it saves both time and resources.

In formal education system, examination is the widely accepted method of evaluation of

students. Every school, university or any academic institute organizes formal examination to
measure the knowledge and skill of its students gained during academic session. But, the

current examination system is traditional and is not so effective. This online examination
management system is a proposal for a new system for taking and giving exams.

1.3. Objectives

The Objective of the Online Examination System:

 Online examination can reduce the hectic job of assessing the answers given by
candidates manually.

 Responses or the answers by the candidates can be checked automatically and


 It will reduce paper work to be an integrated Online Examination System.

 The result can be shown immediately to the students reducing the anxiety.

 Can create various reports and graphs for evaluation purpose almost instantly
when and where required.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

1.4.1 Scope

The scope of the online examination System is very broad in terms of other manually taking
exams. Few of them are:

 This can be used in educational institution as well as in corporate world.

 Can be used anywhere any times as it is wed based application.

 The system handles all basic operation necessary for a online examination to
function as well as generates report on successful compilation of the test.

 No restriction that examiner has to be present when the candidates takes the test.

1.4.2 Limitation

The limitation of Online Examination system is as follows:

 The report does not provide the information about the overall integration plan of
different features of the application.

 In the case of any type of problem in student verification no functionality is defined

in the system to correct it or inter-communication among users are also not available.

 There is not any module for online payment.

 This report does not include the design process that was carried out.

 This report does not include the backed process that was carried out.

 This report does not include information about the script and routine task that are
performed to keep the system free from unwanted resource usages.

1.5 Brief Introduction of Organization

HAMRO Technology was established on 26th July 2016 and its company registered number
is 152626/073/074. Our Company is dedicated to delivering a full spectrum of software &
Mobile consulting and development services with Hardware & Networking services to
clients. With a view to provide quality Enterprise application software products, and other
services to all sorts of enterprises such as hotels, hospital, school, college, cooperatives,
Banks etc. We have set up our head office in Kathmandu and are in the process of expansion
of our branch network in near future. HAMRO Technology is a management consulting,
technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience,
comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive
research on the world’s most successful companies, we collaborate with clients to help them
become high-performance.

1.5.1 Organization Hierarchy
Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned,
controlled, and coordinated, and how information flows between the different levels of
management. Company has divided its work and responsibilities as follows:

Figure 1.1 Organization Structure of HAMRO Technology

HAMRO Technology Pvt.Ltd. follows centralized organizational structure where, the top
layer of management team has most of the decision making power and has tight control over
departments and has tight control over departments and divisions. The company has its own
structure that represents the flow of work within the organization and the designation of
each employee. All the major decision making and organizational plans and policies are
decided through CEO and Managing Director only.

1.5.2 Services Offered by Organization

HAMRO Technology has been associated to clients in and out of the country. This company
has proven to provide good quality products to its client. Use of latest technology to design
and build software for better user experience. Company is dedicated to delivering a full

spectrum of software & Mobile consulting and development services with Hardware &
Networking services to clients. With a view to provide quality Enterprise application
software products, and other services to all sorts of enterprises such as hotels, hospital,
school, college, cooperatives, Banks etc.

Some of the major service provided by HAMRO Technology are listed below:
1. Mobile Banking
2. SMS banking
3. Merchant On-boarding/Merchant Digitalization
4. ATM Banking
5. Internet Banking
6. Java application development

skills and knowledge. The author had placement in the development team. The major tasks
conducted by the author at the beginning of the tenure were self-learning, analyzing,
evaluating, observing, testing.

1.5.3 Roles and Responsibilities

The duration of my internship was 12 weeks (i.e. Three Months). During this period, a
project was handled under the guidance of Er.Aadil Alam. I was placed as a employee in
the Java Development Department where I was treated as a employee of the organization
with access to office space, personal computer and other resources. The activity that was
assigned to me during the internship tenure.

Table 1.1 Responsibilities assigned by Organization

Week Activity Details
Formal introduction with all
staff members and learns an
Understanding about the organization plan and
company’s environment, team policy.
Week 1-2
members. General study about java
completed basic java
Learns about Spring boot

Researching about using
Angular JS, Spring Boot for
the system development.

Learn about mysql

Workbench and about the
design, model, generate, and
manage databases
Learn about the Facelets and
how to generate Entity class
Understanding about JSF and
Week 3 from database using Java
MySQL workbench
Persistence API
JPA controller classes form
the Entities,and JSF page
from entites classes and
CRUDE database operation

Planning and research about

Analysis about the Online the system
Week 4
Examination system Designing and developing a
basic website template
Database Schema Creation
of the Online Examination
system using Mysql
Database Schema Create Workbeanch
Week 5
User Model creation I.e
and Students Models created Student Model is created for
login to a template in
Create CRUD operation to
add different features,
Database Crude Operation
Week 6 managing roles and
permissions for the backend
of the system.
Week 7-8 Different Other module
Department Module ,Admin admin module ,Department
Module ,Examiner Module of user registration form is
the online Examination System created and credential
management is done
Report generation module is

build .
Question Bank additional
model is created.
Examiner model which
accept the request of user
for examination appearance
and Timing of the Exams.
Developing API required for
the website frontend.
Integrating frontend with

Week 9 Extra Feature addition Apply additional feature

after testing by QA.
Module login testing
Modules activity test and
Week 10 Testing of the system. carried out bug fixing that
arise after testing are fixed

Bug that are aries after

Week 11 Bug Fixing
testing are fixed
Documenting the work that
Making documentation ready are carried out through the
Week 12
and presentation. development of the

1.5.4 Duration

Table 1.2 Internship Duration

Start Date : 2019-09-05

End Date : 2019-12-04

Total Duration : Three Month

Position : Intern as Java Developer

Supervisor : Er.Aadil Alam

Office Hour : 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

1.5.5 Contact Details

Organization : HAMRO Technology Pvt.Ltd.

Location : Kalanki, Kathmandu, Nepal
Opening Hours : 10:00 5:00 P.M.
Tel : +977-9801130007,+977-980113000
Email : [email protected] ,[email protected]
Website :


System analysis involves the detailed study of the current system model, leading to
specification of a new system and a model provides the blueprints of a system.

2.1 Functional Requirements

The Functional Requirements of the project are as follows:

To provide the functionality to students to appear for the exam online.

To provide login interface through which only authorized user can pass by.

The timer facility should be provide once the student appears in the Exam.

The web application provide question to the student randomly.

This system should handle multiple exam at the same time.

To functionally enable Exam Controller to define criteria and create Admin and

To functionally enable Exam Dept Admin to manage Question Bank.

To functionally enable Exam Dept Admin to declare schedule and Results.

To functionally enable Expert to send set of Questions.

Use Case Diagram:

The use case diagram in Fig 2.1 shows the various functions that can be performed by a user
that is interacting with the Online Examination system. Admin has central role of
maintaining the system. Admin can create a department whose job would to create exam.
Admin can accept and verify the Exam request from faculty or departments. Admin can

review all report/information of exams, department, student, examiner,etc.Examiner is one
part of Admin.

Department has main responsibility is to create an exam with details like exam name , exam
host(examiner) , schedule ,etc. and to review various exam of a particular department and
students enrolled for the same with its respective examiner.

Student is the actual user for this system. Students can register in the system by providing a
set of personal and academic details. They can in future login to the system with the help of
login credentials provided by the admin.

Figure 2.1: Use case diagram of Online Examination System

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

After conducting requirement analysis some of the non-functional requirements were find
out. Some of them are listed that are useful to restate the problem definition are given

 User Interface: The system maintains an easy to use interface across all functionality
and for all users. The client user interface is compatible with all commonly used

 Scalability :The system is based on the number of users using the system.

 Security: The administrative is protected from unauthorized access. The database is

protected from attacks and unauthorized access. All password are stored as a secure
hash of the administrator password.

 Portability: The system is run on variety of web browsers including chrome,Mozilla


 Maintainability: There is clear separation of back end and front end. There is clear
separation between the data access objects that map the database and the business
logic code.

 Exception handling: Exception are handled properly.

2.3 Feasibility Study

Online Examination System uses simple development tools and physical hardware devices.
Beside this ,it contains a single database which is feasible and easy to develop and maintain.
A web system for administration use only computer and internet.

2.3.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility involves evaluation of the hardware and the software requirements of
the proposed system. This application is developed using Spring boot framework, MySql

for database. Google Chrome ,Brave etc are used to run the application for facilitating user
interface. So, this system is technically feasible. All the necessary hardware and software
required for developing and installing the system are available. System uses simple
development tools and no physical hardware devices are used. Thus, from observation, we
can say that this system is technically feasible.

2.3.2 Economic Feasibility

In the system, the organization is most satisfied by economic feasibility. Because, if the
organization implements this system, it need not require any additional hardware resources
as well as it will be saving lot of time. This application is economically feasible because this
application is made using open source software and the time spend in the developments of
this application is 3 months.

2.3.3 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is dependent on human resources available for the project and
involves projecting whether the system will be used if it is developed and implemented. The
system makes the maximum use of available resources including people, time and flow of
forms. Our system provides reliable services to the client and the user should be familiar
with the product they are using.


3.1 System Design

The first layer is the client, which is responsible for the connection between the user and
the system as a whole. Client application programme is simplified to general the
browser. The browser parses HTML data into illustrated pages, at the same time,
through the web page can also realize the interaction. The user can submit requests
through the form of web pages to the web server. The second layer is web server. It
responses to client requests by a specific treatment process, and produces a series the
HTML code at run time, at the same time, embeds the processed result in the generated
HTML code, then sends the result to the client web browser. If the client requests data
access, web server and database server will need to complete the task altogether. The last
layer is the database server, which is mainly responsible for receiving more requests
from a web server, then returns the results to the application layer, so as to realize data

Figure 3.1: System Architecture of Online Examination System

3.2 E-R Diagram
The system consists of entities like Admin, Department, Examiner, Exam, Result, Question
Bank, Student Enrollment and Student. Admin can Assign/view/update/delete department
and give them recommended rights/authority. Admin can view/update/delete student
enrollment details and their performance report. Admin can view/update/delete Examiners
under specific department .Admin create or verify exam detailed as of request from
department and assign them to that exam host and create schedule of question bank posting
date as per each Department request. Student Enrolls for an Exam from exam list and role is
to appear for exam, can review his responses to questions.

Figure 3.2: E-R diagram of Online Examination System

3.3 Database Schema

A database schema consist of the Admin, Examination, Department, Login, Examiner, Exam,
Examiner Appointed, Institute, Question Bank, Questions, Options, Exam Schedule, Students, Student
exam appearance, Student exam enrollment tables and their relationships.

Figure 3.3: Database Schema of Online Education System

3.3 Activity Diagram

3.3.1 Activity Diagram for Students

The diagram shows the activity diagram for students of the System. Students login to the
system first. When authenticated, Student enrolls for an Exam from exam list. Students
appear for exam, can review his responses to questions.

Figure 3.4: Students Activity Diagram of Online Examination System

3.3.2 Activity Diagram for Administrator

The diagram below shows the activity diagram of the admin process of the system. Admin
login to the system first. When authenticated, admin can Add/Delete department or
faculty ,students and examiner.

Figure 3.5: Admin Activity Diagram of Online Examination System

3.4 Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram shown in the figure below, which shows the manner, in which the
system is operating. A sequence diagram of online examination system simply depicts
interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e. the order in which these interactions
take place.

Figure 3.6: Sequence Diagram of Online Examination System


4.1 System Implementation

4.1.1 Module Description

Well-structured designs improve the maintainability of a system. A structured system is one
that is developed from the top down and modular that is broken down into manageable
components. In this project we modularized the system so that they have minimal effect on
each other.
This application is designed into four independent modules which take care of different
tasks efficiently.
1. Admin Module
2. Interface Module
3. Department Module
4. Examiner Module
5. Students Module Admin Module

To access with system admin login is required. Providing valid username and password an
admin or other created by admin can access with system and perform different activities
simultaneously. admin can create a department whose job would be to create exam. He also
accept and verify the Exam request from department. Admin can review report on exams ,
department , student , examiner ,etc.

Table 4.1 Admin Login Module

User Requirements Elaboration

Login into system Provide valid new username & password to access system.
Manage other normal Admin can assign privileges, permissions, and can block or remove
users the unwanted users from the system Interface Module

This module deals with presenting the data to the web page visitors. Various designing tools
like CSS, AJAX, and Angular JS are used in this module to make the user interface
graphical and user friendly. The changes made to the content on the admin module are
reflected in this module. This module provides easy interface to the users. Department Module

Department is responsibility to create an exam with details like exam name , exam
host(examiner) , schedule ,etc and can also review various exam under his department and
student enrolled in it and its assigned examiner.

Table: 4.2 Department Module of Online Examination System

System activity Explanation

Login with Web page is

Login is granted and user enters Department
Department redirected to
dashboard page
credentials dashboard

On click of submit
button the
Examiner gets
A form for adding examiner for particular submitted.
Add Examiner
department .

Task is an abstract
class used to create
Schedule Time the System own
Department user Schedule the time for Exam.
for Exam Timer Task that
can be scheduled
using java Timer

Session of user
Logout Logout to the login page
will be ended. Examiners Module

The user of the Examiner Model assigned to exam for posting questions, options,etc for that
exam and review student appeared for exam and their scored result.

21 Students Module

Student Module provides the interface for the actual candidate or user for this system.
Students registers providing his personal and academic details with his some attachment and
then login credentials are assigned by system then students can login and can enroll in
various exams and participate in that examination.

Table 4.3 Student Module for Online Examination System

System Actions Elaboration Further Elaboration

Login with Student Student gets logged in User gets access to the
Credentials through the system student dashboard

Students can enroll for the

Enroll for exam and different exam hosted by the Students can view their
participate on exam department and participate for score of their exam .

Students will fill up the

registration form and if all
Student Registration
form requirement matches Redirect to the login
then click on submit button page

Session of user will be

Logout Logout to the login page ended.

4.2 Programming Tools

Front End Tools

1) Angular JS

Angular JS is a tool set for building the framework most suited to our application
development. It is fully extensible and works well with other libraries. Every features can be
modified or replace to suit our unique development workflow and features needs.

Back End Tools

1) Spring boot

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based

Applications that you can "just run". The system take an opinionated view of the Spring
platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum fuss. Most Spring
Boot applications need very little Spring configuration. The application was build in spring
boot because of following features:


 Create stand-alone Spring applications

 Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
 Provide opinionated 'starter' dependencies to simplify your build configuration
 Automatically configure Spring and 3rd party libraries whenever possible
 Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized
 Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration

2) MySQL

MySQL is an Oracle-backed open source relational database management system based on

Structured Query Language. MySQL is used as the database of the system and all the
system data are stored on it.


It is an integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing computer

software. Netbeans is used as a source code editor with a Java application programming

Documentation Tools
 was used for designing:

1) Use Case diagrams

2) Architectural designation

3) Sequence Diagram

4) E-R diagrams

5) Activity diagrams

 MS Word was used as a text editor for the documentation process.

 NetBeans was used as IDE for coding

4.3 Testing Methodology

4.3.1 Unit Testing
Each module of the system has been tested for proper functionality. Following are some of
the test that were done.

Table 4.1 Unit Testing Online Examination System

Test Case Test Data Result

Login Test a. Username=”admin” Directed to dashboard

admin password=”superadmin”
b. Username=”admin”
password=”super123” Login failed and login
page was displayed

Login user Test Sign with username=santosh and The dashboard was
password=san123 displayed
Interface Check Clicked on the “recent” link Details about the recent
Logout Test Clicked Logout in the admin side The dashboard was
bar displayed

4.3.2 System Testing

After the working modules were integrated to form a complete system, it was tested again.
Following test was conducted.

Table 4.2 System Testing Online Examination System

Test Case Test Data Result

1) Logged in as admin
Username=”student” 2) Logged in as department
Login Test
password=”password” 3) Logged in as student section
4) Login Failed

1.) Clicked on “Add Department 1) “Add new Department” page
link” was displayed
Admin Activity 2.) Clicked on “Review 2) Student,Examiner,Department
Test result/Information ” result and information can be

1) Add Examiner Form will

Department 1) Clicked on “Add Examiner” displayed.
Activity 2) Clicked on “Create Exam” link. 2) Create Exam page was

Student Activity  Clicked on “Menu List”  Menu List was displayed

Examiner  Clicked on “Create  Fill Up Question Content

Activity Question Bank” will displayed


5.1 Conclusion
Online Examination System is a web application. The key concept is to minimize the
amount of paper and convert all forms of documentation to digital form. It can observe that
the information required can be obtained with ease and accuracy in the computerized
system. The user with minimum knowledge about computer can be able operate the system
easily. The system also produces brief result required by the management.

Online examination project is a web portal which is developed or implemented in java

domain or platform. This project is helpful for students to practice different mock
examinations from this site. In current generation lots of the examinations like GRE, CAT,
and MAT…etc is conducted through online system. This project will help students to get
practiced to online examination method by taking mock tests from this web portal.

It is my enormous preference to accomplish the report as a part of my internship program.

The report is a image of my work, honesty, reliability as well as harmonization between me
& HAMRO Technology Pvt. Ltd .I tried my best to provide as much as information that
company provides authority. As the industry in its early stage, companies tend to keep their
information confidential. I consider myself lucky to be able to work in a company that
provides such scope for learning. The work environment is also one of the best among the
companies .

5.2 Lesson Learned

Working as an intern in HAMRO Technology Pvt.Ltd. has been a great experience in
learning new things and gaining practical knowledge about the working of a software
company. This internship period will surely be helpful in the future for one to start a career
in programming.

Nobody is perfect at all, so during internship placement we face multiple problems. The
problems were usual as well as unusual. The usual problems used to be short period where
as unusual problem may causes obstacles on system development process.
During my intern period I come to realize that the knowledge that I have gain from the
theory part is incomplete without practical knowledge. But to work in practical environment
the theory knowledge is very essential. The intern period helped me to build my confidence
and strong determination towards professional life.
Some of the lessons learnt by interns during the internship period are listed below:
 Work on team
 Specification on work creates efficiency and quality.
 Completion of project in time.
 Under staffing cause overload to staff which result failure of project so selection and
recruitment if skill employee is immediate necessary.
 Work under pressure.
 Project completion within budget.
 Regular guidance, motivation, evaluation and supervision is necessary because
internship is part of learning process. Organization should remove their mentality of
regarding burdens.

References / Bibliography

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